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旨在探究牛奶原始中红外光谱相关变量的遗传规律。本研究收集北京三元绿荷某牛场1 822头荷斯坦牛生产性能测定数据、中红外光谱数据和系谱数据,使用R语言(v3.51)、SAS(v9.2)、DMU(v6.0)等软件进行主成分分析和遗传参数估计,遗传参数估计使用的动物模型考虑了测定月份、胎次和泌乳天数的固定效应及个体加性遗传效应、永久环境效应的随机效应。结果表明,80%以上中红外光谱变量之间的相关系数达0.500~1.000,且3 574~3 521 cm-1和3 630~3 618 cm-1区域的变量变异程度较高。对中红外光谱的每个波数进行遗传参数估计,大部分波数的遗传力集中于0.010~0.030之间,处于中高遗传力的波数占比约为7%;随遗传力提高,吸光度增大、透射率降低,且变异系数降低。中红外光谱数据可用于探究牛奶成分的遗传规律,从遗传角度提高奶牛质量,为种牛选择提供参考。  相似文献   

牛奶脂肪含量是决定牛奶价格的因素之一,并且对人类健康具有重要意义。中红外光谱(MIR)是一种高效且经济的工具,可用于群体水平上检测,十几年来,国外科研人员一直在对利用MIR预测牛奶脂肪酸含量及其遗传力进行探究,但我国相关研究较少。本文对国外基于MIR预测上述性状的研究,从预测方程的建立、影响预测方程准确性的因素和预测方程应用三方面进行总结,以期为我国科研人员进一步研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

测定牛奶中蛋白成分对于评估奶牛饲养管理水平、生理特征、遗传力和产品质量等具有非常重要的意义。奶牛生产性能测定(DHI)虽能测定牛奶中总蛋白含量,但不能测定各种蛋白成分。中红外光谱(MIR)是一种高效且经济的工具,二十年来,国外科研人员在对利用MIR预测牛奶中各种蛋白含量及其遗传力进行了许多研究,并取得了许多研究成果。现对从基于MIR预测方程的建立、影响预测方程准确性因素和预测方程应用三个方面进行总结,以期为进一步研究和应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,许多研究表明采用中红外光谱(MIRS)分析技术能够对牛奶中各营养物质(如脂肪酸、蛋白质和矿物质)及潜在的有害物质(如掺杂物、抗生素)进行实时、快速和准确地定量分析,并以此建立预测模型来对奶牛的营养(如饲料转化率、能量利用效率和甲烷排放)、健康(如乳房炎和代谢性疾病)和生殖生理与繁殖状况进行鉴定、评估和筛选,从而为优化畜牧养殖业生产方式,发展创新畜牧养殖业循环经济模式,实现低碳、健康和可持续发展提供有效的技术保障。因此本文主要就近年来国际上最新的关于MIRS分析技术在牛奶营养物质测定及奶牛相关特性分析方面的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

奶牛是重要的经济动物,牛奶被誉为人类最完美的食物。酮病是奶牛泌乳初期的高发性疾病,是影响牧场盈利和奶牛福利的主要原因之一。一般来说,奶牛在出现酮病临床症状之前,往往会经历一段亚临床状态,而这段时间很容易被牧场主忽视,给牧场造成损失。目前主要通过检测血液或奶中的代谢物浓度对酮病进行诊断,然而受人工和成本限制,化学检测法不适用于大规模牛群,中红外光谱(Mid Infrared Spectrometry,MIRS)分析技术因其低成本、高通量的特点已经被逐步应用到酮病监测中。本文介绍酮病的发病机理、MIRS分析技术和当前研究者对于酮病相关指标的模型建立情况,为后续相关模型的建立及优化和酮病抗性性状的遗传选择提供参考。  相似文献   

随着越来越多的模型被开发,依据牛奶傅里叶变换中红外光谱(FT-MIRS)来提供关于牛奶成分、奶制品特性以及奶牛生理状况等信息,使得MIRS技术得到广泛应用。但是由于各种中红外光谱仪器之间存在一定的差异,在主机上建立的模型往往难以直接应用于从机,而重新建立稳定而可靠的模型需要花费大量的时间和精力。目前,主要通过光谱标准化的方法来对光谱进行预处理,以消除不同仪器对样本信息的反应差异,实现在不同中红外光谱仪器之间的模型传递。  相似文献   

