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华北地区夏玉米滴灌施肥的肥料效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 通过研究华北地区中低产土壤条件下不同氮、磷、钾肥施用量在滴灌夏玉米上的肥料效应,从而优化滴灌施肥系统,为夏玉米高效滴灌施肥提供理论依据,推进水肥一体化技术。方法 通过两年田间试验,以郑单958为供试品种,滴灌带设置为一管带两行,氮磷钾分别设4个处理,其中氮肥处理为0、144、180、216 kg·hm -2(记为N0、N1、N2、N3),磷肥处理为0、72、90、108 kg·hm -2(记为P0、P1、P2、P3),钾肥处理为0、72、90、108 kg·hm -2(记为K0、K1、K2、K3),氮磷钾肥料分4次滴施,以研究不同处理对夏玉米产量及不同生育时期干物质积累的影响,分析不同处理下肥料的利用率。结果 (1)华北地区中低产田条件下夏玉米产量随施氮磷肥的用量呈抛物线性变化,当施氮量为180 kg·hm -2,施磷量为90 kg·hm -2时,作物产量最高;当氮磷肥施用量超过最高产量施肥量时,作物产量随施氮磷用量的提高呈下降趋势,但氮肥处理的下降程度差异不显著,而磷肥施用量超过90 kg·hm -2时,作物产量随施磷量的提高显著下降(P<0.05);在本处理中,夏玉米产量随施钾量的提高,均呈增加趋势。(2)不同施肥处理对夏玉米生育前期干物质积累几乎没有影响,在灌浆期与收获期时干物质积累与施氮量、施磷量均呈抛物线性变化,变化趋势与产量基本相同。(3)不同处理的氮磷钾肥利用率不同,分别为33.39%—58.44%、14.15%—28.88%、54.70%—65.75%,当夏玉米产量最高时的氮、磷、钾肥利用率两年平均为51.21%、28.88%、65.75%;在最高产量条件下,氮、磷、钾肥的平均农学效率分别为8.08、11.41和8.83 kg·kg -1;偏生产力分别为59.88、119.75和100.65 kg·kg -1结论 在华北地区中低产土壤滴灌施肥条件下,最适宜的氮磷施用量分别为180 kg·hm -2和90 kg·hm -2,当施氮量超过180 kg·hm -2、施磷量超过90 kg·hm -2时,夏玉米产量会出现下降,但随施钾量的提高,产量有增加的趋势。滴灌施肥可获得较高的氮磷钾肥利用率,分别为51.21%和28.88%和65.75%。  相似文献   

【目的】 通过在有机肥基础上增施不同量无机氮,研究滴灌水肥一体化条件下温室番茄土壤N2O排放和脲酶(UR)、硝酸还原酶(NR)、亚硝酸还原酶(Ni R)以及羟胺还原酶(Hy R)活性的动态变化,分析各处理土壤N2O排放特征及土壤UR、NR、Ni R和Hy R活性对土壤N2O排放的影响,揭示在滴灌水肥一体化下N2O排放过程机制。【方法】 试验共设CK(不施氮)、N1(200 kg·hm -2有机氮)、N2(200 kg·hm -2有机氮+ 250 kg·hm -2无机氮)、N3(200 kg·hm -2有机氮+ 475 kg·hm -2无机氮)4个处理。采用静态箱-气相色谱法,对番茄生育期内土壤N2O排放、土壤酶活性、土壤温湿度等进行监测。【结果】 滴灌水肥一体化,各施氮处理均在施肥+灌溉后第1天出现N2O排放高峰,随着时间推移不断下降,不同处理番茄整个生育期N2O排放通量在0.98—1 544.79 μg·m -2·h -1。土壤N2O排放总量差异显著,依次为N3((7.13±0.11)kg·hm -2)>N2((4.87±0.21)kg·hm -2)>N1((2.54±0.17)kg·hm -2)>CK((1.56±0.23)kg·hm -2),与N3相比,处理N1、N2土壤N2O排放总量分别降低了64.38%、31.70%。番茄生育期内N2O季节排放特征明显,秋季高,冬季低。土壤氮素转化相关酶活性大致随施氮量的升高而增高。土壤N2O排放通量与5 cm土壤温度、0—10 cm土层硝态氮含量、土壤NR活性及土壤Hy R活性均呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。【结论】 滴灌水肥一体化下,土壤微生物处于好气环境,土壤N2O主要来自于硝化过程,减少了由反硝化过程所产生的N2O排放。综合考虑番茄产量、品质、N2O排放等因素,推荐北方温室秋冬茬番茄施用200 kg·hm -2有机氮+250 kg·hm -2无机氮,75 kg·hm -2 P2O5,450 kg·hm -2 K2O较为适宜。  相似文献   

