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本试验通过对45只健康无眼疾的新两兰白兔施行角膜前板层切除术,将其中27只平均分为蜂蜜处理(A)、bFGF处理(B)和空白对照(C)三个试验组,对术后术眼的角膜混浊程度、虹膜损害程度和结膜充血与水肿程度进行评价;再将余下18只实验兔也分为上述3个试验处理组,通过1%荧光素钠点眼的方法,判断不同试验处理组角膜上皮的愈合天数.试验结果表明:与bFGF相比,蜂蜜有更明显的促进角膜上皮愈合的作用,并且能更有效的缓解术后角膜混浊,虹膜炎症及结膜充血与水肿等症状.  相似文献   

Delayed healing associated with distal limb wounds is a particular problem in equine clinical practice. Recent studies in human beings and other species have demonstrated the beneficial wound healing properties of honey, and medical grade honey dressings are available commercially in equine practice. Equine clinicians are reported to source other non-medical grade honeys for the same purpose. This study aimed to assess the antimicrobial activity of a number of honey types against common equine wound bacterial pathogens. Twenty-nine honey products were sourced, including gamma-irradiated and non-irradiated commercial medical grade honeys, supermarket honeys, and honeys from local beekeepers. To exclude contaminated honeys from the project, all honeys were cultured aerobically for evidence of bacterial contamination. Aerobic bacteria or fungi were recovered from 18 products. The antimicrobial activity of the remaining 11 products was assessed against 10 wound bacteria, recovered from the wounds of horses, including methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Eight products were effective against all 10 bacterial isolates at concentrations varying from <2% to 16% (v/v). Overall, the Scottish Heather Honey was the best performing product, and inhibited the growth of all 10 bacterial isolates at concentrations ranging from <2% to 6% (v/v).Although Manuka has been the most studied honey to date, other sources may have valuable antimicrobial properties. Since some honeys were found to be contaminated with aerobic bacteria or fungi, non-sterile honeys may not be suitable for wound treatment. Further assessment of gamma-irradiated honeys from the best performing honeys would be useful.  相似文献   

用加了抗生素的PDA培养基,分别分离中蜂蜜和意蜂蜜中的耐高糖酵母,再进行菌种鉴定。结果显示,中蜂蜜与意蜂蜜中的耐糖酵母为同一种,都为鲁氏接合酵母。  相似文献   

In addition to the generic properties of honey, manuka honey has a nonperoxide antimicrobial activity largely attributed to methylglyoxal. Commercially, manuka honey is graded against a standard antiseptic, phenol, to provide a measure of antimicrobial activity referred to as the unique manuka factor (UMF). The higher the UMF, the greater the antimicrobial activity. However, more recently, there is evidence that manuka honey can also modulate the initial inflammatory response through activation of toll‐like receptor 4 on monocytes to enhance production of cytokines important in tissue repair and regeneration. Recent studies investigating the effects of manuka honey on second intention healing of lower limb wounds in horses have shown that wounds treated with UMF 20 manuka honey retracted less and healed faster than untreated wounds. Using this wound healing model, the primary effects of manuka honey appeared to be associated with the modulation of the initial inflammatory reaction rather than its antimicrobial effects. Based on the current knowledge, treatment with manuka honey should be instituted as soon as possible after injury. Where bacterial contamination is substantial, manuka honey with a UMF ≥15 should be used. While bandages will improve the contact between the honey and the wound and may be indicated in the early stages of wound healing, prolonged bandaging may lead to the production of excessive granulation tissue. If topical treatment without a bandage is to be used, more honey is not necessarily better. Using a thin film combined with regular application, contact times may be optimised. Application 2–3 times daily to open wounds may improve efficacy. Manuka honey should be applied for at least 21 days after wounding but there may be beneficial effects if it is applied until wound healing is almost complete.  相似文献   

Testing honey     

对伊犁州的未成熟蜂蜜和成熟蜂蜜的水分、果糖、葡萄糖进行不同年份不同气候的检测,得出不同时期的指标变化。  相似文献   

蜂蜜的发酵翻泡 ,除了水分含量高这个主要因素外 ,还有一些实际操作中的细节问题 ,容易被忽视。而解决这些细小问题不需要复杂的条件和设备 ,只要操作者思想上重视 ,在实际操作过程中稍加注意 ,就会达到良好的预后效果。所以 ,笔者将其列举出来 ,与广大蜂友探讨。1.旧桶里有陈蜜 ,装入新蜜后 ,翻泡快我蜂场今年8月份产的黄荆条蜜 ,都在40度以上 ,9月中旬拉进仓库后才发现 ,凡是铁桶装的 ,都基本没有翻泡 ,而凡是塑料桶装的都翻泡了。这里没有先后问题 ,每次摇蜜 ,既有铁桶 ,也有塑料桶 ,而浓度都差不多。是什么问题导致这一现象呢 ?最…  相似文献   

