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中国畜禽寄生虫虫种数据库的建立   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以《中国家畜家禽寄生虫名录》和《中国畜禽寄生虫形态分类图谱》为基础,使用Microsoft Access2003和Borland Delphi7.0建立了《中国畜禽寄生虫虫种数据库》。该数据库系统详细记录了寄生于我国17种普通家畜家禽的2169种寄生虫在全国的地理分布状况和所属门、纲、目、科、属的分类特征及724种寄生虫的形态结构等信息,为我国畜禽寄生虫虫种资料的检索提供了便捷、高效的计算机工具,对我国畜禽寄生虫的科研、教学和寄生虫病防治工作具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

上海市家畜家禽寄生虫名录   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为了解上海市畜禽寄生虫种类及其寄生宿主与部位。综合已发表有关上海畜禽寄生虫的调查等文献,制定了上海市畜禽寄生虫名录,共计107 属169 种寄生虫,分别寄生于奶牛、黄牛、水牛、猪、山羊、绵羊、马、犬、猫、兔、鸡、鸭、鹅、鸽等14 种畜禽,并列出了虫的分类地位和在宿主中的寄生部位。  相似文献   

1 寄生虫是如何侵入畜禽体内的? 当某一种或某几种寄生虫暂时或长久地寄生于畜禽体内或体表并引起相应的疾病,称为畜禽寄生虫病。寄生虫病是一种慢性侵袭性疾病,能使患病畜禽机体消瘦、代谢过程障碍、生产性能降低,最后因贫血或中毒或衰竭而死亡。那么,具有侵袭性的寄生虫或虫卵是如何侵入畜禽体内的呢?根据侵入的部  相似文献   

寄生在动物体内和体表的寄生虫种类繁多,仅我国17种家养畜禽的寄生虫就达二千多种,而全世界家养畜禽的寄生虫种类就更多,其他脊椎动物包括野生哺乳动物、野禽、两栖动物、爬行动物和鱼类又有更多种的寄生虫.  相似文献   

正中国畜禽寄生虫彩色图谱编撰项目通过验收6月6日,从中国农业科学院上海兽医研究所获悉,该所动物原虫病创新团队黄兵研究员主持的国家科技基础性工作专项"中国畜禽寄生虫彩色图谱编撰"完成计划任务,通过验收。该项目完成了《中国畜禽寄生虫形态分类彩色图谱》系列5部著作的编撰,共收录寄生于我国畜禽的寄生虫1028种、图片5469幅,其中《中国畜禽线虫形态分类彩色图谱》收录线虫300种、图片1711幅,《中国畜禽吸虫形态分  相似文献   

为实现中国畜禽寄生虫虫种资源的离线查询,以《中国家畜家禽寄生虫名录(第二版)》、《中国畜禽寄生虫形态分类图谱》和《中国畜禽寄生虫形态分类彩色图谱》系列为数据来源,运用Apache POI提取虫种信息,使用Easy UI设计系统界面,采用Echarts绘制虫种地理分布图,构建了基于Loki JS为内存数据库的单机版畜禽寄生虫虫种查询系统。该系统能查询2400余种(含亚种)寄生虫的中文名称、拉丁文名称、地理分布、寄生宿主、寄生部位等信息,以及1000多种寄生虫的形态描述、形态结构图或彩色照片。系统无需安装,直接在本地电脑上运行,查询速度可达到毫秒级,占用系统资源少,为我国寄生虫虫种资源的查询提供了高效、便捷的工具,对我国寄生虫学的科研、教学和寄生虫病防治工作具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

本文整理了吉林省梅河口市历年对畜禽寄生虫调查的资料,编成名录。该市各种畜禽寄生虫98种,分属于37科58属。并以门、纲、目(亚目)、科、属、种按序排列。  相似文献   

