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In combination with the migration of industrial projects to be in undated in thereservior area of The Three Gorges project, a level analysis apptoach is used to formulate a policy-making model of invest optimization for the projectS to be migrated,in which various kinds of influ-encial factor on the projects are presented quantitatively and the restriction of limited resourccs isconsidered; An effective,overall and aaplicablc policymaking approach is provided for the migrationof the Three Gorges project.  相似文献   

Structure security is the most main structural reliability, at the request of active service in time to make a frame structure security assessment, in safe premise to prolong the service life, and has a certain social significance and economic benefits. Combining with the actual situation reconstruction projects, using the theory analysis frame structure of the active safety, the finite element SAP2000 on the original structure and rebuilt structure modal analysis, the effect of the structure security index that contrast reconstruction of the frame structure than the frame structure of the security it can improve.  相似文献   

Suspended sediments play an important role in the transformation process of pollutants in rivers.The adsorption characteristic of suspended sediments in Three Gorges Reservoir Area to phosphate was studied in this paper.Based on the indoor adsorption balancing experiment and kinetic modeling experiment,the main factors for adsorption process of sediments(particle size of sediment,initial concentration etc.) were discussed.The major results of the experiment were as follows:(1) Three kinds of suspended sediments with different particle sizes were used for the study of adsorption characteristic with different sediment concentration.The amount of phosphate adsorption increased with the increase of the sediment concentration and sediment particle size.(2) With the help of Langmuir isotherm theory,the related parameters in kinetic model were estimated,the experiment results indicated that the adsorption isotherm of phosphate in Three Gorges Reservoir Area fitted with the fifth type of Langmuir adsorption isotherm,the maximum amount of phosphate adsorption would emerge when the phosphate concentration was relatively high,but it would move down when the phosphate concentration increased afterwards.(3) Phosphate adsorption increased with the increase of initial phosphate concentration,the average time for adsorption balance was 2-4 hours.  相似文献   

The Shuanglong-lake is a shallow lake in the urban area, once it had been a serious typical eutrophic lake. After comprehensive harnessing, the water quality of the lake has been improved greatly. By testing the distribution of its primary productive for  相似文献   

In this paper, by Using Traube's Law, we presented a method with which the macromolecular structure of coal can be studied through the relation between the true density of coal and its chemical constitution Then we researched the law of the variation of the macromolecular struclure of coal with its. rank. At the same time, we discuss the rank of coal which is classified in the constitution and macromolecular structure of coal  相似文献   

The cognition of the image of China in the West during the Middle Ages is a historical base map for the formation of China's image in the eyes of Western travelers in China since the 19 th century. During the Middle Ages, with the Crusades and the Eastward March of the Mongol Empire, the exchanges between China and Europe were frequent. For political and religious purposes, Western missionaries gradually increased in China. From the expansion of the concept of time and space, Western travelers came to China to explore the world outside the Mediterranean. For the needs of literary creation, Western writers began to write Chinese travels while traveling to China. The texts about China's images created by missionaries, travelers and writers are intertwined, depicting a vivid China's national image.  相似文献   

In the sinking process of large-scale caisson, the distribution of the shaft friction and the end resistance is the main controlling factor of the sinking feasibility, but the research based on large-diameter piles and small or medium-scale caissons are no longer applicable. With the real-time monitoring data of the south anchorage caisson sinking process of Yangtze River Highway Bridge in Ma An Shan, this paper analyses the underlying principles and the mechanical characteristics in the sinking process of the large-scale caisson foundation, Verify the applicability of different formulas of the foundation ultimate bearing capacity in the of the caisson; Contrast sink to different depths , the value and the distribution rules of the shaft friction and the end resistance, this paper also modifies the formulas and distribution characteristics of the shaft friction proposed by current specifications, and the conclusions are suitable for reference of similar scale projects.  相似文献   

From the point of psychological state programming research for the main teaching district special renewing of Tsinghua University,this essay approaches how to apply the theory and method of "SD" architectural programming to the practice.As a result,an innovative conceptual design proposal has come out.This paper also illustrates that the key factor to rational design is the application of the theory and method of "SD"architectural programming.  相似文献   

The Grand Sight Garden in Chinese traditional novel "The Story of the Stone" takes an important position in Chinese traditional landscape architecture.In this paper,the aesthetic value of the Grand Sight Garden is analyzed and the real meaning and practical value of this fictitious "garden" is discussed from two aspects: composition structure and artistic conception.  相似文献   

In this paper, the equations of ship and current motion model are established. The calculation of the ship manipulative capability parameter is consistent with the measured in static stream. Through the ship motion model, the layout of the navigation route and the change of the ship manipulative capability parameter due to the Yangtze River Bridge in Sutong City are studied.  相似文献   

世界木薯生产对中国的启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近年来,中国木薯生产一直困于成本高、效益低、鲜薯单产停滞不前、供不应求等问题,为促进中国木薯产业的健康发展,提升其国际竞争力,笔者分析了2004—2013年的世界木薯生产现状,与其他木薯种植大国相比,中国木薯的收获面积、鲜薯单产、总产量及鲜薯单产贡献率均存在较大差距,其中,中国鲜薯单产对总产量的贡献率为19.21%,仅为世界平均水平的31.13%。对此,提出我国需借鉴国外的成功经验,走一条“引进来”和“走出去”相结合的发展道路,加强木薯政策扶持、提升深加工水平、加强良种良法的研究推广及提高规模化和机械化程度。  相似文献   