【目的】 针对东北半干旱区覆膜滴灌玉米生产中大量施磷导致的效率低与环境风险增大问题,通过3年定位试验,系统研究了覆膜滴灌条件下不同磷肥用量对玉米产量、磷肥利用效率和土壤供磷能力的影响,为该区域玉米磷肥合理施用提供科学依据。【方法】 于2015—2017年在吉林省半干旱玉米主产区(乾安县)布置定位田间试验。共设6个磷肥用量处理,分别为0(P0)、40 kg·hm -2(P40)、70 kg·hm -2(P70)、100 kg·hm -2(P100)、130 kg·hm -2(P130)和160 kg·hm -2(P160),测定指标包括玉米产量及其构成、成熟期植株磷含量和土壤有效磷含量,并计算作物吸磷量、磷肥利用效率和土壤-作物系统的磷素表观平衡状况。【结果】 施磷可显著提高玉米产量,增幅依次为6.2%—21.2%(2015年)、9.0%—20.6%(2016年)和12.9%—30.3%(2017年),3年平均增幅为9.2%—23.9%,增产的主要原因是施磷增加了穗粒数、百粒重和收获指数。玉米产量随磷肥用量的增加呈先升后降趋势,其中以P100处理玉米产量最高。磷素表观回收率和磷素偏生产力均随磷肥用量的增加而下降,磷素农学利用率随磷肥用量的增加先升后降。与不施磷肥相比,随磷肥用量和施磷年限的增加,0—40 cm土壤有效磷含量呈增加趋势,其中P100处理土壤有效磷含量与试验起始时土壤有效磷含量相近。连续种植3季玉米后,P0、P40和P70处理土壤磷素表观平衡值均表现为亏缺,亏缺量随磷肥用量的增加而下降;P100、P130和P160处理的土壤磷素表现为盈余,并随磷肥用量的增加而增加。将盈余率(x)与磷肥用量(y1)、土壤有效磷含量(y2)、磷肥利用效率(y3)分别进行拟合,当x=0时,磷肥用量为92.4 kg·hm -2,玉米产量为12 497 kg·hm -2,0—20 cm和20—40 cm土壤有效磷含量分别为34.6 和28.4 mg·kg -1,磷素表观回收率为24.1%,磷素农学利用率为21.9 kg·kg -1,磷素偏生产力为146.1 kg·kg -1;其结果与最高产量处理(P100)相对应的玉米产量、土壤有效磷含量和磷肥利用效率结果相近;以理论盈余率为0时施磷量的95%为置信区间,得出最佳施磷范围在88—97 kg·hm -2【结论】 本研究中磷肥用量88—97 kg·hm -2范围内不仅能获得玉米高产,还能维持土壤磷素平衡,可作为东北半干旱区覆膜滴灌条件下玉米高产与环境友好的磷肥管理参考依据。  相似文献   

长期不同施肥红壤磷素变化及其对产量的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 定量长期不同施肥红壤磷素的演变特征,研究红壤磷素变化对生产力的影响,为红壤地区磷素管理提供理论依据。方法 利用持续26年的红壤旱地长期定位试验平台(1991—2016年),比较长期不施磷肥(CK、N、NK)、施用化学磷肥(PK、NP、NPK)、化肥配合秸秆还田(NPKS)和化肥配施有机肥及有机肥(1.5NPKM、NPKM、M)土壤Olsen-P和全磷含量变化,分析土壤磷素对磷盈亏量的响应,采用不同模型拟合作物产量对有效磷的响应曲线,计算土壤有效磷农学阈值。结果 长期施用磷肥显著提高了土壤全磷和有效磷含量,提升了土壤磷素活化系数(PAC)。化肥配施有机肥及有机肥处理(1.5NPKM、NPKM、M)的PAC高于化肥配合秸秆还田(NPKS)和施用化学磷肥(PK、NP、NPK)。红壤地区土壤全磷和有效磷变化量与土壤磷盈亏量呈正相关关系(P<0.01),土壤每累积盈余100 kg P·hm -2,土壤Olsen-P含量上升3.00—5.22 mg·kg -1,全磷上升0.02—0.06 g·kg -1。土壤每累积亏缺磷100 kg P·hm -2,不施磷肥处理(CK、N、NK)土壤Olsen-P分别下降1.85、0.40、1.76 mg·kg -1。化肥配施有机肥及有机肥处理(1.5NPKM、NPKM、M)的小麦和玉米产量显著高于化肥配合秸秆还田(NPKS)以及施用化学磷肥(PK、NP、NPK),显著高于不施磷肥(CK、NK、N)。化肥配施有机肥及有机肥处理(1.5NPKM、NPKM、M)的产量可持续指数也高于其他处理。3种模型(线性-线性模型、线性-平台模型和米切里西方程)均能较好地拟合作物产量与红壤有效磷含量的响应关系(P<0.01)。在红壤地区推荐使用拟合度较好的线性-线性模型,其计算出小麦和玉米的土壤Olsen-P农学阈值分别为13.5和23.4 mg·kg -1结论 在南方红壤地区,化肥配施有机肥更有利于磷素累积和提升磷素有效性。化肥配施有机肥作物产量显著高于其他处理,且稳产性好。线性-线性模型可用于计算红壤地区有效磷的农学阈值。生产上应该根据土壤有效磷含量及其农学阈值调整磷肥施用量。  相似文献   

