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母猪产程过长导致仔猪死产率高是母猪生产力低下的主要原因之一.论文讨论母猪产程和仔猪死产率的关系,分析现代母猪的基因型和饲养制度对母猪产程的影响.客观评价了缩宫素催产、诱发分娩、分娩母猪体力的补充、预防便泌、增加母猪的运动量等缩短产程的措施.指出改进饲养方式、增加母猪的运动量、改善母猪体质是缩短母猪产程从而降低死产率的根...  相似文献   

母猪在分娩过程中由于人为管理不当或者母猪本身的身体状况,容易造成难产,增加仔猪的死亡率。要降低母猪分娩时仔猪的死产率,就必须预防母猪产程延长,并尽量缩短产仔时间。  相似文献   

<正> 当母猪分娩时常发生胎儿死亡,不包括妊娠前期和中期形成的木乃伊和黑胎。母猪产死胎(白胎)的主要原因是母猪在分娩过程中产程过长。母猪的正常产程(从第1头仔猪开始产出到整个胎衣全部排出的过程)为2.5~3.5小时,产仔时间超过3.5小时均视为产程延长,产程延长会导致仔猪出生时发生死亡。因为母猪在分娩时,由于胎盘收缩,血流不畅,造成部分仔猪胎盘脱落,脐带中断,断脐仔猪必须在5~10分钟内产出,如果母猪因各种因素造成产程延长,断脐仔猪迟迟未产出,则仔猪会因缺氧而死。据笔者在多个猪场调查,母猪产程延长造成断脐仔猪死亡率占全部死产胎儿的80%~90%左右不等。1 引起母猪产程延长的原因1.1 母猪分娩时体况过肥或过瘦。在妊娠期间,长时间喂给母猪高水平日粮,会增加母猪产死胎的比率。因母猪吃得过多会引起体况过肥,导致子宫周围、皮下、腹膜  相似文献   

怎样缩短母猪产程减少死胎发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
这里所说的死胎,是指母猪分娩时发生死亡的正常个体胎儿——白胎。不包括妊娠前中期形成的木乃伊和黑胎,母猪产死胎(白胎)的主要原因是母猪在分娩过程中产程太长。母猪的正常产程(从第1头仔猪开始产出到整个胎衣全部排出的过程)为2.5~3小时,产仔时间超过3小时均视为产程延长,产程延长会导致仔猪出生时发生死亡。因为母猪在分娩时由于胎盘收缩,血流不畅,造成部分仔猪胎盘脱落,脐带中断,断脐仔猪必须在5~10分钟内产出,如果母猪因各种因素造成产程延长,断脐仔猪迟迟未产出,则仔猪会因缺氧而死,据有关资料统计,母猪产程延长造成断脐仔猪死亡占…  相似文献   

1 母猪死胎、死产的原因分析1 .1 产仔数 母猪产仔数与死胎、死产率呈正相关。产仔数越多则母猪死胎、死产的可能性就越大。1 .2 母猪产龄 随母猪利用年龄 (胎次 )的增大 ,特别是 8~ 9胎次后 ,母猪死胎、死产率呈现明显增加趋势。1 .3 母猪健康 健康母猪死胎、死产率相对较低 ,体弱多病、过肥、过瘦的母猪都可能引起死胎、死产现象。1 .4 传染性疾病 细小病毒、乙型脑炎、布氏杆菌病、繁殖 -呼吸综合症等疾病易造成母猪流产、死胎以及木乃伊胎等。1 .5 产程长短 产程越长 ,越易发生仔猪在母猪体内顶破胎衣或在产道内拉断脐带 ,…  相似文献   

刘自逵 《猪业科学》2019,36(5):132-133
母猪泌乳力和仔猪的吸吮能力是哺乳母猪饲养管理的重点。母猪乳腺发育良好、结构和功能正常是提高母猪泌乳力的基础;仔猪在妊娠后期发育良好、窝产仔数高、母猪分娩正常和有效缩短产程,能提高初生仔猪的活力,活力强的仔猪才有良好的吸吮能力;母猪窝产仔数与母猪乳房数相匹配,才能确保母猪的每个乳房都得到仔猪有规律的吸吮。母猪乳腺发育良好、仔猪吸吮能力强、窝产仔数与乳房数相匹配,母猪乳腺得到充分和有规律的吸吮,母猪泌乳量才会不断增加,才能满足哺乳仔猪的正常生长发育,提高断奶窝重、健壮活仔数和断奶成活率。同时通过补充相应营养,在增加泌乳的同时要注意避免母猪过分掉膘,以免影响母猪断奶后的正常发情与排卵。  相似文献   

