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试验研究了全脂大豆对生长肥育阶段猪组织器官的影响。12头断奶去势长民仔猪(长白×民猪)随机分成3组,每组4头,单圈饲喂A、B和C三种饲粮,其中,A、B饲粮分别含15%的熟大豆和生大豆,C饲粮只含豆粕,不含全脂大豆。试验期为96d。肥育猪体重约100kg屠宰,测定组织器官相对重量和大肠、小肠的长度并在光学显微镜下观察大肠、小肠的组织学变化。结果表明饲喂生大豆饲粮猪的小肠长于饲喂另外两种饲粮猪的小肠,大肠却短于后两者。小肠和胰腺相对重在饲粮间存在差别,饲喂生大豆饲粮猪的小肠重于熟大豆和对照饲粮(P<0.05),胰腺重也是前者显著重于后两者(P<0.01),其它组织器官未发明显差异。组织切片观察发现,含生大豆的饲粮与熟大豆和豆粕饲粮组相比,对猪小肠绒毛的损害程度严重,而且大肠肠腺也深于采食其他两种饲粮猪。  相似文献   

将 1 5头长白仔公猪和 1 5头民猪仔公猪分别随机分成 5组 ,每组 3头 ,平均初始体重 ,长白仔猪 2 2 .9kg,民猪仔猪 2 2 .0 kg。试验仔猪单独饲养在水泥圈内。试验饲粮 5种 ,分别含有 2 0 %的阿根廷生大豆、阿根廷熟大豆、东北生大豆、东北熟大豆及不含大豆制品 (对照饲粮 )。每组仔猪饲喂试验饲粮 1种 ,日喂 3次 ,按料水比为 1∶ 1浸泡。预饲期 3d,试验期 1 4 d。试验结束时 ,将所有仔猪屠宰 ,立即对小肠、大肠采样 ,以备光镜和电镜观察 ,然后测定相关组织的重量和长度。结果表明 ,长白仔猪与民猪仔猪相比 ,小肠较重、较长 ,肾脏较重 ,但脾脏则较轻 ( P<0 .0 5)。饲喂含熟化处理的全脂大豆饲粮的仔猪 ,其胰脏比饲喂对照饲粮 ( P<0 .0 5)和含生全脂大豆饲粮的仔猪要轻 ,但在生、熟全脂大豆饲粮间差异不显著。小肠重在饲粮与猪种间存在显著互作 ( P<0 .0 5)。长白仔猪在饲喂含全脂大豆饲粮时 ,其小肠较重。在光镜和扫描电镜下观察 ,饲喂含东北生大豆饲粮的仔猪 ,其小肠上皮绒毛 (特别是长白仔猪 )遭到严重损害 ;在透射电镜下观察 ,这些猪的小肠上皮细胞微绒毛间存在气泡。组织学检查表明 ,饲喂对照饲粮的仔猪 ,其绒毛和腺窝中的杯状细胞的比例明显低于饲喂含生、熟全脂大豆饲粮的仔猪 (分别为 P<0 .0 1 ,P<  相似文献   

两种猪种对含全脂大豆抗营养因子饲粮的消化率反应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验用 2× 3析因试验设计 ,研究了含有 2 0 %热处理全脂大豆、2 0 %生全脂大豆和不含有任何大豆及大豆产品的等能量、等氮和等赖氨酸水平的 3种饲粮对东北民猪仔猪和长白仔猪的饲粮养分消化率的影响。试验结果表明 :东北民猪仔猪对干物质、粗蛋白质、粗脂肪 (P <0 .0 5 )、粗纤维、无氮浸出物 (P <0 .10 )的消化率显著高于长白仔猪 ;3种饲粮之间 ,热处理全脂大豆饲粮的干物质、粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、粗纤维、粗灰分、无氮浸出物的消化率高于生全脂大豆饲粮和对照饲粮。  相似文献   

