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不同番茄品种对番茄黄化曲叶病毒的抗病性鉴定   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为评估生产上常用番茄栽培品种对番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl virus,TYLCV)的抗性水平,采用田间大棚自然传毒的方式,通过对各品种的发病时间、发病率及病情指数等参数的比较,结合PCR及ELISA对TYLCV的检测结果,综合分析了20个番茄品种对番茄黄化曲叶病毒的抗病性。不同品种对番茄黄化曲叶病毒的抗性差异较大,试验筛选出仙客6号和金棚1号2份感病材料,发病率和病情指数在90%和60.9以上;佳红8号、10-秋展47和红罗曼2号3份高抗材料,发病率和病情指数均为0;其它表现不同程度抗、耐病水平的材料15份,发病率和病情指数分别在10.0%~85.0%和1.0~40.6之间。  相似文献   

近年来,广西番茄黄化曲叶病毒病(TYLCD)发生较为严重,病原也比较复杂(发现4种病毒且存在复合侵染现象),对广西的番茄生产造成了很大威胁,种植抗病品种是防治该病的关键措施。本研究对中国农科院蔬菜花卉所、上海市农科院园艺所、浙江省农科院蔬菜所、江苏省农科院蔬菜所、北京市农林科学院蔬菜研究中心和广西大学提供的43份抗TYLCD番茄品种在广西南宁的自然抗病性进行了评价。采用自然诱发的方法,病圃的番茄混合感染中国番茄曲叶病毒与中国番木瓜曲叶病毒。试验结果表明,表现高抗的品种有‘浙红3号’、‘浙红4号’、‘K22’、‘K64’等8个番茄品种,表现抗病和中抗的品种有‘红贝贝’、‘春展56’等25个品种,表现感病的品种有‘樱红1号’、‘K6’等5个品种,表现高感的品种有‘金陵佳玉’、‘苏粉11号’等5个品种。本试验结果为抗病番茄品种在广西乃至全国的推广和布局提供参考。  相似文献   

为了明确抗性基因对番茄黄化曲叶病毒的抗性水平及田间应用效果,本研究利用已报道的番茄黄化曲叶病毒抗性基因Ty-1、Ty-2、Ty-3及Ty-3a的分子标记对43个番茄品种(含供试品种37个,对照品种6个)进行抗性基因型分析,并采用田间自然鉴定方法验证不同抗性基因型的抗性水平。结果表明:43份参试番茄品种中,31个品种携带抗病基因,占全部参试品种的72.09%,其中Ty-1检出率为65.12%,在番茄抗病毒病育种中应用最为广泛;共检出10种抗性基因型,分别包括1~3种抗性基因,对番茄黄化曲叶病毒的抗性由高到低依次为:Ty-1/ty-1+Ty-2/ty-2+Ty-3a/ty-3a、Ty-1/Ty-1+Ty-2/ty-2+Ty-3a/ty-3a、Ty-1/Ty-1、Ty-1/ty-1+Ty-3/ty-3、Ty-1/ty-1+Ty-3a/ty-3a、Ty-1/Ty-1+Ty-3a/ty-3a、Ty-3a/ty-3a、Ty-1/ty-1+Ty-2/ty-2、Ty-1/ty-1、Ty-2/ty-2,其中含有单基因杂合抗性的番茄品种,抗性表现为中抗或感病;含有2个及2个以上抗性基因的品种表现为中抗或以...  相似文献   

2009年河北省番茄黄化曲叶病毒病发生危害和分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2009年,河北省主要番茄种植区发生一种疑似番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的新病害。本文在田间调查、取样的基础上,采用酶联免疫吸附测定(ID-ELISA)方法对病原进行鉴定,明确了番茄黄化曲叶病在河北省的分布与危害:至2009年9月,番茄黄化曲叶病毒病已在河北省南部的邯郸、邢台和石家庄,中部的保定和衡水等地严重发生,河北省中北部廊坊、沧州南部靠近衡水的部分地市亦零星发生此病害,应用TYLCV检测试剂盒检测的29个品种58个标样A405值达到2.1~7.5。唐山、承德地区尚未发现番茄黄化曲叶病的危害,4个县市9个番茄品种检测结果均呈阴性。  相似文献   