正"中国畜禽寄生虫彩色图谱编撰"项目取得阶段性成果近日,从中国农业科学院上海兽医研究所获悉,该所动物原虫病创新团队黄兵研究员主持的国家科技基础性工作专项"中国畜禽寄生虫彩色图谱编撰"完成计划任务,通过验收。我国畜禽寄生虫种类多、分布广,寄生于马、牛、猪、鸡、鸭等普通畜禽的寄生虫种类达2000多种,全国各省市饲养的畜禽均有寄生虫感染。畜禽寄生虫既是病原,  相似文献   

寄生虫是引起畜禽寄生虫病的病原体。当某一种或某几种寄生虫的成虫或幼虫暂时或长期地寄生在畜禽体内或体表并引起相应的病症和病理变化时,称为奇生虫病。寄生虫病是一种慢性侵袭性疾病,该病可使患病畜禽机体消瘦、贫血,代谢发生障碍,生产性能降低,有的最后因毒素中毒或衰竭而死亡。那么寄生虫是怎样侵入到畜禽体内呢?现简单介绍如下: 1.经口腔感染 大多数畜  相似文献   

寄生虫在畜禽消化道(主要是肠道)内寄生而引起的疾病统称为消化道寄生虫病。肠道寄生虫的种类多,在畜禽体内寄生过程复杂,常见的寄生虫有原虫类和蠕虫类。现介绍两种检测畜禽消化道寄生虫的方法,即稀释虫卵计数法和浓集虫卵计数法。前者主要是基于Cornell-Mc Master稀释虫卵计数法。在寄生虫轻度感染定量时,浓集虫卵计数法要比稀释虫卵计数法更可靠。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍放牧羊线虫寄生阶段幼虫分离技术、幼虫鉴别技术、冬季驱除线虫寄生阶段幼虫技术、主要寄生虫病流行规律、防治技术的研究与应用等青海省家畜寄生虫病资源与利用情况,并就寄生虫种质资源平台建设尚需进一步研究的问题提出了一些见解。  相似文献   

Nematode parasites have been a major factor limiting sheep production in New Zealand for more than 100 years. Twenty-nine species of nematodes were unintentionally introduced with sheep into New Zealand, but it is principally species of Haemonchus, Ostertagia, Trichostrongylus, Nematodirus and Cooperia that are associated with production losses and clinical disease.

The seasonal dynamics of nematode infection are the consequence of complex inter-relationships between the sheep, their husbandry and the prevailing climate. The patterns of pasture contamination by nematode eggs and then larvae, and the subsequent levels of infection in ewes and lambs are broadly similar throughout New Zealand. Numbers of infective larvae on pasture build up over summer to a peak in autumn/early winter with, in some years, a spring peak derived from the parturient rise in faecal nematode egg counts (FEC), expressed in eggs per gram of faeces (epg), in lactating ewes. The immune capability of lambs is initially low but increases with the magnitude and duration of exposure to infection. Once significant immunity has developed (usually by 10–12 months of age), sheep are capable of markedly restricting parasite infection, except during times of disease, malnutrition or stress.

For the effective control of nematode parasites, farmers have come to rely almost exclusively on broad-spectrum anthelmintics. However, issues relating to resistance, residues and eco-toxicity increasingly threaten the sustainability of chemotherapy. In order to maintain present levels of parasite control and productivity in the long term, farmers need to integrate management practices aimed at minimising animal exposure to parasites with reduced reliance on anthelmintics.  相似文献   