1搞好母猪的饲养管理 搞好母猪的饲养管理和防病免疫是新生仔猪健康的基础。母猪不仅为仔猪提供营养和母源抗体,还可将疾病传播给仔猪。母猪的饲养管理涉及到妊娠期的饲喂,此时一定要保证母猪的体况,使其达到标准体况,否则产程可能延长,分娩后子宫炎、乳房炎等的发病率可能升高。在妊娠后期要控制母猪的采食量,  相似文献   

瑞士的研究表明,对猪分娩前的饲料进行处理可以减少死产。笔者在瑞士进行的试验表明,将常用于防制猪寄生虫的化学药剂给母猪口服,并结合合理的饲养管理,可显著减少死产率和缩短产程。在本试验中使用的化学药剂是“敌百虫”,母猪妊娠至第112天时,按每千克体重一次口服20毫克。一般来说,妊娠母猪口服“敌百虫”的做法并未得到认可,因为妊娠母猪每千克体重口服50毫克“敌百虫”会造  相似文献   

<正>临产母猪能否顺利生产是养殖者一直关心的问题,这直接影响母猪生产仔猪的数量和质量以及母猪产后的身体恢复情况。但由于当前母猪的饲养管理水平和分娩护理水平有限,以及母猪自身原因等均造成母猪的产程过长或难产现象发生。本文主要分析母猪分娩产程过长的原因,讨论如何运用正确方法来保证临产母猪顺利生产,希望对广大养殖者有所帮助。1造成母猪分娩产程过长的原因1.1品种原因从国外引进的大约克夏、杜洛克、长  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究比较在英系大白母猪日粮中添加活性维生素D_3、锌及锰复合物对母猪繁殖性能的影响。试验母猪于预产期前7天被移入分娩舍,分别单独饲喂试验材料(含维生素D_3、锌及锰复合物),至母猪断奶时结束。结果显示,分娩阶段,试验组母猪平均产程为171.6分钟,平均每头仔猪娩出需要15.5分钟,与对照组相比显著缩短(P0.05)。断奶阶段,试验组每头断奶仔猪比对照组增重0.4kg,平均每窝断奶仔猪比对照组增重7.9kg,差异显著(P0.05)。试验表明,分娩前饲喂活性维生素D_3及锌、锰复合物可明显缩短产程、增加仔猪生长性能,改善母猪繁殖性能。  相似文献   

A retrospective study, based on 60 990 farrowing records from 35 commercial herds, was performed to determine the incidence of early parturition (<114d) and to investigate the relationship between early parturition and total number of piglets born, number of piglets born alive and percentage of stillborn piglets per litter. The mean gestation length was 115.4 ± 1.62d, and early parturition occurred in 10% of all farrowing records. Sows with early parturition had significantly more stillborn piglets and a larger litter size compared to sows with a normal gestation length (114–117d). Sows with a gestation length <114d were 1.2 times (95% CI: 1.19–1.21; p < 0.001) more likely to have an early parturition at the subsequent parity. A second study was performed in four herds (n = 329) to investigate the efficacy of altrenogest administration on 110–112d (T112) or 111–113d (T113) of gestation for preventing early parturition and to investigate the effect of this treatment on the reproductive performance of sows. The interval between the last altrenogest treatment and the onset of parturition was 3.3 ± 1.32 (T112) or 2.0 ± 0.89 (T113) days. The gestation length of sows of the altrenogest group (T112 + T113) (115.3 ± 1.23d) was significantly longer compared to gestation length of the non‐treated sows (114.7 ± 1.69d) (p < 0.01). Altrenogest treatment had no negative effect on the reproductive performances of the sows. In conclusion, the administration of altrenogest in late gestation is an effective and safe method to prevent early parturition and can counteract the reproductive losses because of premature farrowing, which may occur in a substantial part of the farrowing events.  相似文献   

