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Four experimental vaccine preparations comprising a strain of mink enteritis virus inactivated by either formalin or beta-propiolactone, and either adjuvanted or nonadjuvanted, failed to stimulate a consistent serum antibody response in 20 vaccinated dogs and failed to protect all but one of these dogs against oral challenge with canine parvovirus-2.  相似文献   

Dogs were successfully isolated for a period of either 52 or 64 weeks following vaccination with an inactivated, adjuvanted canine parvovirus-2 vaccine. Antibody persisted in all ten vaccinated dogs, although in one case by 52 weeks postvaccination only virus neutralizing antibody, and not hemagglutination-inhibiting antibody, could be detected. Sentinel unvaccinated dogs housed alongside the vaccinated dogs throughout the study remained free of canine parvovirus-2 antibody until challenged. Upon oral challenge with canine parvovirus-2 infected material all unvaccinated dogs developed one or more signs of canine parvovirus-2 disease, shed virus and developed antibody. None of the vaccinated dogs became overtly sick. Of the five vaccinated dogs challenged 52 weeks after vaccination, three shed virus and one showed a significant rise in antibody. At 64 weeks after vaccination only one of the five challenged dogs shed virus and showed a boost in antibody titer.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a study of captive tigers (Panthera tigris) and lions (Panthera leo) vaccinated with a recombinant vaccine against feline leukemia virus; an inactivated adjuvanted vaccine against rabies virus; and a multivalent modified live vaccine against feline herpesvirus, calicivirus, and panleukopenia virus. The aim of the study was to assess the immune response and safety of the vaccines and to compare the effects of the administration of single (1 ml) and double (2 ml) doses. The animals were separated into two groups and received either single or double doses of vaccines, followed by blood collection for serologic response for 400 days. No serious adverse event was observed, with the exception of abortion in one lioness, potentially caused by the incorrect use of the feline panleukopenia virus modified live vaccine. There was no significant difference between single and double doses for all vaccines. The recombinant vaccine against feline leukemia virus did not induce any serologic response. The vaccines against rabies and feline herpesvirus induced a significant immune response in the tigers and lions. The vaccine against calicivirus did not induce a significant increase in antibody titers in either tigers or lions. The vaccine against feline panleukopenia virus induced a significant immune response in tigers but not in lions. This report demonstrates the value of antibody titer determination after vaccination of nondomestic felids.  相似文献   

选用从犬科动物貉中分得的貉细小病毒CR86106株为种毒,用猫肾传代细胞F81系培养增殖,制成犬细小病毒性肠炎弱毒疫苗(M-CPV)。该苗对猪红细胞的HA效价平均156,对F81细胞系的TCID_(50)平均为4.02。对离乳幼犬的最低免疫剂量为5×10~(3·8)TCID_(50)。苗注后2周即可获得免疫,血清HI抗体达32即可抵抗CPV强毒感染。疫苗的免疫期为1年。于-15℃以下冰盒保存,疫苗的有效期为9个月。CR80106株遗传性稳定,经CPV易感幼犬和F81细胞系连续传5代和22代,对犬的安全性和免疫原性不变。病毒蛋白经SDS—PAGE和HPLC分析,均未发现与原始毒株有不同。M-CPV对母源抗体干扰有较强的抵抗力,母源抗体达32的幼犬,100%可对该亩产生免疫应答。HI抗体<2的CPV易感幼犬接种该苗后除粪便轻度阳转外,无其他异常,同居CPV易感幼犬也不会感染发病。两次免疫后作同居感染攻毒,可获得完全保护,不会由粪便排出强毒。于产前20d给怀孕母犬接种,也未见有流产、早产、死胎和弱胎现象发生,所产仔犬全部生长发育正常。全国16个军、警犬场队用本疫苗累计免疫各类犬3320只,全部安全,没有一只因注苗而发病,经1~2年临床观察,3296头获得保护,保护率为99.28%。  相似文献   

犬瘟热的诊断及其预防免疫的研究进展   总被引:36,自引:7,他引:29  
本文对犬瘟热(CD)的诊断、预防免疫和免疫失败的影响因素及犬瘟热病毒(CDV)的宿主范围进行了综述。CDV不仅感染陆生食肉动物,而且也感染水生食肉动物,并且其宿主范围还在不断扩大。CDV感染主要采用病毒分离、特异性病毒抗原或特异性核酸检测等方法确诊。疫苗包括灭活的CDV疫苗、麻疹病毒(MV)异源苗及CDV弱毒活苗。疫苗接种犬的免疫反应主要取决于毒株特性及犬的应答能力,只有弱毒活苗能诱导产生持久而坚强的保护力。尽管多年来CDV弱毒活苗的使用控制了CD的发生,但最近免疫过的犬发生CD的病例并不少见。分析免疫失败的原因,主要是母源抗体干扰、疫苗质量差、其它病毒的免疫抑制以及CDV流行株可能发生了变异等因素的影响。  相似文献   

