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Rhabdoid tumor is a highly aggressive neoplasm of unknown cellular origin in humans, usually occurring in the kidney and central nervous system of infants or children. In older patients, it occurs rarely in other organs, including the skin and soft tissues. A subcutaneous mass in a 13-year-old male mixed-breed cat was composed of nests or sheets of round to polygonal cells with glassy eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions. Immunohistochemically, many neoplastic cells expressed vimentin, localized to the cytoplasmic inclusions, whereas the cytoplasm of some neoplastic cells was diffusely positive for neuron-specific enolase, neurofilament, or S-100 protein. By electron microscopy, the cytoplasmic inclusions were found to be composed of aggregates of intermediate filaments. These findings are quite similar to the histologic, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural features of human rhabdoid tumors and the few rhabdoid tumors reported in animals.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old mixed-breed neutered female dog was referred with cutaneous tumors at the left auricle. Histologically, the cutaneous tumor located in the dermis comprised numerous clefts and cavernous channels lined by neoplastic endothelial cells with no erythrocytes. Bone tissue without direct contact with neoplastic cells was seen in the well-developed stromal connective tissue. The neoplastic endothelial cells exhibited mild to moderate atypia. Immunohistochemically, neoplastic cells were positive for vimentin and negative for cytokeratin and factor VIII-related antigen. Basement membrane around the neoplastic lumens was positive for laminin in a linear or granular pattern. Ultrastructural examination revealed discontinuous basement membrane beneath the tumor cells. Histopathological features of this case were consistent with lymphangiosarcoma, and stromal ossification was characteristic.  相似文献   

Primary cardiac granular cell tumor in a dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The histological, histochemical, and ultrastructural features of a granular cell tumor in the wall of the right atrium of the heart in a nine-year-old dog are described. The histologic appearance of the mass varied from areas of spindle-shaped cells to sheets of globoid cells with foamy granular cytoplasm. The globoid neoplastic cells contained numerous cytoplasmic granules which were variably positive to periodic acid-Schiff staining, with and without disastase digestion. Ultrastructurally, the globoid cells had numerous various-sized, heterogeneous lysosomes with pleomorphic content. A granular cell tumor originating in the heart has not been reported previously in animals. The support for a neural origin of these tumors by the recent identification of several nervous tissue specific proteins in their granular cells is discussed.  相似文献   

A menigioma with polygonal granular cell proliferation in an 11-year and 8-month-old male Chihuahua is described. The tumor was observed under the dura matter of the right cerebrum. Microscopically, the tumor consisted of solid growth foci of small- or large- sized polygonal cells, with pale-stained nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and fine granular to foamy eosinophilic cytoplasm. Some of the proliferating cells contained variable amounts of cytoplasmic PAS-positive granules. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that neoplastic cells were positive for vimentin and S-100 protein. Ultrastructurally, the neoplastic cells contained vesicular structures with a few small round-shaped bodies in the cytoplasm. We diagnosed the case as canine meningioma with granular cell appearance.  相似文献   

The primary study objective was to determine whether clinical examination and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can underestimate canine gliomatosis cerebri (GC); we also investigated immunohistochemical features. Seven dogs with GC were studied; four recruited specifically because of minimal MRI changes. Neuroanatomic localization and the distribution of MRI, gross and sub‐gross lesions were compared with the actual histological distribution of neoplastic cells. In six cases, clinical examination predicted focal disease and MRI demonstrated a single lesion or appeared normal. Neoplastic cells infiltrated many regions deemed normal by clinical examination and MRI, and were Olig2‐positive and glial fibrillary acid protein‐negative. Four dogs had concurrent gliomas. GC is a differential diagnosis for dogs with focal neurological deficits and a normal MRI or a focal MRI lesion. Canine GC is probably mainly oligodendrocytic. Type II GC, a solid glioma accompanying diffuse central nervous system neoplastic infiltration, occurs in dogs as in people.  相似文献   