The limited space in farrowing crate imposes many challenges, such as prolonged farrowing duration and high piglet stillbirth rate. Although the features of farrowing pens compensate for the drawbacks of farrowing crates, they are associated with high piglet crushing mortality caused by the greater space afforded to sows and their rolling-over behaviour. Therefore, a freedom farrowing pen was designed to overcome the drawbacks of both farrowing crates and farrowing pens. The main features of the freedom farrowing pen are its left anti-crushing bar and detachable right anti-crushing bar on the sides of the sow lying area. It also has a 10 cm-high anti-crushing bar in the non-lying area. Eighteen healthy, multiparous Yorkshire sows (3-7 parity) were averaged and randomly assigned to farrowing crates, farrowing pens, and freedom farrowing pens to compare the effects of the farrowing systems on sow behaviour and performance. Results showed that the farrowing duration and the mean piglet birth intervals were longer for the sows in farrowing crates than for those in farrowing pens and freedom farrowing pens (P<0.05), but there was no difference between the sows in farrowing pens and those in freedom farrowing pens (P>0.05). The piglet stillbirth rate was higher for the sows in farrowing crates than for those in farrowing pens and freedom farrowing pens (P<0.001). Crushing mortality was higher among piglets in farrowing pens (P<0.001), but there was no difference between piglets in freedom farrowing pens and those in farrowing crates (P>0.05). The freedom farrowing pen and the farrowing pen allowed sows to turn around and move freely, but because of the different structures of their anti-crushing bars, the increase in sow movement did not cause higher piglet crushing mortality (P>0.05). Sows in freedom farrowing pens were found to be more protective of their piglets.  相似文献   

The causes and timing of piglet mortality were studied in different farrowing systems. In the first experiment 198 litters were recorded in three systems, two of which allowed the sows to move freely, and the third restricted them in conventional crates. More piglets were weaned from the conventional crates than from the open systems and they grew more quickly. More than half the liveborn mortality occurred during the first four days after parturition. In the open systems, 17 per cent and 14 per cent of the piglets born alive were crushed, compared with only 8 per cent in the crates. In the second experiment, 29 sows and litters were studied in detail in a communal pen system during the first seven days of lactation. Three-quarters of the liveborn mortality was due to crushing. The total number of piglets dying per litter, including stillbirths, was significantly associated with the total litter size and the sow's parity. The percentage liveborn mortality was significantly associated with the parity and body length of the sows and with the within-litter variation in the birth weight of the piglets. Individual birth weight was closely associated with percentage survival. Only 28 per cent of piglets weighing less than 1.1 kg at birth survived to seven days.  相似文献   

A group of 24 sows selected from herds affected by atrophic rhinitis was subjected to the study of the therapeutic effect of the administration of wide-spectrum antibiotics combined with an improvement of the zoohygienic conditions and with full-value nutrition in the pre-partal period and during lactation. It was found that the mentioned measures in sows before parturition and their housing in a sanitized farrowing house during treatment generally improved the health of the sows and enabled the rearing of healthy piglets. The mortality rate during rearing up to the age of 28 days was 12.5%. In the control group of piglets and sows the losses amounted to 29%; the clinical symptoms of rhinitis were found in 11% of the piglets already at the age of 28 days.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether selection for number of live born piglets has led to prolonged parturition and increased requirement for birth assistance, resulting in increased numbers of stillborn piglets. Data were collected from 6,718 primiparous Norwegian Landrace sows farrowing between 2001 and 2003. The need for birth assistance was recorded as a binary response. Physical intervention in the birth of piglets and/or hormonal treatment by the farmer was recorded as birth assistance. The duration of the parturition was analyzed as a binary trait (<4 h and >4 h). The statistical model used for analysis included contemporary groups of herd-year, litter breed, season of farrowing, parity in which the sow was born, a regression on the age of sow at farrowing, an additive genetic effect, and a service sire effect. A full Bayesian approach via Gibbs sampling was adopted to estimate the genetic relationships between these four traits. A total chain length of 100,000 iterations was run. The first 10,000 samples were discarded as burn-in, and the remaining 90,000 iterations were retained without thinning for post-Gibbs analysis. The highest direct heritability was estimated for the number of live-born piglets (h2 = 0.07), followed by the duration of farrowing (h2 = 0.05), the need for birth assistance (h2 = 0.05), and the number of stillborn piglets (h2 = 0.04). The genetic correlations revealed that the number of live and stillborn piglets was uncorrelated; however, the number of live piglets born had a moderate genetic correlation to the need for birth assistance (rg = 0.24 +/- 0.01) and duration of farrowing (rg = -0.20 +/- 0.01), whereas the number of stillborn piglets was highly correlated to the need for birth assistance (rg = 0.74 +/- 0.01) and the duration of parturition (rg = 0.66 +/- 0.01). The duration of farrowing and the need for birth assistance were genetically highly correlated (rg = 0.89 +/- 0.00). For all traits, the service sire variance was approximately one quarter in magnitude compared with its respective genetic variance. The results showed that selection for the number of live born piglets is not expected to influence the number of stillborn piglets. Increasing the number of live piglets born through selection should have a slight negative effect on farrowing duration and a minor increase in the need for birth assistance. Sows with a high genetic potential for birth assistance and prolonged parturition were more likely to give birth to greater numbers of stillborn piglets.  相似文献   

