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草莓是北京地区重要的经济作物之一,栽培面积达533 hm~2,几乎都采用了滴灌施肥技术。但生产中水肥管理仍很盲目,灌水量和施肥量都远远超过了草莓生长发育的需求,造成水资源浪费的同时还造成地下水的潜在污染。经过多年的试验示范,从滴灌施肥系统的设计、安装、滴灌肥的选择,水肥耦合,滴灌施肥的技术操作要点和维护管理等方面总结了草莓水肥一体化技术,以及配套的高产栽培措施和绿色防控技术。  相似文献   

设施番茄绿色增产潜力及技术体系建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国设施番茄平均单产为92t·hm~(-2),与发达国家差距较大。土壤退化、水肥资源损失严重等因素限制了我国设施番茄的高产高效发展。实现番茄绿色增产,一方面需选育高产多抗品种,提高增产潜力;另一方面要保持土壤健康,做到水肥耦合、良种与良法配套、栽培模式与水肥管理相适应,这也是至关重要的。为此,中国农业大学联合青岛农业大学先后提出了设施番茄氮素根层调控技术、水分实时监测调控技术、水氮根层调控技术、水氮定额管理技术、起垄滴灌施肥技术和设施番茄退化土壤修复技术等。通过十几年的技术研究得出,设施番茄起垄栽培滴灌施肥技术是保障设施番茄绿色增产的关键技术,可以使番茄产量显著增加15%,施肥量和灌水量分别降低20%和30%以上,并且有利于保持土壤健康。  相似文献   

温室水肥一体化技术实现将软管滴灌技术、配方施肥技术、配套技术综合应用。通过在温室番茄上应用,优化温室番茄栽培管理技术,提高产量,改善质量,节本增效,减少农产品污染和环境污染,有效改善农田生态环境,改善水资源短缺状况。  相似文献   

近年来在河南省推广的麦套朝天椒膜下滴灌技术是一项农业高效节水节肥技术,提高了麦套朝天椒水、肥管理水平。根据2020—2021年在临颍、襄城、郏县的田间试验及实践经验,结合朝天椒需水、需肥规律,对麦套朝天椒膜下滴灌水肥一体化田间灌溉施肥系统配置、灌溉管理、施肥管理、配套生产技术等进行了研究和规范,旨在为麦套朝天椒水肥一体化技术的应用和推广提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

近年来在河南省推广的麦套朝天椒膜下滴灌技术是一项农业高效节水节肥技术,提高了麦套朝天椒水、肥管理水平。根据2020—2021年在临颍、襄城、郏县的田间试验及实践经验,结合朝天椒需水、需肥规律,对麦套朝天椒膜下滴灌水肥一体化田间灌溉施肥系统配置、灌溉管理、施肥管理、配套生产技术等进行了研究和规范,旨在为麦套朝天椒水肥一体化技术的应用和推广提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

摘要:为推广集灌溉和施肥于一体的“节水控肥”农业新技术,扩大水肥一体化技术在大田中的应用,从滴灌设施与技术、品种选择、肥水管理及病虫害防治等方面介绍了露地大田茄果类水肥一体化应用技术,该技术具有省人工、节水、省肥、精细化管理、提高商品率等优点,为华南地区农业精准滴灌种植模式提供了参考。  相似文献   

番茄栽培主要采用日光温室滴灌系统,通过控制番茄不同生育期水肥用量、温室内温湿度、病虫害,避免大水漫灌对水肥的浪费问题,达到精确灌溉施肥目的。主要介绍了温室冬春茬番茄精量水肥栽培技术,包括产地环境、整地、定植、温湿度管理、灌溉、施肥、植株整理、病虫害防治、采收等方面内容。利用该技术在保证番茄产量的基础上,可为石家庄市温室番茄种植户提供技术支持,增加经济效益,以期实现番茄高产高效栽培生产。  相似文献   

水肥一体化技术是未来农业生产中具有广阔前景的新技术,设施蔬菜最具潜力发展水肥一体化技术。日光温室基质栽培番茄水肥一体化技术的核心是借助压力灌溉系统,将完全水溶性固体肥料或液体肥料,按日光温室基质栽培番茄生长各阶段对养分的需求和基质养分的供给状况配兑成肥液,与灌溉水融为一体,适时、定量、均匀、准确地输送到日光温室番茄的根部基质。本文简要介绍了基于发育阶段的日光温室基质栽培番茄水肥一体化技术要点,主要包括施肥总量的推荐、基肥用量的确定、滴灌水量的运筹方案、滴灌追肥的运筹方案等内容。该技术节水40%以上,减施化肥30%以上,提高氮肥利用率40%以上,增产10%以上,增收15%以上。  相似文献   

