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林凤 《甘蔗(福建)》2008,(3):173-176
对福州市4个主要公园的乔木种类和各树种的个体数量进行调查,采用α多样性指数对各个公园乔木树种的调查结果进行分析,并应用二元属性数据的β多样性指数对各个公园乔木树种的多样性进行了初步研究。结果表明:4个公园内有乔木树种共196种,隶属54科97属;Simpson生态优势度指数表现为:闽江公园北园〉闽江公园南园〉温泉公园〉西湖公园;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数表现为:闽江公园北园〉温泉公园〉闽江公园南园〉西湖公园;Pielou均匀度指数表现为:闽江公园南园〉闽江公园北园〉温泉公园〉西湖公园;Whittaker多样性指数表现为:温泉公园〉闽江公园北园〉西湖公园〉闽江公园南园;Sorenson相似度指数表现为:闽江公园南园和温泉公园的Sorenson相似度指数最小,为0.39535,闽江公园北园和闽江公园南园最大,为0.63514。  相似文献   

白河国家湿地公园位于河南省南阳市,跨两县三区,其湿地生态环境具有中原地区典型河流湿地特征.白河国家湿地公园自开始试点建设以来,通过加大湿地的保护与恢复,取得了一定的成效,但还仍然存在局部水质污染、采砂迹地面积大、生境类型单一、景观品质不高等问题.该文针对上述问题提出采取加强水质保护、入河溪流修复、湿地植物多样性恢复、营...  相似文献   

在湿地生态系统和近自然水体景观营建中,湿地木本植物都扮演着非常重要的角色。湿地木本植物生态价值高,具有易繁殖、抗逆性强、生物量大和低养护管理等优点,在湿地生态环境重建和园林水体景观中具有良好的应用推广前景。文章主要从植物介绍、生长习性和栽培管理及应用价值等方面进行阐述,以推动优良湿地木本植物资源得以充分开发利用。  相似文献   

湿地公园在城市生态调节中发挥着重要作用,文章以武汉龙灵湿地公园项目为研究对象,对郊野型湿地公园中存在的问题进行分析,并提出相应的景观设计策略,为我国在湿地公园景观修复设计理论研究和实践方面提供参考,促进我国湿地景观修复设计发展。  相似文献   

福州西湖公园北湖岛的植被现状和湿地景观保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述福州西湖公园北湖岛的植被现状及湿地景观的功能与作用,并提出保护的措施。  相似文献   

王忠理  张鹏 《北方水稻》2006,(Z1):156-157
阐述了黑龙江省富锦市七星河三环泡湿地概况,对七星河三环泡湿地及动植物资源进行了介绍,分析了该湿地面临的主要问题,并提出了保护对策。  相似文献   

随着城市工业化水平不断提高和城乡人口的急剧增加,城市周边滨海湖泊湿地的破坏情况日益突出,导致部分湿地水质污染严重,湿地面积锐减、功能退化。这类失衡现象与城市发展及人们对宜居环境的向往产生了极大矛盾。通过对五缘湾湿地公园环境现状的分析,从生态系统服务功能的角度出发,运用生态修复理念研究湿地的保护、修复与利用,并结合适宜性分析,进行景观规划研究与项目开发,在实现湿地恢复、环境整治的同时,促使其形成良性循环的湿地生态景观系统,实现城市的可持续性发展。  相似文献   

生态园林视角下的园林植物景观营造需要遵循因地制宜、植物多样性和生态平衡的原则。以肇庆星湖国家湿地公园为研究对象,全面调查了公园内的植物种类和植物配置效果,从生态园林的视角对公园的园路、重要景观节点和滨水景观节点的植物配置进行了分析与总结。分析认为星湖湿地公园各区域均有独特的景观要点和亮点,今后应该增加植物的种类,使群落更稳定、景观效果更突出。  相似文献   

城郊湿地不仅可以保护生态环境,也有利于保持良好的生活环境。晋江市九十九溪流域是晋江城市周边宝贵的湿地资源。利用大规模的水稻种植和稻田彩绘进行区域湿地的保护,既可以有效保护耕地,又可优化湿地的生态环境。再通过立体农业和田园综合体等项目的开发,美化城市周边环境,促进稻田文化宣传和乡村旅游,有效促进农业、文化、旅游等三产融合,形成可持续发展的环境保护与农业项目开发模式,促进乡村振兴。  相似文献   

福州闽江公园南岸植物配置探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文评述了闽江公园(南园)园林绿化中的植物配置问题,并阐述了园林规划设计中如何科学利用植物材料的自身特征,运用园林艺术手段,使植物的功能与人的感觉相互协调,创造出赏心悦目的园林景观效果。  相似文献   

