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Summary In the Netherlands, the dung beetleTyphaeus typhoeus (Col., Geotrupidae) is confined to sandy and loamy sandy soils. Experiments were carried out in the laboratory and in the field to ascertain the effects of soil bulk density and soil moisture on various aspects of the reproductive behaviour and development of this dung beetle. Some of the results were validated under natural field conditions. The nesting burrows were shown not to penetrate beyond the upper level of the soil moisture saturation zone. The depth of the burrows was not influenced by the bulk density in moist and free-drained sandy soils. Lower bulk densities of the soil were shown to result in fewer dung sausages being made, even when sufficient dung was availabe to provide for the larvae. This phenomenon was attributed to a behavioural response from the dung beetles. The critical bulk density in the field appeared to be approximately 1.40 × 103 kg/m3. The survival rate of eggs and larvae was shown to be adversely affected by conditions of high soil moisture (> 20% by volume) at the depths where the larvae develop. Evidence is given for a low survival rate of larvae at conditions of low soil moisture (pF > 2.7) at these depths. The impact of certain other soil factors is discussed.Communication no. 280 of the Biological Station, Wijster, The Netherlands  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted over 96 h in 240-mm-deep soil microcosms, to assess the effect of the presence and distribution of sheep manure over the soil surface on the vertical and horizontal distribution of burrows and numbers of the earthworms Aporrectodea trapezoides and Microscolex dubius. Within some microcosms the dung was placed on half of the soil surface and this caused aggregation, with over two-thirds of the earthworms being found in the soil directly under the manure. The presence of surface-applied sheep manure caused both species to aggregate in the surface soil. In contrast, without manure, A. trapezoides was evenly distributed throughout the soil profile while M. dubius aggregated in the deeper soil. The pattern of burrow construction was also influenced by the presence of surface manure. In the absence of manure, burrows of both species were evenly distributed through the soil, but in the presence of surface manure M. dubius constructed proportionally more burrows close to the surface. Both species constructed approximately twice the burrow area in the absence than in the presence of surface manure. For both species the daily rate of burrow construction decreased over the experimental period. From these data we inferred that there was more widespread and active foraging behaviour in both species when organic food material was scarce. M. dubius differed from A. trapezoides in that it more strongly concentrated foraging activity in the vicinity of the manure food source.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to exemplify the specific contribution of both two- and three-dimensional (3D) X-ray computed tomography to characterise earthworm burrow systems. To achieve this purpose we used 3D mathematical morphology operators to characterise burrow systems resulting from the activity of an anecic ( Aporrectodea nocturna), and an endogeic species ( Allolobophora chlorotica), when both species were introduced either separately or together into artificial soil cores. Images of these soil cores were obtained using a medical X-ray tomography scanner. Three-dimensional reconstructions of burrow systems were obtained using a specifically developed segmentation algorithm. To study the differences between burrow systems, a set of classical tools of mathematical morphology (granulometries) were used. So-called granulometries based on different structuring elements clearly separated the different burrow systems. They enabled us to show that burrows made by the anecic species were fatter, longer, more vertical, more continuous but less sinuous than burrows of the endogeic species. The granulometry transform of the soil matrix showed that burrows made by A. nocturna were more evenly distributed than those of A. chlorotica. Although a good discrimination was possible when only one species was introduced into the soil cores, it was not possible to separate burrows of the two species from each other in cases where species were introduced into the same soil core. This limitation, partly due to the insufficient spatial resolution of the medical scanner, precluded the use of the morphological operators to study putative interactions between the two species  相似文献   

After earthworms of the species Aporrectodea caliginosa and A. rosea had burrowed in compacted cores of soil for 68 days the cores were sectioned horizontally. The upper surface of each sectioned layer of soil was photographed before it was dissected and the dimensions of all burrows within the layer measured. Volume densities calculated from the direct measurement of burrows were compared with the values calculated by stereology from data obtained from two image analysis methods, computerised image analysis and point counting with a systematic lattice. The assumption implicit in all stereology calculations was satisfied for this experiment in that the burrows of both species showed no preferred orientation in the compacted soil. Computerised image analysis could not measure the density of all burrows in the photographs because of the lack of contrast between cast-filled burrows and the soil and the complex shapes of the burrows. Although the volume densities of A. caliginosa burrows calculated from point counts were correlated with the values calculated from direct measurement, point counting over-estimated volume densities by two to three times. In the experiment, A. rosea produced too few airfilled burrows for the lattice to detect. The relative ratios of air-filled to cast-filled burrows calculated from the point counts suggested that approximately two-thirds and eight-ninths of the burrows of A. caliginosa and A. rosea, respectively, were filled with casts.  相似文献   

