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采用基于归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)的像元二分法模型对1988、1996及2004年3期TM影像进行研究区植被覆盖度提取,利用野外实测对2004年影像进行精度验证,并借助GIS空间分析方法,对研究区植被覆盖度格局定量分析,揭示九连山植被覆盖的时空变化规律,为该地区的植被恢复提供参考。研究表明:1)该模型对研究区植被覆盖度估算精度较好,无植被覆盖类型(裸地、水体)的估算精度达90%以上,低、中、高、全植被覆盖类型区域的估算精度达80%以上;2)1988年、1996年、2004年植被覆盖度均值分别为0.71、0.66、0.77,区内植被覆盖度总体呈现先降低后上升特点,这主要是由于研究区全植被覆盖面积的大幅消长造成的;3)研究区内无、低植被覆盖与中、高、全植被覆盖之间的转换比例较少,覆盖度等级转换主要集中在中、高、全植被覆盖等级之间,说明16年间的覆盖度变化主要源于林区的渐伐活动,皆伐及开垦活动相对较少;4)在研究区停止采伐后,尤其是该地区自然保护区的成立,植被得到了较好的恢复,中、高植被覆盖类型大幅转换为全植被覆盖类型,2004年区内植被在覆盖度均值及全植被覆盖面积上均超出了1988年水平,九连山地区植被保护效果明显。  相似文献   

基于RS的昆明市植被覆盖度变化动态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植被覆盖度是反映植被状况的重要因素,以1988、1996、2000、2006和2010年5个时相的TM和ETM+影像数据,利用像元二分法模型计算了昆明市植被覆盖度并分析其时空变化。结果表明,1988~2010年的22年间,昆明市的植被覆盖度变化明显,平均植被覆盖度从56.2%下降到50.7%,降幅达5.5%;特别是官渡区和呈贡新区变化幅度最为显著,降幅分别为12.3%和6%。按时段分析结果,1988~2000年昆明市整体植被覆盖度呈下降趋势,2000~2010年呈增长趋势。分析认为,城市的发展与扩建导致植被覆盖度减少;应注重城市绿化建设,新建公园与广场,使城市植被得到恢复。  相似文献   

基于Landsat数据的近30年东平湖湿地植被覆盖演变研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以Landsat TM/OLI遥感影像为数据源,应用像元二分模型计算了东平湖湿地1985-2015年间7个时期的植被覆盖度,分析了其时空变化特征,并从人文活动特别是南水北调东线工程的方面探讨了植被覆盖变化的原因。结果表明:(1)近30年来,东平湖植被覆盖呈波动下降趋势,植被面积年均减少5.12km~2,并且中低覆盖度的植被区面积减少最为剧烈;(2)水域面积显著增加,由1985年的50.94km~2增加到2015年的101.73km~2,湖区裸地面积缓慢下降;(3)人类活动和南水北调东线工程的调蓄调水间接地改变了湿地植物的生境,导致植被分布格局和面积发生显著变化。  相似文献   

基于3S技术的天保区植被变化监测方法研究   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以甘肃省清水县天然林保护区植被时空变化为研究对象,以2期Landsat TM遥感影像为主要信息源,以植被面积和植被覆盖度为监测指标,采用最大似然方法进行监督分类获得土地利用分类图和植被面积,采用NDVI像元二分法获得植被覆盖度图。利用空间分析和统计分析方法将土地利用分类图和植被覆盖度图进行空间叠加分析,揭示研究区1996—2004年间土地利用和植被覆盖度的数量变化和空间变化特征,并对天保区与非天保区以及不同天保区内部的差异进行对比分析。研究结果表明:1996年—2004年间甘肃省清水县天然林保护区森林面积和植被覆盖度得到了明显改善,且天保区优于非天保区; 不同类型天保区植被变化状况有差异,3种类型天然林保护区中以重点生态保护区植被改善状况最为显著。  相似文献   

