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本试验将小型猪特异性麻醉剂(XFM)、氯胺酮复合安定及速眠新Ⅱ联合戊巴比妥钠三组麻醉药,对小型猪麻醉效果进行比较,将18头中国试验用小型猪随机分成3组,第一组肌肉注射猪小型猪复合麻醉剂(XFM)0.15 mL/kg体重;第二组氯胺酮(8 mg/kg体重)复合安定(1 mg/kg体重),肌肉注射;第三组速眠新Ⅱ0.1 mL/kg体重、戊巴比妥钠10.5 mg/kg体重,联合肌肉注射.试验结果表明,XFM组和速眠新Ⅱ组与氯胺酮组相比对体温和呼吸影响小;XFM组与其他两组比较麻醉诱导时间短,麻醉时间长,苏醒期短;氯胺酮组和XFM组与速眠新Ⅱ组相比麻醉镇痛、镇静、肌松效果好.综合评价XFM组与其他两组比具有对小型猪体温(T)、心率(HR)、呼吸频率(RR)影响小,麻醉时间适中,麻醉效果确实,镇静、镇痛、肌松效果均衡等优点.  相似文献   

犬氯胺酮和异丙酚复合静滴麻醉效果的观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为探索犬施行长时间维持麻醉方法,选用6只4.0~6.5 kg小型犬,并以2周间隔分别进行氯胺酮及氯胺酮-异丙酚复合静脉滴注麻醉试验。结果表明,以0.05 mL/kg速眠新肌肉注射诱导麻醉后,再以20 mg/kg异丙酚+10 mg/kg氯胺酮加入到5%葡萄糖溶液200 mL中进行静脉滴注维持麻醉,可以产生3 h以上的理想麻醉效果。  相似文献   

为了比较3种常用复合麻醉剂对小型猪循环、呼吸影响,将中国实验用小型猪分成3组进行比较.第1组肌肉注射小型猪复合麻醉剂(XFM)0.15 mL/kg体重;第2组联合肌肉注射氯胺酮8 mg/kg体重、安定1 mg/kg体重;第3组联合肌肉注射速眠新Ⅱ0.1 mL/kg体重、戊巴比妥钠10.5 mg/kg体重.试验结果表明,氯胺酮和速眠新Ⅱ对小型猪麻醉后的循环、呼吸系统有一定的抑制作用,尤其使用速眠新Ⅱ进行麻醉的小型猪血氧饱和度(SpO2)下降明显.XFM麻醉后小型猪循环、呼吸系统无明显影响,SpO2、血压(BP)以及呼吸系统各指标均在生理正常范围内,比较之下更适合用于小型猪的麻醉.  相似文献   

氯胺酮与速眠新Ⅱ复合应用对小型猪麻醉的观察   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为探讨氯胺酮与速眠新Ⅱ复合应用对实验小型猪的麻醉效果。将氯胺酮与速眠新Ⅱ等量混合,采用肌肉注射法(0.28mL/kg)对12头实验小型猪(11.33kg±0.83kg)进行复合麻醉,观察麻醉起效时间、麻醉持续时间及镇痛效果,并监测麻醉过程中体温、呼吸、心率等生理指标及有无呕吐、流涎等不良反应。小型猪成功麻醉12例,占100%,肌肉注射后(4.2±1.6)min进入麻醉状态,麻醉状态维持(87.3±15.4)min以上,麻醉期间肌肉松弛效果好,动物呼吸和心率平稳,无不良反应。结果表明,采用氯胺酮与速眠新Ⅱ复合麻醉效果好,麻醉过程平稳,生命体征稳定。氯胺酮与速眠新Ⅱ复合应用是较为简便、安全的小型猪麻醉方法,适合于耗时较长的手术或试验的开展。  相似文献   