目的 研究我国不同地区间各种饲料原料中锌含量分布情况,以及我国畜禽基础饲粮中锌水平,为饲粮中合理添补锌提供科学依据。方法 对采自全国31个省、直辖市和自治区的37种共3 919个主要畜禽饲料原料,经微波消解后,用IRIS Intrepid II等离子体发射光谱仪测定其锌含量。主要畜禽饲料原料可分为七大类,包括谷类籽实(玉米、小麦、稻谷及大麦)、谷物籽实加工副产品(碎米、次粉、小麦麸、米糠、玉米DDGS、小麦DDGS、玉米胚芽粕及玉米蛋白粉)、植物性蛋白饲料(膨化大豆、豆粕、菜籽粕、棉粕、花生粕、亚麻粕、葵花粕)、动物性蛋白饲料(鱼粉、肉粉、水解羽毛粉、肠系膜蛋白粉、血浆蛋白粉和血球蛋白粉)、秸秆类饲料(玉米秸、甘薯藤、稻秸和小麦秸)、牧草类饲料(羊草、黑麦草、苜蓿和青贮玉米)和矿物质饲料(石粉、磷酸氢钙、贝壳粉和骨粉)。结果 结果表明:这37种饲料原料的平均锌含量范围为5.5—268.2 mg·kg -1之间,而各类饲料原料锌含量分布规律是:矿物质饲料(107.8 mg·kg -1)>动物性蛋白饲料(69.8 mg·kg -1)>植物性蛋白饲料(54.9 mg·kg -1)>谷类籽实加工副产品(43.0 mg·kg -1)>牧草类饲料(26.4 mg·kg -1)>谷类籽实(22.7 mg·kg -1)>秸秆类饲料(18.8 mg·kg -1)。同一类饲料中,除牧草类饲料中的锌含量无显著差异(P>0.05)外,其他类别的不同饲料中的锌含量均存在显著差异(P<0.05),其中矿物质饲料锌含量以磷酸氢钙最高(268.2 mg·kg -1),石粉最低(7.3 mg·kg -1);动物性蛋白饲料锌含量以水解羽毛粉最高(120.8 mg·kg -1), 血球蛋白粉最低(19.6 mg·kg -1);植物性蛋白饲料锌含量以亚麻粕最高(85.2 mg·kg -1), 膨化大豆最低(38.9 mg·kg -1);谷物籽实加工副产品锌含量以小麦麸最高(86.2 mg·kg -1),碎米最低(12.5 mg·kg -1);谷类籽实锌含量以小麦最高(30.4 mg·kg -1),玉米最低(16.9 mg·kg -1);秸秆类饲料锌含量以稻秸最高(27.6 mg·kg -1), 小麦秸最低(5.5 m·kg -1)。通过比较不同省(区)玉米、小麦和豆粕的锌含量发现,不同省(区)同一种饲料原料的锌含量均存在显著差异(P<0.05),其中广东省玉米锌含量最高(20.6 mg·kg -1),而吉林省最低(13.7 mg·kg -1);四川省小麦锌含量最高(41.4 mg·kg -1),甘肃省最低(22.4 mg·kg -1);山西省豆粕锌含量最高(51.5 mg·kg -1),江苏省最低(46.6 mg·kg -1)。根据全国各地猪、鸡常用的142个饲粮配方所计算出的基础饲粮中锌含量范围为21.3—31.0 mg·kg -1,如按我国猪、鸡饲养标准或美国NRC畜禽锌营养需要量的要求,基础饲粮中锌含量可提供猪、鸡前期约1/4的锌营养需要,可提供猪、鸡后期约1/2的锌营养需要结论 不同种类和不同地区饲料原料中锌含量差异较大,全国各地猪、鸡常用的基础饲粮配方中锌含量可提供猪、鸡部分锌营养需要量。因此,在实际生产中,应充分考虑不同地区基础饲粮中的锌含量,精准配制饲粮,以满足畜禽高效生产的需要,同时减少锌的添加和排放对环境的污染。  相似文献   

综合农学管理模式对春玉米产量和养分累积特征的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
【目的】 研究综合农学管理模式下春玉米产量及开花前后植株养分累积与转运特征,旨在为春玉米高产高效生产提供理论和技术支持。【方法】 试验于2009—2011年在吉林省公主岭市铁北区进行,以先玉335为供试材料,在大田条件下设置5种不同农学管理模式,即无肥区(CK)、农户习惯模式(FP)、综合农学管理模式1(Opt-1)、综合农学管理模式2(Opt-2)、综合农学管理模式3(Opt-3),通过3年定位试验,系统监测不同生育时期植株氮、磷、钾养分吸收与累积特征,重点对开花前后春玉米干物质及氮磷钾养分累积与转运特征进行比较研究。【结果】 合理增密、平衡施肥和深松作业是春玉米获得高产的关键措施。5种模式间以Opt-3最优,与农户习惯模式(FP)相比,Opt-3产量和干物质累积量增幅分别为13.9%和22.4%,其增产贡献主要来自于收获穗数(较农户模式增加34.3%)。在与FP处理化肥投入量基本一致的情况下,Opt-3处理下植株氮、磷、钾累积量分别增加9.5%、28.1%和23.9%,氮、磷、钾素转运效率分别增加47.7%、21.7%和45.0%,氮肥偏生产力增加14.0%,磷肥偏生产力增加4.4%。与Opt-1模式相比,Opt-3处理主要通过增加密度实现了产量的进一步提升(较Opt-1种植密度增加10 000株/hm 2,增产56—346 kg·hm -2);与Opt-2模式相比,Opt-3主要通过肥料的进一步优化实现了效率的提升(较Opt-2氮肥农学利用率提高29.5%)。通过肥料成本核算,Opt-3处理较FP处理增加收益2 218元/hm 2,较Opt-1处理增加收益290元/hm 2,较Opt-2处理节约成本367元/hm 2【结论】 合理增密至70 000株/hm 2、优化化肥用量(N 225 kg·hm -2-P2O5 90 kg·hm -2-K2O 90 kg·hm -2)和施用时期、增施有机肥(15 000 kg·hm -2)、补充中微肥(150 kg·hm -2),并结合土壤深松是较为优化的综合农学管理模式,可以实现东北中部春玉米产量和效率的协同提升。  相似文献   

