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Our objective was to study the differentially expressed proteins (DEP) in various Malus spectabilis (crabapple) varieties (M. ‘Snowdrift’, M. ‘Hongling’ and M. ‘Hongjin’) in relation to Malus domestica (‘Gala’) and their role in pollination. Our method used a two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) to analyse the differential proteins in the pollen of several crabapples. The 2-DE apples combined with the tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS) and protein database retrieval helped us to identify the nature and function of DEPs in ‘Gala’ apples and crabapples. We identified 1195 proteins through 2-DE. Among these, six DEPs, namely chloroplast ferritin, Actin, Beta-fructofuranosidase, vacuolarH+-ATPase catalytic subunit, Full = Phosphoglucomutase, and Cytochrome b were identified by MS-MS. This study identified six DEPs among the pollen from the ‘Snowdrift’ crabapple, ‘Hongling’ crabapple, ‘Hongjin’ crabapple, and ‘Gala’ apples. The DEPs included metabolism related proteins, stress/regulatory proteins, and proteins involved in signal transduction.  相似文献   

Plants of six strawberry cultivars were raised under controlled conditions and tested for flowering and yield potential. Short days (SD) at intermediate temperatures for 4 weeks in August induced profuse flowering in subsequent long days (LD) in all cultivars except the late-flowering ‘Malwina’. LD conditions induced flowering only in ‘Nobel’, which has an everbearing parent. ‘Nobel’ and ‘Saga’ exhibited broad temperature adaptation for SD floral induction, which was generally reduced or suppressed at 9 and 27°C. After autumn planting, all cultivars flowered most abundantly in plants raised in SD and intermediate temperatures. Flowering was earliest in ‘Nobel’ and ‘Rumba’. Plants that did not reach floral commitment after 4 weeks in SD continued and completed induction under subsequent natural SD conditions after planting in the field, demonstrating the capability of fractional induction. Berry yield varied in parallel with flowering in the field and was always higher in plants raised under SD conditions. The traditional cultivars ‘Florence’ and ‘Sonata’ out-yielded the more recent cultivars. Some cultivars lost more than two thirds of their initiated flowers during the winter with obvious consequences for their yields. With proper raising management, acceptable yields were obtained after autumn planting even in a cool Nordic climate.  相似文献   

<正>南瓜属葫芦科南瓜属,广泛栽培的有中国南瓜(Cucurbitamoschata)、笋瓜(C.maxima)、西葫芦(C.pope)、黑籽南瓜(C.icifolia)和灰籽南瓜(C.mixta)5个种。我国作为蔬用栽培的是中国南瓜、笋瓜、西葫芦,其中以中国南瓜分布最广,嫩果、老果兼食;其次以食用嫩果的西葫芦,北方早春广为栽培;笋瓜因其含水量高,味淡,主要作饲料或籽瓜栽培,但从  相似文献   

西瓜(Citrulluslanatus)基因目录(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>接上期)基因符号特征特性参考文献67.Mdh-l”苹果酸脱氢酶-l”。2个共显性等位基因之一,每基因控制 1条酶带。在普通 28,54西瓜中发现。68.Mdh丫苹果酸脱氢酶.l‘;;2个共显性等位基因之一,每基因  相似文献   

<正>4 小(洋)南瓜的栽培方式和季节安排小(洋)南瓜具有耐寒和低温伸长性较强等特性、可进行冬春早熟栽培、春季早熟栽培、一般露地栽培和秋季栽培。冬春栽培应用大棚覆盖及多层保温设施,早春栽培可用小拱棚半覆盖栽培,秋季栽培后期应覆盖薄膜保温。不同栽培方  相似文献   