本研究针对加工番茄叶霉病菌进行了药剂室内毒力测定和盆栽防效试验,并对14份加工番茄品种抗叶霉病进行了评价,目的是筛选出对加工番茄叶霉病具有良好防效的药剂和抗病品种。结果表明:30%烯酰·咪鲜胺SC抑菌效果最好,其EC50为0.006mg/mL。防效试验中,5种药剂均有一定的抑菌效果;22.5%异菌脲SC、56.7%氢氧化铜WG、47%春雷王铜WP和30%烯酰·咪鲜胺SC对叶霉病的防效均在60%以上。供试的14份加工番茄品种中,没有发现高抗品种,中抗品种4个,感病品种8个,高感品种2个。‘屯河9号’、‘石红666’、‘金红宝87-5’和‘737’为中抗品种,‘石红18’和‘石红45’为高感品种,其余为感病品种。  相似文献   

为了明确关中地区越冬茬番茄黄化曲叶病毒病发生和流行规律,通过分析该病发生与番茄品种、定植期及传播介体烟粉虱之间的关系,并采用PCR技术对田间病原进行分子鉴定。结果表明,番茄黄化曲叶病毒病在8月中下旬至11月上中旬开始侵染,翌年3月中下旬发生再侵染,秋季病情减轻;烟粉虱种群数量与病害发生程度呈线性正相关;不同番茄品种对番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl virus,TYLCV)的抗性差异显著,其中大番茄品种布鲁尼1288和DRW7728,小番茄品种千禧和美红对该病表现为免疫;分子检测结果表明,4个样品中均扩增出543 bp的特异片段,与NCBI数据库Gen Bank的TYLCV序列(登录号为GU084381、KC138544.1、KC138543.1和JX456642.1)的相似性达99%。研究表明,关中地区番茄病毒病为番茄黄化曲叶病毒病,番茄品种、定植期及烟粉虱发生动态是影响该病发生的主要因素。  相似文献   

以抗番茄黄化曲叶病毒病材料‘CLN2498D’为父本,感病材料‘早粉2号’为母本,以其F2代为研究对象,采用AFLP及SSR两种标记方法,筛选与Ty-2基因连锁的标记。通过对256对AFLP引物及30对SSR引物的筛选,共获得5个AFLP标记和2个SSR标记与Ty-2基因连锁,其中标记E02M11距离目标基因5.8cM,另有3个标记距离均在10cM以内。将标记E02M11用于30份番茄材料的种质资源筛选,获得12个含有该标记的番茄材料,为番茄抗黄化曲叶病毒育种工作提供基础。  相似文献   

闫佳会  姚强  陈海民 《植物保护》2016,42(3):212-214
本研究旨在明确青海青稞主栽品种和后备品种对条纹病和云纹病的抗性,以期为抗病育种及田间病害防治提供理论依据。试验采用田间自然病圃法,对青海主栽的30个青稞品种(系)进行了条纹病和云纹病田间抗性鉴定。结果表明,供试青稞品种(系)对2种病害的抗性存在显著差异,但缺乏免疫品种。对条纹病表现高抗的有13个品种(系),占鉴定总数的43.3%,其中主栽品种有3个,即‘门农1号’、‘昆仑13号’、‘巴青1号’。品系17发病率最低。对云纹病表现高抗的有品系1、品系2、品系6、品系17、品系28、RQKQ-3、RQKQ-5、RQKQ-6、RQKQ-7、RQKQ-8、‘门农1号’、‘互青2号’、‘北青6号’和‘昆仑10号’,共14个,其病情指数均在10以下;表现中抗的共有8个,分别为品系5、品系11、RQKQ-1、RQKQ-9、‘巴青1号’、‘北青3号’、‘北青7号’和‘昆仑13号’。  相似文献   

烟草嫁接苗对黑胫病的抗性鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
嫁接技术是植物病害绿色防控的有效措施之一,为探寻抗烟草黑胫病的高抗嫁接组合,本研究以4个高抗烟草品种为砧木,生产上4个主栽品种为接穗,开展了不同嫁接组合烟苗对黑胫病的抗性鉴定。人工接种黑胫病菌后,以‘Florida 301’作砧木时烟苗发病率和病情指数分别为0~4.76%和0~2.86;以‘革新3号’作砧木时分别为0~20.71%和0~15.72;以‘Beinhart 1000-1’作砧木时分别为1.11%~13.18%和1.11~11.47;以‘L8’作砧木时分别为20.02%~65.33%和13.58~60.89,而以接穗品种‘K326’、‘云烟87’、‘NC55’和‘红花大金元’自根苗的发病率和病情指数分别为:‘K326’,39.98%和35.46,‘云烟87’,45.81%和39.18,‘NC55’39.33%和35.93,‘红花大金元’,74.67%和65.48。统计分析结果表明,以‘Florida 301’、‘革新3号’和‘Beinhart 1000-1’品种为砧木的嫁接苗发病率与病情指数均极显著低于接穗品种自根苗(P0.01);‘L8’品种为砧木时,只有‘云烟87’作接穗的发病率与病情指数极显著低于‘云烟87’自根苗(P0.01)。采用平板涂布计数法,对抗、感黑胫病烟草品种根际微生物数量进行了测定,研究了抗、感病品种根际微生物群落结构,结果表明,抗、感病品种均是根际细菌根际放线菌根际真菌,且根际细菌、放线菌数量远多于真菌数量,抗病品种的根际微生物数量整体上多于感病品种。  相似文献   

