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为了明确无角牛新类群的肉用性能,为新品种的培育提供数据支撑,笔者选择10头体重为324.79±43.51 kg的8~10月龄健康无角公犊牛(西门塔尔牛×巴山牛)作为实验动物,开展育肥试验。育肥期300 d,育肥结束后分别按照国标《牛胴体及鲜肉分割》(GB/T 27643-2011)和日本肉牛胴体最终评分方法进行胴体分割和等级评定。结果显示,无角牛新类群18~20月龄体高,体斜长,胸围,管围,体重分别为131.33 cm、166.67 cm、194.33 cm、22.67 cm和569 kg,计算BPI为4.33;育肥期平均日增重为0.81 kg;屠宰率,净肉率,高档肉块产率分别为54.43%、43.56%和11.41%;中国胴体等级评定为优级,日本胴体等级评定为B1级40%、C1级60%。以上数据表明,无角牛属于兼用牛,体型较大,育肥性能和屠宰性能优秀。  相似文献   

[目的]通过屠宰测定分析,了解无角夏南牛的屠宰性能和肉质品质,为下一步无角夏南牛的选育提供资料。[方法]通过对20头24月龄无角夏南牛育肥公牛进行屠宰测定和肉质分析。[结果]20头无角夏南牛的屠宰率、净肉率、眼肌面积、肉骨比、高档优质肉块比率、高档肉块率分别为:62.62%、52.8%、111.17 cm2、5.82:1、49.69%和28.36%;肩肉、大黄瓜条、外脊3个部位的蛋白质含量分别为:23.602%±0.192%、20.852%±1.212%、21.522%±1.282%;脂肪含量分别为4.262%±1.612%、3.122%±1.052%、2.802%±2.492%;肌肉剪切力分别为:4.60kg±1.92kg、3.59kg±1.58kg、4.49kg±1.44kg。[结论]无角夏南牛的品种培育、改良效果显著,生产高档部位肉块的能力强、肉质好。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究去势对西门塔尔牛胴体不同部位牛肉品质的影响。试验选取50头健康、16月龄的西门塔尔公牛,经药物驱虫后,依据体重进行单因素配对试验设计。结果显示,未去势组的pH为辣椒条 >腹肉 >臀肉 >外脊 >米龙,辣椒条的pH比外脊和米龙高3.88%和5.35%(P<0.01),比臀肉高2.29%(P<0.05);腹肉和臀肉的pH分别比米龙高3.30%和2.99%,差异极显著(P<0.01);去势组的pH为腹肉 >辣椒条 >外脊 >臀肉 >米龙,腹肉的pH比米龙高4.33%(P<0.01),比臀肉高2.36%(P<0.05);辣椒条的pH比米龙高3.37%,差异显著(P<0.05)。未去势组的脂肪含量为腹肉 >外脊 >臀肉 >辣椒条 >米龙,各部位间的脂肪含量差异均不显著(P>0.05);去势组的脂肪含量为腹肉 >臀肉 >外脊 >辣椒条 >米龙,腹肉的脂肪含量比外脊、辣椒条和米龙高82.81%、132.59%和196.02%,差异显著(P<0.05)。未去势组的灰分含量为米龙>外脊 >臀肉 >腹肉 >辣椒条,米龙的灰分含量比辣椒条高21.90%,差异显著(P<0.05);去势组的灰分含量为辣椒条≥外脊 >米龙 >臀肉 >腹肉,辣椒条和外脊的灰分含量分别比腹肉高30.60%和30.60%,差异极显著(P<0.01)。去势组和未去势组胴体各部位的剪切力、蒸煮损失、蛋白质含量、失水率、肌红蛋白和干物质含量的组内统计差异相似。结果表明去势对胴体各部位的脂肪沉积能力有调节作用,对除米龙外其他部位pH有影响,对胴体各部位灰分含量有影响;去势对胴体各部位的剪切力、蒸煮损失、蛋白质含量、持水性、肉色和干物质含量的影响无明显差异。  相似文献   

