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为研究不同水量交替灌溉对小桐子生长调控与水分利用的影响。采用4种水分处理模式(灌水定额分别为T1处理:10mm;T2处理:20mm;T3处理:30mm;T4处理:10和30mm,均不断的对2种灌水定额进行轮回交替)。结果表明:T1处理能在灌水定额为10mm,灌水周期为7d的环境下存活,表现出极强的抗干旱胁迫能力,其原因不仅是通过停止生长和叶片脱落适应干旱环境,而且最主要的原因是通过木质部有类似海绵状的物质能储存较多的乳白色的液体而继续存活。在节水21.6%前提下,与T3处理相比,T4处理的平均外皮层厚度显著增加了24%,叶片、叶柄、主杆、冠层和整株的单位干物质质量的贮存水能力分别显著增加28.3%、28.8%、13.7%、17%和12.3%,平均蒸散量和蒸腾量分别显著降低36.8%和20.4%,而根系和总干物质质量分别增加21.3%和1.3%,因此,总水分利用效率显著提高30.2%。可见,采用灌水定额为10和30mm交替灌溉的T4处理增强了贮存水调节能力,提高了小桐子的根系和总干物质质量,而降低了蒸腾量和蒸散量,从而使得水分利用效率显著提高。  相似文献   

2013年7-10月进行复播大豆滴灌量的田间试验,以研究不同滴灌量(3000、3600、4200和4800m3?hm-2,分别用W1、W2、W3、W4表示)对复播大豆冠层透光率、温度、空气相对湿度及光合特性的影响。结果表明:(1)在开花期和结荚期,大豆群体冠层不同层次的透光率均随着滴灌量的增加而减小,并均以距地面20cm处的透光率最小,且各处理群体冠层透光率均与株高呈极显著负相关关系(R=-0.98,P0.01)。(2)随着滴灌量的增加,大豆群体内部距地面40cm处冠层的空气温度降低而湿度增加,且温度与湿度呈相反的日变化趋势。(3)开花期和结荚期,复播大豆叶片净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)和气孔限制值(Ls)均随着滴灌量的增加呈"先增后降"的变化趋势,均以W3处理最高。(4)大豆产量也以W3处理最高,为3741.23kg?hm-2,分别较W1、W2和W4处理增产30.42%、13.98%和8.44%,且达显著差异水平(P0.05);灌溉水利用效率(IWUE)随着灌水量的增加而降低。本试验条件下,滴灌量为4200m3?hm-2(W3)时复播大豆群体生态环境较好,光合效率最高,达到了高产和节水的统一。  相似文献   

通过温室盆栽试验,研究了2.0 m·s-1、1.0 m·s-1、0.4 m·s-1、0.0 m·s-1风速下风速气象因子对苋菜蒸腾耗水及生长的影响.结果表明:温室内盆栽苋菜的蒸腾速率及日蒸腾量受不同风速影响的表现相似,差异不显著,整体看来,蒸腾速率和日蒸腾量以1.0 m·s-1风速处理最大,0.4 m·s-1风速处理和对照次之,最大风速2.0 m·s-1处理最小.采用逐步回归分析了不同风速处理下盆栽苋菜的蒸腾速率、日蒸腾量与气象因子的相关关系,发现不同风速处理蒸腾速率与光照强度的正相关性最强,2.0 m·s-1风速处理的蒸腾速率与温度的正相关性次之,而其他处理的蒸腾速率与相对湿度呈显著负相关;日平均温度是影响各处理日蒸腾量的主要因素.盆栽苋菜的物质积累曲线表明,风速1.0 m·s-1处理的物质积累量最大,2.0 m·s-1处理最小.风速处理对温室盆栽苋菜的地上部鲜重、地下部鲜重以及根冠比均有极显著影响,且1.0m·s-1与2.0m·s-1风速间差异极显著.干物质重受风速影响显著,1.0 m·s-1处理干重最大.风速处理对盆栽耗水量和水分利用效率的影响未达显著水平,但1.0m·s-1风速处理的水分利用效率最大.  相似文献   

