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中国山羊业在世界上占有重要地位,山羊绒质量和产量、山羊存栏量、山羊肉产量在世界排序为第1位,但山羊胴体重是世界排序的第81位。中国山羊进口单价将近出口的8倍。笔者主要就中国和世界山羊的存栏数、山羊肉、山羊奶、山羊绒、山羊产品单产、山羊及产品贸易进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

我国山羊品种资源十分丰富,生态类型多样,分布范围广泛。2006年中国畜禽遗传资源名录(山羊)上录有西藏山羊、辽宁绒山羊、柴达木山羊等43种地方品种,关中奶山羊、崂山奶山羊等4种培育品种,萨能山羊、安格拉山羊、波尔山羊等3种引入品种,共50个山羊品种。本文介绍中国畜禽遗传资源名录中的部分山羊、各地饲养的山羊及最近录入中国畜禽遗传资源名录的山羊,仅供各地专业人员和山羊饲养爱好者了解参考并有鉴别性的饲养,以促进我国各地山羊种质资源的保护和生产可持续发展。  相似文献   

山羊业是仁和区畜牧业的重要组成部分,是农牧业生产结构调整的方向和重点,近几年来仁和区在区委区政府的领导和大力支持下,狠抓了山羊的良种繁育体系建设和生产基地建设,引进波尔山羊、简阳大耳山羊、南江黄羊、金堂黑山羊进行纯种扩繁推广和杂交改良本地山羊,同时大力宣传推广山羊高床舍饲配套技术、种草养畜技术、山羊补饲健胃驱虫技术和山羊重大动物疫病防治技术,山羊生产取得了显著成效。山羊存栏稳步增加,出栏大幅度增长,优势产业带逐渐形成,山羊无公害、标准化生产开始起步,生产加工销售龙头企业不断发展壮大,羊肉品质明显提高,山羊业…  相似文献   

几种山羊服装革物理性能的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统比较了黔北麻山羊、贵州改良山羊、关中奶山羊、波尔杂交山羊服装革的主要物理性能指标,结果表明:关中奶山羊皮服装革强度最高、柔软性最好,品质最好,其次是黔北麻山羊,最后依次是波尔杂交山羊和贵州改良山羊,它们的收缩温度相差不大。  相似文献   

方亚 《家畜生态学报》2004,25(4):279-282
山羊羊舍是实施山羊舍饲的载体,农区在我国山羊生产中占的比重较大,本文旨在探讨农区羊舍设计、修建和山羊舍饲、保种、改良、育肥、草料、防病、环境方面的问题.农区开展种草,开发饲料资源,实施山羊舍饲,发展山羊生产还有很大的发展空间.  相似文献   

选用10个SSR标记,经PCR扩增、9%非变性聚丙烯酰胺电泳和银染法显色,对高原型藏山羊、山谷型藏山羊进行遗传多态性研究,并以白玉黑山羊、建昌黑山羊、美姑山羊和新疆山羊作对照.结果表明,10个SSR标记在高原型藏山羊、山谷型藏山羊、白玉黑山羊、建昌黑山羊、美姑山羊和新疆山羊群体的平均H、PIC、Ne分别为0.673/0.631/4.3、0.680/0.649/4.7、0.777/0.660/4.3、0.797/0.716/5.1、0.793/0.561/3.2和0.680/0.629/4.6.高原型藏山羊与山谷型藏山羊(D=0.063)聚为1类;建昌黑山羊和美姑山羊(D=0.026)聚为1类后,再与白玉黑山羊聚为1类;最后两类与新疆山羊聚为1大类,与各群体的来源和生态地理分布一致.  相似文献   

波尔山羊是在南非经过近两个世纪的风土驯化、杂交选育而成的、世界公认的优秀大型肉用山羊品种。   我区是河南省山羊重点产区,为了克服河南省优良山羊品种槐山羊的个体小、生长速度慢、屠宰率低的缺点,特在槐山羊的主产区——周口地区 (辖八县二市 ),于 1998年 9月从河南中牟波尔山羊繁育场引进波尔山羊冻精进行人工授精试验,探讨波尔山羊冻精人工授精的效果和杂交改良槐山羊效果,提高本地山羊的肉用生产性能。现报告如下: 1试验材料   用液氮保存河南中牟波尔山羊繁育场产波尔山羊冻精 360粒,镜检冻精活力 0.35以上。选经产…  相似文献   