为评价3种麻醉诱导方法在吸入麻醉中对试验犬麻醉效果的影响。本试验将15只杂种犬,分为A、B、C 3组,每组5只。A组为盐酸氯胺酮、速眠新Ⅱ组,B组为戊巴比妥钠组,C组为盐酸氯胺酮、地西泮注射液组,各组在诱导麻醉后行气管插管,应用异氟烷进行吸入麻醉,在不同时间点对试验犬的心率(HR)、血压(BP)、血氧饱和度(SPO2)、体温(TPR)、心电(ECG)进行监测,监测各时间点参数应用SPSS13.0软件进行统计并与A组数据相比较。试验结果表明,B、C两组与A组在麻醉后的心率、诱导5 min后的血氧、试验犬诱导期差异显著P<0.05,A组麻醉诱导剂对试验犬存在心率抑制作用,部分试验犬出现心电延迟;3组试验犬诱导期为B相似文献   

为评价3种麻醉诱导方法在吸入麻醉中对试验犬麻醉效果的影响.本试验将15只杂种犬,分为A、B、C3组,每组5只.A组为盐酸氯胺酮、速眠新Ⅱ组,B组为戊巴比妥钠组,C组为盐酸氯胺酮、地西泮注射液组,各组在诱导麻醉后行气管插管,应用异氟烷进行吸入麻醉,在不同时间点对试验犬的心率(HR)、血压(BP)、血氧饱和度(SPO2)、...  相似文献   

为观察鹿特异性复合麻醉剂对梅花鹿循环和呼吸的影响,6只成年健康梅花鹿被肌注鹿特异性复合麻醉剂0.04 m L/kg,给药后全程监测动物的麻醉状态、呼吸频率(RR)、心率(HR)、收缩压(SBP)、平均动脉压(MAP)、舒张压(DBP)、动脉血氧饱和度(SPO2)、体温(T)等参数。结果显示:鹿特异性复合麻醉剂作用梅花鹿的诱导时间为(6.10±0.45)min,麻醉时间为(91.67±2.25)min,苏醒时间(33.0±2.0)min;梅花鹿在诱导期HR、RR出现一过性升高,进入麻醉期后开始降低,与诱导前比较变化显著(P0.05);麻醉期DBP、SBP、MAP、T和SPO2与诱导前比较显著降低(P0.05)。结果提示:鹿特异性复合麻醉剂对梅花鹿麻醉期循环和呼吸部分指标有一定影响,但苏醒后各指标恢复正常。  相似文献   

目的:探讨非吸入麻醉药物(速眠新与氯胺酮)与吸入麻醉药物(异氟烷)对犬穿透性角膜移植手术的麻醉效果。方法:选择30只杂交犬,随机分为非吸入麻醉组(Ⅰ组,15只)与吸入麻醉组(Ⅱ组,15只),分别通过速眠新与氯胺酮复合麻醉和异氟烷吸入麻醉,进行穿透性角膜移植手术,同时测定麻醉前后眼压,观察并发症、麻醉效果,记录手术时间。结果:非吸入麻醉组:麻醉后眼压明显高于麻醉前(P<0.01);麻醉效果满意的5例,比较满意的9例,前房出血10例,虹膜前粘连8例,晶状体脱位1例;吸入麻醉组:麻醉后眼压明显低于麻醉前(P<0.01);麻醉效果满意的13例,比较满意的仅2例,虹膜前粘连2例。吸入麻醉组手术时间明显低于非吸入麻醉组(P<0.01)。结论:采用异氟烷吸入麻醉对犬进行穿透性角膜移植术比非吸入麻醉效果确实,并发症少,手术时间缩短。  相似文献   

通过对麻醉过程中的心电图进行监测来比较3种复合麻醉剂对小型猪心电图的影响.将中国实验用小型猪分成3组,每组6头,第一组肌肉注射小型猪复合麻醉剂(XFM);第二组氯胺酮和安定联合肌肉注射;第三组速眠新Ⅱ和戊巴比妥钠联合肌肉注射,在麻醉后对心电图进行动态监测.氯胺酮组和速眠新Ⅱ组中的动物心电图波形发生了明显变化,XFM组动物在整个监测过程中未出现波形异常.3种药物麻醉后小型猪的心电图都发生了改变,与氯胺酮复合麻醉剂和速眠新Ⅱ复合麻醉剂相比,XFM对小型猪心电图影响轻微,安全性较高.  相似文献   

