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YC97B型储粮害虫数量光电传感探头技术性能快速检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以赤拟谷盗、杂拟谷盗、玉米象、谷蠹、长头谷盗、锯谷盗、长角扁谷盗和锈赤扁谷盗8种储粮害虫为试虫,采用储粮害虫延时释放装置测试了YC97B型储粮害虫数量光电传感探头的性能。设计为8种储粮害虫单一虫种不同密度、3虫种复合种群组合及4虫种复合种群组合的各项处理进行测试。测试结果表明,除低密度处理中长角扁谷盗与谷蠹和赤拟谷盗检测误差率差异达到5%的显著性外,其余各项处理检测误差率差异间均达不到5%水平显著性,说明YC97型害虫数量光电传感探头对不同虫种检测效果基本稳定,基本符合B型光电传感探头设计要求。  相似文献   

采用粮食多功能扦样器对重庆市铜梁国家粮食储备库高大平房仓储粮害虫的发生规律进行调查,结果表明高大平房仓内优势种群为玉米象和书虱,谷蠹和扁谷盗有少量发生,赤拟谷盗的发生很少;害虫发生绝大多数集中在表层和上层;粮仓中央多于四周;温度条件是影响害虫发生发展的主要因素.对储粮害虫种群数量进行相关性分析发现玉米象和书虱的种群数量与总虫数的相关性较高;从垂直分布规律看表层储粮害虫种群数量与总虫数的相关性最高;从水平分布规律看东南区域种群数量与总虫数的相关性最高,且绝大多数达到显著水平.  相似文献   

不同产地硅藻土对储粮害虫的杀虫效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较研究了不同产地硅藻土对主要储粮害虫(玉米象、谷蠹、锯谷盗、锈赤扁谷盗)的杀虫效果.结果表明,1号硅藻土(产于浙江省嵊州市)对玉米象、锈赤扁谷盗、谷蠢、锯谷盗均有显著的毒杀效果,处理后5 d,杀虫效果可达100%,与对照硅藻土(普粮泰)无明显差异;2号硅藻土(产于吉林省长白县)除对玉米象无明显毒杀作用外,对其它三种害虫的杀虫效果在96%左右.实验说明不同产地的硅藻土对储粮害虫的杀虫效果有明显差异.  相似文献   

扁谷盗科害虫属昆虫纲、鞘翅目。长角扁谷盗、锈赤扁谷盗和土耳其扁谷盗三种扁谷盗属的虫种分布于全国各地。成虫具有群集性和趋光性、且善飞行,耐干燥、耐低温、对生活环境适应性强等特征;对磷化氢(PH3)已具有较高的抗性,较难防治。重庆地区属高温高湿的气候条件,使扁谷盗科害虫繁殖旺盛,活动更加猖獗。现阶段储粮害虫中,如何有效防治扁谷盗科害虫,已成为当前储粮害虫防治技术的难题。重庆市粮食储运公司自2003年开始,发现扁谷盗科害虫活动频繁,密度较大且很难彻底防治,严重影响储粮稳定性。由于该类虫种具有较强的抗药性,导致使用PH3加大剂量或重复熏蒸仍难彻底防治。为积极探索防治扁谷盗科害虫的有效方法,遵循“以防为主,综合防治”的原则,采用“熏蒸剂为辅、防护剂为主”的防治策略,利用扁谷盗科害虫的生活习性和特点,在粮食经过环流熏蒸达到基本无虫后,使用防护剂保粮磷对高大平房仓粮面进行拌和试验,取得了明显的防治效果。  相似文献   

储粮害虫数量传感机理与技术体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道了储粮害虫数量传感探头结构、机理、各项验证试验及国内外应用进展。验证试验结果表明,以粮虫陷阱检测器为辅助工具设计的传感探头结构合理,24小时记录害虫数量基本上可反映粮堆虫口密度水平,可作为储粮害虫数量传感探头计量单位;单台采样速度可控制在2秒左右,多台同时采样误差较低;以赤拟谷盗、玉米象、谷蠹及锈赤扁谷盗为试虫测定了储粮害虫数量传感探头技术性能。  相似文献   

