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针对2015年7月底8月初,湖北省鹤峰县村民食用蜂蜜中毒事件,笔者于2016年8月初对该县有关地区进行调查、走访和采样,结合该地食用蜂蜜中毒事件的统计资料和调查报告,对当地有毒蜜源植物的种类、特征和分布情况进行了调查研究,发现该地区主要的有毒蜜源植物为昆明山海棠和马桑,其次为醉鱼草、雷公藤和紫茎泽兰,少量分布有白杜鹃、曼陀罗、博落回、羊踯躅。该工作为该地区今后减少或预防食用蜂蜜中毒事件的发生,以及蜂蜜样本中毒性成分的溯源分析,提供了重要的参考。  相似文献   

为查明食用有毒蜜源植物中蜂蜜偶发中毒甚至致死原因,及评估福建省中蜂产品质量安全风险。在雷公藤分布较广的福建省泰宁县开展调查,对当地主要有毒蜜源植物雷公藤的分布、种植、独立花期蜜采集等情况进行了调查和采样,初步判断福建省有毒蜜源植物雷公藤对蜂产品质量安全及居民健康造成的风险较小,并提出了相应预防对策。  相似文献   

我国春夏秋冬44种主要蜜源植物的花粉形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘炳仑 《蜜蜂杂志》1998,(12):17-18
分析研究各种蜜源植物花粉和蜂蜜中花粉的形态,对判别蜜粉源植物的种类、来源、分布以及对蜂蜜的质量、种类、浓度,甚至对鉴别有毒蜜源植物等具有十分重要的意义。而且对植物分类学、农经作物栽培学以及生物学研究等都有重要意义。因此,《蜜蜂杂志》曾多次发表过蜜源花...  相似文献   

野生蜂蜜因含有植物源毒性成分具有较高的潜在中毒风险,是我国食品中毒事件的高致病因子。由于此类中毒事件通常发病急且致死率较高,一直备受行业关注。梳理清楚有毒蜜源植物毒性成分及其毒性,有利于蜂蜜中植物源性毒性成分溯源的推进,为快速查对毒性物质来源提供科学依据,为蜜蜂科学饲养及蜂蜜质量标准提升提供技术支撑和理论支持。  相似文献   

在2015年7~8月发生有毒蜜源蜂蜜中毒事件的鹤峰县五里乡瓦屋村及其周边3个村至少发现有5种有毒蜜源植物。其中雷公藤属植物雷公藤和昆明山海棠成片分布;另据湖北省疾控中心和湖南农业大学对有毒蜂蜜中毒性成分分析结果显示,有毒蜂蜜中存在雷公藤甲素等毒性成分,未检出博落回生物碱成分。鉴于瓦屋村有毒蜂蜜中检出多种雷公藤、昆明山海棠毒性成分和周边分布大量的雷公藤、昆明山海棠,认为该地有毒蜜源蜂蜜应该与雷公藤、昆明山海棠植物高度相关,与博落回无关。2016年7、8月利川市汪营镇马鞍山村所采蜂蜜在当地没发生中毒事件,蜂蜜中检出雷公藤毒素。应迅速建立南方10省、市、区有毒蜜源调查协作网,加强对已出现过中毒事发区的蜂蜜监控普查分析,编印发行小开本有毒蜜源图册供山区蜂农识别。  相似文献   

正长白山区森林覆盖率高,蜜粉源植物丰富。在蜜源丰富的情况下,蜜蜂倾向于采集常规蜜源,但在缺乏常规蜜源的情况下,为了满足食物需求,不得已去采集有毒蜜源。有毒蜜源植物就是花粉或花蜜对蜜蜂或人有毒的蜜源植物,具体来说,就是能使蜜蜂的幼虫、成年蜂或蜂王等发病、致残或死亡的蜜源植物;或者其对蜜蜂无毒,但人误食蜜蜂所采集的这些蜂蜜或花粉后能使人产生某种不适症状甚至导致死亡的蜜源植物,统称为有毒蜜源植物。  相似文献   

福建省植物资源丰富,其中不乏大量的有毒植物,给当地的畜牧业生产带来一定的危害。文中着重从分析福建地区对家畜产生危害的常见有毒植物种类、分布、化学成分、毒性作用出发,结合从业经验及参考相关文献,探讨福建地区常见有毒植物对家畜的危害、中毒前的预防、中毒后的控制和治疗,以及有毒植物防除等措施。  相似文献   

以大量的草地有毒植物研究文献为基础,综述了我国羊草草原区的有毒植物的种类、分布与毒物成分,分析了家畜采食有毒植物的原因,提出了防止家畜中毒的方法与策略,指出了草地有毒植物研究中存在的问题及今后研究方向。  相似文献   

