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大口黑鲈选育群体幼鱼转食配合饲料的驯食研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将选育的大口黑鲈"优鲈3号"、"优鲈1号"和非选育群体幼鱼各15 000尾饲养在3个网箱中,初始平均体质量分别为(0.105±0.020)、(0.106±0.017) g和(0.102±0.012) g,进行幼鱼转食配合饲料的驯化。第1 d投喂自池塘中捕捞的枝角类和桡足类,第2 d和第3 d将浮游动物与粉末状配合饲料按质量比5∶1和1∶1搅拌均匀后投喂,第4 d将浮游动物、粉末状配合饲料及直径0.8 mm的颗粒状饲料按质量比1∶2∶1混匀后投喂,第5 d和第6 d投喂颗粒状饲料,饱食投喂。试验结果显示,驯食结束后,"优鲈3号"、"优鲈1号"和非选育群体的体质量分别增长了83.82%、77.16%和61.30%,体长增长率分别为30.73%、31.03%和20.85%;选育群体显著高于非选育群体(P0.05)。"优鲈3号"和"优鲈1号"的驯食成功率分别为96.67%和92.67%,显著高于非选育群体(74.0%)。"优鲈3号"、"优鲈1号"和非选育群体的养殖成活率分别为88.6%、81.4%和64.2%,三者间差异显著(P0.05)。研究结果表明,"优鲈3号"幼鱼的驯食性状优于"优鲈1号"和非选育群体。  相似文献   

杂交青虾"太湖1号"(以下简称"太湖1号")是我国审定通过的第一个淡水虾类品种,具有生长速度快、个体大、产量高等特点。目前,对青虾的研究主要集中在青虾良种繁育与健康养殖技术,有关饲料营养特别是蛋白质需要量方面的研究不多。而饲料生产企业在设计饲料配方时存在随意性和盲目性,养殖  相似文献   

张耀红  崔青曼 《河北渔业》2000,(5):33-34,37
本试验采用三种不同的饲料投喂河蟹,观察其增重效果,结果表明:投喂1号饲料、2号饲料河蟹增重显著高于3号饲料,投喂1号饲料与2号饲料河蟹增重没有显著性差异。  相似文献   

牛蛙饲料配方筛选的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
4种配合饲料应用于牛蛙饲养表明:增重率为39.7%-58%,饲料系数1.6-1.68,蛋白质效率20.67%-25.47%。每增重1kg牛蛙,饲料成本为3.44-3.94元。其中第3号配方效果最佳。  相似文献   

<正>据新华网北京11月15日电国务院总理温家宝日前签署第609号国务院令,公布修改后的《饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》,并于明年5月1日正式施行。这是《条例》颁布12年以来的第二次修订,针对当前饲料、饲料添加剂质量安全监督管理工作中存在的突出问题,修订后的《条例》一是明确地方人民政府、饲料管理部门以及生产经营  相似文献   

分别用添加1%酵母细胞壁(1号饲料)、1%酵母细胞壁+0.23%Vc+0.02%VE(2号饲料)、1%免疫多糖(3号饲料)的饲料投喂异育银鲫,并于试验后4、11、17、24、31 d测定头肾巨噬细胞吞噬活性、血清溶菌酶活性和血清杀菌活性.结果表明,与对照组相比,3组饲料均能显著提高异育银鲫的头肾巨噬细胞吞噬活性、血清溶菌酶活性和血清杀菌活性,其中3号饲料效果最为显著,其次为2号饲料.  相似文献   

所谓饲料添加剂一般是这样来定义的,即把这种物质加入饲料中,使其起到如下作用:(1)防止饲料质量低下;(2)补充饲料营养成分;(3)促进饲料所含营养成分的有效利用。根据1979年11月19日发布的农林水产省的布告(第1640号)追加了矿物质和氨基酸等17种添加剂,这样指定添加剂种类达100种之多。据此,为了补充饲料营养成分,就不能使用指定品种以外的维生素、矿物质、和氨基酸类。而少数抗氧化剂等极少一部分没有列入指定添加剂范围内的添加剂,可按《饲料添加剂  相似文献   

中华人民共和国农业农村部第194号公告,自2020年1月1日起,退出除中药外的所有促生长类药物饲料添加剂品种。众所周知,促生长类药物饲料可以促进动物生长,为养殖场增加经济效益,在"禁抗"命令下养殖场如何转型,保证产能,是当下养殖人员最为关注的问题。  相似文献   