为探讨灌水与施硫对冬小麦产量及水分利用效率的影响,在大田条件下,研究了小麦生育期内不灌水(W0)、仅灌拔节水(W1)、灌拔节水+开花水(W2),每次灌水定额75mm,和不施硫0kg·hm-2(S0)、施硫60kg·hm-2(S60)对小麦干物质积累、产量和水分利用的影响。结果表明:随灌水次数的增加,田间耗水量增多,产量提高,但水分利用率降低;在3个灌水条件下,S60较S0均显著提高了生育后期干物质积累量、籽粒产量、水分利用率、灌水利用率和降水利用率;在所有灌水和施硫处理组合中,以S60W2干物质积累量和籽粒产量最高,分别为22 082k、8 087kg·hm-2,水分利用率以S60W0最高,为15.42kg·hm-2·mm-1,W2S0最低,为13.81kg·hm-2·mm-1,灌水利用率则以S60W1最高,达105.09kg·hm-2·mm-1。由此建议,在正常降水年型条件下,在氮磷钾合理配施和底墒水适宜的基础上,可采取施硫60kg·hm-2结合拔节期灌W1水的措施,实现小麦产量和水分效率的同步提高。  相似文献   

定位观测红壤坡地典型作物系统叶面冠层 大气界面水分传输结果表明 ,叶面冠层 大气界面水汽传输通量大小取决于景观植物群落的构建 ,稳定群落叶面冠层 大气界面水汽传输通量有明显日变化规律 ,除受植物生理机制影响外 ,还明显受土壤水分和气象条件的影响。植株叶片蒸腾速率有明显日变化规律且呈单峰型曲线及多峰态势。净辐射、空气饱和水汽压差、气温、地表温度、风速对蒸腾的影响均达极显著水平 (正相关 ) ,其中净辐射、气温为主要影响因子。叶片气孔导度可反映叶片蒸腾速率 ,叶片气孔阻力日变化规律是植物对气象条件的响应 ,且受土壤水分状况强烈影响。改善作物生长环境 ,调节气孔行为 ,进而协调作物蒸腾作用和光合作用耗水制约 ,可调控叶面冠层 大气界面水分传输 ,提高作物水分利用效率  相似文献   

【目的】干旱胁迫影响甘薯叶片光合特性及块根产量,研究通过施肥缓解干旱胁迫机理可为甘薯抗旱高产栽培提供理论依据。【方法】选用食用型甘薯品种“泰中6号”为材料,以硫酸钾(K2SO4)为供试肥料,水分处理设为土壤最大持水量的60%~70%(正常供水W1)和30%~40%(干旱处理W0); 钾肥设K0、 K1、 K2、 K3四个水平,K2O用量分别为0、 12.0、 24.0和36.0 g/m2。分析不同钾肥用量对不同生长时期甘薯叶片相对含水量、 叶绿素荧光参数、 光合特性及收获期块根产量的影响。【结果】在干旱胁迫和正常灌水条件下,施钾处理均显著增加了甘薯叶面积和叶片叶绿素含量,提高净光合速率(Pn),增加光合产物的生产和积累,提高块根产量和收获指数。两种水分条件下,块根产量均以K2处理最高, 干旱胁迫下K2与K3处理差异显著,正常灌水处理不显著。两种水分条件下,甘薯叶片光合参数对钾肥的响应存在显著差异,干旱胁迫下施钾使叶片水分利用效率(WUE)增大,气孔导度(Gs)降低,气孔阻力增大,蒸腾速率(Tr)和胞间CO2浓度(Ci)降低,水分蒸腾量减少; 而正常灌水条件下上述指标对钾肥的响应趋势相反。两种水分条件下施钾均可以增大叶片相对含水量(RWC),提高实际光化学效率(ΦPSII)和最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm),但是干旱胁迫下施钾增幅较大。【结论】干旱胁迫下适量施钾可以提高甘薯的抗旱性,增加甘薯产量,过量施钾使甘薯产量显著降低,而正常水分供应时,稍多钾肥对产量影响不显著。干旱胁迫与正常灌水条件下施钾对叶片光合参数的调控效应存在显著差异。施用钾肥可增大叶面积,提高叶绿素含量和光合性能,调节叶片气孔关闭,增大叶片气孔阻力,减少水分蒸腾损失,增加叶片相对含水量,提高水分利用效率和净光合速率; 施钾还能提高叶片PSⅡ原初光能转换效率和实际光化学效率,减少过剩激发能对光合机构的破坏,提高甘薯叶片的光合能力。干旱条件下钾肥的调节功能优于正常水肥供应。  相似文献   