不同苜蓿品种对镰孢菌的抗性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁守彦  李敏权  赵慧 《植物保护》2011,37(1):110-114
为探明苜蓿不同品种对能引起苜蓿根腐病的茄镰孢(Fusarium solani)、半裸镰孢(F. semitectum)、弯角镰孢(F. camptoceras)等3种镰孢菌的抗性差异,提供筛选抗耐病性材料的新来源,通过室内盆栽法,对30个苜蓿品种(系)进行了苗期抗病性鉴定,结果表明,各品种之间抗病性差异显著,其中‘德里兰德’、‘新疆大叶’、‘苜蓿王’对半裸镰孢表现为抗病,病情指数分别为18.11、19.93、19.96,占鉴定总数的10%;总体来看,‘猎人河’等7个品种表现耐病,病情指数为25.30~39.95,占鉴定总数的23.3%;‘甘农2号’等18个感病品种,病情指数为40.55~59.56,占鉴定品种总数的60.0%;‘德宝’等5个品种为高感,平均病情指数为61.7~68.6,占鉴定总品种数的16.7%,无免疫和抗病品种。  相似文献   

番茄黄化曲叶病毒病是番茄生产上的毁灭性病害,严重影响番茄产量及品质。2019年从广西百色市采集疑似番茄黄化曲叶病叶片样品,采用滚环扩增(RCA)及基因克隆等方法,获得了4个烟粉虱传双生病毒的全基因序列,4个分离物的全长序列分别为2 776、2 781、2 752、2 781 bp,均编码6个开放阅读框;核苷酸相似性比较发现,4个分离物彼此间的相似性均在90%以上,与已报道的番茄黄化曲叶病毒Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV)各分离物间的相似性也在91%以上;系统进化分析表明,TYLCV广西分离物BS-2和BS-4与TYLCV-Hunan、BS-1和BS-3与TYLCV-YN6553等分离物处于独立的小分支,说明TYLCV广西分离物与TYLCV-Hunan、TYLCV-YN6553具有较近的亲缘关系。本研究首次报道TYLCV在广西发生。  相似文献   

小麦黄花叶病是由禾谷多黏菌传播的小麦黄花叶病毒引起的病害,近年在黄淮麦区呈蔓延加重趋势。为了给病害的防治和抗病育种工作提供依据,本研究利用分级评价方法对黄淮地区推广的小麦品种进行了田间抗病性鉴定。两年鉴定结果表明,在145个供试小麦品种中,‘濮优938’、‘新麦208’、‘豫麦416’、‘新原958’、‘豫麦70-36’、‘泛麦5号’等70个品种表现为免疫,占总数的48.28%;‘豫麦47’和‘邯6172’表现为抗病,占总数的1.38%;‘洪育2号’、‘花培2号’、‘偃展4110’、‘豫麦41’、‘郑麦9023’等48个品种表现为中抗,占总数的33.10%;‘兰天06129’、‘兰天0591’、‘徐麦9158’、‘徐麦0054’、‘徐麦1108’等25个品种表现为感病,占总数的17.24%。研究结果为指导小麦黄花叶病区合理选择小麦品种提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum) is a popular crop worldwide and an asymptomatic host of the begomovirus (Geminiviridae) Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). A previous study showed that TYLCV could be transmitted by the seeds of tomato plants, but this phenomenon has not been confirmed in other plants. In 2015, four different cultivars of sweet pepper (‘Super Yellow,’ ‘Super Red,’ ‘Sunnyez’ and ‘Cupra’) known to be susceptible to TYLCV were agro-inoculated with a TYLCV infectious clone. Three months after inoculation, the leaves of the ‘Super Yellow’ cultivar showed 80% (8/10) susceptibility and the other three sweet pepper cultivars showed 30 to 50% susceptibilities. All of the ‘Super Yellow’ seed bunches (five seeds per bunch) from plants whose leaves were confirmed to be TYLCV-infected were also TYLCV-infected (8/8). The seeds of other cultivars showed 20 to 40% susceptibilities. Virus transmission rates were also verified with 10 bunches of seedlings for each cultivar (five seedlings per pool). Eight bunches of ‘Super Yellow’ seedlings (8/10) were confirmed to be TYLCV-infected and one to three bunches of each of the other cultivar seedlings were also infected. Viral replication in TYLCV-infected seeds and seedlings was confirmed via strand-specific amplification using virion-sense- and complementary-sense-specific primer sets. This is the first report of TYLCV seed transmission in sweet pepper plants and among non-tomato plants. Because sweet pepper is an asymptomatic host of TYLCV, seeds infected with TYLCV could act as a silent invader of tomatoes and other crops.  相似文献   