对随机选取的1.5岁左右秦川公牛、阉牛和母牛各20头进行肥育试验,经过10d的预试期和90d正式育肥试验。肥育试验结果显示,公牛平均日增重达到1.10kg,最高达到1.22kg,最低为0.96kg;阉牛平均日增重为0.98kg,最高达到1.04kg,最低为0.87kg;母牛平均日增重为0.96kg,最高达到1.00kg,最低为0.90kg;公牛、阉牛、母牛三者平均日增重达到1.01kg。屠宰试验显示,公牛屠宰率、净肉率、眼肌面积、高档牛肉产率和优质肉切块率分别达到64.54%、53.27%、85.04cm2、9.45%和53.27%,阉牛、母牛次之;三者平均值依次为62.32%、51.53%、77.26cm2、9.08%和50.65%,说明性别对青年秦川牛肥育及产肉性能有明显的影响作用。  相似文献   

在同样的饲养管理条件下,笔者从本地羊为父母本的羔羊与无角陶赛特为父本、小尾寒羊为母本的羔羊中随机分别抽样30只羔羊进行初生重和8月龄屠宰率测定。结果显示,本地羔羊平均初生重3.01 kg,杂交肉羔平均初生重3.26 kg;本地羔羊平均屠宰率15.66%,杂交肉羔平均屠宰率17.63%。杂交羔羊两项指标均高于本地羔羊,宜首选无角陶赛特肉用种公羊作为杂交肉羔生产品种。  相似文献   

为了加快贵州黑马羊的扩群繁育及品种培育,试验采用核心群开放式选育及正反交试验方法,开展黑马羊选育提高、山羊有角与无角性状显隐性关系及无角与间性关系的研究。结果表明:选育后,核心群周岁公母羊体重分别为(29.77±5.51)kg、(25.18±5.67)kg,成年公母羊体重分别为(40.08±7.73)kg、(34.90±7.56)kg;基础群周岁公母羊体重分别为(26.59±3.68)kg、(24.09±4.60)kg,成年公母羊体重分别为(35.33±4.09)kg、(32.16±6.83)kg。周岁羊屠宰率达48.46%,产羔率达152.16%。经t检验,选育后核心群周岁、成年公母羊及基础群周岁、成年公母羊平均体重极显著高于选育前平均体重(P<0.01)。经有角♂×无角♀、无角♂×有角♀正反交试验,后代无角率为52.20%、有角率为47.80%;无角♂×无角♀杂交,后代无角率为75.32%,有角率为24.68%。无角对有角是显性,山羊间性与无角存在连锁关系,群体中出现间性羊的概率为3.45%。  相似文献   

无角陶赛特羊与小尾寒羊杂交试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用无角陶赛特羊与青海省饲养的小尾寒羊进行杂交,试验结果表明:陶寒F1具有增重速度快、产肉性能高的优点,陶寒F13月龄重、6月龄重分别比小尾寒羊提高1.29kg(P<0.05)、5.58kg(P<0.01);日增重提高29.82g;胴体重、净肉重和眼肌面积分别提高5.13kg(P<0.01)、4.58kg(P<0.01)和4.0cm(P<0.01),杂交效果显著。  相似文献   

自1996年以来,以强毛型澳洲美利奴无角系公羊为父本,康拜克、邦德等品种母羊为母本进行杂交育种,培育无角美利奴细毛羊。几年来共培育出无角美利奴细毛羊16987只,存栏5250只,核心群羊达3250只,其中特一级羊占83.18%;成年公、母羊剪毛后体重分别为107.9kg和57.48kg,毛长分别为12.35cm和11.02cm,净毛量分别为10.91kg和5.2kg。选育的无角美利奴细毛羊具有体格大、毛长、产毛量高、产肉多、净化率高和羊毛品质好等特点,各项生产性能和体型外貌接近澳洲美利奴羊水平。应用无角美利奴细毛羊改良低产细毛羊,取得了明显效果。  相似文献   

对随机选取的1.5岁左右秦川公牛、阉牛和母牛各20头进行肥育试验,经过10d的预试期和90d正式育肥试验。肥育试验结果显示,公牛平均日增重达到1.10kg,最高达到1.22kg,最低为0.96kg;阉牛平均日增重为0.98kg,最高达到1.04kg,最低为0.87kg;母牛平均日增重为0.96kg,最高达到1.00kg,最低为0.90kg;公牛、阉牛、母牛三者平均日增重达到1.01kg。屠宰试验显示,公牛屠宰率、净肉率、眼肌面积、高档牛肉产率和优质肉切块率分别达到64.54%、53.27%、85.04cm2、9.45%和53.27%,阉牛、母牛次之;三者平均值依次为62.32%、51.53%、77.26cm2、9.08%和50.65%,说明性别对青年秦川牛肥育及产肉性能有明显的影响作用。  相似文献   

