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‘幻想’矮牵牛幼龄期和限界性诱导光周期的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 采用迁光的方法测定‘幻想’矮牵牛的幼龄期和限界性诱导光周期。结果分析表明: ‘幻想’矮牵牛的幼龄期约在6片真叶期结束, 其限界性诱导光周期为3周。与连续诱导光周期相比, 限界性诱导光周期能明显抑制‘幻想’矮牵牛株高的生长, 对株幅和分枝数无明显影响。建议在‘幻想’矮牵牛8叶期时给予长日照处理以促进开花; 3周以后再给予短日照处理以节约能源, 同时可以控制株高。  相似文献   

 为了研究‘地平线’天竺葵的花芽分化特性及光周期对其生长发育的影响,采用石蜡切片 方法观察了花芽分化的过程,探讨了7 种光周期处理对始花期及开花质量的影响。结果表明:(1)‘地平 线’的花芽分化过程可以划分为8 个时期,持续时间大约为9 周;(2)‘地平线’花芽分化时期与各生长 指标(株高、株幅、真叶数和播种周数)均极显著相关,通过回归方程判断其幼龄期在5 片真叶前结束; (3)‘地平线’为量性短日照植物,促其早花的最佳光周期为昼12 h/夜12 h;(4)较长日照下‘地平线’ 的株形高大松散,较短光周期下矮小紧凑。‘地平线’天竺葵在5 片真叶前,采用16 h 日照栽培,可得到 健壮幼苗;5 叶期后,12 h 日照诱导,可促进分枝开花。  相似文献   

孙兆法  张淑霞  李梅  李凌 《园艺学报》2011,38(6):1121-1126
 采用迁光试验研究长日照植物蒲包花‘秀丽’的限界性诱导光周期,不同发育阶段对光周期的敏感性和光周期处理对盆花品质的影响,并推测了童期长度。连续短日照和经7 d长日照后移至短日照的蒲包花,从处理到开花的天数显著长于长日照14 ~ 42 d后移至短日照的处理,而14 ~ 42 d长日照转移的处理之间差异不显著,表明14 d的长日照处理足以促进蒲包花开花,其限界性诱导光周期在7 ~ 14 d之间,长日照14 d以后蒲包花的花芽发育对光周期不敏感。长日照7 d后转到短日照,从处理到现蕾的天数减少而从现蕾到开花的天数增加,顶花芽败育,侧芽萌发开花,表明长日照7 d促进了花芽分化,但此时花芽发育对光周期仍敏感。本试验条件下,生长至3对叶片时蒲包花已结束童期。长日照促进株高和主枝长度的增加,21 d长日照后转移到短日照的处理,株高、主枝长度显著大于14 d时转移的处理,开花整齐,盆花品质显著提高。长日照转到短日照时,地上部鲜质量、根鲜质量、总质量均随着迁光天数的延迟而下降;短日照转到长日照时则相反。9月上旬播种育苗,在3对叶片时开始长日照处理21 d,蒲包花‘秀丽’可在1月上旬始花,保证春节上市。  相似文献   

短日照处理天数对一品红开花和观赏品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 短日照处理不同天数后转到自然长日照下, 研究短日照处理对促成栽培的‘千禧’和‘早生天鹅绒’一品红生长开花的影响。结果表明短日照处理天数对其发育进程、苞片着色和观赏品质有显著影响。苞片转色后结束短日照处理, 节数与连续短日照相似, 但开花显著延迟; 现蕾时结束短日照处理, 开花时间、冠幅与连续短日照相似; 过渡性叶片面积在短日照处理至现蕾后13~14 d才与连续短日照相似。一品红对短日照处理天数的反应存在品种差异。现蕾前结束短日照处理导致一品红过渡性叶片的节间和花梗伸长、苞片着色变差, 出现开花逆转现象。为了保证观赏品质, 短日照处理要持续到现蕾以后。  相似文献   

以‘雪球’海棠为试材,采用水培法研究了其在长日照处理下的休眠特性,并采用不同浓度细胞分裂素6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-BA)处理处于条件休眠的新梢,调查其花芽分化进程,以达到秋季开花的目的。结果表明:长日照处理下新梢的顶芽进入自发休眠时间在8月7日之后,而自然日照下树体自发休眠应发生在7月18日之前;长日照处理下喷施6-BA后共观察到116处萌芽,50处开花,开花数198朵。其中6-BA最适浓度为300 mg·L-1;花芽分化进程调查喷施6-BA对花芽分化有促进作用,喷施6-BA后长日照处理下‘雪球’海棠花芽分化进程快于自然光照。  相似文献   