为了探讨麻醉药对正常家兔心电图、呼吸率和血压的影响,将5~6月龄的家兔20只随机分成4组,分别为正常对照组、水合氯醛组、速眠新Ⅱ组、二甲苯胺噻唑组。采用RM6240BD多通道生理信号采集处理系统,测定家兔动脉血压、呼吸率,Ⅱ导联家兔心电图(electrocardiograph,ECG)波形和心率(heart rate,HR)变化。结果显示,ECG各波形变化均比较恒定,仅动作电位在传导过程中各段时间变化存在差异;注射不同的麻醉药后,水合氯醛使家兔HR加快,而注射速眠新Ⅱ及二甲苯胺噻唑后则使HR明显减慢,尤其是二甲苯胺噻唑对HR的影响较大;呼吸率(respiration rate,RR)的变化,3种麻醉药均比正常组高,而二甲苯胺噻唑组最高;血压变化,动脉收缩压(systolic blood pressure,SBP):二甲苯胺噻唑>水合氯醛>速眠新Ⅱ,且均低于正常水平;动脉舒张压(diastolic blood pressure,DBP):水合氯醛>二甲苯胺噻唑>速眠新Ⅱ,但水合氯醛组与二甲苯胺噻唑组差异不显著(P>0.05)。家兔正常状态下,其心电图、心率、呼吸频率和血压的变化与有关文献存在差异,有必要正确掌握其变动范围。  相似文献   