本研究以清水县为研究区域,以1979年和2008年该区的TM数据为遥感数据源,在遥感数字图像处理系统和GIS支持下,通过提取NDVI值以及NDVI与植被覆盖度之间的关系,对该县植被覆盖变化进行了研究。研究结果表明:1979~2008年清水县整体植被覆盖有所增加,植被指数在138以上的面积从1979年的52488.13hm2增加到2008年的117603.38hm2,净增65115.25hm2,占全县面积的33.80%;低盖度植被类型面积大大减少,其中,Ⅴ级植被面积减少了73780.25hm2,占全县总面积的34.22%,高盖度植被面积增加,其中,Ⅰ级植被增长了33798.07hm2,占全县总面积的17.54%,Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级植被面积均有不同程度的增加,植被盖度等级未变化的面积为62954.75hm2,占全县总面积的32.68%;植被退化面积为11768.25hm2,而植被好转面积多达117926.75hm2,是退化面积的10.02倍。通过综合治理,清水县生态环境得到大大改善。  相似文献   

提取内蒙古巴彦淖尔市乌拉特后旗2006年、2010年及2015年3个时期的遥感影像,利用GIS软件计算了乌拉特后旗3个年度的植被覆盖度,同时对该地区植被覆盖在时间变化及空间变化中的状况进行了分析。结果表明:从时间方面看,乌拉特后旗的植被覆盖度整体呈增长的趋势。裸地及微植被覆盖度显著减少,低植被覆盖度和高植被覆盖度缓慢增加,中植被覆盖度在2010—2015年有显著增加的趋势。从空间方面看,乌拉特后旗的植被覆盖度逐渐递增并呈现东南部覆盖度高西北部覆盖度低的态势。阴山以南河套平原地区的高植被覆盖度及中植被覆盖度缓慢增加,阴山以北的荒漠及半荒漠草原的微植被覆盖度逐渐减少,到2015年时其植被覆盖度明显增加,转变为以低植被覆盖及中植被覆盖为主的态势,且出现零星的高植被覆盖度。  相似文献   

基于MODIS NDVI数据的广西植被覆盖时空变化遥感诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】对广西2006—2016年植被覆盖变化特征及其变化关键因素进行遥感诊断,为掌握广西地区植被覆盖的时空变化提供科学监测结果和诊断依据。【方法】基于250 m分辨率16天合成的MOD13Q1产品,利用趋势分析法获得11年间广西植被覆盖整体变化情况;结合气象数据,运用回归因子分析法得到植被覆盖变化与温度和降水之间的关系;采用遥感影像差异法对不同时期MODIS土地覆盖类型数据进行分析,探讨人类活动对植被覆盖变化的影响。【结果】2006—2016年11年间广西植被覆盖在波动中呈上升趋势;归一化差值植被指数(NDVI) 2—3月呈最低状态,9月最高。全区植被增加面积大于退化面积,其中面积增加最大的区域包括河池、百色、南宁东南部和桂林东部,退化面积最大的区域包括崇左、百色中部、南宁西部和桂林中部,退化程度最高的北海区域退化面积占全区面积的28. 9%。11年间,广西植被覆盖类型变化巨大,林地面积显著上升,农用地面积下降明显。【结论】温度和降水与植被覆盖呈正相关关系,二者与植被覆盖在月尺度上的正相关性较年尺度更为显著,且降水对植被的影响高于温度对植被的影响; MODIS土地覆盖类型数据反映出的人类活动表明,林地面积显著增加是广西NDVI上升的主要原因。  相似文献   

井冈山自然保护区森林资源变化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以井冈山林相图为基础图形资料,根据1999年的二类清查资料建立数据库,建立森林资源地理信息系统,论述了森林资源的分布特征;统计了各种森林类型的面积;实现了资源现状的可视化以及森林类型自动查询和检索;并输出专题图.关于森林资源变化动态分析得出:从1988年至1999年井冈山自然保护区的森林覆盖率从73.1%增长到85%:有林地比例从77.80%增加到88.38%,1988年、1995年、1999年单位面积的蓄积量分别为65.25m3/hm2、96.15m3/hm2、105.50m3/hm2,蓄积显著增加后趋于稳定.1995年和1999年保护区总生物量分别为6 160 986.70t和6 245 181.834t,碳储量密度分别为86.82t/hm2和90.93t/bm2,平均增长1.83t/hm2·a,碳汇作用明显.  相似文献   

海南省五指山市植被覆盖度估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植被是生态系统的重要组成部分,以植被覆盖度为指标研究区域植被的时空动态特征,是生态系统健康评价的前提和必要基础。本文基于像元二分模型,利用归一化植被指数(NDVI),通过1988年,1998年和2008年3个时期的TM遥感影像数据,计算出五指山市不同时期的植被覆盖度,生成该区不同时期的植被覆盖图,分析五指山地区植被覆盖度的时空变化。结果表明:五指山市在1988—2008年间,植被覆盖度变化明显,整个地区的平均覆盖度从72%增加到77.9%。  相似文献   