两种重要储粮害虫的无公害防治技术研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过3种虫生真菌、2种苏云金杆菌粉剂(Bt-1和Bt-2)及48%乐斯本乳油对生活在小麦中的谷蠹、长角扁谷盗进行毒力试验,结果表明:Bt-1粉剂对两种储粮害虫具有较高的毒力,对谷蠹LD50为15.75ug/g,对长角扁谷盗LD50为8.06ug/g;三种虫生真菌对这两种害虫侵染力较弱,最高校正死亡率仅为55.0%。48%乐斯本乳油对两种储粮害虫的熏蒸效果较好,在0.80ml/L浓度下,谷蠹、长角扁谷盗死亡率均达到100.0%。  相似文献   

高纯氮气对储粮害虫致死效果的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本研究在30±1 ℃,相对湿度75%±5%的高纯氮气环境中对几种主要储粮害虫进行生物测定并检测结果.玉米象、米象、谷蠹、赤拟谷盗(中山品系)、杂拟谷盗、赤拟谷盗(益阳品系)、嗜卷书虱和锯谷盗的LT50值由大到小排列顺序为34.0 h、32.5 h、32.5 h、13.9 h、13.4 h、12.5 h、5.4 h和5.1 h.不同试虫对高纯氮气环境忍耐能力差异显著.  相似文献   

鄂中地区四种储粮害虫对磷化氢抗性发展及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时隔20年,再次测定了荆门地区的玉米象、谷蠹、赤拟谷盗、锈赤扁谷盗四种主要储粮害虫对磷化氢的抗性,测定结果表明:荆门地区的上述储粮虫种均产生了不同程度的抗性,抗性品种已达100%;抗性系数均较1991年有大幅上升。通过分析比较这几种储粮害虫近20年的抗性发展情况,探讨了储粮害虫抗性产生的原因和延缓抗性发展的相应对策,为科学指导今后对储粮害虫的有效防治提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

在散装储藏稻谷的平房仓中比较研究了紫外诱杀灯、瓦楞纸板和取样筛检检测储粮害虫的效果。在夏季近4个月的研究观察中,发现紫外诱杀灯可较取样筛检早近2个月大量检测到锈赤扁谷盗,早约2个月检测到较多的谷蠹,紫外诱杀灯没有诱集到赤拟谷盗。瓦楞纸板诱捕锈赤扁谷盗和赤拟谷盗较取样筛检法所得时间早、数量多,但在检测到谷蠹的时间上要比取样筛检晚4周的时间。随着环境温度的升高,紫外诱杀灯和瓦楞纸板诱集到锈赤扁谷盗和赤拟谷盗的数量都有增加和波动,瓦楞纸板诱集到谷蠹的数量变化很小。  相似文献   

防治锈赤扁谷盗值得关注的问题   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
锈赤扁谷盗的防治是当前储粮害虫防治的难题。本文根据实践提出了在防治中应适当运用“容忍策略”的观点,指出应注意锈赤扁谷盗变成库区生活害虫和利用害虫天敌——蜻蜓防治锈赤扁谷盗等问题。  相似文献   

采用药膜法和混粮法通过苦皮藤素和硅藻土两种新型储粮药剂对常见5种储粮害虫赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneum(Herbst)、玉米象Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky、谷蠹Rhizopertha dominica(Fab.)、嗜虫书虱Liposcelis entomophila(Enderlein)和嗜卷书虱Lisposcelis bostrychophila Bodonnel进行药效效果评价。试验结果表明:苦皮藤素和硅藻土对以上5种储粮害虫均有不同程度的抑制作用,苦皮藤素对嗜虫书虱Liposcelis entomophila(Enderlein)防治效果优于硅藻土。  相似文献   