牛奶中各种成分含量是影响牛奶品质的重要因素,也是决定其价格的重要因素之一,高品质的牛奶和奶产品往往对人们的健康具有重要的意义。而具有高效低成本的中红外光谱(MIR)已逐渐成为奶产品品质检测的有效新方法。十多年来,欧美发达国家已利用MIR建立了牛奶和奶产品中脂肪酸、蛋白质、矿物质等成分含量预测模型,并投入生产使用。然而,我国在利用MIR预测牛奶中成分的研究较晚、没有得到有效应用。在建立模型的过程中,可选择较多的建模方法,其中回归建模方法的正确选用是决定模型预测能力的关键所在,而正确的预测方法往往意味着更高的预测精度和更强的泛化能力。偏最小二乘法(PLS)、最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)、人工神经网络(ANN)以及贝叶斯回归(Bayes-R)因为其各自不同的优点已成为目前使用较多的几种预测方法。本文对这些方法及其特征进行介绍和总结。  相似文献   

<正>意大利研究人员使用近红外反射光谱(near infrared reflectance spectroscopy,NIR)和中红外反射光谱(medium IR,MIR)预测比较鲜奶和解冻牛奶中脂肪酸(fatty acid,FA)的组成,结果使用g/kg牛奶或g/100g FA表示(拟发表于2014年5月Food Chemistry)。研究人员采用MIR在液态形式下扫描了来自70个意大利西北部的农场共250桶牛奶,并采用NIR对供试样品在液体和烘干形式下扫描。结果表明:对于牛奶中偶数链饱和脂肪酸(even chain-saturated FA,ECSFA)总和、奇数链脂肪酸(odd chain-FA,OCFA)、不饱和脂肪酸(unsaturated FA,UFA)、共轭亚油酸(conjugated linoleic acid,CLA)、n-3 FA、C_(18:1)-cis9对C_(16)的比率,使用MIR对液态样品的测定结果和使用NIR对烘  相似文献   

本研究采用单性状重复力模型和双性状动物模型分别对公猪精液体积、精子活力、精子密度、精子畸形率4个性状进行遗传参数估计,并对不同性状间的遗传相关进行估计。结果显示:精液体积为中等遗传力(遗传力为0.29),精子密度、精子活力和精子畸形率性状具有较低遗传力,遗传力分别为0.10、0.16、0.15;这4个性状均有中等偏高的重复力,分别为0.47、0.42、0.36、0.50。精液体积与精子密度具有较强的遗传负相关(-0.389),精液体积与精子畸形率具有较弱的遗传负相关(-0.171),精子活力与精子畸形率具有强的遗传负相关(-0.826),其余性状均无明显遗传相关。以上结果表明可以通过对精液性状进行选择来提高公猪精液品质。  相似文献   

采用REML方法对海狸色獭兔连续两个世代(2014,2015)繁殖性状的遗传力进行估计,并对各繁殖性状之间进行了相关分析。结果表明:海狸色獭兔的初产仔数(0.267 2)、产活仔数(0.267 2)和初生窝重(0.105 6)属于中低遗传力性状,而泌乳力(0.327 0)属于中等遗传力性状。通过各遗传性状间的相关分析可知:各遗传性状间均具有较高的遗传正相关,可根据此特性对海狸色獭兔母兔进行早期选择。  相似文献   

宋伸  杨敏  蒋琳  马月辉 《中国畜牧兽医》2017,44(10):2965-2972
近年来,高通量测序技术的规模化应用及生物信息技术的普及,极大地推动了家畜基因组学的发展,实现了分子育种标记全基因组水平的快速、精准定位,为全基因组选择育种奠定了重要基础。数千年来的驯化和选择,形成了用途多样的山羊品种,如乳用、皮用、绒用及肉用等,为人类提供了丰富的生产和生活资料。国内外学者采用高通量测序技术对山羊的遗传多样性及生产性能的遗传机制进行了研究,以期找到与山羊种质特性相关的基因,从而为山羊的遗传改良提供新的标记。作者对近五年来基于高通量测序技术研究山羊的遗传多样性和产绒、产奶、繁殖等生产性状的研究进展进行了综述,以期为评估山羊优良种质特性和与生产性状相关的优异基因定位的工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Recently, the widespread use of high-throughput sequencing technology and the development of bioinformatics have been greatly contributed to the development of farm animal genomics. Whole genome-wide analysis can facilitate the fine mapping of the molecular markers related to the production traits quickly and accurately, thus providing an important theoretical basis for genome selection breeding. Several thousand years of domestication and artificial selection produce many modern goat breeds with high production of milk, fiber, and meat, which become abundant production and living materials for human populations. Researchers have studied the genetic diversity and molecular mechanisms of production traits in goats using high-throughput sequencing technology, in order to identify candidate genes related to the excellent germplasm reliable markers for genetic improvement. In this review, we summarized the five-year research progress on the genetic diversity and production traits of goats including fiber, milk production and reproduction traits, mainly based on high-throughput sequencing technology. This paper provides a reference for the evaluation of the excellent goat genetic resources and the investigation of production trait related genes.  相似文献   