A greenhouse study was performed to examine the ability of the earthworms Microscolex dubius and Aporrectodea trapezoides to transport Rhizobium meliloti L5-30R through soil. When R. meliloti L5-30R was inoculated into either ezi-mulch (a pelleted formulation of cereal-pea straw), oat hay, pea hay, or sheep dung and placed on the soil surface together with either A. trapezoides or M. dubius, >104 colony-forming units (CFU) of R. meliloti L5-30R g-1 soil were detected at 90 mm soil depth after 18 days. In the absence of earthworms, R. meliloti L5-30R was not detected at 90 mm soil depth after this time. In a second experiment using ezi-mulch as the inoculant material and in the presence of A. trapezoides (in a number equivalent to 471 or 785 m-2), ca. 103 CFU of R. meliloti L5-30R per 10 mm of alfalfa root were detected at 0–30, 30–60, and 60–90 mm soil depth after 18 days, while <3 CFU were detected per 10 mm of root in the absence of A. trapezoides. In a third experiment in which R. meliloti L5-30R was distributed evenly through soil at the start of the experiment, A. trapezoides (in a number equivalent to 157, 471, or 785 m-2) significantly decreased the survival of L5-30R in soil after 40 days of incubation at 15°C, but not after 20 days. The decrease in survival of R. meliloti L5-30R was correlated with the density of A. trapezoides. These results demonstrate that A. trapezoides can increase root colonization of alfalfa by R. meliloti L5-30R, but may also reduce the ability of R. meliloti L5-30R to survive in soil.  相似文献   

Diversity of native rice (Oryza Poaceae:) species of Costa Rica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We found several populations of wild Oryza species in the lowlands of Costa Rica. The plants showed extensive morphological variation, suggesting the presence of several species. In the morphologic study, 33 traits were scored for plants of all the species. A principal component analysis revealed the significant morphological separation of the different species. The analyses indicated that there are three species, O. grandi­glumis, O. latifolia and O. glumaepatula. Two putative hybrid types were found, both significantly differing in their morphology from the known species and intermediate at several traits. O. grandi­glumis is a new record for Costa Rican flora. Its main population is located in Caño Negro Wildlife Refuge, Los Chiles, Alajuela. O. latifolia is distributed throughout the lowlands of the country and the plants of the Atlantic slope are significantly bigger in general habit than those of the Guanacaste area. During this study a population of O. glumaepatula of hundreds of thousands of plants was discovered in the Medio Queso River wetland, Los Chiles, Alajuela. This population is the most important source of genes for cultivar's improvement from the primary gene pool of rice in Costa Rica. The small ligule and the wide flag leaf characteristic of the two CCDD species separated them from the AA diploid O. glumaepatula. Seed size, ligule size, number of branches in the panicle, plant height and sterile lemma length are all bigger in O. grandi­glumis, and influenced the second factor that separated the CCDD species in two discrete clusters. The species found offer great possibilities for the improvement of rice cultivars and they should be thoroughly studied and appropriately protected.  相似文献   

