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以大连海区的大泷六线鱼(Hexagrammos otakii)为实验对象,于2005年9月至2006年7月期间,分别于秋季(9月)、春季(5月)、夏季(7月)3个季节和繁殖期(10月下旬)、繁殖后(12月上旬)、越冬后(3月)3个时期采集标本.分别采集各期雌、雄成体样本各30尾,体长约20 cm.同时,于9月和lO月采集幼鱼60尾.对各期样本进行生化组成和能量密度值的测定与分析.结果表明:①对雌性成鱼,春季和越冬后鱼体蛋白质含量显著高于其他各期雌性样本(P<0.05)、夏季鱼体脂肪含量显著高于其他各期雌性样本;夏季鱼体蛋白质含量和越冬后鱼体脂肪含量最低.各期鱼体能量密度差异不显著(P>0.05).雄性群体中,夏季鱼体脂肪含量、能量密度值最高;春季鱼体脂肪含量、干物质含量、能量密度值最低.同一季节中雌、雄样本间的比较表明,春季雌性鱼体灰分含量显著低于雄性,其余各相同指标间的差异不显著.②幼鱼和成鱼生化组成进行比较,成鱼脂肪含量、干物质含量分别显著高于幼鱼,而成鱼灰分含量显著低于幼鱼,但是成鱼和幼鱼蛋白质含量和能量密度间的差异不显著.③相关分析结果表明,蛋白质含量与脂肪含量、蛋白质含量与干物质含量、蛋白质含量与灰分含量、脂肪含量与灰分含量、脂肪含量与干物质含量、灰分含量与干物质含量间均呈现显著的相关关系.[中国水产科学,2009,16(1):127-132]  相似文献   

沙塘鳢耗氧率与窒息点的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用密封循环水系统测定沙塘鳢的耗氧率与窒息点,结果表明:沙塘鳢的耗氧率随鱼体重增加而降低;温度对沙塘鳢耗氧率有显著影响。二者呈正相关关系;水温25℃时,小个体组(均重11.89g)窒息点为1.73mg/L,大体重组(均重59.38曲为0.78mg/L。  相似文献   

花尾胡椒鲷幼鱼的生化组成和比能值   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
对在不同温度和摄食水平条件下饲养的花尾胡椒鲷(Plectorhynchus cincuts)幼鱼的鱼体生化组成和比能值进行测定。结果表明,当实验温度为28℃时,同一体重组鱼的含水量随摄食量的增加而减小,而干物质、脂肪含量和比能值则随摄食量的增加而增大。温度对饱食鱼的生化组分的影响不明显也不呈一定的规律性。鱼体蛋白质、脂肪、灰分含量及比能值与含水量间都存在负线性相关关系。  相似文献   

沙塘鳢网箱育苗及池塘苗种培育技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
养殖沙塘鳢是一个有前景的项目,但受制于苗种来源匮乏,无法开展大规模养殖。本文对沙塘鳢网箱育苗及苗种培育技术进行了研究。研究表明,70~110g体重的雌性沙塘鳢绝对怀卵量为1300~3500粒;平均受精率85%,平均孵化率88%,苗种成活率达82%。  相似文献   

沙塘鳢隶属鲈形目、塘鳢科、沙塘鳢属,俗称"虎头鲨".沙塘鳢个体虽小,但因其肌间剌少,含肉量高,肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,营养丰富,而深受广大消费者的青睐.由于天然水域的数量日趋减少,远远不能满足市场需求,因此,沙塘鳢已成为当前最具发展潜力的名贵养殖品种之一,越来越受到渔业科技工作者的重视.在蟹池内套养沙塘鳢,不仅可让沙塘鳢捕食池中的野杂鱼,还可增加河蟹的放养密度和养殖产量,有利于养殖效益的提高.  相似文献   

河蟹、沙塘鳢小网围生态养殖技术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙塘鳢隶属鲈形目、塘鳢科、沙塘鳢属,俗称"虎头鲨"。沙塘鳢个体虽小,但因其肌间剌少,含肉量高,肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,营养丰富,而深受广大消费者的青睐。由于天然水域的数量日趋减少,远远不能满足市场需求,因此,沙塘鳢已成为当前最具发展潜力的名贵养殖品种之一,越来越受到渔业科技工作者的重视。在蟹池内套养沙塘鳢,不仅可让沙塘鳢捕食池中的野杂鱼,  相似文献   