我国畜禽饲料资源中微量元素锰含量分布的调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 研究我国不同地区间各种饲料原料中锰含量分布情况,以及我国畜禽基础饲粮中锰水平,从而为饲粮中合理添加锰提供科学依据。方法 对采自全国31个省、直辖市和自治区的37种共3 922个主要畜禽饲料原料,经微波消解后,用IRIS Intrepid II等离子体发射光谱仪测定其锰含量。主要畜禽饲料原料可分为七大类,包括谷类籽实(玉米、小麦、稻谷及大麦)、谷物籽实加工副产品(碎米、次粉、小麦麸、米糠、玉米DDGS、小麦DDGS、玉米胚芽粕及玉米蛋白粉)、植物性蛋白饲料(膨化大豆、豆粕、菜籽粕、棉粕、花生粕、亚麻粕、葵花粕)、动物性蛋白饲料(鱼粉、肉粉、水解羽毛粉、肠系膜蛋白粉、血浆蛋白粉和血球蛋白粉)、秸秆类饲料(玉米秸、甘薯藤、稻秸和小麦秸)、牧草类饲料(羊草、黑麦草、苜蓿和青贮玉米)和矿物质饲料(石粉、磷酸氢钙、贝壳粉和骨粉)。结果 这37种饲料原料的平均锰含量范围为0.4—1 104.8 mg·kg -1,各类饲料原料锰含量分布规律是:矿物质饲料(335.4 mg·kg -1)>秸秆类饲料(180.8 mg·kg -1)>谷类籽实加工副产品(75.9 mg·kg -1)>牧草类饲料(53.3 mg·kg -1)>植物性蛋白饲料(44.5 mg·kg -1)>谷类籽实(38.7 mg·kg -1)>动物性蛋白饲料(19.6 mg·kg -1)。在同一类饲料中,不同种饲料的锰含量均存在显著差异(P<0.0003),其中谷类籽实饲料锰含量以稻谷最高(77.7 mg·kg -1),玉米最低(5.7 mg·kg -1);谷物籽实加工副产品锰含量以米糠最高(166.0 mg·kg -1),玉米蛋白粉最低(4.6 mg·kg -1);植物性蛋白饲料锰含量以菜籽粕最高(68.0 mg·kg -1),棉粕最低(27.0 mg·kg -1);动物性蛋白饲料锰含量以鱼粉最高(48.5 mg·kg -1),血球蛋白粉最低(0.4 mg·kg -1);秸秆类饲料锰含量以稻秸最高(458.1 mg·kg -1),小麦秸最低(37.8 mg·kg -1);牧草类饲料锰含量以羊草最高(89.1 mg·kg -1),苜蓿最低(33.0 mg·kg -1);矿物质饲料锰含量以磷酸氢钙最高(1 104.8 mg·kg -1),骨粉最低(16.9 mg·kg -1)。通过比较不同省(区)玉米、小麦和豆粕的锰含量发现,不同省(区)玉米及豆粕的锰含量存在显著差异(P<0.0004),其中贵州省玉米锰含量最高(7.9 mg·kg -1),而内蒙古自治区最低(4.2 mg·kg -1);浙江省豆粕锰含量最高(48.3 mg·kg -1),广东省最低(34.4 mg·kg -1)。根据全国各地猪、鸡常用的142个饲料配方所计算出的基础饲粮中锰含量范围为14.4—32.1 mg·kg -1,如按我国猪、鸡饲养标准或美国NRC锰营养需要量要求,基础饲粮中锰含量可提供鸡的锰营养需要约1/4,可提供猪全部锰营养需要,但上述估算尚未考虑不同饲料原料中锰的利用率。结论 不同种类和不同地区饲料原料中锰含量差异较大,全国各地常用配方中的基础饲粮中锰含量可提供鸡部分锰营养需要量及猪全部锰营养需要量。因此,在实际生产中,应充分考虑不同地区基础饲粮中的锰总含量及其利用率,精准配制饲粮,以满足畜禽高效生产需要,同时减少锰的添加和排放对环境的污染。  相似文献   