广西右江河谷山羊圈养技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为充分利用广西农区丰富的秸秆、牧草、土地等资源,加快推进山羊业规模化、规范化和标准化生产,应用"一规范五推广"山羊圈养集成创新技术,引进隆林黑山羊和波尔山羊在右江河谷高热高湿地区圈养.建立了山羊圈养示范点43个,示范户203户,建设标准单舍10350m2,种植养羊牧草24.83 hm2.饲养基础母羊6012只,圈养经产母羊产羔率为199.05%.山羊人工授精冻精、鲜精配种受胎率为76.56和81.43%.波尔山羊与隆林山羊杂交一代羔羊初生体重2.56~2.98kg,比隆林山羊提高14.29~24.67%.制订了DB45/T244-2005山羊圈养技术规范.项目技术成果为实现广西山羊生产由传统山区向平原农区发展重心的战略性转移和山羊产业持续发展与资源永续利用提供了科学新方法和现实经验.  相似文献   

深入临夏州山羊分布较为广泛的地区,调查当地的饲草料资源、山羊品种、饲养管理等方面的现状,研究山羊养殖及其开发利用的优势与劣势,通过对比分析查找山羊养殖中存在的主要问题与不足,研究制定山羊资源及其开发利用的具体方法和措施,重点研究探讨山羊高效环保饲养模式,为山羊的规范化化养殖提供科学依据。  相似文献   

不同品种山羊杂交组合的杂交优势对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究主要是对不同品种山羊不同杂交组合的杂交优势进行对比研究,从而筛选出适合于攀西地区气候、土壤、水源、饲草、饲料、饲养管理等特点的杂交组合。研究表明,波尔山羊和简阳大耳山羊杂交组合的杂交优势以及波尔山羊和本地山羊杂交组合的杂交优势最为明显,与其他杂交组合的杂交优势比较,差异极其显著。由于波尔山羊是世界著名山羊品种,简阳大耳山羊是国内地方良种,两者在攀枝花市已引进几年,对本地区气候、土壤、水源、饲草、饲料、饲养管理等已非常适应,因此可以大面积推广波尔山羊和简阳大耳山羊杂交组合。而由于本地山羊种群较大,能繁母羊较多,所以波尔山羊和本地山羊的杂交组合也是大有可为的。  相似文献   

本研究以广东温氏南方家禽育种有限公司的N409品系为实验材料,估计了公、母鸡105日龄体尺性状和腹脂性状的相关性。结果显示:对于公鸡,除胫长外,各性状与腹脂重、腹脂率均呈不同程度的正表型相关,在遗传相关方面,各性状与腹脂重均呈正相关,各性状与腹脂率的相关性则不如腹脂重强;对于母鸡,除体斜长、胫长外,各性状均与腹脂重、腹脂率呈极显著的正表型相关,遗传相关方面,各性状均与腹脂重呈现不同程度的正相关,各性状与腹脂率的相关性则不如腹脂重强。本研究结果提示,胸宽、骨盆宽、体斜长、胫长可以作为腹脂性状的间接选育指标。  相似文献   