Hormonal changes involved in the farrowing process partly control the initiation of lactation. Inducing farrowing by injection of PG may alter the normal prepartum hormonal cascade. The aim of the study was to investigate the consequences of farrowing induction on colostrum yield and composition, as well as newborn piglet growth. Gilts were treated with 2 mg of alfaprostol on d 113 of gestation (induced farrowing, IF, n = 9) or were injected with 1 mL of a saline solution (natural farrowing, NF, n = 11). Colostrum production was estimated during 24 h, starting at the onset of parturition, based on piglet BW gains. Colostrum samples were collected during the 36 h after the onset of parturition. Blood samples were collected from sows as of d 112 of pregnancy until d 2 postpartum (d 0 being the day of parturition). Piglet blood samples were obtained at birth, on d 1, and on d 21. Litter size and litter weight at birth did not differ between groups (P > 0.10). Farrowing induction did not influence (P > 0.10) colostrum yield (3.96 ± 0.20 kg) or piglet BW gain during d 1 postpartum (116 ± 8 g). At the onset of farrowing (T0), lactose content in colostrum was greater in IF sows than in NF sows (P < 0.05), whereas colostrum ash and protein contents were less (P < 0.05) in IF sows. Concentrations of IgG in colostrum were similar in both groups of sows, whereas concentrations of IgA at T0 were less in IF than in NF sows (P < 0.01). Overall, endocrine changes in blood from d -2 until d 2 (cortisol, prolactin, progesterone, and estradiol-17β) were not altered by farrowing induction (P > 0.10), but 1 h after the injection of alfaprostol, IF sows had greater circulating concentrations of prolactin (P < 0.01) and cortisol (P < 0.10) than NF sows. The greater concentration of lactose in colostrum from IF sows could be attributed to this transient increase in prolactin and cortisol. At birth, concentrations of white blood cells were less in piglets born from IF sows (P < 0.01). On d 1 and 21, piglets from IF sows had similar IgG concentrations in plasma to piglets from NF sows (P > 0.1). In conclusion, farrowing induction at 113 d of pregnancy induced transient hormonal changes in sows and alterations in colostrum composition, without significantly affecting colostrum yield. It also modified some hematological variables of piglets at birth.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify the risk factors of stillbirth and foetal mummification in 565 farrowings of four commercial pig farms in Brazil. Stillborn piglets were observed in 31.3% of the litters and the stillborn risk was 5.6%. Mummified foetuses occurred in 42.1% of the litters and the mummification risk was 3.4%. The potential risk factors were included in multivariable logistic regression models as categories: herd (1–4); parity (1, 2–5 and >5); litter size (<10, 10–12 and >12 piglets); farrowing length (≤3 or >3 h); presence of mummified foetuses (yes or no); farrowing induction (yes or no); use of oxytocin (yes or no); use of vaginal palpation (yes or no); body condition score (<3, 3 and ≥4), and placental production index (PPI) (≤5 or >5) which was measured as the ratio of total foetal weight to total placental weight. Duration of farrowing and use of farrowing induction, oxytocin or vaginal palpation were not included in the model that investigated the risk factors of foetal mummification. Two models were used to investigate the risk factors of stillbirth, one with and the other without the inclusion of farrowing length. When compared to sows of parity 2–5, sows of parity >5 had 1.7- and 1.6-times higher odds (P < 0.05) for stillbirth in the models with and without the inclusion of farrowing length, respectively. In both models, sows with more than 12 piglets/litter had 3.6-times higher odds of stillbirth occurrence compared to sows with less than 10 piglets (P < 0.05). Sows with prolonged farrowing (>3 h) had 2.0-times higher odds of stillbirth occurrence than sows with short farrowing (P < 0.05). Sows with more than 12 piglets/litter had 14.5-times higher odds of mummification compared to sows with less than 10 piglets (P < 0.05). Sows of parities 1 and >5 had 3.5- and 2.0-times, respectively, higher odds of mummification in comparison to sows of parity 2–5 (P < 0.05). Sows with low PPI had 1.7-times higher odds of mummification compared to those with high PPI (P < 0.05). A large litter, a high-parity and a prolonged farrowing increased the risk of stillbirth. The probability of having a mummified foetus was increased in very young and older sows, when having a large litter and a litter with a less efficient placenta.  相似文献   

