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Swelling and inflammation along the incision line were observed after elective ovariohysterectomy in 22 of 66 cats in a retrospective study. In a prospective study of 99 feline abdominal incisions closed with surgical gut, polyglactin 910, or polydioxanone, with and without subcutaneous closure, the least inflammation occurred when the linea alba was sutured with polyglactin 910 and the subcutaneous tissues were not sutured. Histologically, reactions in the linea alba of 12 other cats progressed from purulent to fibromononuclear to fibrous within 14 days after closure with gut, polyglactin 910, and polydioxanone. Microscopic evidence of seroma formation in 9 of 12 animals in which the subcutaneous tissue was not sutured suggested that surgical closure of subcutaneous dead space was indicated. The inflammatory reaction did not appear to be related to any one suture material as reactions were seen with all of them.  相似文献   

This study compares the healing of oronasal defects created by partial maxillectomy when closed using two different suture materials and two different suture patterns. In experiment 1, 24 dogs were divided into four equal groups. Partial maxillectomy was performed on each dog and was closed using either a two-layer simple interrupted suture pattern (12 dogs) or a modified Mayo mattress pattern (12 dogs) with either polyglactin 910 (12 dogs) or polypropylene (12 dogs) sutures. On the seventh postoperative day, the dogs were euthanized, suture line bursting pressures were measured, and wound healing was evaluated grossly and histopathologically. Suture line dehiscence occurred in one dog from each of the four groups. These were the only dogs in which electrocoagulation had been used. The healing of suture lines closed with the two-layer simple interrupted pattern was superior to that of those closed with the modified Mayo mattress pattern based on the degree of gross oral ulceration, suppurative inflammation, fibrosis and oral epithelial covering at the suture line, and the number of necrotic sites in the adjacent tissue. The healing of suture lines closed with polypropylene was superior to that of those closed with polyglactin 910 based on suture line bursting pressures and the degree of suppurative inflammation and tissue necrosis at the suture sites. In Experiment 2, partial maxillectomies were performed on four dogs, and closure was achieved using a two-layer simple interrupted suture pattern with either polyglactin 910 (two dogs) or polypropylene (two dogs). On the 30th postoperative day, the dogs were euthanized, and wound healing was evaluated grossly and histopathologically. All suture lines were well healed. All polyglactin 910 oral sutures were absent, while all polypropylene oral sutures were still present.  相似文献   

Comparison was made of the healing of sutured prescrotal urethral incisions (12 dogs) with that of nonsutured incisions (6 dogs). Comparison was also made of the healing of 5-0 polyglactin 910-sutured urethral incisions (6 dogs) with that of 5-0 polydioxanone-sutured incisions (6 dogs). Three dogs from each treatment group were euthanatized 3 weeks and 6 weeks after the surgical procedure. Surgical sites were examined grossly, and urethral circumference measurements were taken at 3 locations (surgical site, 1 cm cranially, and 1 cm caudally). Transverse sections of the surgical sites were prepared and examined by light microscopy. Hemorrhage occurred postoperatively in dogs in which the incisions were not sutured. The surgical sites from the 6 dogs in which incisions healed by second intention had more fibrosis and less inflammation than did those that were sutured. There was little difference between incisions sutured with polyglactin 910 and those sutured with polydioxanone suture material. Postoperative urethral stricture formation did not occur in any of the dogs.  相似文献   

