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驱动圆盘玉米垄作免耕播种机设计与试验   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:9  
针对东北垄作区免耕播种玉米时存在机具堵塞严重、条带旋耕功耗大、垄上作业稳定性差等问题,设计了驱动圆盘玉米垄作免耕播种机,提出了驱动圆盘破茬、限深轮稳定装置为一体的破茬开沟稳定机构,对本装置的关键参数进行了设计.田间试验结果表明,驱动圆盘玉米垄作免耕播种机通过性能好,破茬能力强.机具破茬深度约为87 mm,种肥间距稳定在48 mm时能够满足播种要求,播种施肥开沟器在主动圆盘开出的沟槽中进行二次开沟,减少了土壤扰动和动力消耗.与条带旋耕毛米垄作免耕播种机相比,油耗降低8.5%,地表动土量减少约50%.  相似文献   

新型垄作耕播机破茬清垄装置的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于垄作栽培制度的高留茬耕播是东北地区保护性耕作的主流模式.为此,在国内首次研发了适合于这种模式的前限深圆盘破茬后水平圆盘清垄的独特结构.将该装置通过通用机架与普通播种机安装在一起便可实现一次性完成破茬、清垄、播种、施肥、镇压等免耕播种全套作业.试验表明:该装置不但能够破茬开沟、清除种行残茬,创造整洁的种床,同时可以解决秸秆覆盖免耕播种机堵塞的问题而且起到一定限深的作用.其为研制适合我国东北地区垄作免耕播种机开辟了蹊径.  相似文献   

玉米垄作免耕播种机研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
设计了2BML-2型垄作免耕播种机,采用苗带浅旋方式对根茬进行处理,在旋耕带上开沟、施肥、播种、镇压.苗带浅旋参数设计为:单垄旋耕幅宽100~110 mm,旋耕深度60~80 mm,同一截面的刀片数为3,单垄对应安装两排刀片.根茬处理后,采用尖角式开沟器,先施肥、后下种,肥种垂直距离保持50 mm左右,采用双圆盘覆土、橡胶轮镇压.通过田间试验,证实该播种机破茬防堵性能好,播种后能基本保持垄形,有利于增加地温,使用该机播种的玉米出苗率高于传统方式播种.  相似文献   

免耕播种机液压式加载仿形深度控制系统设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于免耕播种地表有残茬、秸秆和杂草覆盖,土壤坚硬,免耕播种机的仿形量较大,普通的仿形机构已不能满足仿形的平稳性要求。为此,采用液压式加载仿形深度控制系统,实现玉米垄作免耕播种机下压力和仿形量的调节,保证了玉米垄作免耕播种的播种深度和机器稳定性,克服了目前免耕播种作业的缺点,满足了免耕播种作业质量要求。  相似文献   

2BSFML-7型碎草免耕播种机,是存固定道保护性耕作配套机具2BFML-5型免耕播种机的基础上,由甘肃省张掖市农机研究所改进开发的保护性耕作机具。该机具可一次性完成秸秆切碎、分层施肥、播种镇压、垄沟修复等工序。主要解决了保护性耕作中平作、垄作转换,播种单体仿形、秸秆壅堵等保护性耕作的技术难题。  相似文献   

2BQMF-5型气吸式施肥免耕播种机的设计与试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究设计了一种2BQMF-5型气吸式施肥免耕播种机.该播种机主要由气吸式排种装置、五圆盘破茬开沟施肥装置和镇压传动装置等组成.田间试验证实该播种机破茬防堵性能好,施肥平均深度为78mm,播种平均深度为43mm,种肥垂直间距平均为35mm,侧向间距平均为30mm.机具一次进地即可完成破茬、开沟施肥、播种、覆土、镇压等作业工序,土壤扰动小,作业质量满足农艺要求.  相似文献   

2BQLM-3(4)型垄作免耕播种施肥机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对北方垄作播种作业的实际情况,设计了ZBQLM-3(4)型垄作免耕播种施肥机.2BQLM-3(4)型垄作免耕播种施肥机研究设计为精量播种施肥机,排种器采用气吸式,复式开沟,破茬器在前部破茬、清理苗带,种肥开沟器在清理后的苗带上开沟、施肥、播种,种肥分开,侧位深施肥.该机采用整体三点悬挂装置,单体仿形.该机的播种粒距合格指数、重播指数、漏播指数指标均达到设计要求.  相似文献   

2BMF-5固定垄小麦免耕播种机的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对我国西北地区固定垄保护性耕作条件下,玉米茬地垄作免耕播种小麦秸秆堵塞严重和播种质量差等问题,设计了一种驱动圆盘式固定垄小麦免耕播种机。整机主要由驱动圆盘式破茬装置、开沟施肥装置、单体仿形播种装置及镇压传动装置等组成。田间试验结果表明,驱动圆盘刀的平均入土深度为10cm,平均播种和施肥深度分别为5cm和10cm。该机一次作业可完成破茬、开沟施肥、播种和镇压等工序,作业时土壤扰动小,播种作业质量可满足西北地区农艺要求。  相似文献   

