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为探究种公鸡行为与其遗传贡献率的相关性,试验选取4组本交笼,单组饲养50只罗曼粉父母代种鸡(公母配比为1∶9),通过亲缘鉴定技术研究本交笼中种公鸡对后代的遗传贡献率,并利用视频录像与物理标记相结合的方法对公鸡行为进行观察。结果表明:在本交笼中,各组公鸡在遗传贡献率方面均存在明显的等级排序;在行为学方面,各组内均存在明显的啄斗序列,斗性最强的公鸡的遗传贡献率不一定最高,斗性最弱的公鸡遗传贡献率均最低,且各组内公鸡无固定交配的母鸡个体;公鸡遗传贡献率与公鸡交配频数及啄斗频数的相关系数分别为0.35与0.14。  相似文献   

为了研究本交笼对肉种鸡生产性能、种蛋品质及繁殖性能的影响,试验组选择108只29周龄的健康罗斯308肉种鸡,公母比例1∶8,随机分为6笼,每组16只母鸡、2只公鸡,以同舍内"两高一低"平养模式大群为对照组,比较种鸡产蛋性能、种蛋品质、孵化性能及行为差异。结果显示:本交笼养模式下种鸡产蛋率、破蛋率有升高趋势,料蛋比呈下降趋势;与平养模式相比,本交笼养模式下肉种鸡种蛋的平均蛋重极显著提高(P<0.01),蛋形指数显著增加(P<0.05),蛋壳厚度显著增加(P<0.05),蛋壳亮度L值极显著降低(P<0.01);2种饲养模式下,肉种鸡种蛋的受精率、种蛋的孵化率及后代健雏率没有明显差异(P>0.05),但本交笼饲养肉种鸡后代雏鸡初生重显著增大(P<0.01);动物行为观察发现,种鸡在本交笼内自由舒适,分布均匀,饮水采食频率增加,不存在扎堆现象,几乎没有打斗行为,说明本交笼内动物福利水平更高。提示:肉种鸡本交笼养模式可以应用于肉种鸡生产。  相似文献   

为筛选出最佳公母比例和改善本交笼养殖工艺,试验研究了不同公母比例对本交笼养种鸡生产性能、血液生化指标、羽毛覆盖和抗体水平的影响。1 500只27周龄体重相近的海兰褐父母代种鸡饲喂于全封闭式鸡舍四层层叠式本交笼,试验鸡随机分为5组,每组3笼。试验1组每笼饲喂11只公鸡和89只母鸡(用11♂+89♀表示),试验2组10♂+90♀,试验3组9♂+91♀,试验4组8♂+92♀,试验5组7♂+93♀。试验期间测定各组生产性能、血液生化指标、羽毛覆盖和抗体水平。结果显示:不同公母比例对种鸡产蛋率有显著影响(P0.05),特别是试验2组产蛋率最高,对其他指标包括种鸡死淘率、破蛋率、孵化性能、蛋品质(除蛋黄颜色外)、血液生化指标、羽毛覆盖和抗体水平均没有影响。研究表明产蛋高峰期海兰褐父母代种鸡的公母比例1∶9较佳。  相似文献   

一、种鸡营养 1.种鸡饲喂 应严格按照种鸡的营养需求制定饲料配方。具体饲喂时,要定量并同时充分供水。对种公鸡可适当补饲,如将孵化过程照出的死精蛋,死胚蛋用大锅煮熟,粉碎后拌料喂给,可以提高精液品质。 2.种鸡管理 种鸡环境要宽松。母鸡一笼放3~4只,为便于输精,每笼1只或2只背上做颜色标志。公鸡一笼2只。公母比例1:25~30,公鸡可多留些。 保持鸡舍温度16~24℃,湿度55%和通风透气良好,以利于种鸡对营养的充分吸收和利用。  相似文献   

