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Despite an improving regulatory framework and policies governing compensation and resettlement, the majority of the millions displaced worldwide each year by hydropower dam construction continue to experience marginalisation and impoverishment, suggesting that external financial support must be supplemented by strengthened community‐based resilience. In order to understand more about the innate resources of displaced rural communities, we applied a community resilience approach to two resettled Co‐tu ethnic minority villages in an upland area in central Vietnam to identify their community capitals and their application in improving livelihoods and living conditions. We found that weak human and financial capital constrained the ability of the resettled residents to adopt new livelihoods or migrate to seek employment. Reduced forest and river access also problematised responses to a lack of agricultural land. However, traditionally strong village affinity and social networks were retained. In addition, indigenous skills such as housing construction, honed by a highly mobile traditional lifestyle, allowed residents to construct culturally significant structures like community houses and modify or augment received housing stock. These elements of social and cultural capital eased the process of post‐resettlement adaptation. We conclude that governments should reassess current resettlement policies that prioritise financial compensation and should incorporate awareness of the adaptive resilience and limitations fostered by indigenous knowledge and practices in resettlement action plans.  相似文献   

Abstract: The campaign for community forestry in upland areas of northern Thailand reflects an ‘arborealised’ perspective on upland agriculture. Arborealisation – which I define as the process whereby upland livelihoods are recast as forest livelihoods – is evident in the main elements of NGO and academic advocacy for the resource rights of upland peoples. As a result of this arborealised perspective, securing rights to forest resources has come to be seen as the key to enhancing the livelihood security of upland farmers. However, the emphasis of the proposed community forest legislation on communally managed forest resources means that it will do little to enhance the tenure security of farmers in relation to agricultural land.   相似文献   

In general, the main roles of married Thai Muslim women were as home makers good wives and good mothers. Nevertheless, both married and single women from rural areas have been increasingly obliged to work outside the household, locally and in other countries. People in rural areas are now faced with the difficulty of maintaining their livelihoods if they depended on agricultural production alone. In some instances, female migration might be a response to families not being able to survive on the incomes earned by the male household heads. In response, women in southern Thailand provinces use long‐standing social networks that facilitate their migration for work, because they benefit from the close proximity, language, and religion that they share with the destination area. Commonly, they travel to work in Malaysia by using a border pass, while some travel and work without any documents. The effects of crossing national borders on migrants themselves and on their communities are mixed, generally positive from an economic perspective, but negative from a social viewpoint. Socially negative responses reflect a system of social control in the region based on patriarchy.  相似文献   

紫蓬山国家森林公园生态旅游业的SWOT分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任平 《中国农学通报》2006,22(9):400-400
文章采用SWOT分析法较为详细地分析了紫蓬山国家森林公园发展生态旅游业的优势、弱势、机遇和威胁,包括区位优势、动植物资源优势、气候优势和开发潜力等优势,生态旅游的兴起、生态工程的实施,旅游专业人才缺乏、管理和服务滞后等因素;并以此为基础,进一步提出了相应的发展建议,主要有开发与保护并重、适当开发森林生态旅游资源、开发生态旅游产品、加强宣传营销工作、积极进行人才的培训与引进、努力提高管理水平和服务水平以及完善景区的旅游基础设施建设等。  相似文献   

九江生态农业观光园的开发模式与发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简述了农业观光园的由来和类型,分析了目前九江市生态农业观光园的主要模式,九江生态农业旅游资源以及生态开发模式,并在此基础上,针对九江生态农业观光园的发展提出了开发对策。  相似文献   

农业科技示范园是当前正在迅速兴起的农业园区,是实现农业现代化的有效形式之一,兼顾农产品生产、农业高新技术示范、种苗繁育技术示范培训及旅游观光等多种功能。农业科技示范园的核心区、示范区与辐射区一般呈现“圈层”结构形态,其主要功能区可分为农业生产区、科技示范区、观光娱乐区与配套服务区。笔者以山东高青绿色农业科技示范园为案例,对农业科技示范园的特征定位、功能分区以及各功能区在园区发展中的作用地位、主要涵盖内容以及规划设计要点等进行探讨,并据此指导园区的规划设计布局。  相似文献   

