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为了进一步探讨犬的生殖生理学,试验以诱导发情后母犬生殖器官为试验材料,采用组织学和组织化学技术,观察了诱导发情后母犬卵巢、输卵管和子宫的形态学特点。结果表明:诱导发情后犬卵巢外观呈葡萄串状,镜下可见大量黄体、少量原始卵泡和初级卵泡;诱导发情后母犬输卵管壁由黏膜层、肌层和外膜构成,黏膜上皮主要是由纤毛上皮细胞、分泌细胞构成的单层柱状上皮,黏膜固有层可见由纤毛上皮和分泌细胞围绕形成的管状腺,PAS反应可见分泌细胞的游离面和管状腺内有少量的阳性物质;诱导发情后母犬子宫壁由黏膜、肌层和外膜构成,黏膜上皮是单层柱状上皮,黏膜固有层内可见由单层柱状上皮构成发达的管状腺,子宫黏膜上皮细胞内含有少量PAS阳性物质,表面覆盖一层PAS阳性物质,而腺腔内含大量PAS阳性物质。  相似文献   

牦牛发情周期子宫组织结构的观察   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
采用组织学和形态计量学的方法对发情周期牦牛子宫的组织结构及形态变化进行了观察。结果表明,牦牛子宫壁具有3层结构,分别为黏膜(子宫内膜)、肌层(子宫肌层)和浆膜(子宫外膜)。子宫内膜表面上皮和腺上皮在卵泡期为单层柱状上皮,在黄体期上皮高度明显增加,为假复层柱状上皮。表面上皮主要由分泌细胞及少量淋巴细胞组成。分泌细胞可分为亮细胞和暗细胞2种。亮细胞呈柱状,细胞体积较大,胞质弱嗜酸性;暗细胞呈两侧压扁的细条状,胞质强嗜酸性。腺上皮的细胞组成与表面上皮相似。PAS反应可见黄体期子宫内膜表面上皮、腺上皮和基质中阳性分泌颗粒较卵泡期的多。卵泡期固有层内偶见嵌套腺管、扩张腺管和弥散淋巴组织,但黄体期固有层内仅偶见嵌套腺管。此外,与卵泡期相比,黄体期子宫内膜和子宫肌层的厚度显著增加(P0.01)。黄体期子宫内膜腺管的平均直径、单个腺管的面积和周长、每平方毫米内腺管的总面积和总周长都较卵泡期的大,差异极显著(P0.01),而每平方毫米内腺管的数量差异并不显著(P0.05)。可见,牦牛子宫的组织结构在发情周期发生着有规律的变化。  相似文献   

<正>犬子宫蓄脓是子宫内贮留大量脓汁伴有子宫内膜囊泡性增生,并继发病原微生物感染,使子宫内膜发炎的一种疾病,是母犬常见多发产科病,多发生于乏情后2~3个月初产犬或屡配不孕的中高龄犬。该病对患犬危害严重,即使治愈也往往丧失生育能力。笔者根据近年来的临床经验,从病因、诊断和治疗几方面进行概述,供业内参考。1常见病因1.1发情期感染正常发情周期的母犬,一般都会有两个星期的发情期间,发情期间外阴肿胀,子宫颈都会微微张开阴道内的细菌因此很容易穿过子宫颈而进入子宫内繁殖。有时母犬发情期常伴发子宫内膜脱落或出血,使生殖道抵抗能力降低,同时,犬常站坐于地  相似文献   

该文介绍一例犬子宫蓄脓的诊断与治疗。通过一般检查、血常规检查、C反应蛋白(CRP)检查、X线检查和血液生化检查结果综合分析,诊断该犬患子宫蓄脓。采取子宫卵巢切除术进行治疗,患犬术后恢复良好。  相似文献   

犬子宫蓄脓是指含脓物质在子宫内的大量聚集,是子宫腔内感染而贮留大量脓汁并伴有子宫内膜囊泡性增殖的疾病,是犬生殖系统的常见病。 1 病因分析 子宫蓄脓的病因十分复杂。发情期间由于孕酮的长期刺激,导致子宫抵抗力下降,使细菌得以迅速增殖,细菌感染引起的子宫内膜疾病;犬长时间处于激素失调的状态,由于雌激素分泌过多,同时子宫内膜分泌液也增加。  相似文献   

