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鸭瘟本是鸭的一种急性败血性传染病,在同病鸭密切接触的情况下,鹅也会感染发病,鹅的鸭瘟病以流泪、头颈肿大、泄殖腔溃烂为主要特征. (一)病原的特征 该病由鸭瘟病毒感染引起,存在于病鸭(鹅)的各个内脏器官、血液、分泌物、排泄物中.鸭瘟病毒不耐热,但对低温抵抗力较强,对乙醚和氯仿敏感,对常用的消毒药抵抗力不大.  相似文献   

黄文诚 《蜜蜂杂志》2007,27(9):32-33
2006年美国大陆有惊人数量的蜜蜂群死亡.随后的调查推测,这种不明原因的蜂群消失至少在最近两年是养蜂人经历过的.到2007年春季全美国有20多个州报道了蜜蜂灾难性的损失.蜜蜂飞出去采集花粉和花蜜,却神秘地不再返回蜂巢,目前还查不出原因.这种情况经过媒体的报道,特别是在万维网上迅速的传播(到2007年7月上旬"谷歌"网上已有621 000项关于蜜蜂神秘失踪的报道),引起了世界各国的科学家、养蜂企业和农场主的关怀.  相似文献   

一、澳洲美利奴羊 澳洲美利奴羊产于澳大利亚,是由西班牙美利奴羊(英国、南非)、兰布列羊(法国、美国)等进行杂交选育而成的著名细毛羊品种.我国引入多年,并以此为素材之一培育出了中国美利奴羊.澳洲美利奴羊具有毛丛结构好、羊毛长而明显弯曲、油汗洁白、光泽好、净毛率高、毛密度大、细度均匀的特点,对各种环境气候有很强的适应性.体型近似长方形,腿短、体宽、背部平直,后躯肌肉丰满;公羊颈部由1~3个发育完全或不完全的横皱褶,母羊有发达的纵皱褶.羊毛覆盖头部至两眼连线,前肢达腕关节,后肢达飞节.  相似文献   

2007年1月31日上午,秦皇岛市公安局刑警支队技术三大队接到指令:缉毒部门抓获贩毒嫌疑人员尤某,在其临时住所——秦皇岛市海港区某住宅查获了冰毒近30克,麻古近200粒。但查获数量  相似文献   

能用作军犬的犬种并没有严格的标准,广义地来说,只要能被训练后用在军事事务如:追踪、鉴别、警戒、看守、巡逻、搜捕、通讯、携弹、侦破、搜查毒品、爆炸物等任务,都可被认可为军犬.特别是在战场上,只要能作战就算是军犬.……  相似文献   

永康市龙川公园挽马1匹,体型高大。数月前,马背红肿,继而溃烂流脓。畜主多次用抗生素治疗无明显好转。经检查,马背左肩部大面积红肿,溃疡流脓,触痛明显,拒绝按压,体温略升。检查后发现马鞍偏小,属典型的大马配小鞍,因摩擦过度造成伤害,诊断为马鞍伤。治疗用大油剂青霉素2瓶(300  相似文献   

孙哲贤 《蜜蜂杂志》2007,27(1):43-43
鱼市有"鱼霸",菜行有"菜霸",乡村中有"村霸".而专门欺侮养蜂人的称为"蜂霸".每个转地放蜂的蜂农都有被"蜂霸"盘剥、讹诈、欺骗的经历.造成的经济损失,少则数百元,多则数万元.例如吉林省露水河椴树场地某林场,当地有一伙人,对外省放蜂的蜂场收1 000元所谓押金(属巧立名目),待摇蜜时蜂蜜必须卖给他们.这伙人限制其他人收购蜂蜜,而他们压级压价强行收购蜂蜜,转手就可渔利,蜂农违心地卖蜜.如不卖给这伙人,事先交的1 000元"押金"就难以讨回.内蒙古牙克石油菜场地,也有强行收蜜,压级压价的"蜂霸".  相似文献   