近年来,随着养猪生产的不断发展,全脂大豆在猪饲料,尤其是在仔猪应用量逐渐扩大。近年来,对全脂大豆喂猪已展开了大量的研究。在全脂大豆喂猪的营养价值、加工及饲喂方法等方面积累了大量的生产经验和取得了许多研究成果。本文总结全脂大豆在猪饲粮中的应用,为养猪生...  相似文献   

大豆及其加工产品含有抗营养因子。目前已经发现的大豆抗营养因子达10余种(张明峰,1999),其中对大豆营养价值、适口性及人和动物危害较大的主要是胰蛋白酶抑制因子(TI)、抗维生素因子、胀气因子和脲酶。生大豆不能直接饲喂家禽,适当加工处理后才能收到理想的效果。一般认为,大豆中抗营养因子只要灭活80%~85%即可达最佳营养价值(Rackis,1974;Liener,19761。国内外已广泛研究了加工工艺和处理方法对大豆中抗营养因子的灭活效果。并对处理的大豆及其产品的饲用价值进行了研究(谯仕彦等,1998;李素芬等,2001)。为了进一步拓宽大豆的加工领域和有效改善其饲用价值。本试验研究了新的大豆加工产品——全脂脱腥豆粉对肉仔鸡的饲用效果。并与大豆常规加工产品(豆粕和膨化大豆)进行了比较,从而探讨肉仔鸡日粮中不同大豆产品的加工和利用问题。[编者按]  相似文献   

田刚等(2008)为研究不同大豆蛋白饲料对仔猪断奶早期的营养效应,将20头3周龄断奶的健康杜长大仔猪按体重相近原则随机分为4个处理,每个处理5个重复,每个重复1头猪,在代谢笼内单笼饲养。试验第1阶段,即仔猪22~28日龄时,分别饲喂以膨化全脂大豆、膨化豆粕、膨化去皮豆粕和大豆浓缩蛋白为主要蛋白源的全价饲粮;第2阶段,即仔猪29~38日龄时,  相似文献   

不同大豆蛋白饲料对仔猪断奶早期的营养效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将20头3周龄断奶的DLY仔猪随机分成4组,断奶后第1周分别饲喂以膨化全脂大豆、膨化豆粕、膨化去皮豆粕和大豆浓缩蛋白为主要蛋白源的全价日粮,第2周开始,所有仔猪均饲喂同一日粮10d,以考察不同大豆蛋白饲料的营养效应。结果表明:4种大豆蛋白饲料对仔猪断奶后第1周生产性能无明显影响,但膨化豆粕能显著改善试验后期及全期仔猪生产性能。第1周膨化豆粕日粮蛋白质利用率显著高于膨化全脂大豆日粮和膨化去皮豆粕日粮(P<0.05)。膨化豆粕较其他大豆蛋白饲料更有利于仔猪断奶早期的氮代谢和提高机体的的免疫机能。综合本试验结果表明,膨化豆粕是3周龄断奶仔猪断奶早期饲粮的适宜大豆蛋白源。  相似文献   

断奶仔猪由于代谢旺盛,生产潜力很大,对日粮能量要求较高,通常在仔猪日粮中添加脂肪可以满足仔猪对能量的要求。全脂大豆富含蛋白质,且脂肪含量高达16%~20%,因此是很好的高能量高蛋白饲料。因天然大豆中含有多种抗营养因子,如胰蛋白酶抑制因子、外源凝集素、促甲状腺素、低聚糖类等,这些抗营养因子大多不耐热,经高温挤压膨化后这些抗营养因子被破坏,从而提高了营养价值.同时膨化全脂大豆还含有特殊的香味,对要求配制适口性好、能量高的仔猪料来说,是理想的蛋白源。玉米是世界上最重要的粮食之一,其营养成分优于稻米、薯类等,缺点是颗粒大、食味差、黏性小。膨化玉米具疏松多孔、结构均匀、质地柔软特点,不仅色、香、味俱佳,且提高了营养价值和消化率。国内外对膨化全脂大豆、膨化玉米在仔猪日粮中的使用效果进行了不少试验。本试验选择长大或大长仔猪为对象,考察不同比例的膨化全脂大豆代替豆粕,膨化玉米代替玉米对仔猪生长和饲料利用率的影响。  相似文献   

