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利用家蚕幼虫饲养异色瓢虫研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对家蚕低龄幼虫饲养异色瓢虫进行了试验.结果表明,异色瓢虫幼虫期为9.21d、蛹期为3.22d、饲养成活率达到98.33%、成虫平均体重为29.56mg,卵孵化率97.65%,与用蚜虫饲养相比均无差异产卵前期为7.94d,单雌产卵量为85.46粒。与用蚜虫饲养相比有显著差异。  相似文献   

异色瓢虫生物学特性初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
异色瓢虫(Harmonia axyridis(Pallas)以成虫在墙角、屋檐下、石洞和石缝等向阳避风处常聚集越冬。通过室内饲养和野外观察,总结出异色瓢虫在河南1年发生5~7代,异色瓢虫各虫态发育历期分别为卵2.0~3.2d,幼虫期8.3~9.9d,蛹期2.8~3.6d。并对其出蛰及其后的活动、食蚜量、食性与栖息场所等生物学特性进行了初探。  相似文献   

临夏地区异色瓢虫生物学特性观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
异色瓢虫在临夏地区1年发生4代,幼虫共4龄,越冬成虫4月上旬始见,成虫交尾时长为80~160min,交尾后3~5 d开始产卵,在(20±2)℃的室温下饲喂表明:越冬雌虫产卵量(133.40±33.78)粒/头,孵化率98.91%±1.49%;第1代发育历期:卵期(3.03±0.04)d,1龄幼虫(2.06±0.94)d,2龄幼虫(3.27±0.78)d,3龄幼虫(1.82±0.84)d,4龄幼虫(6.50±7.10)d,蛹期(6.80±0.84)d,成虫平均寿命为(19.67±10.34)d,全世代历期43.15 d。10月下旬以成虫越冬。  相似文献   

为明确温度对麻疯树柄细蛾Stomphastis thraustica Meyrick生长发育和繁殖的影响,研究了不同温度下(19~37℃)麻疯树柄细蛾各虫态生长发育、存活和繁殖等生物学特性。结果表明:在19~34℃范围内,各虫态的发育历期随温度的升高而缩短。37℃时,卵不能孵化。在25℃下雌虫和雄虫平均寿命最长,分别为5.94 d和5.22 d。在25~34℃范围内,温度对雌虫产卵量无显著影响,但平均产卵量(44.4粒/雌)明显高于低温区19~22℃的平均产卵量(16.9粒/雌)。卵、幼虫、蛹和世代的发育起点温度分别为8.391,6.312,8.014,8.874℃,世代有效积温为294.183日度。  相似文献   

寄主植物对舞毒蛾生长发育的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
该文选择了青杨Populus cathayanaRehd.、华北落叶松Larix principis-rupprechtiiMayr.和山杏Aarmeniaca sibiricaLinn.,研究植物对舞毒蛾Lymantria disparL.生长发育历期、蛹重、产卵量的影响。结果表明舞毒蛾发育历期、蛹重及产卵量与所取食的寄主植物有明显的相关性,取食华北落叶松的舞毒蛾个体发育历期最短,平均为38.22±0.56 d,蛹最重,平均为1.48±0.09g,产卵量最多,平均每雌560.65±41.67粒;取食青杨的舞毒蛾发育历期最长,平均为46.68±0.65 d,蛹最轻,平均为1.17±0.08 g,产卵量最少,平均每雌315.47±49.07粒;取食山杏的舞毒蛾间于二者之间,平均历期为39.53±0.58 d,平均蛹重为1.24±0.08 g,每雌产卵量394.50±58.65粒。可以认为,在供试范围内华北落叶松最适宜舞毒蛾生长发育,山杏次之,青杨最不适宜。  相似文献   

黄玛草蛉实验种群生命表及其野外种群调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以埃及吹绵蚧Icerya aegyptiaca (Douglas)若虫饲养黄玛草蛉Mallada basalis(Walker),并采用实验种群生命表的方法进行饲养效率评价.结果表明:黄玛草蛉卵期为3.610 4 d,存活率为0.840 0;1,2,3龄幼虫历期分别为3.301 2,3.633 0,5.501 1 d,存活率分别为0.895 8,0.907 0,0.974 4;蛹期为8.1203 d,存活率为0.815 8;成虫历期为29.135 6 d,幼期累计存活率(ⅡSi)为0.542 5,世代历期为53.301 6 d,单雌平均产卵量为76.357 1粒,雌性比率为0.451 6,种群趋势指数为18.707 5,内禀增长率为0.0441,周限增长率为1.045 1.野外释放黄玛草蛉防治埃及吹绵蚧,并调查其在野外建立种群情况.释放黄玛草蛉后,除了2011年6月只发现卵、幼虫外,其他月份都可以发现黄玛草蛉的卵、幼虫和蛹.其中2011年9月卵数量最多,为20.80粒/株;2011年10月幼虫数量最多,为11.40头/株;2011年10月蛹数量最多,为9.10头/株.  相似文献   

