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从植物体本身着手研究植物氮素高效利用的机理与途径,这是近几年来植物氮素营养研究的热点之一,而调动植物液泡中的硝酸盐使之得到更高程度的再利用,这是提高植物氮素利用效率和降低植物体内硝酸盐含量的途径之一。试验采用土培试验,研究叶面喷施质量分数为1%的氯化钾溶液对油菜角果初期和收获期植株硝酸盐累积再利用的影响,以喷施质量分数为1.17%的硫酸钾溶液(要求氯化钾和硫酸钾溶液中钾离子的物质的量浓度相同)和清水作为对照,在开花后期开始喷施,连续隔日喷洒15天,喷施部位在茎和叶,重点喷洒叶的背面,尽量不喷施至叶柄,于角果初期和收获期采样。结果表明,喷施氯化钾溶液能显著降低油菜角果初期和收获期茎、叶、根硝酸盐含量和植株硝酸盐总量,促进硝酸盐再利用;可以增强角果初期叶片硝酸还原酶的活性;能增加收获期干物质累积量,但不影响角果初期干物质累积量。  相似文献   

氮素是植物生长发育必不可少的大量元素之一,土壤中的硝酸盐是植物获取氮素的主要来源。植物对硝酸盐的吸收与利用是通过一个精密的信号调控网络来实现的,其中硝酸盐转运蛋白在植物体内硝酸盐的运输和分配过程中发挥着重要的作用。通过对氮素利用途径中不同硝酸盐转运基因在硝酸盐的吸收、转运、同化和再利用进行功能鉴定,可以更好地解析硝酸盐在植物体内的吸收机制,从而找到提高植物氮素利用效率的关键环节。因此,综述了植物硝酸盐转运蛋白对土壤中硝酸盐的响应和信号的传递;硝酸盐转运蛋白在植株体内参与硝酸盐的转运、储存和再利用的功能以及硝酸盐在植物育种中的应用,并从对硝酸盐转运基因的单碱基编辑、关键结构域的改造和基因功能鉴定等方面进行展望。综述了有利于揭示硝酸盐转运基因的功能,拓宽植物吸收转运硝酸盐的分子机制认识,为提高植物氮素利用效率、培育氮高效利用农作物品种提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

玉米硝酸盐累积及其在适应持续低氮胁迫中的作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
旱地作物吸收氮素的主要形态是硝酸盐,硝酸盐的积累与再利用对植物适应低氮土壤环境具有重要意义。本试验利用两个硝酸盐累积能力不同的玉米自交系478(硝酸盐积累低)和W312(硝酸盐积累高)为研究材料,研究玉米的硝酸盐累积及其在适应持续低氮胁迫中的作用。结果表明,W312的硝酸还原酶活性和NR基因的表达都弱于478,而体内氨基酸含量显著较低。对一个可能与液泡膜硝酸盐转运有关的氯离子通道蛋白基因(ZmCLC)的表达分析发现,478的ZmCLC表达显著强于W312。说明W312硝酸盐积累能力强主要是由于其较弱的氮同化能力,而不是硝酸盐向液泡的运输能力强。在砂培体系并持续缺氮条件下,W312叶绿素含量(SPAD值)显著高于478,表明植株体内较高硝酸盐累积有助于W312适应持续缺氮的土壤环境。  相似文献   

植物液泡硝态氮累积的营养和生理学意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
黄彩变  王朝辉  李生秀 《土壤》2006,38(6):820-824
液泡是一个多功能而又复杂的细胞器。成熟植物茎叶的液泡占细胞体积的90%左右。细胞中的NO3--N有58%~99%存在于液泡中。因此,液泡被称为NO3--N的贮存库。研究植物细胞液泡的NO3--N累积引起了人们的重视,但是由于液泡中NO3--N测定技术的困难,这方面的研究目前并不很多。本文结合国内外相关研究结果,从以下几方面分析了NO3--N在液泡的累积:①植物液泡中NO3--N的累积数量;②NO3--N在细胞质与液泡间的转运;③液泡累积NO3--N的营养学意义;④液泡NO3--N累积的生理作用;⑤有关液泡中NO3--N累积研究的展望。  相似文献   