深层坑渗灌条件下葡萄果浆成熟期冠层温度的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在深层坑渗灌为基础的大田试验条件下,研究了极端干旱气候区成龄葡萄果浆成熟期不同水分处理条件下冠层温度的变化规律。主要得到如下结论:从气象学理论的角度阐明了冠层温度与大气温度之间的关系,分析了不同水分处理下冠层温度和大气温差日变化过程的原因;建立了以能量守恒定律为基础的冠层温度模拟模型;大气温度与冠层温度的变化趋势基本一致,二者存在很好的线性关系;建立了以灌溉定额为参数的冠层温度与大气温度的拟合模型并进行了分析;确定了吐鲁番鄯善地区葡萄果浆成熟期最优灌水量为160.428 m3亩-1。  相似文献   

不同水肥处理下冬小麦冠层含水率与温度关系的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
研究了不同水肥处理下冬小麦冠层含水率与冠层温度的关系。结果表明,随灌水量增加,冬小麦冠层含水率呈逐渐增加的趋势,灌水量达一定程度后,冠层含水率反而下降,冠层温度表现出与冠层含水率相反的趋势;冠层含水率与冠层温度呈显著负相关。两品种施氮处理冠层含水率均明显高于不施氮处理。“京冬8号”各施氮处理冠层含水率随施氮量增加呈逐渐降低的趋势,冠层温度则随施氮量增加而上升;其冠层含水率与冠层温度存在显著负相关关系。“中优9507”各施氮处理不具“京冬8号”的规律性,但其冠层含水率与冠层温度也呈负相关。用冠层温度反映冠层含水率具有较高的可靠性。  相似文献   

无人机热红外图像计算冠层温度特征数诊断棉花水分胁迫   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
针对当前无人机热红外遥感诊断作物水分胁迫状况精度不高的问题,该文以4种水分处理的花铃期棉花为试验对象,利用六旋翼无人机搭载热红外传感器,连续5 d采集中午13点的棉花冠层高分辨率热红外影像,通过Canny边缘检测算法将热红外图像中的土壤背景有效剔除,应用温度直方图验证剔除效果,然后计算棉花冠层温度特征数,包括冠层温度标准差(standard deviation of canopy temperature,CTSD)和冠层温度变异系数(canopy temperature coefficient of variation,CTCV);分别研究棉花冠层温度特征数与棉花叶片气孔导度Gs、蒸腾速率Tr、水分胁迫指数(crop water stress index,CWSI)和土壤体积含水率(soil volumetric water content,SWC)的相关关系,并分析冠层温度特征数对诊断棉花水分胁迫的适用性。研究结果表明:棉花冠层温度特征数与表征棉花水分胁迫的生理指标和物理指标都具有较高的相关性,最大的决定系数R2为0.884;棉花冠层温度标准差CTSD和变异系数CTCV与Gs、Tr、CWSI、SWC的决定系数R2分别为0.884、0.625、0.673、0.550和0.853、0.583、0.620、0.520,冠层温度标准差CTSD对作物水分胁迫的敏感程度更高,可以作为诊断作物水分胁迫的新指标。该研究提出冠层温度特征数的计算方法仅需要无人机热红外影像数据,相比其他诊断作物水分胁迫状况的温度指标具有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

基于CERES-Wheat模型的沧州地区冬小麦需水量分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
作物生长模拟模型的应用为农田水资源分析和水分管理措施的优化提供了新的方法手段。本研究以CERES-Wheat模型为基础,通过情景分析的方法,分析了华北平原沧州地区冬小麦1981—2014年产量、大田蒸散量(ET)、作物蒸腾(EP)、土壤蒸发(ES)、水分生产率(WP)的年际变化特征,并建立了ET与WP定量化关系模型,利用该模型计算出了WP达到最大值的经济蒸散量为435 mm;利用ET多年平均值与多年平均降雨量差值计算出了T0(不灌溉)、T1(拔节期灌水75 mm)、T2(拔节期、扬花期各灌水75 mm)、T3(起身期、孕穗期和扬花期各灌水75 mm)4个水分处理不同产量目标下冬小麦多年平均的需水量分别为189 mm、264 mm、298 mm和319 mm,对应的平均产量分别为4 144 kg?hm?2、7 293 kg?hm?2、7 301 kg?hm?2和8 245 kg?hm?2;采取地膜覆盖等栽培管理措施扣除土壤蒸发,T0、T1、T2、T3水分处理可分别节水80 mm、71 mm、71 mm和70 mm。在此情况下,利用EP多年平均值与多年平均降雨量之间的差值计算出不同水分处理下冬小麦多年平均的需水量分别为109 mm(T0)、193 mm(T1)、227 mm(T2)和249 mm(T3)。以上研究结果可为沧州地区冬小麦水分定量化管理措施的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

