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柳杉第2代种子园亲本幼林期变异规律与初选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对福建省霞浦杨梅岭国有林场营建的柳杉第2代无性系种子园1年生亲本进行调查分析,结果表明:嫁接保存率达96.3%;建园亲本的抽高和接穗直径等性状在无性系和重复间的差异均达极显著水平;无性系的重复力较大,抽高、接穗直径的重复力分别达0.829和0.653。以生长性状为主要指标,兼顾病害情况,初步综合筛选出25个优良无性系,其综合性状表现优异,是非常宝贵的柳杉种质基因资源。  相似文献   

报道云南西双版纳东风农场1998年试验示范种植的橡胶树新品种云研77-4近10年的观测资料,结果表明,云研77-4品种在抗寒、高产、生势、抗性等性状都优于对照品种GT1,充分表现出该品种的优良特性,适于在东风农场橡胶树宜林地推广种植。  相似文献   

<正> 云南1956年开始发展橡胶,起初都是种植实生树,以后逐步引种试种国外优良无性系PB86、PR107、RRIM600、GT1等品系。这些优良无性系六十年代初期在西双版纳垦区大面积推广种植,至今经历了几次较大寒流的侵袭和各种病害的为害,表现了对不同类型区和环境条件的  相似文献   

云南省热带作物科学研究所培育的橡胶树三倍体无性系已在云南建成山地胶园16万hm2。本文回顾了三倍体育种的历程,总结了育种经验。认为三倍体无性系是橡胶树育种的重要途径之一,可选择目标亲本后,通过人工诱导2n雌配子或2n雄配子,获得优良三倍体基因型。  相似文献   

<正>云南垦区从1957年引进国内外优良无性系进行适应性的研究,于1962年开始先后推广了RRIM600、GT1、PB86和PR107四个品系作大面积生产种植。20多年来表明,这些品系在我省各垦区不仅能够生长、产胶,而且能正常开花结实,丰产种子、完成世代交替,具有良好的适应性。它们的抗逆性考验证实RRIM600、PB86和PR107三个品系在一类型区的优良环境速生高产,GT1在二、三类型区生长茁壮,抗性好,产量也较高。这些优良品系的推广使植胶区获得了较大的经济效益。云南植胶区是纬度偏北,海拔高,热量较少的地区。目前种植橡胶树的地区主要位于云南高原南部北纬21°09'~24°59'东经97°30'~105°08'之间,包括文山、红河、西双版纳、临沧、德宏、思茅六个地区(州)的热带、亚热带的低山丘陵和盆地。文山和红河植  相似文献   

1983年西双版纳勐腊农场从云南省热带作物科学研究所引进印尼橡胶所选育的橡胶品种PR302,进行大田试种。试区设于二分场(龙茵天然橡胶生产基地)十五队,海拔660m的西南坡,种植面积2.65hm2,共1 313 株,株行距2 m×10m。自1991年开割投产以来,PR302的产量、生长、抗病等综合性状反映良好,经2000~2002年3年调查比较,其综合性状均优于本农场种植的PR107、RRIM600、GT1等,现将观察结果报道于下。1 调查方法选1983年定植、1993年开割的PR302一个树位,以相邻的同年定植,同年开割,相同割制的PR107、RRIM600、GT1各一个树位为对照(表1),对…  相似文献   

杉木古树种质与现代优良无性系杂交配合力分析与选择   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以杉木古树无性系和杉木单亲子代测定优良无性系为亲本的杂交子代为研究对象,通过生长差异分析、配合力变量分析探求杉木古树遗传变异规律和价值潜力.结果表明杉木古树种质作父本进行杂交可取得理想结果.一般配合力对生长性状起主要控制作用,特殊配合力的控制作用甚微.一般配合力高的杉木古树亲本不一定能产生优良杂交组合,而一般配合力低的杉木古树亲本一定不能产生优良杂交组合.根据一般配合力相对效应值,选出‘三52'、‘三54'为杉木优良杂交母本,‘闽1'、"王混"为优良父本.再采用指数选择法选择出树高、胸径、材积遗传增益分别为3.12%、3.43%、15.46%的4个优良杂交组合及树高、胸径、材积遗传增益分别为9.09%、15.57%、63.18%的10株优良个体,这些优良杂交组合及个体在提高杉木生产力和丰富高世代育种群体种质资源中能起到重要作用.最后得出杉木古树种质资源有着巨大生产及种质潜力,应加以利用,从而提高现有杉木栽植材料的遗传品质的结论.  相似文献   