2007年5月15日园主前来我医院咨询,主诉:昆明动物园有一金钱豹,猫科,雌性,体重60 kg,年龄15岁,毛色金钱带黄棕色,不食有2 d,且呕吐、不排便、精神沉郁,曾用一些抗生素治疗无效,我院随园主前往治疗,现将总体情况表述如下:  相似文献   

陈渊 《中国蜂业》2008,59(3):31-31
头癣是真菌感染头发和头部皮肤的一种疾病,头癣的种类有头皮屑型、黄癣型、黑癣型、浓癣型等,患者得病后奇痒难受,抓破后又发炎疼痛,致使头发脱落、疤痂累累,头上  相似文献   

影响颗粒饲料耐久性指数的因素及其控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正>颗粒饲料耐久性指数(PDI,Pellet durability index)是反映颗粒饲料质量最主要的指标之一,它是用来衡量颗粒饲料成品在输送和搬运过程中饲料颗粒抗破碎的相对能力。其含义是把冷却、筛分后的颗粒饲料样品放在一个特制的回转箱中翻转一定时间,模拟饲料的输送和搬运过程,在样品翻转后通过筛分,最后  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine whether susceptible calves grazing together with second-year resistant heifers are less exposed to trichostrongylid infection than are calves grazing on their own. Two groups of animals representing each age category were turned out onto pasture on 24 May 1997 and grazed at comparable stocking rates. The grazing of calves and heifers together was compared to groups of each age category grazing separately. The results indicated that herbage larval counts were significantly reduced in the second part of the grazing season on the plot grazed by the mixed group compared to the plot grazed by the first-season calves only. The mixed grazing strategy protected the young calves and no clinical signs were observed in this group, while most of the calves that grazed alone exhibited clinical signs. The availability of herbage was reduced towards the end of the season, with subsequent competition for the grass forcing all the animals to graze the tufts around the faecal pats, where the quality of the grass is poor and the numbers of infective larvae are high. The effect of this was visible in the form of increased parasite burdens in the calves that were grazed together with the heifers, confirmed by increased blood serum pepsinogen concentrations and reduced daily weight gains in the second part of the grazing season. The lower numbers of infective larvae on the pasture were probably achieved through the heifers ingesting many of the larvae but subsequently depositing relatively few eggs, since they had acquired some degree of resistance against trichostrongylid infections during their first grazing season. Thus they did not suffer any parasitological ill-effects during mixed grazing with first-season calves.  相似文献   

近年来我国奶牛养殖业迅速发展,犊牛作为发展养牛业的主要基础,也越来越受到人们的关注。提升犊牛成活率、规范初乳饲喂规程、降低犊牛应激反应,提升环境舒适度,是改善犊牛福利的主要措施。提升犊牛饲养管理福利,对奶牛终身产奶量的提升有积极的促进作用。本文从提高犊牛接产成活率,增强机体免疫机能,减缓机体应激,提高犊牛舒适度等方面综合分析了提高犊牛福利、促进奶牛健康养殖的关键点,旨在提升牛只健康养殖水平,为促进我国奶业蓬勃发展提供技术支持。  相似文献   

The effect of diethylene glycol monoethyl ether (DGME; Transcutol) on the permeation of ivermectin, a broad-spectrum antiparasitic agent, through bovine skin was evaluated byin vitro permeation experiments followed by serial sectioning of the skin to assess the amount of ivermectin retained in the skin. Ivermectin permeation through bovine skin was enhanced by DGME and this enhancement was DGME-concentration-dependent. Permeation of ivermectin was effectively enhanced in vehicles with low proportions of DGME, but the magnitude of permeation enhancement decreased as the proportion of DGME increased. The permeation was accompanied by the formation of cutaneous depots of ivermectin. Furthermore, the data indicated that the flux and the cutaneous accumulation of ivermectin were sensitive to the concentration gradient of DGME across the skin. This suggested that ivermectin was permeating with DGME, in which it is very soluble. Hence, the enhancing mechanism involves solubilization of the ivermectin by DGME and the transport of DGME itself across the skin. Based on these results, DGME appears to be a potential vehicle for topical delivery of ivermectin by transport through the skin and through formation of cutaneous depots of ivermectin.Abbreviations DGME diethylene glycol monoethyl ether  相似文献   