1种公鸡要有旺盛的性欲不论是本交还是人工授精,都要求种公鸡有健康的体质,保持旺盛的性欲,只有这样才能获得高质量的精液,这是提高种蛋孵化率的关键。2适宜的公母比例如果采用本交,公母比例应为1∶7,如果采用人工授精,每只公鸡(每间隔1天取1次精液)可负担40~60只母鸡的配种任务。3种公鸡单独饲养作采精用的种公鸡要单独饲养。由于种公鸡有好斗性,如果将2只或多只种公鸡饲养在一起,则会引起互相打斗现象,消耗大量的体力,这就很难保持种公鸡旺盛的性欲和获得高质量的精液。农家小规模养鸡,为了节省空间,降低饲养成本,常把两三只种公鸡饲养在…  相似文献   

刘胜军  杨隽 《中国家禽》2001,23(15):25-26
近几年来我院实习牧场种蛋的人工受精率一直保持在 92%以上,入孵蛋孵化率不低于 82%,总结经验如下: 1种公鸡的饲养管理   精液品质的好坏是决定种蛋受精率的先决条件,而种公鸡饲养条件的好坏又直接影响到精液的品质和数量,因此种公鸡的饲养管理非常重要。如果说健康的雏鸡是养好种鸡的基础的话,则育成期的管理则是保证公鸡质量的关键一步。在公鸡的管理中运动是很重要的一方面。种公鸡的饲养也是如此,育成时期有条件的鸡场最好不要把公鸡和母鸡一起放在中雏笼中饲养,公鸡的体型较大,生长发育也比母鸡快,中雏笼空间狭小,公鸡…  相似文献   

在父母代蛋种鸡饲养厂种鸡公母是按比例进行培育和选留的,种公鸡在人工授精期间,尤其是在中后期常有一些种公鸡因长期采精而造成精液品质下降明显而被淘汰,这势必导致种公鸡一时短缺而影响人工授精的进行。对此;我们于1991年6月14日对精液稀少症的67只种公鸡进行治疗,有效率达83.6%收到显著效果,现报道如下。  相似文献   

为筛选出最佳公母比例并改善本交笼养殖工艺,试验研究了本交笼养种鸡产蛋后期不同公母比例对其产蛋性能、羽毛覆盖程度和抗体滴度的影响。800只体重相近的海兰褐父母代种鸡饲喂于三层本交笼,试验鸡随机分为4组,每组3笼。试验一组每笼饲喂6只公鸡和44只母鸡(6♂+44♀),试验二组5♂+45♀,试验三组4♂+46♀,试验四组3♂+47♀。测定各组试验鸡产蛋性能、羽毛覆盖程度和抗体滴度。不同公母比例对蛋重、受精率、入孵蛋孵化率和母雏初生重有显著影响(P0.05),特别是试验一组至试验四组的受精率呈下降趋势,并且试验一组的入孵蛋孵化率显著高于其它三组(P0.05),对产蛋性能、死淘率和羽毛覆盖程度没有影响。此外,H5 AIV(Re-9)和NDV在各组公鸡血液中差异显著(P0.05)。结果表明本交笼养种鸡产蛋后期应适当增加公鸡数量。  相似文献   

随着养鸡业向规模化、集约化的发展,开放式散养逐渐被封闭式笼养所代替,因而种鸡的配种形式世由本交改为人工授精,人工授精的优越性也得到了巨大的发挥。但是,在人工授精的过程中,所用的稀释液不同致使种蛋的受精率也不同。可见,稀释液的类型将严重影响人工授精的效果和种鸡场的经济效益。 我校实习鸡场是以笼养父母代蛋用种鸡为主的种鸡场。自1990年建场以来,前后饲养了父母代迪长沃伦、伊莎褐和海兰褐种鸡,并全部采用人工授精。在1995年2月中旬到6月上旬近4个月的孵化期内,共孵化迪卡沃伦商品雏鸡12批21100只。在人工授精的过程中,采用的精液稀释液有生理盐水和5%的葡萄糖液(均为人用注射液),后发现采用不同的稀释液,种蛋受精率存在着明显的差异。现将两种精液稀释液的人工授精效果报告如下: 一、人工授精鸡场的基本情况: 人工授精用的鸡是该场饲养的迪卡父母代种母鸡528只、种公鸡17只,公母比例为1:31。两种处理选用不同时期的同一鸡群,其间种鸡的日粮配方、日常管理、环境温湿度、光照等因素保持不变或相对稳定;人工授精方面,从采精、精液的品质检查、精液  相似文献   

