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4种药剂防治桉树幼林白蚁试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为防治土栖白蚁危害桉树幼林,选择4种药剂进行桉树容器苗浸根后上山造林试验和白蚁致死驱避试验。结果表明:容器苗经4种药剂浸根后造林,以绿僵菌复合剂的防治效果最好,幼林白蚁危害致死率仅3.4%;施用萘丸的防治效果最差,幼林白蚁危害致死率达20.5%,专项驱避试验对白蚁的驱避作用也不明显。文章还分析了几种灭除驱避白蚁药剂的成本和使用时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

桉树新造林白蚁防治技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过桉树(Eucalyptus spp.)幼苗造林试验和大叶桉(Eucalyptus robusta)树皮诱坑试验等试验,结果表明:桉树白蚁发生危害与气象因子、不同树种及不同整地方式的关系。筛选与复配出对白蚁有较好的预防作用、保苗率达99.36%的复合药剂,桉树幼林白蚁危害死亡率下降到1%以下。  相似文献   

桉树造林技术及病虫害防治技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆敏健 《绿色科技》2019,(9):228-229
指出了桉树在园林绿化,环境保护等各个方面都得到了广泛的应用。从桉树的特点出发,探讨了桉树造林技术,对桉树造林中病虫引起的常见疾病进行了归纳总结,并对相关的防治技术和措施做出了详细地阐述。  相似文献   

黑翅土白蚁[Odototermes formosanus (Shiraki)]简称白蚁,为等翅目、白蚁科、土白蚁属.该虫为"社会性"多型态昆虫,是营群体土栖生活.在云南省低海拔及部分中海拔较热区均有分布,主要危害桉树、板栗、果树及新定植幼苗,导致造林成活率下降,保存率低,迫使造林工程一而再、再而三的补苗,加大用工量和造林费用.大树的韧皮部、木质部均可被蛀食,致使木材质量下降,甚至倒伏死亡.  相似文献   

灭蚁灵诱杀包防治桉树白蚁效果不佳原因浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桉树是桃金娘科枝树属的总称。枝树生长迅速,轮伐期短,用途广泛,经济价值高,全国各地争相引种,已成为我国与松、杉齐名的重要用材和“四旁”树种。近年随着新的按树良种的引进,工厂化育苗,组培苗及短轮伐期速生丰产造林技术的推广,造林规模迅速扩大。但新造的枝树幼林普遍遭受土栖白蚁严重为害,尤以桉苗定植后3个月内被害最重,被害株率达3O%~70%,而2年生以上按幼树则基本不受害。白蚁沿根茎处环状蛀食树皮,造成失水使幼树枯死,极大威胁枝树速生丰产林的发展。因此,做好按树白蚁防治已成为按树造林成败的关键环节。福建省…  相似文献   

林木鼠害综合治理的依据与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在长期防治林木鼠害实践的基础上,结合林区生态环境和林业生产经营特点,地出按鼠害地理分布,林地配置,选择造林树种、合理密植促进林分郁闭,调节林分结构,投放替代食物等营林技术与限制性使用化学药剂相结合的综合防治对策,防治森林鼠害。  相似文献   

应用绿僵菌复合剂防治桉树白蚁的几个技术问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用绿僵菌复合剂处理桉树袋苗防治白蚁危害,施药方法以浸泡法为宜,药剂利用率为100%,喷淋法所吸收的药剂只占用药量的59.89%。药剂稀释500倍以上对苗木都是安全的,浓度超过250倍时,对组培苗产生一定的药害,100倍对苗木产生较大的药害。林间应用实践表明应用绿僵菌复合剂防治桉树白蚁效果显著。  相似文献   

在长期防治林木鼠害实践的基础上,结合林区生态环境和林业生产经营特点,总结出按鼠害地理分布、林地配置、选择造林树种、合理密植促进林分郁闭、调节林分结构、投放替代食物等营林技术与限制性使用化学药剂相结合的综合防治对策,防治森林鼠害。  相似文献   

桉树、相思树造林期蟋蟀防治新技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桉树、相思树是我区近10年来大力发展的短周期工业原料林的主要树种。几年来据造林单位、农户的反映,蟋蟀已是继白蚁之后一种严重危害桉树、相思树幼苗的虫害 ,应引起经营者的高度重视。这两年,广西林科院在总结前人防治经验的基础上 ,根据生物学、生态学、土壤学和药剂学的有关理论研制了一些新药物 ,采取了新的防治技术 ,这些新技术经1999年在马山永州林场 ,2000年在高峰林场大塘分场、界牌分场,马山永州林场,武鸣县上江乡,上思县等地上千亩林地实际应用 ,防治效果显著 ,基本上能控制蟋蟀为害 ,保护苗木正常生长。现将防治…  相似文献   