为实现乌塌菜的加代繁殖,针对冬性不同的材料,找到其适宜的春化时间,将萌芽的种子在4℃低温条件下分别处理15、20、25 d,调查不同春化处理时间对乌塌菜各材料抽薹开花的影响。结果表明,‘常丰乌塌菜’冬性最强,春化25 d,播种至现蕾始期时间为35.6 d,播种至开花始期时间为45.8 d,现蕾开花最早,开花期反应植株大小与健壮程度的株幅、花薹直径、叶片数与春化20 d处理差异不显著;‘中八叶’和‘精选乌塌菜’春化20 d,开花期植株生长健壮,株幅、叶片数、花薹直径显著优于春化25 d处理,开花率接近100%,现蕾开花也较早。综合分析得出‘常丰乌塌菜’春化25 d最适宜,‘中八叶’‘精选乌塌菜’春化20 d最适宜。  相似文献   

色素万寿菊是短日照作物,在长日照地区,常规方法栽培不能解决病害加重问题,依据生态习性在苗期进行短日照光周期调控处理,使开花提前,并延长花期,在阴雨季节,植株生长势仍保持健壮,表现抗病性强。以大花品种万寿菊为试材,采用遮光方法,研究了光照时间缩短后,对色素万寿菊生长开花的影响。结果表明:在二对真叶期每日光照8h光照时间超过14d,可有效避开病害发生期,实现免药耕作,提高产量效果显著。  相似文献   

分析了强光长日照(对照,光强11.5μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1),16 h)、弱光长日照(3.6μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1),16 h)、强光短日照(11.5μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1),8 h)处理下‘幻想’矮牵牛花芽的形态发育及代谢情况。对花芽的观测统计表明,弱光和短日照分别导致了正常花芽和总花芽数量极显著减少和败育花芽显著增加。结合谱库检索技术与质谱图解析及保留指数对物质成分进行了鉴定,采用多元统计分析和峰面积归一化法进行了相对定量计算。结果共找到111个峰,鉴定出42种物质;弱光和短日照处理与对照的花芽代谢差异明显,主要表现为多种氨基酸含量增多,糖类代谢物减少;其中弱光照比短日照对花芽代谢的影响更大。初步推测弱光或短日照处理下败育花产生的原因之一是光胁迫导致了花芽内各种蛋白质和糖类消耗的增加。  相似文献   

为获得苹果自交后代纯合基因型个体、加快育种进程,对‘早红香’苹果田间自花授粉得到的种子进行胚培养。结果表明:长出真叶前留2片子叶,真叶长出后去掉1片子叶的胚成苗较好,1片子叶的次之,不留子叶的较差;28株‘早红香’苹果自交后代中含有纯合基因型的植株为15株,其S基因型S1S9、S1S1、S9S9的分离比例为13:8:7—2:1:1,符合孟得尔分离定律,可以得到不同S基因型的子代纯合基因型个体。  相似文献   

<正>简单的家庭种植方式,却能收获满满的大花球,东莞珊来告诉你,当爆花户是如此简单神奇。夏菊是一类植株紧密的菊花,株型低矮,抗性强,花期早而长,开花繁密,爆花成球。耐热耐高温高湿,抗性极强,如此强大的生命力和适应性我喜欢,加上对日照长短不敏感,花期早而长,自然花期为5~12月。我目前种植的品种有:‘名流千秋’,‘月大白’,‘红珍珠’,‘风车菊’,‘北吉峰’,‘粉玉’,‘姬红色’,  相似文献   

The flowering responses of Brunonia australis (blue pincushion) and Calandrinia sp. to vernalization, photoperiod, temperature and plant age were investigated to provide a foundation for manipulating flowering in these potential potted plants. Plants were vernalized at 4.8 °C for 0, 3 or 6 weeks at the plant age of 1–4 or 8–14 leaves. Following vernalization, plants were grown at 25/10 or 35/20 °C (day/night) under short days (11 h, ambient daylight averaged 380 ± 44 μmol m−2 s−1) or long days (16 h) provided by an additional 5 h night break (21:00–2:00 h at <4.5 μmol m−2 s−1 from incandescent lamps), for 85 days. This is the first work to investigate flowering of these ornamental species. Both species showed enhanced flowering following vernalization and a quantitative requirement for long days. The reduction of the time until the first visible inflorescence (Brunonia) or flower (Calandrinia) buds by 8–13 days was affected by vernalization for 3 or 6 weeks, respectively. Long days were effective for reducing the time to first visible floral bud and increasing the number of inflorescence or flowers per plant for both species. For Brunonia, LDs replaced vernalization when applied to plants with 1–4 leaves. Raising temperature from 25/10 to 35/20 °C increased the number of flowers per plant of Calandrinia by 2–2.5-fold for plants with 1–4 or 8–14 leaves respectively.  相似文献   

