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牛结核病是一种慢性消耗性人兽共患病,是OIE规定必须通报的疫病,在我国属二类动物传染病,并列为检疫扑杀对象,对养牛业发展、食品安全与人类健康构成重大威胁。目前普遍采用检疫和扑杀政策控制牛结核,但各个国家执行该政策的方式差异很大。由于牛分枝杆菌存在野生动物贮主,潜伏感染普遍、无快速高通量诊断方法等原因,控制或根除牛结核病非常困难。少数发达国家成功控制或净化了牛结核,但多耗时在二十年以上,耗资巨大,随着我国社会经济的不断进步与发展,畜牧业也得到了迅猛发展,其规模也在不断扩大。现阶段,我国牛养殖规模不断扩大,牛结核病的发病率也越来越高。本研究主要研究牛结核病的综合性防治方法。  相似文献   

牛结核病是一种慢性消耗性人兽共患病,是OIE规定必须通报的疫病,在我国属二类动物传染病,并列为检疫扑杀对象,对养牛业发展、食品安全与人类健康构成重大威胁。目前普遍采用检疫和扑杀政策控制牛结核,但是各个国家执行该政策的方式差异很大。由于牛分枝杆菌存在于野生动物宿主,潜伏感染普遍、无快速高通量诊断方法等原因,控制或根除牛结核病非常困难。本研究主要研究牛结核病的综合性防治方法。  相似文献   

牛结核是主要由牛分枝杆菌引起的、慢性消耗性人兽共患传染病。由于人类结核病的流行状况十分严重,而人可通过呼吸道或饮用消毒不全的牛奶感染牛结核病,因此牛结核不允许免疫预防和治疗,世界各国均采用检疫和扑杀政策控制牛结核。OIE将其列为必须通报疫病,在我国属二类动物传染病,列为检疫扑杀对象。  相似文献   

牛结核是主要由牛分枝杆菌引起的、慢性消耗性人兽共患传染病。由于人类结核病的流行状况十分严重,而人可通过呼吸道或饮用消毒不全的牛奶感染牛结核病,因此牛结核不允许免疫预防和治疗,世界各国均采用检疫和扑杀政策控制牛结核。OIE将其列为必须通报疫病,在我国属二类动物传染病,列为检疫扑杀对象。  相似文献   

<正>牛结核的防控我国牛结核的防控现状我国牛结核控制的基本方法与国际接轨,既实施"检疫--扑杀"策略,但尚未出台牛结核控制或根除计划,对"杀多少?杀多久?怎么杀?"心中无数,新型防控技术研发与转发速度慢。尽管国家已经制定了一系列与牛结核控制相关的法律条款,但由于国家与地方财力限制、牛的流通限制与可追溯系统不健全、政府与公众对牛结核危害的认识有待提高等多种原因,牛结核未得到有效控制。  相似文献   

检疫-扑杀是牛结核病防控与净化的重要措施,而准确诊断是有效实施结核病“检疫-扑杀”控制策略的基础和前提。近年来,许多牧场在结核检疫净化中采用牛结核皮试辅以牛结核γ-干扰素体外释放检测作为判定标准。随着两种方法结合使用的增加,皮试是否影响γ-干扰素体外释放检测日益引起关注。本研究在两个牛场分别对48头牛和55头牛进行了连续6周的γ-干扰素体外释放检测跟踪,明确了奶牛结核病γ-干扰素体外检测检出率和验证率随时间变化的规律,皮试后6周内γ-干扰素体外试验检出率呈“V”字形变化;验证率逐步上升,在皮试后7~42d维持在100%。  相似文献   

结核病是由结核分枝杆菌引起畜和禽类的一种慢性传染病。目前,世界动物卫生组织对牛结核病检疫的指定方法是皮内变态反应。尽管世界上不少国家采用皮内变态反应的检疫方法消灭了牛结核病,但是却付出了极其高昂的经济代价。一方面皮内变态反应方法的敏感性高,非特异性反应较多;另一方面阳性牛检出后淘汰要负责赔偿损失,这种激励政策加速了牛结核病的控制和净化。最近,欧共体也采取了对南欧一些国家贸易中检出的结核阳性牛予以50%的经济赔偿,从而加速了控制结核病的速度。  相似文献   