The assay was aimed to observe the effects of anesthesia by sumianxin Ⅱ,sumianxin Ⅱ combined with ketamine on respiration and circulation systems of Bama Minipigs.20 healthy grown Bama Minipigs were set for two groups, each contained 10. One group was induced with intramuscular injection of 0.1 mL/kg sumianxinⅡ, another group with intramuscular injection of 0.2 mL/kg mixture sumianxinⅡ and ketamine (1:2, V/V). The respiration rate (RR) before and after induction of these chemicals were observed respectively before surgery. Furthermore, SpO2, PETCO2, heart rate (HR), mean artery pressure (MAP) and other data were monitored as well before surgery. The results were that RR, SpO2, MAP and HR decreased significantly 1 min after treatment of sumianxin Ⅱ (P<0.05). VE was also found to extremly significantly decrease (P<0.01). However, all observed data had no significant change before and after induction by sumianxin Ⅱ together with ketamine (P>0.05). Thus,the compound anesthesia by sumianxin Ⅱ with ketamine had no clear side effect on respiration and circulation systems. This kind of compound anesthesia was safe and reliable for surgery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the pre-emptive analgesic effects of epidural ketamine or S(+)-ketamine on post-incisional hyperalgesia. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective randomized study. ANIMALS: Twenty-four mongrel dogs (1-5 years, weighing 11.9+/-1.8 kg). METHODS: Dogs were anesthetized with propofol (5 mg/kg intravenously) and a lumbosacral epidural catheter was placed. Dogs were randomly allocated to 3 groups, each with 8 dogs. The control group (CG) was administered saline solution (0.3 mL/kg); the ketamine group (KG) ketamine (0.6 mg/kg); and the S(+)-ketamine group (SG) S(+)-ketamine (0.6 mg/kg). The final volume was adjusted to 0.3 mL/kg in all groups. Five minutes after the epidural injection a surgical incision was made in the common pad of the right hind limb and was immediately closed with simple interrupted nylon suture. Respiratory (RR) and heart (HR) rates, rectal temperature (T), sedation (S), lameness score, and mechanical nociceptive threshold by von Frey filaments were evaluated before the propofol anesthesia and at 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 minutes and then at 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24 hours after epidural injection. RESULTS: There were no differences in RR, HR, T, or S between groups. Motor blockade of the hind limbs was observed during 20+/-3.6 minutes in KG and during 30.6+/-7.5 minutes in SG (mean+/-SD). Mechanical force applied to obtain an aversive response was higher from 45 minutes to 12 hours in KG and from 60 to 90 minutes in SG, when compared with CG. CONCLUSIONS: Pre-emptive epidural ketamine induced no alterations in RR and HR, and reduced post-incisional hyperalgesia for a longer time than did S(+) ketamine. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Although anesthetic and analgesic potency of S(+) ketamine is twice that of ketamine, the racemic form is seemingly better for post-incisional hyperalgesia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the analgesic and adverse effects of epidurally administered levogyral (S[+]) ketamine alone or in combination with morphine on intraoperative and postoperative pain in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy. ANIMALS: 30 dogs scheduled for ovariohysterectomy. PROCEDURE: Dogs were randomly allocated to 1 of 3 groups. Dogs in group 1 received S(+) ketamine (1 mg/kg), dogs in group 2 received S(+) ketamine (0.5 mg/kg) and morphine (0.05 mg/kg), and dogs in group 3 received S(+) ketamine (1 mg/kg) and morphine (0.025 mg/kg). The skin was incised 15 minutes after epidural administration of analgesics. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), oxygen saturation as measured by pulse oximetry, and arterial blood gases were obtained before anesthesia, 15 minutes after epidural administration of analgesics, 15 and 30 minutes after initiation of surgery, and at the end of surgery. During the intraoperative period, an increase of > or =20% in baseline values for HR, RR, and SBP was considered a sign of intraoperative pain. Signs of pain and adverse effects were assessed at 2, 4, and 8 hours postoperatively. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in intraoperative or postoperative measurements among the 3 groups. No dogs had intraoperative signs of pain. Mean postoperative pain assessment scores were <3.5 in all 3 groups. Salivation was the most frequent adverse effect in dogs in groups 1 and 3, and sedation occurred more frequently in dogs in groups 2 and 3. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: All 3 analgesic regimens provided good respiratory and cardiovascular stability intraoperatively and adequate postoperative analgesia with minimal adverse effects.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if epidural ketamine provides analgesia in dogs with a chemically induced synovitis. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective randomized experimental trial. ANIMALS: Thirty-two healthy, adult mongrel dogs (13-30 kg). METHODS: (Part I) Synovitis was induced in the right stifle of 16 dogs and allowed to develop for 12 hours. Epidural injection at the lumbosacral space of either ketamine (2 mg kg(-1); n = 8) or placebo (n = 8) was performed. Limb use and pain were measured using a force platform and numerical rating scale (NRS). Assessments were performed before and at 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, and 24 hours after the induction of synovitis. (Part II) Epidural injection of either ketamine (n = 8) or placebo (n = 8) was performed immediately before the induction of synovitis. Analgesia was assessed as in Part I. Assessments occurred before and at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 hours after the induction of synovitis. RESULTS: (Part I) Vertical ground reaction forces (VGRF) significantly decreased and NRS scores of total pain significantly increased after the induction of synovitis in all dogs (p < 0.05). No significant differences in VGRF or NRS scores were measured between treatment groups at any assessment period. (Part II) Dogs that received ketamine had significantly lower NRS scores 2 hours after treatment (p < 0.05). NRS scores did not differ between groups at any other evaluation. VGRF did not differ significantly between treatment groups at any assessment period. CONCLUSION: Epidural ketamine at a dose of 2 mg kg(-1) administered after the development of synovitis does not provide significant levels of analgesia. Administration of ketamine before the induction of synovitis significantly decreased the NRS score 2 hours post-induction. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Administration of epidural ketamine before tissue injury may provide analgesia of short duration in dogs.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo investigate the impact of intramuscular (IM) co-administration of the peripheral α2-adrenoceptor agonist vatinoxan (MK-467) with medetomidine and butorphanol prior to intravenous (IV) ketamine on the cardiopulmonary and anaesthetic effects in dogs, followed by atipamezole reversal.Study designRandomized, masked crossover study.AnimalsA total of eight purpose-bred Beagle dogs aged 3 years.MethodsEach dog was instrumented and administered two treatments 2 weeks apart: medetomidine (20 μg kg–1) and butorphanol (100 μg kg–1) premedication with vatinoxan (500 μg kg–1; treatment MVB) or without vatinoxan (treatment MB) IM 20 minutes before IV ketamine (4 mg kg–1). Atipamezole (100 μg kg–1) was administered IM 60 minutes after ketamine. Heart rate (HR), mean arterial (MAP) and central venous (CVP) pressures and cardiac output (CO) were measured; cardiac (CI) and systemic vascular resistance (SVRI) indices were calculated before and 10 minutes after MVB or MB, and 10, 25, 40, 55, 70 and 100 minutes after ketamine. Data were analysed with repeated measures analysis of covariance models. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Sedation, induction, intubation and recovery scores were assessed.ResultsAt most time points, HR and CI were significantly higher, and SVRI and CVP significantly lower with MVB than with MB. With both treatments, SVRI and MAP decreased after ketamine, whereas HR and CI increased. MAP was significantly lower with MVB than with MB; mild hypotension (57–59 mmHg) was recorded in two dogs with MVB prior to atipamezole administration. Sedation, induction, intubation and recovery scores were not different between treatments, but intolerance to the endotracheal tube was observed earlier with MVB.Conclusions and clinical relevanceHaemodynamic performance was improved by vatinoxan co-administration with medetomidine–butorphanol, before and after ketamine administration. However, vatinoxan was associated with mild hypotension after ketamine with the dose used in this study. Vatinoxan shortened the duration of anaesthesia.  相似文献   