秦川肉牛新品系公牛肉用性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 选取发育正常、健康无病、经标准化育肥、年龄为24月龄的秦川肉牛新品系公牛5头进行屠宰及胴体分割,测定屠宰率、净肉率、胴体产肉率、肉骨比等产肉性能指标,并对里脊、西冷、眼肉、上脑、臀肉、胸肉、黄瓜条、牛腩、肋条肉、牛前10个部位取样进行水分、粗灰分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、剪切力、失水率、系水力和熟肉率8项指标的测定。结果表明,秦川肉牛新品系公牛日增重、屠宰率、产肉率、胴体产肉率、肉骨比等生产性能较传统秦川牛均有较大幅度提高,经过标准化育肥,24月龄时已具备良好的肉用生产性能,达到国际优质肉牛品种标准;秦川肉牛新品系公牛胴体不同部位间肉品质差别较大,通过对其10个部位牛肉品质评定,西冷、上脑、里脊、眼肉为高档肉,肋条肉、臀肉、黄瓜条为中档肉,牛腩、胸肉、牛前为低档肉。  相似文献   

Differing soya bean particle sizes may affect productive performance and ruminal fermentation due to the level of fatty acid (FA) exposure of the cotyledon in soya bean grain and because the protein in small particles is more rapidly degraded than the protein in large particles, which influence ruminal fibre digestion and the amounts of ruminally undegradable nutrients. The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of raw soya bean particle size on productive performance, digestion and milk FA profile of dairy cows. Twelve Holstein cows were assigned to three 4 × 4 Latin squares with 21‐day periods. At the start of the experiment, cows were 121 days in milk (DIM) and yielded 30.2 kg/day of milk. Cows were fed 4 diets: (i) control diet (CO), without raw soya bean; (ii) whole raw soya bean (WRS); (iii) cracked raw soya bean in Wiley mill 4‐mm screen (CS4); and (iv) cracked raw soya bean in Wiley mill 2‐mm screen (CS2). The inclusion of soya beans (whole or cracked) was 200 g/kg on dry matter (DM) basis and partially replaced ground corn and soya bean meal. Uncorrected milk yield and composition were not influenced by experimental diets; however, fat‐corrected milk (FCM) decreased when cows were fed soya bean treatments. Soya bean diets increased the intake of ether extract (EE) and net energy of lactation (NEL), and decreased the intake of DM and non‐fibre carbohydrate (NFC). Ruminal propionate concentration was lower in cows fed WRS than cows fed CS2 or CS4. Cows fed cracked raw soya bean presented lower nitrogen in faeces than cows fed WRS. The milk of cows fed WRS, CS2 and CS4 presented higher unsaturated FA than cows fed CO. The addition of raw soya bean in cow diets, regardless of the particle size, did not impair uncorrected milk yield and nutrient digestion, and increased the concentration of unsaturated FA in milk. Cows fed cracked raw soya bean presented similar productive performance to cows fed whole raw soya bean.  相似文献   

Samples of liver and perirenal, mesenteric and subcutaneous fat were collected from 16 sick necropsied dairy cows to evaluate the fatty acid profiles in the hepatic and adipose tissues associated with advanced fatty liver or hepatic lipidosis. Hepatic triglyceride and eight fatty acids were measured in the hepatic and adipose tissues. Six cows had more than 3% triglyceride on fresh weight in their livers and were classified as having fatty liver. Stearic and linoleic acid proportions in the liver decreased markedly with increased hepatic triglyceride levels, while the proportion of palmitic and oleic acids increased. The most striking fluctuations in hepatic lipidosis were manifested as decreased stearic acid in the adipose tissues including subcutaneous fat with the trend of decreasing stearic acid. Palmitic acid was elevated in hepatic and perirenal fat in fatty liver cows. In instances of advanced hepatic lipidosis, palmitoleic acid increased in only subcutaneous fat and not in perirenal or mesenteric fat. In addition to the proportions of hepatic fatty acids in fatty liver, this study also clarified the fluctuations observed in the profiles of fatty acids of the adipose tissues in cows with advanced hepatic lipidosis, particularly the decline in the proportions of stearic acid.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to analyse the porcine Fatty acid binding protein 2, intestinal ( FABP2 ) gene as a candidate gene for a fatty acid composition quantitative trait loci (QTL) previously described on porcine chromosome 8 in an Iberian by Landrace F2 cross (IBMAP). Re-sequencing of the porcine FABP2 gene in three Iberian and eight Landrace parental animals resulted in the identification of three single-nucleotide polymorphisms, all of them localized in intron 1. The polymorphism FABP2 :g.412T>C, localized in intron 1, and two additional microsatellites were genotyped in the IBMAP population in order to perform an association test of the FABP2 gene and to better define the QTL position previously described. Association analyses of the FABP2 :g.412T>C with the fatty acid composition traits were not significant in simple association and marker-assisted association tests, suggesting that the FABP2 region sequenced is not responsible for the QTL. However, the addition of three new markers to the pedigree allowed us to define the S0144–SW61 marker interval as the most likely QTL position, facilitating the future study of other candidate genes for this QTL.  相似文献   