种植大豆地表土壤溅蚀效应及其空间分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
马波  吴发启  马璠 《土壤学报》2013,50(1):50-58
为系统研究种植大豆条件下农地溅蚀速率变化特征并建立简单易用的模型,评价大豆种植对土壤溅蚀的影响,采用室内模拟降雨的方法,测定了不同降雨强度(40 mm h-1和80 mm h-1)、不同大豆生长阶段(始花期、盛花期、结荚期和始粒期)下的穿透雨强度和溅蚀速率,分析了大豆冠下溅蚀速率与叶面积指数和穿透雨强度的关系,探讨了冠下溅蚀速率的空间分布特征.结果表明:与裸地相比,在大豆全生育期,大豆冠下平均溅蚀速率在设计雨强40 mm h-1和80 mm h-1下,分别减少了62.85%和60.74%.冠下平均溅蚀速率随叶面积指数增加呈显著的增加趋势,且随降雨强度的增大而显著增加.冠下各点溅蚀速率受相应各点的穿透雨强度影响在80 mm h-1设计雨强下较为显著,随穿透雨强度的增加而增加.大豆冠下溅蚀速率的空间分布与穿透雨的分布具有一定的对应性,即冠下穿透雨较为集中的区域会在一定程度上增加溅蚀的发生,并导致冠下溅蚀速率分布不均,大豆冠下穿透雨是冠下溅蚀产生和分布的主要能量来源.该研究提出的大豆冠下溅蚀速率模型可为坡耕地土壤侵蚀防治和农田灌溉有效利用提供理论支持.  相似文献   

Effect of high NaCl concentration in the nutrient medium on transpiration, abscisic acid, cytokinin and proline content of two soybean varieties With the differentially salt-sensitive soybean varieties ?Lee”? and ?Jackson”? the effect of salinization on transpiration, Cl? and Na+ accumulation, and on abscisic acid (ABA), cytokinin and proline content was investigated. Salinization with 75 mM NaCl in the nutrient medium drastically inhibited the transpiration (about 40%) of both varieties but more so with the variety ?Jackson”?. Nevertheless this variety translocated substantially more Cl? into the shoot than ?Lee”?. However, ?Lee”? accumulated more Cl? into the roots and thus was able to effectively protect the shoot against a toxic Cl? concentration. The Na+ distribution in the roots and shoots was nearly the same in both varieties. The ABA content of the leaves of both varieties increased 5-fold to 1200 ng × g? dry weight after 48 h of salt stress. About the same time transpiration of the salt-stressed plants reached a minimum. Between 48 and 168 h the ABA content of ?Lee”? dropped to about half. The ABA level in ?Jackson”? remained higher which indicated that the shoot was stressed more intensely and/or longer. The results do not imply a causal relationship between the ABA concentration in the leaves and the exclusion of C1? from the shoot of ?Lee”?. The cytokinin concentration of the two soybean varieties was not significantly affected by salinization. The proline content in the leaves increased markedly with salt stress in both varieties but much more so in ?Jackson”?. Proline content in the leaves increased from about 1.8 μmoles × g?1 dr. w. before salt stress to 24.7 μmoles × g?1 dr. w. after 168 h of stress. However, the proline concentration dropped to nearly the initial level within 48 h after a 120 h salt stress treatment was discontinued and the plants were returned to a control solution. In ?Lee”? salinization only doubled the amount of proline found initially. The highest value was observed after 120 h of salinization.  相似文献   