详细介绍了用双阻离子选择性微电极活体测定小白菜叶片活体细胞中硝酸根离子的活度的方法原理及注意事项。微电极与溶液中硝酸根离子的浓度呈对数曲线的关系,斜率为48~58mV,对硝酸根离子浓度有较低的检出限,是一种选择性高、灵敏、经济的测定植物活体细胞中离子活度的方法。小白菜生长至六叶期时,用含有5molm-3NO3-的营养液诱导48h。测定结果表明,叶片细胞中硝酸根离子活度分布在活度高低明显不同的两个区间内,在细胞质中是0.24~10molm-3,液泡中20~110molm-3,且两个区间在细胞跨膜电位上也有差异。液泡占整个细胞体积的90%,所以,植物所吸收的硝酸根离子都集中在液泡中。  相似文献   

王波  赖涛  贾莉君  沈其荣 《土壤学报》2008,45(3):555-560
蔬菜中硝酸盐因其对人类健康有不利影响而受到广泛的关注[1~4]。沈其荣等[5]认为植物液泡作为临时的无机离子和养分离子的储存库,在维持细胞质离子浓度的动态稳定的过程中有着很重要的作用。硝态氮是液泡中储存大量离子的成分之一,当外源硝态氮供应不足时,储存于液泡中的硝态氮能被调配出来维持细胞质中硝酸盐浓度的稳定而满足植物对氮的需求。同样也有人提出不同的观点,认为细胞液泡内的硝酸盐离子是不容易被植物再调动的[5],植物在细胞质中同化硝酸盐离子的速度远远超过了硝酸盐离子从液泡中释放进而被植物再利用的速率,仅仅通过调动液泡内的硝酸盐是不能够维持植物的正常生长的。我们先前在水稻、菠菜、小白菜、番茄、生菜等作  相似文献   

选用高效吸收利用氮素的氮高效品种,是在适当降低施氮量的条件下维持较高产量水平的重要途径之一。国内外有关氮高效生理、遗传基础研究方面已经开展了多年的工作,在硝酸盐和铵转运蛋白基因克隆与功能分析、氮素调节根系发育、氮素诱导的基因表达谱、氮高效性状QTLs定位等方面都取得了重要进展,但这些研究集中于营养器官,很少涉及到作物产量器官——穗和籽粒。以玉米为例,综述了氮素供应不足对穗、籽粒发育的影响,并重点从氮素代谢相关酶及细胞分裂素信号互作的角度,论述了氮素调节玉米穗和籽粒发育的可能生理机制,提出了一个理论假设。图2,参36。  相似文献   

水稻磷素吸收与转运分子机制研究进展   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
磷素是植物体内重要的大量元素之一,其含量约占植物干重的 0.2%。由于磷元素作为许多重要生物大分子的关键组分,且参与植物体内许多的生理生化反应,因此植物的生长和发育都离不开磷元素。植物在长期的进化过程中,形成了一套高效地吸收和利用磷素的分子调控机制。本文将重点阐述水稻中无机磷从土壤吸收进根系再转运到地上部并进行分配的分子机制,并对今后的水稻磷素吸收和转运的研究重点进行展望。水稻根系主要通过定位在细胞膜上的磷酸盐转运体 (Phosphate Transporter1,PHT1) 吸收土壤中无机磷。当无机磷被吸收进入根系细胞内部后,通过质外体和共质体两种养分的运输途径,将其运输到根中维管束,并通过PHO1 将无机磷由根系加载到地上部。然后水稻根据其地上部不同组织器官对无机磷的需求进行分配,而多余的无机磷将储存在液泡内,维持细胞内无机磷的平衡。目前对磷酸盐转运体吸收磷素的分子机制研究较为清楚,但对于磷素在植物体内的储存、分配和再利用过程的机制还研究较少。液泡作为水稻无机磷储存的主要部位,对于维持细胞内无机磷的平衡尤其重要;节是水稻营养元素 (包括磷素) 在地上部进行分配的重要部位。但目前对于定位于液泡膜上和节上的磷酸盐转运体的机制研究较少。因此,未来挖掘与解析水稻体内负责磷素储存、分配和再利用的磷酸盐转运体及其作用机制,能为培育磷高效利用的水稻提供新的依据。  相似文献   