We conducted two studies on how highways affect their adjacent habitats by sampling carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in patches of formerly continuous forest next to highways. (1) We sampled carabids at 14 highway intersections near Helsinki, Finland. Each intersection (constructed 2–40 years ago) had two forested patches to study: a remnant (0.5–37.4 ha) and, isolated from the remnant by an intersection lane, an islet (size 0.2–1.8 ha). Pitfall trap catch data (2301 carabids, 25 species) showed that remnants hosted higher catches of three carabid species, and slightly higher species richness, than islets (patch-size effect). Time since intersection construction had no apparent effect on carabids. Traffic volume along the intersection lane determined the assemblage structure of carabids in dry patches, and the abundance of a forest carabid Calathus micropterus. Compared to moist patches, drier patches hosted lower catches of four generalist species; they also had different assemblages of carabids (habitat-type effect). An interaction between patch size and habitat type for a forest generalist Pterostichus oblongopunctatus indicated that the patch-size effect was dependent on habitat type. (2) We examined possible dispersal of carabids among forested patches that were separated by highway lanes in Drenthe, the Netherlands. We released 2696 marked individuals of 10 species, and recaptured 376 using dry pitfall traps. We found no evidence for inter-patch movement for nine forest species, but 22 of 225 recaptured individuals of Poecilus versicolor, an eurytopic open-habitat species, had crossed the highway. Catches of seven forest species were also significantly lower in the road verges, compared to the adjacent forests. These two studies suggest that (i) decreasing patch size negatively affects forest-carabid catch and overall species richness, (ii) habitat type can affect the intensity of the patch-size effect, (iii) carabid assemblages of forest fragments vary with traffic volume (which may be linked with urbanization), (iv) forest carabids rarely cross highways, and (v) open habitats associated with road margins are dispersal barriers for forest carabids.  相似文献   

 对杨属黑杨组(Aigeiros) 的15个种(品种) 核型进行了分析, 结果如下: 箭杆杨( Populusnigra var. thevestina) , 2n = 38 = 3M + 29m + 5 sm + 1 st; 盖杨( P. del.cv. ×Lux ×P.×canadensis cv. Shanhaiguanensis) , 2n = 38 = 2M + 27m + 4 sm + 5 st (4SAT) ; 欧美杨107 (P1 ×euram ericana cv. ‘74 /76’) , 2n = 38 = 1M + 29m (1SAT ) + 5 sm + 3 st (3SAT) ; 欧美杨13 ( P. ×euramericana CL 13) , 2n = 38 = 3M + 23m + 6 sm + 3 st (1SAT ) + 3 t (3SAT) ; 加杨( P. ×canadensis Moench) , 2n = 38 = 1M + 27m + 6 sm + 4 st ( 4SAT) ; 辽杨×美洲黑杨(P.maximowiczii Henry ×P.deltoids Bartr. ) , 2n = 38 = 1M + 24m + 9 sm (2SAT ) + 4 st; 中尚8号( P. ×Zhongshangnensis) , 2n = 38 = 4M + 27m (1SAT ) + 2 sm + 3 st (2SAT ) + 2 t; 北京杨( P. ×beijingensis) , 2n = 38 = 3M + 28m + 3 sm + 4 st (2SAT) ; 鲁山杨( P. ×Liaoningensis) , 2n = 38 = 1M + 27m + 3 sm + 6 st (1SAT ) + 1 t (1SAT) ; 廊坊1号( P. CL ‘Langfang 1’) , 2n = 38 = 3M + 28m + 3 sm + 4 st (2SAT) ; 圣山杨(盖杨类) (P. ×gaixianesis) , 2n = 38 = 2M + 27m + 4 sm (1SAT ) + 4 st (3SAT ) + 1 t; 抗- 2 〔P. deltoids CL 2 (GMO) 〕, 2n = 38 = 26m + 7 sm (2SAT ) + 4 st (1SAT ) + 1 t (1SAT) ; 群改3号( P. ×Qungainensis 3) , 2n = 38 = 1M + 27m + 8 st (2SAT ) + 2 t (2SAT) ; 中金2号( P. ×Zhongjinnensis 2) , 2n = 38 = 1M + 18m + 13 sm (1SAT ) + 5 st (2SAT) + 1 t (1SAT) ; 辽宁杨( P. ×eur. cv. San Martino ×P. ×canadensis cv. Shanhaiguanensis) , 2n = 38 = 2M + 26m + 6 sm + 4 st。黑杨各种(品种) 核型均为2B型, 种(品种) 间核型差异主要表现在中部着丝点(M、m) 染色体数目(25~32) 和端部着丝点( st、t) 染色体数目变化(1~6) 上, 核型特征为种(品种) 鉴定提供了一定参考。  相似文献   

西瓜(Citrullus lanatus)基因目录(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999 年在国际葫芦科遗传协会年报(CGC Report)第 22期发表了最新的 1份西瓜基因目录,它包括 155个基因,特全文译出,供读者参考。  相似文献   

