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赵来 《科学养鱼》2012,(10):56-58
2012年6月以来,江苏省新沂市的有些鱼塘发生鱼类暴发性出血病,造成鱼类死亡,淡水鱼类暴发性出血病又称细菌性败血症,是由嗜水气单胞菌及温和气单胞菌引起。通过及时治疗、对症下药,病情得到有效的控制,减少了养殖户的损失。一、暴发性出血病的症状鱼体各器官组织不同程度地出血或充血。外表症状表现为病鱼口腔、头部、眼眶、鳃盖表皮和鳍条基部充血,鱼体两侧肌肉轻度充血,鳃淤血或苍白,随着病情的发展,病鱼体表各部位充血加剧,眼球突  相似文献   

近年来,鱼类暴发性出血病严重危害鲫、鳙、鲢等养殖鱼类。病鱼症状表现为头部、眼眶、体表及鳍基、鳍条等不同部位的充血,部分鱼肌肉充血、肛门红肿,腹腔积水等现象。病鱼常在三至五天内死亡。目前;市场销售治疗出血病的鱼药价格昂贵,  相似文献   

鱼类暴发性出血病的综合防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鱼类暴发性出血病又称细菌性败血症,是危害养殖鱼类最为严重的传染病之一。该病发病急,危害鱼的种类多、年龄范围大,流行面积广、季节长,给广大养鱼户造成较为严重的经济损失。针对该病应采取预防为主,有病早治,内服外用相结合的综合防治措施。  相似文献   

淡水鱼类暴发性出血病又称细菌性败血症,是由嗜水气单胞菌及温和气单胞菌引起。笔者根据多年的经验,对暴发性出血病发病的一些特点及防治方法作了总结,供广大养殖户参考。一、暴发性出血病的症状主要症状是鱼体各器官组织不同程度的出血或充血。外表症状表现为病鱼口腔、头部、  相似文献   

黄金雨 《内陆水产》2006,31(6):33-35
鱼类暴发性出血病在我县1989年首次发现,之后每年均有不同程度发生。发病水体普及水塘、鱼池、水库、湖泊;发病种类由鲢鱼扩充到鳙鱼、鲤鱼、鲫鱼、鳊鱼、银鲴等10多个品种;死亡数量和经济损失呈直线上升。笔者于2001~2003年对全县鱼类暴发性出血病的流行情况进行了全面调查和  相似文献   

倪前干  葛金霞 《水产养殖》2010,31(11):41-43
<正>高密度养殖,放养密度大,投饵施肥多,水体污物多,鱼类难免会发病,特别是近年来以出血为主要症状的鱼类应激性疾病,给生产带来严重的经济损失。草鱼出血病、花鲢、白鲢、鲂鱼、鲫鱼暴发性出血症严重危害养殖鱼类,有着相似的病征,又有本质上的区别。病症不同,病理不同,防治方法更不同。  相似文献   

正细菌性出血病、大红鳃和鳃出血是鲫鱼养殖过程中的常见病和多发病,一直困扰着广大技术员和养殖户,本文主要对这3种疾病的症状进行梳理,并对其防治提供一些建议。一、细菌性出血病细菌性出血病为细菌感染,诱因有水质恶化、亚硝酸盐偏高;投喂过多导致的肝脏受伤、免疫力下降;鱼体受锚头鳋叮咬存在伤口。该病水温越高病情越严重,往往伴随其他鱼类的死亡,死亡顺序一般为杂鱼、鲢鱼、鳊鱼、鳙鱼、草鱼、鲫鱼、鲤鱼。濒死鱼有腹水、肌肉出血,肛门红肿、出血、外突,腹部呈弥散状出血,鱼鳔可见树枝状充血,肝胰脏糜烂并出血(图1)。  相似文献   

正近年来,河南信阳市很多养殖鲢、鳙鱼的池塘发生了出血病,病鱼体表、头部、鱼鳍基部大量出血,一旦发病、死亡率可达90%以上,给养殖户造成了很大的经济损失。出血病流行水域范围广,无论几公顷的鱼池还是几百公顷的水库都有发生。危害品种多,绝大多数的养殖鱼类都会发病,白鲢、花鲢发病率最高,其次是鲫鱼、鲂鱼、鲤鱼。发病鱼的年龄以二龄养成阶段的花鲢、白鲢为主,一龄的也有,但不多  相似文献   