笔者这几年从事宠物诊疗工作,发现好些养殖户对自己饲养的雌性犬,为防止发生难产和其他产科疾病,常要求摘除雌犬的卵巢子宫,以达到绝育效果。现就犬的卵巢子宫摘除术介绍如下。1适应症成年犬在发情期、怀孕期不能进行手术。雌性犬要绝育,5~6月龄是手术适宜时期。卵巢囊肿、子宫蓄脓经一般治疗无效,子宫肿瘤或伴有子宫壁坏死的  相似文献   

为研究发情周期不同阶段牦牛子宫中黄体生成索受体(LHR)的定位及表达变化,笔者利用免疫组织化学SP法分别检测发情期、发情后期、间情期和发情前期牦牛子宫中LHR的表达,并进行光密度值分析.结果表明,LHR免疫阳性产物在牦牛子宫腺上皮细胞、基质细胞、血管内皮细胞、血管平滑肌细胞和肌层平滑肌细胞中均有表达;腺上皮细胞、基质细胞和肌层平滑肌细胞中LHR在发情前期和发情期表达最弱,发情后期表达增加,间情期表达最强(P<0.05);子宫内膜血管平滑肌细胞中LHR的表达在发情期最强,间情期最弱(P<0.05);血管内皮中LHR在发情期和发情前期表达很强,发情后期和间情期显著下降(P<0.05).结果表明LHR参与了发情周期不同阶段牦牛子宫功能变化的调控.  相似文献   

该文报道一例9岁日本柴犬开放型子宫蓄脓病例,根据临床症状和实验室检查等进行准确诊断,采用卵巢切除手术,术后对患犬进行一系列抗感染治疗,患犬预后良好。  相似文献   

犬脾脏肿瘤和子宫蓄脓均为中老年犬罹患的疾病,常单独发生,二者早期临床症状均不典型,容易误诊或漏诊,通过X线检查和超声检查有助于及时发现病变。本病例患犬经影像检查及组织病理检查诊断为脾脏肿瘤并发子宫蓄脓,经手术摘除脾脏、卵巢和子宫,患犬获得康复。  相似文献   

犬子宫蓄脓是指犬子宫腔内有大量的脓液积聚,并伴有子宫内膜异常增生和细菌感染的病症。子宫蓄脓一般出现在小动物老年阶段和发情期间,根据子宫颈的开放与否可分为闭合型和开放型。该病的病因复杂,与内分泌紊乱、生殖道感染及长期使用类固醇药物有关。随着斗牛犬人工配种改良的普及,经常遇到因母犬骨盆发育不良、狭小、畸形或胎儿过大的现象。体位异常等因素造成的难产,如果不采取剖腹产而导致胎死腹中,极易造成感染,诱发子宫蓄脓,给犬主带来损失。未孕母犬发生子宫蓄脓实属少见,阴道炎上行感染诱发子宫蓄脓是主要发病原因。注意犬的生殖卫生,能有效地预防该病的发生。  相似文献   

The presence of oestrogen-alpha receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and HER-2/neu (c-erbB-2) oncoprotein in the uterine walls of 10 healthy cats and 20 subjects with cystic endometrial hyperplasia-pyometra (CEH-P) were evaluated. Lesions were graded according to the severity of cystic dilation, hyperplasia and inflammation, and were classified as normal, mild uterine hyperplasia and severe uterine hyperplasia. The ER, PR and c-erbB-2 expression in the endometrium, glandular epithelium, stromal fibroblasts and myometrial smooth muscle cells was quantified by immunohistochemistry. The ER, PR and c-erbB-2 staining patterns differed between normal uteri and uteri with CEH-P. The ER expression was tended to be higher in the endometrial surface and glandular epithelium in the severe hyperplasia group (P > 0.05) and significantly lower in the mild hyperplasia cases compared with normal endometrium (P < 0.05), whereas the PR expression in both severe and mild hyperplasia cases tended to be higher in stromal cells and glandular epithelium than those in the normal uteri. C-erbB-2 immunoreactivity was observed only in the endometrial surface and glandular epithelium of the uterine wall and immunostaining was found to be highest in cases with severe hyperplasia. As a conclusion, we suggest that c-erbB-2 oncoprotein may play a role in the pathogenesis of the CEH together with the ER and PR in cats, and that ER does not have a role in the mechanism of pyometra, whereas PR plays a role in the pathogenesis of both CEH and pyometra.  相似文献   