An amyloid-producing medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) in a red fox (Vulpes vulpes schrenchki) bred in a zoo was examined using histopathologic and immunohistochemical techniques. The neoplastic cells had an ill-defined cytoplasmic membrane and abundant, finely granular eosinophilic cytoplasm, containing numerous argyrophilic granules. The neoplastic tissues were divided into various sizes by a vascular connective stroma, which was partly fibrovascular with broad areas of hyalinization containing varied amounts of amyloid. Immunohistochemically, neoplastic cells showed reactivity to anti-calcitonin, neuron-specific enolase, somatostatin, and keratin antibodies. However, amyloid in the stroma did not show immunoreactivity to the antibodies used. Histologic and immunohistochemical features of MTC in the present animal were analogous to those of the C-cell carcinoma derived from thyroid C cells (parafollicular cells) reported in humans and dogs.  相似文献   

Chordomas of the tip of the tail in 6 ferrets were examined using histopathological, histochemical and immunohistochemical procedures. Histopathologically, round neoplastic cells containing numerous cytoplasmic vacuoles of varying sizes, categorized as “physaliphorous cells”, were observed in the amorphous eosinophilic or pale basophilic myxoid stroma. Physaliphorous cells were arranged in lobules and in a “chordoid” or “cobblestone” manner. The neoplasms were diagnosed as benign chordoma without local invasion and metastasis. Histochemically, the cytoplasm of small neoplastic cells was positive for periodic acid-Schiff stain and alcian blue (AB) pH 2.5 and pH 1.0 stains, but negative for hyaluronidase digestion-AB pH 2.5 stain. All neoplastic cells were strongly stained with colloidal ion, negative for high iron diamine AB pH 2.5 and toluidine blue pH 2.5 stains, and positive for Mayer’s mucicarmine stain. Immunohistochemistry using antibodies directed against low-molecular-weight cytokeratins (CK18, CK19 and CK20), vimentin and mucin core protein (MUC5AC) revealed that neoplastic cells had both epithelial and mesenchymal elements. The expression of low-molecular-weight cytokeratins suggests that neoplastic cells acquired the properties of glandular epithelial cells and produced epithelial mucus. Furthermore, the expression of cytokeratins, vimentin, S100 protein, brachyury and epithelial membrane antigen indicates that the neoplasms were equivalent to the classic type of human chordoma. Therefore, immunohistochemistry using these antibodies can be useful for the characterization of ferret chordoma.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old Holstein cow had tumor nodules and enlarged lymph nodes in the mediastinum, and metastatic tumor masses in the pelvic cavity. The neoplastic cells were characterized by squamous features and intracytoplasmic vacuoles carrying microvilli, some of which contained periodic acid Schiff-positive globular cores, but tubular structures or goblet cells were absent. Many neoplastic cells stained positively for keratin, and occasional cells were positive for thymosin. The presence of secretory granules in the cytoplasm was confirmed by electron microscopy. This neoplasm was considered to be of thymic hormone-secreting epithelial cell origin.  相似文献   

Secretory carcinoma is an uncommon variant of breast cancer, characterized by the presence of intracellular and extracellular eosinophilic secretion. Here, we report the cytologic, histologic, and immunohistochemical findings of a secretory carcinoma diagnosed in the left inguinal mammary gland of a 3-year-old female German Shepherd Dog. The fine-needle aspiration cytology showed numerous large branching sheets of neoplastic cells and isolated cells with cytoplasmic vacuoles. Histologically, the tumor was composed of cells with clear cytoplasm and prominent vacuoles that pushed the nuclei to the periphery, resembling signet ring cells. These cells were arranged in solid or tubular structures with lumenal spaces filled with eosinophilic secretion. Immunohistochemical reactions to cytokeratin (CAM 5.2) and alpha-lactalbumin were strongly positive in all neoplastic cells, and staining for vimentin and S100 protein was negative. The cytomorphologic and immunohistochemical features of this tumor are similar to those seen in tumors in women, hence enabling the diagnosis of a rare case of primary secretory carcinoma of the canine mammary gland.  相似文献   

