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无口环活塞改进的发动机活塞即是无口环活塞,它能改善活塞与缸壁间的密封,避免有环口出现时缸内上下串气降低发动机的功力而增大机油和燃料的消耗污气排放,固而维持发动机的动力,节省燃料、机油、延长大修周期并减少空气污染。现多数新车发动机一般正常运行15万公里...  相似文献   

道路翻浆可以导致路面严重破坏,降低公路的使用寿命,同时因为车辆陷入坑里降低车速,损坏车辆机件,增加燃料消耗和汽车修理费用而造成大量经济损失。  相似文献   

燃料消耗费在整个运输成本中占很大比例,减少燃料消耗,对降低运输成本具有明显作用。为此,加强油料管理,研究节油措施是很有意义的。本文就影响运材汽车燃料经济性的主要因素进行分析,以期挖掘更大的节油潜力,进一步降低运材成本。  相似文献   

据美国纽约州奥尔巴尼2005年7月17日消息:现在农场主、商人和政府官员在乙醇和生物燃料植物可更新能源方面的投资达数百万美元。但是,最新的研究表明,选择这一能源生产方法消耗的能量要比生产的能量更多。乙醇和生物燃料的支持者认为,生物燃料要比化石燃料更清洁,可减少美国对石油的依赖,而且给农民创造了另一个出售其产品的市场。政府部门的George Pataki说,他希望使纽约的生物燃料工业成为美国最强大的工业之一。  相似文献   

汽油是工业、农业、交通运输业、国民经济各部门乃至社会生活不可缺少的重要物资,是各种机动设备特别是汽车的重要燃料。为降低生产成本和车辆燃料消耗费用、提高燃烧效率、减少排放物现介绍一种城市用清洁型汽油及其制备方法。 此种清洁型汽油乃是以国产70 #以上的汽油或石脑油及甲醇为主要原料,添加少量助溶剂、动力性能改进(助燃、清洁)剂,通过调和生产制得。此种清洁型汽油的原料,添加剂的组份和所占比例如下: 汽油或石脑油60%~90%,甲醇10%~30%,助溶剂1%~8%,动力性能改进剂3%~10%。 其中,主要的助溶剂为C3-C10醇和C3-C10醚,动力性能改进剂为C;一C。含氧烃。原料和添加剂按比例加人静态混合器,在常温下混合均匀即可。 清洁型汽油采用价格较低的石油、化工产品和工业废料为主要原料,可以大大降低生产成本和汽车燃料费用。由于该配方与常规汽油互溶,而且不含铅和卤素添加剂,可以有效减少汽车尾气污染和对发动机的腐蚀。该汽油对汽车性能无不良影响,亦无需对现有车辆进行改造。 联系人;刘伟 地址:辽宁省盘锦市兴隆刍 辽河石油勘探局石油化工所 邮编:124010城市用清洁型汽油  相似文献   

针对道路运输企业营运车辆运行过程中燃油消耗状态难以监控的实际情况,本文设计了以单片机STC89C52为核心的车载油耗实时监测系统.提出监控系统的总体设计方案,搭建由电源处理模块、单片机主控模块、油耗数据采集模块、GPS定位模块、GPRS无线通信模块和数据存储模块构成的硬件系统,开发系统控制软件和上位机油耗管理软件.该车载油耗实时监测系统操作方便,成本较低,兼容性强,具有广阔的应用前景.能够对营运车辆行车过程中的实时耗油量进行统计分析,结合生产计划进行燃料供给管理工作,能够有效改善道路运输企业的燃油浪费现象,实现节能增效的目的.  相似文献   

机动车燃料系统清洁剂生产工艺机动车燃料系统清洁剂的作用是在机动车补给燃料时,将清洁剂从加汕口注人燃料箱,在汕箱内与燃料混合,使机动车燃料系统保持清洁。机动车燃料是在车辆行驶时,通过管路、油泵、滤清器、化汕器等进人燃烧室。清洁剂加入燃料中,随着燃料的运...  相似文献   