一、播种前准备 (7月下—8月初) 1.细致整地。及时腾茬,清除残茬、杂草。耕翻耙地,整平地面,修好排灌渠道,做到浇水均匀,排灌畅通。 2.消灭毒源。七月下旬,对贩白菜、萝卜等十字花科蔬菜普遍打药治蚜,压低虫口密度、减少毒源。地下害虫多的地区,翻地前每亩喷洒3—5斤西维因。 3.施足底肥。有条件时每亩铺施8000—10000斤充  相似文献   

十、糖醋柴把菜(土从) 此烹调方法与上面椒盐柴把鸡(土从)的烹调方法相似,不同的是去掉椒盐和龙虾片、咸酱油,而改用白糖1.5公两,麸醋1.5公两,蚕豆水粉1公钱加水1公两,用炒锅置中火上熬煮搅均匀后制得糖醋汁水浇入盘中,即得糖醋柴把鸡(土从)。  相似文献   

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世界贸易组织成立于1995年1月1日,是独立于联合国的永久性国际组织,截至1999年10月底有成员134个,现任总干事是新西兰的迈克尔·肯尼思·穆尔。世贸组织前身是成立于1947年的关税和贸易总协定。与关贸总协定相比,世贸组织涵盖货物贸易、服务贸易以及知识产权贸易,而关贸总协定只适用于商品货物贸易。世贸组织的基本原则和宗旨是:通过实施市场开放、非歧视和公平贸易等原则,达到推动实现世界贸易自由化的目标。世贸组织的总部设在瑞士的日内瓦。其基本职能有:管理和执行共同构成世贸组织的多边及诸边贸易协定;作为多边贸易谈判的讲坛;录求解…  相似文献   

一八八.威玛Eckand Wimmer美国科学家。他领导的研究小组合成出了脊髓灰质炎病毒(Poliovirus)的全基因序列。这些人工合成的病毒基因组,不仅可以指导合成  相似文献   

正(接上期)养护工作刚上盆的多肉植物最好放于阴凉通风处,放置几天,等植物长势恢复后,再慢慢增加光照强度。同时,秋季正是多肉植物生长的旺季,除了要有充足的光照外,还需要充足的水分,此时可千万不要吝啬您的水哦,如果水苔干透了,就尽情浇水吧,只要不积水就行,过段时间,植物的长势和状态都  相似文献   

AIM: To observe the effects of angiotensinⅡ (AngⅡ) and angiotensin-(1-7) on the expression of (pro)renin receptor in rat vascular smooth muscle cells.METHODS: The cultured VMSCs were randomly divided into control group, AngⅡ group, Ang-(1-7) group, AngⅡ+losartan (an AT1 receptor antagonist) group, AngⅡ+PD123319(an AT2 receptor antagonist) group and CGP42112A (an AT2 receptor agonist)group. The expression of (P)RR at protein and mRNA levels was detected by Western blotting and real-time PCR,respectively.RESULTS: Compared with control group, AngⅡ distinctly increased and Ang-(1-7) decreased the expression of (P)RR mRNA and protein in VMSCs in a dose-dependent manner (P<0.01). Compared with AngⅡ group, losartan did not inhibit the expression of (P)RR mRNA and protein in VMSCs induced by AngⅡ (P>0.05), but PD123319 did (P<0.01). CGP42112A also induced the expression of (P)RR protein and mRNA in VMSCs (P<0.01).CONCLUSION: AngⅡ induces the expression of (P)RR in VMSCs by AT2. However, Ang-(1-7) inhibits the expression of (P)RR in VMSCs.  相似文献   

正这个时代缺的不是完美的人,缺的是从心里给出的真心、正义、无畏和同情。世界很美好,世道很艰难。愿你在被打击时,记起你的珍贵,抵抗恶意;在迷茫时,坚信你的珍贵。不卑不亢,不垢不净,至人之用心若镜,故能胜物而不伤——致最珍贵的你。(接上期)注意事项1、造型设计,制作时,应根据枯木的造型搭配花材,这样不仅能更好地烘托花材之美,又能体现其做为容器所特有的造型美。  相似文献   

正一日,收拾旧物,偶然发现杂物处放置的几个枯木桩,看着它们,脑子里突然闪过一个念头,与其让它们淹没在一堆杂物中,还不如让它们和多肉来一场重生之旅,既能旧貌换新颜,又能装饰环境,愉悦心情,何乐而不为?那还犹豫什么,赶紧行动起来吧!  相似文献   

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