目的 研究我国不同地区间各种饲料原料中硒含量分布情况,以及我国畜禽基础饲粮中硒水平,从而为饲粮中合理添补硒提供依据。方法 对采自全国31个省、直辖市和自治区的7大类(谷物籽实、谷物籽实加工副产品、植物性蛋白饲料、动物性蛋白饲料、牧草类、秸秆类和矿物质饲料)37种饲料原料共3 785个饲料样品,经预处理后用MARS6高通量密闭微波消解系统进行微波消解,然后用离子色谱-电感耦合等离子体-质谱联用仪(IC-ICP-MS)进行测定。用国家标准物质猪肝粉作为参照标准,以保证测定结果的可靠性。结果 饲料原料中硒含量测定结果表明:谷物籽实(包括玉米、小麦、稻谷和大麦)平均硒含量为0.037 mg·kg -1(范围为0.025—0.044 mg·kg -1);谷物籽实加工副产品(包括玉米蛋白粉、玉米DDGS、玉米胚芽粕、次粉、小麦麸、小麦DDGS、碎米和米糠)平均硒含量为0.071 mg·kg -1(范围为0.034—0.124 mg·kg -1);植物性蛋白饲料(包括膨化大豆、大豆粕、菜籽粕、棉籽粕、花生粕、亚麻粕和葵花粕)平均硒含量为0.209 mg·kg -1(范围为0.097—0.502 mg·kg -1);动物性蛋白饲料(包括鱼粉、肉粉、水解羽毛粉、肠膜蛋白粉、血浆蛋白粉和血球蛋白粉)平均硒含量为1.217 mg·kg -1(范围为0.611—2.220 mg·kg -1);牧草类(包括羊草、黑麦草、苜蓿和青贮玉米)平均硒含量为0.062 mg·kg -1(范围为0.057—0.070 mg·kg -1);秸秆类(包括玉米秸秆、小麦秸秆、稻秸和甘薯藤)平均硒含量为0.069 mg·kg -1(范围为0.033—0.128 mg·kg -1);矿物质饲料(包括石粉、磷酸氢钙、骨粉和贝壳粉)平均硒含量为0.352 mg·kg -1(范围为0.085—0.544 mg·kg -1)。这37种饲料原料的平均硒含量范围为0.025—2.220 mg·kg -1,而各类饲料原料硒含量分布规律是:动物性蛋白饲料(1.217 mg·kg -1)>矿物质饲料(0.352 mg·kg -1)>植物性蛋白饲料(0.209 mg·kg -1)>谷物籽实加工副产品(0.071 mg·kg -1)>秸秆类(0.069 mg·kg -1)>牧草类(0.062 mg·kg -1)>谷物籽实(0.037 mg·kg -1)。以省(区)为单位比较,发现不同地区间的玉米、小麦和大豆粕的硒含量差异显著(P<0.05);所测省(区)玉米样品全部缺硒(≤0.05 mg·kg -1),其中有61.1%的省(区)严重缺硒(≤0.02 mg·kg -1);四川省小麦严重缺硒(≤0.02 mg·kg -1);四川省和内蒙古自治区豆粕缺硒(0.03—0.05 mg·kg -1),河南省豆粕临界缺硒(0.06—0.09 mg·kg -1)。根据全国各地猪、鸡常用的153个饲料配方计算出基础饲粮中可提供的硒含量为0.06—0.11 mg·kg -1,如根据我国猪、鸡饲养标准中硒含量的要求,基础饲粮中的硒含量仅能提供猪、鸡硒营养需要的约1/4。结论 我国不同种类和不同地区饲料原料中硒含量差异较大,全国猪、鸡常用基础饲粮配方中硒含量可提供硒营养需要量的约1/4。因此,在实际生产中,建议参考不同地区饲料原料中硒含量分布调查数据,精准配制饲粮,以满足畜禽高效生产的需要及减少硒的添加量。  相似文献   