奶山羊作为乳用品种的山羊,因其具有奶质优良、产奶性能稳定、乳汁营养丰富等特点,逐渐成为畜牧业发展的一大亮点。经过多年的选种选育,我国现已拥有了多个地方奶山羊品种。随着分子育种技术的发展,对于奶山羊产奶性状相关基因的研究越来越多。对奶山羊产奶性状相关基因的研究进展进行综述,以期为奶山羊优秀基因资源的研究、保护和利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

各国奶牛群体的选育目标建立之后,选育目标一直在不断发展,选择指数中性状的组成、定义和权重等都在不断变化。奶牛的选育是从关注产奶性能而开始,随后增加了体型外貌性状。由于奶牛的健康和繁殖问题的增加以及社会对动物福利的不断关注,20世纪末,世界范围内平衡育种理念在奶牛育种中逐渐形成,一些重要的功能性状加入各国的选择指数中;进入21世纪后,随着奶牛养殖业和社会的发展,育种家们开始关注和研究更多的性状,部分新性状已经开始在育种实践中选育应用。本文通过整理奶牛育种中有关新性状的研究并收集各国奶牛选育方案中的相关信息,综述了近十年奶业发达国家在奶牛遗传选育中正在研究或已经开始应用的新性状,并将这些新性状分为生产效率相关的新性状、应对环境挑战的新性状、健康福利相关的新性状、产品和加工相关的新性状及管理相关的新性状五大类,总结了这些性状的选育背景、定义方法、遗传基础和选育应用情况等,最后还总结了奶牛育种中新性状的研究应用过程,以期为我国奶牛遗传育种研究和育种目标完善提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

高产量奶牛的高效选育一直是困扰奶业及奶牛养殖业高效发展的难题,产奶量不足,生产效率不稳定等问题也严重制约了行业的发展。但传统筛选高产奶牛方法耗时耗力,不利于高产奶牛快速培育,且优良性状的遗传稳定性较差,也无法长期保留。目前,越来越多研究发现产奶量与奶牛的表观性状有关,如体重、体尺、乳房形态及肛殖距等。不仅如此,产奶量及奶品质还与催乳素及其受体基因、生长激素及其受体基因、二酰甘油酰基转移酶基因和及其他产奶基因具有密切关系。因此,本文对影响奶牛产奶量的相关因素进行了综合概述,阐述了不同因素对高产奶牛筛选应用的潜在价值,有望促进高产奶牛的快速筛选,助力奶牛养殖业的快速发展。  相似文献   

In Brazil, water buffaloes have been used to produce milk for mozzarella cheese production. Consequently, the main selection criterion applied for the buffalo genetic improvement is the estimated mozzarella yield as a function of milk, fat and protein production. However, given the importance of reproductive traits in production systems, this study aimed to use techniques for identifying genomic regions that affect the age at first calving (AFC) and first calving interval (FCI) in buffalo cows and to select candidate genes for the identification of QTL and gene expression studies. The single-step GBLUP method was used for the identification of genomic regions. Windows of 1 Mb containing single-nucleotide polymorphisms were constructed and the 10 windows that explained the greatest proportion of genetic variance were considered candidate regions for each trait. Genes present into the selected windows were identified using the UOA_WB_1 assembly as the reference, and their ontology was defined with the Panther tool. Candidate regions for both traits were identified on BBU 3, 12, 21 and 22; for AFC, candidates were detected on BBU 6, 7, 8, 9 and 15 and for first calving interval on BBU 4, 14 and 19. This study identified regions with great contribution to the additive genetic variance of age at first calving and first calving interval in the population of buffalo cows studied. The ROCK2, PMVK, ADCY2, MAP2K6, BMP10 and GFPT1 genes are main candidates for reproductive traits in water dairy buffaloes, and these results may have future applications in animal breeding programs or in gene expression studies of the species.  相似文献   