结核病是结核分枝杆菌引起的一种人畜共患传染病。按病原可分为人型、牛型和禽型三种。牛型结核可以在人和牛(尤其是奶牛)之间相互传播。笔者近年来参与跨越南北共3省5场近万头次奶牛结核检疫,由于跨越地域广、涉及牛场多、检疫奶牛数量大,所收集数据具有一定的代表性,揭示了目前我国奶牛结核病的流行状况:无明显南北差异,同一区域内不同场(群)间奶牛结核感染差异很大。本文结合南方某奶牛场成功净化结核病的实例,对防止阳性奶牛漏检的方法等进行介绍,表明奶牛结核病可以通过检疫、扑杀阳性牛、消毒、隔离等综合手段进行净化。  相似文献   

牛结核病是一种严重危害养牛业、食品安全和公共卫生的人兽共患传染病。由于检疫和扑杀是目前控制牛结核病的基本策略,检测技术成为影响牛结核病控制效果的重要因素。理想的检测方法应具有准确、简便、高效、成本低、对动物干扰小、结果可追溯等特点。当前的法定检疫方法为结核菌素皮内变态反应,该方法具有受环境分枝杆菌干扰、诊断特异性低、费时费力、对动物干扰大、结果判断主观性强、不可回溯等缺陷。一些牛结核实验室诊断技术克服了以上缺点,可与皮试法联用或单独使用。新型诊断抗原仍在不断被发掘,新型材料也被不断用于牛结核病诊断技术中。现对相关进展进行了归纳和综述,以期为牛结核病免疫学诊断的合理应用及深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

结核病是由结核分枝杆菌所致的多种畜禽、野生动物及人的一种慢性传染病。卫生部将人结核病列为甲等传染病,在国家动物疫病名录表中结核病被列为二类动物疫病。多年来,对该病的防制一直被列为国家的重点卫生工作,在上世纪中叶以前,我国奶牛的结核病曾非常严重,后来经国家采取大力措施,通过不断检疫、扑杀和三级净化,基本消灭了该病在我国尤其是北方奶牛中的流行。  相似文献   

Established foci of Mycobacterium bovis (the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis [bTB]) in free-ranging wildlife are currently under various stages of management on three continents (Africa, Europe and North America) and in New Zealand. Other, as yet undiagnosed, foci seem likely to exist elsewhere. The complex roles that these wildlife foci play in the ecology of bTB remain among the greatest challenges facing bTB control globally. Conceptually, management of bTB in free-ranging wildlife can be thought of as progressing from the discovery of an outbreak through frequently overlapping stages of epidemiological characterization, initial control, simulation and forecasting, focused control, and verification of eradication. Surveillance in its various forms remains a critical component of assessment throughout. Since the Fourth International M. bovis Conference in 2005, research on management of bTB in free-ranging wildlife has encompassed such areas as the human dimensions of wildlife management, mitigation of bTB risks from wildlife on cattle farms, vaccine biology, and epidemiology, with a major contribution from simulation modeling. In order to advance the actual field management of bTB, however, research must be sufficiently grounded to aid development of practical, affordable and politically defensible management interventions which stand a reasonable chance of being implemented. The current management of two wildlife reservoirs of bTB, brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) in New Zealand, and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Michigan, USA, serve as contrasting examples of different wildlife management strategies aimed at achieving a common goal. In New Zealand, the importance of agricultural export markets and the status of the possum as a non-native pest have facilitated direct, aggressive management of the disease reservoir, resulting in considerable progress towards bTB freedom since 1994. In Michigan, the relative importance of the hunting economy and of whitetails as a game animal have made such aggressive culling politically untenable. This has forced reliance upon publicly supported, and implemented, management tools, and so provided impetus to better understand social support for wildlife management policy, its limitations, and ways to employ it in disease control policy development.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is caused by Mycobacterium bovis. The incidence of bTB is increasing in cattle herds of developed countries that have a wild life reservoir of M. bovis, such as the UK, New Zealand and the USA. The increase in the incidence of bTB is thought to be due, at least in part, to a wildlife reservoir of M. bovis. M. bovis is also capable of infecting humans and on a worldwide basis, M. bovis is thought to account for up to 10% of cases of human TB [Cosivi O, Grange JM, Daborn CJ et al. Zoonotic tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis in developing countries. Emerg Infect Dis 1998;4(1):59–70]. Thus, the increased incidence of bTB, besides being a major economic problem, poses an increased risk to human health. In the UK, the incidence of bTB continues to rise despite the use of the tuberculin test and slaughter control policy, highlighting the need for improved control strategies. Vaccination of cattle, in combination with more specific and sensitive diagnostic tests, is suggested as the most effective strategy for bovine TB control. The only vaccine currently available for human and bovine TB is the live attenuated Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG). BCG is thought to confer protection through the induction of Th1 responses against mycobacteria. However, protection against TB conferred by BCG is variable and to this date the reasons for the successes and failures of BCG are not clear. Therefore, there is a need to develop vaccines that confer greater and more consistent protection against bTB than that afforded by BCG. Given that BCG is currently the only licensed vaccine against human TB, it is likely that any new vaccine or vaccination strategy will be based around BCG. In this review we discuss immune responses elicited by mycobacteria in cattle and the novel approaches emerging for the control of bovine TB based on our increasing knowledge of protective immune responses.  相似文献   