作物硝态氮转运利用与氮素利用效率的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】 铵态氮(NH4+)和硝态氮(NO3-)是作物氮素吸收利用的主要形态,旱作作物NO3-的累积与利用是氮素营养研究的主要组成部分,关系到理解作物NO3-的转运和利用关系及作物体内NO3-含量和氮素利用效率(nitrogen utilization efficiency,NUE)高低的问题。主要进展 作物吸收的NO3-分为被作物直接利用、分泌到根外、储存在液泡和向地上部分运输四种途径。其中NO3-短途分配(液泡NO3-分配)和长途转运(地上、地下部NO3-的转运)共同调控着NO3-的利用效率,进而影响作物的NUE。液泡NO3-不能被作物直接利用,只有分配到液泡外细胞质中的NO3-才能被作物迅速代谢和利用;同时有更大比例的NO3-分配到地上部分,使得作物可以充分利用太阳光能进行NO3-代谢和能量转换,从而提高了作物的NUE。此外,液泡对NO3-起到分隔作用,储存在液泡中的NO3-并不能对NO3-转运相关基因(如NR、NO3-长途转运基因NRT1.5和NRT1.8)起到诱导效果;只有分配在液泡外原生质体中的NO3-才能对NO3-诱导基因产生强烈的诱导。因此,作物细胞原生质体中液泡内、外NO3-的分配不仅影响了NO3-的同化利用,而且直接影响了NO3-的长途转运。展望 本文对植物原生质体中液泡内、外NO3-的短途分配和地上、地下部间NO3-的长途转运机制进行了总结,为进一步深入研究作物地上、地下部NO3-长途转运和液泡NO3-短途分配的关系,以及更好地揭示作物NUE对NO3-转运和利用的响应机理提供参考。  相似文献   

  【目的】  磷素作为植物生长发育过程中必需的大量营养元素之一,因其在土壤中的难移动性使得根系对磷的获取有限。植物为满足其生长对磷素的需求,已经进化出一系列相应的机制提高对内部磷的再利用,以减少磷肥投入,保证产量的同时实现环境友好。本文以植物内部磷的高效利用为核心,重点剖析植物有机磷库与无机磷库中磷素的活化再利用的途径,综述释放出的无机磷在不同组织和器官中的转运过程,并对今后深入研究磷再利用的有关方向作出展望。  主要进展  植物体内磷的存在形式主要包括无机磷和有机磷两种。植物吸收的多余无机磷会被暂时储存在液泡中,并在植物缺磷时外流到胞质以满足植物对磷的需求,位于液泡膜的磷酸盐转运蛋白负责无机磷在液泡和胞质之间的分配。存在于核酸和磷脂中的有机磷在磷缺乏时由酶类(核酸酶、磷脂酶和紫色酸性磷酸酶等)水解并释放无机磷以供植物生长需要。植物遭受低磷胁迫,营养器官(老叶等)中活化的无机磷由多种磷酸盐转运蛋白转运到幼叶等新的生长中心被利用,从而显著提高磷的再利用效率。磷转运蛋白(PHTs)通过调控磷向籽粒的运输降低了磷在禾谷类作物籽粒中的积累,提高了磷利用效率,同时降低环境风险。  展望  现阶段的研究较为详细地阐述了植物体内磷素再活化的生理分子机制,但对磷转运功能蛋白参与特定磷转运过程的相关研究仍不够全面,比如液泡磷能调控细胞磷稳态,目前已鉴定得到的与其外排有关的转运蛋白极少,其调控机制也有待深入探索。国内外关于PHT1、PHT2、PHT3和PHT4蛋白如何将磷素从源器官转运到库器官缺乏系统的研究。无机磷库和有机磷库中磷的利用对植物应对缺磷的贡献也鲜有报道。因此,植物体内与磷再活化后转运利用相关的分子生物学调控机理还需进一步研究。  相似文献   