Traditional breeding programmes have largely contributed to disseminate the benefits of several quantitative traits in livestock. In developing countries such as Indonesia where animal population scattered throughout the country, it is difficult to invest for molecular research. On the other side, yet, it is worthy asset for breeding purposes. Based on theory and evidence, it has been proved that those scattered population evolved different genetic adaptations in response to a given natural pressure selection. A global strategy can be applied to the use of molecular genetic information for identification of economically important value. The use of genetic markers or more effective of marker-assisted selection (MAS) for desired important traits would be more valuable and useful and even more efficient in important trait selection of superior livestock. DNA marker technology would be very useful when applied for quantitative trait identification. Marker-assisted selection can be used for enhancing conventional breeding and works best for the traits with low heritability such as in reproductive traits and disease resistance. Application of conventional breeding for lower heredity traits would not be efficient because of waiting longer for generation interval, expensive in measurements, more population and more employees needed. Study of quantitative trait loci mapping is early investment to improve genetic merit. It can be performed once but can be used for exploring many genetic traits with economically important values. An effective option is biotechnology application in livestock for the development of genetic varieties such as stress tolerance, growth and carcass traits. Application of biotechnology approaches will enable improvement in productivity, reduction in costs, enrichment of milk compositions and extension of shelf life products.  相似文献   

Sheep milk is mainly intended to manufacture a wide variety of high-quality cheeses. The ovine cheese industry would benefit from an improvement, through genetic selection, of traits related to the milk coagulation properties (MCPs) and cheese yield-related traits, broadly denoted as “cheese-making traits.” Considering that routine measurements of these traits needed for genetic selection are expensive and time-consuming, this study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of a cheese-making phenotype imputation method based on the information from official milk control records combined with the pH of the milk. For this study, we analyzed records of milk production traits, milk composition traits, and measurements of cheese-making traits available from a total of 1,145 dairy ewes of the Spanish Assaf sheep breed. Cheese-making traits included five related to the MCPs and two cheese yield-related traits. The milk and cheese-making phenotypes were adjusted for significant effects based on a general linear model. The adjusted phenotypes were used to define a multiple-phenotype imputation procedure for the cheese-making traits based on multivariate normality and Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling. Five of the seven cheese-making traits considered in this study achieved a prediction accuracy of 0.60 computed as the correlation between the adjusted phenotypes and the imputed phenotypes. Particularly the logarithm of curd-firming time since rennet addition (logK20) (0.68), which has been previously suggested as a potential candidate trait to improve the cheese ability in this breed, and the logarithm of the ratio between the rennet clotting time and the curd firmness at 60 min (logRCT/A60) (0.65), which has been defined by other studies as an indicator trait of milk coagulation efficiency. This study represents a first step toward the possible use of the phenotype imputation of cheese-making traits to develop a practical methodology for the dairy sheep industry to impute cheese-making traits only based on the analysis of a milk sample without the need of pedigree information. This information could be also used in future planning of specific breeding programs considering the importance of the cheese-making efficiency in dairy sheep and highlights the potential of phenotype imputation to leverage sample size on expensive, hard-to-measure phenotypes.  相似文献   

Genetic Improvement of Dairy Cow Reproductive Performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The welfare of cow along with profitability in production are important issues in sustainable animal breeding programmes. Along with an intense/intensive selection for increased milk yield, reproductive performance has declined in many countries, in part due to an unfavourable genetic relationship. The largely unchanged genetic trend in female fertility and calving traits for Scandinavian Red breeds shows that it is possible to avoid deterioration in these traits if they are properly considered in the breeding programme. Today's breeding is international with a global selection and extensive use of the best bulls. The Nordic countries have traditionally recorded and performed genetic evaluation for a broad range of functional traits including reproduction. In recent years many other countries have also implemented genetic evaluation for these traits. Thus, the relative emphasis of dairy cattle breeding objectives has gradually shifted from production to functional traits such as reproduction. Improved ways of recording traits, e.g. physiological measures, early indicator traits, assisted reproductive techniques and increased knowledge of genes and their regulation may improve the genetic selection strategies and have large impact on present and future genetic evaluation programmes. Extensive data bases with phenotypic recordings of traits for individuals and their pedigree are a prerequisite. Quantitative trait loci have been associated to the reproductive complex. Most important traits, including reproduction traits are regulated by a multitude of genes and environmental factors in a complex relationship, however. Genomic selection might therefore be important in future breeding programmes. Information on single nucleotide polymorphism has already been introduced in the selection programmes of some countries.  相似文献   

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