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为了提高牛奶质量,增加优质原奶数量和所占比重,各地的乳品加工企业都在建立各自的优质奶源基地。河北省石家庄市三鹿集团的主要做法和经验是:1规划设计好奶源基地依据集团总体发展规划,制订相应的奶源基地发展规划,特别注重与重大加工项目相匹配,并适度超前;根据专业化生产、项目规划、所在区位的条件,对奶源发展规划做出分解;坚持选择饲草和饲料资源丰富、交通便利、环境污染少的区域,重点发展规模化养殖小区,并与当地政府统一制订发展规划。选址上坚持高标准、高起点,切实做到符合“绿色奶源基地”的标准;并依据奶牛饲养规模,对奶牛小区…  相似文献   

奶牛防疫卫生保健体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年我国奶业生产发展迅速,由于奶源的不足,各省、区纷纷加强了奶牛生产基地的建设。奶牛场及奶牛小区是具有一定饲养规模的奶牛生产单位,可以说一个奶牛场或奶牛小区就是一座规模相当的牛奶库。和一般的户养、散养相比,奶牛场(小区)具有牛群数量多、密度大、生产集约化程度高、生产配套设施齐全的特点,便于先进的饲养、防治、配种、繁殖技术的采用与推广,有利于劳动生产率和经济效益的提高。  相似文献   

奶牛养殖小区是新型的畜牧业生产组织形式,是在一定范围内,按照集约化养殖要求,建立的有一定规模、较为规范、严格管理的奶牛专一饲养区域。奶牛养殖小区的健康发展不仅有利于优化畜牧业区域布局,提高牛奶产品质量,改善群众生产、生活环境,增加农民收入,且有利于提高奶产品市场竞争力。1规划管理建设绿色生态奶牛养殖小区,选址是关键,建区地址必须符合奶牛生产的各项基本要求,要做到科  相似文献   

奶牛养殖小区是指统一选择养殖场址,统一进行畜舍规划、设计与布局,将广大的养殖户集中起来,统一标准化饲养的一种优化养殖方式.它有利于优化畜牧业区域布局;有利于解决人畜混居,相互交叉感染;有利于减少与外界接触,减少传染病的预发生;有利于改善农民的生活环境,保护人们的身体健康;有利于改善奶牛养殖环境和生产性能的发挥;有利于提高牛奶的品质;有利于先进技术和设备的推广和生产效率的提高;有利于奶牛生产的宏观管理和相互之间的协调,从而促进了奶牛业的迅速发展,提高养殖者的经济效益.因此,在现代奶牛生产中,具有重要的现实意义.但由于投资经营者和饲养管理者思想观念和专业水平等因素的局限,目前,各地奶牛养殖小区建设不同程度地存在着很多问题.下面就其存在的主要问题及解决策略论述如下,供广大养殖户参考.……  相似文献   

江苏省 :奶牛饲养小区建设推行“六统一”管理模式江苏省在推广畜牧业标准化生产过程中 ,把发展奶牛饲养小区作为工作的重点。江苏省各地奶牛养殖小区建设模式主要有3种 :一是地方政府出资或以项目资金建设 ,将当地的奶牛散养户集中到区内 ,统一饲养 ;二是由乳品加工企业出资建设并设施配套 ,奶牛养殖户进区租用场地进行集中饲喂或分户饲养 ,生鲜牛奶由企业负责收购 ;三是由民营资金合作建设或奶牛养殖户集资建设 ,形成规模 ,共同经营。为了有利于形成专业化、集约化、区域化生产的格局 ,便于优化各种资源的配置 ,便于新科技在生产实际中的…  相似文献   

奶牛养殖小区经过几十年的发展和探索,至今已有相对成熟的发展水平,奶牛养殖小区的增加对促进奶业发展、提高奶牛集约化、规模化程度、提高牛奶质量、提升奶牛饲养管理水平起到重要作用。同时,奶牛养殖小区的建设有利于改善养殖地区农村的生活环境,保证高质量原奶供应,降低饲养成本。为了使奶牛养殖小区向前发展,在小区管理上要注意以下几点:一、从思想入手,做好服务工作目前,富裕县的多个奶牛养殖小区由养殖大户或奶站经营者投资建设,他们将部分牛舍免费给村里的养牛户使用,或者以"托牛所"的模  相似文献   

近几年来,奶牛养殖业发展迅速,奶牛存栏量大幅增加,奶牛养殖小区(托牛所)的数量像雨后春笋般快速发展起来.对促进奶牛业发展。提高奶牛集约化、规模化程度.提高牛奶质量,提高奶牛饲养管理水平起到了重要作用。牛奶质量的好坏直接影响乳品加工企业的产品质量。而且也直接影响小区自身的经济利益。养殖小区.作为乳品企业的第一车间.牛奶质量至关重要。因此提高牛奶质量势在必行。我们在保定农垦总公司徐水奶牛场的长期实践当中.总结出一套提高牛奶质量的十项措施,并且在河北新天香乳业所属奶牛养殖小区的推广应用。效果比较理想,现将具体方法总结如下.供广大奶牛小区管理者参考.  相似文献   