Five centimeter segments of the linea alba in mature, female, mixed breed dogs were incised and then approximated with either stainless steel fascial staples or size 0 polypropylene suture material. Breaking strength of the linea alba closures was determined at 0 (Phase I, 18 dogs) and at 7,14, and 31 days (Phase II, 18 dogs). Histology and videointeractive planar morphometry were used to evaluate healing of the linea alba. Breaking strength and histologic and morphometric variables were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance in a split plot design. In a clinical trial, 20 cm linea alba incisions were approximated with stainless steel fascial staples after elective ovariohysterectomy in mature, female, mixed breed dogs (Phase III, eight dogs). The dogs were evaluated at 1, 2, 7,14, 31, 90, and 180 days. Linea alba incisions approximated with polypropylene suture material were significantly stronger than linea alba incisions approximated with stainless steel fascial staples on day 0. There was no significant difference between breaking strength values, histologic, and morphometric appearance of linea alba incisions closed with stainless steel fascial staples or polypropylene suture material when compared 7,14, and 31 days after surgery. All of the dogs in the clinical trial appeared to be normal at all evaluation times. Approximation of linea alba incisions with stainless steel fascial staples compares favorably to closure with a simple continuous pattern of polypropylene suture material with regard to breaking strength, clinical, histologic, and morphometric appearance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate closure strength (in vitro bursting pressure) of jejunal enterotomies in llamas. STUDY DESIGN: In vitro experimental study. SAMPLE POPULATION: Jejunal specimens (n=72) from 6 llamas. METHODS: Differences in bursting pressures and luminal diameters were compared between 2 layer enterotomy closures with an initial full thickness simple continuous pattern oversewn with either a continuous Lembert or Cushing suture pattern using 3 sizes (2-0, 3-0, 4-0) of polyglactin 910 and polydioxanone. RESULTS: Bursting pressures were significantly higher for enterotomies closed with polydioxanone than polyglactin 910, independent of suture size, but there was no difference between Lembert and Cushing oversew patterns. Use of a Lembert pattern reduced intestinal diameter more than a Cushing pattern regardless of suture material or size. CONCLUSIONS: Although polydioxanone resisted higher bursting pressures than polyglactin 910, both suture materials should be considered satisfactory for jejunal enterotomy closure in llamas based on typical intraluminal pressures expected in clinical patients. The optimal oversew pattern may be continuous Cushing to maximize the luminal diameter in small intestinal enterotomy closures. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In vitro bursting pressures may help to predict which enterotomy sites would leak post-operatively, although further studies are necessary to determine the outcome in clinical patients.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was performed to evaluate the healing of ventral midline abdominal incisions, closed with a simple continuous suture pattern using absorbable suture material, in 139 horses and foals. Dehiscence and incisional hernia developed separately in two horses. The low incidence of dehiscence and incisional hernia, compared with their reported incidence following the use of interrupted suture repair, leads the authors to recommend this alternative method of abdominal incision closure in horses. The security of closure is not sacrificed and the advantages of a rapid closure are desirable.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Incisional complications are a major post operative challenge following ventral midline exploratory celiotomy for abdominal pain in horses. They lead to discomfort, prolonged hospitalisation, longer recovery times and increased cost; therefore, investigation of preventative procedures are warranted. Objectives: To determine the clinical effect of antibacterial (triclosan) coated 2‐0 polyglactin 910 suture material on the likelihood of incisional infections when used for closure of subcutaneous tissue following ventral midline celiotomies in horses. Methods: One hundred horses undergoing exploratory celiotomy assigned at random to one of 2 groups. In the control group coated 2‐0 polyglactin 910 (Vicryl) was used for apposition of the subcutaneous tissue in a simple continuous pattern and, in the study group, antibacterial (triclosan) coated 2‐0 polyglactin 910 suture material (Vicryl Plus) was used. Post operatively an elastic adhesive abdominal bandage was applied, changed and the incision was inspected by a clinician blinded to the study protocol at 24–36 h and 6–9 days post operatively. Outcomes of interest were evidence of incisional pain, incisional oedema, sheath/udder oedema, incisional drainage, hernia formation and dehiscence. Results: Antibacterial‐coated suture material did not decrease the likelihood of incisional complications in 100 horses. Conclusions: A beneficial effect on ventral midline incisions in 100 horses was not evident by using antibacterial‐coated suture material. Potential relevance: Lack of effectiveness of antibacterial‐coated suture material in equine ventral midline closure after exploratory celiotomy and the observed potential adverse effects suggest that further clinical investigations are needed before using such material routinely on horses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the bursting strength of ventral median abdominal incisions closed by either simple continuous or inverted cruciate suture patterns. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental. ANIMAL OR SAMPLE POPULATION: Twelve equine cadavers. METHODS: A 25 cm ventral median incision was made through the linea alba and a 200 L polyurethane bladder was placed within the abdomen. Either a simple continuous or an inverted cruciate pattern using 3 polyglactin 910 with a bite size and suture interval of 1.5 cm was used to close linea incisions. Closure time was recorded for each pattern. The bladder was inflated with air at 40 L/min, and the pressure at body wall failure recorded. The length of suture used for wound closure and the wound failure modes were recorded. Deviation from the linea (cm), total suture length (cm), suture length to wound length ratio (SL:WL), closure time (min), bursting pressure (mm Hg), and failure modes were compared between groups using Welch-Aspin t-tests. The effects of independent subject variables were assessed for possible effects on bursting strength using analysis of covariance. RESULTS: Mean bursting pressure was significantly greater for the simple continuous pattern than for the inverted cruciate pattern (P = .01). Significantly less suture material (P = .0002) was required with the continuous pattern than with the inverted cruciate pattern. Mean closure time, SL:WL, deviation from the linea, and failure modes were not significantly different between groups. No significant effects were noted for independent variables in both groups on bursting strength. CONCLUSIONS: In this model, a simple continuous closure pattern for ventral median abdominal incisions was stronger than an inverted cruciate pattern. A simple continuous pattern leaves less foreign material in the wound, which may be of benefit in reducing incisional complications. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Use of a continuous closure pattern for the linea alba may offer greater wound security during episodes of increased intra-abdominal pressure in horses.  相似文献   