王琦  远铜  何君  冯勇 《中国农学通报》2016,32(2):193-198
农业“走出去”是国家“走出去”战略的重要组成部分,是统筹利用国际国内“两个市场、两种资源和两类规则”的重要途径,为农业转方式、调结构提供了良好外部机遇。发展境外农业合作园区能够有效提升农业企业投资效率,有利于发挥企业集聚效应,实现较快发展。本研究对当前中国农业“走出去”的发展现状与特征进行分析,总结归纳了境外农业园区建设与发展概况,探讨未来境外农业园区的发展方向。分析认为,境外农业园区建设是农业“走出去”的重要方式之一,应积极引导园区建立开放型招商机制,提升园区内企业的产业化水平,形成产业链配套,带动区内企业集群式发展,加快农业“走出去”步伐,提高农业企业的资源配置能力和竞争能力。  相似文献   

Abstract: Global flows of people and information in the Asia–Pacific region are creating new forms of place that stretch across national boundaries and rural–urban distinctions. These new mobile forms of place link long‐inhabited rural areas to cities, national centres, and to rural frontiers within the nation. Here, we describe new forms of place that are being produced by contemporary migration and economic change, using data from the Philippines and applying Appadurai's theorisation of translocality. Our analysis links these flows of overseas migrants to concomitant processes of economic change, migration and new rural livelihoods. We outline changing practices of place within the Philippines, exploring ways that transnational migration can articulate with apparently ‘local’ development and the flow‐on effects from migration on the spatial patterns of rural livelihoods.  相似文献   

Since 1975, the territory within the limits of Vietnam has been subject to rapid land use changes. Agricultural colonisation by ethnic Viet in the mountains and plateaus of the Central Highlands constitutes one of the most visible trends in this process. As one of the traditional dynamics in Viet history, agricultural colonisation has contributed to the integration of marginal peoples and territories into the national body. In the province of Lam Dong, in the Central Highlands, the actual distribution and structure of the population are directly inherited from four phases of agricultural colonisation: the Colonial period (1858‐1954); the regime of South Vietnam (1954‐1975); the unified communist State (1975‐1987); and the Vietnam of Doi Moi (1987 onwards). By analysing these phases, this article aims to show that agricultural colonisation has contributed to the penetration and consolidation of the State in such marginal territories.  相似文献   

国内农业与旅游业融合理论研究中的若干争议思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李晓  常洁 《中国农学通报》2018,34(19):138-144
在国内,将产业融合理论等运用于农业与旅游业的融合发展的理论研究已出现了不少有价值的成果,但仍存在一些理论争议。通过对近20年相关文献的系统梳理,集中分析了当前国内农业与旅游业融合发展的内涵和特征、动力、阶段和测度、基本形态等基础理论中的主要争议点,并提出进一步的思考。研究表明:(1)农业与旅游业融合发展的逻辑起点是对当前国内农业发展现实困境的破解;(2)农业资源的通用性是农业与旅游业产业融合发展的内在基础;(3)旅游需求转向、管制放松和技术进步是农业与旅游业融合发展的主要推力;(4)农业与旅游业融合发展是一个动态发展的过程,其结果是产生了新的业态和新的经济增长点,受旅游需求、产品创新水平和资源环境承载力的影响,融合经济发展并非是一条持续增长的曲线;(5)农业与旅游业融合发展与农业资源通用性程度、产品创新能力密切相关,其融合发展的效应是一种经济、社会、生态多层面的综合效应,融合发展水平的测度应立足资源-创新-效应的系统视角进行探讨。由此,要进一步加强融合发展与旅游需求、农业困境及区域经济特征之间的关系研究,强化资源、主体、经济、市场的监测、评估和管理,以科学指导国内农业与旅游业的融合发展。  相似文献   