<正> 云研1号有性系是GT1与PR107双无性系种子园的杂交后代,经多年试验鉴定,于1980年正式向以辐射降温为主的二、三类型区作为推广生产的种植材料。 1.主要经济性状: 经多年的抗性,产量等方面的鉴定证实是一个对辐射低温为主的寒害抗性较强的有性系,它产量中等,比较速生,并无其它不良付性状。  相似文献   

【目的】探究不同种源野杏无性系定量性状的变异特点及遗传稳定性,为野杏优特无性系选育提供理论参考。【方法】以122个野杏无性系为试验材料,采用变异分析、主成分分析和聚类分析方法对其25个定量描述性状进行系统研究。【结果】野杏无性系25个定量描述性状的变异系数均值为19%,其中22个性状的变异系数在10%以上,变异系数最大的是小枝长度(67%),不同种源野杏种群的变异系数以会宁县为最大(25%),以霍城县为最小(13%)。25个性状的重复力差异均达到了极显著水平,其中单核质量的重复力最大(0.991)。所提取的6个主成分累积贡献率达80.42%,能够反映野杏无性系定量描述性状的大部分信息。通过聚类分析将122个野杏无性系划分为5类。其中,Ⅰ类表现为小枝长势弱,出仁率最小;Ⅱ类表现为出仁率最大;Ⅲ类表现为小枝长势好,出核率最大;Ⅳ类表现为叶片长势好,叶长、叶宽、叶柄长、叶柄粗均最大;Ⅴ类表现为果、核、仁长势最好,单果质量、单核质量、单仁质量均最大。各类均可作为野杏不同育种目标的亲本材料。【结论】不同种源野杏无性系定量描述性状变异程度丰富,选择潜力大,有利于野杏优特类型选育;各性状重复力差异极显著,各无性系遗传原株优良性状优势明显;主成分分析结果反映了野杏无性系定量性状的大部分信息;通过聚类分析将野杏无性系划分为5类,均可作为选育高出核率及特殊果、核、仁类型的亲本种质资源。  相似文献   

通过对41个红锥无性系嫁接1a后的树体生长调查研究,了解不同红锥无性系的主要生长性状差异及变异规律,并为试验区初选适生的优良无性系。结果表明:红锥各无性系抽梢为3.0cm~66.0cm、冠幅为5cm~45cm、基径为2.80mm~16.45mm,冠幅的变异系数41.78%>抽梢36.56%>基径27.36%。个体无性系抽梢、冠幅、基径均值大于群体均值,无性系个数分别为22个、20个、20个,占比分别为53.7%、48.8%、48.8%。永安洪田镇忠洛村子代测定林的入选率最高,为36.4%,表明这些无性系在该试验条件下具有较高的生长率;红锥41个不同无性系之间生长性状差异显著,3个性状估计的重复力T检验显著,有选择的必要和可能。3个性状的重复力分别为0.62、0.76、0.48,属于中等及以上重复力性状,以抽梢性状为标准并按20%入选率初选出8个无性系充实红锥育种群体。  相似文献   

To select maternal parents with high fertility and high combining ability during cross breeding of Populus tomentosa Carr., the ploidy level of 75 female clones was determined using flow cytometry. In addition, genetic variations and phenotypic correlations of seed traits and early growth traits, as well as the general combining ability(GCA) for seedling height(SH) and basal diameter(BD) of all diploid half-sib families were examined. A total of 26 natural triploid clones were identified. For all diploid families, family effects were significant for inflorescence length(IL), thousand kernel weight(TKW), seedling emergence rate(SER), and for SH and BD. There was a positive correlation between TKW and other traits,excluding IL. The seed-bearing coefficient(NS 9 SER)ranged from zero to 32.4%. Clones 3-10-2, 2-8, 3119,3206, and 3-10-1 had the best performance of the GCA for SH and BD. Based on the fertility and GCA for SH and BD, clone 3-10-2 and clone 3119 could be used as female parents for controlled cross-breeding of P. tomentosa.  相似文献   

对云南景洪农场六作业区橡胶树RRIM600、PR107、GT1、云研1号等品种实行刺激割胶新割制后的存在状况进行调查,结果表明:胶树的病残株率随着割龄的增加而增高,在开割7年后现存株率、有效割株率及单位面积有效割株数随着树龄的增加而降低;RRIM600在所有割龄段中,相对于其它参试品种表现出较强的适应性,存株率、有效割株率及单位面积有效割株数明显较高、死皮明显较轻。研究提出应在更大范围去深入调查,再认识RRIM600的优良性状,作出新的评价,合理地应用于生产。  相似文献   

