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香精油抗蜂螨作用的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
香精油及其组分具有显著的抗螨效果。萜类化合物(主要是单萜)是香精油的主要成分。占总量的90%左右。研究者通过筛选试验测定了多种香精油及其一些组分的抗螨能力。大部分表现出良好的抗螨效果。但只有少部分在蜂群试验中表现出强抗螨能力。因此,有必要对此作进一步的研究。以达到最优化目标。同时联合其它防治手段,建立一套全面的害虫防治策略,实现蜂螨的最终控制。  相似文献   

香精油在反刍动物生产中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文结合香精油的理化性质及其作用机理,对其在动物生产中的抗茵作用和对营养物质代谢的影响进行介绍.  相似文献   

利用雄蜂选育抗螨蜂种的潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了配子选育抗螨蜂种的基本原理,综述了蜂螨对雄蜂的影响,探索了利用雄蜂配子选育抗螨蜂种的可行性及其有待解决的问题.  相似文献   

为了解近期桂林地区柑橘全爪螨抗药性发展情况,本文采用浸叶法调查了柑橘全爪螨对几种杀螨剂的抗药性,结果表明,对尼索朗,柑橘全爪螨卵抗性倍数为中抗水平,若螨抗性为低抗水平,雌成螨敏感性降低水平;对四螨嗪,柑橘全爪螨卵、若螨、雌成螨均处于低抗水平;对阿维菌素,柑橘全爪螨卵为低抗水平阶段,若螨和雌成螨处于敏感性降低水平;对克螨特和乙螨唑,柑橘全爪螨卵、若螨、雌成螨均没有产生抗性。由于尼索朗、四螨嗪、乙螨唑同属螨虫生长抑制剂,而尼索朗和四螨嗪已出现抗性,可以考虑乙螨唑-阿维菌素-克螨特轮换使用。  相似文献   

正香精油是从植物中提取的挥发性油类,是植物的次生代谢产物。大多数香精油是由萜类、半萜类、醇类、醛类、酯类、酮类物质和小部分石蜡类物质组成的混合物。香精油被用作防腐剂、驱虫保健剂和用于治病药物的历史已超过6000年。近年来研究表明,香精油还具有抗氧化、抗微生物、抗寄生虫、抗肿瘤、防霉、促生长和免疫调节等生物活性功能。1用作防霉剂霉变是造成饲料和食品大量浪费的全世界性危害。近年来,全球不规则的气候(如暴雨、洪涝灾害、干旱和霜冻),加上经济全球化使谷物和饲料中  相似文献   

蜜蜂对雅氏瓦螨抗性机制有:清理行为,分为自行清理、同伴清理和群体清理、封盖期历期短,螨产生的后代少;保幼激素浓度低抑制螨的繁殖,产生大量不繁殖螨从而使螨种群降低,在抗螨性状中,封盖期历期的遗传力研究最多,清理行为、螨繁殖抑制、卫生行为等也有一些报道。随着分子生物学的发展,可望将抗螨基因转移至经济性状优良的蜂群中,获得高产抗螨优良品质。  相似文献   

抗螨育种的目标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方兵兵 《中国蜂业》2002,53(3):45-45
目前 ,欧洲蜜蜂感染大蜂螨后 ,一般是采用药物治疗 ,需要每年治螨 ,为此也产生了一些问题 ,如蜂产品药物残留和蜂螨抗药性问题。因此 ,许多养蜂者和养蜂研究机构对蜜蜂抗螨育种产生了极大兴趣。抗螨能力在蜂群表现为 :在受大蜂螨危害时 ,未经任何治疗蜂群不发生螨害 ;或出现病情时 ,未经治疗 ,但病情不会严重发展。抗螨机制抗螨蜂群能成功抗御螨害 ,使蜂螨在蜜蜂与幼虫间的感染率很低。如印度蜜蜂的抗螨能力表现为大蜂螨只能在雄蜂幼虫房繁育 ,而不能在工蜂幼虫房繁育。另外 ,印度蜜蜂能主动追踪大蜂螨 ,清除受大蜂螨感染的幼虫。虽然欧洲蜜…  相似文献   

蜂螨防控技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对蜂抗螨机制、抗螨蜂种培育、蜂螨繁殖抑制基因及蜂螨的生物学防治等几方面进行了最新研究动态的分析。在此基础上,总结出防控蜂螨的最终有效途径:一方面要建立有效的抗螨蜂种选育体系,多培育和使用抗螨蜂种,有效降低蜂螨繁殖基数;另一方面,要加强对蜂螨寄生机制的研究,采用基因工程手段阻断其对蜜蜂的寄生性,从根本上改变蜂螨对蜜蜂的严重危害。  相似文献   

