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以斜带石斑鱼受精卵为试验对象,采用药物浸泡方法,研究了盐酸吗啉胍、利巴韦林、阿昔洛韦、二溴海因、溴氯海因、三氯异氰尿酸、10%的聚维酮碘、37%的甲醛、次氯酸钠等9种药物对斜带石斑鱼受精卵孵化率的影响。试验数据通过SPSS Inc软件进行了单因素方差分析及线性回归分析,研究结果表明,抗病毒药物盐酸吗啉胍、利巴韦林、阿昔洛韦对斜带石斑鱼受精卵孵化影响无差别,三者药物浓度与孵化率无线性相关;6种常用化学消毒剂毒性依次为二溴海因次氯酸钠三氯异氰尿酸溴氯海因甲醛聚维酮碘,石斑鱼受精卵孵化率随着6种常用化学消毒剂质量浓度增加而下降,且药物质量浓度与孵化率呈线性负相关。根据试验结果,建议斜带石斑鱼育苗生产上药物消毒受精卵:盐酸吗啉胍、利巴韦林、阿昔洛韦生产上用药质量浓度为1~3mg/L,10%的聚维酮碘生产上用药质量浓度为20~100mg/L,37%的甲醛生产上用药质量浓度为20mg/L,二溴海因、溴氯海因、三氯异氰尿酸、次氯酸钠生产上慎用。  相似文献   

平均体重为1.8kg的5-6龄育石斑鱼亲鱼,经强化培育,雄性亲鱼的促熟培育,性腺促熟,人工催产等措施,获受精卵320万粒,受精卵的卵化时间为26h,卵化率为80.7%,仔稚鱼的饵料系列为:牡蛎受精卵或担轮幼虫,轮虫,卤虫,桡足类;经41d培育,育出平均全长为3.79cm的幼鱼19万尾,培育成活率为7.3%,通过试验取得了一套可行的青石斑鱼人工繁育技术。  相似文献   

为了解桡足类在池塘育苗模式下的动态变化规律,研究了在斜带石斑鱼池塘育苗生态系统中浮游桡足类的种群增长情况、生产率和呼吸率。试验结果:2口试验池塘中的桡足类主要有7种,其中矮拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus nanus)、小拟哲水蚤(P.parvus)这两种小型桡足类为优势种;育苗期间,桡足类的生物量呈现出前10天逐渐升高、第10 d达到最大值、之后逐渐降低的特点;育苗池中桡足类的平均世代时间为42.312 h,平均生产率为4. 560 mg/(L·d),平均日P/B系数为0. 723 5;育苗全过程桡足类的呼吸率为0.074 4 mg/(L·d),单只桡足类的平均呼吸率为4.055×10^-5mg/(L·d)。结果表明,到育苗后期,自然增长的桡足类远不能满足鱼苗摄食的需要,需每天向池塘增加投放桡足类及轮虫等。  相似文献   

卤虫无节幼体(体长约0.5mm)是培养牙鲆等多种海产鱼和对虾幼体的理想饵料,它在一般幼体饵料系列里,居轮虫与桡足类之中。由于桡足类等天然浮游生物难于进行计划性采集,往往导致种苗生产不能顺利进行。因此,人工培养其休眠卵随手易得的卤虫及大型卤虫、以大型卤虫取代桡足类等天然浮游生物,确保初期饵料已成为当务之急。对此,日本曾采用以面包酵母、  相似文献   

两种桡足类对蟹苗池中轮虫的影响及其控制与利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
试验结果表明,细巧华哲水蚤和近亲真宽水蚤严重影响轮虫的存活率;采用1.50、1.75,2.00mg/L的敌百虫溶液2~3h能杀死桡足类成体和幼体,但在该浓度下杀灭桡足类的无节幼体则需要7.5~14.5h。用以上浓度的敌百虫溶液浸泡过的近亲真宽水蚤的卵提前同步萌发,据此提出“二次杀灭法”,以有效地控制和利用蟹苗池中的桡足类。  相似文献   