A male golden retriever of unknown age presented with multiple cutaneous and subcutaneous masses from the left elbow to the digits. Histopathologically, multiple tumor foci had formed from the dermis to the subcutaneous tissue. Tumor foci consisted of a vascular structure, alveolar structure and solid proliferative area. The borders among these areas were not clear. Some neoplastic cells resembled a mature endothelium, while others were large pleomorphic cells. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were usually strongly positive for CD31 and often positive for PROX-1, the lymphatic endothelial cell marker. Based on these findings, the tumor was diagnosed as a hemangiosarcoma with lymphatic differentiation.  相似文献   

Nineteen canine lymphomas were included in this study. Tumors were classified according to the updated Kiel classification adapted for canine lymphomas by Fournel-Fleury et al. Immunoglobulin light chains (kappa and lambda) and IgM and IgG expression were determined by immunohistochemical method. In all examined cases neoplastic cells were positive for one of the immunoglobulin light chains. Expression of lambda light chains and kappa light chains was observed in 18/19 and 1/19 tumors, respectively. In the majority of neoplastic cells in each examined specimen this reaction had a membranous pattern (skappa/slambda). In all examined cases the presence of immunoglobulin light chains was also observed in the cytoplasm of some neoplastic cells (ckappa/clambda). These cells were usally rare and never constituted a dominant population. The expression of immunoglobulin was found in 13/19 cases. Most lymphomas were sIgM positive (11/13 cases). In one case expression of IgG was found, and in another lymphoma two populations of neoplastic cells with different expression of examined immunoglobulins (cells with IgM+ and IgG+ phenotypes) were observed. The reaction also had a membranous pattern. The cells containing cytoplasmic immunoglobulins were rare, and in most cases were of the same type as the surface immunoglobulins. Our study has confirmed that canine lymphomas are a monoclonal proliferation of B-cells usually expressing immunoglobulin lambda light chains and that the vast majority of tumors deriving from B-cells express IgM. Our study also indicates a possibility of occurence of biclonal lymphomas in canine species.  相似文献   

A young male Crl:CD (SD) rat with erythroid leukemia that presented with emaciation, abdominal distension and a pale visible mucosal membrane was euthanized at 7 weeks of age. At necropsy, enlargement of liver, spleen and pancreatic lymph node was noted. Analysis of blood smear samples revealed many mono- or binucleated erythroblasts that had PAS-positive vacuoles in the cytoplasm. Histopathologically, neoplastic proliferation of atypical cells was observed in the hepatic sinusoids, splenic red pulp, bone marrow, pancreatic lymph node, kidney and lung. Neoplastic cells showed a round to spindle shape, and some neoplastic cells had deeply stained small nuclei and small cytoplasms and resembled erythroblasts. Immunohistochemically, many neoplastic cells were positive for hemoglobin. To our knowledge, this is the first report of erythroid leukemia in a rat of this age. The observed features were similar to those of pure erythroid leukemia in humans.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old male Shiba dog showed anemia and the swelling of systemic lymph nodes. X-ray and post mortal examinations revealed a anterior mediastinal mass. Histologically, the tumor mass consisted of four different elements; cord-like proliferation of cuboidal epithelial cells, tubular or cystic structures lined with ciliated epithelial cells, proliferation of large round-shaped epithelial cells with PAS-slightly positive granular cytoplasm, and diffuse proliferation of neoplastic lymphocytes. Epithelial cells in cord-like or cystic structures were strongly positive for cytokeratin. Granular or foamy cells were negative for all markers examined and had myelin-like bodies in the cytoplasm by electron microscopy. The neoplastic lymphocytes in the tumor mass were considered being derived from concurrent multicentric lymphoma. Based on these findings, the present case was diagnosed as thymoma with a part of granular cell proliferation and concurrent lymphoma cells.  相似文献   