我区引种栽培桉树已有百年厉史。桉树适应性强、容易栽培、速生丰产,已被广泛选为主要造林树种。但是,随着栽培面积的不断扩大,虫害日益突出,严重地阻碍着桉树的发展。据统计,目前,我区桉树害虫种类已达206种,隶属于9目58科,是1980年的4倍。其中,造成严重危害的三种,中等危害的29种,轻微的174种。主要害虫类群及其危害情况是: 1.根部害虫主要有白蚁、蛴螬、蝼蛄、地老虎等。白蚁是桉树的重要害虫,已发现9种,均对桉树幼苗造成较重危害。白蚁通常危害主根根茎部分,将韧皮部全啃光,使苗木枯死。苗木在定植后半年内容  相似文献   

The termite Nasutitermes corniger is attracted to weathered wood, but it is not known whether this attraction is of chemical or physical nature. This work examines whether wood extracts can change the attraction of N. corniger to a food substrate. In a first experiment, filter paper impregnated with a eucalyptus extract, Eucalyptus grandis, and another one with a solvent were placed in the foraging arena of N. corniger nests under laboratory conditions. The extracts used were from weathered or unweathered wood. During the second experiment, two tests were performed using eucalyptus wood. First, a piece of unweathered wood was impregnated with an extract of weathered wood (treatment) or solvent (control). In the second test, a piece of weathered wood was impregnated with an extract of unweathered wood (treatment) and another one with solvent (control). At the end of the tests, the number of termite recruitment on each substrate was quantified. Filter paper recruited more termites when treated with unweathered wood extracts or with extracts of weathered wood than when impregnated with the solvent. Unweathered wood treated with extracts of weathered wood recruited more termites than the control. However, weathered wood impregnated with extracts of unweathered wood recruited similar numbers of termites as the same wood impregnated with the solvent. It was verified that chemicals from weathered or unweathered wood increased the foraging activity of N. corniger in neutral substrates, but only chemicals from weathered wood altered the attraction of N. corniger to eucalyptus wood.  相似文献   

In northern Ethiopia, eucalyptus is the most commonly observed tree species in community and household woodlots. In an environment suffering from biomass and water shortages, erosion and land degradation, fast growing and resilient eucalyptus perform better than most indigenous tree species. Smallholders show a clear preference for eucalyptus poles, which are useful for farm implements and constructing dwellings and fences. In addition, the sale of eucalyptus poles and products has the potential to raise farm incomes, reduce poverty, increase food security and diversify smallholder-farming systems in less-favored areas of Tigray. Despite the potential for eucalyptus to improve rural livelihoods, in 1997 the regional government of Tigray imposed a ban on eucalyptus tree planting on farmlands. The ban was precipitated by concerns about the potential negative environmental externalities associated with eucalyptus, and the desire to reserve farmland for crop production. However, the regional government promotes the planting of eucalyptus in community woodlots, and has recently begun to allow private planting of eucalyptus on community wasteland and steep hillsides. In this paper, we review the ecological debate surrounding the planting of eucalyptus trees. In addition, the economic factors that influence smallholders to invest in tree production are considered. Ex ante benefit–cost analysis based on community and village level survey data from Tigray illustrates that planting eucalyptus yields high rates of return, well above 20% in most circumstances. The effect of variable harvest rates, and the potential costs of decreased crop production when eucalyptus trees are planted on or near farmlands are considered relative to our base case scenario. Based upon the review of the ecological and economic impacts of eucalyptus, we conclude that a policy option favoring the allocation of wastelands for private tree planting offers the greatest opportunity for rural smallholders.  相似文献   

介绍陆良县桉树资源、产品及相关产业发展等桉树产业发展现状,分析人民群众喜爱种植桉树的原因及桉树产业发展的生态、社会及经济效益。阐述桉树产业发展与生态环境的关系,认为按树不是抽水机、不是抽肥机.桉树人工林对植物多样性未造成任何不良影响,也不是导致干旱的原因。并提出了桉树速生丰产林发展对策。  相似文献   

元谋干热河谷区9种造林树种的水分生理特性比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1993~1998年对元谋干热河谷区的9个造林树种的水分生理特性进行了观测。经对各观测树种水分状况、保水能力、蒸腾速率的分析对比表明:多数相思类树种主要通过减少叶子蒸腾耗水以提高其抗旱能力,蒸腾强度小有利于这些树种渡过旱季。乡土树种坡柳和桉类树种(除大叶桉)旱季蒸腾作用比较强烈,但离体叶片失水速度不快,它们具有特殊的水分平衡机制和较强的水分吸收能力,以此增强对干热河谷环境的适应性。此项研究为正确选择元谋以至金沙江干热河谷地区的适宜造林树种,以及人工林的水分管理措施提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