采用中成药“母仔安”给分娩前3d、产仔后7~10d的母猪喂服、“仔痢宁”给已产黄白痢仔猪的母猪喂服3~5d,观察其发病率、病死率及双月仔猪成活率。试验结果表明:服用“母仔安”的产仔母猪所产仔猪发病率下降11.56%,病死率下降15.58%,双月成活率提高9.61%,非病死率下降1.1%;服用“仔痢宁”的母猪所产仔猪发病率下降6.9%,治愈率占发病数的88.9%,病死率下降18.93%,双月成活率提高8.72%,非病死率下降1.86%。  相似文献   

Immunoglobulins in piglets from sows heat-stressed prepartum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sows were subjected to moderate heat stress in a chamber (32 C) from d 100 of pregnancy until less than 8 h before delivery of first piglet, while control sows were in a thermoneutral chamber (21 C) or farrowing house (22 C). Blood serum and colostrum at parturition of heat-stressed sows and their piglets' serum at birth had elevated cortisol concentrations. Total protein, globulin and immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentrations in sow serum tended to decrease as parturition time was approached; albumin did not change. Total protein and IgG concentrations in colostrum at parturition and in milk 24 and 48 h later tended to be lower in heat-stressed sows. Concentrations of these four protein fractions (total, globulin, IgG and albumin) in piglet serum at birth did not differ among treatment groups, but soon after colostrum ingestion they increased markedly in all groups. Therefore, in all groups total protein remained constant while globulin and IgG decreased. Globulin concentration on d 1 was lowest in piglets from heat-stressed sows, but its rate of decrease after d 1 was not affected by sow treatment. Immunoglobulin G concentration was 11 mg/ml lower, but its rate of decrease through postnatal d 20 was slower in piglets from heat-stressed sows than in those from control sows; a 10-mg/ml difference in IgG concentration on postnatal d 1 has been associated with increased preweaning mortality in piglets. Higher cortisol concentration in serum and lower IgG in colostrum of sows under heat stress was associated in their piglets with higher serum cortisol at birth and lower serum IgG for the first 20 d postnatum.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile is recognized as an important cause of nosocomial diarrhoea in humans especially in association with administration of antibiotics. In pigs, C. difficile can cause neonatal enteritis and can be isolated from faeces from both diseased and healthy animals. The presented prospective study describes how soon C. difficile can be isolated from newborn piglets after normal parturition and how C. difficile spreads within a pig farm. Six sows, their farrowing crates and their litters at one farm were sampled until C. difficile was found in all piglets. Within 48 h after birth, all 71 piglets became positive for C. difficile (two piglets were already positive within 1h post partum), all sows became positive within 113 h after parturition and the farrowing crates were found intermittently positive. C. difficile could also be detected in air samples and in samples of teats of the sows. All isolates belonged to PCR ribotype 078. Twenty-one C. difficile ribotype 078 isolates, found at the farm, were further analyzed by MLVA (multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis) and belonged to one clonal complex, except one isolate. To be sure that piglets were not born already infected with C. difficile ribotype 078, 38 caesarean derived piglets were sampled immediately after surgery. All piglets tested negative at delivery and stayed negative for C. difficile ribotype 078 during the 21 days in which they were kept in sterile incubators. This study shows that C. difficile ribotype 078 spreads easily between sows, piglets and the environment. Vertical transmission of C. difficile ribotype 078 was not found and is very unlikely to occur.  相似文献   

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