日光温室黄瓜冬春茬精量水肥栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日光温室黄瓜冬春茬精量水肥栽培技术采用日光温室滴灌系统,通过控制黄瓜不同生育期水肥用量、温室内温度与湿度、病虫害,避免大水漫灌对水肥的浪费问题,达到精确灌溉施肥目的。该技术包括产地环境、适宜品种选择、整地、定植、温度和湿度管理、灌溉、施肥、植株整理、病虫害防治、采收等方面内容。利用该技术在保证黄瓜产量的基础上,增加种植户的经济效益,实现日光温室黄瓜的高产高效栽培。  相似文献   

通过试验与示范,探讨与破解白菜连作栽培障碍问题,采取种子土壤消毒和滴灌水肥一体化技术,取得良好的成效,并总结出一套白菜1年5熟连作栽培高产高效技术。  相似文献   

设施蔬菜现代节水技术研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国水资源匮乏,农业每年用水量约占全国总用水量的65%,设施农业用水效率整体不高,各种节水技术尚未得到广泛应用。本文综述了我国的水资源现状,蔬菜作物耗水规律,现代节水技术,水肥耦合技术以及节水的发展趋势等,希望为设施蔬菜节水提供参考。  相似文献   

Zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) is an economically important vegetable crop in Florida. Typically, it is intensively managed with high inputs of fertiliser and irrigation water. Our objectives were to evaluate the interaction between fertilisation rates and irrigation treatments, and to quantify nitrate leaching in a plastic mulched/drip irrigated zucchini squash production systems. Three studies were carried out. The first study evaluated different depth placement of drip and fertigation lines on plant growth and fruit yield. Treatments included SUR (both irrigation and fertigation drip lines placed on the surface); S&S (both lines buried 0.15 m deep); and SDI (irrigation line placed 0.15 m below the fertigation line on the surface). The second and third studies compared three different N-rates and different soil moisture sensor-based irrigation strategies. Nitrate-N leaching was monitored by zero tension drainage lysimeters and soil samples. N leaching increased when irrigation and N-rates increased, with values ranging from 2 to 45 kg ha−1 of N. Use of SDI increased yields by 16% compared to the S&S treatment, and reduced nitrate leaching by 93% while increasing the water use efficiency by 75% compared to a fixed 2-h irrigation event per day treatment. Application of N above the standard recommended rate of 145 kg ha−1 did not increase yield, although yields were reduced at the lowest N-rate. The use of soil moisture sensors for automatic irrigation control reduced irrigation application and minimized nitrogen leaching. In addition, combining the soil moisture controlled SDI system that had surface applied fertigation resulted in similar or higher yields, while reducing both water use and potential N leaching because of improved nutrient retention in the root zone.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to observe the effect of different soil moisture and nutrient regimes on postharvest attributes of onion irrigated with microsprinkler irrigation system under semi-arid climate for 3 consecutive years (2002–2004). Soil moisture regime consisted of four irrigation treatments based on pan evaporation replenishment (0.60, 0.80, 1.00 and 1.20 Ep). Similarly, three fertigation treatments were tried with nutrient application rates of 100 (50:25:25), 150 (75, 37.5, 37.5) and 200 (100:50:50) kg/ha of NPK. Irrigation and fertigation had marked effect on yield, postharvest attributes and storability of onion. Irrigation at 1.20 Ep and fertigation at 200 kg/ha produced higher bulb and dry matter yield, mean bulb size and weight, which decreased with the decrease in amount of irrigation and fertigation. The percentage of B-grade bulbs, which is considered commercially important, had been considerably higher at 1.20 Ep of irrigation and 200 kg/ha of fertigation. TSS increased up to 1.00 Ep and then declined slightly, whereas it varied with fertigation significantly. A decreasing trend for protein content was recorded with the increase in irrigation from 0.60 to 1.20 Ep, however, protein content increased with increase in fertigation. Irrigation at 0.80 Ep and fertigation @ 200 kg/ha resulted into minimum physiological loss in weight (%) for onion during 60 days of storage. But for extended storage period, increasing fertigation and decreasing irrigation had adverse effect on storability of bulbs. Theoretically, 416 mm irrigation water was found optimum for maximizing the dry matter yield of onion. Studies indicated that onion crop should be irrigated at 1.0 Ep under microsprinkler irrigation regime for better postharvest attributes. Similarly, fertigation @ 150 kg/ha is most desirable for micro sprinkler irrigated onion crop under semi-arid climate of India.  相似文献   

高品质蔬菜评价检测与水肥调控技术综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
消费者和生产者对于高品质蔬菜需求逐渐提高,而水肥管理对于蔬菜品质调控尤为重要,汇总了高品质蔬菜的评价标准和检测方法,从蔬菜的内在质量和外在质量综合定义和评判高品质蔬菜,介绍了目前高品质蔬菜的生产现状,重点论述了灌溉施肥调控蔬菜品质的技术手段,包括亏缺灌溉技术、根区交替灌溉技术、施肥调控技术、叶面喷施调控技术和营养液调控技术等。最后,分析了目前高品质蔬菜生产中存在的问题和不足,并对今后的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