<正>笔者在青浦现代农业园区核心区内开展了沙塘鳢的人工孵化和繁育试验,为沙塘鳢自然资源保护和人工繁殖提供一定的理论依据,同时给沙塘鳢的人工养殖与培育提供一定的可行参考。一、材料与方法1.亲鱼的来源与培育沙塘鳢亲鱼发育良好,体质健康,体表无伤,一般雌性个体重70~100克、雄性个体重45~75克,主要来自人工捕捞的野生沙塘鳢。3月23日将亲本收集  相似文献   

沙塘鳢,又名沙乌鳢、塘鳢鱼、土布鱼、塘蒲,俗称虎头鲨、呆子鱼。沙塘鳢隶属于鲈形目,塘鳢科,沙塘鳢属,是长江中下游湖河中的小型经济鱼类。沙塘鳢个体虽小,但肌间刺少、含肉量高、肉质细嫩、营养丰富、味道鲜美,是深受广大消费者青睐的名贵水产品之一。由于天然水域中沙塘鳢数量日趋减少,远远满足不了市场需求,市场售价节节攀升,人工养殖越来越受到水产工作者的关注。在同一池塘内进行河蟹与沙塘鳢混养,可增加养殖产量,提高养殖效益。  相似文献   

对河川沙塘鳢(♀)×鸭绿沙塘鳢(♂)杂交子一代(杂交沙塘鳢)肌肉中的营养成分进行了测定和分析,并与双亲的营养成分进行比较,以探讨河川沙塘鳢、鸭绿沙塘鳢及其杂交子代的营养和经济价值。结果表明:杂交沙塘鳢肌肉中的水分含量显著高于父本,粗蛋白含量高于母本低于父本,粗灰分含量则显著低于双亲(P0.05);其氨基酸总量与双亲差异不显著(P0.05),必需氨基酸总量与双亲差异显著(P0.05),呈味氨基酸总量低于双亲。其肌肉中胱氨酸的含量显著高于双亲(P0.05),且EAA/TAA和EAA/NEAA均高于双亲。  相似文献   

正沙塘鳢(Odontobutis obscurus)属鲈形目鰕鯱鱼亚目沙塘鳢科沙塘鳢属的一种鱼类,俗称:四不象、肉趴锥、呆鱼、虎头鲨、虎头呆,是一种淡水小型食肉鱼。随着人们饮食观念由质量型向营养型的演变,以前不为人看重的沙塘鳢越来越受到消费者的青睐。随着社会经济发展的加快和自然水域的污染加剧,沙塘鳢的生存环境不断受到威胁,资源量剧减,这使得沙塘鳢的市场价格节节攀升,并且供不应求。市场所售沙塘鳢成鱼主要靠捕捞为主,因此,  相似文献   

Triplicate groups of pike perch (Sander lucioperca) juveniles were fed six experimental diets containing protein levels varying from 263 to 619 g kg−1 dry matter (d.m.) for 56 days. Dietary protein was supplied by graded amounts of fish meal (with 720 g kg−1 crude protein). Crude lipid and gross energy content of 101–107 g kg−1 and 19.9–20.6 MJ kg−1 remained constant between experimental diets. Pike perch with an initial body weight of 1.05 ± 0.05 g were randomly distributed in 18 tanks of two similar recirculation systems and fed on gradually decreasing feeding rates of 10 to 6% of their body weight per day. Growth performance and feed conversion increased with dietary protein level from 263 to 549 g kg−1 d.m. but did not decline at highest dietary protein level. Protein efficiency ratio declined linearly with increasing dietary protein. Survival ranged between 89.7 and 93.9% and was not affected by dietary composition. Dry matter and crude lipid content of pike perch fingerlings decreased with increasing dietary protein supply and significantly the lowest dry matter and crude lipid levels were observed in fish fed diets containing 619 g kg−1 of crude protein. The dietary protein requirement for pike perch fingerlings calculated by broken‐line and second‐order polynomial regression ranged between 529 and 577 g kg−1, respectively.  相似文献   