Abstract: With its historical roots in the struggle for land and resources and the migration of ethnically diverse peoples, the Solomon Islands’ crisis of 1998–2000 caused untold trauma and suffering for many people. Because of their gendered position in society, however, women were arguably more adversely impacted by the conflict than men. Many women were raped by members of both warring parties and many felt guilt and hopelessness when the social and economic impacts of the conflict restricted their ability to fulfil traditional gender roles and responsibilities.  相似文献   

江西明月山生态旅游资源开发模式研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于生态旅游的概念及特征,构建生态旅游资源开发的“一体两翼”对接模式。针对江西省明月山景区生态旅游资源的特点及当地经济发展需求,在深入调研基础上,提出明月山生态旅游资源的系统开发模式。通过合理规划并开发景区的自然风光、富硒温泉、禅宗、农耕和月亮文化,打造一个南国著名的观光休闲和旅游度假胜地,以实现明月山景区旅游资源及旅游产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA) is promoted as a useful way to centre development on the needs of those who are most vulnerable, but is critiqued for inflexibility and ignoring important power relations. In light of the rigidities in using a formulaic SLA, this conceptual paper suggests a practical suite of tools that are in use in livelihoods research and development practice, and refocuses them to include adaptive strategies of vulnerable peoples to resource management pressures. The Pentagon Prison of five capitals can overwhelm both the researcher and researched and while possibly useful in identifying livelihoods gaps, misses all‐encompassing power relations, and reduces complexities to quantitative units. In arguing for a shift from the Pentagon Prison of SLA towards a flexible livelihoods trajectory approach, in particular for a research project on livelihood adaptations in Lao PDR, I identify a feasible research and development approach that more meaningfully reflects the lives of those participating in that research. I propose that the livelihood trajectories approach opens up the way data are gathered and can lead to holistic understandings of the complex realities of peoples' adaptive strategies, incorporating strategies from short to long term, and proactive, reactive and inactive techniques.  相似文献   

贵阳市白云区摆茅村乡村旅游规划设计研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
充分利用贵阳市白云区摆茅村优美的农业自然生态环境,结合村内果蔬种植现状,精心设计,科学规划,积极挖掘民俗风情、农耕文化,以形成农业产业优势,营造乡村气息浓郁的田园风光为目标。将摆茅村规划为6个功能区,分别是自然生态观光区、果树采摘观光区、蔬菜产业观光示范区、高新农业技术示范区、生态珍禽养殖观光区、休闲度假区及民俗农耕文化馆。结合每个园区的主题,构建景观,开发各种旅游形式,最终将摆茅村建设成集观光采摘、休闲娱乐、高新农业技术展示、农事体验参与、科普教育等多功能于一体的都市型现代农业,为贵阳市社会主义新农村建设提供可以借鉴的发展模式。  相似文献   

日照农村和农业旅游开发研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
孔悉茹 《中国农学通报》2012,28(26):311-316
中国农业旅游发展较晚,目前关于农业旅游的研究尚不成熟。为了解决“三农”问题和实现可持续发展,必须做好农村和农业旅游开发研究。通过对日照市所辖农村区域旅游资源和发展现状的调研,提出农村和农业旅游开发必须树立大农村旅游观念,充分利用和深入挖掘当地旅游资源,采取有效措施做好农村区域旅游规划和旅游目的地规划、旅游产品策划和投融资,以保证旅游开发顺利进行和科学运营,从而实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

