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杂草生物控制技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
生物技术防治田间杂草是农田控草技术研究的热点,利用生物之间的生态关系、致病微生物和自身分泌的他感物质来达到控草的目的,具有安全、环保、健康、绿色等优点,是未来有机农田杂草控制的重要途径。论文综述了生物控草的主要技术途径、原理及应用等领域的研究进展,剖析了研究中存在的主要问题,并对生物控草技术的进一步发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

<正>1月10日,全国农技中心在北京组织召开农田杂草监测调查与科学防控技术方案研讨会,共11位专家对《2020年农田杂草科学防控技术方案(讨论稿)》《2020年农田杂草监测调查技术方案(讨论稿)》进行修改完善,研究提出了2020年农田杂草监测与防控基本思路和工作重点。专家认为,近年农田杂草发生呈连年加重趋势,局部地区危害程度超过病虫,要引起高度关注。一是杂草群落演替加剧,难治种群数量增加。除草剂的  相似文献   

李进源 《种子科技》2024,(4):101-103
介绍了水稻直播田杂草类型及水稻生长特点、规律,论述了杂草重发的原因,探讨了水稻直播田杂草防除技术,包括合理施药的重要性,探讨了机械除草技术,如翻耕、插秧和耙田等方法,以减少农药的施用量,讨论了生物防治技术,包括引入害虫天敌和微生物,减少农药对环境的影响,以提高水稻产量并保护环境。  相似文献   

牛小霞 《中国农学通报》2017,33(24):148-153
为明确定西地区不同轮作田杂草生态位,采用倒置"W"九点取样法,对定西地区不同轮作田苗期杂草进行了调查。利用Levins生态位宽度指数和Schoener重叠指数对定西地区不同轮作田主要杂草生态位进行分析,了解不同轮作对农田杂草生态位的影响。研究表明:苦苣菜、藜的生态位宽度最大,在群落中处于绝对的优势地位,对农田危害严重。研究结果可以为农田杂草防治和建立合理的轮作顺序提供依据。  相似文献   

化学除草剂对后茬作物的为害值得重视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着农业生产的发展和科学技术的进步。适合农田施用的化学除草剂品种不断开发,农田施用化学除草剂的面积越来越广,农民对化学除草剂的依赖性越来越大。化学除草剂的应用,给农业生产带来了诸多优越性,如有效地控制了农田杂草的滋生,减轻了农民的劳动强度,提高了农作物产量等。但某些除草剂由于使用不当,其后效对下茬作物的为害已成为种植业的一种顽症,给农业生产带来不必要的损失。这个问题值得农民朋友高度重视。现将对后茬作物造成为害的大豆、玉米、小麦、水稻除草剂品种及其后茬作物应有的安全间隔期介绍如下:  相似文献   

前言农田杂草种类很多,它与农作物争养料、争阳光、争水分,还能传播病虫害,是妨碍作物正常生长发育,影响作物产量的一主要大害。防除农田杂草,乃是农业增产必不可少的生产措施。但是,如何防治得好:即省工、耗费少、效果好、经济效益高,就得了解杂草的  相似文献   

<正>杂草稻是一种在水稻田不断自生、危害水稻生产、具有杂草特性的水稻,属于水田的恶性杂草。近年来,杂草稻在我国一些稻区发生越来越重,严重影响水稻产量和质量,威胁我国水稻生产和粮食安全。全国农技推广中心多年组织有关省市开展杂草稻防除试验示范。为进一步交流杂草稻防除技术,研究对策,该中心近日在广东雷州市召开了杂草稻防除研讨会。  相似文献   

随着黑龙江省垦区水稻种植面积迅速扩大及稻田种植年限的增加,化学除草剂应用使水稻本田杂草群落发生改变。为害较重的难防治的恶性禾本科杂草主要有稗草、稻稗;难防治的阔叶杂草有慈姑、泽泻、雨久花。  相似文献   

化学除草是农田草害综合防治中的重要手段之一,为降低农田杂草危害和保障作物安全生长发挥了重要作用。由于田间杂草具有种群数量大,适应性广,生命力强的特点,给化除工作带来了复杂性,因此必须正确使用除草剂才能使除草剂的药效得到充分发挥,才能获得较好的化除效果和经济效益。  相似文献   

<正>由湖南省植保植检站组织举办的湖南省农田杂草防控工作会议于近日在湖南省益阳市资阳区召开。会议由湖南省植保植检站欧高财站长主持。在会上,资阳区的代表介绍了20个除草剂品种试验示范情况,省植保站尹科长介绍了近年来全省农田杂草发生防治情况及近三年来不同栽培类型稻田除草剂筛选试验示范  相似文献   