An 8‐week feeding trial was conducted to determine the effects of replacing of soybean meal (SBM) with sesame meal (SM) in the diets of Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings. Seven practical diets (33 g kg?1 crude protein, 19.2 MJ kg?1 dry diet) containing substitution levels of 0%, 8%, 16%, 24%, 32%, 40% and 48% SM for SBM protein were formulated and fed to triplicate groups of O. niloticus fingerlings (mean initial weight of 8.74 ± 0.12 g). The fish survival rate, hepatosomatic index, viscerosomatic index and condition factor were not significantly affected by the contents of SM in the diets (P>0.05). The final body weight, weight gain (WG), specific growth ratio, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio of the fish fed the diet containing 16% SM were similar (P>0.05) to that of the fish fed the control diet. Except lipid, digestible contents of dry matter, crude protein, ash, gross energy and individual amino acids decreased while phosphorous increased with increasing SM levels. No significant differences were observed in whole‐body dry matter, ash and lipid contents among all the treatments (P>0.05); crude protein contents between fish fed the control diet and a diet containing 24% SM were also not affected significantly (P>0.05), and the phosphorus content was not significantly different when the SM level was increased to 32% (P>0.05). No significant negative differences were observed in the liver composition between fish fed the control diet and the diet containing 24% SM. The most efficient diet in terms of cost per unit WG of fish was obtained in 8% SM dietary substitution, while no significant differences were found among the 0%, 8% and 16% levels. It was indicated that SM can be utilized in the juvenile Nile tilapia diet to replace about 16% of SBM protein without causing negative effects on growth performance, body composition, liver composition and feed utilization.  相似文献   

为了探讨高脂肪条件下不同的蛋白和能量水平对斑点叉尾鮰生长及体组成的影响,试验设2个蛋白水平(22%,28%),2个脂肪水平(10.0%,14.0%),2个消化能水平(12.56 kJ/g,14.23 kJ/g),共8组,分别为P28L10E14.23,P28L14E14.23,P22L10E14.23,P22L14E14.23,P28L10E12.56,P28L14E12.56,P22L10E12.56和P22L14E12.56。试验饲料配方使用鱼粉和豆粕调节蛋白含量,混合油脂(鱼油∶玉米油=1∶1)调节脂肪含量,α-淀粉、次粉和麸皮调节消化能含量,并以微晶纤维素为填充物,每组3个重复,每个重复20尾鱼(141.5?1.0) g。饲养60 d后,进行生产性能测定,并采集组织样本,测定相关指标。结果表明,鱼体末重(FW)、增重率(WG)、特定生长率(SGR)和饵料系数(FCR)不受饲料蛋白、脂肪和消化能单一营养水平影响(P>0.05);但与饲料蛋白、脂肪和消化能三者的交互作用(P<0.01)有关。胴体蛋白、脂肪含量与饲料脂肪和消化能水平相关(P<0.05)。由此可见,饲料过高脂肪和消化能对斑点叉尾鮰没有额外的促生长作用;饲料蛋白水平达到22%时,即可满足140~300 g斑点叉尾鮰的营养需要;饲料中22%的蛋白、10%的脂肪、12.56 kJ/g的消化能即可满足斑点叉尾鮰仔鱼的生长需要,同时又能保证其正常生理机能,建议可在实际生产配方中作参考值。  相似文献   

Abstract. Phenotypic and genetic parameters of body and compositional traits were estimated for a population consisting of 327 two-year-old Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), from 21 full-sib groups. Heritability estimates for body traits, such as fork length, gutted weight, condition factor and visceral weight, were all of intermediate magnitude (0·24–0·45). Heritabilities for carcass component traits, e.g. fat, protein, dry matter and astaxanthin contents, were low to medium (0·0–0·28). Genetic and phenotypic correlations were high between astaxanthin content and body traits, whereas they were medium to low between astaxanthin content and carcass compositional traits such as fat, dry matter and protein contents. The genetic variation in fat and dry matter contents was closely associated with variation in body weight. Selection for higher body weight at 2 years will probably lead to small, but positive, correlated changes in fat content. Our findings suggest that it should be possible to select for higher astaxanthin content in Artic charr to improve their flesh coloration.  相似文献   