杀手瓦螨严重危害蜜蜂,不仅使寄生的蜜蜂体重减轻、缩短寿命,还传播病菌和病毒。蜜蜂有多种抗螨机制,以抑制瓦螨繁殖为目标的抗螨育种,可以增强蜜蜂的抗螨力。  相似文献   

抗螨蜜蜂研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《美国蜜蜂杂志》1 998年第 1 1期报道了E .H .埃里克森等在抗螨蜜蜂培育方面所取得的进展。研究表明 ,从各蜂场中找出抗螨蜂群 ,在不采取其它控制蜂螨措施的情况下 ,对这些蜂群进行繁殖 ,并维持其抗螨特性 ,是比较容易实现的。这项研究已得到一些养蜂者的实践证明。该杂志 1 999年第 1 2期又报道了埃里克森等在抗螨蜜蜂培育方面的最新进展。在他们研究的65群抗螨蜂群中 ,既有欧洲蜂 ,也有非洲蜂 ,还有它们的杂交种。结果并未发现非洲化蜜蜂的抗螨性强于欧洲蜜蜂。自 1 994年 1 1月以来 ,他们通过选择育种、隔离交尾和常规的饲养方法 ,不…  相似文献   

采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取北京柠檬叶片、枝干和果皮的精油,并进行GC-MS分析,共鉴定出38种成分,其中叶片23种,枝干21种,果皮29种。3份精油主要挥发油成分均为D-柠檬烯,相对含量分别为52.85%、53.03%和51.23%;共有成分14种,特异性成分分别有4种、3种和14种。通过对3种食源性细菌的抑菌活性的测定,3份柠檬精油均有一定程度的抑菌作用,其中,叶片精油对大肠埃希氏菌和金黄色葡萄球菌抑菌效果最佳,且抑菌圈直径最大;果皮精油对伤寒沙门氏菌的抑菌效果最佳,抑菌圈最大。研究结果表明,柠檬不同部位精油活性成分含量差异较大,在对其开发利用时,可考虑各自优势,合理利用柠檬的叶片、枝干和果皮,为柠檬资源合理化和精细化的开发利用提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

Managing the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer) by conventional means (i.e., synthetic acaricides) has become increasingly problematic. As a possible alternative, research has identified several plant essential oils that are toxic to D. gallinae. However, essential oils are highly volatile and any acaricidal effect they exert could be short-lived in practice.This study investigated the short-lived toxicity of six lavender essential oils to D. gallinae. In sealed Petri-dishes, mites were exposed to filter papers impregnated with essential oil at a concentration of 0.14 mg/cm3. When filter papers were used immediately after impregnation, 66–90% D. gallinae mortality was observed after 24 h, depending upon the essential oil used. If impregnated filter papers were left in a fume cupboard for 24 h prior to use, mortality rates of D.gallinae fell to 11% or less.  相似文献   

An organic product based on formic acid in a gel matrix was evaluated for use in Varroa control under autumnal climatic conditions in Argentina. Twenty colonies each received two gel packets with formic acid in two applications and numbers of falling mites were registered. After this treatment colonies received two other acaricides in order to compare efficacy. Average final efficacy in colonies treated with the organic product was 92% with a low variability. The gel matrix kept an adequate formic acid concentration inside the colonies with only two applications. This product is, therefore, a good alternative for Varroa control because it is organic, easy to use and presents a low variability in final efficacy between colonies. No queen, brood, or adult honeybee mortality was registered.  相似文献   

Managing the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer) by conventional means (i.e., synthetic acaricides) has become increasingly problematic. As a possible alternative, research has identified several plant essential oils that are toxic to D. gallinae. However, essential oils are highly volatile and any acaricidal effect they exert could be short-lived in practice.This study investigated the short-lived toxicity of six lavender essential oils to D. gallinae. In sealed Petri-dishes, mites were exposed to filter papers impregnated with essential oil at a concentration of 0.14 mg/cm3. When filter papers were used immediately after impregnation, 66–90% D. gallinae mortality was observed after 24 h, depending upon the essential oil used. If impregnated filter papers were left in a fume cupboard for 24 h prior to use, mortality rates of D. gallinae fell to 11% or less.  相似文献   