Corneal squamous cell carcinoma in a dog: a case report   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Purpose:  To report a case of primary corneal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in an English Bulldog. In addition, immunohistochemistry of the corneal tissue mass was performed using a panel of antibodies. A prominent feature of the present case was the clinical history of chronic keratitis due to eyelid abnormalities.
Results:  No papillomavirus antigen was detected in section of normal or neoplastic corneal tissue. The corneal epithelial cells were positive for pancytokeratins AE1/AE3 and MNF116, and E-cadherin. The neoplastic cells in close proximity to the normal epithelial lining were positive for both pancytokeratins and E-cadherin with gradual loss of staining toward the center of the neoplastic mass. Rare neoplastic cells demonstrated positive staining for caspase 3 and a large number was strongly positive for GADD45 and p53.
Conclusion and discussion:  The observed loss of the various cytokeratins, the strong p53 expression, and low numbers of caspase 3 positive cells were suggestive that a p53 mutation may have caused this primary corneal SCC. Over-expression of the tumor-suppressor gene p53 is likely to be a consequence of ultraviolet radiation exposure. Two factors, however, may have played a role in the formation of this primary corneal SCC: chronic irritation of the corneal surface (microtrauma) and exposure to UV radiation.  相似文献   

A 15‐year‐old, neutered male, Shih Tzu cross developed progressive corneal stromal thickening and vascularization of the right eye, and 5 months later, of the left eye. Both eyes became blind due to extensive corneal opacification and were enucleated. Light microscopic examination revealed a diffuse corneal infiltrate of neoplastic mesenchymal cells, and immunohistochemistry revealed diffuse cytoplasmic vimentin immunoreactivity and variable cytoplasmic and nuclear immunoreactivity for S100 in the neoplastic cells. Transmission electron microscopy revealed desmosomes between contiguous cells, thread‐like cytoplasmic processes coated with basement membrane, extracellular bundles of collagen, and axonal degeneration consistent with features of a nerve sheath neoplasm. This is the first report of primary, bilateral corneal nerve sheath sarcoma in a canine.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old intact female Shetland Sheepdog with tenesmus had a subcutaneous mass at the left ventral aspect of the anus. On cytologic examination, 2 types of cells were observed. Most of the cells were oval to polygonal and had elliptical or elongate nuclei and a moderate amount of pale to basophilic cytoplasm. The remaining cells had round to oval nuclei and pale to basophilic cytoplasm. Cells of both types were loosely adhered to each other and were arranged in rosette-like structures. Both neoplastic cell types had fine homogenous chromatin and either a small indistinct nucleolus or no visible nucleolus. Mild anisokaryosis and anisocytosis were observed. Histologically, the mass consists of glandular structures formed by cuboidal cells admixed with bundles of spindle cells. Eosinophilic PAS- and Alcian blue-positive secretory material was found in the center of some glandular structures. Both neoplastic cell types had positive staining with paradoxical concanavalin A and expressed cytokeratin, but not vimentin, S-100, α-smooth muscle actin, or desmin. Based on location and histologic and immunohistochemical features, the final diagnosis was adenocarcinoma of the apocrine gland of the anal sac, which should be included as a cytologic differential diagnosis when spindle cells and typical epithelial cells are observed in masses in the region of the anal sac of dogs.  相似文献   

A bilateral testicular neoplasm from an 11-year-old mixed-breed male dog was removed surgically and examined histologically. The neoplasm was nonencapsulated and composed of acinar and tubular structures lined by one or more layers of neoplastic polyhedral epithelial cells with an abundant mucinous secretion. On histochemistry, all neoplastic cells and associated secretions were periodic acid-Schiff positive. Some neoplastic cells and all associated secretions were positive on mucicarmine stain, and some neoplastic cells, all the stroma, and associated secretions were positive on alcian blue stain. On immunohistochemistry, the neoplastic cells had strong diffuse cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for cytokeratin and vimentin, weak scattered cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for carcinoembryonic antigen and neuron-specific enolase, and no immunoreactivity for S-100. On the basis of histopathology, histochemistry, and immunohistochemical findings, a diagnosis of mucinous adenocarcinoma of rete testis was made. Rete testis adenocarcinoma is a well known but very rare neoplasm in humans. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the mucinous variant of adenocarcinoma of the rete testis in a dog.  相似文献   

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