参试材料为美洲黑杨50号(母本)和5个种源(各10个单株)青杨(父本)杂交获得的25个家系115个子代无性系。5年生生长性状的方差分析结果表明,子代无性系在父本不同种源间、种源内家系间和家系内无性系间3个不同水平上存在a=0.001水平的显著差异,具有较大选择潜力。根据子代无性系的生长量和水泡溃疡病抗性,初步选择出了36个生长量大且对水泡溃疡病有一定抗性的优良无性系。  相似文献   

以沙县官庄国有林场22年生的杉木第2代种子园为研究对象,对220个无性系进行系统测定,探讨了无性系生长、形质和结实性状的遗传变异规律,结果表明:生长性状、形质性状和结实性状在无性系间的差异达到极显著水平,而且无性系的重复力值均较大;从220个无性系中综合筛选出丁74等35个优良无性系,各优良无性系生长量大、结实性状良好,22年生时的平均树高、胸径、材积值分别高达17.56 m、33.60 cm和0.803 35 m3,分别大于种子园中调查的220个无性系平均值的20.36%、17.73%和57.32%,综合性状表现优良,可用作高世代种子园建园材料和杂交育种的亲本材料。  相似文献   

Rhus succedanea L. is cultivated in Japan for the wax that can be extracted from its fruits. We determined genetic data for specific traits associated with wax production (fruit number per cluster, FN, fruit weight, FW, number of clusters per area, CN, and wax content, WC) in five traditional cultivars and 13 newer clones. Data were collected over 4 years and alternate bearing was observed: 2001 and 2003 were years with high yields; in 2002 and 2004 yields were poor. The restricted maximum likelihood method was used to calculate (co)variance components for analysis. Broad sense heritability was estimated and ranged from low (FN and CN) to high (FW and WC) for the traits examined. There were positive genetic correlations between FW and WC and negative ones between FN and FW throughout the 4 years. Genetic correlations between CN and the other traits were positive in good crop years and negative in bad crop years. For each assessed clone, the four traits in the 4 years were evaluated using best linear unbiased predictors (BLUP) of the clonal breeding values. The BLUP scores for both FW and WC exhibited positive correlations between pairs of years, whereas there were positive BLUP correlations for CN when the high yield and low yield years were examined separately. The traditional cultivars and the newer clones were also characterized. Some of the clones were better than the traditional cultivars with regard to wax yield and reliability of production. The trait characteristics and the future breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

台山湿地松(Pinus elliottii)改良种子园营建于1988—1997 年,为评价该种子园无性系的遗传品质,项目组在种子园内采集无性系的自由授粉种子并营建子代测定林。文章根据1 块营建在台山市红岭种子园的湿地松子代测定林4、13、18 a 的生长性状数据,分析了改良种子园的现实增益,评价建园无性系的选择效果,选择新一轮的育种亲本,结果如下:3 个年份数据分析结果均显示,在生长量方面,改良种子园子代显著甚至极显著大于湿地松一代种子园子代,18 a 生时,树高、胸径、单株材积的平均现实增益分别为3.09%、4.70%、15.08%;根据单株材积育种值选择出优良亲本无性系6 个,其育种值介于0.050 5~0.186 1 m3,其中有5 个亲本无性系的遗传品质已得到多次验证,可以作为新一轮的育种亲本甚至是核心育种亲本;新选优树15 株,其单株材积育种值介于0.114 9~0.276 9 m3,可充实到新一轮的育种群体中。  相似文献   

15个中粒种咖啡无性系的主要农艺性状观测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对15个中粒种咖啡无性系的主要农艺性状进行观测和综合评价,筛选出24-2号、兴28、兴29、26号、6号、24- 1号等产量高、农艺性状优良的无性系,建议生产上推广种植。  相似文献   