Nematode parasites have been a major factor limiting sheep production in New Zealand for more than 100 years. Twenty-nine species of nematodes were unintentionally introduced with sheep into New Zealand, but it is principally species of Haemonchus, Ostertagia, Trichostrongylus, Nematodirus and Cooperia that are associated with production losses and clinical disease. The seasonal dynamics of nematode infection are the consequence of complex inter-relationships between the sheep, their husbandry and the prevailing climate. The patterns of pasture contamination by nematode eggs and then larvae and the subsequent levels of infection in ewes and lambs are broadly similar throughout New Zealand. Numbers of infective larvae on pasture build up over summer to a peak in autumn/early winter with, in some years, a spring peak derived from the parturient rise in faecal nematode egg counts (FEC), expressed in eggs per gram of faeces (epg), in lactating ewes. The immune capability of lambs is initially low but increases with the magnitude and duration of exposure to infection. Once significant immunity has developed (usually by 10-12 months of age), sheep are capable of markedly restricting parasite infection, except during times of disease, malnutrition or stress. For the effective control of nematode parasites, farmers have come to rely almost exclusively on broad-spectrum anthelmintics. However, issues relating to resistance, residues and eco-toxicity increasingly threaten the sustainability of chemotherapy. In order to maintain present levels of parasite control and productivity in the long term, farmers need to integrate management practices aimed at minimising animal exposure to parasites with reduced reliance on anthelmintics.  相似文献   

Biological control of parasitic nematodes of livestock is currently under development and represents another tool that may be integrated into helminth parasite control strategies. This paper presents a brief introduction to commercial sheep farming in South Africa and currently available nematode parasite control methods. These include the FAMACHA clinical assay, strategies of pasture management, dilution of resistant worm species by introduction of susceptible worms, breed resistant sheep and nutritional supplementation. The purpose of this paper is to outline the principles of biological control using nematophagous fungi and how it may be applied on sheep farms in South Africa.  相似文献   

The faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) was conducted on 39 sheep farms and 9 goat farms located in Peninsular Malaysia. The anthelmintic groups used in these tests were the benzimidazoles, levamisole, the benzimidazole/levamisole combination, macrocyclic lactones and closantel. Results indicated that the prevalence of resistance to the benzimidazole group was high, with approximately 50% of the sheep farms and 75% of the goat farms having resistant nematode parasite populations present. Resistance to levamisole, closantel and ivermectin was also detected. Differentiation of the infective larvae derived from faecal cultures indicated that by far the most predominant parasite species was Haemonchus contortus.  相似文献   

Thirteen parasite species, three trematodes, five cestodes, one nematode, and four arthropods, have been reported in livestock in Asir, southwestern Saudi Arabia. The occurrence of Dicrocoelium dendriticum in imported sheep and Paramphistomum cervi in indigenous cattle is recorded for the first time in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

为掌握青海省海北州藏羊群中牛病毒性腹泻病毒和羊边界病毒的感染情况,本研究采用RT-PCR方法分别对青海省海北州的161份健康藏羊血清样品和34份腹泻藏羊组织样品进行了BVDV和BDV的抗原核酸检测。结果显示:195份样品中BVDV和BDV总阳性率分别为29.74 %和14.36 %;161份健康藏羊血清样品中BVDV和BDV平均阳性率分别为26.71 %和11.80 %,BVDV/BDV混合感染率为4.35 %;34份腹泻藏羊组织样品中BVDV和BDV平均阳性率分别为44.12 %和26.47 %,BVDV/BDV混合感染率为17.65 %。本研究表明青海省海北州健康藏羊群和腹泻藏羊群中均存在BVDV、BDV的单独感染以及混合感染,且感染情况在个别养殖场(户)较为严重,本研究为青海藏羊的综合防控措施提供了指导依据,丰富了我国羊群中BVDV和BDV的流行病学资料。  相似文献   

Nematodirus abnormalis is a common nematode parasite of sheep on several farms in the Caledon district of the south-western Cape and is the major species of Nematodirus on a farm in the Riviersonderend mountains of this region, yet it has never before been recorded from domestic animals in South Africa.  相似文献   

用犬新孢子虫的重组蛋白GST-NcSAG1t作为ELISA诊断抗原,进行了青海省海西地区山羊和绵羊群中犬新孢子虫病的血清学调查。经过对所收集的120份绵羊血清和531份山羊血清抗体的检测,共检出绵羊阳性血清10份,山羊阳性血清36份,其阳性率分别为8.33%和6.78%。说明青海省海西地区的绵羊和山羊群中存在犬新孢子虫的感染。  相似文献   

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