基于能量平衡的喷灌作物冠层净截留损失估算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了定量评价喷灌作物冠层截留损失,以地面灌为对照,利用热平衡茎流计对喷灌冬小麦和夏玉米冠层截留水量蒸发产生的蒸腾抑制效应进行了连续两年的田间观测,结果表明:各次灌水,喷灌冠层截留水量的蒸发明显影响田间小气候进而抑制作物蒸腾。喷灌冬小麦和夏玉米蒸腾抑制量变化范围分别为1.65~4.09 mm和0.50~2.75 mm。在此基础上,基于能量平衡原理,结合波文比能量平衡系统,计算出的冬小麦冠层净截留损失不足0.1 mm;夏玉米净截留损失变化范围在1~2 mm之间,占灌水量的4.3%~6.5%。  相似文献   

石羊河流域节水高产高效轮作模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为解决石羊河流域不合理种植模式和灌溉方法引起的水资源短缺问题, 采用轮作和调亏灌溉相结合的节水技术, 在石羊河流域设置了5 种轮作模式, 从等价产量、耗水量、等价水分利用率、经济水分利用率和经济效益等方面进行不同灌溉条件下不同轮作模式的对比分析研究。结果表明: 就单个轮作模式而言, 不同灌溉条件下作物的等价产量、耗水量和经济效益表现为: 充分灌溉>轻度调亏>重度调亏, 等价水分利用率和经济水分利用率表现为: 轻度调亏>充分灌溉>重度调亏; 对不同轮作模式而言, 在不同调亏灌溉条件下制种油葵-小麦/黄豆和小麦/黄豆-小麦2 种模式具有增产、节水、提高水分利用率和增加经济收入的潜力, 与常规小麦-玉米轮作模式相比, 等价产量分别提高14.1%~29.5%和-0.4%~28.7%, 分别节水42.5~96.5 mm 和47.9~58.7 mm,等价水分利用率分别提高24.8%~37.3%和8.2%~36.0%, 经济水分利用率分别提高119.8%~149.2%和-0.1%~26.1%, 经济收入分别增加25 785~29 656 Yuan·hm-2 和-614~5 501 Yuan·hm-2。因此, 制种油葵-小麦/黄豆和小麦/黄豆-小麦2 种轮作模式为比较理想的模式, 对其进行轻度调亏时, 可在少量减产的情况下起到节约灌水、提高水分利用率和水分经济利用率的效果, 替代常规小麦-玉米轮作模式, 实现石羊河流域农业可持续发展。  相似文献   

The integration of remotely sensed data into models of evapotranspiration (ET) facilitates the estimation of water consumption across agricultural regions. To estimate regional ET, two basic types of remote sensing approaches have been successfully applied. The first approach computes a surface energy balance using the radiometric surface temperature for estimating the sensible heat flux (H), and obtaining ET as a residual of the energy balance. This paper compares the performance of three different surface energy balance algorithms: an empirical one-source energy balance model; a one-source model calibrated using inverse modeling of ET extremes (namely ET = 0 and ET at potential) which are assumed to exist within the satellite scene; and a two-source (soil + vegetation) energy balance model. The second approach uses vegetation indices derived from canopy reflectance data to estimate basal crop coefficients that can be used to convert reference ET to actual crop ET. This approach requires local meteorological and soil data to maintain a water balance in the root zone of the crop. Output from these models was compared to sensible and latent heat fluxes measured during the soil moisture–atmosphere coupling experiment (SMACEX) conducted over rain-fed corn and soybean crops in central Iowa. The root mean square differences (RMSD) of the estimation of instantaneous latent and heat fluxes were less than 50 W m−2 for the three energy balance models. The two-source energy balance model gave the lowest RMSD (30 W m−2) and highest r2 values in comparison with measured fluxes. In addition, three schemes were applied for upscaling instantaneous flux estimates from the energy balance models (at the time of satellite overpass) to daily integrated ET, including conservation of evaporative fraction and fraction of reference ET. For all energy balance models, an adjusted evaporative fraction approach produced the lowest RMSDs in daily ET of 0.4–0.6 mm d−1. The reflectance-based crop coefficient model yielded RMSD values of 0.4 mm d−1, but tended to significantly overestimate ET from corn during a prolonged drydown period. Crop stress can be directly detected using radiometric surface temperature, but ET modeling approaches-based solely on vegetation indices will not be sensitive to stress until there is actual reduction in biomass or changes in canopy geometry.  相似文献   