分别利用28种植物精油对蓝莓雌果蝇做嗅觉实验,研究不同精油对蓝莓雌果蝇的趋避效果。结果表明:葡萄柚精油、尤加利精油、没药精油、杜松精油、欧薄荷精油、柠檬精油、天竺葵精油、茶树精油、丝柏精油和葡萄籽油对蓝莓雌果蝇有强烈驱避效果,驱避效果均达到80%以上,其中葡萄柚精油驱避效果最好,达到93%;而百里香精油、茴香精油和罗勒精油对蓝莓雌果蝇表现为较强的引诱性,引诱效果达到70%以上,其中罗勒精油引诱性最强,引诱效果为76.7%。  相似文献   

Anthelmintic resistance is a worldwide concern in small ruminant industry and new plant-derived compounds are being studied for their potential use against gastrointestinal nematodes. Mentha piperita, Cymbopogon martinii and Cymbopogon schoenanthus essential oils were evaluated against developmental stages of trichostrongylids from sheep naturally infected (95% Haemonchus contortus and 5% Trichostrogylus spp.) through the egg hatch assay (EHA), larval development assay (LDA), larval feeding inhibition assay (LFIA), and the larval exsheathment assay (LEA). The major constituent of the essential oils, quantified by gas chromatography for M. piperita oil was menthol (42.5%), while for C. martinii and C. schoenanthus the main component was geraniol (81.4% and 62.5%, respectively). In all in vitro tests C. schoenanthus essential oil had the best activity against ovine trichostrongylids followed by C. martini, while M. piperita presented the least activity. Cymbopogon schoenanthus essential oil had LC(50) value of 0.045 mg/ml in EHA, 0.063 mg/ml in LDA, 0.009 mg/ml in LFIA, and 24.66 mg/ml in LEA. The anthelmintic activity of essential oils followed the same pattern in all in vitro tests, suggesting C. schoenanthus essential oil could be an interesting candidate for nematode control, although in vivo studies are necessary to validate the anthelmintic properties of this oil.  相似文献   

In Tanzania, control of East Coast fever (ECF) has predominantly relied on tick control using acaricides and chemotherapy, little on ECF vaccination, and very little on dissemination regarding animal immunization. In this paper, the prevalence, control measure, and tolerance of Tanzania Shorthorn Zebu (TSHZ) cattle to ECF are reviewed. In addition, the opportunities available for reducing the use of acaricides for the benefit of the farmers in terms of reduction of costs of purchasing acaricides and environmental pollution are described. The tick distribution and epidemiological factors for ECF such as the agro-ecological zones (AEZ), livestock production systems (LPS), strain, and age of the animals are also described. These factors influence the epidemiology of ECF and the distribution of TSHZ strains in different geographic locations of Tanzania. We have further showed that there is a tendency of farmers to select among the strains of TSHZ for animals which can tolerate ticks and ECF and crossbreed them with their local strains with the aim of benefiting from the inherent characteristics of the most tolerant strains. Generally, many strains of TSHZ cattle are tolerant to tick infestation and ECF infection and can be bred to respond to the needs of the people. In this review paper, we recommend that in future, ECF epidemiological studies should account for factors such as livestock production system, agro-climate, breed of animal, tick control strategy, and the dynamic interactions between them. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that an integrated control method involving use of acaricides, immunization, and ECF-tolerant/-resistant animals is required.  相似文献   

Viruses of the honey bee have been known for a long time; however, recently the attention of scientists and apiculturalists has turned towards the relationship between these viruses and the parasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni. Although clinical symptoms indicated the presence of some of the viruses of bees in Hungary, none have previously been isolated or identified. During July unusual adult bee and brood mortality was observed in some colonies of an apiary in Budapest known to be infested with Varroa jacobsoni. Large amounts of acute paralysis virus (APV) were detected serologically in healthy honey bee pupae killed by the injection of a bacteria-free extract of diseased adult bees. Crystalline arrays of 30 nm particles were seen in ultrathin sections of the tissues of injected pupae and naturally infected adult bees. In spite of the application of acaricide treatments the bee population in several colonies had collapsed by the end of summer and the apiary suffered severe wintering losses.  相似文献   

The toxicity of six plant essential oils to the chewing louse, Bovicola (Werneckiella) ocellatus collected from donkeys, was examined in laboratory bioassays. The oils examined were: tea-tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), peppermint (Mentha piperita), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus Labillardiere), clove bud (Eugenia caryophyllata) and camphor (Cinnamomum camphora). All except camphor oil showed high levels of toxicity, with significant dose-dependent mortality and an LC(50) at concentrations of below 2% (v/v). Hundred percent mortality was achieved at concentrations of 5-10% (v/v). Two essential oil components: eugenol and (+)-terpinen-4-ol showed similar levels of toxicity. The data suggest that these botanical products may offer environmentally and toxicologically safe, alternative veterinary pediculicides for the control of ectoparasitic lice.  相似文献   

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