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探针有限特性对热脉冲技术测定土壤热特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在利用热脉冲方法测定热特性时,通常对探针形状做理想化处理,即假设探针为线性热源,热导率无限大而热容量为零。在实际应用中,探针本身的有限特性(有限半径以及有限热容量)会导致热特性测定误差。为了研究探针有限特性对热脉冲技术测定土壤热特性的影响,该研究采用改进的热脉冲探针(直径2 mm、长度40 mm、间距8 mm)测定土壤热特性,并分别使用PILS(pulsed infinite line source,无限长线性脉冲热源)和ICPC(identical cylindrical perfect conductors,近似圆柱形完美导体)2种理论估计土壤热特性,比较分析了探针有限特性对热脉冲技术测定热特性结果的影响。结果表明:1)与PILS理论相比,利用ICPC理论拟合得到的温度升高曲线,可以有效减少探针有限半径和热容量对土壤热特性测定结果的影响。与ICPC理论相比,在0.03~0.25 m3/m3的含水率范围内,用PILS理论得到的砂土热扩散率和热导率分别偏低11.8%和5.2%;与模拟热容量相比,PILS和ICPC理论分别将热容量高估16.1%和7.9%;2)探针有限特性对土壤热特性的影响与含水率有关:在干土上最大;随着土壤含水率的增加,其影响逐渐降低。该研究对提高热脉冲技术测定土壤热特性的准确性具有指导意义。  相似文献   

准确测定表层土壤水分对陆地-大气间水热交换研究具有重要意义。由于对土壤结构影响轻微,热脉冲技术在原位监测含水率方面具有较大优越性,但目前田间应用集中在5 cm以下土层。该研究利用多针热脉冲传感器测定土壤容积热容量,然后基于热脉冲含水率法和热脉冲含水率变化法分别得到了3、9、21和39 mm的土壤含水率。结果表明,与烘干法含水率比较,热脉冲含水率变化法含水率在4个深度的均方根误差分别为0.022、0.006、0.004和0.006 m3/m3,均小于相应深度上热脉冲含水率法含水率的均方根误差。另外,热脉冲含水率变化法也降低了4个热脉冲传感器测定含水率的变异性。因此,热脉冲技术能够监测表层的土壤水分动态,表层土壤含水率的均方根误差在0.022 m3/m3以内。  相似文献   

地表覆盖对土壤热参数变化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
覆盖条件下土壤热性质的研究对于包气带水热运移及覆盖技术的应用均有重要意义。使用11针热脉冲探头对沙黄土不同深度(6 mm、18 mm、30 mm)的土壤热扩散率、热容量和热导率三个热参数进行测定,并进行地表覆盖(石子覆盖、秸秆覆盖)处理,旨在探究覆盖条件下表层土壤热性质动态变化过程及土壤热参数与水分的内在联系。结果表明:(1)相对于裸土,石子和秸秆覆盖条件下土壤热参数增大,且覆盖对于靠近表层土壤热参数的影响更加明显;(2)随降雨的发生,土壤热参数均增大,在两次降雨期间,土壤热参数逐渐减小,覆盖与裸土热参数差异逐渐增大;(3)三个热参数随降雨的发生,其动态变化过程表现不同,热容量对降雨的响应最为敏感,热导率次之,热扩散率开始减小的时间较热导率和热容量滞后,三个深度滞后时间均在48 h以上,而且覆盖以后热扩散开始减小的时间较裸土推迟(48 h以上)。土壤容重不变的情况下,在频繁干湿交替的过程中土壤水分为土壤热参数变化的最主要影响因素。覆盖条件下土壤热参数与土壤含水量关系研究表明:石子和秸秆覆盖条件下土壤热参数与土壤含水量的变化关系与裸土条件下一致,热导率与含水量呈幂函数增加的趋势,热容量随含水量线性增加,热扩散率随含水量增加先增后减,本研究所用沙黄土热扩散率峰值对应的含水量在0.20 cm3cm-3左右。由以上结果可以发现覆盖对近表层土壤热参数的动态变化有显著的影响,覆盖的保水效应直接影响土壤热参数的变化。  相似文献   

