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Two identified interneurons in each buccal ganglion of Aplysia can mediate conjoined excitation and inhibition to a single follower cell. A single presynaptic action potential in one of these interneurons produces a diphasic, depolarizing-hyperpolarizing synaptic potential apparently as a result of a single transmitter acting on two types of postsynaptic receptors in the follower cell. These receptors produce synaptic potentials with differing reversal potentials, ionic conductances, time courses, rates of decrement with repetition, pharmacological properties, and functional consequences. The excitatory receptor controls a sodium conductance, the inhibitory receptor controls a chloride conductance. Both components of the synaptic potentials can be produced by iontophoretic application of acetylcholine on the cell body of the follower cell, and each component is differentially sensitive to different cholinergic blocking agents.  相似文献   

Synaptic activation of an electrogenic sodium pump   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An identified molluscan interneuron mediates different cholinergic synaptic actions by increasing the conductance of its follower cells to different ions. We have now found that this interneuron also mediates a new class of synaptic actions which does not involve a conductance change but the activation of an electrogenic sodium pump. This synaptic action results in a prolonged inhibitory synaptic potential which is dependent on metabolism and is selectively blocked by cooling and ouabain. In cells which have this synaptic potential, part of the resting membrane potential is also maintained by an electrogenic sodium pump. The same transmitter, acetylcholine, can independently stimulate both a chloride ion conductance and a sodium pump mechanism in the same follower cell by acting on two different postsynaptic receptors.  相似文献   

The physiological role of striatal cholinergic interneurons was investigated with immunotoxin-mediated cell targeting (IMCT). Unilateral cholinergic cell ablation caused an acute abnormal turning behavior. These mice showed gradual recovery but displayed abnormal turning by both excess stimulation and inhibition of dopamine actions. In the acute phase, basal ganglia function was shifted to a hyperactive state by stimulation and suppression of striatonigral and striatopallidal neurons, respectively. D1 and D2 dopamine receptors were then down-regulated, relieving dopamine-predominant synaptic perturbation but leaving a defect in controlling dopamine responses. The acetylcholine-dopamine interaction is concertedly and adaptively regulated for basal ganglia synaptic integration.  相似文献   

A direct synaptic connection mediating both excitation and inhibition   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Neurons have generally been thought to produce only one synaptic action on any particular cell which they innervate. An identified interneuron in the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia mediates both direct excitation and inhibition to an identified follower cell. At low firing rates the interneuron produces excitatory postsynaptic potentials; however at higher firing rates these gradually diminish in size and eventually invert to inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. Electrophysiological and pharmacological evidence indicates that the connection between these cells is monosynaptic, and that a single transmitter, acetylcholine, mediates both actions. These opposite synaptic responses appear to result from the transmitter's acting on two types of postsynaptic receptors having different thresholds for activation and different susceptibilities for desensitization.  相似文献   

Adrenergic innervation of the parasympathetic ciliary ganglion in the chick   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The chick ciliary ganglion receives a nonvascular symathetic innervation in addition to the well-known cholinergic one; fluorescent, varicose adrenergic fibers form pericelluar baskets. Adrenergic fibes were identified electron microscopically in ganglia fixed with potassium permanganate. The fibers degenerate after injection of 6-hydroxydopamine. No true synaptic relationships involving adrenergic varicosities and ganglion cells or cholinergic terminals were demonstrable. The distribution of the adrenergic fibers suggests a kind of "distance à synapse" with the choroidal cells or with the preganglionic fibers (or both). The adrenergic innervation might provide a modulation of the cholinergic transmission.  相似文献   

Cholinergic neurons are widespread, and pharmacological modulation of acetylcholine receptors affects numerous brain processes, but such modulation entails side effects due to limitations in specificity for receptor type and target cell. As a result, causal roles of cholinergic neurons in circuits have been unclear. We integrated optogenetics, freely moving mammalian behavior, in vivo electrophysiology, and slice physiology to probe the cholinergic interneurons of the nucleus accumbens by direct excitation or inhibition. Despite representing less than 1% of local neurons, these cholinergic cells have dominant control roles, exerting powerful modulation of circuit activity. Furthermore, these neurons could be activated by cocaine, and silencing this drug-induced activity during cocaine exposure (despite the fact that the manipulation of the cholinergic interneurons was not aversive by itself) blocked cocaine conditioning in freely moving mammals.  相似文献   