Wild dogs Lycaon pictuis (n = 8) were vaccinated 4 times against canine distemper (n = 8) (initially with inactivated and subsequently with live attenuated strains of canine distemper) and canine parvovirus infection (n = 8) over a period of 360 days. Four of the wild dogs were also vaccinated 3 times against rabies using a live oral vaccine and 4 with an inactivated parenteral vaccine. Commercially-available canine distemper, canine parvovirus and parenteral rabies vaccines, intended for use in domestic dogs, were used. None of the vaccinated dogs showed any untoward clinical signs. The inactivated canine distemper vaccine did not result in seroconversion whereas the attenuated live vaccine resulted in seroconversion in all wild dogs. Presumably protective concentrations of antibodies to canine distemper virus were present in all wild dogs for at least 451 days. Canine parvovirus haemagglutination inhibition titres were present in all wild dogs prior to the administration of vaccine and protective concentrations persisted for at least 451 days. Vaccination against parvovirus infection resulted in a temporary increase in canine parvovirus haemagglutination inhibition titres in most dogs. Administration of both inactivated parenteral and live oral rabies vaccine initially resulted in seroconversion in 7 of 8 dogs. These titres, however, dropped to very low concentrations within 100 days. Booster administrations resulted in increased antibody concentrations in all dogs. It was concluded that the vaccines were safe to use in healthy subadult wild dogs and that a vaccination protocol in free-ranging wild dogs should at least incorporate booster vaccinations against rabies 3-6 months after the first inoculation.  相似文献   

The involvement of cyclin A, cyclin D1 and p53 proteins in canine and feline tumorigenesis was analyzed immunohistochemically. In the present study, a total of 176 cases were examined, among which there were 108 canine cases (75 mammary lesions, 16 squamous cell carcinomas and 17 basal cell tumors) and 68 feline cases (43 mammary lesions, 20 squamous cell carcinomas and 5 basal cell tumors). Speckled nuclear staining for cyclin A was observed in 19/38 (50%) canine malignant mammary tumors and 18/37 (48.6%) feline mammary carcinomas, while this was not seen in benign mammary tumors of either dogs or cats. Marked intense nuclear cyclin A staining was seen in 7/16 (43.8%) canine squamous cell carcinomas and 18/20 (90.0%) feline squamous cell carcinomas. Only 3/17 (17.6%) canine basal cell tumors showed slight and scattered staining for cyclin A. Expression of cyclin D1 was very rare in both canine and feline tumors. Nuclear staining of p53 was found in 7/37 (18.9%) feline mammary carcinomas. Intense immunoreactivity for p53 was found in 6/16 (37.5%) canine squamous cell carcinomas and 8/20 (40%) feline squamous cell carcinomas. These results suggest that cyclin A may have a role in the proliferation of canine malignant mammary tumors, feline mammary carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas of dogs and cats, and p53 may associate with the tumorigenesis of feline mammary carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas of dogs and cats.  相似文献   

A chelonid herpesvirus was isolated from a group of tortoises in Italy with a history of increased mortality and upper digestive and respiratory tract disease. The isolated virus was inactivated with formalin and used to prepare a nonadjuvanted vaccine and a vaccine adjuvanted with aluminum hydroxide. 57 tortoises, 26 Testudo hermanni, 25 T. graeca, and 6 T. marginata, were included in the study. The animals were vaccinated 3 times at 45 day intervals. Blood was collected from the animals 14 days prior to the first vaccination, and on day 0, 25, 45, 90, 113 and 369 after the first vaccination. Plasma antibody titers to the homologous chelonid herpesvirus were determined using a virus neutralization test (VNT). No significant rise in antibody titer was noted in the vaccinated animals. Antibody titers measured dropped below the cutoff-level sporadically in all positive animals. Repeat serological testing may therefore be necessary in order to detect seropositive animals.  相似文献   