<正>蜜源植物是蜜蜂赖以生存的物质基础,而采食某些有毒蜜粉后会引起蜜蜂麻痹、颤抖、痉挛甚至死亡,这种现象就是蜜蜂有毒蜜源中毒。有毒蜜源植物,是指蜜蜂能够采集,但其花粉或花蜜对蜜蜂或人有毒的蜜粉源植物。造成成年蜂、幼虫或蜂王等不同年龄阶段或不同型蜂(蜂王、雄蜂和工蜂)发病、致残或死亡;或者其对蜜蜂本身无毒,但人误食蜜蜂所采集的这些  相似文献   

蜂蜜是蜜蜂主要的产品之一,蜂蜜产量、产值受多重条件的影响。本研究调研了咸丰县蜜蜂养殖情况的6个方面,包括:蜂蜜产量、产值、蜂群数量、蜜源植物种类、蜂农年龄、养蜂年限,统计分析了蜂蜜产量和产值的影响因素。统计分析显示蜂群数量、蜜源种类数量、蜂农年龄增加会显著增加蜂蜜产量;蜂蜜年产量、蜂群数量、蜂农年龄、蜜源种类数量的增加会显著提高蜂蜜产值。为加快蜂产业发展,增加药用等蜜源种植面积,根据地区蜜源的载蜂量合理增加蜂群数量,增加蜜蜂饲养管理技术培训次数,多方式提升地方蜜蜂养殖条件与管理水平,从而提高蜂蜜产值。  相似文献   

云南热区五种特色蜜源植物的调查   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张炫  谭垦 《蜜蜂杂志》2000,(2):8-10
经初步调查 ,云南热区有极其丰富的蜜源植物资源。对其中5种蜜源植物的资源状况、蜂蜜的感官指标及化学成分进行了分析研究 ,表明这5种蜜源植物的蜂蜜品质优良 ,各具特色 ,资源量大 ,且生长集中连片 ,具有很好的开发前景。除这5种蜜源植物外 ,还有数十种具有开发价值的蜜源植物待进一步分析研究。这充分证明云南热区还是一个尚待开发的“特色蜂蜜”宝库。  相似文献   

内蒙古阿拉善草地毒草灾害调查与控制对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内蒙古阿拉善草地毒草灾害一直困扰着当地畜牧业的发展.采用以现场走访和查阅文献相结合的方式,对阿拉善草地毒草灾害的历史和现状、毒草灾害造成的损失、毒草种类和地理分布、主要毒草生物学特性等进行调查,提出草地毒草灾害控制对策.结果表明,阿拉善草地牲畜毒草中毒发病率高达60%,病死率为30%;形成优势种群的毒草有14种,其中造...  相似文献   

苦马豆素生物合成研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苦马豆素(SW)是苦马豆属、棘豆属、黄芪属、番薯属和黄花稔属等某些有毒植物的主要毒性成分,动物采食该类植物后,会发生以神经系统功能紊乱为特征的中毒病。研究表明,豆类丝核菌、金龟子绿僵菌和疯草内生真菌均可以产生苦马豆素。植物和真菌中苦马豆素的生物合成研究可为人类从根本上解决含有SW有毒植物引起的动物中毒问题和促进SW的医学研究及应用提供重要的科学依据。论文根据近年来的最新研究,重点围绕植物和真菌中苦马豆素的生物合成及其相关研究进行综述,以期为该类研究的开展提供思路。  相似文献   

Toxicology is a vast subject. Animals are exposed to numerous drugs, household products, plants, chemicals, pesticides and venomous animals. In addition to the individual toxicity of the various potential poisons, there is also the question of individual response and, more importantly, of species differences in toxicity. This review serves to address some of the common questions asked when dealing with animals with possible poisoning, providing evidence where available. The role of emetics, activated charcoal and lipid infusion in the management of poisoning in animals, the toxic dose of chocolate, grapes and dried fruit in dogs, the use of antidotes in paracetamol poisoning, timing of antidotal therapy in ethylene glycol toxicosis and whether lilies are toxic to dogs are discussed.  相似文献   

青海省大通种牛场天然草地有毒有害植物调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张怀宁  恰加  郑淑惠  王海瑛 《青海草业》2002,11(2):19-20,41
根据草场资源调查植物名录 ,初步统计有毒植物 1 5科 33属 62种 ,有害植物 9科 1 1属 2 5种 ,正确识别有毒有害植物 ,对有毒有害植物开发利用 ,预防家畜中毒 ,变害为利 ,是十分重要的  相似文献   

