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Aleutian Disease of Mink: I. Evidence of its Viral Etiology *   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
A suspension of tissues from field cases of Aleutian disease was used successfully to reproduce the disease in Aleutian mink. Similarly, suspensions of diseased tissues from the experimentally infected mink were used to transmit the agent of Aleutian disease to both Aleutian mink and standard dark mink. Seitz and millipore filtrates prepared from these tissue suspensions were also infective; a suggestion that the etiologic agent is a virus. Genetic factors and hypersensitivity are discussed as possibly contributing to development of the disease.  相似文献   

One hundred mink with experimental viral plasmacytosis were examined for fibrinoid vascular lesions. Abnormal hyalin deposits were found in glomeruli in all cases of advanced disease. Fibrinoid arteritis occurred only in Aleutian type mink in this study. Seven of 30 experimentally infected Aleutian mink were found to have fibrinoid arteritis, together with other lesions of advanced plasmacytosis. The type of inoculum seemed of no consequence in development of vascular lesions. Equally severe lesions developed after inoculation with cell-free filtrates as were found in mink inoculated with crude tissue suspensions. These observations strengthen the concept of a virus as the primary etiologic agent and confirm the view that Aleutian disease is a convenient experimental model for studies on the collagen diseases.  相似文献   

Lesions considered typical of aleutian disease developed in three of four mink inoculated with DNA extracted from spleens of mink with viral plasmacytosis. Control mink inoculated with buffered saline or DNA treated with specific enzyme (DNAase) remained normal. It is inferred that the infective DNA corresponds to viral DNA.

This DNA preparation was used in an attempt to infect tissue cultures from mink testis cells but the results were equivocal.


During an outbreak of Salmonella abortion in mink farms receiving food from a central feed plant, sulphamezathine (a 16 % solution of sulphadimidine sodium) was added to the food to combat the infection. After 3 days of medication, some males of the Aleutian type developed severe urinary bleedings. The serum concentration of the drug was not above the recommended value in 2 severely affected animals (1.5 and 1.7 mg/100 ml, respectively). Screening tests for the extrinsic (Thrombotest and Normotest) and intrinsic (cephalin time) coagulation mechanism, fibrinogen assay, fibrinolysis (plasma clot lysis time), and platelet count were not much different from normal. Coagulation or platelet defects did not therefore seem to be the cause of the bleedings. Some of the diseased animals died, and the only necropsy finding was a greatly distended urinary bladder filled with clotted blood. Histologically, hemorrhages and necrotic changes of varying severity were found in the vesical wall. In several cases, the arteries were the structures most evidently affected, indicating that the hemorrhages were due to vascular injury (Fig. 1). The damaged vessels were sporadically occluded by thrombi. The lesions were often most evident in subserosal arteries and in the relatively large arteries situated between the inner circular and the outer longitudinal muscular layer, whereas the submucosal structures were obscured by massive extravasations of red blood cells. Occasionally, the necrotic arteries were surrounded by incipient circumferential cellular accumulations, predominantly mononuclear cells, but some eosinophils were also present (Fig. 2). Thus, in these cases the vascular damage was similar to vascular lesions frequently accompanying viral plasmacytosis (periarteritis nodosa). The possibility exists that the animals were in an early developmental stage of plasmacytosis, but no extravesical changes suggesting plasmacytosis were discovered during the microscopic examination. Although other sulphonamides have occasionally shown toxic properties when administered to mink, this preparation has not, to the authors’knowledge, previously been recorded as injurious to this species. The following experiment was performed to elucidate the toxicity of sulphadimidine sodium to male Aleutian mink.  相似文献   

Cultures of mink testis and mink kidney cells were inoculated with 10% extracts and filtrates of tissue from plasmacytosis-affected mink. Specific morphological changes were observed in cultures of kidney and testis cells. Millipore filtration experiments suggested the size range of the agent to be from 10 to 50 mμ. Inoculation of fluids from the 2nd, 4th and 8th tissue culture passages of the agent induced plasmacytosis in adult mink.  相似文献   