Tactile stimulation of the siphon and mantle shelf in Aplysia causes a characteristic withdrawal response of the external organs of the mantle cavity. A similar response also occurs spontaneously. Both responses are mediated by the abdominal ganglion and therefore provide an opportunity for correlating cellular functioning and behavior in a relatively simple and well-studied neuronal system. The withdrawal responses are controlled by five identified motor cells which receive two types of synaptic inputs. One set of excitatory connections, activated by tactile stimulation of the siphon and mantle shelf, mediates the defensive withdrawal reflex. A second set of connections is activated by a spontaneous burst of activity in a group of closely coupled interneurons which are excitatory to some of the motor cells and inhibitory to the others. This second set of connections mediates the spontaneous withdrawal response. These two inputs can therefore switch the same population of motor cells from a simple reflex to a more complex, internally organized response.  相似文献   

Intracellular injection of cobalt dye was used to visualize electrical synapses between two pairs of central giant interneurons and giant motoneurons in the crayfish central nervous system. A pair of giant motoneurons in each ganglion contacts the interneurons, but not all contact points are functional synapses. Cobalt dye reveals numerous fine projections that are present at synaptic contact points and absent at nonsynaptic contacts; intracellular recording confirms this correlation. The different connectivity patterns of the two pairs of interneurons are consistent with the different behavior patterns which they evoke.  相似文献   

The microcircuitry of the mammalian neocortex remains largely unknown. Although the neocortex could be composed of scores of precise circuits, an alternative possibility is that local connectivity is probabilistic or even random. To examine the precision and degree of determinism in the neocortical microcircuitry, we used optical probing to reconstruct microcircuits in layer 5 from mouse primary visual cortex. We stimulated "trigger" cells, isolated from a homogenous population of corticotectal pyramidal neurons, while optically detecting "follower" neurons directly driven by the triggers. Followers belonged to a few selective anatomical classes with stereotyped physiological and synaptic responses. Moreover, even the position of the followers appeared determined across animals. Our data reveal precisely organized cortical microcircuits.  相似文献   

Dendritic spikes and their inhibition in alligator Purkinje cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Alligator Purkinje cells generate action potentials in the peripheral dendritic tree, after synaptic depolarization via superficial parallel fibers. These action potentials are inhibited at the dendrite level by preceding parallel-fiber volleys at close intervals. We conclude that this inhibition is produced by the activation of the inhibitory interneurons of the molecular layer, the stellate cells, which establish synaptic contacts with the dendrites of the Purkinje cells.  相似文献   

The developmental time course of posttetanic potentiation was studied at an identified chemical synapse. In stage 11 juveniles (3 weeks after metamorphosis), the synaptic connections made by cholinergic neuron L10 onto postsynaptic neurons L2 to L6 were present but showed no posttetanic potentiation. In stage 13 adults (12 weeks after metamorphosis), the same tetanus resulted in an increase of 300 percent in the synaptic potential. A similar pattern was observed at two other identified synapses in the abdominal ganglion. Thus, the initial steps in synapse formation do not include the expression of this plastic capability. Rather, at least 10 weeks is required between the onset of synaptic function and the final expression of mature synaptic properties.  相似文献   

Electrically coupled inhibitory interneurons dynamically control network excitability, yet little is known about how chemical and electrical synapses regulate their activity. Using two-photon glutamate uncaging and dendritic patch-clamp recordings, we found that the dendrites of cerebellar Golgi interneurons acted as passive cables. They conferred distance-dependent sublinear synaptic integration and weakened distal excitatory inputs. Gap junctions were present at a higher density on distal dendrites and contributed substantially to membrane conductance. Depolarization of one Golgi cell increased firing in its neighbors, and inclusion of dendritic gap junctions in interneuron network models enabled distal excitatory synapses to drive network activity more effectively. Our results suggest that dendritic gap junctions counteract sublinear dendritic integration by enabling excitatory synaptic charge to spread into the dendrites of neighboring inhibitory interneurons.  相似文献   

Muscarinic depression of long-term potentiation in CA3 hippocampal neurons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Behavioral studies have suggested that muscarinic cholinergic systems have an important role in learning and memory. A muscarinic cholinergic agonist is now shown to affect synaptic plasticity in the CA3 region of the hippocampal slice. Long-term potentiation (LTP) of the mossy fiber-CA3 synapse was blocked by muscarine. Low concentrations of muscarine (1 micromolar) had little effect on low-frequency (0.2 hertz) synaptic stimulation but did significantly reduce the magnitude and probability of induction of LTP. Experiments under voltage clamp showed that muscarine blocked the increase in excitatory synaptic conductance normally associated with LTP at this synapse. These results suggest a possible role for cholinergic systems in synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Efferent feedback onto sensory organs provides a means to modulate input to the central nervous system. In the developing mammalian cochlea, inner hair cells are transiently innervated by efferent fibers, even before sensory function begins. Here, we show that neonatal inner hair cells are inhibited by cholinergic synaptic input before the onset of hearing. The synaptic currents, as well as the inner hair cell's response to acetylcholine, are mediated by a nicotinic (alpha9-containing) receptor and result in the activation of small-conductance calcium-dependent potassium channels.  相似文献   