我国畜禽饲料资源中微量元素铜含量分布的调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 研究我国不同地区间各种饲料原料中铜含量分布情况,以及我国畜禽基础饲粮中铜水平,从而为饲粮中合理添补铜提供依据。方法 对采自全国31个省、直辖市和自治区的7大类(谷物籽实、谷物籽实加工副产品、植物性蛋白饲料、动物性蛋白饲料、牧草类、秸秆类和矿物质饲料)37种饲料原料共3 903个饲料样品,经预处理后用MARS6高通量密闭微波消解系统进行微波消解,然后用IRIS Intrepid II等离子体发射光谱仪测定其铜含量。用国家标准物质猪肝粉或黄豆粉作为参照标准,以保证测定结果的可靠性。结果 饲料原料中铜含量测定结果表明:谷物籽实(包括玉米、小麦、稻谷和大麦)平均铜含量为3.95 mg·kg -1(范围为2.50—5.34 mg·kg -1);谷物籽实加工副产品(包括玉米蛋白粉、玉米DDGS、玉米胚芽粕、次粉、小麦麸、小麦DDGS、碎米和米糠)平均铜含量为7.16 mg·kg -1(范围为1.62—12.13 mg·kg -1);植物性蛋白饲料(包括膨化大豆、大豆粕、菜籽粕、棉籽粕、花生粕、亚麻粕和葵花粕)平均铜含量为16.37 mg·kg -1(范围为6.45—30.40 mg·kg -1);动物性蛋白饲料(包括鱼粉、肉粉、水解羽毛粉、肠膜蛋白粉、血浆蛋白粉和血球蛋白粉)平均铜含量为11.14 mg·kg -1(范围为1.90—20.04 mg·kg -1);牧草类(包括羊草、黑麦草、苜蓿和青贮玉米)平均铜含量为7.85 mg·kg -1(范围为4.31—9.92 mg·kg -1);秸秆类(包括玉米秸秆、小麦秸秆、稻秸和甘薯藤)平均铜含量为7.50 mg·kg -1(范围为3.38—13.89 mg·kg -1);矿物质饲料(包括石粉、磷酸氢钙、骨粉和贝壳粉)平均铜含量为6.79 mg·kg -1(范围为3.39—11.45 mg·kg -1)。这37种饲料原料的平均铜含量范围为1.62—30.40 mg·kg -1,而各类饲料原料铜含量分布规律是:植物性蛋白饲料(16.37 mg·kg -1)>动物性蛋白饲料(11.14 mg·kg -1)>牧草类饲料(7.85 mg·kg -1)>秸秆类饲料(7.50 mg·kg -1)>谷物籽实加工副产品(7.16 mg·kg -1)>矿物质饲料(6.79 mg·kg -1)>谷物籽实(3.95 mg·kg -1)。以省(区)为单位比较,发现不同地区间的玉米、小麦和大豆粕的铜含量差异显著(P<0.05)。四川省玉米和大豆粕铜含量最高(分别为2.97和15.74 mg·kg -1),内蒙古自治区最低(分别为1.66和11.72 mg·kg -1);甘肃省小麦铜含量最高(5.61 mg·kg -1),河北省最低(4.02 mg·kg -1)。根据全国各地猪、鸡常用的152个饲料配方计算出基础饲粮中可提供的铜含量为5.07—6.54 mg·kg -1,如根据我国及美国NRC猪、鸡饲养标准中铜营养需要量的要求,基础饲粮中的铜含量基本可提供猪的铜营养需要,可提供鸡大部分铜的营养需要,但上述估算尚未考虑不同饲料原料中铜的利用率。结论 我国不同种类和不同地区饲料原料中铜含量差异较大,全国猪、鸡常用基础饲粮配方中铜含量可提供猪、鸡大部分的铜营养需要量。因此,建议在配制饲粮时,应充分考虑不同地区基础饲粮中的铜含量及其利用率,精准配制饲粮,以满足畜禽高效生产需要,同时减少铜的添加和排放对环境的污染。  相似文献   

【目的】明确氮肥在黄土高原地区不同种植条件下对冬小麦生产的影响及各条件下合理的施氮量。【方法】通过文献检索共获得82篇大田试验文献,包含355个独立研究的1 169组观测数据,采用整合分析比较氮肥在黄土高原不同区域、不同年均温、不同年降水量及不同耕层有机质含量下对冬小麦产量和水分利用效率的影响,并采用回归分析探究各分组产量和水分利用效率与施氮量间的关系。【结果】施氮整体上显著提高了黄土高原冬小麦产量和水分利用效率,相对增长率分别为66.09%和72.38%(P<0.05)。施氮后西北部产量相对增长率(69.27%)高于东南部,水分利用效率增长率(65.53%)低于东南部;西北部在施氮量212 kg·hm -2时产量达到最高,东南部需多施15 kg·hm -2才能获得最高产量;西北部施氮232 kg·hm -2时水分利用效率最高,而东南部水分利用效率在施氮224 kg·hm -2时基本趋于稳定。施氮后年均温≤10℃地区产量和水分利用效率的相对增长率(79.12%,75.00%)均高于>10℃地区;年均温>10℃地区施氮189 kg·hm -2和187 kg·hm -2时产量和水分利用效率分别达到最高,而年均温≤10℃地区施氮225 kg·hm -2时产量才趋于最大,水分利用效率在施氮239 kg·hm -2时达到最高。施氮后在年均降水≤600 mm地区产量相对增长率(70.48%)更显著,而水分利用效率则在年均降水>600 mm时更显著;年均降水≤600 mm地区在施氮量235 kg·hm -2和244 kg·hm -2时,产量和水分利用效率分别达到最高,年均降水>600 mm地区实现高产的施氮量为250 kg·hm -2。施氮后耕层有机质含量≤12 g·kg -1条件下,产量和水分利用效率的相对增长率(78.24%, 86.55%)均高于>12 g·kg -1条件,前者在施氮量226 kg·hm -2和212 kg·hm -2时产量和水分利用效率分别达到最高,而后者获得最高产量和最高水分利用效率的施氮量分别为163 kg·hm -2和175 kg·hm -2。【结论】在黄土高原,冬小麦在东南部和西北部获得高产的合理施氮量分别为227 kg·hm -2和212 kg·hm -2;年均温>10℃地区合理施氮量为187 kg·hm -2,年均温≤10℃地区为239 kg·hm -2;年均降水>600 mm地区合理施氮量为250 kg·hm -2,年均降水量≤600 mm地区为235 kg·hm -2;耕层有机质含量≤12 g·kg -1条件下的合理施氮量为226 kg·hm -2,高于12 g·kg -1时则为163 kg·hm -2。  相似文献   