研究了在饲料中添加稀土壳聚糖螯合盐(RECC)对水产颗粒饲料性能的影响.根据鲫(Carassius auratus)鱼苗的营养需求配制4种类型的RECC试验日粮,即1号饲料(0.00%)、2号饲料(0.08%)、3号饲料(0.16%)和4号饲料(0.24%).测定4种饲料的粉化率和溶失率.结果显示,添加稀土壳聚糖螯合盐后可以降低饲料的粉化率,饲料中添加0.16%的稀土壳聚糖螯合盐效果尤其明显(P<0.01);在饲料中添加RECC可以显著降低饲料的溶失率(P<0.05),并可以提高和改善水产颗粒饲料的性能.  相似文献   

在颗粒饲料中添加蚯蚓养鱼效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 我站进行了在颗粒饲料中添加蚯蚓养鱼的试验,取得一定效果,现简介如下。 1.饲料制备。按配方(表1)将各种饲料成分混合,然后分别加入相当饲料量20%及10%的切碎的鲜蚯蚓与混合饲料拌匀做成颗粒饲料Ⅰ号和Ⅱ号。Ⅲ号饲料加入鱼粉作对照。三种饲料颗粒直径为2—3毫米,含水量9—13%,为晒干或晾干的软颗粒饲料。  相似文献   

以畜禽复合矿物质预混料生产为例基于有效的危害分析,研究了OPRP、HACCP计划的影响因素,阐明了饲料生产企业对饲料安全危害控制措施的目标、具体方法。研究并提出了OPRP和HACCP计划设计与再设计的关键要素,为饲料生产企业有效控制饲料安全危害、建立饲料安全管理体系提供指南。  相似文献   

本文分析了不同饲料对斜带石斑鱼消化酶活性的影响。将1 500尾斜带石斑鱼随机分成3组,每组2个重复,分别用3种不同饲料投喂50 d,从每个平行组中随机抽取5尾鱼测体内消化酶活性。结果表明,不同饲料种类、成分均对斜带石斑鱼体内消化酶活性有明显影响,在本试验中,投喂2号饲料的斜带石斑鱼淀粉酶活性最高,3号饲料整体蛋白酶活性最高,脂肪主要在肠道消化,3种饲料脂肪酶活性在肠道中差异不显著。  相似文献   

The stability of two forms of vitamins, crystalline and fat-coated, during manufacturing processes and storage of fish feeds was investigated. After extrusion, vitamin recovery was generally lower than that found after pelleting. The recovery of coated forms after pelleting was higher than that of crystalline ones, especially for ascorbic acid, menadione, pyridoxine and folic acid. Coated forms were also found to be more resistant to extrusion than crystalline forms. No significant differences in vitamin losses during storage were found between pelleted and extruded feeds. However, losses of ascorbic acid, menadione and pyridoxine in both manufactured feeds were much greater in crystalline than in coated forms.  相似文献   

头足类的养殖主要依赖于天然饵料, 目前无人工配合饲料可用, 这一问题成为其发展大规模养殖的制约因素, 研究中华蛸(Octopus sinensis)的糖代谢模式可为其配合饲料中碳水化合物的添加比例提供参考依据。本研究克隆了中华蛸葡萄糖-6-磷酸异构酶(glucose phosphate isomerase, GPI)、磷酸甘油酸激酶(phosphoglycerate kinase, PGK) 和丙酮酸激酶(pyruvate kinase, PK) 3 个糖代谢酶的相关基因, 并对其表达进行了检测。结果显示, 中华蛸 OsGPI 的开放阅读框(open reading frame, ORF)1725 bp, 编码 574 个氨基酸; OsPGK 的 ORF1248 bp, 编码 415 个氨基酸, OsPK 的 ORF1683 bp, 编码 560 个氨基酸。qRT-PCR 结果显示, 这 3 个基因在不同组织/器官中均有表达, 但在脑、 消化腺和后唾液腺中的表达水平最高。3 个基因在胚胎不同发育时期皆有表达, 总体趋势是初孵幼体的表达量高于多细胞期。在幼体饥饿胁迫过程中, 随着饥饿时间的推移, 3 个基因在饥饿 2 d 后的表达水平显著降低, 紧接着在饥饿 3 d 和 4 d 后表达水平显著升高, 最后在饥饿 5 d 后的表达水平开始回落并降低。在投喂配合饲料(compound feeds)、锐齿蟳(Charybdis acuta)和沙丁鱼(Sardina pilchardus)的实验中, 与投喂 0 d 相比, 配合饲料组和沙丁鱼组在投喂 21 d 后, OsGPIOsPGKOsPK 在中华蛸消化腺的表达均有不同程度的升高, 在投喂 42 d 后, OsGPIOsPGKOsPK 的表达量出现不同程度的回落。锐齿蟳组在投喂 21 d 和 42 d 后, OsGPIOsPGKOsPK 的表达量相较投喂 0 d 时的均显著升高。OsGPIOsPGKOsPK 在胚胎发育、饥饿和不同饲料投喂过程中的表达模式说明其参与了中华蛸糖代谢过程的调节, 本研究可为中华蛸饲料的选择和配合饲料中碳水化合物的添加提供基础数据。  相似文献   