The effects of protein restriction in the diet with subsequent realimentation on growth responses of juvenile Chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis (initial mean wet weight 1.347 g), were investigated. The control group (Group C) was fed an adequate diet containing 44.6% crude protein and 18.5 kJ gross energy/g dry matter throughout the experiment. For treatment Groups T15 and T30, in the restriction phase (weeks 1–2) dietary crude protein contents were reduced to 15.0% and 29.3%, respectively, with constant energy supply, while in the realimentation phase (weeks 3–6) they were supplied with the same diet as the control group. Protein restriction led to significant decrease in specific growth rates and body weight of shrimp. However, when the shrimp were transferred from protein restriction to realimentation, they had significantly increased specific growth rates in terms of dry matter, protein and energy (SGRd, SGRp and SGRe) compared with the control shrimp. At the end of the experiment, the shrimp in Group T30 achieved complete growth compensation, while those in Group T15 were still significantly smaller than the controls. As dietary protein levels reduced, feed conversion efficiencies and apparent protein digestibility decreased, but feed intake and protein efficiency ratio increased. The shrimp responded to a change from protein restriction to realimentation by displaying improved feed conversion efficiencies (FCEd, FCEp and FCEe) compared with the controls, although those in Group T15 delayed in showing the enhanced FCE values. In the initial 2-week realimentation, the shrimp in Group T15 showed significantly higher feed intake, and lower apparent digestibility of dry matter and protein than those of the controls. There was no significant difference in protein efficiency ratio among all groups in the realimentation phase. The above results suggest that compensatory growth in Group T30 is mainly dependent on improved feed conversion efficiencies, while that in Group T15 is attributable to both improved feed conversion efficiencies and increasing feed intake. After 2-week restriction, the shrimp showed lower body crude protein, lipid and energy content, and higher moisture and ash content than the controls. However, during the course of realimentation, the differences between the previously protein restricted shrimp and the controls diminished. This indicates that compensatory growth after a period of protein restriction in juvenile Chinese shrimp was accompanied by a complete recovery in body composition and energy content.  相似文献   

To investigate potential use of increasing nutritional density of diets for rapid growth of warm‐water fishes, a feeding trial was conducted in which growth performance, body indexes, and whole‐body composition of juvenile hybrid striped bass fed diets comprising protein (49, 54, and 59%), lipid (16, 20, 23, and 28%), and energy (22.0–25.1 kJ/g) concentrations beyond established minimum levels were compared to those of fish fed a more typical commercial reference diet (37.5% crude protein, 10.5% crude lipid, and 19.6 kJ/g energy on a dry matter basis). A subset of the experimental diets and the commercial reference diet also were fed to juvenile red drum. After 6 wk of feeding, hybrid striped bass fed the high‐protein and high‐lipid diets showed much greater growth performance compared to fish fed the commercial diet. Increasing dietary protein level, but not lipid level, tended (P ≤ 0.1) to enhance weight gain and feed efficiency of hybrid striped bass. Hepatosomatic index (HSI), intraperitoneal fat (IPF) ratio, and whole‐body protein were significantly (P < 0.01) influenced by dietary protein level. The dietary lipid and associated energy level had significant negative linear effects on daily feed intake. Linear regression analysis showed that dietary energy : protein ratio, largely influenced by dietary protein level, moderately but significantly influenced weight gain, HSI, IPF ratio, and whole‐body protein of hybrid striped bass and red drum. Red drum grew very similar to hybrid striped bass in response to the experimental diets. However, significant differences in HSI, IPF ratio, whole‐body protein, lipid, moisture, and ash between hybrid striped bass and red drum were observed, indicating species differences in protein and energy partitioning. In particular, the excessive lipid in the diet increased HSI and whole‐body lipid of red drum but not of hybrid striped bass.  相似文献   

投饲率对草鱼生长、体组成和能量收支的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了建立草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idella)的精准投喂模型管理系统,研究了不同投喂水平下草鱼的能量收支。实验在水温(27.5±2.0)℃条件下,选用初始体重(71.03±1.13)g的草鱼,共设5个不同投饲水平(饥饿、1%鱼体重(1%BW)、2%BW、4%BW和饱食),研究摄食水平对草鱼生长、鱼体组分和能量收支的影响。结果显示:随投喂水平的增加,草鱼鱼体水分减少,粗蛋白含量、粗脂肪含量和能量增加,灰分含量先减少后增加。特定生长率和热积温生长系数均随投喂水平的增加先增加再降低,在5%鱼体重时达到最大,且高于饱食投喂组。饵料转化率(FE)在投喂水平为体重2%组最高,且显著高于其他各组。干物质和能量表观消化率随投喂水平的增加而显著增加,蛋白质表观消化率在投喂水平为体重2%组显著高于其他组。生长能比例随投喂水平的增加而显著增加,而在体重2%组到饱食组间均无显著性差异;代谢能与生长能相反。在最大投喂水平下的能量收支方程为:100 C=21.72 F+4.25 U+45.85R+28.18 G或100 A=61.94R+38.06G。结果表明,5%鱼体重的投喂量为草鱼此阶段的最佳投喂水平。  相似文献   