鹅肥肝的生产及其FAS活性测定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以黄玉米为主要饲料,配以自制添加剂,分组对朗德鹅进行数周强制填饲,同时进行鹅肥肝的生产和肝脏脂肪酸合成酶(FAS)活性的测定.试验结果表明朗德鹅在不同填饲时期的产肝性能不相同,填饲四周后,平均肥肝重573.6g,最大的肥肝重量达800.4g;不同填饲时期鹅肥肝的脂肪酸合成酶活性也不一致,肥肝平均FAS活性高达1372.6(U/mL).本研究为提高鹅肥肝品质以及探讨其形成分子机理奠定了基础.  相似文献   

采用在4头泌乳荷斯坦奶牛十二指肠中增量灌注游离亚麻酸(0、100、200、300、400 g/d)的交叉试验设计,观察灌注亚麻酸对乳脂中脂肪酸含量及氧化稳定性的影响。结果发现,随着灌注剂量的增加,乳脂中多不饱和脂肪酸,尤其是α-亚麻酸含量呈显著增加,但同时乳脂中总超氧化物歧化酶活性和总抗氧化能力均有降低趋势,而硫代巴比土酸反应物具有增加趋势。因此,当在奶牛的十二指肠中增量灌注游离亚麻酸会使乳脂中脂肪酸模式得到改变,但同时会影响其氧化稳定性。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究饲粮全棉籽比例对奶牛泌乳性能和乳脂脂肪酸组成的影响.试验采用4×4拉丁方试验设计,选择8头泌乳早期的经产中国荷斯坦奶牛(产奶量、胎次、产犊日期接近,健康无疾病),分为4组,每组2个重复,每个重复1头牛.A组饲喂基础饲粮,B、C和D组分别饲喂含5%、10%、15%全棉籽的试验饲粮.每期试验28 d,其中预试期为7d,正试期为21 d.结果表明:随着饲粮全棉籽比例的增加,奶牛产奶量有提高趋势(P>0.05),校正乳产量极显著提高(P<0.01).全棉籽极显著地提高了奶牛的乳脂率(P<0.01),对乳蛋白率、乳糖率和乳非脂固形物率无显著影响(P>0.05).全棉籽极显著降低了饱和脂肪酸( SFA)的含量(P<0.01),不同程度地提高了乳中多不饱和脂肪酸( PUFA)和单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)的含量(P<0.05或P<0.01);短链脂肪酸和中链脂肪酸含量都显著降低(P<0.05),长链脂肪酸含量有不同程度的提高(P<0.05或P<0.01).结果提示,饲粮中添加全棉籽可以提高奶牛产奶量,优化乳脂脂肪酸组成,改善乳脂品质,并以10%为泌乳早期奶牛最佳饲粮全棉籽比例.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine how cytosolic triacylglycerols (TAG) are stored in mammary cells and whether this depends on the individual chemical configuration of fatty acids (FA). This objective was accomplished by addition of different FA to a FA-free medium used to culture mammary alveolar cells-large T antigen cells (MAC-T). Treatments consisted of adding FA (palmitate, stearate, oleate, linoleate, rumenic acid [CLA], elaidate and vaccinate) solutions to the medium at 100, 200, 300 and 400 mmol/L concentrations for a 24-h incubation period. At the end of each incubation period, cytosolic TAG, DNA and protein contents were measured. Palmitate, vaccenate, linoleate and CLA increased (P < 0.05) cytosolic TAG (μg/mg protein). Palmitate and CLA increased (P < 0.05) cytosolic TAG adjusted for DNA content. Overall, effects on cytosolic TAG accumulation depended on individual FA structure (chain length, degree of saturation, and number and orientation of FA double bonds). In addition, the long-chain FA used in this study did not have a detrimental effect on MAC-T cells as indicated by cytosolic protein and DNA contents reflecting their biological role in lipid accumulation.  相似文献   