广西木薯产业化发展对策   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
木薯是广西一种重要的经济作物,其用途很广,经济价值较高,特别是中国加入WTO后,蔗糖业生产遭受巨大冲击的情况下,木薯生产将成为广西重要的支柱产业,成为广西经济发展的新的增长点。广西气候、土壤适于木薯生长,木薯生产具有明显的自然优势,木薯耐旱耐瘠,生产成本相对较低,广西木薯年种植面积23~28万hm2,占全国木薯种植总面积的60%,然而,广西木薯产业化发展也有一些问题有待解决,主要是加工业发展滞后,木薯品种单一、老化,生产布局不甚合理、栽培管理粗放等;因此,广西木薯产业化发展必须大力发展木薯加工业,特别是深加工业,提高木薯生产的经济效益,选育、推广高产高粉木薯良种,改进木薯栽培技术,建立健全木薯种植、加工标准化技术体系,科学处理木薯加工“三废”,解决环境污染问题。  相似文献   

基于GIS的世界木薯生产时空变化分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了全面分析世界木薯生产情况,为木薯生产提供参考信息,采用属性数据空间化的方法,将地理信息系统(GIS)引入世界木薯生产的时空变化分析,利用联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)提供的木薯生产统计数据,分析了1969-2009年世界木薯生产的空间变化、时序变化及变化趋势。结果表明,世界木薯的收获面积、总产量和单位面积产量均具有明显的空间差异;在时序变化上,世界木薯生产整体上呈稳步增长的态势,木薯主要种植大洲及主产国的生产变化各具不同的特点;在空间变异趋势上,木薯单位面积产量的南北方向变化规律最为明显,赤道往北单位面积产量随纬度的增高而增加,赤道往南单位面积产量随纬度增高而下降。GIS是一种研究木薯生产时空变化的新手段,通过研究中的分析,世界木薯的发展应采取合作交流、互助支持的发展模式,融合利用全球的土地资源、气候资源和科技资源,根据全球范围内的木薯生产潜能合理开发世界木薯资源,走木薯产业的可持续发展道路。  相似文献   

海棠果营养丰富,在我国栽培历史悠久。近年来,海棠果在我国的种植面积和产量不断提高,但保鲜和精深加工发展却很慢。因而,主要针对我国海棠果产业中的发展现状及存在问题进行全面分析,并提出一些对策和思考,以期对我国海棠果产业的良性循环发展有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

粮食仓储行业HACCP研究应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
我国是一个人口大国,而粮食是我国人民的主食,也是食品加工的重要原料,其储藏质量安全是食物营养链安全必不可少的一环.随着人民生活质量的提高,粮食的质量品质和食品安全等问题也逐步成为人民关注的焦点.随着四项储粮新技术在我国仓储行业的推广应用,我国的粮食储藏技术也上了一个新的台阶.然而,对于粮食的危害分析与质量控制却相对薄弱,缺乏对相应的关键控制点的研究,不能适应现代储粮技术与食物营养安全的可持续发展.为此,有必要在基于现代储粮技术与食物安全相结合的基础上,引入HACCP体系,对粮食在收获后的每一环节(入仓、储藏、出仓)进行全程危害分析与质量监控,建立一整套适用于我国粮食储藏环节的质量安全控制管理体系.  相似文献   

木薯是福建省继甘薯、马铃薯后第三大薯类作物。笔者首先介绍了木薯的起源和分布、国内外木薯生产现状和利用途径。其次,针对目前木薯发展现状,重点分析和评价了福建省发展木薯产业的可行性。最后对福建发展木薯产业提出四点建议:一是:积极引进、加快应用木薯优良品种,实现良种化;二是:引进高产、耐寒的木薯品种,扩大种植范围;三是:制定和推广适应福建省木薯高产栽培技术;四是:探讨木薯综合利用途径。  相似文献   

中国高粱产业工程技术研究的定位思考   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
为了解决制约中国高粱产业发展的全链条工程技术问题,通过研究分析高粱产业对国民经济和社会发展的作用,并剖析高粱产业工程技术研究的现状问题,进而探讨高粱产业发展的工程技术研究对策,针对性的提出7个对策:高粱种质资源收集、保存;高粱育种种质资源创新;专用高粱新品种选育;高产优质高效栽培技术集成创新;病虫草害综合防控技术研发;完善技术推广服务体系;高粱深加工利用技术研究。旨在推动中国高粱产业的快速、持续、健康发展。  相似文献   

柑橘是世界第一大水果,我国柑橘种植面积和年产量均居世界第一。柑橘成为世界大宗水果,得益于柑橘加工产业的发展,但在柑橘生产加工过程中所出现的苦味问题已成为一个关键性的难题,目前尚未得到圆满解决。介绍柑橘中的苦味物质种类及其测定方法。  相似文献   

江门林业高新技术示范区项目建设目的在于促进林业科技成果转化,推进林业生态建设,促进江门社会经济可持续发展。通过采取政府支持与市场化运作相结合、林业与旅游相衔接、与省内科研机构分工合作等建设方法,江门林业高新技术示范区将成为集生态林业研究、开发、推广、服务于一体,并融合林业科普、生态教育、旅游于其中的“生态型林业高科技产业园”。  相似文献   

天津农产品加工业进入新的发展时期,在原料供给、发展规模、产业结构调整和科技创新等方面表现出新的特点和趋势,也面临着发展理念落后、原料有限、成本价格高、质量安全、地区竞争、政策扶持等问题和劣势。为进一步做强做大天津农产品加工业,在广泛调查研究的基础上,提出了发展天津农产品加工业的思路、重点发展领域和对策建议,为政府决策和产业规划提供依据和参考。  相似文献   

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