Thirty mink infected with Aleutian disease virus (ADV) were found to have elevated levels of antibody to double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) in their sera when compared to 30 healthy mink. The anti-dsDNA antibody levels in the diseased mink were, however, not found to correlate with the total amount of immunoglobulin. This was a common observation for all autoantibodies tested. The concentration of rheumatoid factors of IgG class, but not those of IgM class, was found to be significantly higher in the diseased mink at the chosen level of significance (P less than 0.01). IgG antibodies to thyroglobulin were likewise significantly higher in the ADV-infected mink. Unexpectedly, we found IgG antibodies with specificities for cardiolipin and mitochondrial antigens to be significantly higher in healthy mink than in ADV-infected mink. This difference is especially remarkable since the serum immunoglobulin concentration of the ADV-infected mink was three times higher than the serum immunoglobulin concentration of the normal mink.  相似文献   

Clinical Chemical Studies in Aleutian Disease of Mink   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Clinical chemical determinations were carried out on blood removed by cardiac puncture from 49 mink affected with Aleutian disease and 25 normal animals and the respective differences tested for statistical significance. Blood urea nitrogen, serum total protein and globulin, thymol turbidity, glutamic oxalacetic and glutamic pyruvic transaminases and amylase were definitely elevated in the affected animals whereas serum calcium, albumin and A/G ratio were depressed. No statistically significant difference was apparent between the two groups in the comparison of inorganic phosphorus, alkaline and acid phosphatases, bilirubin, total cholesterol and esters, cephalin-cholesterol flocculation (3+ in each case), sodium, potassium, chloride, CO2-combining power, leucine aminopeptidase and lactic dehydrogenase (means: over 2,000 u./ml.). For both the control and affected mink, the distribution of serum lactic dehydrogenase isozymes resembled that of human homologous serum hepatitis. Electrophoresis of serum proteins confirmed earlier findings of hypergammaglobulinemia in the diseased animals but a fast-moving or pre-albumin component, averaging 4% of the total protein, occurred in both the diseased and normal mink.  相似文献   

A hypothesis based on a possible connection between the granules produced by a species of Mycobacterium and the agent causing Plasmacytosis in mink is suggested. The presence of these granules in the identical tissues of mink from which a virus had previously been isolated, is noted. Granules with the ability to produce a “germ tube” with acid-fast staining characteristics were found to be present in these tissues. Preliminary cytological studies have shown these granules to be similar to those described by Much. When tissues containing the granules were injected into guinea pigs, rabbits and chickens and these were later tested with avian tuberculin, positive skin reactions occurred. A disease was reproduced in chickens which simulated avian leucosis. In guinea pigs a disease was reproduced which resembled Plasmacytosis in mink with some histological differences. Rabbits appeared to be refractory to infection with the dosage and route of inoculation used. The results obtained from bacteriological studies, tissue culture, animal inoculation, as well as observations made on the cytological properties of the granules, are described and discussed.  相似文献   

The serum proteins in Sapphire mink from the experimental and control groups in 2 endotoxin experiments and in a group of normal mink of the Standard type, were separated electrophoretically on cellulose acetate membranes.In experiment No. 1, in which the experimental mink were given repeated injections of endotoxin, and the controls were untreated, significantly increased total protein and significantly decreased albumin concentrations in the experimental group compared to the normal group were demonstrated. The concentration of the alpha1-globulin was significantly elevated and the alpha2-globulin significantly reduced in the experimental and the control groups compared to the normal group. Significant differences between the gamma-globulin concentrations in the various groups were not found.In experiment No. 2, all the animals were inoculated intraperitoneally with a crude tissue suspension containing the plasmacytosis agent 10 days before the experimental animals received the first of a series of injections with endotoxin. Significantly increased concentrations of total protein and gamma-globulin and significantly decreased albumin concentrations were, compared with the normal group, demonstrated in sera collected from the experimental group on the 94th, 201st and 254th day after the first injection of endotoxin. In the control group, compared with the normal group, significantly elevated concentrations of total protein, alpha2-, beta- and gamma-globulins and significantly reduced albumin- and alpha1-globulin were found but only in the second set of samples, while significantly decreased albumin- and significantly increased gamma-globulin concentrations were found in the third set.The results showed no significant differences between the gammaglobulin concentrations or between the other serum fractions in the experimental and the control groups in the 2 experiments. A possible explanation may be that there is no direct interrelationship between hypergammaglobulinaemia and amyloidosis, and that a common basic mechanism may stimulate related stem cells which thereafter differentiate in different ways.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes, monocytes, granulocytes, B-lymphocytes and CD8-positive T-lymphocytes of non-infected mink and mink infected with Aleutian disease virus (ADV) were measured by flow cytometry. The gammaglobulin levels of the sera were also measured. Besides development of hypergammaglobulinaemia in the infected mink, the most pronounced finding was that the number of CD8-positive lymphocytes doubled on average during development of Aleutian disease, while the number of B-lymphocytes did not change dramatically. The enhanced CD8 frequency was still apparent 6 months after initial ADV infection of the mink. The present experiments contribute to a better understanding of the immune deficiency stage seen in mink infected with ADV.  相似文献   