The amount of monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) is intimately related to adipose softness, melting point (MP) and flavor in beef. Stearoyl‐CoA desaturase (SCD) is a main gene involved in MUFA synthesis. Mature adipose tends to be highly saturated, whereas immature or maturing adipose is highly unsaturated when chronologically based, so the degree of non‐saturation can be an index of adipose maturity. In this study, three different adipose tissues (coelomic (CL), perirenal (PR), and subcutaneous (SC)) from three beef breeds with differing slaughter ages (Japanese Black (29.5 months), Holstein (20.1 month), and F1 crossbreed (25.6 months)) were examined to: (i) determine adipose maturity level as indexed by MUFA %; and (ii) determine SCD and other lipogenic gene messenger RNA (mRNA) expression levels in relation to unsaturated fatty acid content. Fatty acid composition was significantly different between adipose tissues (P < 0.05). MUFA amount was high in the following order: SC > CL > PR. This pattern corresponded to SCD mRNA expression profile showing higher expression in SC than CL and PR. However, Japanese black cattle are an exception with CL adipose containing similar UFA % as SC adipose, yet having the lowest SCD mRNA expression level among all adipose tissues tested. Therefore, SCD mRNA expression and MUFA % appear to be directly related; however, differences in SCD mRNA expression among three adipose tissues may reflect differences in the fat development characteristics affected by chronological age of the cattle breeds.  相似文献   

添加共轭亚油酸对肉鸡肌肉脂肪酸影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验选用健康、体重相近的肉鸡100羽(公母各半)。随机分为4个处理,日粮中添加CLA分别为0%(对照组)、0.25%、0.5%、1%,试验期60 d。结束时每组随机抽取15羽进行屠宰。研究添加不同水平的CLA对肉鸡肌肉脂肪酸组成的影响。结果显示,与对照组相比,豆寇酸含量分别提高16.18%(P>0.05)、30.49%(P<0.01)、40.63%(P<0.01);棕榈酸含量分别提高9.38%(P>0.05)、23.81%(P<0.05)、24.73%(P<0.05);棕榈油酸含量分别降低5.00%、5.31%、29.00%(P<0.05);硬脂酸含量分别提高19.62%、23.41%、33.46%;油酸含量降低14.48%、16.52%、27.23%;亚油酸添加0.25% CLA组提高0.72%,其中添加0.5%和1%组分别下降20.75%(P<0.01)、7.1%;亚麻酸含量分别提高90.00%(P<0.01)、92.81%(P<0.01)、93.33%(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

The apparent digestibility and deposition in carcass of individual dietary fatty acids (FA) were determined in growing-finishing pigs fed diets containing either beef tallow or sunflower oil. The beef tallow was rich in saturated FA (SFA) and the sunflower oil had a high content of polyunsaturated FA (PUFA). A total of 39 barrows was used. The experimental diets contained 5% (w/w) of the variable fat source and were fed ad libitum . The dietary fat type had no effect (p > 0.05) on growth performance, even though the apparent digestibilities of crude fat and crude protein were higher (p < 0.05) in the animals fed sunflower oil. The pigs fed the sunflower oil diet showed higher apparent digestibilities (p < 0.05) of the sum of SFA, monounsaturated FA (MUFA) and PUFA, but had a lower digestibility (p < 0.05) of stearic acid. The intakes of individual digestible FA were derived feed intake data, FA contents of the diets and the digestibility of individual FA. For the entire feeding period of 13 weeks, the ratio of deposition in carcass to intake of digestible FA was increased (p < 0.05) for palmitic and stearic acid in the pigs fed sunflower oil, but the ratios for oleic acid and linoleic acid were decreased (p < 0.001). In the pigs fed sunflower oil instead of beef tallow, the deposition:intake ratio was raised for the SFA (p < 0.001), but diminished for the MUFA (p < 0.05). The calculated minimum de novo synthesis of SFA was increased (p < 0.05) and that of MUFA decreased (p < 0.05) in the pigs fed sunflower oil. It is concluded that the feeding of a diet with sunflower oil instead of beef tallow improved apparent digestibility of SFA, MUFA and PUFA, increased the deposition:digestible intake ratio for SFA, but lowered that for MUFA and PUFA.  相似文献   

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