Polydioxanone (PDS™) synthetic absorbable suture material was evaluated in 169 dogs and cats. Sutures or ligatures were used on 446 tissues including 18 contaminated and 16 infected wounds. There was less tissue friction than with polyglycolic acid or polyglactin 910 sutures. The suture tended to kink during placement of continuous suture patterns. There was one wound dehiscence.
Polydioxanone may be used wherever surgical gut, polyglycolic acid, or polyglactin 910 sutures are normally used.  相似文献   

This study compared incisional complications after ventral midline laparotomy using 2 absorbable suture materials for apposition of the linea alba in sheep. The linea alba of 93 yearling sheep was sutured by 3 veterinarians in a simple continuous pattern using either polyglactin 910 (PG910; group PG) or polydioxanone (PDS; group PD). A blinded observer assessed surgical sites at the time of suture removal. Multivariate logistic regression was used to assess the association between incisional complications and variables (suture material used, veterinarian, skin suture removal time). The odds of incisional complications did not vary significantly with the type of suture material used (P = 0.11), veterinarian (P = 0.61) or skin suture removal time (P = 0.36). Most incisional complications were cutaneous suture sinus formation. Either PG910 or PDS may be used for linea alba closure in sheep.  相似文献   

Six enterotomies 3 cm long, spaced at 3 cm intervals, were made in the antimesenteric border of the pelvic flexure of the ascending colon in five adult horses. Ten incisions each were sutured with a Utrecht pattern (single layer), a full-thickness simple continuous oversewn with a Cushing pattern (two layer), and a mucosal simple continuous with a seromuscular simple continuous oversewn with a Cushing pattern (three layer). In all horses, chromic gut and polyglactin 910 were each used once for each pattern. On day 6, the pelvic flexure was excised and the colonic vessels were injected with a radio-opaque mass. Sections of each enterotomy were studied by light microscopy and high detail radiography. The single-layer closure led to serosa-to-mucosa healing and a thin bowel wall, and the three-layer closure resulted in distortion of the bowel wall by hematoma formation and submucosal contamination with ingesta. The two-layer closure resulted in good alignment and improved healing. There was less inflammatory reaction with polyglactin 910 than with chromic gut.  相似文献   