基于热脉冲技术的能量平衡方法是一种原位实时监测土壤蒸发速率技术。热脉冲方法的准确性受地表气象条件、土壤类型等因素影响,目前该技术多应用于质地较砂北方旱地土壤。为进一步验证热脉冲方法在质地较黏的南方红壤上监测蒸发速率的适用性,该研究利用热脉冲传感器与微型蒸渗仪开展了为期30 d的监测试验,对比了热脉冲能量平衡方法与微型蒸渗仪测得日蒸发速率以及累积蒸发量,并通过监测土壤含水率变化和气象因子,评价了红壤区土壤蒸发的主要影响因素。结果表明,热脉冲方法测得的日蒸发速率与微型蒸渗仪监测值变化趋势相同,试验期间两种方法测得日蒸发速率最大相差0.80 mm/d,最小相差0.02 mm/d,决定系数R2=0.52。两种方法测得的累积蒸发量随时间变化值之间具有更强的相关性(R2=0.99),30 d内微型蒸渗仪监测的总累积蒸发量为19.3 mm,热脉冲方法监测的累积蒸发量为24.4 mm。由于降水影响,微型蒸渗仪漏测了7 d的蒸发速率,剔除该7 d数据后,二者仅相差4.6%。相比于传统的微型蒸渗仪法,热脉冲方法具有自动化的优点,且能够实时监测剖面微尺度(mm尺度)上蒸发动态。研究区红壤的日蒸发速率与各因子的相关程度由大小为土壤含水率、净辐射、风速、气温。研究结果表明热脉冲能量平衡方法能够准确地监测南方红壤区土壤蒸发动态,研究可为红壤区水热循环研究提供技术和理论支撑。  相似文献   

质地对土壤热性质的影响研究   总被引:15,自引:10,他引:15  
土壤热性质是水热迁移研究中的重要参数之一。根据非稳态条件下热流方程的差分解和实测土壤温度资料计算了不同质地土壤的热扩散率,并得出了质地影响下的土壤导热率关系式。研究结果表明,对特定土壤而言,土壤导热率与含水率之间可建立幂函数关系;砂粒、粉粒和粘粒含量对土壤热性质有不同程度的影响;不同质地土壤的热性质与土壤水吸力之间存在良好的定量关系;此外,含盐土壤的导热率可表示为浓度的幂函数关系。  相似文献   

多针热脉冲技术测定土壤热导率误差分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
土壤热导率是研究土壤热传输、水热耦合运移的基本物理参数。为了探知多针热脉冲技术的误差,该研究以能够准确测定热导率的单针法作为参比,在4种质地土壤上,对多针热脉冲技术在不同体积质量、含水率和气压条件下测定的热导率进行了分析。结果表明,多针热脉冲技术的热导率结果与单针法总体符合较好,其热导率测定值的平均误差为0.074 W/(m·K)。干土热导率随气压增大呈现对数增长,这是由于气体分子平均自由程下降的原因。多针热脉冲技术的测定误差主要出现在中等含水率区域,关键问题是加热针的温度升高偏大,促进了水汽潜热传输。另外,土壤与探针之间的热接触阻力、探针导致的土壤体积质量改变、温度梯度引起的液水流也影响测定结果的准确性。该研究可为农业水土工程中的土壤热导率模拟提供依据。  相似文献   

原状土与装填土热特性的比较   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
土壤热特性是研究土壤—植物—大气系统中能量传输的必要参数。目前的研究集中在室内装填土柱上热特性与含水率、质地、温度和体积质量(容重)等因素的关系,田间条件下土壤结构对热特性影响的报道很少。该研究通过比较2种质地土壤田间原状土和室内装填土热特性的差异,初步探讨了不同含水率范围内结构形成对土壤热特性的影响。采集田间原状土,在室内利用热脉冲技术测定其热容量、热导率和热扩散率;然后将样品磨碎、过2mm土筛,填装后得到相同体积质量和含水率的装填土壤样品,并测定其热特性。结果表明,装填土和原状土的热容量基本一致;在中等含水率区域(砂壤土:0.07~0.24m3/m3;壤土:0.15~0.31m3/m3),重新装填后砂壤土和壤土的热导率分别降低了9.7%和9.8%。另外,结构形成增加了土壤热扩散率,在中等含水率区域尤其明显;在接近饱和区域,原状土与装填土的热扩散率趋于一致。因此,土壤结构形成对土壤热容量没有显著影响,但提高了中等含水率区域土壤的热导率和热扩散率。  相似文献   

本文采用一种野外实地测量土壤热扩散率结合室内测定该土壤热容量的方法,计算实际情况下土壤热惯量与水分含量间的关系。文中对该测量方法进行了推导。并将之应用于黄淮海地区不同土壤类型,在给出了不同土壤类型和质地的热惯量值的同时,对该方法的重复性,稳定性,准确性进行了检验。  相似文献   

