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菠萝黑心病机理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菠萝黑心病是菠萝采后的主要病害之一。黑心病病果通常无明显的外部特征,难以在外观上与正 常果实进行区分。菠萝黑心病的初期症状是果心基部附近出现半透明的小斑点;随着病情的发展,果肉中逐渐 开始出现黑褐色色素沉着,并逐步蔓延整个菠萝果实。近年来,由于滥用赤霉素壮果等原因,过去不易发生黑 心病的菠萝夏果中也可见相关报道,给整个菠萝产业造成了巨大的经济损失。国内外学者已对菠萝黑心病的潜 在机理进行了长期研究,并提出了多种解决方案。因此,总结现有的菠萝黑心病研究进展,对于研究菠萝黑心 病的内在机理,培育抗黑心病品种以及提高菠萝产业的生产效率均具有积极作用。 总结了影响菠萝黑心病发生 的采前与采后因素及其相应对策,并结合相关激素信号通路的研究进展提出了菠萝黑心病发生过程的可能模型。 模型分为 3 个阶段,即初始阶段、细胞凋亡执行阶段和褐变阶段。低温胁迫是菠萝黑心病的主要诱发因素,在 起始阶段起到诱导活性氧产生、损伤质膜的作用;赤霉素信号在低温胁迫信号的下游,即黑心病细胞凋亡执行 阶段发挥着重要作用;而多酚氧化酶在菠萝黑心病褐变阶段催化的褐变反应是一种次级反应,多酚氧化酶的表 达水平与黑心病的发生率并无直接关联性。  相似文献   

冷藏能有效延长菠萝保鲜时间,但菠萝在低温下贮藏容易发生黑心病,品质变劣,严重制约了菠萝产业发展。为探讨热处理减轻低温贮藏下菠萝黑心病的作用,以菠萝主栽品种巴厘菠萝为试材,用热空气处理采后菠萝,研究热处理对贮藏期菠萝生理生化指标的影响,结果表明:热处理显著减轻了采后菠萝黑心病指数,降低了采后菠萝MDA含量,提高了冷藏期菠萝H2O2含量,延缓了整个贮藏期菠萝的SOD、POD活性下降速率,同时提高了冷藏期CAT活性,POD活性与黑心病指数显著相关。说明热处理可提高氧化酶活性,延缓采后菠萝果实衰老,从而减轻菠萝黑心病。  相似文献   

菠萝黑心病研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菠萝黑心病是菠萝采后贮藏和运输过程中易发的生理性病害,货架期仅6~8 d,严重制约着菠萝产业和进出口贸易的发展,文稿就近年来巴厘菠萝黑心病发病机理、采前采后防治方法、存在问题及展望3个方面对菠萝黑心病研究现状进行综述。菠萝黑心病病因复杂,发病后涉及一系列复杂生理生化反应过程,发病机理可从酶促褐变、膜脂代谢、糖酸代谢途径、活性氧积累等方面展开研究,防治方法以夏季栽培巴厘果冬季栽培抗病品种为主,控制巴厘菠萝采收时间,气调保鲜结合低温贮藏,菠萝黑心病须综合防控,通过改善栽培措施提高果实品质、选用抗病品种、采前采后处理相结合等一系列措施降低菠萝黑心病的发生。解决菠萝黑心病的根本途径在于品种改良,随着基因编辑技术的进步以及菠萝遗传转化体系的日臻成熟,巴厘菠萝黑心病必将从根本上消除,极大促进雷州半岛菠萝产业的发展。  相似文献   

鸭梨贮藏时发生黑心病的原因河北任丘市职教中心(062550)牛尊敬鸭梨风味醇厚,品质优良。但在贮藏过程中,果心极易褐变,欲称黑心病,因而降低了商品的价值,损失严重。引起鸭梨黑心病的原因有以下几个方面:一、过度成熟如果鸭梨采收过晚,它的生理机能已达到高...  相似文献   