内燃机节能与代用燃料的开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
惠长林 《森林工程》2003,19(2):39-40
内燃机的节能方式与各种代用燃料的开发是节约石油资源的两个不同方面 ,最终达到一个目标———减少石油消耗 ,保护环境 ,提高人类的生存环境和维护生态平衡。  相似文献   

燃料系统是燃机电站的重要系统之一,燃料系统工艺流程设计是整个系统能否正常运行的前提和基础。以某燃机电站为例,介绍了燃料系统工艺流程初步方案,通过燃料Wobbe指数、燃料露点等特性参数的理论计算分析,得出初步方案不满足机组运行要求,进而提出改进方案。经过对比选定后的改进方案投入运行良好,有效解决了燃料系统工艺流程初步方案存在的问题。  相似文献   

张泱  王志军 《森林工程》1995,11(2):57-58
道路试验法确定运材汽车燃料消耗有三种方法,一是等速燃料经济性实验;二是使用燃料消耗量的试验法;三是多工况循环试验法。这些方法都是充分考虑林区实际来确定燃料消耗的。  相似文献   

Pre-fire woody fuel (diameter > 0.6 cm) structure and its consumption by fire were measured at experimental/prescribed fires and high intensity wildfires in eucalypt forests in southern Australia in order to better understand and model the dynamics of woody fuel consumption. Two approaches were used in model development: (1) a fire or plot level analysis, based on a dataset which includes the proportion of the pre-fire woody fuel load consumed at each fire; and (2) a stage level analysis, based on a dataset where woody fuel consumption was measured at a woody fuel particle level (i.e. pre-fire and post-fire diameter). For the plot level analysis a generalised linear model (GLM) approach identified the Forest Fire Danger Index (FFDI) as the best predictor of the proportion of woody fuel consumed, with an R2 of 0.58 and mean absolute error of 10%. The stage level analysis recognised the various combustion stages through which a burning woody particle would pass, but failed to develop an accurate model that predicted the ignition, partial and full consumption of woody fuels based on fuel, fire behaviour and environmental variables. Analysis showed that consumption of woody fuel particles is highly variable and that variation in fire behaviour potentially has a greater impact on woody fuel consumption, than does variation in fuel characteristics (e.g. state of decay, fuel suspension and interactions with other fuel particles). The FFDI GLM provides forest and fire managers with a tool to manage woody fuel consumption objectives and may assist fire managers with forecasting post-frontal fire behaviour. The FFDI GLM may also assist forest and fire managers to better meet land management goals and to comply with air quality and emission targets.  相似文献   

Fuel accounts for more than 35% of transport costs in Swedish forestry, and reduced fuel consumption would provide immediate economic and environmental benefits. The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of road gradient, curvature and surface roughness on fuel consumption of a conventional 60-ton logging truck. The study used a 320-km test track on both public and forest roads. The track was driven with various load weights in both dry summer and wet autumn conditions. Fuel consumption data were retrieved from the truck's CAN-bus system, and road data were measured with a profilograph. Average fuel consumption was 71.4?litres/100?km. A regression analysis showed that the most important factor was the interaction between vehicle weight and gradient, explaining the 86% increase between empty and fully loaded truck. In addition, the regression analysis quantified the individual effects of undulation, curvature and surface roughness, explaining the 107% increase in fuel consumption between the highest and lowest road class. Results from the proposed regression model (R2 of 84% for a road section length of 1000?m) were consistent with predictions given by the European ARTEMIS model, and the proposed model can be used to improve cost estimation and route selection.  相似文献   