随着除草剂使用量和使用频率的不断增加,杂草抗药性问题也逐渐成为杂草防除及治理的难点和热点。目前杂草对PS(Photosystem)Ⅱ抑制剂类除草剂产生抗药性主要分为靶标抗性和非靶标抗性。本研究综述了近年来杂草对PSⅡ抑制剂类除草剂抗药性的产生、发展现状及杂草抗PSⅡ抑制剂类除草剂的机理。针对这些问题,提出除草剂使用过程中需要注意的事项,为延缓杂草对该类除草剂产生抗药性提供一定参考。  相似文献   

新型玉米除草剂的防效与评价研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为了筛选既对玉米生长无明显影响又能有效防除玉米地杂草的新型除草剂,2005-2006年对宝玉、玉邦和金玉黄龙3种除草剂进行了药剂试验,结果表明,玉邦除草剂用于苗前和苗后玉米4~8叶期、杂草2~4叶期防除杂草均有很好的防效,3种除草剂对杂草防效的排序为:玉邦>宝玉>金玉黄龙。  相似文献   

冬油菜苗期化学除草效果和经济效益研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为筛选出经济、高效、安全的化学除草方法,有效控制油菜田间杂草危害,提高油菜产量和种植效益,通过试验,研究了2种化学除草剂不同使用浓度的安全性和苗期化学除草效果,并以人工除草和不除草方法为对照,对比分析不同除草方法的投入和产出情况。结果表明:不同除草方法间油菜产量差异显著;化学除草方法对油菜田间杂草有较好的防除效果,并可显著降低油菜生产的劳动力和生产成本投入,进而提高经济效益;不同化学除草方法均于施药35天后表现出较好的除草效果;每公顷用21.2%喹·胺·草除灵悬浮剂900 mL于油菜4—5叶期、杂草3—4叶期兑水900 kg及时喷施的方法除草效果好,对油菜生长安全,可以作为冬油菜田的苗期化学除草方法在生产上应用。  相似文献   

Intercropping corn with legumes is an alternative to corn monocropping and is a possible way to reduce the use of inputs, such as herbicides, while maintaining current weed control levels. Two experiments were carried out at each of two sites in both 1993 and 1994. The first experiment investigated the effects of seeding soybean or lupin alone or in combination with one of three forages (annual ryegrass, Lolium multiflorum Lam.; perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne L.; and red clover, Trifolium pratense L.) on weed control. The second experiment examined the effects of seeding date (simultaneous with corn or 3 weeks later) and number of rows of large-seeded legumes (one or two) seeded between the corn rows, on weed control. Whenever seeding of legumes/forages was delayed, weekly interrow tillage operations were used to control weeds until legume/forage seeding. The density and biomasses of monocot weeds, either on or between the corn rows, were not affected by cultivation or intercropping. The density and biomass of dicot weeds on corn rows were reduced by some intercrop systems. For the various cropping systems tested, the dicot weed biomass and density between corn rows were most affected (in some cases reduced by 73-100% of the weedy control). A more effective dicot weed control was observed in delay seeded treatments, which allowed extra interrow cultivations. Intercrops that included soybean were also more successful at reducing weed populations than those containing lupin. Underseeded forages did not reduce weed biomass or density.  相似文献   

Weed interference with the growth and yield of corn plants is affected by both mechanical and chemical means of weed control. Recently, corn hybrids accumulating more leaf area, maturing earlier, yielding better in narrower row spacings and tolerating higher plant populations better than conventional hybrids have been developed. Because of more rapid leaf area accumulation during the earliest stages of canopy development and overall canopy architecture, they may be more susceptible to damage due to mechanical weed control. The objective of this study was to assess the response of corn hybrids with a wide range of canopy architectures to chemical and mechanical (rotary hoeing) weed control, with an emphasis on quantifying morphology and grain yield responses. Field experiments were conducted in 1997 and 1998 at Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec. Three hybrids were tested: leafy reduced-stature (LRS1 and LRS2), and the conventional hybrid Pioneer 3979 (P3979). Rotary hoeing alone had very little effect, while herbicide application reduced the interference of weeds with growth and grain yield of all hybrids. Hybrid P3979 had more total leaf area than LRS1 and LRS2, but the percentage of leaf area above the ear was much higher for LRS hybrids (70 %) than for P3979 (51 %). Generally, LRS hybrids were much shorter with more leaf area above the ear than P3979, contributing to the large differences in canopy architecture between the LRS hybrids and P3979. However, morphology and grain yield response of hybrids to rotary hoeing and herbicide weed control was not different, indicating that the new hybrids were not more susceptible to damage caused by mechanical weed control than a corn hybrid with a conventional canopy architecture.  相似文献   