梨黑心病的发生和防治杨增军,王东昌,许周源(山东莱阳农学院)(延边农学院)1梨黑心病的发生梨在贮藏过程中往往产生各种各样代谢上的生理失调反应,其中以组织褐变尤为严重.致病原因分别是冷害、冻害、组织衰老、缺钙、高二氧化碳伤害、低氧伤害和机械损伤.病变的...  相似文献   

中国是全球菠萝10大主产区之一,菠萝产量高、口感好、经济效益高,农民种植积极性较高,但因环境、施肥及种植管理等因素导致菠萝出现生理性病害,例如水心病、裂果等,严重影响了菠萝产量与质量,给广大种植户造成较大的经济损失.因此,必须明确菠萝水心病和裂果发生原因,并及时采取有效的防治措施,从而进一步提高菠萝产量与质量.  相似文献   

虽然鸭梨果实的储藏性能比较强,但是,也容易出现接近果心的细胞组织发生褐变的问题,俗称黑心病。针对发生的时间也可以将其细化成早期和晚期的黑心病。其中,早期黑心病主要是受低温伤害所致,因温度较低,导致生物膜随之改变,而膜一旦受损,则会引发褐变,最终增加了鸭梨呼吸的消耗量,长期被储存在低温环境中,鸭梨的果心与果肉就会褐变。通常情况下,采收的成熟度如果不高,那么对于冷害就会更为敏感,在果实成熟度不断增加的情况下,其内部所含有的营养物质也会随之增加,抗冷性能也会随之增强。  相似文献   

雪花梨贮藏的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 雪花梨(Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.Shue pear)属白梨系统,不需后熟即可食用,主产河北定县,为当地最优良的主栽品种。山西代县、太原、榆次和陕西渭北各县均有栽培。雪花梨果实大而形整,果点小而密,美观味甜,质脆,石细胞较少,深受国内外广大消费者欢迎。但雪花梨(尤其是大果实)在贮藏中后期转黄,硬度下降,果肉糠松,果心褐变(俗称黑心病),果肉褐变(俗称红肉病)以及果柄干枯等现象,严重地影响了雪花梨质量和出口声誉。出口的雪花梨要求在贮藏后期(翌年3月份)不发生果肉褐变,但允许有轻微的果心褐变。为了延缓雪花梨贮藏过程中  相似文献   

板栗非酶促褐变产物类黑精的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究板栗非酶促褐变产物类黑精提取和测定的方法。采用对板栗果仁先微波灭酶,后砂炒的加工方法,保证板栗发生非酶促褐变;通过乙醇浓度、提取时间、料液比、提取温度等单因素试验及正交试验,对板栗非酶促褐变产物类黑精进行溶剂浸提和含量测定,并确定类黑精的最佳提取工艺参数。结果表明:提取板栗非酶促褐变产物类黑精的最佳工艺参数为乙醇浓度60%,提取时间5h,料液比1∶12.5,提取温度60℃,在该处理方法下板栗中非酶促褐变产物类黑精提取量为1.41mmol/L。  相似文献   

最近,中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院副教授韩东海和他的研究团队成功研制出了一种最新的无损水果检测仪器,使用该仪器,可以在不损坏水果的前提下,对其内部质量进行检测,这项成果填补了国内鸭梨黑心病的无损检测方法的空白,对苹果水心病的检测精度和褐变苹果的正确判别率有了显著提高,总体达到了国际同类研究的先进水平。  相似文献   