Physical aspects of external beam abdominal radiotherapy are discussed. Acute, intermediate, and late radiation effects on tissue are reviewed as a basis for determining abdominal organ tolerance to therapeutic radiation. Specific tolerances of critical organs that may be affected by abdominal radiotherapy are itemized, and the manifestations of intolerance are described. Potential application of abdominal radiotherapy to veterinary medicine is proposed. Data available on management of adverse reactions to abdominal radiotherapy are summarized.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of the pathogenesis of abdominal pain in ruminants, the complete clinical examination of animals with colic and the symptomatology of the different conditions producing abdominal pain. Further diagnostic procedures such as abdominal ultrasonography, explorative laparotomy and diagnostic laparoscopy are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the predictive values, sensitivity and specificity of abdominal fluid variables associated with the need for surgery in horses with an acute abdominal crisis. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: Two-hundred and thirty-six horses examined for signs of abdominal pain between January 1993 and June 1999. METHODS: Breed, age and gender of the horse and colour, total protein concentration and total nucleated cell count of an abdominal fluid sample were recorded. Colour of the abdominal fluid was classified as normal if it was yellow and transparent. Turbid fluid or fluid that was serosanguinous or other colours was classified as abnormal. Protein concentration < or = 20 g/L and a total nucleated cell count < or = 5 x 10(9) cells/L were considered normal and values above these were considered abnormal. An abdominal fluid sample was classified as abnormal if one or more of the three variables were considered abnormal. Cases were defined as surgical when lesions identified at surgery or necropsy examination would not have resolved with medical treatment alone. Cases were defined as medical in horses that survived without surgical intervention, and those with a lesion found at surgery or necropsy that would have resolved with medical treatment alone. A third category was identified during the study as those diagnosed with Actinobacillus equuli--induced peritonitis. These horses were included in the study but not in the data analysis. DATA ANALYSIS: The association between the sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive value of colour, total protein, and total nucleated cell count in the abdominal fluid and the need for surgery was calculated. RESULTS: There were 100 females and 136 males of mixed breeds, ranging from 3 days to 26 years of age that had an abdominocentesis performed during the specified period. There were 97 horses with a lesion classified as surgical, 91 horses with a lesion classified as medical and 48 horses with a diagnosis of A equuli-induced peritonitis. Colour of the abdominal fluid was recorded in all horses, protein concentration was recorded in 194 horses and total nucleated cell count was recorded in 179 horses. Abnormal abdominal fluid colour had a sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of 92%, 74%, 79% and 89% respectively, associated with the need for surgery. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values for a serosanguinous abdominal fluid sample associated with the need for surgery were 48%, 99%, 98% and 64% respectively. Abnormal abdominal fluid protein concentration had a sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of 86%, 75%, 77% and 85% respectively, associated with the need for surgery. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value associated with the need for surgery in horses with an abnormal total nucleated cell count in the abdominal fluid were 59%, 75%, 67% and 67%, respectively. An abdominal fluid sample classified as abnormal had a sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of 92%, 74%, 79% and 89% respectively, associated with the need for surgery. CONCLUSION: Results of this study suggest that abdominal fluid sample analysis contributes to the decision to proceed to surgery, but is not a diagnostic panacea. Colour and protein concentration of abdominal fluid were the most useful variables in abdominal fluid for differentiating medical and surgical lesions. Colour and protein had a greater value in horses with a disease likely to respond to medical treatment (negative predictive value) than those with a lesion requiring surgery (positive predictive value) except when the fluid was serosanguinous. Abdominal fluid colour and protein are clinically relevant and easily measured in the field, providing immediate information without the need for sophisticated laboratory techniques.  相似文献   

Abdominal radiography and ultrasonography are commonly used as part of the initial diagnostic plan for cats with nonspecific signs of abdominal disease. This retrospective study compared the clinical usefulness of abdominal radiography and ultrasonography in 105 feline patients with signs of abdominal disease. The final diagnosis was determined more commonly with ultrasonography (59%) compared to radiography (25.7%). Ultrasonography was also able to provide additional clinically relevant information in 76% of cases, and changed or refined the diagnosis in 47% of cases. Based on these findings, ultrasonography may be sufficient as an initial diagnostic test for the investigation of feline abdominal disease.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old intact female mixed-breed dog with a 1-month history of lethargy and anorexia was evaluated for abdominal distension and an abdominal mass. The dog's last heat cycle, her third, was 1 month prior to presentation, and no reproductive cycle abnormalities were noted at any time. Hematologic and serum biochemical abnormalities were consistent with hemorrhage and inflammation. Ultrasonographic examination confirmed a large midabdominal mass and a moderate amount of abdominal fluid. Cytologically, the fluid showed evidence of pyogranulomatous inflammation, hemorrhage, and mesothelial reactivity, as well as ciliated columnar cells and free cilia that were interpreted as likely of oviductal origin. The mass was removed surgically, and the histopathologic interpretation was oviductal hamartoma with marked stroma formation and acute hemorrhage. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first reported case of oviductal hamartoma in any species and the first reported case detailing the finding of ciliated columnar epithelial cells in the abdominal fluid of a dog. Ciliated columnar epithelial cells in abdominal fluid should be considered indicative of a likely underlying oviductal lesion.  相似文献   

A wide range has been reported for the ultrasonographic measurements of the normal adrenal gland in rabbits. Therefore, having sufficient information about the normal measurements of the adrenal gland and their relationship with indicators such as weight, sex and the diameter of the internal abdominal aorta will be of great help in diagnosing diseases of the adrenal gland. In the present study, 21 healthy adult intact rabbits were selected. The abdominal cavity of the animals was examined using ultrasound; adrenal gland parameters such as length, width, height, circumference and area on the right and left sides were measured in both sagittal and transverse planes. Additionally, the diameter of the abdominal aorta in the sagittal plane was imaged. After statistical analysis, the parameters of the adrenal glands on the right and left showed a positive significant correlation with the weight and the diameter of the abdominal aorta, although no significant correlation was found between these parameters and sex. The ratio of adrenal gland parameters to abdominal aortic diameter was calculated and the statistical analysis of the values showed that, except for the ratio of left adrenal area to aortic diameter, the other ratio of adrenal gland parameters to abdominal aortic diameter was not significantly related to weight. Therefore, these ratios can be used as suitable indicators for assessing the change in size of the adrenal gland of rabbits of different sizes. Knowing the relationship between normal adrenal measurements and the indices such as weight, sex and diameter of the abdominal aorta can help clinicians and researchers evaluate the changes in the size of the adrenal gland.  相似文献   