一株新分离犬细小病毒灭活疫苗的制备及免疫效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
JL0911株犬细小病毒是由军事兽医研究所流行病与病毒病防控技术实验室分离得到的一株新型犬细小病毒,其主要抗原位点上的氨基酸序列较国内先前分离到的其他株有较大差异,不能被归入目前已有的CPV-2a、CPV-2b、CPV-2c三个类型。本研究旨在利用JL0911株犬细小病毒研制灭活疫苗,并评价其免疫原性。试验采用105.5 TCID50/mL的犬细小病毒JL0911,以甲醛灭活后,加入1/4体积的纳米佐剂,制备了犬细小病毒灭活疫苗。取1.5 mL上述疫苗,通过肌肉注射免疫普通家犬,免疫前后不同时间均采集血清,在F81细胞系上测定犬细小病毒的中和抗体。结果显示,免疫后14 d,试验犬血中细小病毒中和抗体效价较免疫前有显著提高,最高可由0提高至29,表明本试验分离的JL0911株犬细小病毒具有生产犬细小病毒灭活疫苗的潜在价值。  相似文献   

Immunogenic potency of a killed feline panleukopenia virus vaccine against canine parvoviral enteritis in dogs was examined. The vaccine elicited hemagglutination-inhibition antibodies to canine parvovirus (CPV) in all of the 72 dogs which were vaccinated. The vaccine was protective in dogs against both experimentally induced and naturally occurring CPV-induced disease. By statistical analysis, 4 weeks was found to be the optimal spacing between 2 vaccinal doses resulting in hemagglutination-inhibition antibody titers up to 1:5,120. Adverse reactions to the vaccine were not observed. Atypical lymphocytes were found consistently in the CPV-infected control dogs.  相似文献   

Modified live feline panleukopenia virus (FPLV) vaccine protected dogs against canine parvovirus (CPV) infection. However, unlike the long-lived (greater than or equal to 20-month) immunity engendered by CPV infection, the response of dogs to living FPLV was variable. Doses of FPLV (snow leopard strain) in excess of 10(5.7) TCID50 were necessary for uniform immunization; smaller inocula resulted in decreased success rates. The duration of immunity, as measured by the persistence of hemagglutination-inhibiting antibody, was related to the magnitude of the initial response to vaccination; dogs with vigorous initial responses resisted oronasal CPV challenge exposure 6 months after vaccination, and hemagglutination-inhibiting antibodies persisted in such dogs for greater than 1 year. Limited replication of FPLV in dogs was demonstrated, but unlike CPV, the feline virus did not spread to contact dogs or cats. Adverse reactions were not associated with living FPLV vaccination, and FPLV did not interfere with simultaneous response to attenuated canine distemper virus.  相似文献   

Clinical and pathological features of ovarian dysgerminomas occurring in two dogs and a cat are presented. The feline neoplasm had morphological characteristics closely resembling those of dysgerminomas in women. The feline and one canine neoplasm occurred in young animals as compared to other reported animal dysgerminomas. Findings are discussed in relation to other reports of these tumors in animals and in women.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of canine and feline aural hematoma (AH) was investigated. Clinical observations, selected experimental procedures, and clinicopathologic examinations were done on 40 dogs and 20 cats affected with AH. Eighteen healthy dogs and 14 healthy cats were used as the controls. The results of this investigation provide a valid basis for questioning the conventionally held view that AH is caused by trauma and for postulating that the actual cause is immune mediated.  相似文献   

Canine parvovirus (CPV) and feline panleukopaenia virus (FPLV) are two closely related viruses, which are known to cause severe disease in younger unvaccinated animals. As well as causing disease in their respective hosts, CPV has recently acquired the feline host range, allowing it to infect both cats and dogs. As well as causing disease in dogs, there is evidence that under some circumstances CPV may also cause disease in cats. This study has investigated the prevalence of parvoviruses in the faeces of clinically healthy cats and dogs in two rescue shelters. Canine parvovirus was demonstrated in 32.5% (13/50) of faecal samples in a cross sectional study of 50 cats from a feline only shelter, and 33.9% (61/180) of faecal samples in a longitudinal study of 74 cats at a mixed canine and feline shelter. Virus was isolated in cell cultures of both canine and feline origin from all PCR-positive samples suggesting they contained viable, infectious virus. In contrast to the high CPV prevalence in cats, no FPLV was found, and none of 122 faecal samples from dogs, or 160 samples collected from the kennel environment, tested positive for parvovirus by PCR. Sequence analysis of major capsid VP2 gene from all positive samples, as well as the non-structural gene from 18 randomly selected positive samples, showed that all positive cats were shedding CPV2a or 2b, rather than FPLV. Longitudinally sampling in one shelter showed that all cats appeared to shed the same virus sequence type at each date they were positive (up to six weeks), despite a lack of clinical signs. Fifty percent of the sequences obtained here were shown to be similar to those recently obtained in a study of sick dogs in the UK (Clegg et al., 2011). These results suggest that in some circumstances, clinically normal cats may be able to shed CPV for prolonged periods of time, and raises the possibility that such cats may be important reservoirs for the maintenance of infection in both the cat and the dog population.  相似文献   