This paper explores contrasting narratives of place meaning in a tourism site in Southern Thailand. Specifically, I analyse the parallel discourses of community change through tourism development embedded in international backpacker narratives, and those of the local Thai elite. By configuring identity and power around binary oppositional categories such as West as economically powerful and dominant/non‐West as economically weak and subordinated, ‘traditional’ tourism studies often locate the dynamics of change in the international tourism industry. To date, there is little research on the very real and important ways that people working in tourism assert agency and understand their own identities in everyday contexts. I argue that local communities can, and often do, shape the changes that tourism development initiates in very creative and adaptive ways.  相似文献   

Abstract: Drawing on Harold Brookfield's seminal interventions on intensification and disintensification in tropical agriculture, the paper argues that a de‐linking of poverty and livelihoods in rural areas from farming and agricultural resources is occurring in rural South‐East Asia. This is often driven as much by changes in lifestyles and life views than by economic and environmental imperatives. The paper proposes that farming is in the process of losing its resonance and significance for the rural poor. Emerging patterns of change in the South‐East Asian countryside are used to construct a generalised framework of agrarian transition where the current trend towards pluriactivity is likely to be replaced by a mixed landscape of agrarian entrepreneurs, neopeasants and remnant smallholders. The paper concludes by reflecting on the implications of this trajectory for understanding poverty and pro‐poor interventions in the countryside.  相似文献   

“三位一体”生态农业观光园规划探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李晓颖  王浩 《中国农学通报》2011,27(25):300-306
生态农业观光园不同于一般的城市公园绿地,在规划设计中有其独特的设计方法。本文抓住生态农业观光园关键的内容进行重点研究,从景观、产业和旅游学角度出发,深入研究生态农业观光园的景观规划、产业规划和游憩规划,探析“三位一体”生态农业观光园规划。对于补充和完善农业观光园规划的理论体系,探索农业观光园规划的方法,具有一定的理论和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

In Vietnam's capital city Hanoi, the growing popularity of application based (app-based) motorbike taxis has offered many inhabitants new opportunities to pursue a mobile livelihood with ride-hailing platforms. Nonetheless, as this influx of app-based drivers has hit the city's streets, specific livelihood and mobility frictions have emerged, notably with informal, ‘traditional’ motorbike taxi drivers, or xe ôm. In this paper we analyse these evolving sites and moments of friction and their impacts on driver livelihoods and mobilities for both driver groups. We draw conceptually on debates regarding mobility, platform economies, and urban livelihoods, while specifically interrogating the concept of friction to highlight three possible analytical applications. Methodologically, we interpret static and ride-along interviews completed with over 130 drivers. We highlight a range of tactics ‘traditional’ and app-based motorbike taxi drivers have employed to respond to rising frictions, defend their ‘turf’, and maintain their street-based livelihoods. Driver responses reveal differing access to distinctive forms of social capital and social networks, and contrasting levels of agency regarding their mobilities. By conceptually teasing apart the notion of friction, we wish to expand and deepen understandings of the experiences of vulnerability, precarity, and other impacts of platformisation for different motorbike taxi driver cohorts.  相似文献   

Abstract: Part of the globalisation phenomenon involves an increasing number of elite transmigrants traversing national boundaries in response to the global demand for skilled labour while maintaining multifaceted social ties astride political, geographic and cultural borders, linking home and host countries together. As transmigrants ‘live’ in several communities simultaneously, their identities, behaviour and values are often not limited by location. Thus, notions of ‘home’ and ‘national identity’ are also being reviewed given the discrepancies between these concepts and locality. In this context, this paper explores questions of ‘home’ and ‘national identity’ among skilled Chinese‐Malaysians working and residing in Singapore, portraying them as active participants of two (or more) countries. It focuses on their strategies and struggles in negotiating ideologies of ‘home’ and ‘national identities’ across borders in a setting of two neighbouring countries umbilically linked in a volatile political relationship. It further examines their degree of concern in the political affairs of both countries. Between ‘home’ and ‘host’, Chinese‐Malaysians redefine their practices of home(‐making) in relation to their national identity, drawing on the resources and resilience of familial ties, nostalgic memories and other practical lifecourse needs.  相似文献   

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