在轮虫培养中用敌百虫杀灭桡足类的试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对鱼、虾、蟹人工苗种生产中经常遇到的由于轮虫中混杂桡足类导致育苗失败的实际情况,探讨利用轮虫和桡足类对晶体敌百虫忍耐性的差异,在不影响轮虫生长、繁殖的情况下彻底清除桡足类的方法。结果表明:轮虫和桡足类对敌百虫的忍耐性有较大的差异,轮虫和桡足类的96h敌百虫安全浓度分别为2.0mg/L和0.2mg/L;致死浓度分别为3.0mg/L(96h)和0.4 mg/L(72h);在敌百虫添加浓度0.5~2.0mg/L条件下,敌百虫对轮虫繁殖率的影响随添加浓度加大而增加,但这一影响是可逆的,一般在2~3d后即可恢复正常。在苗种生产实际中,将敌百虫处理浓度定为1.0~1.5mg/L较为适宜。  相似文献   

毛连环 《河北渔业》2020,(4):1-3,19
通过对赤点石斑鱼(Epinephelus akaara)亲本强化、苗种繁育阶段的饵料进行研究,结果表明:采用牡蛎作为赤点石斑鱼亲本营养强化饵料使得亲本成活率达89.33%,所产的卵子平均受精率达78.9%、孵化率达80.1%,均显著高于使用南美白对虾和蛏子组(P<0.05);苗种培育至摄氏卤虫阶段,采用鱼油(4 g/L)与经小球藻强化轮虫和虾青素(5 g/L)混合代替,成活率29.53%,全长增长率175.00%,效果最佳;苗种培育至摄氏桡足类阶段,采用鱼油(4 g/L)与桡足类和虾青素(5 g/L)培育,成活率和全长增长率均显著高于其他组(P<0.05);而后期采用软颗粒料(鳗粉:鳀鱼=3:2,添加虾青素5 g/kg)可极显著提高赤点石斑鱼的养成成活率和全长增长率(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

鮸鱼人工繁育技术研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
选用不同来源的鮸鱼亲鱼,经人工培育、促熟后直接在网箱内催产,用LHRH-A2作催产剂,体腔注射,采用轮虫-丰年虫幼体-鲜活桡足类-冰鲜桡足类饵料系列培育鱼苗,3年共育出全长3cm以上的鮸鱼苗70余万尾,基本上掌握了鮸鱼的人工繁育技术。  相似文献   

<正>5.饵料投喂策略初孵仔鱼→3天仔鱼(投放益生菌1毫克/升、投喂小球藻30万个/毫升、S型轮虫2个/毫升)→8天仔鱼营养强化(投喂S型或L型轮虫3个/毫升)→18天仔鱼(投喂卤虫或桡足类无节幼体0.5个/毫升)→28天稚鱼(停喂藻类和轮虫、投喂小卤虫或桡足类1个/毫升)→38天稚鱼(投喂卤虫或桡足类成体2个/毫升)→40天幼鱼(投喂颗粒饲料,投喂量为幼鱼体重的5%~8%)。  相似文献   

经试验18尾亲鱼产卵5.3kg,受精卵经20h孵出,孵化率为63.9%;饵料系列为:轮虫、卤虫、桡足类;经50天培育,育出平均全长33mm幼鱼103万尾,培育成活率23.4%。  相似文献   

茜素络合物浸泡标记秦岭细鳞鲑发眼卵及仔鱼耳石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用茜素络合物(ALC)在秦岭细鳞鲑(Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis)发眼卵和仔鱼阶段进行浸泡标记试验,为确定合适浸泡浓度和持续浸泡时间,试验设置了6个的浓度组和4个时间梯度组.结果显示:在荧光显微镜下观察被浸泡的仔鱼和经浸泡处理的发眼卵而出膜后的仔鱼,其耳石都出现橘红色荧光标记.浸泡...  相似文献   