In order to identify key adaptive traits which affect productivity in Mediterranean grain and forage legumes and simultaneously determine the agricultural potential of a wide range of Vicia species, germplasm collected from the wild throughout the eastern Mediterranean was grown under semi-arid conditions in Tel Hadya, Syria (313 mm growing season rainfall). These included species currently in use in Mediterranean agriculture, such as V. sativa L., as well as those more widely used in the past-such as V. ervilia L., but also a broad selection from Section Narbonensis (B. Fedtsch. ex Radzhi) Maxted, including V. narbonensis L, V. johannis Tamamsch., V. hyaeniscyamus Mout., V. serratifolia Jacq., and V. kalakhensis Khattab et al. V. faba, a near relative of the taxa in Section Narbonensis, was included as a domesticated control. Where applicable, a representative range of subspecies was used. Accessions were chosen from a wide range of habitats in terms of latitude (31.02–40.72 decimalo), longitude (27.1–43.17 decimalo), altitude (20–1510 m), rainfall (180–1700 mm/yr) and soil depth (5–50 cm) in order to maximise diversity within species. Agricultural potential was determined by measuring seed, hay and biological yield, as well as agronomic traits such as harvest index, standing crop height, and seed size. The comparative influence of phenology and key agronomic traits such as plant habit and seed size on productivity varied tremendously between species, depending on their reproductive strategies. In V. sativa and V. ervilia, the smaller seed species which rely on long vegetative phases and growing seasons to accumulate sufficient biomass to set seed, and in which there was comparatively little agronomic variation, phenology had a large impact on yield. In early emerging taxa such as V. ervilia and V. s. subsp. sativa, with built-in long vegetative phases and growing seasons, seed yield was negatively correlated with flower ing (r = –0.86 to –0.88), whereas the opposite was the case for later emerging taxa such as V. s. subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh. (r = 0.95). Within V. narbonensis and relatives, the larger seeded Vicia species which rely on more conservative reproductive strategies where high seedling vigour associated with large seeds enables the species to enter reproductive phases relatively early, phenology had a much smaller impact on yield than did variation of key traits such as seed weight, plant habit and pod shattering. Among the undomesticated germplasm harvest indices ranged from 0.09–0.31, hay yields from 0.1–3.4 t/ha, seed yield from 0–2.0 t/ha, and dry matter at maturity from 1.6–6.5 t/ha. Sub-specific taxonomy was crucial in determining agronomic potential. V. narbonensis var. aegyptiaca Kornhuber ex Asch. et Schweinf. showed the most potential, combining an upright habit, large seeds (212 mg) and tendency to retain intact pods after maturity, with the highest yield, harvest index and crop height of all the wild Vicia species. V. sativa subsp. sativa, V. ervilia and V. narbonensis var. narbonensis were less productive, but still showed agricultural potential. The smaller seeded V. narbonensis, var. affinis, var. jordanica H. Schäf. and var. salmonea (Mout.) H. Schäf., and their close relatives V. johannis, V. hyaeniscyamus, V. serratifolia and V. kalakhensis have little to offer Mediterranean agriculture on the basis of poor agronomy.  相似文献   

Summary Rye-grass (Lolium perenne) is known to be a strong competitor to red clover (Trifolium pratense) for soil K+ under conditions of low K availability in the soil. The objective of this study was to clarify whether this competitive behaviour of the two species can be explained by root morphology. Total K+ uptake ofL. perenne andT. pratense was studied under field conditions in relation to root fresh weight, root density, root cation exchange capacity, root surface and root length. The soil was an Alfisol, Udalf. All root parameters, when calculated per unit soil surface (M2), were higher inL. perenne than inT. pratense. In addition,L. perenne had longer root hairs and a denser root hair system thanT. pratense. The greatest difference in root morphology between species was root length, withL. perenne roots averaging 4–6 times longer than those ofT. pratense.Significant correlations were found between the total K+ uptake and all root parameters examined, with highest correlationsforroot fresh weight (r,0.92***T. pratense; 0.94***L. perenne) and root length (r, 0.91***T. pratense;r, 0.93***L. perenne). Potassium uptake per unit root fresh weight, root surface and root length were all significantly higher forT. pratense than for L. perenne. Differences in the rate of K+ uptake between species were particularly high when expressed per unit root length. Because of its greater root length and surface area,L. perenne can take up more soil K+ thanT. pratense, particularly where there is a low K supply in the soil. Under such conditionsL. perenne will be a particularly strong competitor toT. pratense.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were carried out to investigate the fate of bacteria during and after passage through the intestinal tract of detritivore earthworms. Earthworms (Lumbricus spp.) were fed with cattle dung inoculated 7 days previously with one of five different Gram-negative bacteria. Bacterial concentrations were determined 2 days later in dung and soil, and in gut material from different parts of the earthworm intestinal tract. A high percentage (28–82%) of the total bacteria (epifluorescence direct counts) in the earthworm gut content was culturable. The concentration of total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria did not vary significantly among the five different bacterial additions and the non-inoculated control. In earthworm casts the number of total heterotrophs per gram dry matter (2.1×109) was higher than in soil (1.7×108), but lower than in the dung (1.5×1010). The test-bacteria, however, showed different survival patterns along the earthworm intestinal tract. The concentrations of Escherichia coli BJ 18 and Pseudomonas putida MM 1 and MM 11 in earthworm casts were lower than in the ingested dung, while concentrations of Enterobacter cloacae A 107 and Aeromonas hydrophila DMU 115 in dung and casts were similar. Ent. cloacae, and to aminor extent E. coli, were reduced in numbers by several orders of magnitude in the pharynx and/or crop. In the hind gut, however, the concentration of Ent. cloacae had increased to the same level as in the ingested dung, while the concentration of E. coli remained low. Our observations indicate that the bacterial flora of ingested food materials changes qualitatively and quantitatively during gut transit.  相似文献   