The hippocampal slice preparation was used to study the role of acetylcholine as a synaptic transmitter. Bath-applied acetylcholine had three actions on pyramidal cells: (i) depolarization associated with increased input resistance, (ii) blockade of calcium-activated potassium responses, and (iii) blockade of accommodation of cell discharge. All these actions were reversed by the muscarinic antagonist atropine. Stimulation of sites in the slice known to contain cholinergic fibers mimicked all the actions. Furthermore, these evoked synaptic responses were enhanced by the cholinesterase inhibitor eserine and were blocked by atropine. These findings provide electrophysiological support for the role of acetylcholine as a synaptic transmitter in the brain and demonstrate that nonclassical synaptic responses involving the blockade of membrane conductances exist in the brain.  相似文献   

Extracellular potassium ions mediate specific neuronal interaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The giant interneurons from the nerve system of the cockroach Periplaneta americana exhibit a peculiar reciprocal synaptic interaction. The synaptic potentials are not blocked by addition of 5 millimolar cobalt chloride and have an extrapolated reversal potential close to 0 millivolt. Hyperpolarizing current injected into one cell does not spread to the other. Intracellular injection of tetraethylammonium ions into one giant interneuron increases the duration of the action potential of the injected cell to 30 milliseconds and reduces the rise time and amplitude of the postsynaptic response recorded in the other giant interneuron. These results indicate that the interaction between the interneurons is not mediated by conventional chemical or electrotonic synapses.. All evidence points to generation of the potentials by localized increases in extracellular potassium concentrations as a consequence of firing of one neuron.  相似文献   

The initial outgrowth of developing neuronal processes can be affected by a number of extrinsic interactions. Cell-cell interactions are also important in a later stage of neuronal outgrowth when processes grow into the region of their targets. The correct positioning of the process of a postembryonic sensory neuron, the touch cell AVM of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, at its synaptic targets requires the presence of a pair of embryonic interneurons, the BDU cells. These cells receive synapses from AVM but do not participate in the touch reflex circuit. Therefore, the AVM-BDU synapses may be required to stabilize the association between these cells and assist in the guidance of the AVM processes through a mature neuropil.  相似文献   

Brief stimulation of cholinergic preganglionic nerve fibers resulted in an increase in guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cyclic GMP) in the bullfrog sympathetic ganglion. When the release of synaptic transmitter was prevented by a high-magnesium, low-calcium Ringer solution, stimulation of preganglionic nerve fibers did not increase cyclic GMP in the ganglion. The increase in cyclic GMP caused by preganglionic stimulation was also blocked by the muscarinic antagonist, atropine. The data indicate that the increase in cyclic GMP is associated with synaptic transmission and support the possibility that cyclic GMP may mediate the postsynaptic action of acetylcholine at muscarinic cholinergic synapses.  相似文献   

A new class of excitatory premotor interneurons that are important in the generation of locomotion in the lamprey has now been described. In the isolated spinal cord, these neurons act simultaneously with their postsynaptic motoneurons during fictive swimming. They are small and numerous, and they monosynaptically excite both motoneurons and inhibitory premotor interneurons. The excitatory postsynaptic potentials are depressed by an antagonist of excitatory amino acids. These interneurons receive reticulospinal input from the brain stem and polysynaptic input form skin afferents. A model of the network underlying locomotion based on the synaptic interactions of these neurons can now be proposed for the lamprey.  相似文献   

Spined pyriform interneurons in community-reared jewel fish have more dendritic branches and spines in the deep tectal layers than those in isolates reared without visual-tactile contact with conspecifics. Furthermore, in the same dendritic loci in which the community-reared fish had more spines, the spine stems were shorter. The findings suggest that social stimulation induces localized formation of spines, which swell with synaptic activation. Shortening of the spine stem through elongated swelling of the spine head is likely to alter synaptic effectiveness through changes in electrotonic conductance.  相似文献   

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