Brunonia australis R. Br (Goodeniaceae) and Calandrinia (Portulacaceae), native to Australia, are potential new flowering potted plants. This research investigated the role of daylength and growth regulators, Gibberellic acid (GA3) and paclobutrazol (Pac), to control vegetative growth, peduncle elongation and flowering of Brunonia and Calandrinia. Plants were grown under long days (16 h), short days (11 h) and 8 weeks under short day then transferred to long day (SDLDs). Plants in each daylength were treated with GA3, Pac, and GA3+ Pac. GA3 was applied as 10 μL drop of 500 mg L−1 concentration to the newest mature leaf. A single application of Pac was applied as a soil drench at 0.25 mg a.i. dose per plant. Both Brunonia and Calandrinia flowered earlier in long days but still flowered in short days, so both can be classified as facultative LD plants. Brunonia under SDLDs were more vigorous and attractive than plants under LDs while still being more compact than plants under SDs. In Brunonia, GA3 promoted earlier flowering and increased the number of inflorescences under SDs. Pac at 0.25 mg a.i. per plant applied alone or in combination with GA3 had extended flower development in Brunonia, and resulted in a reduced number of inflorescences per plant compared to the control plants. Vegetative growth of Calandrinia was similar under LDs, SDs and SDLDs, whereas GA3 application increased plant size. Pac-treated Calandrinia looked compact and attractive, and Pac application did not affect time to flower and flower number.  相似文献   

Hibiscus sabdariffa L. was found to show an ambiphotoperiodic reaction, flowering both in short days and in extremely long days, but remaining vegetative (at least at 21–25° C) in a 16 h day. Flowering had a dual effect on growth. When floral induction was strong, lateral buds developed into flowers and the number of branches was proportionally reduced. The first stage of floral induction, however, was accompanied by a decrease of apical dominance. Plants shifted to long days after only a short stay at an inductive daylength, and plants moved to short days after a prolonged stay in long days, formed many more branches and a much greater vegetative mass than plants grown in continuous short days or long days.Plants were already sensitive to daylength in the cotyledon stage. Floral induction was not carried over from short days into long days. After marginal induction, floral buds reverted to vegetative shoots, or aborted and were replaced by a shoot from the axil of a bract.In short days, seedlings form shallowly three-lobed leaves until the generative stage, when only entire leaves are formed. In long days, the leaves are deeply five-lobed, also when the plant flowers.  相似文献   

The effects of timing of nitrogen (N) fertilization relative to the beginning of a 4-week floral-inducing short-day (SD) period have been studied in ‘Korona’ strawberry plants under controlled environment conditions. Groups of low fertility plants were fertilized with 100 ml of calcium nitrate solution for 3 days a week for a period of 3 weeks starting at various times before and at the beginning of the SD period, as well as at different times during the SD period. All plants, including SD and long day (LD) control plants, received a weekly fertilization with a low concentration complete fertilizer solution throughout the experiment. Leaf area, fresh and dry matter increments of leaves, crowns and roots, as well as leaf chlorophyll concentration (SPAD values) were monitored during the experimental period. A general enhancement of growth took place at all times of N fertilization. This was paralleled by an increase in leaf chlorophyll concentration, indicating that the control plants were in a mild state of N deficiency. When N fertilization was started 2 weeks before beginning of the SD period, flowering was delayed by 7 days, and this was gradually changed to an advancement of 8 days when the same treatment was started 3 weeks after the first SD. The amount of flowering was generally increased by N fertilization although the effect varied greatly with the time of N application. The greatest flowering enhancement occurred when N fertilization started 1 week after the first SD when the number of flowering crowns and the number of inflorescences per plant were more than doubled compared with the SD control, while fertilization 2 weeks before SD had no significant effect on these parameters. Importantly, the total number of crowns per plant was not affected by N fertilization at any time, indicating that enhancement of flowering was not due to an increase in potential inflorescence sites. No flowering took place in the control plants in LD. Possible physiological mechanisms involved and practical applications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Light intensity is an important factor affecting the flowering of Gladiolus. Insufficient illumination from sprouting to the 4-leaf stage decreased flowering percentage. However, the inflorescences of those plants which did flower under conditions of low light intensity were normal and developed the full number of florets per spike. Plants at the 4–6 leaf stage were most sensitive to prevailing light conditions. Low light intensity during this period decreased both the percentage of flowering and the number of florets per spike. After this stage only the number of florets per spike was affected by insufficient light.  相似文献   