不同温度湿法挤压膨化全脂大豆在仔猪饲料中的应用效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本试验采用 4个膨化温度处理全脂大豆饲喂断奶前后的仔猪 ,研究不同膨化温度生产的全脂大豆对仔猪生产性能以及腹泻的影响。结果表明 ,断奶前仔猪采食量低 ,其生产性能受母猪泌乳能力影响远远大于日粮因素影响 ;4种膨化全脂大豆日粮可提高断奶后仔猪的生产性能 ,其中以采食 135℃膨化大豆日粮仔猪的生产性能最好 ;与其它 3种膨化大豆日粮相比 ,15 0℃膨化大豆日粮可减轻仔猪过敏反应 ,降低仔猪腹泻 ,与豆粕 +油日粮相比 ,膨化大豆日粮可明显缓减断奶仔猪腹泻  相似文献   

将36头35日龄断奶仔猪随机分为4组,分别喂给4种不同加工处理的大豆蛋白日粮(炒大豆曰粮、嘭化全脂大豆日粮、豆粕日粮和膨化豆粕日粮),每个处理3个重复,检测对仔猪皮褶厚度、木糖吸收能力、腹泻和粪中大肠肝菌的影响。结果表明,大豆蛋白都有一定程度的致敏性。膨化豆粕处理组仔猪皮褶厚度低于膨化全脂大豆和豆粕处理组仔猪(P<0.01),对木糖的吸收能力前者高于后二者(P<0.01);(?)以膨化豆粕日粮的仔猪的粪中大肠杆菌数比采食含有膨化全脂大豆和豆粕日粮(?)仔猪低(P<0.05),腹泻情况也明显好于其余各处理组仔猪,但无显著差异。  相似文献   

近日贵州某猪场发生猪肠气泡病,该病目前尚无明确研究显示由某一特定病原体引起。此次病例最明显病理变化为空肠和回肠外表浆膜下有大量大小不等突出气泡,气泡内气体无色无味主要成分为氮气,肠腔内黏膜有针尖大小出血点。在此之前云南香格里拉市、贵州畜牧兽医研究所也有相关病例报道。虽然东北地区也有零星病例记载,但大部分病例还是发生于高海拔地区,可以推测的是该疾病可能不属于传染病,具体发病机理尚不清楚,怀疑为肠道内气体代谢障碍所致且与海拔高度有一定联系。防治方面应考虑通过综合防控措施以及利用微生态制剂、中药制剂来提高动物机体抵抗力来预防本病。具体致病机理还有待研究。  相似文献   

Fungal biochemical pathways can yield various compounds that are not considered to be necessary for their growth and are thus referred to as secondary metabolites. These compounds have been found to have wide ranging biological effects and include potent poisons(mycotoxins). Mycotoxins invariably contaminate crops and(thus) animal feeds. The intestine is the key link between ingested mycotoxins and their detrimental effects on the animal. Effects on the intestine, or intestinal environment, and immune system have been reported with various mycotoxins. These effects are almost certainly occurring across species. Most, if not all, of the reported effects of mycotoxins are negative in terms of intestinal health, for example, decreased intestinal cell viability, reductions in short chain fatty acid(SCFA)concentrations and elimination of beneficial bacteria, increased expression of genes involved in promoting inflammation and counteracting oxidative stress. This challenge to intestinal health will predispose the animal to intestinal(and systemic) infections and impair efficient digestion and absorption of nutrients, with the associated effect on animal productivity.  相似文献   