We have determined uterine glycogen content, metabolizing enzyme expression and activity in the mink, a species that exhibits obligatory embryonic diapause, resulting in delayed implantation. Gross uterine glycogen concentrations were highest in estrus, decreased 50% by diapause and 90% in pregnancy (P ≤ 0.05). Endometrial glycogen deposits, which localized primarily to glandular and luminal epithelia, decreased 99% between estrus and diapause (P ≤ 0.05) and were nearly undetectable in pregnancy. Glycogen synthase and phosphorylase proteins were most abundant in the glandular epithelia. Glycogen phosphorylase activity (total) in uterine homogenates was higher during estrus and diapause, than pregnancy. While glycogen phosphorylase protein was detected during estrus and diapause, glycogen synthase was almost undetectable after estrus, which probably contributed to a higher glycogenolysis / glycogenesis ratio during diapause. Uterine glucose-6-phosphatase 3 gene expression was greater during diapause, when compared to estrus (P ≤ 0.05) and supports the hypothesis that glucose-6-phosphate resulting from phosphorylase activity was dephosphorylated in preparation for export into the uterine lumen. The relatively high amount of hexokinase-1 protein detected in the luminal epithelia during estrus and diapause may have contributed to glucose trapping after endometrial glycogen reserves were depleted. Collectively, our findings suggest to us that endometrial glycogen reserves may be an important source of energy, supporting uterine and conceptus metabolism up to the diapausing blastocyst stage. As a result, the size of uterine glycogen reserves accumulated prior to mating may in part, determine the number of embryos that survive to the blastocyst stage, and ultimately litter size.  相似文献   

Although cyclic changes of the endometrium in dogs involving both stromal and glandular compartments have been described, the fate of the surface epithelium after progressive growth and secretion is still unclear. In the present study, uteri of 43 healthy bitches in metoestrus and anoestrus were examined macroscopically and histologically. Tissue biopsies were taken from three different locations (cranial and middle parts of uterine horns and bifurcation). The stage of the oestrous cycle was determined by evaluation of progesterone and oestradiol levels in plasma hormone and was also confirmed clinically. Crypts formed in the luteal phase were covered with a columnar epithelium which gradually underwent fatty degeneration. In addition, the stromal part of the crypts disappeared and finally, in early anoestrus, epithelial sheaths desquamated and shed off into the uterine lumen. The surface epithelium was replaced by new cuboidal cells proliferating and migrating from the glandular openings. These findings were confirmed by oil red O staining and immunohistochemical detection of proliferation with Ki‐67 marker.  相似文献   

Cystic alterations of the canine endometrium compromise reproduction and fertility of the bitch and may lead to life-threatening diseases, such as pyometra. Even without clinical evidence, reduction of the uterine lumen by cysts implicates disturbances during migration, nidation and development of the embryo. Several studies point to the high variability of morphology of uterine endometrial cysts but they lack detailed analyses of alterations. In the present study, immunohistochemistry was used to investigate the expression of steroid hormone receptors (oestrogen, progesterone), proliferation activity, inflammation and infection in the cystic affected tissue regions in contrast to the normal endometrium. Oestrogen receptor expression showed a high density of receptors throughout the surface epithelial cells, crypt epithelial cells, glandular epithelial cells and stromal cells of the normal endometrium as well as the cystic affected regions. Proliferation in the cysts was verified in the middle and basal cells of the crypts. Neither in the endometrium nor in the cysts inflammatory processes or evidence of infection could be detected. Furthermore, lectin histochemistry and electron microscopic methods showed that lectin binding patterns and cell morphology of internal epithelial lining and surface epithelium of the cysts can be used to characterize and distinguish different types of cystic alterations. Analogies between epithelial cells of the glandular chambers of the canine placenta and the cystic cellular morphology, steroid hormone receptor distribution as well as lectin binding patterns of the endometrial cysts, as observed in this study, suggest to introduce the term 'pseudo-placentational endometrial cysts'.  相似文献   