储粮害虫检测技术评述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
储粮害虫的检测技术一直都是粮食储藏行业研究的热点,害虫种类的正确鉴别和密度的确定是粮食管理人员进行害虫防治的必要依据。因此,国内外很多学者在研究有效的害虫检测方案时,提出了许多储粮害虫检测方法。本文对目前国内外几种主要的害虫检测方法进行了简要的叙述与分析,并重点论述了基于图像识别的储粮害虫检测方法。  相似文献   

Maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky) is one of the major maize storage pests among smallholder farmers in eastern and southern Africa (ESA), thereby, reducing total on-farm maize harvests. Experiments were conducted in a controlled temperature and humidity (CTH) laboratory at CIMMYT-Zimbabwe to compare the resistance of new maize open pollinated varieties (OPVs) from regional trials undertaken in ESA to maize weevils. Twenty maize OPVs were shelled and cleaned before being placed in a deep freezer at ?20 °C to kill any pests and eggs in the grain from the field. Fifty grams of grain from each OPV was measured after 3 weeks and placed in the CTH lab for conditioning. The samples were placed in 250-mL jars with brass-screened lids and then infested with 32 maize weevils aged between 10 and 14 days. Data were collected for kernel hardness prior to weevil infestation, as kernel hardness to confer resistance to weevils. The components of maize weevil resistance considered were: median development period, Dobie index of susceptibility, weevil emergence, weevil mortality, weevil fecundity, grain weight loss, kernel damage and germination. There were highly significant differences in maize kernel characteristics and median development period (P < 0.001) among the maize OPVs. There were significant differences in the number of damaged kernels, grain weight loss (P < 0.01), weevil mortality and germination (P < 0.05) among the maize OPVs. There were no significant differences found for weevil progeny emergence (F1), Dobie index of susceptibility and weevil fecundity, the last of which was positively and significantly correlated with kernel damage (P < 0.001). The DIS was positively and significantly correlated with weight loss and F1 (P < 0.001). The maize OPVs 07WEEVIL, Chitedze6, Strigoff126, Strigoff128 and ZM625 were found to be resistant; on the other hand, Strigoff140, Strigoff125, Strigoff133, VP05199 and VP074 varieties were highly susceptible.  相似文献   

玉米象生物生态学及防治技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
玉米象(Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky)属鞘翅目(Coleoptera)象甲科(Curculionidae),是一种重要的仓储物初期性害虫,被列为头号毁灭性贮粮害虫。从温度、湿度和营养对玉米象生物学特性的影响及防治现状总结了目前的研究进展,从玉米象种群变动规律、开展玉米象种群危害模型的组建、重视玉米象无公害防治技术等角度指出了玉米象今后的研究重点,为更系统地防治玉米象提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

光波监测昆虫种群的动态是目前无公害防治害虫方法中的研究热点.综述了不同光波对储粮害虫的监测和防控的研究进展.简单描述光波测控设备的工作原理,总结了近些年光波测控储粮害虫的研究概况,光波测报储粮害虫与传统选筛法之间的对比,以及目前光波测控储粮害虫存在的问题,并就光波测控储粮害虫中的IPM原理进行了简单的阐述以引导广大储粮管理人员正确选择储粮害虫防治方法,真正做到“以防为主,综合防治”,达到绿色储粮的要求.  相似文献   

许多储粮害虫在粮粒内取食为害,造成了巨大经济损失,但是其隐蔽性强,检测困难,费时费力.本文主要介绍了近红外光谱分析技术的原理及其在粮粒内害虫检测中的优点,并综述了粮粒内隐蔽性害虫的近红外光谱检测技术的研究与应用现状,并阐明了其应用前景.  相似文献   