The extent and patterns of microsatellite diversity in 141 Ethiopian tetraploid wheat landraces consisting of three species Triticum durum Desf., T. dicoccon Schrank and T. turgidum L. were analyzed using 29 microsatellite markers. A high level of polymorphism and a large number of alleles unique for each species were detected. Compared to emmer (T. dicoccon) and poulard (T. turgidum) wheats, a higher genetic diversity was observed in T. durum. The A-genome was more polymorphic than the B-genome in all the three species. Microsatellites with (GA) n -repeats had a higher number of alleles than (GT) n -repeats. A species pairwise comparison was made to determine the percentage of shared alleles and a large number of common alleles among species were observed. Average gene diversity, across the 29 microsatellite loci, was 0.684 for T. durum, 0.616 for T. dicoccon and 0.688 for T. turgidum. Genetic distances were lower between T. durum and T. turgidum (0.26) than between T. durum and T. dicoccon (0.34) or between T. turgidum and T. dicoccon (0.38). A significant correlation (p < 0.01) was found between the number of alleles per locus and the gene diversity in all the three species. Allelic frequency variation was highest between T. turgidum and T. dicoccon (10.62%) and lowest between T. durum and T. turgidum (4.86%). A genetic similarity coefficient of 0.34, 0.46 and 0.37 was found in T. durum, T. dicoccon, and T. turgidum, respectively. The dendogram, which was constructed on the basis of a similarity matrix using the UPGMA algorithm, distinguished all accessions represented in the study.  相似文献   

Summary The present study assessed the effect of the tropical geophagous earthworm, Millsonia anomala, on the aggregate-size distribution of a sieved (2 mm), tropical ferruginous soil in the presence and absence of the perennial tropical grass Panicum maximum. The effect of two size groupings and graded biomass densities of M. anomala on soil aggregation was analysed in time and with depth in the containers within which the plants were grown. In the absence of earthworms, aggregation was rapid although limited (13.5% of soil as aggregates >2.0 mm), and probably arose from a combination of microbial activity and physical processes (interparticle bonding due to clays and other colloids). The roots of the test species contributed little to aggregation. In contrast, the effect of earthworm activity on soil aggregation was rapid and important. The effects of both biomass and, to a lesser extent, size were significant. After 79 days, aggregation reached a maximum with 3 g per container of small earthworms (ca. 59% of soil as aggregates >2.0 mm) and a minimum with 1 g per container of large earthworms (ca. 35% of aggregates >2.0 mm). Aggregation was considered to occur through three different mechanisms: (1) A rapid aggregation due to the interactions of colloids; (2) an intermediate aggregation due to a combination of unquantified processes related to earthworm activity (mucus secretion, development of fungus hyphae); (3) egestion of soil as earthworm casts which are stable macroaggregates.  相似文献   

Summary Lumbricus festivus and L. castaneus consume dung. In the field, below cow pats, their gut loads were about 0.15 and 0.14 g dry weight g-1 ash-free dry weight of worm, respectively, but in free soil the loads were higher, about 0.21 and 0.19 g g-1 ash-free dry weight of worm. The gut contents of dung were lighter than the total ingested material, at about 0.10 and 0.07 g dry weight g-1 ash-free dry weight of worm, respectively. Field experiments showed that the retention time of dung ranged from >9 to 15 h for L. festivus, and from >3 to 6 h for L. castaneus. The experiments also indicated that L. festivus exploited 20- and 36-day-old dung in different ways, since the gut load was lower in those worms consuming 20-day-old dung than in those consuming 36- to 40-day-old dung. On the basis of these results the calculated consumption rate for L. festivus is 0.08 g dung day-1 g live weight of worm-1, and for L. castaneus 0.15 g dung day-1, with retention times assumed to be at maximum, 15 h, for L. festivus and 6 h for L. castaneus. These calculations indicate that our field population of worms (75 g m-2) consumes 10–15 t dung ha-1 180 days-1, corresponding to the amount of dung produced by 2–3 dairy cows.  相似文献   