【Objective】 This study proposed an optimized grid search method based on machine learning to solve the problem of model parameters of the photosynthetic light-response curve for drip-irrigated maize, which was often hard to determine and possesses low precision, so as to provide new ideas for photosynthetic characteristics and mechanisms of drip-irrigated maize in Ningxia. 【Method】 The experiment was conducted in 2017 and 2018 with the maize cultivar TC19, which was widely cultivated in Ningxia. Six levels of potassium application (0 (K0), 90 kg·hm -2 (K1), 180 kg·hm -2 (K2), 270 kg·hm -2 (K3), 360 kg·hm -2 (K4), 450 kg·hm -2 (K5)) were set, and the portable gas exchange system (Li-6400XT) was used to measure the light-response curves of maize under different potassium levels at silking stage. The grid search method based on machine learning and nonlinear regression analysis was used to revise the light response curve based on the right angle and hyperbolic correction model. The correlation coefficient (R 2), root-mean-square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) were used to evaluate the accuracy of the model. 【Result】 The results showed that the photosynthetic parameters (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr) and stomatal conductance (Gs) of maize leaves increased first and then decreased with the increase of potassium application rate. The results of fitting evaluation indicated that the calculation results of machine learning method under K0 and K1 were better than the traditional method, in which R 2 was greater than 0.991, RMSE and MAE were less than 1.487 and 1.350, respectively. The two methods have similar fitting effect under K2-K5, while R 2was greater than 0.993, RMSE and MAE was less than 0.952 and 0.860, respectively. The result of optical response characteristic parameter calculation by using the optimum fitting method (grid search method) showed that the trends of α, Pnmax, Rd, LSP and LCP were similar to their photosynthetic parameters. When the potassium application rate was 360 kg·hm -2 (K4), the light response characteristic parameters reached the maximum value, however, the light suppression phenomenon occurred at 450 kg·hm -2 (K5). 【Conclusion】 The grid search method based on machine learning could accurately fit the photo-response characteristics of drip-irrigated maize in Ningxia, and the photosynthetic performance of maize was the best when the potassium application rate was 360 kg·hm -2.  相似文献   

【Objective】 This research aimed to investigate the characteristics of grain yield, nutrient accumulation and transport of spring maize before and after flowering under different agronomic management practices, so as to provide theoretical and technical support for high yield and efficient production of spring maize. 【Method】 The field experiment was conducted from 2009 to 2012 in Gongzhuling of Jilin province. The hybrid “Xianyu335” was used as research material. During three consecutive years, five different agronomic management practices (CK, FP, Opt-1, Opt-2, and Opt-3) were set under the field conditions. The characteristics of dry matter accumulation, nutrient absorbing and transport were monitored before and after flowering of spring maize. The influence of grain yield was studied under different agronomic management practices. 【Result】 Reasonable densification, nutrient management and deep scarification were the key measures for high yield of spring maize. The result indicated Opt-3 was optimal under five different agronomic management practices. Compared with FP, the grain yield and dry matter accumulation of Opt-3 increased 13.9% and 22.4%, respectively. The number of maize ears in harvest stage contributed yield mostly, and the yield under Opt-3 was 34.3% higher than that under FP. Under the condition of same amount of fertilizer input between Opt-3 and FP, N, P and K accumulation of Opt-3 increased by 9.5%, 28.1% and 23.9% than that of FP, respectively. N, P and K translocation rate of Opt-3 increased by 47.7%, 21.7% and 45.0%, respectively. Partial productivity of N, P fertilizer increased by 14.0% and 4.4%, respectively. Compared with Opt-1, the grain yield of Opt-3 was further augmented by increasing planting density. When planting density was increased by 10 000 plant/hm 2, the grain yield increased 56-346 kg·hm -2. Compared with Opt-2, the efficiency of Opt-3 was improved through further optimization of fertilizer, and ANUE of Opt-3 increased 29.5%. Through fertilizer cost accounting, compared with FP, Opt-3 increased income by 2 218 yuan/hm 2. Compared with Opt-1, Opt-3 increased income by 290 yuan/hm 2. Compared with Opt-2, Opt-3 saved 367 yuan/hm 2.【Conclusion】 By reasonable densification to 70 000 plant/hm 2, optimized fertilizer (N 225 kg·hm -2-P2O5 90 kg·hm -2-K2O 90 kg·hm -2) and application period, organic fertilizer (1 500 kg·hm -2), added microelement fertilizer (150 kg·hm -2), combined with soil deep tillage, it was a relatively optimized integrated agronomic management mode, which could realize the synergistic improvement of spring maize yield and efficiency in the middle of northeast China.  相似文献   