Myoelectric activity in 2 cows instrumented with permanent electrodes in the ileum, cecum, proximal loop of the ascending colon (PLAC), and spiral colon was analyzed after an obstruction developed in the distal small intestine. Results were compared with patterns from a group of 7 normal cows. Myoelectric activity in the ileum immediately orad to the occlusion was characterized by abolition of the migrating myoelectric complex (MMC) and a constant pattern of strong spike bursts of long duration. Cyclic activity was present in all parts of the large intestine, and propagation of phase III activity was evident from proximal to distal. A slight degree of disorganization in phase III propagation was restricted to the spiral colon. Activity cycles tended to be shorter in the cecum and PLAC of both cows with colic than in normal cows, and the intensity of spiking activity was generally lower. Changes in duration of the MMC in the spiral colon (bovine colonic MMC, bcMMC) were inconsistent, but the intensity of spiking activity tended to be lower in phases I and II of both cows compared to controls. The organization of phase III in several spindles typical of the bovine spiral colon was not disrupted, but phase IV of the bcMMC occurred only infrequently. Organized cyclic activity occurred in the large intestine of both cows despite complete disruption of the small intestinal MMC, indicating the presence of mechanisms able to initiate and regulate coordinated myoelectric patterns in the large intestine independent of the small intestine.  相似文献   

肠道健康对于幼畜和生长动物发挥最佳的生产性能是至关重要的.试验研究表明,腹泻是幼畜的主要疾病.引起动物肠道疾病的病原微生物包括细菌、病毒和球虫感染,大肠杆菌和梭菌是主要的细菌性病原体.犊牛的消化道疾病的高峰期一般在10日龄左右,仔猪的最关键时期是5~14日龄的哺乳期和断奶期.腹泻是影响畜禽生产性能的主要疾病.腹泻会影响动物的增重、降低饲料转化率、提高动物的死亡率和用药成本.此外,腹泻还会降低畜群的均匀度和市场价值、增加生产成本,对畜禽养殖业造成巨大的经济损失.  相似文献   

Cecal dilatation and volvulus are common entities in dairy cattle, whereas cecal torsion is not often encountered. These diseases have been related to excessive volatile fatty acid production. Obstruction of the remainder of the large colon may be simple or strangulating in nature. These obstructions are relatively rare. Clinical signs, surgical management, and surgical complications of diseases of the cecum and large intestine are discussed.  相似文献   

Surgery of the bovine small intestine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cattle require surgery for small-intestinal problems less frequently than they do for abomasal, forestomach, or large-intestinal problems. Close attention to local vascular anatomy is critical to success when intestinal resection is required. Cows with signs of severe abdominal pain may make rapid recoveries following prompt surgical treatment. This article discusses relevant anatomy of the small intestine and the diagnosis and treatment of intussusception, volvulus, obstruction by incarceration or entrapment, and duodenal obstruction.  相似文献   

The small and large intestine of 30 healthy Saanen goats were examined ultrasonographically using a 5.0 MHz-linear transducer. The goats were examined on the right side, from the eighth rib to the caudal aspect of the flank. The small and large intestine could be easily differentiated. The descending duodenum could be imaged in 19 goats, and the jejunum and ileum seen in all goats. The jejunum and ileum were most often seen in cross-section and rarely in longitudinal section in the ventral region of the right flank. The intestinal contents were usually homogenously echoic, and active motility was observed in all the goats. The diameter of the small intestine was 0.8–2.7 cm (1.6 [0.33] cm). The spiral ansa of the colon was imaged in all the goats, and in 21 the caecum was also seen. Both these sections of large intestine were most commonly seen in the dorsal region of the right flank. The spiral ansa of the colon was easily identified by its spiral arrangement of centripetal and centrifugal gyri, which had a garland-like appearance. Because of intraluminal gas, only the wall of the colon closest to the transducer could be imaged. The diameter of the spiral colon ranged from 0.8 to 2.0 cm (1.1 [0.24] cm). Usually only the wall of the caecum closest to the transducer could be imaged and it appeared as a thick, echoic, slightly undulating line. The greater omentum could be seen in all the goats.  相似文献   

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