In apparent or nonprogressive Aleutian disease virus infection was considered a subclinical but persistent viral infection in which infected mink did not develop tissue lesions, hypergammaglobulinemia, or high antibody titers. Transmission of Aleutian disease virus from mink with this type of infection was measured. Mink with inapparent Aleutian disease appeared healthy and had normal gamma-globulin values, but were capable of transmitting the disease by direct and indirect horizontal contact. The risk of direct or indirect horizontal transmission from mink with inapparent infection was less than from mink with progressive Aleutian disease. Infection also was directly transmitted from the dam to the kits, but again the risk of infection from dams with inapparent infection was less than from dams with progressive Aleutian disease. Mink infected from their dams before weaning developed the disease more slowly than mink which became infected after weaning.  相似文献   

Aleutian disease is a chronic persistent viral infection of mink characterized by hypergammaglobulinema, generalized plasmacytosis, sclerosing glomerulonephritis, polyarteritis, and plasma cell hepatitis with bile duct proliferation. The development of hepatic lesions was studied both light- and electron-microscopically in mink experimentally infected with Aleutian disease virus. Fifteen normal and 99 mink experimentally infected with Aleutian disease virus were used. Experimental mink were killed in intervals from 3 weeks to 23 months after infection, and liver sections were processed for both light- and electron-microscopic studies. Experimentally infected mink developed portal and intralobular lymphocytic and plasmacytic infiltrates in the liver 3 weeks after infection. Four to five weeks after infection there was evidence of early bile duct proliferation that began as an outgrowth of the portal bile ducts. Three to five months after infection a marked bile duct proliferation was present in some of the portal triads and adjacent liver lobules; but there was no tendency of these lesions to progress into biliary cirrhosis. Ultrastructural characteristics of proliferating bile duct cells were marked deformation, formation of multiple cell layers, reduction in the number of microvilli and desmosomes, and infiltration of the epithelial cells by lymphoid cells and plasmacytes. The hepatic lesions either develop by direct virus stimulation or by the deposition of virus-antibody complexes.  相似文献   

从水貂阿留申病毒(ADV)基因组特点出发,就阿留申病毒的分子生物学研究进展作以简单综述。  相似文献   

The possibility of production of an effective vaccine against Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections in fur-bearing animals was investigated. Twenty-three strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from diseased chinchillas and mink were tested in mice for their immunogenic properties. Nineteen of these strains produced good immunity against homologous strains, and three of these produced also good immunity against heterologous strains. Of the remaining four strains two produced moderate immunity and two no immunity.

It was found that 0.05% or 0.5% formalin added to suspensions of Pseudomonas aeruginosa or ultrasonification of the suspension produced better results than 0.5% phenol, 0.3% alcohol or heat at 100°C for half an hour.

Chinchillas vaccinated with two doses of formolized Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterins were immune for 36 weeks after the second dose, while all controls died within 48 hours after being challenged.

It was found that the protection afforded by the polyvalent bacterin extended beyond the strains included in the vaccine.

A field survey on 34 ranches which included over 7,700 chinchillas showed very promising and encouraging results.