Based on field experiments, changing patterns and affecting factors of soil evaporation and energy balance under crop canopy were studied. Soil evaporation under crop canopy was measured directly using the microlysimetry technique. The main factors affecting soil evaporation under crop canopy including surface net radiation, leaf area index, soil water content, and crop growth period were analyzed to give scientific proof for the soil evaporation control. The results showed that no soil evaporation occurred under the crop canopy when net radiation was reduced to a threshold of 230.57 w/m2. Under crop cover conditions, evaporation/evapotranspiration (E/ET) reduced with increases of crop leaf area index, followed by an exponential function to a leaf area index (LAI) threshold of 4. The cumulative evapotranspiration, transpiration, and evaporation under crop canopy conditions during the winter wheat growing season were 443.9 mm, 272.2 mm, and 171.7 mm, respectively, with E/ET having a relatively high value of 38.7%.  相似文献   

《Biosystems Engineering》2003,84(3):315-329
A model for fan-ventilated greenhouse cooling is presented in which the primary heat transfer surfaces (cover/structure, canopy and floor) are represented as three parallel planes. Validation of the model was accomplished using data collected over 14 days. Agreement was good, with canopy temperatures over-predicted by only 0·1%, air temperatures in the canopy under-predicted by 0·5%, humidity of the canopy air under-predicted by 1·6% and transpiration rates under-predicted by 1·4%. Simulation runs suggest that when evaporative pad cooling is not used, little advantage is derived from increasing airflow rates beyond about 0·05 m3 m−2 s−1. When evaporative pad cooling is used, however, both air and canopy temperatures decline with increasing airflow rates up to 0·13 m3 m−2 s−1, the highest level considered. Increasing canopy size is predicted to be more influential in reducing air temperatures when evaporative pad cooling is used than when it is not, but its effect on canopy temperature is expected to be approximately the same whether or not evaporative pad cooling is used. With no evaporative pad cooling, the evapotranspiration coefficient (i.e., the ratio of energy used for transpiration to incoming solar energy) is predicted to range from 1·75 for an outside temperature of 36·8°C and an outside humidity ratios of 3·3 g kg−1 to 0·8 for an outside humidity ratio of 29·9 g kg−1 at the same temperature. With evaporative pad cooling, the coefficient is predicted to range from 0·6 to 0·8 at the same outside temperature and the same range of outside humidity ratios.  相似文献   

Concurrent observations of leaf water potential, stomatal diffusion resistance and canopy temperature were made on two plots of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Anza) growing at Phoenix, Arizona under two different soil water conditions. These data were further complemented by weather observations and lysimeter measurements of total evaporative water loss from the plots. Transpiration fluxes for each plot were estimated by an aerodynamic-energy balance approach and compared with the lysimeter data. Plant resistances were computed from the transpiration flux results and the leaf water potential measurements using van den Honert's equation, while canopy resistances were also computed from the transpiration flux using Monteith's equation. The calculated plant resistance decreased by a factor of almost two from morning to mid-afternoon whereas the ratio of canopy and stomatal resistances was constant during most of the day.  相似文献   

Half-hourly mean values of transpiration measured by eddy covariance over the course of six growing seasons in two boreal forest sites were used to develop stand-level relationships between transpiration and soil water content. The two sites were an aspen site on fine-textured soil and over five growing seasons for a jack pine site on coarse-textured soil in Saskatchewan, Canada. About half of the data record covered a multi-year drought that was more severe at the aspen site than the jack pine site. Measurements of transpiration and environmental variables were used to adjust a transpiration model to each site, with environmental variables retained in the model based on their capacity to improve the model adjustment. The model was also used to produce estimates of maximum canopy conductance (gcMAX). The fit of the model to the aspen half-hourly transpiration is better than to the jack pine data (r2 of 0.86 versus 0.60). Relative soil water content explains more of the variability in half-hourly transpiration at the aspen site (46%) than at the jack pine site (10%). The relationships between transpiration and environmental variables are stable throughout the drought suggesting an absence of acclimation. Published soil water modifier curves for loamy clay soils compare well with the modifier function we obtained for a similar soil at the aspen site, but the agreement between the published curve and our curve is poor for the sandy soil of the jack pine site. Values of gcMAX computed at the half-hourly scale are greater at the aspen site (14.3 mm s−1) than at the jack pine site (10.2 mm s−1), but we hypothesize that the coarse soil and perennially lower water content of the jack pine site may cause this difference. Finally, we also present values of gcMAX computed at the daily and monthly scales for use in models that operate at these time steps.  相似文献   

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