疣草化学防除效果及其与水稻产量的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在盆栽试验的基础上,研究了10种除草剂对疣草的防除效果,分析了防除效果与水稻产量的关系。结果表明,插秧前用药50%马歇特效果最好,株防效达90%;53%赛龙、50%马歇特和30%稻草克鲜重防效均在90%以上。插秧后用药,1%韩乐天防鲜重效果达95%以上。53%赛龙、1%韩乐天、50%马歇特产量最高,比CK分别增产74.41%、58.27%、57.51%。有效穗数对水稻产量的直接通径系数最大,为0.716638,株防效、鲜重防效和分蘖数通过有效穗数对水稻产量的间接通径系数均较大, 分别为0.525439 、0.583343 和0.667333。  相似文献   

研究旨在掌握入侵杂草——加拿大一枝黄花在云南省的发生发展情况,并提出对其防控策略,防止进一步的传播扩散。于2020年5月—2022年5月通过走访调查,分析和研究加拿大一枝黄花在云南省的入侵分布情况。结果表明,该入侵植物在云南尚处于零散点状发生状态,个别地区有入侵农田的情况发生,且这些发生点是以有意引入或无意传播途径为主。加拿大一枝黄花在云南多地发生,且有蔓延发展的趋势,应加强管控并及时防除。  相似文献   

In 1987, the Ekhaga Experimental Farm in Sweden was established on a site that previously had been subjected to conventional farming, and has been managed since then as an organic farm. To study the effects of organic farming on weed population development and crop yields, two different crop rotations were designed, one adapted for animals (six fields) and one without animals (six fields). Each field contained a fixed 1 m2 reference plot in which all the weed observations were done each year. During the period 1988–2002, number of weed plants in spring and weed biomass at harvest were recorded in the reference plots. No differences in these two parameters were observed between the crop rotations. Number of weed plants in spring did not differ between annual crops and did not increase over the 15-year period. Neither did weed biomass at harvest nor weed species diversity change over the 15 years. The two crop rotations kept weed pressure at the same level as under the previous conventional farming practice. General field observations suggest that invasion of Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. is occurring along the field borders. Competitive ability of the crop showed to be important in weed regulation. Peas, a weak competitor, had significantly higher weed biomass at harvest compared with oats and winter wheat. Weather conditions during the period from April to September caused weed occurrence and development through the season to vary between years. To improve weed management in organic farming, advisors and farmers should recognise the importance of individual field and farm analyses to design location-specific, farm-adapted crop rotations.  相似文献   

免耕玉米田杂草群落消长初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
樊翠芹 《中国农学通报》2014,30(27):119-126
为了研究“小麦-玉米”一年两熟制农田,连续免耕对玉米田杂草群落演替及对玉米产量的影响,进行了田间小区试验,采用倒置“W”取样法调查不同耕作方式玉米田杂草种类和数量,用生测法测杂草鲜重,玉米成熟后测产。结果表明:免耕覆盖麦秸和免耕玉米田的杂草种类由12种增加到13种,旋耕玉米田杂草种群构成没有变化,有11 种杂草。免耕覆盖麦秸1~5 年,其玉米田杂草数量比旋耕田少,6~7年,二者杂草数量差异不大;免耕1~4 年,免耕玉米田的杂草数量与旋耕田相比互有消长,从第5 年开始免耕田杂草数量一直比旋耕田多;免耕覆盖麦秸的玉米田牛筋草所占比率明显降低,而马唐所占比率呈增加趋势。连续免耕3 年后,免耕覆盖和免耕田玉米产量均下降,前者的降低幅度低于后者。免耕覆盖麦秸能减少玉米田杂草发生数量,而随免耕年限的延长抑制效果下降;免耕年限越长玉米田杂草发生越严重。  相似文献   

Suitability of not seeded test squares in crop fields for reliable ascertainment of weed threshold levels by quantitative image analysis
The possibility to measure weed ground cover using a computerized image analysis system has been reported in former investigations. In the present studies suitability of not seeded test squares in crop fields for reliable detection of weed ground cover for precise determination of weed threshold levels (beyond that crop yield losses are economically greater than costs for weed control) has been tested.
Test squares in which weed grew without competing crop as well as corresponding squares including both, growing crop and weeds, were examined for weed ground cover by computer assisted quantitative image analysis of color slides taken from the respective squares. In the squares, that includes crop and weeds, the former was removed immediately before taking the slides.
In both seasons from the beginning of weed growth in October to the latest feasible application time of herbicides in April weed growth as measured by ground cover in the not seeded test squares did not differ significantly from that grown under competition of winter barley.
Results indicate, that up to the growth stage of weed where herbicides if ever should be applied at the latest, crop-free test areas in the same field could serve for correct determination of weed growth by image analysis.  相似文献   

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