主动圆盘防堵式小麦免耕播种机的设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究设计了一种主动圆盘防堵式小麦免耕播种机.该播种机主要由组合式开沟器、圆盘刀、排种管、施肥管和镇压轮等组成.田间试验表明,该播种机破茬防堵性能好,解决了高覆盖量条件下直接播种小麦时播种机工作经常堵塞的问题.机具一次进地即可完成破茬、开沟施肥、播种、覆土、镇压等作业工序,土壤扰动小,作业质量满足农艺要求.  相似文献   

鉴于黄淮海麦棉轮作区土层深厚和根茬量大、韧性强的特点,以及免耕播种机作业要求,设计了2BMMD-4型棉花精量免耕播种机,能一次实现破茬、开沟、防堵、施肥、播种、覆土及镇压等功能。该机具具有独特的苗带清理及作业防堵、播种深度调节以及作业仿形功能。同时,利用SolidWorks以及ANSYS软件对2BMMD-4型免耕播种机的苗带浅旋装置进行了模态分析。结果表明,该机刀轴在设计转速下对应的频率远小于各阶固有频率,不容易发生共振。田间试验表明,该播种机作业性能达到了设计要求。  相似文献   

东北垄作滚动圆盘式耕播机   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
基于垄作栽培制度的高留茬秸秆覆盖耕播是东北地区保护性耕作的主流模式,研制了适合于这种模式的双圆盘螺旋线型清垄部件、圆锥台形垄作导向装置,通过试验优选出3种滚动圆盘式破茬犁刀。设计了以小型四轮拖拉机为动力的垄作滚动圆盘式耕播机。  相似文献   

朝阳市清风岭省级自然保护区生态区位非常重要。阐述保护区保护管理的意义,介绍保护区管理机构职能与管理措施,对保护区管理工作、效益及综合价值进行评价,以期为清风岭省级自然保护区的管理与发展提供参考。  相似文献   

钱彬 《湖南农机》2008,(4):146-147
本文分析了驷马山引江水道切岭滑坡产生的主要原因,提出几种治理滑坡措施,取得了良好的滑坡治理效果,以供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

In semi-arid areas, crop growth is greatly limited by water. Amount of available water in soil can be increased by surface mulching and other soil management practices. Field experiments were conducted in 2005 and 2006 at Gaolan, Gansu, China, to determine the influence of ridge and furrow rainfall harvesting system (RFRHS), surface mulching and supplementary irrigation (SI) in various combinations on rainwater harvesting, amount of moisture in soil, water use efficiency (WUE), biomass yield of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolour L.) and seed yield of maize (Zea mays L.). In conventional fields without RFRHS, gravel-sand mulching produced higher biomass yield than plastic-mulching or straw-mulching. In plastic-mulched fields, an increasing amount of supplemental irrigation was needed to improve crop yield. There was no effect of RFRHS without plastic-covered ridge on rainwater harvesting when natural precipitation was less than 5 mm per event. This was due to little runoff of rainwater from frequent low precipitation showers, and most of the harvested rainwater gathered at the soil surface is lost to evaporation. In the RFRHS, crop yield and WUE were higher with plastic-covered ridges than bare ridges, and also higher with gravel-sand-mulched furrows than bare furrows in most cases, or straw-mulched furrows in some cases. This was most likely due to decreased evaporation with plastic or gravel-sand mulch. In the RFRHS with plastic-covered ridges and gravel-sand-mulched furrows, application of 30 mm supplemental irrigation produced the highest yield and WUE for sweet sorghum and maize in most cases. In conclusion, the findings suggested the integrated use of RFRHS, mulching and supplementary irrigation to improve rainwater availability for high sustainable crop yield. However, the high additional costs of supplemental irrigation and construction of RFRHS for rainwater harvesting need to be considered before using these practices on a commercial scale.  相似文献   

辽宁朝阳清风岭省级自然保护区是重要的动物栖息地。通过对保护区动物多样性进行调查,分析保护区内两栖爬行动物、鸟类、兽类、鱼类的资源价值、区系成分与分布特点,阐述动物栖息地保护的意义,以期为清风岭保护区管护工作提供参考。  相似文献   