以黄河三角洲地区东营市部分为研究区域,研究了黄河三角洲河道演变规律与景观格局分布规律,并着重研究了该地区河道演变与景观格局分布的联系。结果表明:近20年间黄河总取水量呈上升趋势;2002~2010年裸地沼泽面积明显减少,植被面积增多。2010~2019年,建设用地面积明显增加;土地利用景观格局的形式从沿海区域开始向内陆演变呈现一定的规律,最外环为海洋、向内依次为是浅海滩涂、滩涂、水产湿地、盐田、旱地、沼泽湿地、植被、建设用地;受季节影响较大的图可以利用ENVI提取其对应的植被覆盖图来消除影响。在NDVI植被归一化指数的基础之上建立植被覆盖图,通过NDVI指数分析植被的长势和营养状况。  相似文献   

We mapped the forest cover of Khadimnagar National Park (KNP) of Sylhet Forest Division and estimated forest change over a period of 22 years (1988-2010) using Landsat TM images and other GIS data. Supervised classification and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) image classification approaches were applied to the images to produce three cover classes, viz. dense forest, medium dense forest, and bare land. The change map was produced by differencing classified imageries of 1988 and 2010 as before image and after image, respectively, in ERDAS IMAGINE. Error matrix and kappa statistics were used to assess the accuracy of the produced maps. Overall map accuracies resulting from supervised classification of 1988 and 2010 imageries were 84.6% (Kappa 0.75) and 87.5% (Kappa 0.80), respec- tively. Forest cover statistics resulting from supervised classification showed that dense forest and bare land declined from 526 ha (67%) to 417 ha (59%) and 105 ha (13%) to 8 ha (1%), respectively, whereas medium dense forest increased from 155 ha (20%) to 317 ha (40%). Forest cover change statistics derived from NDVI classification showed that dense forest declined from 525 ha (67%) to 421 ha (54%) while medium dense forest increased from 253 ha (32%) to 356 ha (45%). Both supervised and NDVI classification approaches showed similar trends of forest change, i.e. decrease of dense forest and increase of medium dense forest, which indicates dense forest has been converted to medium dense forest. Area of bare land was unchanged. Illicit felling, encroachment, and settlement near forests caused the dense forest decline while short and long rotation plantations raised in various years caused the increase in area of medium dense forest. Protective measures should be undertaken to check further degradation of forest at KNP.  相似文献   

Many studies have recently been devoted to the study of landscape change, and some have even focused on an analysis of the dynamics of forest cover change. However, few of the studies have worked on a methodology for making a detailed investigation of long-term forest change dynamics based on historic cartographic sources. The goal of this study is to further develop a method for analyzing long-term changes in forest cover on the basis of old maps and orthophoto maps in the GIS environment. The study area is located in Central Bohemia, to the east of Kutná Hora, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The area consists of 21 cadastral units with a total area of 113 km2. The maps of the First (1780), Second (1851) and Third Military Surveys (1877) and the present-day orthophotomap (2007) of the Czech Republic were used as data resources. Source data have been processed in GIS. Forest cover is the subject of our study. However, the term is perceived from a broader perspective. What we call forest cover in our study refers to forest wood elements and other wood species in the landscape. In this study, forest cover has been structurally considered as a whole, without dividing it into the two categories mentioned. We counted the extent of the forest cover in each particular time horizon in hectares and as a percentage of the area under study, also the absolute changes in forest cover between the individual time horizons in hectares as well as the intensity of the changes in forest cover in hectares per year. The spatial changes in forest cover were evaluated in a GIS environment using specialized features to analyze spatial variation. The forest cover occupied 16.60% (1,880 ha) of the total area in the First Military Survey (1780). In 2007, the proportion was slightly higher at 16.64% (1,884 ha). More than half of all forest land (53%) from the time of the Second Military Survey (1851) survived until 2007. Not only the information on absolute changes but also the information on the rate of change is of great importance. The old Military Survey maps and the orthophotomap enable us to carry out studies of long-term changes in forest cover. However, the geodetic inaccuracy of the First Military Survey maps precludes reliable and exact quantification of the landscape changes between the First Military Survey and the Second Military Survey, and also between the First Military Survey and present-day (orthophoto map). These maps cannot be used for evaluating forest cover changes on the level of individual plots. The method presented in our paper may contribute to a better understanding of the long-term dynamics of forest land, covering a period of more than 250 years. This knowledge can be applied in forest management planning procedures. Apart from their application in forestry, the methods presented in this study may be of interest for historians and biologists.  相似文献   