Tomato-infecting begomoviruses comprise a complex of monopartite and bipartite virus species that cause severe yield and quality losses worldwide. Therefore, the availability of wide spectrum resistance for begomovirus control is desirable. However, limited sources of resistance are available. In this study, three tomato inbred lines with resistance to bipartite begomoviruses of Brazil were tested for resistance to monopartite begomoviruses associated with the tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD). Stable resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus was observed either by inoculation with Bemisia tabaci or with Agrobacterium tumefaciens using an infectious clone. The resistance resulted in a complete absence of TYLCD symptoms and restricted virus accumulation. Further studies performed with the line '468-1-1-12' indicated that the resistance was also effective against three other virus species associated with TYLCD, indicating wide spectrum resistance of this source. Quantitative genetics analyses suggested that a major recessive locus with epistatic interactions is controlling the resistance to TYLCD in '468-1-1-12', which could facilitate introgression of this trait into elite tomato lines. The resistance was stable under field conditions with high TYLCD pressure. Mild symptoms could be observed in these conditions, and recovery from disease and from virus infection suggested an active host antiviral defense mechanism. The differential reaction of '468-1-1-12' against a number of TYLCD-associated viruses and artificial chimeras between them allowed to identify a region of the virus genome that presumably contains a virus determinant for breaking the resistance to infection observed in '468-1-1-12'.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt resistance of 77 olive cultivars including 71 domestic and six foreign ones, and four clonal rootstocks available in the olive gene bank, were tested using a highly virulent isolate (D pathotype) of Verticillium dahliae. The pathogen was stem-inoculated into the own-rooted saplings. Most cultivars and rootstocks were found to be extremely susceptible to the disease. ‘Sinop No. 1’, ‘E?riburun Nizip’, ‘Erkence’, ‘E?riburun Tatayn’, ‘Girit Zeytini’ and ‘Marantelli’ were highly resistant, as their disease severities did not exceed 10%. Additionally, 11 domestic cultivars (‘Sar? Habe?i’, ‘Ya?l?k Çelebi’, ‘Zoncuk’, ‘Dilmit’, ‘?am’, ‘Hurma Karaca’, ‘Erdek Ya?l?k’, ‘Melkabaz?’, ‘Yün Çelebi’, ‘Kan Çelebi’ and ‘Siyah Salamural?k’), two foreign cultivars (‘Arbequina’ and ‘Frantoio’) and one wild clonal rootstock (‘D36’) were found to be resistant, with disease severities less than 30%. On the other hand, the moderately susceptible group comprised ten domestic cultivars (‘Ak Zeytin’, ‘Ya? Çelebi’, ‘Saurani’, ‘Butko’, ‘Gemlik’, ‘Otur’, ‘Ya? Zeytini’, ‘Belluti’, ‘Sinop No. 2’ and ‘Samanl?’), three foreign cultivars (‘Leccino’, ‘Chemlali’ and ‘Ascolana’) and one wild clonal rootstock (‘D9’). The number of cultivars within highly resistant and resistant groups was 17 out of the 71 domestic cultivars from all regions (four from Aegean, seven from southeastern Anatolia, two from Black Sea and three from Marmara).  相似文献   