Legislation requiring the pre- and post-movement testing of cattle imported to Scotland from regions with high bovine tuberculosis (bTB) incidence was phased in between September 2005 and May 2006 as part of efforts to maintain Officially Tuberculosis Free (OTF) status. In this analysis, we used centralized cattle movement records to investigate the influence of the legislative change on import movement patterns and the movement-based risk factors associated with new bTB herd breakdowns identified through routine testing or slaughter surveillance. The immediate reduction in the number of import movements from high incidence regions of England and Wales into Scotland suggests that pre- and post-movement testing legislation has had a strong deterrent effect on cattle import trade. Combined with the direct benefits of a more stringent testing regime, this likely explains the observed decrease in the odds of imported cattle subsequently being identified as reactors in herd breakdowns detected through routine surveillance compared to Scottish cattle. However, at the farm-level, herds that recently imported cattle from high incidence regions were still at increased risk of experiencing bTB breakdowns, which highlights the delay between the introduction of disease control measures and detectable changes in incidence. With the relative infrequency of routine herd tests and the insidious nature of clinical signs, past import movements were likely still important in determining the present farm-level risk for bTB breakdown. However, the possibility of low-level transmission between Scottish cattle herds cannot be ruled out given the known issues with test sensitivity, changes in import animal demographics, and the potential for on-farm transmission. Findings from this analysis emphasize the importance of considering how farmer behavioural change in response to policy interventions may influence disease transmission dynamics.  相似文献   

The worldwide status of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) as a zoonosis remains of great concern. This article reviews the main risk factors for bTB in cattle based on a three-level classification: animal, herd and region/country level. A distinction is also made, whenever possible, between situations in developed and developing countries as the difference of context might have consequences in terms of risk of bTB. Recommendations are suggested to animal health professionals and scientists directly involved in the control and prevention of bTB in cattle. The determination of Millenium Development Goals for bTB is proposed to improve the control/eradication of the disease worldwide.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the cattle—exposure factors associated with the risk of a bovine animal reacting to a bovine tuberculosis (bTB) skin test at a whole herd test. There were 148 study farms enrolled. These were located in six counties of the south west of England in an area considered endemic for bovine tuberculosis (bTB): 24% were restocked after foot and mouth disease (FMD) in 2001; all farms were located within the Randomised Badger Culling Trial (RBCT) area. Data on cattle on these farms were sourced from the bTB Vetnet database from 1996 to 2004 and from the British Cattle Movement Scheme database. Individual animal records were created that included data on whether or not an animal became a reactor at a full-herd bTB test between 1 June 2001 and 19 August 2004, their prior exposure to cattle with bTB (defined by presence at a bTB test where at least one reactor was detected), whether the animal was homebred, the farm history of bTB and the farm restocking status. Data from 144 farms were used, 4 farms had no data.Cattle were more likely to react to the bTB skin test when they had been present at a previous bTB herd test (or tests) where other cattle had reacted to the skin test. This positively correlated with age and the number of bTB tests an animal had had. Cattle on restocked farms were less likely to react to the skin test compared with cattle on continuously stocked farms. These results highlight the likely importance of exposure to infected cattle at a previous test as a source of infection to cattle that subsequently became reactors and suggest that there was a lower risk of exposure to bTB to cattle in newly formed herds.  相似文献   