Groups of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) fingerlings from five different families and five inbred groups were fed for 153 days on each of four diets similar in energy content, but differing in their percentage of protein. The protein contents were 24, 33, 42 and 51%, respectively. Significant differences between fish families were found for growth, condition factor, chemical composition of the carcass, and digestibility of protein. At the end of the experiment, interaction between diet fed and family was found close to significance for weight and relative growth rate, and significant for length and condition factor. This interaction indicates that prospects for selectively breeding strains of rainbow trout specifically better able to utilize protein are promising.Fish growth rate increased with increasing dietary protein content. The corresponding condition factor, content of dry matter and energy in the carcass decreased. The high protein diets gave more protein in the carcass and a more discoloured liver than the low protein diets. Apparent protein digestibility increased with increasing protein level.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of dietary composition on growth performance and body composition of pike perch (Sander lucioperca), fingerlings with an initial body weight of 1.36 g (just trained to accept formulated feed) were fed three experimental diets in triplicate for 90 days. Two feeding groups were fed with formulated diets (CD, CD+7) containing varying levels of crude lipid (CL) of 14.65% and 21.94% dry matter (d.m.) with crude protein (CP) levels of 59.73% and 56.56%, and one feeding group was fed a natural diet (chironomids, CP = 65.93% d.m.; CL = 7.20% d.m.). Furthermore, pike perch of the same age caught in different natural habitats were analysed to determine their naturally fluctuations in body composition. Specific growth rate (SGR; CD = 3.36, CD+7 = 3.47) and feed conversion ratio (FCR; CD = 1.02, CD+7 = 0.93) of fish fed formulated diets did not differ significantly with rising dietary lipid content, due to high variability within the individuals of each feeding groups. In contrast, pike perch fed with chironomids showed a significantly lower SGR of 2.49 and higher FCR of 2.37 (on a dry matter basis). Body composition of pike perch fed formulated diets was affected by dietary composition and showed increased lipid contents [CD=6.25% original matter (o.m.), CD+7 = 9.00% o.m.] with rising dietary lipid levels. Pike perch of CD and CD+7 feeding groups showed significant increased hepatosomatic indices (HSIs) of 1.99 and 2.05 in contrast to fish fed chironomids with HSI of 1.11. Fish caught in the different natural habitats were characterised by low body lipid and dry matter contents of 0.64–1.88% o.m. and 21.08–23.75% o.m. Higher lipid incorporation of fish fed with formulated diets accompanied with poor benefit on growth performance at higher dietary lipid content indicated that pike perch ability to utilise lipids is low when dietary crude protein content is higher than 56.56%.  相似文献   

为了解不同体色黄鳝的性别与体长、体重的差异,2011年5-7月,于洞庭湖地区随机采集灰色及黄色2种体色共208尾野生黄鳝,并对体长、体重及性别进行测量鉴定。样本中,雌性146尾,雄性62尾,雌雄比例为2.35∶1。其中黄色黄鳝83尾,灰色黄鳝125尾。分析结果表明,黄色黄鳝雌雄个体体重及肥满度均高于灰色群体;黄色黄鳝雌性体长大于灰色雌性,雄性小于灰色雄性。雌雄个体体重与体长的相关系数,黄色黄鳝分别为0.914、0.945,灰色黄鳝分别为0.567、0.438。黄色雌鳝比例随着体长的增加逐渐降低,雄性比例随体长的增加逐渐升高,雄鳝在35 cm以上占优势,40 cm之上雄性仅1尾。灰色雌鳝在40 cm以下占优势。2种体色黄鳝雌性比例与体重变化无明显规律。  相似文献   

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