Three different suture patterns (simple interrupted, interrupted horizontal mattress, subcuticular) were placed in a full thickness incision (skin and body wall) of 18 goldfish (Carassius auratus). After 14 days all fish were euthanized using benzocaine solution. The tissue reactions were evaluated by gross visual inspection and histopathological examination. The superficial inflammatory reactions were graded on a scale from 0 (no inflammation) to 3 (severe inflammation). The inflammatory response in histological examination was graded on a scale from 0 (no inflammatory response or normal skin tissue) to 5 (severe inflammatory response and necrosis). The interrupted horizontal mattress induced a moderately severe to severe inflammatory response and necrosis (grades 4–5) but the subcuticular suture induced a very mild to mild inflammatory response (grades 0–1). The simple interrupted suture induced a moderate to moderately severe inflammatory response (grades 2–4). In conclusion, results showed that a subcuticular suture is the most appropriate to use in the closure of a full thickness body wall incision.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare postoperative wound healing in canine ovariohysterectomy following the use of an absorbable monofilament poliglecaprone 25 suture in 2 different skin closure techniques, the buried continuous subcuticular (BCS) suture pattern and the simple interrupted (SI) suture pattern. These 2 skin closure techniques were evaluated against a nonabsorbable polypropylene monofilament suture in an SI pattern. Wounds were assessed by using a semiquantitative scoring system at 18 to 24 hours and 10 to 14 days, postoperatively. Results indicated that the BCS closure using poliglecaprone 25 demonstrated a higher rate of tissue reactivity initially (18-24 hours postoperatively), as compared with the SI closure using either suture material. By 10 to 14 days postoperatively, poliglecaprone 25 used in a BCS closure was associated with significantly lower wound scores than was the same material used in an SI closure. It was concluded that the BCS closure may effect a better cosmetic appearance to the skin closure in a canine ovariohysterectomy at the time of the recheck appointment. Furthermore, by obviating the need for suture removal, use of the BCS pattern may eliminate the requirement for this return appointment.  相似文献   

The macroscopic and histological appearance of jejunal antimesenteric incisions approximated with two different absorbable suture materials (monofilament versus multifilament) and three closure techniques (appositional single layer, crushing single layer, and double layer) were compared in healthy dogs at 14 or 28 days, postoperatively. No significant differences between the two suture materials were observed for most of the macroscopic or histological variables. However, the monofilament suture material caused significantly more fibrous tissue reaction in the muscular layer of the jejunum than did the multifilament suture material. Of the three enterotomy closure techniques used in this study, the appositional single-layer method proved to be the best. The double-layer closure method caused a significant decrease in the incisional circumference, the relative circumference, and volume of the jejunum, and a significant increase in jejunal wall thickness. Our findings suggest that canine jejunal enterotomy incisions can be closed using an appositional suture pattern with relatively rapidly absorbable monofilament suture material. The use of double-layer suture patterns for closure of jejunal enterotomy incisions should be avoided because the size of the intestinal lumen may be reduced.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare the mechanical, knotting, and absorption properties of 3 synthetic absorbable suture materials (polyglactin 910, polydioxanone, poliglecaprone 25) from 2 different manufacturers (Huaiyin Medical Instruments Co. Ltd. and Ethicon Inc.). Sample Population: Suture material samples from the same manufacturing lot for each suture type and manufacturer. Methods: Part 1: 10 samples of each suture were incubated in bovine serum and tested for ultimate load and stiffness at days 0, 1, 7, 14, 21, and 28. Part 2: 10 knotted samples were similarly evaluated, without incubation. Results: Huaiyin polydioxanone had a greater (P<.001) ultimate load on days 0, 1, and 7; and a consistently greater stiffness for the duration of the study, compared with the Ethicon polydioxanone. Ethicon poliglecaprone 25 had a greater ultimate load on days 0, 1, 7 (P<.001); on day 21 Huaiyin had a greater ultimate load. Ethicon poliglecaprone had greater stiffness on days 0, 1, 7 (P<.001). Ethicon polyglactin 910 had a greater (P<.001) ultimate load at all times and a greater stiffness (P<.001) at days 0, 1, 7, and 14 compared with Huaiyin polyglactin 910. Huaiyin polydioxanone and polyglactin 910 had greater knot breaking strengths than Ethicon equivalents (P<.001). Conclusion: Differences in mechanical properties exist between nominally identical suture materials from different manufacturers.  相似文献   