Resident immune cells play a major role in endometrial immunity and in tissue homoeostasis. This study aimed to analyse the distribution of macrophages, B and T lymphocytes (respectively, Mø, B‐Lym and T‐Lym) in the canine endometrium throughout the oestrous cycle and in late involution (at the proestrus stage post‐parturition). An immunohistochemistry technique was used on samples from 50 post‐pubertal healthy female dogs, of which five in late post‐partum. The distribution of resident immune cells was analysed in three endometrial layers (superficial, intermediate and basal areas). Mø, B‐Lym and T‐Lym were demonstrated to reside in the endometrium in all the stages of the canine cycle; their numbers being considerably higher during late involution. T‐Lym were scattered in the stroma or amidst the glandular epithelium, constituting the predominant immune cell population in anestrus and proestrus, but decreased in number at all other stages. Endometrial B‐Lym remained fairly constant during the canine cycle, although its numbers were higher in late involution. Mø counts were higher during anestrus compared to the other stages, the cells being displaced into the superficial endometrial layer. Mø demonstrated the highest level in late involution samples, forming small aggregates below the surface epithelium. The number of immune cells was not normally distributed, suggesting the influence of individual factors, such as age or parity, not explored herein due to limited sample availability. Still, this study provides important information for the interpretation of endometrial biopsies in dogs and for the understanding of the increased susceptibility to uterine infection during dioestrus found in the bitch.  相似文献   

A three‐year‐old intact female Old English sheepdog was presented for evaluation of infertility. A uterine biopsy was performed during dioestrus, and the microscopic appearance was inconsistent with progesterone stimulation; the glands were sparse, simple and failed to show coiling, while the glandular epithelium was cuboidal instead of columnar. There was very little evidence of glandular activity. Due to the inappropriate appearance of the glands for the stage of the cycle, immunohistochemistry for progesterone receptors was performed. No progesterone receptor‐positive immunoreactivity was identified in the endometrial luminal epithelium, glandular epithelium or stroma. Weak intranuclear immunoreactivity was identified within the smooth muscle cells of the myometrium. The absence of progesterone receptors within the endometrial glands is the most likely explanation for the abnormal appearance of the endometrium and for this bitch's infertility. To our knowledge, this is the first report of endometrial progesterone receptor absence in a bitch.  相似文献   

Fresh samples of uterine wall and peripheral plasma were obtained from 13 bitches of different breeds when they were treated for cystic endometrial hyperplasia/pyometra by ovariohysterectomy. The plasma samples were assayed for progesterone and 17beta-oestradiol, and the tissue samples were examined histopathologically and for the presence of oestrogen and progesterone receptors by an immunocytochemical method. The immunoreactivity was scored semiquantitatively, taking into account both the intensity and distribution of the specific staining of the receptors, by using a simplified scoring system. The scores for both oestrogen and progesterone receptors in the glandular epithelium were much lower, and in the endometrial stroma a mean (sd) score for oestrogen receptors was 46.0 (44.7) compared with 0 in comparable endometrial tissues from normal bitches at the same stage of the oestrous cycle.  相似文献   

应用HE染色方法和免疫荧光组织化学技术对小鼠生后不同发育阶段子宫组织结构的发育以及极性调控蛋白Crb1的定位表达进行了研究,结果显示,随个体发育,子宫管腔及子宫腺腔不断扩大,子宫内膜上皮持续增厚、固有层内子宫腺逐渐发达;4周龄时子宫腔面出现纤毛,随发育进程越来越发达;在各发育阶段的小鼠子宫组织中均有Crb1的表达,随个体发育表达呈现先增强后减弱的趋势,在8周龄时达到最强;Crb1主要定位于子宫内膜上皮细胞和子宫腺上皮细胞的胞膜和胞质,提示Crb1可能与小鼠子宫内膜上皮细胞和腺上皮细胞的极性建立和维持有关。  相似文献   

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