为了减少养鸡生产成本和保证较高的种蛋受精率 ,确定合适的公母比例极为重要。本文主要通过对罗曼蛋鸡C系公鸡和D系母鸡的人工授精配比试验 ,来确定罗曼种鸡比较合理的公母比例 ,为蛋鸡饲养者提供依据。1 材料与方法1.1 材料 取自华申曾祖代蛋鸡场的某一批曾祖代种鸡中C系公鸡和D系母鸡。1.2 方法1.2 .1 饲养方式 :种公鸡及种母鸡均采用全密闭式三层半阶梯式单鸡单笼同舍饲养 ,种公鸡的饲料采用母鸡的饲料进行饲喂 ,并定期添加多维及微量元素 ,光照同产蛋鸡的光照。1.2 .2 试验日期 :试验从 1999年 8月~ 2 0 0 0年 3月 ,即鸡群2 …  相似文献   

1 524只艾维茵肉用种鸡被随机安置在一种新型自然交配笼中或以常规方式(1/3竹床,2/3垫料)饲养了一个产蛋周期.笼养种鸡繁殖、生产性能优于常规组:成活率提高15.5%;产蛋数增加20.9枚;大群用药减少75%.肉用种鸡双层饲养笼的优点还包括无垫料购置和贮藏费用、改良种鸡生产环境、减轻工人劳动强度和降低生产成本等.  相似文献   

1. Mortality and causes of death were recorded over two trials with 13045 Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL, white layer strain) and 4410 Lohmann Brown (LB) laying hens kept in furnished small group housing systems and furnished cages. In trial 1, hens were housed from weeks 19 to 71 (LSL) and 17 to 69 (LB). In trial 2, LSL hens were housed from weeks 18 to 57. 2. The hens were kept in groups of 40 and 60 in the furnished small group housing system Eurovent 625 + a-EU and in groups of 10 and 20 in the furnished cages Aviplus and Eurovent 625A-EU. 3. To investigate the possible effect on mortality of rearing the birds on litter floors or in cages, in trial 2 half of the LSL hens were reared on the floor and half in conventional cages. 4. Mortality was greater in the Eurovent furnished small group housing system (5.2%) than in the furnished cages Aviplus (4.0%) and Eurovent (4.2%). 5. Mortality was also affected by the interactions among housing system and trial, layer strain and rearing. In trial 1, more LB laying hens died in the Aviplus system than in the Eurovent group system. There was no significant difference in mortality of the LSL laying hens between housing systems in trial 1. In trial 2, mortality of the LSL hens was greater in the group housing system (hens reared on litter floors: 10.1%; hens reared in cages: 2.8%) than in the furnished cage Aviplus (hens reared on litter floors: 6.0%; hens reared in cages: 1.5%). 6. Mortality was greater in floor-reared LSL laying hens than in the LSL laying hens reared in conventional cages. 7. Group size within housing system had no significant effect on mortality. 8. The most common findings at autopsy were different types of cannibalism (65.51%), with vent cannibalism (38.57%) the most common.  相似文献   