由于土壤特性的时空变异性 ,对土壤含水量、温度、热特性以及其它物理参数的动态监测是土壤学研究的重要课题。本文以热脉冲技术和时域反射技术的理论为基础 ,介绍了利用热脉冲技术 时域反射技术 (Thermo TDR)连续定位测定土壤含水量、电导率、温度和热特性的原理 ,并利用土壤热特性与容重和含水量的关系 ,导出了土壤容重、饱和度和通气孔度的计算公式。  相似文献   

添加生物质炭对壤土热性质影响机理研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
生物质炭添加对一系列土壤理化性质具有显著影响,然而其对土壤热性质的影响机理仍不明确。本研究结合田间定位试验和室内控制实验揭示了生物质炭添加对壤质土热性质的影响机理。两年田间区组试验中小麦秸秆生物质炭施用量设0 t hm~(-2)、25 t hm~(-2)和50 t hm~(-2)三个水平。使用热脉冲法分别在室内控制土壤含水量和田间自然条件下测定土壤热容量、导热率和热扩散系数。同时测定了不同生物质炭处理下土壤容重、土壤水分特征曲线、孔隙分布以及作物生长季表层土壤含水量。结果表明,生物质炭添加会对土壤热性质产生显著影响,其主要途径为(1)通过降低土壤容重,增加土壤大孔隙,从而显著降低土壤导热率,对土壤热容量和热扩散系数也有降低效应,但受土壤含水量水平影响;(2)通过改变土壤水力学特性,增加土壤含水量,从而提高土壤热容量、导热率和热扩散系数。田间状态下,生物质炭影响土壤热性质的两个途径同时存在而作用相反,综合效应表现为生物质炭添加小区的土壤体积热容量有增加趋势,且与生物质炭施用量有关;生物质炭添加会显著降低土壤导热率和热扩散系数。  相似文献   

土壤含水量、温度、热特性以及其它物理参数的动态监测是描述土壤中各种物理、化学和生物过程的基础。本文利用热脉冲 -时域反射技术 (Thermo -TDR)对不同质地土壤的含水量、电导率、温度、容积热容量、导热率和热扩散系数进行了测定 ,并利用土壤容积热容量与容重和含水量的关系 ,计算了土壤容重、通气孔度和饱和度。结果表明 ,Thermo -TDR技术能够提供可靠的土壤含水量、温度、容重、通气孔度和饱和度的信息。本文也分析了Thermo -TDR技术的测定误差并探讨了降低误差的对策  相似文献   

Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) is a widespread technique for measurement of soil water content (SWC). The main assumption behind the use of Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) is of negligible losses, therefore assuming that only the real part determines the value of the TDR-measured apparent dielectric permittivity. This assumption does not hold for soils where surfaces are conductive (clay soils) or where high concentrations of electrolyte are present in the soil solution (saline soils) because under these conditions the contribution of the imaginary part becomes important. One of the main effects of dielectric losses on the TDR measurement is overestimation of SWC. In this study we present a methodology for separating the real and the imaginary part from the measurement of the apparent dielectric permittivity. This approach allows correction of the SWC overestimation, by using the TDR-measured electrical conductivity as indicator of dielectric losses. Oven-dry gravimetric soil water content was used as an independent method for soil water content assessment. The original SWC overestimation (in respect to the oven-dry gravimetric based measurement) reached values of up to 20% of total soil saturation, after the correction the differences were reduced to a 3–5%. The methodology can be applied based on knowledge of measured permittivity and electrical conductivity only, making it readily applicable to field experiments.  相似文献   

Precision of soil moisture measurements done with “Time Domain Reflectometry” and “Frequency Domain Probes” in heterogeneous forest soils Using “Time Domain Reflectometry” (TDR) and “Frequency Domain” (FD) technique soil moisture of a homogenized soil- substrate of silty loam was measured in the lab as well as soil moisture of the same silty loam and of two soils with coarser texture and more heterogeneous structure in situ. These measurements were compared with gravimetric soil moisture measurements done at the same measuring sites. Thus the measuring errors caused by soil heterogeneities should be assessed. The standard error of both, the TDR- and the FD- probes amounted to less than 1 Vol%, at the in situ measurements as well as in the homogenized substrate. In the homogenized substrate under relatively dry conditions soil moisture was overestimated to about 2 Vol% by both electronical methods, which is most likely the result of compactions in the contact zone between rods and the soil caused by the insertion of the rods. In the field both electronical methods, however, underestimated the soil moisture up to 14 Vol%. This applied especially to the surface of the mineral soil and under the influence of high stone contents. This deviation is interpreted as an effect of gaps along the rods, caused by the insertion. In loosely packed and stony upper soils we propose therefore to install the rods in homogenized autochtoneous soil material having settled to its natural bulk density instead of inserting them into the natural layered soil.  相似文献   