Information on land use and cover changes (LUCC) is important for planning of conservation and development and thus ensure forest sustainability. The current paper assesses LUCC for the whole of the mainland Tanzania. The analyses were done using land use and cover maps covering the whole of mainland Tanzania for 1995 and 2010. For 1995, forest, bushland, grassland, cultivation and other land use and cover (built up areas, bare land, etc.) covered 43.5%, 19.8%, 23.5%, 11.2%, and 2.0% of the study area, respectively. For 2010, the same land use and cover classes covered 38.0%, 14.5%, 6.9%, 36.5%, and 4.1% of the study area, respectively. The annual rate of deforestation was 320,067 ha, which is equivalent to 0.9%. Bushland and grassland were lost at 313,745 and 969,982 ha/year, respectively. Most forest was converted to cultivation and least to other land use and cover. In conclusion, the net changes were deforestation and loss of bushland and grassland primarily due to expansion of cultivation. Further research on how to reduce or halt expansion of cultivation may shed light on improving sustainability of forest, bushland, and grassland in mainland Tanzania.  相似文献   

基于RS/GIS的平通河流域土地利用格局变化及其分形分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1988年和2006年两期的TM卫片和平通河流域地形图,运用RS/GIS软件,以马尔柯夫空间概率模型为基础,分析了平通河流域土地利用格局变化;以分形理论中的分维数理论探讨了土地利用的复杂性和稳定性。结果表明:平通河流域从1988年到2006年土地利用发生了普遍变化,其中耕地、有林地、灌木林地、草地、水域、村镇建设用地、未利用地的占有率从1988年的10.88%、57.62%、26.84%、1.58%、0.26%、1.30%、1.520/o变化为9.31%、59.13%、27.47%、1.72%、0.24%、1.38%、0.74%;各土地利用的复杂性和稳定性总体呈波动变化的趋势,1988、2006年二时期的土地利用总平均分维值分别为1.444和1.357;总平均稳定性指数分别为0.056和0.143。二期土地利用类型平均稳定性排序为:草地(0.233)〉水域(0.206)〉村镇建设用地(0.198)〉未利用地(0.175)〉灌木林地(0.143)〉有林地(0.138)〉耕地(O.042)。耕地、有林地、灌木林地稳定性相对较差,草地和水域最为稳定。通过对流域内土地利用类型的格局变化和复杂性与稳定性的研究,可为流域内合理利用土地及防护林空间配置与结构优化提供依据。  相似文献   

风景游览区土地利用/覆被变化与景观演变是自然保护与风景旅游业协调发展状况的直接表现。以云南石林世界自然遗产地的大石林景区为例,应用遥感技术和GIS空间分析技术,分析了1990年和2006年土地利用/覆被与景观格局变化。结果表明,天然灌草在研究期内减少了近50%,耕地减少了7.81%,石林地减少了4.15%,云南松林、交通用地、水体、建筑、滇青冈林、柏树林、人工草地、香樟树林8种景观类型均有所增加。景观类型呈现出不稳定和频繁变化的特点,地类间的转化呈多向交叉转移转化,除建筑、水体、滇青冈林保有率较高外,其余各地类均有超过50%的比重发生转入和转出。景观间的连通性降低,多样性增加,异质性增强。  相似文献   