本研究选用19个亲本配制的6个组合,研究了 F_2代蛋白质含量的遗传变异,并分析了后代与亲本的关系。研究结果表明:并非所有组合 F_2代的蛋白质含量都呈正态分离;大豆蛋白质含量的遗传以加性效应为主;后代有广泛的变异,超亲现象普遍,遗传力高,早期世代选择效果好;MP 与 F_2显著正相关,在亲本和中亲值相似的条件下,遗传丰度大的组合后代遗传变异广泛。  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers have been shown to be a powerful tool for varieties identification in plants. However, SSR fingerprinting of sweetpotato varieties has been a little reported. In this study, a total of 1294 SSR primer pairs, including 1215 genomic-SSR and 79 expressed sequence tag (EST)-SSR primer pairs, were screened with sweetpotato varieties Zhengshu 20 and Luoxushu 8 and their 2 F1 individuals randomly sampled, and 273 and 38 of them generated polymorphic bands, respectively. Four genomic-SSR and 3 EST-SSR primer pairs, which showed good polymorphism, were selected to amplify 203 sweetpotato varieties and gave a total of 172 bands, 85 (49.42%) of which were polymorphic. All of the 203 sweetpotato varieties showed unique fingerprint patterns, indicating the utility of SSR markers in variety identification of this crop. Polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0.5824 to 0.9322 with an average of 0.8176. SSR-based genetic distances varied from 0.0118 to 0.6353 with an average of 0.3100 among these varieties. Thus, these sweetpotato varieties exhibited high levels of genetic similarity and had distinct fingerprint profiles. The SSR fingerprints of the 203 sweetpotato varieties have been successfully constructed. The highly polymorphic SSR primer pairs developed in this study have the potential to be used as core primer pairs for variety identification, genetic diversity assessment and linkage map construction in sweetpotato and other plants.  相似文献   

Sweetpotato(Ipomoea batatas(L.)Lam.)breeding is challenging due to its genetic complexity.In the present study,interval mapping(IM)and multiple quantitative trait locus(QTL)model(MQM)analysis were used to identify QTLs for starch content with a mapping population consisting of 202 F1 individuals of a cross between Xushu 18,a cultivar susceptible to stem nematodes,with high yield and moderate starch,and Xu 781,which is resistant to stem nematodes,has low yield and high starch content.Six QTLs for starch content were mapped on six linkage groups of the Xu 781 map,explaining 9.1-38.8%of the variation.Especially,one of them,DMFN4,accounted for 38.8%of starch content variation,which is the QTL that explains the highest phenotypic variation detected to date in sweetpotato.All of the six QTLs had a positive effect on the variation of the starch content,which indicated the inheritance derived from the parent Xu 781.Two QTLs for starch content were detected on two linkage groups of the Xushu 18 map,explaining 14.3 and 16.1%of the variation,respectively.They had a negative effect on the variation,indicating the inheritance derived from Xu 781.Seven of eight QTLs were co-localized with a single marker.This is the first report on the development of QTLs co-localized with a single marker in sweetpotato.These QTLs and their co-localized markers may be used in marker-assisted breeding for the starch content of sweetpotato.  相似文献   

Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) breeding is challenging due to its genetic complexity. In the present study, interval mapping (IM) and multiple quantitative trait locus (QTL) model (MQM) analysis were used to identify QTLs for starch content with a mapping population consisting of 202 F1 individuals of a cross between Xushu 18, a cultivar susceptible to stem nematodes, with high yield and moderate starch, and Xu 781, which is resistant to stem nematodes, has low yield and high starch content. Six QTLs for starch content were mapped on six linkage groups of the Xu 781 map, explaining 9.1-38.8% of the variation. Especially, one of them, DMFN 4, accounted for 38.8% of starch content variation, which is the QTL that explains the highest phenotypic variation detected to date in sweetpotato. All of the six QTLs had a positive effect on the variation of the starch content, which indicated the inheritance derived from the parent Xu 781. Two QTLs for starch content were detected on two linkage groups of the Xushu 18 map, explaining 14.3 and 16.1% of the variation, respectively. They had a negative effect on the variation, indicating the inheritance derived from Xu 781. Seven of eight QTLs were co-localized with a single marker. This is the first report on the development of QTLs co-localized with a single marker in sweetpotato. These QTLs and their co-localized markers may be used in marker-assisted breeding for the starch content of sweetpotato.  相似文献   

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