薛超雄 《中国蜂业》2009,60(6):33-33
桃金娘,别名桃娘、唐莲。落叶小灌木,多分枝,高1-2m,嫩枝有灰白色柔毛。叶对生,革质,椭圆形或倒卵形,长3~8cm,宽1-4cm,顶端钝或圆,基部阔楔形,叶背被灰色茸毛,叶基部有离基三出脉,  相似文献   

介绍了电磁净化蜂蜜的初步实验 ,佐证了该技术对食品卫生、稳定的有效性。  相似文献   

本文建立并优化了蜂蜜中烟曲霉素的HLPC-MS/MS分析方法。该方法的检出限为2μg/kg,线性范围为1~1000μg/L,R~2为0.9992,在三个加标水平下,回收率在72.09~92.09%之间,批内和批间相对标准偏差分别在2.7~10.32%和5.2~11.1%。方法适用于蜂蜜中烟曲霉素残留的测定。  相似文献   

1997年德国Voeker Rusch博士首先提出“微生态学(microecology)”这一术语,并在德国建立第一个微生态学研究所。同动物微生态学一样,蜜蜂微生态学与蜜蜂营养学有着密不可分的关系,两门学科的交叉渗透形成一个崭新的研究领域——蜜蜂微生态营养学。目前国内外对微生态学的研究,包括基础理论研究与应用已经达到一定水平,研究和应用最广的当属EM制剂。  相似文献   

格子巢蜜是蜂产品中的一绝,它集原生态蜂蜜和天然蜂巢为一体。格子巢蜜就是人为诱导蜜蜂在特定大小与形状的容器内筑造蜂巢,酿造蜂蜜。生产格子巢蜜需要一定的条件和专门的设备,同时应掌握规范的生产技术。  相似文献   

选择22个群势相当、蜂群结构相似的继箱群,按群势大小随机分成两组,一组生产天然成熟蜜,一组生产非成熟蜜,记录试验蜂群的群势、产蜜量、产浆量。结果表明:天然成熟蜜试验组(A组)的取蜜量平均为11552g,非成熟蜜试验组(B组)的平均取蜜量为28961g,B组的取蜜量是A组的2.51倍,t检验表明,P〈0.01,差异极显著;测定两组蜂蜜的含糖量,天然成熟蜜在80%(41度)以上,而非成熟蜜在36度左右,计算取糖量为:A组9309g,B组15649g;B组的取糖量是A组的1.68倍,P〈0.01,差异极显著;产浆量为:A组707g,B组691g,P〉0.05,差异不显著;群势下降率的平均值为:A组21%,B组23%,P〉0.05,差异不显著。结论,从蜂蜜的产量方面考虑,天然成熟蜜的价格应该是非天然成熟蜜的2.5倍。  相似文献   

蜂蜜酒的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
前言 蜂蜜的主要成分是葡萄糖和果糖,还含有丰富的酶类、有机酸、维生素、激素、蛋白质等高级营养成分。据医学记载:“蜂蜜有调脾润肺、滑肠止痛、补中益气、止咳解毒之功能,对胃肠燥结、大便不通、心腹痛等症有一定疗效”。蜂蜜中含有近20种氨基酸,营养成分丰富。由于蜂蜜具有如此丰富的营养成分,通过酵母菌的作用,促进大分子物质的转化,随着酒精度的不断上升,蜂蜜酒的小分子物质不断生成,  相似文献   

曹日煊 《中国蜂业》2010,61(5):22-23
<正>春暖花开,蜂群采集大量粉蜜,养蜂人迎来了收获蜜、浆、粉的黄金季节。把蜂群巢脾中的贮蜜用摇蜜机分离出来,养蜂人称之为"打蜜"。怎样打蜜?诸多养蜂书籍虽有介绍,但不够详尽。笔者对此谈谈自己的做法与体会。  相似文献   

通过电导率仪检测温度和水分对洋槐和龙眼蜂蜜电导率的变化情况。结果表明:不同品种蜂蜜的电导率不一样;向蜂蜜里添加水分后,蜂蜜的电导率明显提高,并且随着温度升高而加大,电导率随温度变化符合线性相关。而且在同一温度下,蜂蜜的电导率与水的添加量也成线性相关。  相似文献   

谈起药蜜 ,还是要从中草药治病谈起。我国的中草药学源远流长 ,堪称中华民族智慧的结晶 ,是我国各族劳动人民长期与疾病作斗争的经验结晶。每一味中草药 ,在吸取大自然的精华中形成了特有的性、味和医疗功能。医家将某些中草药进行合理地配伍并制成方剂 ,则更利于发挥中草药的医疗功能 ,更有效地防治疾病。历代医家在医疗方面 ,就常常利用蜂蜜能“和百药”的性质 ,将蜂蜜作为一种辅助治疗剂的同时 ,还巧妙地作为矫味剂 ,广泛配合其它中草药物加以运用 ,不仅达到了治疗效果 ,又为患者所乐意接受 ,成效卓著。不过 ,应用中草药与蜂蜜合成的各种…  相似文献   

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