为了探索速眠新Ⅱ与舒泰复合麻醉剂对比格犬的麻醉效果,选用健康比格犬20只,用速眠新Ⅱ(0.6mg/kg)与舒泰(0.75mg/kg)混合肌注诱导麻醉,30min后给予该混合制剂静脉维持麻醉(每小时速眠新Ⅱ0.2mg/kg,舒泰0.3mg/kg),随麻醉时间延长逐渐减量。结果显示,速眠新Ⅱ与舒泰复合麻醉剂,诱导麻醉迅速,维持麻醉效果安全、稳定,镇痛及肌松等效果良好,麻醉期间能保证动物的正常心肺功能。试验表明该复合麻醉剂是一种理想的麻醉剂,能满足各种外科手术操作需求。  相似文献   

Thirty dogs undergoing pelvic or hindlimb orthopedic surgery were each administered one of the following postoperative treatments: intramuscular oxymorphone 0.15 mg/kg (OIM) (n = 10); epidural oxymorphone 0.05 mg/kg, (OEP) (n = 10); or epidural medetomidine, 0.015 mg/kg (MEP) (n = 10). Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), and arterial blood pressure were measured before drug injection and 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, and 480 minutes postinjection (PI). Arterial blood gas analysis was performed before and 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 360, and 480 minutes PI. The duration of analgesia with OEP, 7.62 + 0.30 hours (mean ± SEM), and MEP, 7.06 + 0.50 hours, was significantly ( P <.05) longer than the 4.91 + 0.44 hours obtained with OIM. All treatments resulted in a significant decrease in HR. Four dogs receiving epidural medetomidine each had second degree atrioventricular (AV) block associated with sinus arrhythmia for a brief period during the first 20 minutes after injection. There was no significant difference in arterial blood pressure between OIM and OEP but arterial blood pressure was significantly higher with MEP than with OIM. MEP can provide analgesia comparable with OEP, but bradycardia and second degree AV block will develop in some cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of buprenorphine pre-treatment on sufentanil requirements in female dogs undergoing ovariectomy. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized, 'blinded', prospective clinical study. ANIMALS: Thirty healthy female dogs referred for ovariectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Dogs were randomly assigned to one of two pre-anaesthetic treatment groups. Those in the buprenorphine group (B) received buprenorphine 20 microg kg(-1) and acepromazine 0.03 mg kg(-1) IM. Control group (C) animals received an equal volume of NaCl 0.9% and acepromazine 0.03 mg kg(-1) IM. The anaesthetic technique was identical in both groups. Pre-anaesthetic medication consisted of intravenous (IV) sufentanil (1.0 microg kg(-1)) and midazolam (0.05 mg kg(-1)) and intramuscular atropine (0.03 mg kg(-1)). Anaesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with a constant rate infusion of sufentanil (1.0 microg kg(-1) hour(-1)) and with oxygen-isoflurane. Ventilation was controlled mechanically. Ovariectomy was performed using a standard technique. Baseline heart rate (HR) and direct mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) were recorded before the first incision. Increases in HR and MAP of > or =20% over baseline and, or spontaneous ventilation were controlled using IV sufentanil (1.0 microg kg(-1)) repeated after 5 minutes if haemodynamic variables remained elevated or attempts at spontaneous ventilation persisted. Analysis of variance was used to determine group differences in mean and median HR and MAP and to compare the maximum HR and MAP attained during surgery. Poisson regression was used to compare the number of sufentanil injections required in both groups. RESULTS: Group B required 2.46 times more sufentanil injections (p = 0.00487) than dogs in group C to maintain haemodynamic stability and prevent spontaneous ventilation during surgery. Group B dogs also had a significantly higher (p = 0.034) marginal mean of the log maximum MAP (4.756 +/- 0.036) compared with group C (4.642 +/- 0.036). CONCLUSIONS: Pre-treatment with buprenorphine appears to negatively influence the antinociceptive efficacy of intra-operative sufentanil. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Withholding buprenorphine therapy 6-8 hours before anaesthesia incorporating pure mu receptor agonists is probably advisable. Alternative methods of analgesia should be provided in this period.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular effects of non-abdominal and abdominal surgery during isoflurane anaesthesia (A-group) or isoflurane anaesthesia supplemented with either epidural ropivacaine (AR-group; 0.75 % solution, 0.2 ml/kg) or morphine (AM-group; 0.1 mg/kg diluted in saline to 0.2 ml/kg) were evaluated in 28 healthy pigs with a mean body weight of 30.3 kg SD +/- 4.1 during surgical devascularisation of the liver. Anaesthesia was induced with the intramuscular injection of midazolam (0.3 mg/kg) and ketamine (10 mg/kg). Anaesthesia was deepened with intravenous propofol to enable tracheal intubation and maintained with isoflurane on a circle rebreathing circuit. The vaporiser was set at 2.5% for the A-group and 1.5% for the AR- and AM-groups. Differences between treatment groups were not statistically significant (P > 0.05) for any of the variables. Differences between AM- and AR-groups were marginally significant heart rate (HR) (P = 0.06) and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) (P = 0.08). Within treatment groups, differences for the A-group were statistically significant (P < 0.05) between non-abdominal and abdominal surgery for HR, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure (DIA) and MAP. Within the AM-group differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05) for DIA and MAE and within the AR group differences for all variables were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). It was concluded that in isoflurane-anaesthetised pigs, the epidural administration of ropivacaine decreased heart rate and improved arterial blood pressure during surgery.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess the feasibility of intraosseous anaesthetic drug administration in domestic pigeons and to compare this method with an intramuscular technique for clinical parameters (induction quality and recovery of anaesthesia), heart-respiratory rate and cloacal temperature. Sixteen clinically healthy mature pigeons (7 male and 9 female) were included into the study. The birds were allocated into two groups as group I and II. Pigeons in group I received 50mg/kg ketamine by intraosseous route (IO) and birds in group II received intramuscular (IM) ketamine application at a dose of 50mg/kg. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR) and cloacal temperature (CT) were measured before (0 min) and 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 min after anaesthetic drug administration. Clinical and anaesthetic effect of the ketamine used in different route were assessed. Statistical assessment performed between the groups revealed that RR in IM group was higher than in IO group between 1 and 3 min (p<0.001 and p<0.01, respectively), whereas in 15 min it was higher in IO group than IM (p<0.01) (Fig. 1A). Compared to baseline values, there was a decrease for HR within 3 to 15 min for both groups. However, this was statistically different between 5, 10 and 15 min for IM group. No significant alterations were recorded for CT during the anaesthesia for both groups. The anaesthetic effect of the ketamine started 1 to 3 min (1.8+/-0.4) after injection for Group I and 5 to 10 min (7.5+/-0.8) for Group II. The recovery time ranged from 50 to 75 min (62+/-15) for Group I and 80 to 100 min (90+/-12) for the Group II. Intraosseous and intramuscular ketamine administration resulted in a satisfactory anaesthesia in pigeons. However, intraosseous drug administration provided a more rapid and effective anaesthesia and might be useful for the birds requiring urgent anaesthesia.  相似文献   

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