Rainbow trout, average weight 185–187 g, were fed feeds containing menhaden oil, canola oil or fish oils (pollock, pink salmon or rockfish) produced from Alaskan seafood processing waste as the added oil for 8 weeks, at which time the fish weighed 391–411 g (average 404 g, pooled SE = 5.7). The fish were previously fed from 75 g average weight fed commercial feed containing poultry oil as the added oil. No significant differences were measured in final weight or feed conversion ratio among dietary treatment groups. Significant differences were found in fillet ω‐3 fatty acid (FA) levels from fish receiving fish oil‐supplemented feeds compared to those from fish receiving feeds containing canola oil. Fillet contents of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 20:5ω3) and decosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6ω3) were highest in the pollock oil treatment group, although all fish oils increased highly unsaturated ω‐3 FA contents (mg 100 g?1) of fillets. Fish oil used through the production cycle was reduced by 25% by supplementing feeds with poultry oil during the middle phase of production (75–175 g) compared to using feeds containing fish oil throughout the production cycle. Fish oils recovered from Alaskan seafood processing waste were suitable alternatives to conventional fish oil as ingredients in rainbow trout production feeds.  相似文献   

Potential feeds, feeding schedules, and feed supplements for growing M. rosenbergii postlarvae to a juvenile size of 0.5 g were evaluated. Postlarvae were grown in 69 L aquaria for 6 to 9 weeks at densities of 1.3 or 2.0/L at a water temperature of 28 C. An experimental diet (HFX-EXD-86X) and four commercially available feeds (Purina Trout Chow No. 2, Silver Cup Fish Feed—Salmon No. 3, Zeigler Shrimp Post Larval Granules No. 3, and MFC Clover Brand 38% Catfish Fingerling Crumbles) were tested. Prawns fed Purina Trout Chow No. 2 had the best survival and yield. Four feeding schedules were then evaluated with Purina Trout Chow No. 2 as the only food: once daily (at 1600 h), twice daily (at 0800 and 1600 h), twice daily (at 0800 and 2000 h), and three times daily (at 0800, 1600, and 2400 h). Prawns in the oncedaily treatment exhibited the best survival, final weight, yield, and food conversion ratio. A oncedaily frequency was then used to test the effects of supplementing the Purina diet with beef liver, squid mantle, codfish muscle, or cooked (scrambled) chicken egg, at 20% dry weight of the total diet. Prawns fed the beef liver supplement had the best final weight and yield.  相似文献   