Strategies for Development of Rotifers as Larval Fish Food in Ponds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Strategies to sustain rotifer peak biomass, distribution of rotifer resting eggs in the sediment, and relationship between rotifers and larval fish growth were studied in a series of pond experiments. After the ponds were filled with water, herbivorous rotifers (e.g., Brachionus calyciflorus ) developed first, but were gradually replaced by predatory rotifers (e.g., Asplanchna ). Subsequently, herbivorous cladocerans (e.g., Moina sp) eventually replaced rotifers and dominated the zooplankton community. The occurrence of Asplanchna and Moina indicated the decline of B. calyciflorus . Peak rotifer biomass developed 8–10 d after the ponds were filled with water at 20–25 C, 10–15 d at 17–20 C, 15–20 d at 15–17 C, 20–30 d at 10–15 C, and >30 d at < 10 C. The abundance of resting eggs in the top 5-cm sediment varied from 6 to 83/cm2. About 25% of resting eggs were buried in the top 5-cm sediment but the number of resting eggs decreased with increased sediment depth. Optimum rotifer biomass for silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix larvae stocked at 1,500,000/ha was 20–40 m/gL. High rotifer biomass (>20 mg/L) usually lasted 3–5 d, but could be prolonged by pond fertilization or cladoceran controls. A weekly application of dipterex at 0.05 mg/L reduced cladoceran biomass but enhanced rotifer biomass. Our results indicate with a careful management plan it is possible to synchronize the rotifer development with larval fish stocking.  相似文献   

在24±1℃下研究了不同浓度的次甲基蓝、甲醛、高锰酸钾、氯化钠、孔雀石绿溶液抑制松浦镜鲤鱼卵水霉病的效果。结果表明:浸泡消毒时间10min,浓度为1100.00mg/L的次甲基蓝和6000.00mg/L的甲醛对水霉菌有较强的抑制作用,对出苗率无显著影响;在药物对水霉菌完全致死浓度(1057.54mg/L)下,浸泡10min,次甲基蓝抑菌有效时间达29.97h,致畸率最低(1.55%),而高锰酸钾和氯化钠浓度对松浦镜鲤鱼卵水霉菌无明显抑制作用。试验表明次甲基蓝可以替代孔雀石绿防治鲤卵水霉病。  相似文献   

Abstract.— Two spawning and larval rearing trials with striped patao Eugerres brasilianus were conducted at Tunas de Zaza, Cuba, to develop a method for experimental-scale mass production of juvenile fish. Mature striped patao were captured from coastal lagoons in September 1988 and January 1989. Sexually mature females and males were induced to spawn by treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). After spawning, eggs were collected and placed in 1.2-m3 cylindroconical fiberglass incubators at densities of 150 and 200 eggs/L. About 1 h before hatching, eggs were transferred to 5–m3 concrete tanks. Larvae were fed a mixture of marine microalgae, rotifers, copepods, and Artemia nauplii; artificial food was supplied at 30 d post-hatch as a shrimp diet with 25% protein and 0.1–0.4 mm particles. Fourteen of 20 females spawned after 2 or 3 HCG injections (total dose = 6–10 IU/g body weight). Fecundity was 467–2,167 eggs/g body weight. Egg incubation time in seawater (38–39 ppt salinity) was 15–17 h at 29–30 C and 21–23 h at 25–26 C, with 98–100% hatching rate. The oil droplet and yolk sac were consumed by 3 to 5 d post-hatch and first food (rotifers) was eaten during second day. High larval mortalities began after the first month. Growth in 39- ppt seawater was faster (0.41 ± 0.01 md/d) at 29.1 ± 0.3 C than at 25.2 ± 0.2 C (0.27 ± 0.008 mm/d). Overall survival was 6–12.5% with tinal densities of 5–10 juveniles/L after 48–60 d. A total of 132,000 juveniles was harvested from the two rearing cycles.  相似文献   

防治松浦镜鲤鱼卵水霉病药物的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在24±1℃下研究了不同浓度的次甲基蓝、甲醛、高锰酸钾、氯化钠、孔雀石绿溶液抑制松浦镜鲤鱼卵水霉病的效果。结果表明:浸泡消毒时间10min,浓度为1100.00mg/L的次甲基蓝和6000.00mg/L的甲醛对水霉菌有较强的抑制作用,对出苗率无显著影响;在药物对水霉菌完全致死浓度(1057.54mg/L)下,浸泡10m...  相似文献   