水貂阿留申病的历史回顾及最新研究概述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
水貂阿留申病是阻碍养貂业发展的世界性攻关病害。自人们发现该病至今已有50余年的历史,尽管国内外有关专家学者,从没间断过对该病的研究,但始终没能攻克该病的免疫防制问题;值得庆幸的是,在国家科委和农业部畜牧兽医司等部门的大力资助下,我们对阿留申病的免疫原性和免疫机制进行了较系统深入的研究,并研制出了阿留申病灭活疫苗,现已在多个大型貂场进行小试。该文对阿留申病的病史和危害,以及最新研究进展和重大技术突破进行了较全面系统的论述。  相似文献   

Gross and microscopic lesions of Aleutian disease (AD) in mink and hypergammaglobulinemia in ferrets were compared. Both conditions were characterized by widespread proliferation of plasma cells, but proliferation was more prominent in mink infected with AD. Arteritis did not occur in hypergammaglobulinemic ferrets. Minimal or no glomerular alterations occurred in infected ferrets, but were severe in mink infected with AD. Bile duct proliferation was more prominent in diseased mink. Tissue alterations suggested that AD in Aleutian genotype mink is more rapidly progressive than is AD in ferrets, causing overt clinical disease and death. In contrast, hypergammaglobulinemia in ferrets appeared to progress more slowly, with little clinical evidence of disease. This is probably the result of a paucity of glomerular lesions in ferrets. Possible mechanisms to explain the differences in the development of lesions are discussed.  相似文献   

水貂肠炎细小病毒灭活疫苗抗体消长规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应用血凝抑制试验对水貂肠炎细小病毒灭活疫苗免疫水貂进行抗体水平动态监测,结果表明,疫苗接种14 d抗体达到保护,21~30 d抗体水平达到高峰;免疫180 d抗体仍在保护值以上。攻毒试验证实,免疫180 d后90%免疫水貂获得保护,确定水貂细小病毒性肠炎灭活疫苗免疫保护期可持续6个月。  相似文献   

The lesions which characterize viral enteritis of mink (VEM) were studied in twenty-six, ten-week-old mink which had been infected by force feeding a tissue suspension containing a Wisconsin strain of mink enteritis virus. The pathogenesis of the lesions was reconstructed from gross and histopathological changes observed in animals which were selected randomly from the group each day for necropsy during the course of the disease.

Alterations were observed in the tissues of all mink examined from post-inoculation day (PID) 4 through 13. The principal macroscopic lesions which consisted of fibrinous enteritis, enlargement and hemorrhage of the spleen and edema of mesenteric and hepatic lymph nodes were most conspicuous on PID 7 and 8. Histopathological changes including necrosis and desquamation of intestinal epithelium, depletion of mature lymphocytes in lymph nodes, thymus and spleen and loss of partly differentiated myeloid and erythroid cells from spleen and bone marrow also reached full development on PID 7 and 8. However, nuclear inclusion bodies which were presumed to be a product of the causative agent and, therefore, of diagnostic significance were most prevalent on PID 3, 4 and 5. The inclusions were observed in mucosal epithelial cells of the intestine, parenchymal cells of the liver and in lymphocyte precursor cells of the spleen, intestinal lymph nodules and masenteric and hepatic lymph nodes.


Inapparent of nonprogressive Aleutian disease virus (ADV) infection is a subclinical but persistent virus infection of mink. Mink with the inapparent type of ADV infection when subjected to stress did not develop the progessive form of the disease. However, when challenged with a large dose of the virus, these mink did develop progressive Aleutian disease indicating that they were not highly resistant to the virus. Sera of mink with either the progressive of the inapparent type of ADV infection did not neutralise the virus. The anti-ADV antibody activity in mink with inapparent type of ADV infection was in the IgG fraction of the serum the same as in mink with progressive Aleutian disease. These data indicate that the resistance of the mink with inapparent infection as compared to mink with progressive Aleutian disease was not due to a difference in the class of immunoglobulin response to the virus. However, mink with progressive Aleutian disease showed a greatly increased immunoglobulin response.  相似文献   

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