栗山天牛的生物学特性及生物防治技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合野外观察和室内试验,对栗山天牛的生物学特性进行了观察研究。结果表明,栗山天牛羽化后未交配的雌成虫75.86%,怀有未成熟卵粒,平均未成熟卵为8.53粒/♀;成熟卵平均23.76粒/♀。产卵前期平均为4.6d,产卵期平均14.8d,产卵量平均33.2粒/♀。雌虫寿命平均22.3d,雄虫寿命略短,平均19.1d。栗山天牛危害主要分布在上坡、山脊和阳坡的栎树。人工捕捉是目前较为成熟的成虫防治技术,前期和盛期捕捉到的雌虫大多数怀卵量较大。利用寄生性天敌花绒寄甲防治天牛幼虫和蛹是主要的防治技术,前景广阔。  相似文献   

桐花树毛颚小卷蛾Lasiognatha cellifera Meyrick是广西北部湾桐花树的主要害虫,通过室内饲养和林间观察研究,对桐花树毛颚小卷蛾各虫态的形态特征进行了描述,基本了解其生活习性及生活史。该虫在广西北部湾地区1a发生12代,世代重叠。以2~3龄幼虫在桐花树叶片上卷叶越冬,3月上旬开始羽化为成虫,1~2d后即交配产卵,平均每雌产卵量76粒。卵历期2~4d,幼虫历期11~15d,蛹历期7~8d,成虫寿命约6d;该虫有2个明显的危害高峰期,分别出现在春季和秋季。提出桐花树毛颚小卷蛾的初步防治建议。  相似文献   

异色瓢虫的成、幼虫均能取食多种蚜虫和蚧虫,是农林害虫的重要天敌之一。为了更有效地发挥其在植物保护中的积极作用,几年来省内、外不少单位先后开展了关于该虫的人工繁殖技术的研究工作,并取得了一定进展。有关人工饲料、饲养的温、湿度条件等都在不同程度上得到了解决。目前存在的一个主要问题就是取卵问题,因为人工饲养异色瓢虫成虫,其卵往往产于寄生蚜虫的植物叶片或养虫箱的器壁上,因异色瓢虫的卵体很小,且壁薄,略加擦碰就会破损,这样就给收集造成很大困难,虽然产卵量很高,  相似文献   

在室内对红棕象甲生物学特性和形态进行了系统观察,表明在26℃、RH80%、寄主食料华盛顿棕榈饲养条件下,红棕象甲世代历期平均114.77d,最短87.00d、最长166.00d,其中卵期平均3.50d,幼虫期平均36.68d,结茧到产卵前历期平均29.96d。幼虫以8龄为主,1~2龄幼虫的体重小于0.01g,头壳宽短于1.0mm,3龄后幼虫体重、头壳宽度、体长和体宽开始增加,8龄时幼虫平均体重为3.36g,头壳宽度6.0mm。成虫雌雄性比1.78:1,补充营养能显著延长成虫寿命,在无补充营养时,雌雄成虫寿命只有7.00d左右,而在补充营养后,雌雄成虫寿命最长可分别达130.00d和244.00d。雌虫产卵量最大376粒,最小89粒,平均216粒。  相似文献   

The spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is being successfully reared on artificial diets for screening programmes. Besides quality characteristics of the diet, rearing density and adult nutrition have significant implications on the successful mass multiplication of lepidopterans. The performance of C. partellus moths was assessed on different adult diets (water and sugar solution) and compared with unfed adults. Further, three pairing densities, viz. 2, 5 and 8 pairs/oviposition jar (1177.5 cm3) were compared for their effect on C. partellus longevity and fecundity. In another experiment, different larval densities (100, 150 and 200 neonate larvae/diet jar) were evaluated for their effect on the larval survival. Water-fed moths (both males and females) lived longer (7.32 and 7.26 days, respectively) and showed higher fecundity (307.17 eggs) than the sugar-fed or unfed moths. The latter, however, showed better egg hatchability (76.55%) than the water- or sugar-fed moths (60.45 and 50.59%, respectively). The longevity (5.67 days) and fecundity (258.46 eggs) were significantly greater at pairing density of 2 pairs/jar. The larval survival was higher (58.50%) at rearing density of 100 larvae/jar. The neonate larval release into diet jars was compared with conventional egg release and both modes were no different with respect to larval survival.  相似文献   

本试验用人工剪叶方法,模拟油桐尺蠖对油桐的为害。结果表明,油桐尺蠖的为害对油桐的生长发育、产量和桐油的品质,均有不同程度的影响。为害程度(x)与产量损失率(y)之间,具有幂函数回归关系y=ax~b,按照Headley的防治指标原理,利用Chiang H C的防治指标计算公式,求得进行化防时,以成年树每株3龄幼虫数及卵块数为标准的防治指标分别为:第1代191.3条和1.06个印块;第2代212.8条和1.18个卵块。人工挖蛹的防治指标舞株蛹置为:第1代2.58个.第2代2.53个。  相似文献   