Despite the compulsory test and slaughter campaigns in cattle, bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is still present in Spain, and the role of wildlife reservoirs is increasingly recognized. We provide an update on recent progress made in bTB control in Spanish wildlife, including aspects of epidemiology, surveillance, host-pathogen interaction and wildlife vaccination. At the high densities and in the particular circumstances of Mediterranean environments, wild ungulates, mainly Eurasian wild boar and red deer, are able to maintain Mycobacterium bovis circulation even in absence of domestic livestock. Infection is widespread among wild ungulates in the south of the country, local infection prevalence being as high as 52% in wild boar and 27% in red deer. Risk factors identified include host genetic susceptibility, abundance, spatial aggregation at feeders and waterholes, scavenging, and social behaviour. An increasing trend of bTB compatible lesions was reported among wild boar and red deer inspected between 1992 and 2004 in Southwestern Spain. Sporadic cases of badger TB have been detected, further complicating the picture. Gene expression profiles were characterized in European wild boar and Iberian red deer naturally infected with M. bovis. The comparative analysis of gene expression profiles in wildlife hosts in response to infection advanced our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of infection and pathogenesis, revealed common and distinctive host responses to infection and identified candidate genes associated with resistance to bTB and for the characterization of host response to infection and vaccination. Ongoing research is producing valuable knowledge on vaccine delivery, safety and efficacy issues. Baits for the oral delivery of BCG vaccine preparations to wild boar piglets were developed and evaluated. The use of selective feeders during the summer was found to be a potentially reliable bait-deployment strategy. Safety experiments yielded no isolation of M. bovis BCG from faeces, internal organs at necropsy and the environment, even after oral delivery of very high doses. Finally, preliminary vaccination and challenge experiments suggested that a single oral BCG vaccination may protect wild boar from infection by a virulent M. bovis field strain.  相似文献   