A knowledge of the microbiological status of milk and of the different structures in the mammary glands has great importance in elucidating the pathogenesis of mammary gland infections. The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbiological status of various structures in the mammary glands from naturally infected dairy cows following slaughter. A total of 94 samples of milk, 184 samples of mammary parenchyma, 168 samples of gland cisterns, and 168 samples of teat cisterns were collected for microbiological examination. Microorganisms were detected in 59.9% of all samples, 67.0% of the milk samples, 70.1% of the mammary parenchymas, 55.9% of the gland cisterns and 48.8% of the teat cistern samples. When all samples were considered, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus were the most prevalent (35.7%) followed by coagulase-positive Staphylococcus (12.2%), Corynebacterium bovis (2.4%), Prototheca sp. (1.9%), and Streptococcus dysgalactiae (1.5%). There was a significantly higher occurrence of microorganisms in the milk and mammary parenchyma compared to the gland cisterns and teat cisterns. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

本实验以兔为实验动物,进行超数排卵处理,在排卵前后一段时间,对卵巢上可见卵泡酸性磷酸酶(Acpase)变化进行研究。发情盛期,卵泡成纤维细胞、内膜细胞和颗粒细胞中,Acpase反应较弱,只是在个别固缩行将脱落的颗粒细胞中有较强的酶反应;排卵初期细胞内和溶酶体内Acpase反应显著增强,并参与排印过程;排卵开始后15小时,卵泡中的白细胞和细胞中胞溶酶体增多,均含有大量Acpase,此时Acpase参与细胞的清除和黄体化细胞的修复过程。  相似文献   

本试验选取6只装置永久性十二指肠和回肠瘘管、体重约55 kg的成年小尾寒羊母羊,按0(对照期)或0.9 mL/kg日粮(试验期)喂给福尔马林(各期n=6),收集十二指肠和回肠食糜,并进行消化代谢试验,以研究在粗料型日粮条件下口服福尔马林对绵羊消化代谢的影响。结果表明,口服福尔马林使绵羊的自由采食量增加13.0%(P<0.01);前胃有机物(OM)和纤维素(Cel)的消化量分别增加21.9%(P<0.01)和29.7%(P<0.01);到达小肠的OM、粗蛋白质(CP)、微生物蛋白、过瘤胃蛋白、总氨基酸(TAA)和赖氨酸(Lys)量分别增加5.2%(P<0.01)、21.5%(P<0.01)、13.2%(P<0.05)、29.4%(P<0.05)、18.0%(P<0.05)和21.8%(P<0.05);小肠消化吸收的OM、CP、TAA和Lys量分别增加52.1%(P<0.01)、34.7%(P<0.01)、34.5%(P<0.05)和32.8%(P>0.05);日粮DM、OM、CP和Cel的(表观)消化率分别提高9.2%(P<0.05)、9.2%(P<0.05)、4.6%(P<0.05)和5.8%(P<0.05);氮、钙和磷保留量分别增加了28.3%(P<0.01)、30.8%(P<0.01)和9.5%(P<0.05)。因此,在粗料型日粮条件下绵羊口服福尔马林可以提高瘤胃消化能力、提高采食量、增加小肠营养物质特别是氨基酸的消化吸收量、显著改善机体的营养状况。  相似文献   