The effect of replacing fish meal with soybean meal (SBM) in practical feeds for cuneate drum was evaluated in an 8-week net pen trial. The cuneate drum fingerlings (initial body weight 29.8 ± 1.3 g fish− 1) were fed six isonitrogenous and isocaloric feeds containing 39% digestible protein and 16 MJ kg− 1 digestible energy. The control feed was formulated to contain 40% herring meal, whereas in the other five feeds SBM was included at 11.3, 22.5, 33.8, 45.0 and 56.3% to replace 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100% of the fish meal. There were no significant differences in feed intake between fish fed the control feed and feeds in which SBM replaced 20 to 80% of the fish meal, but fish fed the fish meal free feed had higher feed intake than the other treatments. Weight gain linearly declined with the decrease of fish meal level. Final body weight (FBW) of fish fed the feeds in which SBM replaced 20% of the fish meal did not significantly differ from fish fed the control feed. Replacing 40 to 100% of the fish meal resulted in lower FBW and nitrogen retention efficiency (NRE), and higher feed conversion ratio (FCR) than those of fish fed the control feed. Fish fed the feeds in which SBM replaced 60 to 100% of the fish meal had lower condition factor and hepatosomatic index than those of fish fed the control feed. No significant differences in carcass protein content was found among the treatments, but fish fed the feeds in which SBM replaced 60 to 100% of the fish meal had higher moisture and lower lipid content in carcass than those of fish fed the control feed. Results of the present study appear to indicate that cuneate drum has a limited ability to utilize SBM as a protein source in practical feeds.  相似文献   

The use of dietary supplements in commercial shrimp production feeds is increasing because of the need to reduce marine meal (e.g., fish meal) content. Our study evaluated leaching and apparent digestibility of artificial methionine supplements and their use in determining appropriate feeding levels of methionine in practical fish meal replacement diets fed to Litopenaeus vannamei. Three forms of methionine were evaluated: dl ‐methionine HCl, various mineral chelates of methionine, and a short‐chain synthetic methionine polymer. Results showed a significant increase (P < 0.05) in leaching loss of methionine from feeds with decreasing salinity and that leaching was significantly higher for dl ‐methionine than other forms in all salinity treatments. No significant difference was shown in apparent digestibility of methionine among digestibility diets, with the exception of diets supplemented with dl ‐methionine HCl. In two 6‐wk clear‐water growth trials, no significant difference in weight gain was shown by shrimp fed diets containing more than 0.4% methionine (1.14%, as percent of protein). This suggests that an appropriate feed level of methionine for practical plant protein‐based feeds is less than 0.4% of the diet. Results also indicated that mineral‐chelated and polymerized forms of methionine are appropriate for supplementation of plant protein‐based feeds.  相似文献   

Homogeneous background (age, sex, genetic lineage, culture conditions) was created to clearly demonstrate the impact of the tested dietary treatments. No feeds optimized for the rearing of the tench (Tinca tinca L. 1758) are available. Feeds are formulated to increase the growth rate or eliminate skeletal deformations. With the increasing prices of the basic components, fish meal (FM) and fish oil, poultry by‐product meal (PBM) can be used. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of substitution of FM with PBM on the tench blood parameters, body composition and structure of skeletal muscles. Cage‐reared female tenches (325 ± 18 g) were fed for 86 days with five types of feeds with 0% (control), 25.7%, 48.6%, 71.4% and 100% substitution of FM with PBM. No significant differences between the formulations were reported for weight, total length, fillet weight, visceral, liver, gonado‐somatic, proximate composition and biochemical blood parameters. However, significant differences were found in the fillet profiles of fatty acids—an increase in the PBM content correlated with an increase in saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids and a decrease in n‐3 PUFA and, generally, n‐6 PUFA. Significant differences were also observed in, for example, the content of intramuscular fatty tissue and the level of organ lipidosis between the control variant (0% PBM) and that with 100% substitution. A sensory assessment indicated a higher gustatory value of the fillets in the case of feeds with 48.6% and 71.4% substitution.  相似文献   

Lack of suitable diets for semi‐intensive production of Oreochromis niloticus in Kenya has necessitated use of expensive diets designed for intensive production. To address this problem, two isonitrogenous (24% protein) diets were formulated and evaluated for production of O. niloticus in fertilized ponds. One diet contained vitamins and minerals premix (CV) while the other had no premix (CW). Growth of fish fed on the formulated feeds was compared with groups of fish fed on commercial pig pellets (PP) and wheat bran (WB). There were significant differences in mean weights, growth rates and feed conversion ratios between the formulated and the other diets. No significant differences in these parameters were observed between CV and CW and also between PP and WB. Fish that fed on the formulated feeds produced significantly lower number of juveniles than those fed on PP and WB. Fish fed on WB gave the best economic returns while those on PP had the least returns. Present results suggest that vitamins and minerals premix may not be necessary in diets for semi‐intensive production of O. niloticus. Present results showed that the formulated feeds produced higher yields than PP and WB, but WB had the best economic returns among the test diets.  相似文献   

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