不同百合品种对百合灰霉病的抗病性鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确不同百合品种对灰霉病的抗病能力,本试验采用离体叶片菌丝块接种和田间孢子液喷雾2种方法测定了百合7个不同品种对百合灰霉病的抗病性。离体测定结果表明,供试的7个品种对百合灰霉病的抗病性存在显著差异,其中‘法兰西’和‘罗蒂娜’为高感品种,‘康斯坦萨’和‘索邦’为高抗品种,‘马可波罗’、‘提拔’和‘西伯利亚’为中抗品种;田间接种发病的测定结果除‘西伯利亚’为高抗品种外其余结果与离体接种结果一致;离体接种和田间接种发病情况的系统调查分析得知,感病品种‘法兰西’和‘罗蒂娜’发病早,病情发展速度快,病情指数高;‘提拔’、‘康斯坦萨’、‘西伯利亚’和‘索邦’等抗病品种发病晚,病情发展缓慢,病情指数低;随着品种抗病性的增强,发病速度和病情指数逐渐降低。  相似文献   

Verticillium dahliae infecting tomato can be differentiated into races 1 and 2 based on differential pathogenicity on tomato cultivars carrying resistance gene Ve1. Although no commercial cultivars resistant to race 2 are available, race 2‐resistant rootstock cultivars Aibou and Ganbarune‐Karis have been bred in Japan. Nevertheless, the resistance of these rootstocks appears to be unstable in commercial tomato fields. Pathogenicity assays conducted under controlled conditions revealed that these rootstock cultivars are resistant to some isolates of race 2; this resistance is controlled by a single dominant locus, denoted by V2, based on segregation of resistance in F2 populations from selfed rootstock cultivars. However, some other isolates of race 2 can overcome this resistance. Therefore it is proposed that the current race 2 of V. dahliae should be divided into two races, i.e. ‘race 2’ (nonpathogenic on Aibou) and ‘race 3’ (pathogenic on Aibou). The distribution of these races was surveyed in 70 commercial tomato fields in Hida, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Race 3 was found in 45 fields, indicating that race 3 had already spread throughout the region. On the other hand, 25 fields had only race 2, and thus race 2‐resistant rootstocks would be effective for disease management in these fields. Races 2 and 3 could not be identified by genomic Southern hybridization probed with a telomere sequence, nor with previously reported race‐specific PCR assays. Elucidation of race‐determining mechanisms and development of methods for quick race identification should be made in future studies.  相似文献   

Early blight of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) caused by Alternaria solani has the potential to become one of the most serious diseases throughout the tomato‐producing regions of Greece. Controlled environment experiments were conducted to study the virulence of A. solani isolates and the susceptibility of commercial tomato cultivars and hybrids to early blight. The isolates used, derived from naturally infected tomato plants during the period 1997/1998, differed significantly (P>0.05) in the rate of mycelial growth as well as in their ability to sporulate in vitro. No correlation (R2= 0.33) was found between mycelial growth and conidia production. Isolates of A. solani were virulent to young tomato plants (cv. Ace 55VF), although they differed significantly (P>0.05) in the intensity of symptoms produced on leaves, stems, petioles and flowers. Defoliation was linearly related (R2= 0.87) to the percentage of leaf area with symptoms. Twenty‐three tomato cvs. or F1 hybrids were evaluated for their susceptibility to early blight. The cultivars or hybrids were arbitrarily categorized as immune, highly tolerant, tolerant, moderately tolerant, susceptible and highly susceptible based on a percent disease index range: 0%, 1‐9%, 10‐24%, 25‐49%, 50‐74% and 75% or more respectively. None of the cultivars or hybrids tested was immune or tolerant to A. solani infection.  相似文献   

采用离体有伤接种绿枝条的方法分析了我国25个葡萄主要品种对葡萄座腔菌Botryosphaeria dothidea的抗/感程度并建立了抗性分级标准。根据接种发病后的病斑长度,利用系统聚类方法鉴定不同葡萄品种对葡萄座腔菌的抗性并进行分级,建立了葡萄对葡萄座腔菌的抗性评价方法和抗性分级标准。结果表明,我国25个主要葡萄品种对葡萄座腔菌的抗性存在明显差异,‘巨峰’、‘红宝石无核’、‘藤稔’、‘红地球’、‘香妃’、‘玫瑰香’、‘巨玫瑰’、‘霞多丽’、‘龙眼’、‘西拉’、‘品丽珠’、‘贝达’、‘峰后’、‘梅鹿辄’、‘美人指’、‘赤霞珠’和‘山葡萄洛桑’等17个品种对葡萄座腔菌表现为抗病,‘弗蕾无核’、‘5BB’、‘夏黑’和‘无核白鸡心’表现为感病,而‘维多利亚’、‘牛奶’、‘矢富罗莎’和‘摩尔多瓦’表现为高感。  相似文献   

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