通过2018年4月和9月对海口市美舍河湿地上、中、下游底泥沉积物进行取样,研究沉积物化学性状的时空分布特征,并对重金属污染进行评价,以期为美舍河湿地公园的管理与湿地功能的维持提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)美舍河沉积物整体偏酸性,pH为6.58;4月份下游pH显著高于中游、上游Ⅰ和上游Ⅱ,而9月份各采样断面间无显著差异;9月份上游Ⅱ的pH显著高于4月份,增幅为13.0%,而9月份下游pH则显著低于4月份,降幅为16.6%。(2)4月份下游有机碳(SOC)含量显著高于其他采样断面,9月份上游Ⅰ和下游的SOC显著高于上游Ⅱ和中游,同时上游Ⅰ在两次采样间存在显著差异,9月份较4月份显著增加65.4%;(3)全氮(TN)和全磷(TP)含量以及重金属铜(Cu)、铅(Pb)和锌(Zn)含量整体上由上游至下游呈增加的趋势,其中中游TP含量和下游Cu含量在两次采样间存在显著差异,9月份TP含量较4月份显著增加76.9%,9月份Cu含量较4月份显著降低13.0%。(4)相关性分析结果表明,pH与Cu及Zn含量之间存在极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),SOC、TN及TP含量与各重金属含量均呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01)。综合分析沉积物的污染系数以及潜在风险发现,美舍河沉积物属清洁水平、较低潜在风险;同时,美舍河富营养化较轻,总体未受重大污染,具有较优质的环境,底泥符合农用标准;此外,需加强上游的污染源控制。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the scientific information related to climate change impacts on wetlands and functions of human-made wetlands such as paddy rice field and treatment wetland are described to partially compensate for the loss of natural wetlands. Wetlands are among the world’s most productive environments and are cradles of biological diversity, providing the water and primary productivity upon which countless species of plants and animals depend for survival. Considerable evidence suggests that some global warming is occurring, which has important implications for wetland system as well as human life and wildlife. Direct effects of climate change on wetlands are likely to be accentuated by human induced changes that will increase stress to wetland ecosystems. The Ramsar Classification System for Wetland Type provides three broad categories: marine/coastal wetlands, inland wetlands, and human-made wetlands. Human-made wetlands are as important as natural wetlands, and the largest human-made wetland is a paddy rice field (130,000,000 ha) taking about 18% of total global wetland, which is second only to natural fresh wetlands. Paddy rice fields provide not only rice production for food, but also diverse multi-functionalities such as flood control, groundwater recharge, soil erosion control, water quality purification, air purification and cooling, wildlife habitat, amenity and social benefits. The economic value of multi-functionalities estimated by contingent valuation method (CVM) and travel cost method was in the range of U$ 9.75–11.46 billion, which is greater than the value of rice production itself in Korea. Unfortunately, there is an indication of decreased area in paddy rice field in Korea after 1990 showing about 20% decrease in 15 years. Another human-made wetland type is a constructed wetland for water purification, and thousands hectares of wetlands are scheduled to be constructed for reservoir water quality improvement in next 5 years in Korea, and their application is expected to be more common in near future. There is a growing consensus that wetlands are critically important ecosystems that provide globally significant social, economic and environmental benefits. Wise use of human-made wetlands is as important as conservation of natural wetlands, which can be a viable element to overall climate change mitigation and can partially compensate for the loss of natural wetlands.  相似文献   

Using of amusement places always has been important for humankind. Therefore, assessment of value for this promenaded and usage of nature is necessary for future programming in management of natural resources. For this reason, this research will discuss an assessment of the promenaded value of Bonab Forest Park and determines a visitor's Willingness To Pay (WTP) for promenaded benefits obtained. In this study, two techniques are used for Contingent Valuation (CV) $ Travel Cost (TC) method by Dichotomous Choice (DC). For determination of visitor's willingness to pay simple average method was employed. Results indicate that 94.3% of visitors are willing to pay for promenaded values at the Bonab Forest Park. The mean value for willingness to pay for the value of the park is 0.38 $ for each person per month. Annual value for promenade in this park was calculated 3439.3 $ per hector. Other important results in this research show that forest park has promenaded value significantly and on the other hand, we can increase the usage, protection and numbers of tourists.  相似文献   

Wetland is important as a source of nitrous oxide (N2O), which depends on groundwater and anaerobic conditions involved for denitrification in the aquifer. In order to study the behavior of N2O in wetland, a typical headwater wetland has been chosen in Ichikawa, Chiba prefecture, Japan. It was found that N2O fluxes were high at the sides of valley where groundwater flowed in with high concentration of nitrate, and less than 0.045 mg N m–2 h–1 in the wetland where groundwater was almost free of nitrite. Also, the concentration of dissolved N2O in groundwater ranged from 0.78 to 80.5 μg N L–1 in the study area. Based on the spatial distributions of nitrate, dissolved N2O, hydraulic head, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and oxidation–reduction potential, etc., it is reasonable to consider that denitrification mainly occurred in the wetland aquifer through which groundwater flowed. Because the concentration of dissolved N2O was much higher than ambient air, its emission from the water table became the main source of N2O flux in the study area. The temporal and spatial changes of N2O flux were strongly affected by the concentration of dissolved N2O, precipitation and temperature. Finally, the budget of nitrogen in the groundwater was estimated based on the variations of nitrate, the dissolved N2O and the calculated nitrogen gas along the flow path of groundwater where denitrification was available.  相似文献   