We investigated the diversity of rhizobia isolated from different indigenous legumes in Flanders (Belgium). A total of 3810 bacterial strains were analysed originating from 43 plant species. Based on rep-PCR clustering, 16S rRNA gene and recA gene sequence analysis, these isolates belonged to Bradyrhizobium, Ensifer (Sinorhizobium), Mesorhizobium and Rhizobium. Of the genera encountered, Rhizobium was the most abundant (62%) and especially the species Rhizobiumleguminosarum, followed by Ensifer (19%), Bradyrhizobium (14%) and finally Mesorhizobium (5%). For two rep-clusters only low similarity values with other genera were found for both the 16S rRNA and recA genes, suggesting that these may represent a new genus with close relationship to Rhodopseudomonas and Bradyrhizobium. Primers for the symbiotic genes nodC and nifH were optimized and a phylogenetic sequence analysis revealed the presence of different symbiovars including genistearum, glycinearum, loti, meliloti, officinalis, trifolii and viciae. Moreover, three new nodC types were assigned to strains originating from Ononis, Robinia and Wisteria, respectively. Discriminant and MANOVA analysis confirmed the correlation of symbiosis genes with certain bacterial genera and less with the host plant. Multiple symbiovars can be present within the same host plant, suggesting the promiscuity of these plants. Moreover, the ecoregion did not contribute to the separation of the bacterial endosymbionts. Our results reveal a large diversity of rhizobia associated with indigenous legumes in Flanders. Most of the legumes harboured more than one rhizobial endosymbiont in their root nodules indicating the importance of including sufficient isolates per plant in diversity studies.  相似文献   

The genus Trifolium comprises of 290 annual and perennial species of which the species such as T. repens, T. hybridum, T. pratense, T. ambiguum, T. resupinatum, T. alexandrinum are economically important. Boundaries between species in many cases have been difficult to define because of wide range of diversity caused by primary polymorphism. Hence, inter- and intraspecies variation in Trifolium, for zymogram pattern of five enzyme system was made to work out estimate of variability for isozymic banding pattern and get an insight into the species relationship. A total of 25 species represented by 134 accessions were compared for 5 enzymes viz. peroxidase, esterase, superoxide dismutase, acid phosphatase, and glutamate oxalo acetate transaminase using starch gel electrophoresis. Forty-six types of zymograms for Est isozyme pattern were observed amounting to 4.38 estimate of variability. The estimates of variability revealed maximum variation in T. resupinatum (4.24) followed with 3.02 in T. nigrescens. Estimate of variability for superoxide dismutase ranged from 0.46 to 2.67 among species amounting to 1.08 total variability across species. A total of 28 types of glutamate oxalo acetate transaminase zymograms were observed accounting for 2.48 estimate of variability. All but one band attributed to an estimate of variability of 1.43 in the genus for ACP and 16 different types of ACP zymograms were noticed. Highest variation for ACP was observed in T. resupinatum (4.53). Estimate of variation for peroxidase was 4.83 and 51 types of zymogram were observed. The species differed markedly for zymograms. The species distributed both in temperate and tropical parts like T. resupinatum had more variability as compared to cultivated species like T. alexandrinum and T. pratense. The rich variability present among these species can provide good source of gene transfer from wild to cultivated species which otherwise have no specific zymogram and exhibit low variability. The species sharing zymogram pattern for one or more enzymes with cultivated species were considered to have affinity and can further be utilized in attempting interspecific hybridization.  相似文献   

The capacity for water diffusion in burrow walls (i.e. the coefficient of sorptivity) either burrowed by Lumbricus terrestris (T-Worm) or artificially created (T-Artificial) was studied through an experimental design in a 2D terrarium. In addition, the soil density of earthworm casts, burrow walls (0–3 mm around the burrow) and the surrounding soil (>3 mm) were measured using the method of petroleum immersion. This study demonstrated that the quantity of water which transits through burrows of L. terrestris in the soil matrix was lower than that transited through soil fractures, due to a reduction of soil porosity in burrow walls (compaction: cast > worms burrow walls > surrounding soil > artificial burrow walls). Earthworm behaviour, in particular burrow reuse with associated cast pressing on walls, could explain the larger burrow wall compaction in earthworm burrows. If water diffusion was lower through the compacted burrows, burrow reuse by the worms makes them more stable (worms would maintain the structure over years) than unused burrows. The present experimental design could be used to test and measure the specific differences between earthworm species in their contributions to water diffusion. Probably, these contributions depend on the presumed related-species behaviours which would determine the degree of burrow wall compaction.  相似文献   