Lobelia×speciosa Sweet ‘Compliment Scarlet' was grown under a range of photoperiods and low temperature treatments to determine their effects on flowering. In the first experiment, plants were held at 5°C for 0 or 15 weeks, then grown at 20°C under the following photoperiods: 10, 12, 14, 16, or 24 h of continual light or 9 h with a 4 h night interruption (NI). Non-cooled ‘Compliment Scarlet' flowered as a qualitative long-day plant (LDP) with a minimum flowering photoperiod of 14 h. Following cold, flowering was quantitative with respect to photoperiod, until ≈14.2 h, when the calculated rate of progress toward flowering reached a plateau. In cooled plants, node number below the inflorescence decreased from 27 to 16 as the photoperiod increased from 10 to 24 h. Cooled plants developed 61–149% more flowers and were ≥17% taller than non-cooled ones under the same photoperiod. To determine the cold duration required for flowering under short days (SD), plants were held at 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, or 15 weeks at 5°C then grown at 20°C under SD (9 h photoperiod) or long days (9 h photoperiod with a 4 h NI). Under SD, few plants flowered after ≤6 weeks of cold. As cold treatment increased from 9 to 15 weeks, flowering percentage increased, time to flower decreased from 93 to 64 days, and node count decreased from 24 to 13. Cold treatment did not affect flowering percentage or time under NI, but plants always had more flowers and were taller than reproductive ones under 9 h day lengths. Thus, ‘Compliment Scarlet', is a qualitative LDP, but an extended cold treatment can partially substitute for the long day (LD) photoperiodic requirement.  相似文献   

Mango flowering appears to be determined by a temperature-regulated florigenic promoter (FP) synthesized in leaves and translocated to buds in phloem. The number of leaves required for flowering was investigated in ‘Keitt’ and ‘Tommy Atkins’ mango trees exposed to tropical conditions in Colombia. Data were compared with a previous study conducted under cool, floral-inductive conditions in Florida (Davenport et al., 2006). Leaf-number treatments consisted of 0, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 3, or 4 leaves on each of 20–40 stems per branch. The long distance translocation experiment consisted of a terminal donor stem and five defoliated receiver stems on each treatment branch. Treatments were 0, 1, 3, or 5 leaves on the donor stem. Every treatment branch in both experiments was girdled to isolate it from the rest of the tree, and developing panicles were removed to stimulate lateral shoot initiation at a time when conditions were right for floral induction in those buds. Treatment stems bearing no leaves produced only vegetative shoots in both cultivars in both experiments. The minimum number of leaves per stem (1/8 of a leaf and 1/4 of a leaf) was sufficient to induce 6% and 1% reproductive shoots with 94% and 99% vegetative shoots in Tommy Atkins’ and ‘Keitt’ stems, respectively. Branches bearing 4 leaves per stem in ‘Tommy Atkins’ trees produced the maximum mean flowering response with 45% reproductive shoots and 55% vegetative shoots. The maximum ‘Keitt’ response was 22% reproductive and 78% vegetative shoots with 4 leaves per stem. The donor stem of the 1-leaf treatment and the donor and first receiver stem of the 3-leaf treatment in the translocation experiment were induced to flower in ‘Tommy Atkins’ trees. The more distal receiver stems from the donor were vegetative. The 5-leaf donor treatment-induced reproductive shoots as far as the third leafless receiver stem located 52 cm from the donor. Proportions of flowering shoots decreased with distance from the donor, and the level of the FP was apparently insufficient to reach the fourth and fifth receivers since their shoot responses were vegetative. Only vegetative shoot responses were obtained in the translocation experiment conducted in ‘Keitt’ trees. The leaf number and translocation experiment results support the hypothesis that far less FP is synthesized in both ‘Tommy Atkins’ and ‘Keitt’ leaves during warm, tropical conditions than is synthesized in ‘Keitt’ leaves exposed to cool, subtropical conditions.  相似文献   

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