Induction of triploidy in grass carp was accomplished by means of thermal shocks to eggs shortly after fertilization. Triploidy occurred most often with cold shocks at 5–7°C and at durations of 25–30 min starting 2.0–4.5 min after fertilization. Estimated percent triploid ranged from 50 to 100% on five occasions. With one exception, cold shocks of 5–7°C for less than 25 min did not induce triploidy, and cold shock durations of 30 min or longer generally resulted in 100% mortality. A heat shock of 40°C for 1 min, 4.75 min after activation, was the only heat treatment which produced triploidy (8%) with 81% surviving to the blastula stage. Fertilized eggs immersed in a solution of cytochalasin B (10 mg/l, 0.1% DMSO) for 10 min, 12 min after activation, resulted in 54% of the eggs surviving to the blastula stage with none found to be triploid.  相似文献   

Within the State of Maine, only a portion of the farm sites experience sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) infections on an annual basis. There has been concern about the further spread of lice by farming activities to unaffected areas despite routine disinfection of equipment with sodium hypochlorite or iodophors. We examined the effects of Povidone‐iodine, sodium hypochlorite and desiccation on egg strings of L. salmonis and the potential of these methods for preventing hatching of nauplii or development to the copepodid stage. L. salmonis egg strings were exposed to one of eight treatments: 200 ppm of sodium hypochlorite or Povidone‐iodine solutions for 1 min, 500 ppm of either disinfectant for one minute or 10 min, or desiccation for either 4 or 24 h. The egg strings were then incubated and the hatched copepods were kept for 6 days in filtered natural seawater at 32 ppt salinity at 12°C. Desiccation for 4 or 24 h were the only methods that prevented L. salmonis nauplii from hatching or developing to the infective copepodid stage. Common disinfection procedures against pathogenic bacteria and virus were not found to be effective against L. salmonis eggs.  相似文献   

Formalin administered twice daily as a flush at concentrations of 100, 200, or 400 mg/L increased percent hatch of channel catfish, "Ictalurus punctatus," eggs relative to non-treated eggs (P < 0.05). Formalin at 400 mg/L was most effective in controling "Saprolegnia" sp. infections, and the resultant percent hatch was 93.7%. Iodine administered twice daily as a flush at concentrations of 50, 100, or 200 mg/L increased the hatching rate of channel catfish eggs relative to non-treated eggs (P < 0.05). Iodine at 200 mg/L increased percent hatch by 28% over that of the controls. "Saprolegnia" sp. infections were apparent on eggs exposed to all levels of iodine. Formalin was more effective in controlling "Saprolegnia" than iodine and consideration should be given to extending its label to include the treatment of channel catfish eggs.  相似文献   

为了给巢湖水质管理及富营养化防治提供科学依据,根据水系特征,在巢湖东、西湖区湖心、裕溪河出湖口、丰乐河、派河和南淝河共设置8个采样点,2013年12月至2014年11月共采样12次,分别代表冬季(12月-次年2月)、春季(3-5月)、夏季(6-8月)和秋季(9-11月),对巢湖水体理化因子和后生浮游动物(枝角类、桡足类、轮虫)群落进行逐月周年调查。基于叶绿素(Chl-a)、总磷(TP)、总氮(TN)、化学需氧量(CODMn)、透明度(SD)等水体理化指标,运用综合营养状态指数(TLI)和生物多样性指数,对不同湖区受污染程度和营养状态进行综合评价。结果显示,巢湖共检出后生浮游动物42种(属),优势种矩形龟甲轮虫(Keratella quadrata)、萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)为富营养化水体或有机质较多水体的常见种,不同季节的优势种存在较大差异;总体上,后生浮游动物全年平均丰度371.6 个/L(191.5~600.0 个/L)和全年平均生物量3.0 mg/L(2.0~4.6 mg/L)均呈现西半湖高于东半湖、夏秋季高于冬春季的分布特点;其群落结构也存在显著的季节差异和空间差异,矩形龟甲轮虫、萼花臂尾轮虫等是造成差异的主要种类。水温(WT)和Chl-a是影响枝角类丰度的重要因子,桡足类丰度与WT呈显著正相关,而轮虫丰度受TLI(∑)指数的显著影响。TLI(∑)指数均值为60.33(52.18~66.28),指示巢湖总体处于轻度至中度富营养化状态。Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Margalef丰富度指数表明,巢湖总体处于中度污染状态,不同湖区水体具有明显的不均衡性。  相似文献   

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