To evaluate and select elite Pinus koraiensis parent combinations and offspring families, 34 full-sib families were evaluated. Variance analysis of tree height, diameter at breast height and volume showed no significant differences among each block, the interaction of block, male and female. The family heritability of all traits were high( 0.9). Phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variance of height, diameter at breast height, and volume showed that the phenotypic coefficient of variation of volume in the same combination was higher than height and diameter at breast height, indicating that volume was the main factor determining excellent single plant selection. The female and male trees with the best general combining ability indicated that the optimal parental hybridization was not necessarily the optimal combination. In addition, the least parents of hybrid offspring performance were always relatively poor and should not be selected as hybrid parents. Additionally, we found there was no significant difference among the effects of female and male parents by random modelling, but there were significant differences by fixed modelling. The most significant effect of female-and male interaction, and the selection of better female or male parents in the test parent group should be efficient as well as the results of significant variation among them by fixed modelling. For the evaluated breeding population of P. koraiensis, the backward selection of excellent parent combinations or forward selection of excellent individuals as progeny should be the major breeding strategies.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(4):287-295
In South Africa, Eucalyptus grandis is an important species due to its fast growth and general suitability of its timber for a range of products. However, E. grandis is susceptible to fungal diseases such as Crysoporthe austroafricana and Coniothyrium sp. cankers in the subtropical region of Zululand and is therefore mainly planted as a parental species in a hybrid combination with E. urophylla in this region. The current strategy is to maintain large breeding populations of both parental species in order to provide improved elite selections for hybrid crosses. In order to develop the best interspecific hybrid breeding strategy for E. grandis, it is important to first determine estimates of genetic parameters of the pure species parents. Estimating the genotype by environment interaction (G×E) is also necessary in proposing the basis for setting up breeding populations and selecting environmentally stable genotypes. With this in mind, two E. grandis full-sib progeny trials were planted in Zululand and one in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands region. The aims of this study were firstly to determine the magnitude of G×E of E. grandis across the three sites; secondly, to estimate the genetic parameters for growth of the E. grandis parents selected for intraspecific crosses; and lastly, to identify the best parents to use for intra- and interspecific crosses in future hybrid breeding programmes. Results of our study indicated that G×E would be practically negligible for growth in Zululand and one group of elite parents can be used for hybrid crosses in this region. In general, growth traits were under low to moderate genetic control, and the variation in additive genetics enabled us to identify E. grandis parents that could be utilised for intraspecific crosses and deliver progeny with genetic gains of 28.4%. Our study also highlighted that a relatively large portion of the genetic variation was explained by dominance genetic variation and a strategy to capture this non-additive variation needs investigation. Although our study achieved the stated aims, it must be kept in mind that E. grandis is mainly used as a hybrid parent with E. urophylla in Zululand. A study to investigate whether the parents with good general combining ability values from our study are also good general combiners in interspecific hybrid combinations with E. urophylla needs to be conducted.  相似文献   

Eight Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. clones (GT1, YUNYAN77-4, IRCA707, IRCA317, PB217, PB260, PR107 and RRIM600) were compared for their tolerance towards chilling stress. Net photosynthesis (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), optimal and effective photochemical efficiencies (F(v)/F(m) and ), non-photochemical quenching, cellular lysis and leaf necrosis were measured on trees chilled at 10?°C for 96?h, as well as upon recovery at 28?°C. In addition, ascorbate peroxidase, catalase, dehydroascorbate reductase, glutathione reductase, monodehydroascorbate reductase and superoxide dismutase activities were monitored. Clone RRIM600 appeared to be the most tolerant, because it showed no cellular lysis or leaf necrosis and the best recovery as revealed by Pn, Gs, F(v)/F(m) and . Its ability to sustain chilling stress seemed related in part to the fast closure of stomata, suggesting an 'avoidance strategy' for this clone. IRCA707, GT1 and YUNYAN77-4 were also tolerant to the cold treatment as only a few leaf injuries were observed. However, YUNYAN77-4 showed a particular behaviour with a large stomata opening during the first hour of chilling, some photosynthetic activity after 96?h at 10?°C, but the slowest recovery in Pn. The greatest cell or leaf damage was observed on PB260, IRCA317, PR107 and PB217 clones, thus classified as sensitive to chilling. These clones showed the strongest decrease in Pn, F(v)/F(m) and and the slowest recovery for F(v)/F(m) and , indicating a high sensitivity of photosystem II to cold temperatures. Punctual increases of various enzymatic activities were observed for all clones during chilling kinetics. During recovery, the strongest increases in enzymatic activity were observed for the most tolerant clones, suggesting that efficient reactive oxygen species elimination is a crucial step for determining chilling tolerance in Hevea although the enzymes implicated varied from one tolerant clone to another. This study points out contrasted strategies of the Hevea clones in copping with chilling stress and recovery.  相似文献   

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