The macroscopic and histological appearance of jejunal antimesenteric incisions approximated with two different absorbable suture materials (monofilament versus multifilament) and three closure techniques (appositional single layer, crushing single layer, and double layer) were compared in healthy dogs at 14 or 28 days, postoperatively. No significant differences between the two suture materials were observed for most of the macroscopic or histological variables. However, the monofilament suture material caused significantly more fibrous tissue reaction in the muscular layer of the jejunum than did the multifilament suture material. Of the three enterotomy closure techniques used in this study, the appositional single‐layer method proved to be the best. The double‐layer closure method caused a significant decrease in the incisional circumference, the relative circumference, and volume of the jejunum, and a significant increase in jejunal wall thickness. Our findings suggest that canine jejunal enterotomy incisions can be closed using an appositional suture pattern with relatively rapidly absorbable monofilament suture material. The use of double‐layer suture patterns for closure of jejunal enterotomy incisions should be avoided because the size of the intestinal lumen may be reduced.  相似文献   

The effects of fine suture materials on corneal wound healing in the dog were studied. In 20 dogs, standardized perforating perilimbal clear corneal wounds were made and closed with either monofilament Polyglactin 910 or nylon. Five dogs each were euthanized 8,12,16, and 21 days postoperatively. Results of gross, biomicroscopic, and histologic examinations at 8,12,16, and 21 days showed nylon and Polyglactin 910 to cause similar inflammatory responses. Epithelialization and suppuration around the suture tracts were observed more frequently when Polyglactin 910 was used. Both materials were associated with a foreign body (granulomatous) response. There was no loss of wound integrity with either material. Strengths of the incised corneal tissues with and without the sutures intact were determined. At day 16 postsurgery, there was a statistically significant difference in tissue strengths between cases in which sutures were and were not intact. This difference was not apparent at 21 days postsurgery, which suggested that the suture dependent phase ends between the 16th and 21st postsurgical days. In addition, at day 16 there was no statistical difference between the tissue strength of wounds sutured with nylon or Polyglactin 910. Corneal suture materials studied should remain in place for at least 16 days, and absorbable material is only appropriate if it retains tensile strength for 16 days.  相似文献   

Objective— To evaluate the effect of 6 different knotting methods on the mechanical properties of 3 large absorbable suture materials used in large animal surgery. Study Design— In vitro mechanical study. Sample Population— Knotted suture loops (n=15 per group). Methods— Suture loops were created between two low‐friction pulleys with either 2 polydioxanone, 2 polyglactin 910 or 3 polyglactin 910. Strands were tied using 1 of 6 knotting technique: square knot, surgeon knot, clamped surgeon's knot, sliding half‐hitch knot (HH), Delimar knot and self‐locking knot (SLK). A single cycle to failure test was performed on each suture loop with a distraction rate of 100 mm/min. Failure modes were evaluated and breaking strength, elongation to failure and stiffness were compared. Results— All loops except two HH failed at the knot by acute breaking. The double‐stranded SLK was both stronger and stiffer than all other knots for each suture material. Clamping the first throw of the surgeon knot decreased load to failure significantly (143.11 ± 8.64 N) compared with not clamping (159.21 ± 6.14 N) for polydioxanone. Stiffness and elongation to failure were respectively lower and increased for 2 polydioxanone compared with both polyglactin 910 materials for all knotting techniques. Conclusions— Knotting techniques do influence structural properties of suture loops. The double strand loop conferred stiffer and stronger properties to the SLK Clinical Relevance— Clamping the first throw of polydioxanone should be avoided when tying a suture under tension even using large diameter suture materials. Using a SLK might be considered as a useful alternative when excessive tension is present.  相似文献   

Complications with castrations occur commonly and are usually not life-threatening, with the exception of evisceration or haemorrhage, which are uncommon. Primary closure castration (closing deeper tissue layers and skin) or use of a transfixation ligature alone to prevent evisceration has been recommended. The goal of this study was to investigate the use of a closed technique with multifilament suture for transfixation of the spermatic cord alone in field castrations. The results of this study support our hypothesis that a closed castration technique with a multifilament, transfixing ligature (No. 2 polyglactin 910) did not result in additional post-operative complications when compared with a closed castration technique without ligature placement or a primary closure castration technique in a hospital setting.  相似文献   

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