Bovine udders, together with the attached section of the ventral abdominal wall, as well as the bony pelvic floor were studied. The parts of the suspensory apparatus and attachment to the body were investigated. The location of the medial and lateral laminae served as the basis for classifying them into abdominal and pelvic parts. The udder base is attached to the ventral abdominal wall by means of the dorsal connective tissue plate. The abdominal part of the medial lamina and the pelvic part of the lateral lamina are the functionally more important bands. Sixty per cent of the udder base is attached to the ventral abdominal wall and 40% to the pelvic floor by the symphysial tendon. The symphysial tendon is attached to the ventral pubic tubercle and the symphysial eminence as well as to the symphysial crest, which develops by the fourth year. In order to study the osseous changes, bovine pelvises from the Middle Ages, the beginning of the 20th century, and the present time were compared. Increased udder mass has brought about changes in the structures of the suspensory apparatus of the udder and in the structure of the pelvis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Horses with recurrent airway obstruction (heaves) are described as exhibiting "increased abdominal effort," but it is unknown whether this translates to an effective contribution to ventilation. HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesized that heaves is characterized by asynchrony between rib cage and abdominal motions, and that the abdominal component is the major contributor to ventilation. ANIMALS: The rib cage versus abdominal motion in naturally occurring heaves (n = 15) was compared to controls at rest (n = 7) and during hyperpnea because of lobeline treatment, and the effects of histamine-induced bronchoconstriction in controls (n = 10). METHODS: Flow patterns, phase angle (theta) between the rib and abdominal compartments, abdominal (Vabd) contribution to tidal volume (VT), and lung mechanics were measured. RESULTS: Findings unique to the heaves group included the loss of biphasic expiratory flow, severely increased theta with the abdomen consistently lagging behind the rib cage, and a reduced contribution of the abdomen to ventilation. A subgroup of heaves (n = 5) with abdominal paradox showed a significant (P < .05) reduction in tidal volume, and increased respiratory rate. Bronchodilation reduced theta in heaves (P = .06), but theta remained significantly higher after bronchodilation than found in controls. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: We conclude that breathing pattern in horses with heaves is characterized by severe rib cage/abdominal asynchrony, with the rib cage motion in synchrony with flow, therefore dominating ventilation. In a subset of heaves, the abdominal compartment (diaphragm, abdominal muscles) was completely out of synchrony with flow ("abdominal paradox") despite the clinical appearance of "increased abdominal effort."  相似文献   

Objective: Review the clinical presentation, assessment, resuscitation, and medical and surgical management of dogs with hemoperitoneum. Etiology: Hemoperitoneum is defined as free intra‐abdominal hemorrhage. Hemoperitoneum occurs from traumatic and nontraumatic causes. Common etiologies include atraumatic rupture of intra‐abdominal masses, coagulopathies, as well as blunt, and penetrating trauma to the abdomen. Diagnosis: Definitive diagnosis of hemoperitoneum entails demonstration of free intra‐abdominal blood via paracentesis or diagnostic peritoneal lavage. Imaging and other diagnostic tests including coagulation studies may help to determine underlying causes of hemoperitoneum or concurrent organ dysfunction. Therapy: Goals of therapy for patients with hemoperitoneum include maintenance and restoration of effective circulating volume, maintenance and restoration of oxygen‐carrying capacity, and arrest of hemorrhage. These goals can be achieved via fluid resuscitation, administration of blood products or hemoglobin‐based oxygen carriers, as well as application of abdominal counterpressure, and surgical intervention. Surgery usually is required for bleeding intra‐abdominal neoplasms. Emergency surgery is recommended for hemorrhaging patients with penetrating trauma, gastric dilatation and volvulus, bleeding cysts, liver lobe torsion, splenic torsion, and any other condition resulting in organ ischemia. Prognosis: Prognosis in patients with hemoperitoneum may depend on the underlying cause and concurrent injuries.  相似文献   

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