Roads and topography can determine patterns of land use and distribution of forest cover, particularly in tropical regions. We evaluated how road density, land use, and topography affected forest fragmentation, deforestation and forest regrowth in a Brazilian Atlantic Forest region near the city of São Paulo. We mapped roads and land use/land cover for three years (1962, 1981 and 2000) from historical aerial photographs, and summarized the distribution of roads, land use/land cover and topography within a grid of 94 non-overlapping 100 ha squares. We used generalized least squares regression models for data analysis. Our models showed that forest fragmentation and deforestation depended on topography, land use and road density, whereas forest regrowth depended primarily on land use. However, the relationships between these variables and forest dynamics changed in the two studied periods; land use and slope were the strongest predictors from 1962 to 1981, and past (1962) road density and land use were the strongest predictors for the following period (1981–2000). Roads had the strongest relationship with deforestation and forest fragmentation when the expansions of agriculture and buildings were limited to already deforested areas, and when there was a rapid expansion of development, under influence of São Paulo city. Furthermore, the past (1962) road network was more important than the recent road network (1981) when explaining forest dynamics between 1981 and 2000, suggesting a long-term effect of roads. Roads are permanent scars on the landscape and facilitate deforestation and forest fragmentation due to increased accessibility and land valorization, which control land-use and land-cover dynamics. Topography directly affected deforestation, agriculture and road expansion, mainly between 1962 and 1981. Forest are thus in peril where there are more roads, and long-term conservation strategies should consider ways to mitigate roads as permanent landscape features and drivers facilitators of deforestation and forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

本文以青海省循化孟达自然保护区为试点,以两期土地利用图为基本信息源,利用ArcGIS软件平台建立空间信息库,计算土地利用的Markov转移矩阵,从时间、空间和数量上分析1991~2003年孟达自然保护区土地利用变化状况,预测了2015和2027年的各类土地利用面积变化比重。结果表明:乔木林地和农业用地的变化幅度最大,其中,乔木林地覆盖率明显增大,从1991年的25.58%,到2015年和2027年的44.01%和46.10%;农业用地面积比重明显降低,由1991年的19.05%减小到2015年和2027年的1.81%,1.98%,其余用地变化动态较小。  相似文献   

乡村土地利用与景观格局动态变化研究   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
依据景观生态学理论和研究方法,运用遥感和地理信息系统技术,对粤西南华农场3个时期土地利用与景观格局进行了分析与评价。结果表明,不同时期生产性用地中,斑块类型、块块数目与面积变化较大。70年代,景观优势度较高,多样性和均匀性较低;80年代,随斑块类型和斑块数量的增加,景观多样性、均匀性显著增加,破碎化指数增大,景观格局发生较大变化;90年代,一些斑块类型逐渐消失,景观优势、多样性和均匀性较80年代有  相似文献   

黑龙江省大庆地区景观动态变化及预测研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于大庆地区1978、1988、1992、1996、2001年5个时段的MSS和TM影像,获取20余年不同时期的土地利用景观变化信息,以GIS技术为数据集成分析平台,利用景观组分转移概率矩阵分析探讨了大庆地区23年来景观的动态变化;应用马尔可夫理论,对大庆地区未来几十年景观动态变化过程进行了模拟分析和定量预测。结果表明:草地不断退化,湿地大面积减少,沙化和盐碱化日趋严重;大庆地区2010年后景观类型变化的趋势是耕地、林地、盐碱地、沙地和建设用地在逐年增加,草地、湿地和水域逐年减少,这种变化将持续很长时间,直到相对稳定状态时,耕地占53.45%,林地5.89%,草地12.25%,湿地7.67%,盐碱地13.56%,沙地0.71%,水域1.01%.建设用地5.46%。  相似文献   

Forest cover and land use change directly impact biological diversity worldwide, contribute to climate change and affect the ability of biological systems to support human needs by altering ecosystem services. Given the forest land use characteristics and ecosystem types in Luang Namtha Province, Lao PDR, the forest cover and land cover category of Luang Namtha Province were divided into six classes, i.e., current forest (CF), potential forest (PF), other wooded areas (OW), permanent agricultural land (PA), other non-forest areas (NF) and water (W). In first instance, earlier geographic information data (GIS data) of forest cover and land use during 1992 and 2002 was obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), Lao PDR. Two steps of forest land use change assessment were conducted by the MAF, i.e., plot sampling on satellite image maps (SIMs) to detect the changes of forest cover and land use during 1992 and 2002 for the entire Luang Namtha Province and field verification in order to identify causes of the changes. Secondly, dynamic information of the forest land cover changes during this ten-year period was calculated by means of map algebra in ArcGIS 9.2. Thirdly, based on the theory of ecosystem service functions and the service function values of different global ecosystems, the value of the six forest cover and land use categories in the province was obtained. Finally, ecological environmental effects, produced by the regional land cover changes over the study period, were calculated.  相似文献   

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