常秀岭 《河南水产》1998,(2):10-10,12
鲫鱼出血病是一种暴发性传染病,传染性强、死亡率高、治疗困难,是近年来鱼类养殖中比较流行,危害严重的疾病。1997年河南省武陟驾部黄河控导工程背河河滩地彭泽鲫池塘养殖过程中,发生鲫鱼出血病。现将发病情况及防治结果总结如下:  相似文献   

鱼类“出血病”防治有方近年来,在养殖鱼类的疾病中,又增加了一种发病时问长、感染面广、死亡率高的暴发性传染,病鱼的眼眶、胸鳍基部、腹面及体表等常出现不同程度的出血点,所以称它为“出血病”。“出血病”的发病季节从2月下旬到10月下旬,尤其在鱼类生长的最快季节6~  相似文献   

乌鳢人工繁育技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乌鳢(Ophiocephalusargvus)(又名乌鱼、火头、生鱼等)属鳢形目,鳢科,是以小型的野杂鱼类为捕食对象的肉食性鱼类,其肉味鲜,适应性强,是黄河滩涂鱼塘套养鱼类的最佳选择,因此利用有利的自然优势,进行乌鳢的人工繁殖极为必要。2003年,我们在位于黄河滩边的俩沟渔场,进行了乌鳢人工繁育试验,获得成功。1亲鱼的收集饲养2002年底把捕捉到的乌鳢亲鱼分成九组,平均体重1.4公斤,放在1亩大小的鱼种塘里,同时准备350公斤野杂鱼置于附近的小鱼种塘里,继续投料饲养,开春后,适当向亲鱼塘施粪肥,每日捞取3公斤左右的小鱼喂养亲鱼。2培育池清塘消毒人工繁…  相似文献   

Peru is home to the world's biggest fishery with catches of over 95 million tonnes of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), since 2000, yet one in six small children in Peru suffer from chronic malnutrition. This is not because anchoveta is unsuitable for human consumption—on the contrary, they are nutritious, tasty and available year‐round, close to the coast. Almost all anchoveta are, however, reduced to provide fishmeal and oil for export. Only a few per cent of the landings are used for direct human consumption, and while this use has increased significantly over the last decade, the growth has stopped because of perverse incentives that encourage landing for reduction purposes, combined with production methods that are expensive and unsuitable for large‐scale operations. We discuss the roadblocks and prospects for significantly increasing the contribution of anchoveta to global food security and provide an outlook for how big this contribution potentially could be. It is time to change how anchoveta is used.  相似文献   

Briggs ( 1960 ) published the first checklist of circumtropical fishes with 107 species. This work served for a half century as the most comprehensive checklist of globally distributed fishes, but the intervening years witnessed many discoveries, and molecular data have changed the way we evaluate species. Here, we update the list guided by taxonomic revisions, phylogenies, phylogeographic data and DNA barcodes. The resulting list now includes 284 species. The dramatic increase is primarily due to two trends: (i) continued oceanic exploration leading to range revisions and species discoveries and (ii) public databases such as FishBase and the Catalogue of Fishes make range data more accessible. Five species were removed from the list as closer scrutiny revealed multiple taxa, 14 were removed due to updated range information, and 35 more are suspected to be species complexes. The species listed here are mostly pelagic and bathypelagic fishes. Euryhaline, anadromous, catadromous, freshwater, and with few exceptions, reef fishes do not achieve global distributions. The most species‐rich family of marine fishes (Gobiidae) is absent. The fishes with the longest pelagic larval stage (Anguillidae) are absent. In contrast, requiem sharks (Carcharhinidae), tunas (Scombridae), jacks (Carangidae), remoras (Echeneidae) and especially lanternfishes (Myctophidae) have multiple representatives. The combined evidence indicates that high mobility as an adult is a key requirement to achieve a global distribution. Many others are members of monotypic genera or families, indicating old lineages that did not diversify. We conclude that global ranges may promote persistence over evolutionary timescales, but also reduce opportunities for speciation.  相似文献   