【Objective】 In order to improve phosphorus efficiency and reduce environmental risk due to a large number of phosphorus application under mulched drip irrigation in northeast semi-arid region for maize production, a 3-year field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different phosphorus application rates on maize yield, phosphorus utilization efficiency and soil phosphorus supply ability, so as to provide scientific references for rational phosphorus fertilizer application in this region. 【Method】 The field experiment was conducted in semi-arid maize production region of Jilin province (Qian'an county) from 2015 to 2017. Six treatments of phosphorus application rate (P2O) were designed in the field experiments, including 0 (P0), 40 kg·hm -2 (P40), 70 kg·hm -2 (P70), 100 kg·hm -2 (P100), 130 kg·hm -2 (P130) and 160 kg·hm -2 (P160), which were used for the calculation of phosphorus uptake, phosphorus utilization efficiencies and apparent phosphorus balance in the soil-crop system. The measurement indexes contained maize yield and its components, phosphorus content of plant at mature stage and soil available phosphorus concentration. 【Result】 The result showed that the maize yield with phosphorus application were significantly increased by 6.2%-21.2% (2015), 9.0%-20.6% (2016) and 12.9%-30.3% (2017) respectively, and increment by 9.2%-23.9% in average three years. The yield was enhanced by increasing grains per ear, 100-kernel weight and harvest index by applying phosphorus fertilizer. Maize yield increased at first and decreased later with increasing of phosphorus application rate, and the highest yield value was found under P100 treatment. Phosphorus recovery efficiency and partial productivity declined, however, phosphorus agronomic efficiency increased at first and decreased later with increasing of phosphorus application rate. Available phosphorus content in soil layer (0-40 cm) was improved with the increasing of phosphorus application rate and period compared with P0 treatment, and the content under P100 treatment was very close to its initialization value. The apparent phosphorus balance in soil was negative in the P0, P40 and P70 treatments after a three-year continuous maize-cropping, and the phosphorus deficient amount was decreased with the increment of phosphorus application rate. While the apparent phosphorus balance in soil was positive under the P100, P130 and P160 treatments, and phosphorus surplus amount was increasing with the increment of phosphorus application rate. When surplus rate was 0, phosphorus application rate, maize yield, available phosphorus content in 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm soil, phosphorus recovery efficiency, agronomic efficiency and partial productivity were 92.4 kg·hm -2, 12 497 kg·hm -2, 34.6 mg·kg -1, 28.4 mg·kg -1, 24.1%, 21.9 kg·kg -1 and 146.1 kg·kg -1, respectively, by simulating between phosphorus application rate (y1), soil available phosphorus content (y2), phosphorus utilization efficiency (y3) and surplus rate (x), respectively. These results were similar to maize yield, soil available phosphorus content and phosphorus utilization efficiency under the maximum yield under the P100 treatment. The optimum phosphorus application rate was at the range of 88-97 kg·hm -2 under 95% confidence levels, when theoretical surplus rate was 0. 【Conclusion】 The results suggested that the recommended phosphorus application rate was at the range of 88-97 kg·hm -2, which could not only ensure higher maize yield, but also keep soil phosphorus balance under this experimental conditions. The research provided phosphorus fertilizer management for both high-yielding maize production and friendly environment under mulched drip irrigation conditions in northeast semi-arid region of Jilin province.  相似文献   

【Objective】 Based on the high spatial resolution images of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), the effects of removing soil background information and increasing image texture information on the inversion of cotton plant nitrogen concentration were investigated, in order to provide new technology for accurate estimation of cotton nitrogen nutrition status. 【Method】 Cotton water and nitrogen coupling experiment was conducted, and UAV images and plant nitrogen concentration data were measured during different cotton growth stages. Based on the above data, the effect of soil background on cotton canopy spectrum was firstly investigated. Secondly, the correlations between image texture parameters and plant nitrogen concentration were analyzed. Finally, the obtained data was divided into calibration dataset and validation dataset. Different scenarios, including before and after removing the soil background, and adding texture features, were set. The inversion models of plant nitrogen concentration under various scenarios were designed by using the coupled method of spectral indexes and principal component regression, and the performances of the models were compared. 【Result】 The soil background had an effect on the cotton canopy spectrum, and the trends were not the same at different growth stages. There existed significant correlations between image texture parameters and plant nitrogen concentration. For the scenarios before removal soil background, the plant nitrogen concentration prediction model had determination coefficient (R 2) value of 0.33 and root mean square error (RMSE) value of 0.21% during model calibration, and R 2 value of 0.19 and RMSE value of 0.23% during validation. For the scenarios after removing soil background, the plant nitrogen concentration prediction model had R 2 value of 0.38 and RMSE value of 0.20% during model calibration, and R 2 value of 0.30 and RMSE value of 0.21% during validation. For the scenarios adding image texture information, the plant nitrogen concentration prediction model had R 2 value of 0.57 and RMSE value of 0.17% during model calibration, and R 2 value of 0.42 and RMSE value of 0.19% during validation. 【Conclusion】 Based on high spatial resolution images of low-altitude UAVs, both removing soil background and adding image texture information could improve the inversion accuracy of cotton plant nitrogen concentration. Image texture could be considered as important information to support prediction of crop nitrogen nutrition status using UAV images.  相似文献   

[目的]利用高光谱数据构建一种"高光谱参数-光合色素-产量"模型间接估测套作玉米产量,为带状套作玉米产量无损预测提供技术手段.[方法]以不同年份、地点、品种、处理(氮肥、水分)的田间试验为基础,综合分析带状套作玉米各生育时期及全生育期光合色素参数与冠层高光谱参数和玉米产量的关系,明确玉米产量预测的最佳生育时期及光合色素...  相似文献   

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