Switzerland has been officially free of bovine tuberculosis (OTF) since 1960. Since 1980 the control of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) has been reduced to passive abattoir surveillance. Isolated cases of bTB, partly due to reactivation of human Mycobacterium bovis infections with subsequent transmission to cattle, have been noticed in the last years. In Europe, the overall prevalence of bTB is slightly increasing. Both OTF and non-OTF countries report increases in the proportion of bTB positive cattle herds. Current bTB eradication and control programs in Europe are facing a range of challenges. Whole herd depopulation is becoming a less attractive option for economic reasons and due to animal welfare concerns. Live animal trade is increasing both at national and international levels. Regarding these tendencies and taking into account the chronicity of bTB infection, pre-movement testing is becoming increasingly important as a central tool for eradication and for protection against re-introduction of bTB. Pre-movement testing, however specifically focuses on the infection status in individuals, requiring a high level of diagnostic accuracy to correctly diagnose infected animals. Current screening tests for bTB, however, have been designed to meet demands as herd tests. This illustrates that the modification of existing and/or the development of new diagnostics for bTB might be needed. The tuberculin skin test (TST), the primary screening test for bTB may in certain situations have low sensitivity. The interferon gamma (IFN-γ) assay is accepted to be more sensitive compared to TST. Reduced specificity, however, especially in areas of low bTB prevalence raises concerns. New antigen combinations including Rv3615c, OmpATb and others have been shown to complement ESAT-6 and CFP-10 in the whole blood IFN-γ assay and resulted in improved sensitivity (compared to ESAT-6 and CFP-10) and specificity (compared to tuberculins). Lesion detection after slaughter represents a cost-effective procedure for passive surveillance of bTB, especially in areas of low prevalence or in regions free of bTB; however, its sensitivity is very low. This illustrates that trade is linked with a certain risk to re-introduce bTB in OTF regions or countries and that there may be delays in detecting a re-introduction of bTB. In conclusion, regarding the fact that some parameters linked with bTB programs are changing, the development of improved diagnostic tests with a high reliability for use as individual animal tests will be important for future eradication of bTB, in line with international commitment to high standard animal health programs.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is the most serious endemic disease facing the livestock industry in the United Kingdom (UK) and Republic of Ireland (RoI), where its management has been confounded by the presence of persistent infection in the Eurasian badger (Meles meles). Field evidence suggests that the social structure of badger populations can have an important influence on disease dynamics, and on the outcome of management interventions. Recent, large-scale badger culling experiments in the UK and RoI had complex epidemiological outcomes. In the UK, proactive culling led to reduced bTB incidence in cattle herds inside culled areas, but a temporary increase in adjacent areas. Reactive culling in response to herd breakdowns was associated with an increase in the incidence of bTB in cattle. In contrast, badger culling in RoI was reported to have only beneficial effects on bTB incidence in cattle. The reasons for these differences are not clear. The complexity of the evidence base for culling is highlighted by the different management approaches currently being adopted by the different authorities of the UK and RoI. It is generally accepted that a holistic approach to bTB management, which targets both cattle and wildlife, is necessary. Consequently recent research activities have also focussed on cattle and badger vaccines, and biosecurity on farms. This paper describes recent advances in our understanding of the epidemiology of bTB in badgers and the consequences of culling, and current research to develop approaches for the vaccination of badgers, and methods of managing the risks of contact between badgers and cattle in farm buildings.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium bovis and, more rarely, Mycobacterium caprae, may cause zoonotic bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in an extensive range of animal species. In Portugal, during 2009, a remarkable raise of bTB incidence was registered in cattle along with an increase of new cases in wildlife. In this work, we reassess and update the molecular epidemiology of bTB in wild ungulates by including 83 new M. bovis and M. caprae isolates from wild boar and red deer obtained during 2008-2009. Spoligotyping identified 27 patterns in wild ungulates, including 11 patterns exclusive from deer and five from wild boar. The genetic relatedness of wildlife and livestock isolates is confirmed. However, the relative prevalence of the predominant genotypes is different between the two groups. Contrasting with the disease in livestock, which is widespread in the territory, the isolation of bTB in wildlife is, apparently, geographically localized and genotypic similarities of strains are observed at the Iberian level.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is an established zoonotic disease which affects cattle and wildlife worldwide and new strategies are required to control and eradicate the disease. The European wild boar (Sus scrofa) is a major reservoir of bTB in Spain. The objective of this paper was to review tissue-specific response and function of mandibular lymph nodes (MLN) and oropharyngeal tonsils (OT) in European wild boar naturally infected with Mycobacterium bovis. Genomics and proteomics data were used to compare differential gene expression and global protein patterns in OT and MLN of M. bovis-infected and uninfected European wild boar and the results were analyzed considering previous reports of experimental infections in laboratory and domestic animals. The results showed tissue-specific differences in OT and MLN in response to M. bovis infection. Tissue-specific differences in gene expression and protein profiles suggested different functions for OT and MLN during mycobacterial infection and provided information to characterize the pathobiology of M. bovis infection in European wild boar with important implications for the control of bTB in Spain. The characterization of molecular events in tissues that play different roles during mycobacterial infection in naturally infected individuals may be relevant to understand the pathobiology of M. bovis infection and to design effective strategies for the control of bTB in wildlife reservoirs.  相似文献   

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