目的:考察航天特因环境下郁证模型大鼠行为学变化。方法:采用经典抑郁模型,从行为学、食物消耗量及1%糖水消耗量考察航天郁证模型。结果:航天特因环境下郁证模型大鼠旷场试验测试发现大鼠在造模后,其在旷场中的穿行格数和直立次数明显的减少;食物消耗量分析,发现试验后郁证模型组与空白组比较相对降低,而糖水消耗量未发现变化。结论:行为学测试结果、食物消耗量考察航天郁证模型基本成功。  相似文献   

The influence of the age and weight of the animal as well as that of the extension and the shape of the trachea on the mechanical properties of the cervical trachea was studied in 33 isolated tracheal segments obtained from freshly slaughtered horses. The relationship between intraluminal pressure and volume was determined in the cervical tracheal segments positioned firstly under normal longitudinal tension and secondly in hyperextension. At the same time, changes in the area of the cross-section of the lumen (X-SA) at the midpoint of the segment were measured using photographs obtained by slit-lamp transillumination and endoscopy. The sagittal (DS) and transverse (DT) diameters were determined for each segment and the DT/DS ratio was calculated to give an estimate of the shape of the X-SA. The results showed that (i) neither the age nor the weight of the horses had any influence on the mechanical properties of the trachea; (ii) extension decreases the compressibility of the tracheal segment in vitro; (iii) there is a wide variation in the extrathoracic tracheal X-SA shape in horses; and (iv) the shape of the X-SA has a major influence on the mechanical properties of the trachea. It was concluded that (i) hyperextension of the neck will partly facilitate respiration at high levels of ventilation by elongating the trachea and by decreasing its collapsibility; and (ii) the tracheal collapse which may occur during high levels of ventilation will be more or less important depending on the individual X-SA shape.  相似文献   

The concentrations of AFP were evaluated in the sera from groups of healthy dogs and of dogs with multicentric lymphoma, before and while receiving chemotherapy. The concentration of AFP was highest in the affected dogs, especially during the fifth stage of lymphoma. Chemotherapy caused a decrease in AFP serum concentration, during both the induction and the maintenance phases of treatment, when compared to the same animals before therapy. Determination of the concentration of AFP in the serum may be an additional indicator in the evaluation of the stage of lymphoma, and of value in assessing the extent of neoplastic infiltration of the liver.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic examinations were performed on the solar aspect of the distal phalanx of 10 feet of five normal live horses (Group 1), 22 feet of seven normal cadavers (Group 2), and nine feet of five horses with pathology of the dorsal solar aspect of the distal phalanx (Group 3). Lateromedial radiographs of the distal phalanx were made in all groups, and in Group 2, digits were sagitally sectioned after imaging. The ultrasonographic and radiographic appearance of the sagittal solar aspect of the distal phalanx was described. Measurements of the distance between the sole and the distal tip of the distal phalanx (A), the solar aspect of the apex of the frog and the distal phalanx (B), and the body of the frog's surface and flexor surface of the distal sesamoid bone (C) were made ultrasonographically, radiographically, and on the sectioned cadaver specimens. There was no statistical difference between the radiographic, ultrasonographic, and direct cadaver measurements in A and C. In B, there was a statistical difference between the radiographic, ultrasonographic, and cadaver measurements-most likely as a result of the difference in trimming of the frog apex. Ultrasonographic and radiographic examination of the nine feet of the five horses in Group 3 were performed and the abnormalities described. Color flow and power Doppler ultrasonography were performed on the normal sagittal solar distal phalanx, on the impar distal sesamoidean ligament, and at the insertion of the deep digital flexor tendon on the facies flexoria of the distal phalanx. Power Doppler in these horses showed blood flow at 0.16-0.48 kHz at the tip of the distal phalanx and at 0.16 kHz at the deep digital flexor tendon insertion and in the impar distal sesamoidean ligament. Using color flow Doppler in normal horses mean blood flows ranged from 1.8 to 5.4 cm/s at the tip of the distal phalanx and 1.8-2.0 cm/s at the deep digital flexor tendon insertion and in the impar distal sesamoidean ligament.  相似文献   

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