1奶牛小区建设的必要性及其优点1.1有利于实现七个统一即:统一规划建设、统一饲料供应、统一技术指导、统一组织管理、统一配种改良、统一防疫灭病、统一牛奶收购。1.2有利于提高牛奶的卫生质量因为生产过程中采用集中机器挤奶,减少了牛奶受污染的机会,所以在一定程度上提高了牛奶的质量,也避免了一些养殖户往奶中掺假的问题。1.3有利于奶的集中和销售因奶源集中,且牛奶的质和量都较高,因此吸引了奶制品加工企业上门收购,为奶农解除了后顾之忧。1.4有利于奶农之间的相互学习与交流奶农们在日常饲养过程中,可以不断地相互学习交流经验,从而提…  相似文献   

牛场饲养管理和奶牛生产方式是影响牛奶产量和质量的重要因素。本文通过4种不同类型奶牛场的牛奶乳脂率、乳蛋白质、乳糖、非脂固形物、密度及酸度6项质量指标分析,并对乳中细菌数进行测定,表明不同生产方式下牛奶质量差别较大,以相对规模化、集约化生产的奶牛养殖小区和企业质量最好,个体养殖户质量较差。因此,在牛奶生产中,采用规模化、集约化的饲养管理模式是保证牛奶质量的重要措施之一。  相似文献   

<正>随着垦区奶牛业的迅速发展,家庭牧场逐渐增多,只有做好奶牛养殖小区或规模化奶牛牧场建设,科学饲养奶牛,准备饲草饲料,才能提高养牛经济收益。笔者结合多年的生产实践,重点介绍奶牛饲草饲料的供应。1讲究饲草卫生饲草是否干净卫生决定牛采食量和采食后的机体健康,如果牛吃了不洁净的饲草,很容易引发疾病生,如,消化系统疾病、呼吸系统疾病,严重者导致供给失调、引起产奶量下降。奶牛生产的直接产品是牛奶,它是人们直接饮用或用于深加工的食品,  相似文献   

奶牛乳房炎是一种常见病和多发病,是目前严重危害和困扰奶牛养殖业及产奶业最常见的疾病之一,此病的发生不仅严重地影响了奶牛产奶量和奶质,而且还会造成奶牛使用年限减少,淘汰提前,饲料汇报率降低,治疗和管理成本增加,乳中兽药和抗生素残留,危及人类健康和环境安全等巨大经济损失,直接影响着养殖业的经济收入。为了减少该病的发生,提高乳质量,对我场奶牛进行了奶牛乳房炎的发病规律和治疗情况的调查,并且提出相应的防治措施,有效的控制了乳房炎的发生。  相似文献   

Small community cattle farmers in the tropics are facing challenges to deliver quality products whilst under pressure to increase milk and beef yields per cow. These challenges could be partially met by crossbreeding Bos taurus with Bos indicus (F1) cattle utilizing embryo transfer (ET) technology. The Bos taurus infusion would increase milk production, whilst the Bos indicus influence can improve resistance to the harsh environment of the tropics. Here, individuals from existing herds can be used to produce F1 embryos which benefit from hybrid vigour. Resultant female offspring would in turn receive an F1 embryo on reaching breeding maturity. This approach would help to provide a cost-effective, systematic approach to improve productivity in dairy and beef cattle in the tropics. However, full usage of ET, including in vitro applications, in the tropics will require improvements in procedures, resources and education.  相似文献   

Milk and milk fat production per cow were studied on 17 Fillmore County, Minnesota, Dairy Herd Improvement Association dairies before and after the source of drinking water for cows was changed by the drilling of a new well. New wells were in deeper aquifers which were more protected from waterborne pollutants; the former wells were in shallow, easily polluted aquifers. Seventeen other dairies with swallow wells served as controls, matched for pre-well milk production per cow, dairy location, and breed of cow. The changes in milk and milk fat production per cow after the drillingof a new well were not statistically significant.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore whether anti-Ostertagia ostertagi antibody levels measured by ELISA in individual milk samples hold promise as a decision parameter for either herd-level decisions or selective anthelmintic treatments by investigating (1) the relationship between individual and bulk-tank milk ELISA results; (2) the relationships of individual milk ELISA results with non-parasitic cow factors and (3) the relationship between individual milk ELISA results and the milk production response after anthelmintic treatment. Twelve farms were randomly allocated to a whole-herd treatment with eprinomectin or a placebo in October 2004 and individual milk samples and a bulk-tank milk sample were collected 1 month before and 1 month after treatment. Linear mixed models were used to investigate the associations of ELISA results with (a) breed, actual milk production, lactation stage, somatic cell count, age and sampling month and (b) the milk production response after anthelmintic treatment. There was a reasonable correlation between the mean individual and bulk-tank milk ELISA results (r = 0.72). Individual cow ELISA results increased with higher lactation number and were lower in November than September. The associations with the other non-parasitic factors were weak and not significant. Milk yield responses to anthelmintic treatment were greater when treatment was given in early lactation and increased with the pre-treatment ELISA result and cow age. However, these latter two interaction terms were not significant when they were put in the model together. We conclude that (1) O. ostertagi ELISA results from individual milk samples may provide more information on the herd's parasitic status than a single bulk-tank milk result; (2) lactation number should be taken into account when interpreting ELISA results from individual milk samples and (3) the value of the O. ostertagi antibody level in individual cow milk samples to predict individual production responses after anthelmintic treatment remains equivocal.  相似文献   