经过多年实地调查,对海口市金牛岭公园内主要景观植物(木本)资源进行归纳分类,就其生长状况、抗风性、抗病虫害能力等进行了适应性评价,并对金牛岭公园的园林绿化、美化重点提出了展望。  相似文献   

对采自贵州省油杉河大峡谷国家森林公园的枯枝标本进行保湿处理后,对其上暗色丝孢菌进行形态学描述和图解,其中Beltrania concurvispora Matsush.和Helicosporium panacheum R.T.Moore 2个种通过查阅文献资料为中国大陆新记录种。该种标本保存在遵义师范学院真菌学标本室(HMZNC)。  相似文献   

Isoetes taiwanensis DeVol, discovered in 1971, is a critically endangered aquatic plant endemic to Taiwan. The only natural habitat of I. taiwanensis is the Menghuan Pond wetland in northern Taiwan. With competition of some aquatic plants and terrestrial plants, I. taiwanensis was close to extinction in 2006. The bottom of the Menghuan Pond wetland was compacted and fractures were filled along the shore to improve the average water depth in 2008. The I. taiwanensis population was restored, but factors crucial to its survival remain unclear. To analyze the factors, we monitored 24 plots in the Menghuan Pond wetland monthly from January to December 2010 to record the coverage rates of potential competitive plant species and hydrology data. The wetland was found to be an ideal environment for growth of I. taiwanensis with annual mean water depth 50 cm. The species did not grow in plots with annual mean water depth lower than 30 cm. The species had an advantage over other species in plots with annual mean water depth 46.8–185.6 cm. The coverage rate of I. taiwanensis was positively associated with annual mean water depth. With the deepest annual mean water level, >60 cm, more than 90 % of the area was covered. Fluctuation of the water level may reduce the competition among I. taiwanensis and other species, particularly Eleocharis congesta, E. dulcis, and Schoenoplectus mucronatus. These data may help in designing a protocol for sustained conservation of I. taiwanensis in Yangmingshan National Park.  相似文献   


Seasonal Wetlands, Locally Called Oshanas, Are Characteristic of The Densely Populated Northern Namibia, A Desert Country in Southwest Africa. The Formation of Seasonal Wetlands, Which Will Sustain The Water Balance of A Semiarid Environment, Was Quite Unstable Depending Entirely On The Variable Rainfall in The Upper Catchments of Angola. The Objective of The Present Study Was To Evaluate The Use of Seasonal Wetland Water By Pearl Millet, The Local Staple Food Crop intercropped With Cowpea, To Discuss The Water Competition Pattern of intercropped Species. Root System Development of The intercropped Species Was Also Evaluated Together With The Water Source Analysis. For This Purpose, Field Experiments Using Pearl Millet intercropped With Cowpea in The Seasonal Wetland in Namibia University (Exp. 1) and Monocropped Pearl Millet in The Local Farmers Field (Exp. 2) Were Conducted in Northern Namibia. Both Pearl Millet and Cowpea Developed Deeper Root Systems As The Distance From The Seasonal Wetland Water increased. At Flowering Time, The δD Value of intercropped Cowpea Was Similar To That of Wetland Water, While That in Pearl Millet Was Much Lower Than Those of Both The Wetland Water and Groundwater. This indicated That intercropped Pearl Millet Did Not Have Full Access To The Wetland Water When There Was Competition With Cowpea For Water Derived From Various Water Sources. Under Such Circumstances, intercropped Pearl Millet Probably Relies More On The Rainfall Water, Which Is Just Sufficient To Sustain Its Growth in A Semiarid Environment. By Contrast, intercropped Cowpea Wins in The Competition With Pearl Millet and Can Acquire Water From The Existing Stored Wetland Water.  相似文献   

分析了福州旗山国家森林公园的温度、降水、风速、相对湿度,并与福州森林公园、金沙澳海滨旅游度假区进行比较。结果表明,福州旗山国家森林公园适宜旅游的时间长,冬春季月平均气温约为14℃,晴好天气多,降水强度弱,适合登山等简单的户外运动。夏秋季为最佳旅游时期,月平均气温约为22℃,低于福州市区温度,雨时长、范围广、雨量多、强度大,在晴好天气可避暑度假、观光游览。应该充分利用其优越的气候条件,建设避暑度假村、森林疗养区、体育健身拓展中心、农家乐、举办节庆等,以促进旗山国家森林公园旅游的发展。  相似文献   

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