详细介绍了用双阻离子选择性微电极活体测定小白菜叶片活体细胞中硝酸根离子的活度的方法原理及注意事项.微电极与溶液中硝酸根离子的浓度呈对数曲线的关系,斜率为48~58 mV,对硝酸根离子浓度有较低的检出限,是一种选择性高、灵敏、经济的测定植物活体细胞中离子活度的方法.小白菜生长至六叶期时,用含有5mol m-3 NO3-的营养液诱导48h.测定结果表明,叶片细胞中硝酸根离子活度分布在活度高低明显不同的两个区间内,在细胞质中是0.24~10 mol m-3,液泡中20~110 mol m-3, 且两个区间在细胞跨膜电位上也有差异.液泡占整个细胞体积的90%, 所以,植物所吸收的硝酸根离子都集中在液泡中.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted over two years to evaluate the gas exchange, water relations, and water use efficiency (WUE) of wheat under different water stress and nitrogen management practices at Crop Physiology Research Area, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Four irrigation regimes and four nitrogen levels, i.e., 0, 50, 100, and 150 kg N ha?1 were applied in this study. The photosynthetic gas exchange parameters [net carbon dioxide (CO2) assimilation rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance] are remarkably improved by water application and nitrogen (N) nutrition. Plants grown under four irrigation treatments as compared with those grown under one irrigation treatment average stomatal conductance increased from 0.15 to 0.46 μ mol m?2s?1mol during 2002–2003 and 0.18 to 0.33 μ mol m?2s?1mol during the year 2003–2004 and photosynthetic rate from 9.33 to 13.03 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1 and 3.99 to 7.75 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1 during the year 2002–2003 and 2003–2004, respectively. The exposure of plants to water and nitrogen stress lead to noticeable decrease in leaf water potential, osmotic potential and relative water content. Relative water content (RWC) of stressed plants dropped from 98 to 75% with the decrease in number of irrigation and nitrogen nutrition. The higher leaf water potential, and relative water contents were associated with higher photosynthetic rate. Water use efficiency (WUE) reduced with increasing number of irrigations and increased with increasing applied nitrogen at all irrigation levels.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen fertilization on flower abscission in pepper was studied under different growth regimes. The pepper plants were irrigated with 4, 9, and 14 meq L?1of nitrate (N4, N9, and N14). The plants were grown in winter under a low level (639 mol m?2) of cumulative photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (LPAR), and in spring under a high level (1074 mol m?2) of cumulative PAR (HPAR). The number of flowers and flower abscission were higher under HPAR than under LPAR. Flower abscission was higher in response to treatment N4, than in response to treatments N9 and N14, while the flower number was significantly lower. Flower abscission was strongly correlated with growth-related parameters as well as with the carbon or nitrogen contents in plants. Neither the sucrose fluxes nor the amino acid fluxes through the flower pedicels were affected by nitrogen supply. The sucrose fluxes were strongly correlated with air temperature.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen (30 and 120 mg N per cuvette) on photosynthetic rate of four cultivars of triticale (‘Bolero’, ‘Grado’, ‘Largo’, and ‘Lasko’) grown 14 days in phytotron was strongly modified by water content (75, 45 and 35% of full water capacity). For plants grown under 35% of full water capacity, it was higher when they were grown under 30 than under 120 mg N/cuvette (9.88 and 8.76 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1, respectively) but for plants grown under 45 and 75% of full water capacity there were not significant differences. Transpiration, stomatal conductance, photosynthetic water use efficiency, and internal water use efficiency were not influenced by nitrogen doses independently of water content. Photosynthetic rate, transpiration, stomatal conductance, photosynthetic water use efficiency, and dry matter of studied cultivars of triticale grown under 45 and 35% of full water capacity and both nitrogen doses were lower than for plants grown under 75% of full water capacity. With lowering of water content stomatal conductance was decreasing similarly as photosynthetic rate e.g. for plants grown under 35% of full water capacity as compared with those grown under 75% of full water capacity average stomatal conductance decreased from 0.209 to 0.138 mol H2O m?2 s?1 and photosynthetic rate from 13.69 to 9.32 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1 and as a result there were not significant differences in internal water use efficiency for all studied combinations (67.09 μmol CO2 mol?1 H2O) which shows that stomatal factors were mainly responsible for changes of photosynthetic rate. With lowering of water content from 75 to 35% of full water capacity the decrease of photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance was much higher than the decreases of transpiration (from 3.57 to 3.02 mmol H2O m?2 s?1) what shows not direct dependence of transpiration on stomatal conductance (water use efficiency decreased from 3.87 to 3.10 μmol CO2 mmol?1 H2O). The effect of nitrogen on dry matter production was strongly modified by water availability e.g. for plants grown under 35% of full water capacity, dry matter was similarly independent of nitrogen dose but for plants grown under 45 and 75% of full water capacity dry matter was significantly higher than when they were grown under 120 (79.05 and 86.75 mg, respectively) or with 30 mg N/cuvette (74.03 and 80.30 mg, respectively).  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogen (N‐) and phosphorus (P‐) deficiency, isolatedly or in combination, on growth, nitrogenous fraction, and inorganic phosphate in xylem exudade, and photosynthesis of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Negrito) were investigated. Plants were grown in nutrient solution adjusted daily to pH 5.5 and aerated continuously. Ten days after emergence mineral deficiency was imposed. Plants were then supplied with high N (7.5 mol m‐3) or low N (0.5 mol m‐3), and also with high P (0.5 mol m‐3) or low P (0.005 mol m‐3). All sampling and measurements were made 28 days after emergence. N‐ or P‐deprivation brought about large decreases in total leaf area by inhibiting the emergence of new leaves and primarily the expansion of the leaves. The specific leaf area did not change under N‐ but decreased under P‐limitation. The decreased shoot to root ratio in all deficiency treatments was a consequence of a lowering mass of above‐ground organs, especially of leaves.