针对草莓育苗灌水次数多、用水用工多的问题,以单棚文丘里人工滴灌施肥为对照,研究2种自动(全自动和半自动)滴灌施肥系统控制多棚草莓育苗的灌水、施肥的用工、灌水量、灌水次数、繁苗系数以及繁苗质量等指标。结果表明:对于规模化园区,全自动施肥机和半自动滴灌施肥处理分别比常规对照省工86%和32%,省水36%和24%,繁苗数量分别提高7.9%和2.9%,同时草莓繁苗质量好,根茎粗和主根数都增加,有利于草莓苗的成活。因此,对于30个棚以上的规模化园区推荐使用全自动施肥机,对于5~12个棚的小规模园区推荐使用半自动滴灌施肥处理系统。  相似文献   

不同施肥方式对山区杏树养分吸收及产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对太行山区杏树肥料利用效率低的问题,以5 a生金太阳杏树为供试材料,通过田间试验研究3种施肥方式(滴灌施肥、环状施肥、不施肥)对土壤养分、叶片、果实养分浓度及产量、品质的影响。结果表明,与不施肥相比,施肥可以提高100 cm土层养分含量、叶片、果实全氮磷钾浓度及果实品质,与环状施肥相比,滴灌施肥方式下土壤养分含量更高...  相似文献   

滴灌施肥对‘特罗维它’甜橙生长结果的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 以卡里佐枳橙砧‘特罗维它’甜橙为材料,以每年撒施10次肥料为对照,研究了年施肥总量一定,不同滴灌施肥频率(每年4次、10次和16次)对树体生长、产量和品质的影响。2002—2007年的结果显示,仅个别年份的处理与对照的树干粗度、树高和冠径存在显著差异以外,到试验结束时,不同滴灌施肥频率对树干粗度、树高和冠径大小无显著影响,滴灌施肥与对照间的树体生长无显著差异。滴灌施肥可显著提高果实产量,处理的累计产量比对照高29.4% ~ 36.5%;增加滴灌施肥频率无显著增产作用;滴灌施肥对果实品质无显著影响。建议碱性紫色土柑橘园滴灌施肥频率为每年4次。  相似文献   

介绍了以纯椰糠为栽培基质,引进江苏绿港公司椰糠栽培系统。采用特制栽培营养液,通过自动施肥机定时浇灌营养液,过多的营养液被收集,并通过臭氧消毒后回流到营养液池中。通过该项技术,减轻劳动强度,杜绝了土传病害,比传统滴灌节约肥水50%,投资远低于荷兰进口椰糠栽培系统。  相似文献   

Wettability of growing medium in horticulture is an important practical factor of this industry. With a proper choice and a right application, wetting agent in the nutrient solution would improve wettability and some other physical properties of growing media. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects on some physical properties of new and reused rockwool and coconut coir dust substrates with different doses of wetting agent (2, 10, 20, 100, 200, 1000, 2000, 10,000 and 20,000 mg L−1) applied to the nutrient solution and their effects measured by using bioassays. The wetting agent was ether poly-ethylene-glycol nonil-phenol with 20% (w/v) as an active ingredient of a non-ionic surfactant. Bioassay results showed differences among species. For this, the method can be suggested as a good tool to be utilized through fertigation in soilless crops; however, other studies should be proposed for each species in particular. Except to the 2 mg L−1 wetting agent content in reused coir waste, the total water-holding capacity increased with the wetting agent. With 2 mg L−1 wetting agent content there was an important and significant increase the easily available water (over 600%) in both substrates (including the reused ones), while higher doses show no significant differences. The effect of adjuvants added through fertigation is directly dependant on the substrate type evaluated. The substrate reutilized after one crop, reduces the air capacity and increases the easily available water and total water-holding capacity. 2 mg L−1 is the wetting agent concentration more adequate in coir waste and rockwool.  相似文献   

景炜明  陈永利  王刚 《蔬菜》2019,(7):59-62
设施黄瓜生产对土壤水分和营养元素养分条件要求比较严格,目前传统灌溉施肥方式,不能满足设施黄瓜生产对水肥的合理需求。针对以上问题,开展了设施黄瓜灌溉和施肥方式、不同生育期水肥用量、肥料种类、营养成分搭配等水肥一体化综合技术研究工作。根据研究结果,水肥一体化灌溉施肥技术比常规施肥节省肥料37.7%,节省水资源65.6%,节水节肥效果明显,建议研究推广此项技术。  相似文献   

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