玉米垄作免耕播种机油耗试验与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
保护性耕作技术在我国垄作地区难以推广的主要原因是缺乏在有根茬原垄上确保播种质量的免耕播种机。针对以苗带浅旋处理玉米根茬为机理的2BML-2型垄作免耕播种机,进行了田间油耗试验。试验结果表明:在开沟器、覆土装置、镇压装置等部件工作参数一定时,影响播种机油耗的主要因素中,根茬处理装置的旋耕入土深度影响最大,其次是旋耕幅宽,然后是机组前进速度;在适合范围内,机组前进速度越大,油耗越小;本播种机能有效减少油耗,传统旋耕播种与之相比,油耗量高32%以上。通过建立油耗数学模型,可以较准确计算出在所给定的条件和工况范围内的单组油耗量,同时可为选择合适的作业参数及设计同类型播种机提供理论指导。  相似文献   

A plastic-covered ridge and furrow rainfall harvesting (PRFRH) system combined with mulches was designed to increase water availability to crops for improving and stabilizing agricultural production in the semiarid Loess region of northwest China. The system was built by shaping the soil surface with alternate ridges and furrows along the contour. The plastic-covered ridges served as a rainfall harvesting zone and furrows as a planting zone. Some materials were also used to mulch the furrows to increase the effectiveness of the harvested water. This system can make better utilization of light rain by harvesting rainwater through the plastic-covered ridge. The field experiment (using corn as an indicator crop) showed that grain yields in the PRFRH system with mulches in 1998 and 1999 were significantly higher than the controls, with an increase of 4010–5297 kg per ha (108–143%). In most treatments, the water use efficiencies (WUE) were in excess of 2.0 kg m−3. The WUE values of corn in this system were 1.9 times greater than the controls in 1998 and 1.4 times greater than the controls in 1999. The plastic-covered ridge led to a yield increase of 3430 kg per ha (92%) in 1998 and of 1126 kg per ha (21%) in 1999 compared with the uncovered ridge. On average, the additional mulches in the furrow brought about a yield increase of 8–25%. Based on the results of this study and other researches, this technique can increase corn grain yield by 60–95% in drought and average years, 70–90% in wet years, and 20–30% in very wet years. The PRFRH system had the potential to increase crop yield and produced greater economic benefit, therefore it could be used in regions dominated by light rainfall of low intensity where crops generally fail due to water stress.  相似文献   

MZPH-820型单行马铃薯收获机设计   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
针对现有小型马铃薯收获机作业过程中,行进阻力大、易于壅堵、伤薯率高,以及垄高适应性差等问题,设计了MZPH-820型单行马铃薯收获机.该机挖掘铲各铲片相互分离,间隙通畅;升运链导向撑链轮通过悬臂板支撑,承力通轴实现向上移动,作业时入土部件仅有挖掘铲及切土防漏圆盘,可有效防止秧茎缠绕及壅土;挖掘铲角度调节机构可实现挖掘铲与升运链导向撑链轮角度的同步调节,使挖掘铲铲面倾角在18°~30°内连续可调,便于不同土质条件下优化作业性能;导向限深轮及支撑行走轮二者高度的协调调整使得收获机能够满足100~400 mm垄高地块的作业要求,保证挖掘铲预设铲面倾角的实现,垄高适应性得到增强.宽行高垄地块的田间试验表明:MZPH-820型单行马铃薯收获机挖掘、输运顺畅,分离效果明显,纯小时生产率为0.10 hm2/h,伤薯率为0.3%,损失率为3.9%,性能达到技术规范要求.  相似文献   

Agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa is a low-input low-output system primarily for subsistence. Some of these areas are becoming less able to feed the people because of land degradation and erosion. The aim of this study is to characterize the potential for increasing levels of soil carbon for improving soil quality and carbon sequestration. A combination of high- and low-resolution imagery was used to develop a land use classification for an area of 64 km2 near Omarobougou, Mali. Field sizes were generally small (10–50 ha), and the primary cultivation systems are conventional tillage and ridge tillage, where tillage is performed by a combination of hand tools and animal-drawn plows. Based on land use classification, climate variables, soil texture, in situ soil carbon concentrations, and crop growth characteristics, the EPIC-Century model was used to project the amounts of soil carbon sequestered for the region. Under the usual management practices in Mali, mean crop yield reported (1985–2000) for maize is 1.53 T ha−1, cotton is 1.2 T ha−1, millet is 0.95 T ha−1, and for sorghum is 0.95 T ha−1. Year-to-year variations can be attributed to primarily rainfall, the amount of plant available water, and the amount of fertilizer applied. Under continuous conventional cultivation, with minimal fertilization and no residue management, the soil top layer was continuously lost due to erosion, losing between 1.1 and 1.7 Mg C ha−1 over 25 years. The model projections suggest that soil erosion is controlled and that soil carbon sequestration is enhanced with a ridge tillage system, because of increased water infiltration. The combination of modeling with the land use classification was used to calculate that about 54 kg C ha−1 year−1 may be sequestered for the study area with ridge tillage, increased application of fertilizers, and residue management. This is about one-third the proposed rate used in large-scale estimates of carbon sequestration potential in West Africa, because of the mixture of land use practices.  相似文献   

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