奶牛不孕是困扰奶业发展的世界性难题之一。常造成奶牛不妊娠或情期延迟,使母牛不能正常繁殖,甚至部分奶牛失去饲养价值,给养牛业造成了巨大的经济损失。本文对卵巢囊肿、持久黄体、卵巢静止、卵巢萎缩、幼稚型卵巢和子宫内膜炎等常见不孕症的发病原因、机理和防治方法进了综述。  相似文献   

本文在论述奶牛产业发展思路、发展原则、总体目标及具体做法的基础上,分析了产业发展困难和问题,提出了倾斜资金投入,加大扶持力度、扩充高产牛群,转变生产方式、适度规模生产,推进标准化养殖、培育奶农组织,理顺利益关系、加强培训,提高养殖水平、强化奶站监管,确保鲜奶质量、坚持综合利用优先、资源化、无害化、减量化的原则,实现奶牛业健康可持续发展等建议。  相似文献   

Farmer perceptions on milk production and calf rearing practices on communal rangelands in the smallholder areas of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa were evaluated on a total of 218 cattle farmers using structured questionnaires, semi-structured interviews with key informants and personal observations. Nearly 70% of the households in the small-scale areas milked twice a day compared to 60% in the communal areas. About 62% of the interviewees weaned calves between 6 and 12 months of age. Milk yield/cow/day (7.5 ± 0.5 litres), fresh milk consumption/household/day (3.2 ± 0.5 litres) and sales/household/day (3.1 ± 1.1 litres) were highest in the sour-veld, small-scale farms (P < 0.05). Sour milk consumption/household/day (2.6 ± 0.2 litres) and sales/household/day (0.8 ± 0.2 litres) were significantly high in communal farms with a sour-veld. It was concluded that, calf rearing practices were poor and milk yield, consumption and sales were generally low and varied with production system and rangeland type. Further research is required to improve calf management practices, cow nutrition, milk yield and quality and how milk production can be used as a toll for rural development in the smallholder areas of South Africa.  相似文献   

Automatic milking systems offer not only a marked improvement of the working conditions in dairy farms but also they may be able to improve the quality of life of the dairy farmer, the health and performance status of the cow and the milk quality. The current stage of development of automatic milking systems indicates that there are still some deficiencies in fulfilling the requirements of the milk hygiene regulations, the early identification of health problems and allowing veterinary measures. This paper details some aspects of cow and udder health and milk quality under the condition of automatic milking systems by discussing actual problems and potential future advantages.  相似文献   

牛奶是提高身体抵抗力、抵抗疾病的最佳营养品.我国奶牛养殖业蓬勃发展的同时,牛奶品质的提高已成为奶业发展的重大课题与挑战.乳脂,作为牛奶主要营养成分之一,不仅为人们提供高质量的天然脂肪,还成为衡量奶牛产奶性能的重要指标,消费者所追求的优质牛奶(营养品)就是乳脂≥3.2%的牛奶.大量的研究报道证明,除了饲养管理与营养因素外...  相似文献   

本研究主要选取呼和浩特地区奶牛养殖较集中的赛罕区与和林格尔县,对其规模养殖场与奶牛小区的饲料和牛奶中风险因子的污染情况进行评估,同时调研了奶牛饲养过程中兽药使用情况,其中饲料中评估的风险因子包括黄曲霉毒素B1和重金属铅,牛奶中评估的风险因子包括黄曲霉毒素M1、重金属铅、菌落总数、体细胞数和总抗生素。结果表明:①青霉素是使用最多的抗生素,规模场比奶牛小区使用药物种类多;②对饲料中2种风险因子的检出率均为100%,但均未超标; ③除体细胞,牛奶中的其他风险因子均未超标;④除重金属铅,牛奶中其他风险因子均是奶牛小区高于规模养殖场;⑤本次调研虽然样本量不大,但所选调研地点均是随机选择,因此具有一定代表性,本次调研分析结果有助于指导下一步牛奶风险评估的开展。  相似文献   

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