The content of chlorophylls declined significantly only under N‐deficiency alone; carotenoids declined under both N‐ and combined N‐ and P‐limitation. No alteration in amino acid concentration in xylem exudate occurred in plants experiencing N‐starvation, while ureides increased by 79%, and nitrate and inorganic phosphate decreased greatly. Under P‐deprivation, amino acids and nitrate in xylem sap dropped by about half; ureides were held relatively constant, and phosphate was severely depressed. Total upward translocation of N through xylem was estimated to be about 16% higher in N‐deficient plants than in plants without mineral limitation, but leaf N levels in the former were lower as compared to control plants. The net carbon (C) assimilation decreased similarly regardless of the imposed deficiency treatment. Such a decrease was mainly determined by non‐stomatal factors. In general, no additive effect between N‐ and P‐limitation on any of measured parameters was observed.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of nitrogen (N) forms and deficient and toxic rates of boron (B) on the growth, NO3 accumulation, membrane permeability, mineral nutrition, and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of bunch onion (Allium cepa L. var. Radar) plants. Therefore, 20% of NO3 in reference nutrient solution was replaced by NH4, urea, or mixed amino acids (AA). To each of these solutions 3, 30, or 300 mmol m?3 B was added. Fresh and dry weights were the same in the reference and mixed AA treatments, but NH4 and urea decreased these growth parameters as compared to the reference. Mixed AA decreased the NO3-N content while urea increased it, and NH4 treatment yielded similar NO3-N content as compared to the reference. The nitrogen content of plants was increased by NO3 replacement with either NH4 and, urea or mixed AA. At the 300 mmol m?3 B rate, B content of plants was decreased by NH4 and urea, but increased by the mixed AA treatment. Membrane permeability was increased by NH4?replacement of NO3. Nitrogen use efficiency was found the highest in the reference treatment. Nitrogen and NO3-N contents were increased by the 300 mmol m?3 B rate. Increasing B in nutrient solution increased the B contents of plants. Mixed AA treatment decreased the phosphorus (P) content of plants. Potassium (K) and chloride (Cl) contents of plants were decreased in the NH4 treatment where B was applied at the 3 mmol m?3 rate. These results suggest that bunch onion growers may reduce NO3 content in onion tops by partially replacing NO3 with amino acids without reducing yield.  相似文献   

蔬菜不同器官的硝态氮与水分、全氮、全磷的关系   总被引:80,自引:7,他引:80  
在亩施12kg氮素的肥沃菜园红油土上分别种植菠菜、小白菜和莴笋等3种蔬菜,并于翌年3月施肥10天后分3次采样测定不同器官的硝态氮和水分、全氮、全磷含量,研究硝态氮分布与后三者之间的关系。结果表明,3种蔬菜的硝态氮含量因器官而异,根、茎和叶柄的的含量最高(557.8~1196.7g/g,鲜重),外围叶片次之(213.5~551.8g/g,鲜重),心叶叶片最低(120.6~198.3g/g,鲜重)。蔬菜各器官的水分、全氮和全磷含量存在明显差异。茎、叶柄、外围和心叶叶片的硝态氮含量与其中的水分含量呈显著正相关(r=0.910~0.956),与其中的全氮、全磷含量呈显著负相关(r=-0.733~-0.951)。根系与这一趋势不符。  相似文献   