以丙酮、乙醇及水作溶剂,研究了黄花蒿全株干粉的3种溶剂提取物及其提取物不同浓度对菜蚜的触杀和胃毒活性。结果表明3种提取物对蚜虫都具有较强的毒杀活性,回归分析表明随着浓度升高杀虫时间缩短。LD50结果说明丙酮提取物的杀虫活性最强,乙醇提取物次之,最次是水提取物。独立样本t检验比较触杀效果和胃毒效果,表明黄花蒿各提取物均是触杀效果高于胃毒作用。  相似文献   

黄斑星天牛人工饲料研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
张克斌  胡木林 《林业科学》1993,29(3):227-233
本文对6种人工饲料的配方作了详细比较、分析和讨论,找出了用于饲养黄斑星天牛幼虫的饲料最佳配方,其主要成分是干酪素、纤维素、蔗糖、黄豆粉;利用此种饲料饲养,黄斑星天牛幼虫期缩短、存活率达86.2%,蛹重增加,产卵量提高,寿命延长;试脸还表明,不同成分的饲料不仅影响幼虫存活率和生长发育,而且还明显影响其物质与能量代谢活动。  相似文献   

Abstract The biology of two important lepidopterous pests, Prays oleae Bernard and Palpita unionalis Hübner, was studied. The target pests were reared on olive plants, Oleae europaea L. (Oleaceae) under laboratory conditions for two successive generations, from March to June 2002. For P. oleae, the duration of larval stage development in the first generation was 21.4 ± 0.18 days at 19.3–20.9 °C, 65–68 % R.H, while in the second generation it was 14.8 ± 0.10 days at 20.8–24.2 °C, 65–69 % R.H. The number of eggs laid per female ranged from 58 to 109 eggs in the first generation, and from 47 to 113 in the second. The larval stage duration of P. unionalis was 16.3 ± 0.12 days at 16.8–22.9 °C, 65–69 % R.H. and 15.5 ± 0.12 days at 21.6–25.5 °C, 66–69 % R.H. for the first and second generations, respectively. Also, the number of eggs laid per female ranged from 630 to 653 eggs, and from 425 to 493 eggs in the second generation under the same previous laboratory conditions. P. oleae laid eggs at night mostly singly on flower-buds, more on the calyx. than on the petals. The larvae mined on leaves and damaged groups of flowers. P. unionalis adults were active at night, laid eggs singly at twilight usually on the lower surface of foliage. Larvae fed on leaves spinning several leaves together to form shelter for the pupa.  相似文献   

The development of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) was investigated on a newly developed semiartificial diet as compared with two natural diets namely sugarcane stem and banana fruit. The weevil was successfully maintained on these diets and duration of the life cycle for males and females, respectively were 164.97 and 194.61 days on the semiartificial diet, 192.5 and 186.5 days on banana, and 172.00 and 170.00 days on sugarcane. The average egg production per female was shown to be significantly higher on the semiartificial diet, being 184.00?±?18.68 eggs compared with an average of 125.00?±?11.97 and 133.00?±?15.21 eggs on banana and sugarcane, respectively. The fertility ranged between 94?–?100?% in those eggs deposited by females previously reared on the tested diets. The developed semiartificial diet was shown to be suitable for maintaining laboratory colonies of the red palm weevil, and it can substitute natural diets.  相似文献   

Tribolium castaneum is a pest of stored foods that causes serious economic losses. Understanding insect nutritional requirements and the effects of different diets on insect development can provide tools for developing strategies to control insect and integrated pest management systems. In this work we studied the performance of the T. castaneum on different plant diets composed of Vigna unguiculata, Phaseolus vulgaris and wheat flours. The diets interfered differentially with development and insect survival. Larvae size was reduced about 60 % in larvae fed with V. unguiculata flour. A delay in pupae formation was also observed. The larval mortality of 100 % was observed in the P. vulgaris diet. Carbohydrate and triglyceride showed variations during development and with different diets. Larvae fed with wheat diets showed a high concentration of carbohydrates 21 days after hatching (DAH) and triglyceride at 15 and 21 DAH. Larvae fed with wheat diets showed α-amylase activity during development. At 15 DAH the activity of larvae fed with V. unguiculata increased about 50 %. Cysteine protease activity in larvae fed with wheat remained high throughout development. Serine protease activity also varied according to diets. These results show that the nutritional state of developing larvae varies greatly with respect to triglycerides, carbohydrate and digestive enzymes depending on the diet and larval stage. Altogether, these results show that changes in dietary nutrients can interfere with insect physiology. Therefore changes in diet composition that may deprive insects of essential nutrients or include toxic compounds might be a good control strategy for stored product pests.  相似文献   

松墨天牛种群消长趋势指数研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus 1年1代地区,该虫单雌产卵量约100粒,卵、初龄幼虫、老龄幼虫至成虫羽化脱孔、成虫羽人至产卵在松材线虫病林内的存活率分别为90%、48.34%、71.99%和85.75%,雌雄性比是1.14:1。因而该虫的种群消长趋势指数是14.3。  相似文献   

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