The hemlocks, Conium maculatum (poison-hemlock) and Cicuta spp. (waterhemlock), are poisonous plants that cause sizeable losss to the livestock industry. Clinical signs of poisonhemlock toxicosis are similar in all species of livestock and include muscular weakness, incordination, trembling, initial central nervous system stimulation, depression and death from respiratory paralysis. Poison-hemlock also causes skeletal defects in the offspring of cattle, pigs and sheep and cleft palate in pigs when ingested during specific periods of gestation. The primary toxicants in poison-hemlock are coniine and gamma-coniceine. Coniine predominates in mature plants and seed, whereas gamma-coniceine predominates in early growth of the plant. Waterhemlock is the most violently toxic poisonous plant known. The toxicant is cicutoxin, which acts on the central nervous system, causing violent convulsions and death. Clinical signs of poisoning appear within 15 min after ingestion of a lethal dose and include excessive salivation, nervousness, tremors, muscular weakness and convulsive seizures interspersed by intermittent periods of relaxation and a final paralytic seizure resulting in anoxia and death. Elevated activities of lactic dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase and creatine kinase in blood are observed, indicative of muscular damage. Toxicoses from poisonhemlock and waterhemlock generally occur in early spring when both plants emerge before other, more palatable plants begin to grow. All parts of the poison-hemlock plant are toxic. The root or tubers of waterhemlock are toxic; however, experimental evidence concerning the toxicity of other plant parts is inconclusive.  相似文献   

疯草及毒性成分研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
疯草是指含苦马豆素的豆科黄芪属和棘豆属有毒植物,能引发家畜疯草病。疯草的分布比较广泛,属于世界性有毒植物,近年来疯草蔓延迅速,在一些地区已经造成草地毒草化,频繁出现放牧家畜中毒死亡现象,严重威胁草地畜牧业发展。研究表明,疯草的毒性与其含有的苦马豆素有关,但苦马豆素却不是疯草自身代谢产物,而是疯草携带内生真菌的代谢产物,此外苦马豆素还是一种良好抗肿瘤药物。笔者结合国内外相关研究对疯草的分布、危害、防治及毒性成分研究进展进行综述,并对疯草分类、研究地域及利用前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Delphinium spp. contain numerous norditerpenoid alkaloids which are structurally delineated as 7, 8-methylenedioxylycoctonine (MDL) and N-(methylsuccinimido) anthranoyllycoctonine (MSAL)-type alkaloids. The toxicity of many tall larkspur species has been primarily attributed to their increased concentration of MSAL-type alkaloids, such as methyllycaconitine (MLA), which are typically 20 times more toxic than MDL-type alkaloids. However, the less toxic MDL-type alkaloids are often more abundant than MSAL-type alkaloids in most Delphinium barbeyi and Delphinium occidentale populations. Previous research demonstrated that MDL-type alkaloids increase the acute toxicity of MSAL-type alkaloids. In this study, we examined the role of MDL-type alkaloids on the overall toxicity of tall larkspur plants to cattle while controlling for the exact dose of MSAL-type alkaloids. Cattle were dosed with plant material from 2 different populations of tall larkspur containing either almost exclusively MDL- or MSAL-type alkaloids. These 2 plant populations were combined to create mixtures with ratios of 0.3:1, 1:1, 5:1, and 10:1 MDL- to MSAL-type alkaloids. The dose that elicited similar clinical signs of poisoning in mice and cattle was determined for each mixture on the basis of the MSAL-type alkaloid content. As the ratio of MDL- to MSAL-type alkaloids increased, the amount of MSAL-type alkaloids required to elicit clinical signs decreased. These results indicate that the less toxic MDL-type alkaloids in tall larkspur exacerbate the toxicity of the MSAL-type alkaloids. Consequently, both the amount of MSAL-type alkaloids and the amount of total alkaloids should be fully characterized to determine more accurately the relative toxicity of tall larkspur plant material.  相似文献   

老瓜头蜜源植物在养蜂中的毒理机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在弄清老瓜头植物所含有毒生物碱种类、毒理性质的同时,对老瓜头蜜腺细胞等内部结构进行了显微观察,并研究了授粉过程引起蜜蜂中毒的原因。从理论上解答了老瓜头蜜源在养蜂生产中的疑难问题,使老瓜头的开发利用具有科学性。  相似文献   

Larkspur poisoning is a major cause of acute death of cattle on mountain and high plains rangelands of western United States. A nonlethal method to quantify dose response in cattle is needed to better estimate the toxicity of larkspur plants and the response of cattle to larkspur poisoning and to provide a basis for reference during studies. A numerical system of rating the clinical signs of larkspur poisoning was developed and used to describe the response of 10 Hereford cows given a repeated single daily dose of larkspur (Delphinium occidentale x barbeyi) by gavage. Larkspur poisoning resulted from a short-term cumulative effect, and a statistically significant increase in score was essentially maximal by 4 days. At the dose given, this effect did not persist for more than 4 days after cessation of dosing. Poisoning was most severe between 5 and 9 hours after dosing. Early signs of poisoning can be subtle and sometimes brief. The effect of larkspur poisoning can be exacerbated temporarily by exertion. Therefore, cattle could probably repeatedly consume an otherwise toxic daily dose, without manifesting marked signs of poisoning, if consumption decreased to a sufficient degree intermittently at 2- to 4-day intervals.  相似文献   

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