In a greenhouse study, the effect of the earthwormAporrectodea trapezoides on root nodulation in seedlings of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) was examined in the presence and absence of addedRhizobium leguminosarium biovartrifolii (strain NA 30). WhenR. trifolii NA 30 was inoculated into dung and placed on the soil surface, the total number of root nodules was five times greater (P<0.001) in the presence of earthworms than without earthworms and the number of nodules on the primary root of the plants 2–8 cm below the soil surface was 4 to 6 times greater (P<0.001) in the presence of earthworms. The additional nodulation did not affect plant growth or foliar N. When NA30 was dispersed through the soil at the beginning of the experiment, the presence of earthworms did not influence the level of root nodulation. The presence of earthworms increased root dry weight by 20–30%, plant top weight by up to 125% (P<0.001), and foliar N by 5–25% (P<0.001). Surface-applied dung increased the dry weight of plant tops (2-to 3-fold,P<0.001) but did not affect the concentration of foliar N (P<0.005).  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the growth and reproduction of three deep-burrowing lumbricids, Aporrectodea longa, Lumbricus terrestris, and Octolasion cyaneum. The reproductive output was recorded as 18.8, 38.0, and 32.3 cocoons per worm per year for A. longa, L. terrestris, and O. cyaneum, respectively. For the same species, maturity was reached at a mean mass of 3.9, 5.0 and 2.4 g, within 3 months from the hatchling stage by L. terrestris and within 4 months by the other two species. The hatching success of cocoons at 15 and 20°C was within the range of 70–80% for each species, except A. longa at the higher temperature, where a viability of 47% was recorded. Twenty percent of viable O. cyaneum cocoons produced twin hatchlings, compared with only one percent for A. longa and L. terrestris. A combination of these results suggests that a complete life-cycle for each species could be achieved within 6 months (L. terrestris and A. longa) or 7–8 months (O. cyaneum). Each species has particular life-cycle strategies that would aid survival and colonisation, under field conditions, if inoculated into restored soils.  相似文献   

Root-feeding nematodes play an important role in structuring the composition of natural plant communities. Little is known about the role of intra- and interspecific interactions in determining the abundance of root-feeding nematodes in natural ecosystems. We examined interactions between two ectoparasitic root-feeding nematodes on two plant species: a good host plant for both nematode species and a good host for only one of the nematodes. We tested the hypothesis that root herbivore competitiveness depends on host suitability and related the experimental results to field data. In a greenhouse, we added different densities of the nematodes Tylenchorhynchus microphasmis and Tylenchorhynchus ventralis to Ammophila arenaria (the good host for both) and Carex arenaria (a good host for T. microphasmis only). Addition of T. ventralis did not significantly affect multiplication of T. microphasmis on both plant species. In contrast, on A. arenaria, T. ventralis experienced interspecific competition. However, on C. arenaria, T. microphasmis facilitated multiplication of T. ventralis. To explain this effect, we studied systemic plant-mediated effects in a split-root experiment. Nematode addition to one root compartment did not significantly influence nematode multiplication in the other root compartment, irrespective of nematode species identity. Therefore, the observed nematode interactions were not related to induced changes in the roots. In a two-choice experiment we tested whether host suitability was related to root attractiveness. Both nematode species were attracted to seedlings of A. arenaria, but not to C. arenaria. The low multiplication of T. ventralis on C. arenaria could be related to poor attraction to the roots. However, the poor attraction of T. microphasmis cannot be related to poor host suitability. Adding T. ventralis reduced shoot biomass of A. arenaria more than T. microphasmis did, whereas for C. arenaria the effect was the reverse. The interaction of the two nematodes on A. arenaria and C. arenaria shoot biomass was insignificant. However, the effect on root biomass of A. arenaria was interactive; adding T. ventralis to plants with high inoculation densities of T. microphasmis further decreased root biomass. Adding T. microphasmis further decreased root biomass of plants inoculated with low levels of T. ventralis. Depending on host plant identity, interactions between root-feeding nematodes may lead to competition or facilitation. Our results suggest that facilitation by T. microphasmis contributes to persistence of T. ventralis on C. arenaria. Thus, the population dynamics of root-feeding nematodes is influenced both by host plant identity and the presence of other root-feeding nematodes.  相似文献   

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