A multifunctional heat pulse probe (MFHPP) can measure soil thermal and hydraulic properties. Though its successful implementation has been documented, previous studies have reported some limitations. One specific cause of the limitations is the absorption of the generated heat pulse within the probe itself, which creates error in the measurements. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate a new calibration method to account for measurement error due to heat loss to the probe. A MFHPP was constructed and tested in six soil types using both a traditional method and the newly developed calibration method. The new calibration utilizes heat pulse response curves from real soils with thermal conductivities similar to that of the MFHPP rather than the traditional agar-stabilized water solution. This new approach significantly reduced average measurement errors from 9.1% to 2.4% for heat capacity and 13.5% to 4.5% for volumetric water content.  相似文献   

The influence of soi?s solid phase on the dielectric constant of the soil over a range of moisture contents has been studied. Samples of soil, soil-like, and also other porous materials were analysed using Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) to determine the contribution of bulk density and porosity to the function that relates dielectric constant to water content. The study showed that bulk density, and thus also porosity, substantially affects the relation between dielectric constant and water content. Two equivalent, empirical, normalized conversion functions were found, one accounting for bulk density and the other for porosity. Each of them reduced the root mean square error of the dielectric TDR determinations of moisture to 0.03, regardless of the material?s bulk density and porosity.  相似文献   

生物质炭对土壤物理性质影响的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
生物质炭在农业与环境中的应用已成为近期国内外研究热点,有关生物质炭特性以及生物质炭对土壤化学、生物学性质和作物产量的影响,已经有一些综述,但是生物质炭对土壤物理性质影响的相关综述很少。本文对近10年生物质炭对土壤物理性质影响相关的研究成果进行了整理分析。研究结果发现生物质炭可以降低土壤容重,提高土壤团聚体稳定性,增加田间持水量和土壤有效水含量,降低饱和导水率等。生物质炭影响土壤物理性质的主要原因是生物质炭具有较大的比表面积和孔隙度。此外,生物质炭与土壤矿质颗粒结合,并通过对土壤微生物活性和植物生长的影响间接影响土壤物理性质。生物质炭对土壤物理性质的影响与多种因素有关,如生物质炭原料、裂解温度、施用量和颗粒大小,土壤质地和处理时间等。关于生物质炭对土壤物理性质影响的长期研究很少,且缺乏田间试验。因此,将来的研究应更加倾向于长期田间条件下生物质炭对土壤物理性质的影响,并逐渐发现生物质炭的作用机理,为实际的农业生产和生态治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The study was conducted to evaluate HydraProbe (HyP), Campbell Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) and Watermarks (WM) moisture sensors for their ability to estimate water content based on calibrated neutron probe (NP) measurements. The three sensors were in-situ tested under natural weather conditions over a 3-yr period in a sandy loam and clay loam soils planted to grass. The HyP, TDR and WM sensors were evaluated for their ability to estimate soil moisture contents by comparing their outputs with those of NP measurements. Results showed that HyP, TDR and WM provided different estimates of soil moisture contents in both soils. Nevertheless, our work suggests that soil moisture sensors including those used in this study can be made suitable for irrigation scheduling without in-situ calibrations by simply setting the upper and lower irrigation trigger limits for each sensor and each soil type. The upper trigger point occurs directly after irrigation event (near field capacity) and the lower trigger point is based on about 50% depletion of available water in the crop rootzone and is occurs prior to irrigation refill. This approach can significantly help irrigators to achieve their irrigation scheduling and productivity goals without consuming any time onsite or soil specific calibrations.  相似文献   

王伟鹏  李晓鹏  刘建立 《土壤》2012,44(1):10-16
土壤水力学性质的空间变异对于区域土壤水分溶质循环模拟研究至关重要。基于Markov链的条件模拟是一种能融合多源信息技术的地统计学模拟方法,与传统插值法和基于变异函数的条件模拟相比有诸多优势。目前,该方法在土壤水力学性质空间变异性领域的研究并未全面展开。实现区域土壤水力学模型参数的随机模拟,对于实现区域土壤水分运动和溶质运移的随机模拟,分析土壤水力学性质空间变异性对土壤水分运动和溶质运移模拟结果的影响,特别是参数采样点变化对土壤水分运动和溶质运移结果影响的不确定性等研究都有重要意义。本文旨在综述基于Markov链的地统计学模拟在土壤学相关领域的研究进展,以期为区域模拟中面临的参数获取难题提供帮助,为区域农业生产管理,水分高效利用,农田生态环境保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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