It was recently reported that canine parvoviruses (CPV) had entered cat populations and induced disease in infected cats, while they had affected only dogs in the past. It is important to determine whether conventional feline panleukopenia virus (FPLV) vaccines protect against recent CPV infections. In this study, the cross-reactivity of virus-neutralising (VN) and haemagglutinin-inhibition (HI) antibodies in cats induced by FPLV and CPV s were examined. Lower cross-reactivities of VN and HI antibodies against each CPV strain were observed in cats experimentally inoculated with FPLV or vaccinated with an inactivated FPLV vaccine. In addition, we revealed the existence of a novel type of FPLV, which reacted weakly with antibodies induced by the conventional FPLV vaccine.  相似文献   

Nine unrelated 12-week-old naive domestic ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) were used to evaluate the serologic responses to commercial canine distemper virus (CDV) and rabies virus (RV) vaccines. Five of the ferrets (group 1) were inoculated 3 times at 2-week intervals with a multivalent modified-live virus vaccine of canine cell-line origin, containing CDV and an inactivated RV vaccine. Four of the ferrets (group 2) were inoculated once with the multivalent modified-live virus vaccine containing CDV and were not inoculated with the RV vaccine. Both group-1 and group-2 ferrets seroconverted to the CDV component of the vaccine. Group-1 ferrets also seroconverted after RV vaccination and maintained serum antibody titers to both CDV and RV for at least 7 months. Domestic ferret sera were found to have IgG epitopes similar to sera of domestic dogs and cats. Domestic ferret sera did not contain antibodies to feline coronavirus or FeLV antigens.  相似文献   

Inactivated canine parvovirus (CPV) and inactivated feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) vaccines were evaluated in dogs. Maximal serologic response occurred within 1-2 weeks after vaccination. Antibody titers then declined rapidly to low levels that persisted at least 20 weeks. Immunity to CPV, defined as complete resistance to infection, was correlated with serum antibody titer and did not persist longer than 6 weeks after vaccination with inactivated virus. However, protection against generalized infection was demonstrated 20 weeks after vaccination. In unvaccinated dogs, viremia and generalized infection occurred after oronasal challenge with virulent CPV. In contrast, viral replication was restricted to the intestinal tract and gut-associated lymphoid tissue of vaccinated dogs. Canine parvovirus was inactivated by formalin, beta-propiolactone (BPL), and binary ethylenimine (BEI) in serum-free media; inactivation kinetics were determined. Formalin resulted in a greater loss of viral HA than either BEI of BPL, and antigenicity was correspondingly reduced.  相似文献   

To examine how the inclusion (+) or exclusion (-) of inactivated Leptospira antigens in a vaccine for canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2), canine distemper virus (CDV) and canine adenovirus type 2 (CAdV-2) affects antibody titres to CPV-2, CDV and CAdV-1 antigens, household dogs were vaccinated with commercially available vaccines from one of three manufacturers. CPV-2, CDV and CAdV-1 antibody titres were measured 11 to 13 months later and compared within three different age groups and three different bodyweight groups. There were significant differences between CPV-2 antibody titres in dogs vaccinated with (+) vaccine and those vaccinated with (-) vaccine for two products in the two-year-old group and for one product in the greater than seven-year-old group; no significant differences were seen that could be attributed to bodyweight. No differences in CDV antibody titres were observed within age groups, but a significant difference was seen in the 11 to 20 kg weight group for one product. Significant differences in CAdV-1 antibody titres were seen for one product in both the two-year-old group and the ≤10 kg weight group.  相似文献   

以鸡胚成纤维细胞(CEF)、猫肾传代细胞(CRFK)、狗肾传代细胞(MDCK)从引进的疫苗中分别分离到犬瘟热CDV-A株、猫细小病毒FPV株、犬腺病毒CAV1株。对三个弱毒株的细胞病变规律,形态特征,病毒滴度,理化特性,核酸型,血清学交叉反应,本动物的安全性及免疫原性等内容进行了试验。鉴定结果表明,3个弱毒株均可作为制苗用毒种  相似文献   

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