普洱市发展生物质固体燃料产业的前景与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了普洱市的能源消费现状与工业生物质能终端消费情况,分析了普洱市林业、农业秸秆资源概况,展望了普洱市发展生物质固体燃料产业的前景,提出了发展对策,指出普洱市可基于现有较发达的木材工业体系,优先建立与发展基于林业生物质资源的生物质固体燃料产业带。  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the determination of fuel consumption (CO2 emission) and exhaust emissions such as CO, HC, NOx, and PM in the process of timber extraction and transport. A complex assessment of fuel consumption and exhaust emissions was performed for the entire, fully mechanized supply chain including, tree felling, delimbing, and bucking with a harvester, timber extraction with a forwarder and transport with a truck. The performed investigations determined unit exhaust emissions (referred to 1 m3 of timber) for the entire technological process and its individual stages. The investigations of the exhaust emissions and fuel consumption were performed under actual conditions of typical forest operations and transport. State-of-the-art portable emissions measurement system equipment was used for the measurements. The fuel consumption was determined through the carbon balance method. The investigations were performed for the process of extraction and transport of pulpwood. The measurements were performed on location in the town of B?bnik?t near Poznań, in a pinewood forest, typical of this part of Europe. The analysis includes the transport of timber to the lumberyard on a distance of 31.4 km. The total fuel consumption for the entire mechanized supply chain was 2.10 dm3/m3. The total exhaust emissions, however, amounted to: CO—8.91 g/m3, HC—1.19 g/m3, NOx—45.32 g/m3, PM—4.04 g/m3.  相似文献   

油锯锯切效率和锯切耗油率测定的基本方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本论述采用专用的锯切试验机测定油锯锯切效率和锯切耗油率的基本方法。专用试验机结构紧凑、进锯机构摩擦阻力小,可以获得工程级测定精度。并能同步测定锯切效率和锯切耗油率。  相似文献   

通过对保山市高黎贡山周边社区森林能源现状调查分析 ,结果表明 :该区现有森林资源 192 3万m3 ,每年的薪材消耗量为 16万m3 ,占总资源量的 0 83%。目前可能提供的薪材量为 7 6万m3 ,仅为需求量的 4 7 5%。作为主要薪材来源的杂灌木林 ,每公顷产柴量只有 4m3 ,仅为一般薪炭林产量的 4 3%。依据该区的经济及资源状况、消费结构、薪材供需和经营现状认为 ,要解决社区薪材供需矛盾 ,需要增加科技投入 ,加大低产林分改造力度 ,提高单位面积产柴量 ,限额开山采樵利用 ,加强经营管理技术  相似文献   

采用自制简易电控恒温燃油预热装置将柴油预热,在不同的预热温度对柴油发动机进行动力性能测试。实验结果表明,发动机在负荷特性试验时,预热后燃油消耗平均下降0.7%-3%;发动机在速度特性试验时发动机的动力性平均提高0.7%-1.1%,燃油消耗率平均下降5.9%-7.9%。  相似文献   

林火碳排放研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
火是森林生态系统主要的干扰因子, 森林火灾的频繁发生不仅使森林生态系统遭到破坏, 同时也造成了含碳温室气体的大量释放。综述了火烧面积、森林可燃物以及燃烧效率等主要因子对森林火灾排放碳量估计的影响, 分析了这一领域未来研究发展趋势。大量研究表明:1)卫星遥感是估测大尺度上森林过火面积的主要手段, 随着高分辨率卫星的应用, 森林火灾面积的估计精度不断得到提高。目前的研究主要集中于大尺度上林火面积的估计和估算方法的改进。2)遥感数据是目前估计大尺度可燃物燃烧量的有效手段, 利用遥感数据的同时结合有效可燃物计算模型, 运用多元线性与非线性分析结合等方法提高对可燃物燃烧量的估计。3)燃烧效率是决定可燃物消耗量的主要因子, 也是估计森林火灾释放含碳气体量的关键。未来的研究是利用高分辨率的遥感数据, 结合复杂的可燃物计算模型, 更精确地估计林火碳排放。  相似文献   

A study was done using eight different logging machines (harvesters and forwarders) in clear-felling operations to quantify the associated fuel consumption, and to define the inherent relationship between engine output power and fuel consumption. Exhaust emissions were also calculated on the basis of mean fuel consumption values, obtained by measurements, and from the developed regression and correlation model for diesel and rapeseed methyl ester (RME) fuels. The calculation considered exhaust emissions associated with the manufacture, distribution, and combustion of the respective fuels. It was found that carbon dioxide emissions amounted to 9.63 kg/m3 of delivered timber for diesel fuel, and to 10.64 kg/m3 for RME. It was also found that when using RME only 2.82 kg/m3 of carbon dioxide emissions originated from fossil resources, therefore, it is only this amount that can be deemed an environmental load, confirming RME as a lesser environmental pollutant.  相似文献   

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