Grain legumes, especially peas, could play a key role in organic cropping systems. They could provide nitrogen (N) to the system via N2 fixation and produce grain rich in protein while improving soil N for the succeeding crop. Thus, maximising N2 fixation and optimising grain N production together with N contribution to soil is a challenging issue for organic pea crops. However, pest, disease and weed infestation are less easy to control in organic systems than in conventional systems. Therefore, the effects of weed infestation and pea weevil (Sitona lineatus L.) attacks on N nutrition and N2 fixation of organic pea crops were examined by on-farm monitoring over two years. The magnitude of the net contribution of the crops to the soil N balance in relation to their productivity was also assessed. In many situations, weed infestation together with pea weevil damage severely limited the nitrogen nutrition and grain yield. Percentage of N derived from fixation (%Ndfa) increased with weed biomass because weeds appeared more competitive than peas for soil N. But %Ndfa decreased with pea weevil leaf damage score. The interaction between these two biotic factors affected N yields and the net contribution of the crops to soil N. This latter ranged from −133 kg N ha−1 to 69 kg N ha−1 depending on %Ndfa and nitrogen harvest index (NHI). Optimising both grain N and net balance would require a reduction in root nodule damage by weevil larvae in order to maximise %Ndfa and a reduction in the NHI through the choice of cultivar and/or suitable crop management.  相似文献   

储粮害虫图像的灰关联分析方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对储粮害虫进行实时监测是非常必要的,其中基于图像识别的检测是目前研究较多的一种方法。本文提出了一种基于灰关联分析的图像边缘检测的新算法,并将其应用于储粮害虫图像的边缘检测,计算表明,该方法能有效地检测粮虫图像的边缘信息。  相似文献   

基于深度卷积神经网络的储粮害虫图像识别   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
[目的]为了防治储粮害虫带来的危害,借助计算机对储粮害虫进行有效的图像识别是具有重要意义的。[方法]针对基于图像的储粮害虫多分类识别问题,引入了基于深度卷积神经网络的储粮害虫图像识别方法。该方法与传统的储粮害虫识别方法相比,大幅度简化了数据预处理过程,[结果]同时该方法在识别精确度方面达到了97.61%,也明显优于传统方法。[结论]因此基于深度卷积神经网络的储粮害虫识别方法具有较高的实用性,且具有进一步研究和推广的意义。  相似文献   

Insect pests pose major challenges to optimum productivity of amaranth in Africa and Asia. The use of insecticides is the main control strategy, but is expensive and may pose health and environmental concerns, especially if proper care is not taken. Host plant resistance offers a cheap and sustainable pest management alternative. Open field experiments were conducted during two cropping seasons in 2016 and 2017 to screen 35 amaranth accessions and lines for resistance to leaf-webbers and stem weevils. The diversity (H) of lepidopteran defoliators and their parasitoids on each accession ranged from 0.00 to 1.57 and 0.00 to 1.65, respectively during the long rainy season and from 0.00 to 1.58 and 0.00 to 1.01 in the short rainy season. Accessions VI036227, RVI00027, VI054569, VI033487, VI044432, VI048076, VI049639, VI049530 and VI049698 had high levels of pest resistance with significantly lower infestations (≤?11.11?±?2.14%) and damage (≤?68.06?±?3.90%) by leaf-webbers and leaf-worms. Stem weevil infestations ranged from 68.70?±?2.0% to 90.42?±?1.0% during the long and short rainy seasons, respectively. Accessions VI047517-B, VI036227 and VI056563 had the least stem weevil infestations (<?62.5%) but differences among accessions for damage incidences were non-significant. Parasitism was observed in all the accessions except seven of them. Amaranth accessions exhibiting pest resistance or at least non-preference traits are important for success of breeding programs. The importance of deploying such accessions to breed for improvement of susceptible lines (by introgression) or their release to farmers, if they have desirable horticultural traits that are required by vegetable producers and consumers, for effective management of amaranth pests is also discussed.  相似文献   

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