Ramsey  Dean  Timothy  Walter  Greg  Marc  Terence   《Aquacultural Engineering》2009,41(1):28-34
A photoelectrocatalytic oxidation (PECO)3 device was developed for converting aqueous ammonia into nitrogen gas. The device uses a germicidal UV lamp to activate a titania (TiO2)-coated anode (photoanode) that is connected to a titanium or platinum wire cathode to form an electrolytic cell. When a small bias (2 V DC) was applied between the anode and cathode, ammonia (−3 oxidation state) was oxidized primarily into nitrogen gas (0 oxidation state) rather than nitrite (+3 oxidation state) or nitrate (+5 oxidation state). The ammonia oxidation rate changed as a function of the crystalline structure of the titania coating on the anode, the salinity of the water, the applied voltage, and the disruption of boundary layers near the photoanode surface. There was no ammonia removal in water without at least some NaCl in solution, suggesting that the device works by converting chloride ions into chlorine and hypochlorous acid, which then react with ammonia to form nitrogen gas. Varying the pH between pH = 5 and pH = 10 had no effect on the rate of ammonia removal. A continuous flow-through PECO reactor was tested using aquariums spiked with ammonium chloride or stocked with seawater-adapted tilapia fed a high protein diet, and found to effectively remove ammonia and limit nitrite and nitrate accumulation in the tanks.  相似文献   

中国产章鱼的研究和增养殖   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对中国海域共8种分布,经济价值较大真蛸、短蛸和长蛸的分类、分布、生态习性及人工繁殖和养成等进行了简单介绍,  相似文献   

新型顺流式网箱的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顺流式网箱是抵抗风浪潮流的一种新型的网箱模式,适用于潮流方向多变、流速较高的海域。其技术关键是:网箱的锚碇系统为单锚固定,箱体可顺流回转,箱体头部设阻流罩,形成养殖缓冲区。对实物进行了缩比模型试验,对漂浮状态和下潜状态作了对比,阐述了在各种水流状态作用下的网箱水动力特性,为顺流式网箱的产品化设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

中肋骨条藻的室内筛选室外培养技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
骨条藻生长繁殖速度快、不容易污染。在室内水泥池中,从自然海水里筛选生产性纯种骨条藻藻液,在室外土池里通过对骨条藻生长繁殖所需要的各项理化因子、生物因子的控制,快速培养骨条藻。该技术简单、生产操作容易,适应于大规模的生产使用。  相似文献   

Fisheries Science - There are two types of movement pattern in the Brachionidae (rotifers), swimming and attachment, although the factors that induce a shift between them have not been adequately...  相似文献   

Recreational fishing (RF) is a large yet undervalued component of fisheries globally. While progress has been made in monitoring, assessing, and managing the sector in isolation, integration of RF into the management of multi-sector fisheries has been limited, particularly relative to the commercial sector. This marginalises recreational fishers and reduces the likelihood of achieving the sector's objectives and, more broadly, achieving fisheries sustainability. We examined the nature and extent of RF inclusion in harvest strategies (HSs) for marine fisheries across 15 regions in 11 nations to define the gap in inclusion that has developed between sectors. We focused on high-income nations with a high level of RF governance and used a questionnaire to elicit expert knowledge on HSs due to the paucity of published documents. In total, 339 HSs were considered. We found that RF inclusion in HSs was more similar to the small-scale sector (i.e., artisanal, cultural, or subsistence) than the commercial sector, with explicit operational objectives, data collection, performance indicators, reference points, and management controls lacking in many regions. Where specified, RF objectives focused on sustainability, economic value and catch allocation rather than directly relating to the recreational fishing experience. Conflicts with other sectors included competition with the commercial sector for limited resources, highlighting the importance of equitable resource allocation policies alongside HSs. We propose that RF be explicitly incorporated into HSs to ensure fisheries are ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable, and we recommend that fisheries organisations urgently review HSs for marine fisheries with a recreational component to close the harvest strategy gap among sectors.  相似文献   

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