郭鹏飞  张筱茜  韩文  张坤  刁明 《水土保持学报》2018,32(4):109-114,121
2016年和2017年在北方寒旱地区日光温室西葫芦栽培中,灌溉定额为269.87mm,设置2个滴灌频率(低频W1:7天1次,高频W2:2天1次)和2个氮素水平(适氮N1:375kg/hm~2,高氮N2:565kg/hm~2),研究不同处理对温室西葫芦土壤水分、硝态氮分布及西葫芦产量的影响。结果表明:(1)高频(W2)滴灌提高了0—40cm土层的土壤水分,减少了水分的深层下渗。(2)高氮(N2)施肥各土层硝态氮含量较高,适氮处理配合高频次滴灌根区0—40cm硝态氮含量维持在相对适宜水平,40—80cm土层硝态氮含量相对较低,提高滴灌频率可降低氮素向深层淋失的风险。(3)在适氮(N1)水平下,西葫芦产量对于滴灌频率敏感,而对于高氮(N2)水平,提高滴灌频率,产量增加不显著。(4)在定额滴灌量下,滴灌频率对西葫芦水分利用效率的影响大于施氮肥对西葫芦水分利用效率的影响。(5)W2N1处理更有利于西葫芦的生长和产量的提高,推荐北方寒旱地区日光温室西葫芦施氮量为375kg/hm~2,灌溉频率为2天1次。  相似文献   


Given the growing adoption and use of recycled irrigation across the turfgrass industry, there is importance in understanding the effects of irrigation chemistry on N uptake efficiency as it relates to various soluble N sources. The objective of this study was to determine interactive effects of three soluble N sources (ammonium sulfate, potassium nitrate, and urea) and three irrigation water sources (reverse osmosis (R.O.), sodic potable, and 2.5 dS m?1 saline (SA)) on turfgrass performance and 15N nitrogen uptake efficiency following foliar N fertilization. Results demonstrated that although all water and N source treatments produced above-acceptable levels of quality in Champion bermudagrass, both N and water source significantly impacted nitrogen uptake efficiency. Following an eight-hour uptake period, approximately 40 to 70% of foliar-applied N (from a 0.5?g N m?2 application) was recovered across all N sources. The highest uptake efficiency was noted with ammonium sulfate and urea treatments, with noticeably lower recoveries of N detected with potassium nitrate fertilization. Ammonium sulfate produced similar or improved turf quality to other N sources under R.O. and sodic potable irrigation, but reduced turf quality and green cover under saline irrigation. When water sources containing moderately high salinity levels (2.5 dS m?1) are used, potassium nitrate (KNO3) may provide the greatest turfgrass quality, however, its uptake efficiency may be lower than other N sources. The results suggest that soluble N source and tank mix and/or irrigation water chemistry may be important considerations for maximizing foliar uptake efficiency and minimizing potential for environmental loss.  相似文献   

为明确增密减氮对烤烟产质量及肥料利用率的调控效应。以烤烟品种"云烟105"为材料,研究种植密度(13 890,15 150,16 665株/hm~2)和施氮水平(0,84,94.5,105 kg/hm~2)及其互作对烤烟产质量及养分利用效率的影响。结果表明:适度增密减氮能显著提高烤烟肥料利用率、产量和产值,使烟叶总糖、还原糖、钾含量显著升高,总氮、烟碱含量降低,对水溶性氯无显著影响,烟叶化学品质更加协调。烟叶化学成分协调性及烤烟氮磷钾利用率显著受年份、密度、施氮及年份×施氮、密度×施氮、年份×密度×施氮互作影响,其中施氮、密度及互作对烟叶化学成分含量效应分别为42.5%,27.3%,18.9%,而其对养分利用率的效应分别为38.2%,25.4%,23.8%。与当前烤烟种植模式相比,增密和减氮10%~20%组合对烤烟增产、提质和增效作用显著,最佳密度和施氮量分别为15 150株/hm~2和84.0~94.5 kg/hm~2。  相似文献   

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