将磷肥、尿素和桉树专用肥3种肥料分为3个水平,对4个不同初植密度广林9号桉树幼林进行施肥处理。采用方差分析方法分析了不同施肥处理及不同初植密度对桉树幼林生长的影响。结果表明:不同施肥种类及施肥量对广林9号桉幼林生长差异显著,桉树专用肥的影响极显著,尿素影响显著,磷肥影响不显著,其中尿素随施用量的增加对苗木生长存在抑制作用;桉树专用肥随施用量的增加对苗木生长有明显促进作用。不同初植密度的1年生广林9号桉幼林生长差异不显著。  相似文献   

In silvopasture system, the coexistence of eucalyptus seedlings with other species may result in growth reduction, especially during eucalyptus early development.Therefore, studies elucidating how forage species affect the eucalyptus growth can provide important information for their rational management aiming to obtain the maximum gain of the system. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of increasing densities of Urochloa brizantha cv.Marandu in the early development of Eucalyptus urograndis. An experiment was conducted in 20 L pots, in an open and semi-controlled area, during 90 days after planting of eucalyptus. A completely randomized design with four replications was used, in a 6 9 7 factorial system, meaning six evaluation periods and seven densities of U. brizantha: 0(control), 22, 33, 44, 67, 89 and111 plants m-2. Fortnightly, eucalyptus height, stem diameter and chlorophyll fluorescence(Fv/Fm) were evaluated. At the end of experimental period, the net assimilation rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate of eucalyptus plants were determined, in addition to the dry matter of eucalyptus(leaves and stem) and U. brizantha (leaves). In coexistence with 111 plants m-2, eucalyptus had reduction of 63.9% on total dry matter and 72.7% on leaf area, compared to the control. From the density of22 plants m-2, U. brizantha negatively interfere significantly the growth of E. urograndis. Up to 8 plants m-2 there are no reductions greater than 5% in eucalyptus height and stem diameter.  相似文献   

Ceratocystis wilt, caused by Ceratocystis fimbriata, has become the most important disease in eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp. and hybrids) plantations in Brazil. To further our understanding of the epidemiology of this disease, we surveyed eucalyptus plantations in the states of Minas Gerais and Bahia that were known to have Ceratocystis wilt or were thought to have been planted with infected rooted cuttings. There was generally higher disease incidence in the Minas Gerais plantations, which were on former Cerrado forest sites and likely had soilborne inoculum prior to planting eucalyptus. In such plantations, disease incidence was not evident before 20 months after planting but slowly increased up to 50% at 74 months. The symptomatic and killed trees were aggregated, perhaps from uneven distribution of inoculum in the soil. Also, the progression of cumulative disease incidence best fit a monomolecular model, which is typical of soilborne diseases (fixed level of initial inoculum with little or no secondary inoculum during the crop rotation). However, plots where some trees had been harvested during the rotation showed very high levels of disease incidence in the sprouts that arose from stumps, suggesting secondary spread of the pathogen on harvesting tools or machinery. Most of the Bahia plantations were on pastureland prior to eucalyptus cultivation, and the pathogen was likely introduced with infected nursery stock. In such plots, symptoms were evident as soon as 7 months after planting, and most of the mortality occurred within 12 months. The diseased trees on former pastureland sites were sometimes aggregated within planting rows, suggesting that bunches of infected nursery stock were planted together within the rows. Care should be taken in planting disease‐free planting material and spreading the pathogen on tools, but on sites with soilborne inoculum, use of resistant clones may be the only management option.  相似文献   

文昌市林业科学研究所2005年9月引种11个品种桉树优良无性系在迈号镇种植试验,通过6年对试验点跟踪调查、分析,对各品系的生长情况进行综合评价,为今后同一立地条件下种植桉树提供理论依据.  相似文献   

白蚁危害桉树与生态环境因子关系十分密切,林地的营养物质状况是主导因子。营养物质丰富危害轻,营养物质缺乏危害重;低温阴雨季节危害轻,高温干旱危害重;危害率与造林后的降雨量、降雨天数呈极显著负相关;沙土危害轻,壤土和黏土危害重。白蚁主要危害造林后1~3个月内的幼树。选择春天阴雨季节造林,清理林地和抚育时适当保留白蚁营养物质可减轻白蚁危害。  相似文献   

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