1. Conventional cages are to be replaced by furnished cages or aviary systems to improve the welfare of hens. We compared the performance and egg quality of hens reared in two designs of furnished cages and of two standard cages. We also explored the consequences of the absence of beak trimming when using these designs. 2. Hens (2028) were housed from 18 to 70 weeks of age in 108 standard cages at 6 per cage (60 cmx63.5 cm), in 96 cages at 5 per cage (59.5 cmx55.5 cm) or in two designs of furnished cage at 15 per cage (24 F15M cages and 36 F15P cages made by two manufacturers) which contained equipment varying in size and location (nests, dust baths and perches). Half of the hens were beak-trimmed in each design. 3. Mortality was low in beak-trimmed hens (<5%) but was unacceptably high in non-beak-trimmed hens due to cannibalism (>40%, 516 hens). Mortality was worse in standard cages than in furnished cages. Consequently, hen-housed egg production was significantly lowered in non-beak-trimmed hens. 4. Egg laying in beak-trimmed hens reared in furnished cages occurred mainly in the nest (80 and 84.8% in F15M and F15P) but also in the dust bath (13.3 and 9.4% in F15M and F15P) and in other parts of the cage (6.7 and 5.8% in F15M and F15P). 5. The total percentage of broken (visual observation) and hair-cracked eggs (candling) was high in the furnished cage designs (15.4 and 19.6% in F15M and F15P, respectively) compared with standard cage designs (8.1 and 12.2% in S6 and S5). This was mainly due to hair-cracked eggs, the highest percentages occurring in the nests, especially in the design with a narrow nest and no egg saver (11.1% in F15M compared to 17.6% in F15P) as a consequence of egg accumulation in the cradle and relatively low frequency of manual egg collection. 6. Eggshell quality (index and breaking strength) was only slightly influenced by cage effects so differences in egg breakage were attributable to impacts related to cage design. 7. It is concluded that beak trimming remains the most effective way to prevent cannibalism, although furnished cages with a large group of hens slightly reduced the incidence, and that further development and optimisation of furnished cages is needed to reach egg quality similar to standard cages.  相似文献   

1. In a multi‐choice test, with unfamiliar cagemates and group sizes of up to 6, the attraction of a cage was inversely proportional to the number of hens it contained, empty cages being chosen most often. This trend was modified but not abolished by the previous experience of being reared in pens in large groups.

2. In a factorially‐designed test all hens spent the greater part of their time in large rather than small cages; hens reared singly chose empty cages rather than cages occupied by one other unfamiliar bird, whereas group‐reared hens selected the occupied cages.

3. In two‐choice tests, a familiar group of 3 hens was strongly preferred to a strange group of the same size; the familiar group was also preferred to an empty cage, but less strongly so.  相似文献   

试验选用30周龄罗曼公、母鸡72只,分为12个处理,每个处理6个重复,每个重复1只试鸡,单笼饲养,分别饲喂蛋氨酸水平为理想需要量的36%、50%、65%、75%、85%和100%的半纯合梯度日粮,建立蛋白质和蛋氨酸沉积量对蛋氨酸食入量间的回归方程,来确定30周龄罗曼公母鸡的可利用蛋氨酸维持需要量。结果表明:公鸡蛋白沉积量显著高于母鸡(P<0.05)。分别以蛋白质和蛋氨酸沉积量为因变量,所得公鸡可利用蛋氨酸维持需要分别为每天39.34mg/kgBW0.7(5或表示为266.81mg/kgBPM)和1.93mg/kgBW0.7(5或表示为13.11mg/kgBPM)。母鸡可利用蛋氨酸维持需要分别为每天52.32mg/kgBW0.7(5或表示为282.14mg/kgBPM)和7.76mg/kgBW0.7(5或表示为41.87mg/kgBPM);由蛋白质沉积量为因变量所得的回归方程外推零蛋白质沉积时的蛋氨酸维持需要量要显著高于以零蛋氨酸沉积所得的维持需要量(P>0.05),母鸡可利用蛋氨酸维持需要高于公鸡的测定结果。  相似文献   

At 45 wk of age, 99 roosters housed in individual cages were tested for avian leukosis-J strain virus (ALV-J); 32 tested positive and 67 tested negative. These roosters were fed a restricted diet to maintain weight to primary breeder specifications. Individual semen and ceca samples were analyzed for presence and level of Campylobacter. Population levels of Campylobacter in semen and ceca of ALV-J individuals were 3.5 times higher than negative birds. Controlling viruses such as ALV-J may be an important part of limiting colonization of broiler breeders by organisms such as Campylobacter.  相似文献   

为开发清远麻鸡的多重杂交遗传潜能,突破父母代制种模式的单一,适应市场需求,研究观测了清远麻鸡(♂)与矮小隐性白羽蛋鸡(♀)杂交F1代的羽色、体尺及生产性能指标,重点探讨了杂交F1代羽色的遗传以及生产性能的改良。结果显示:杂交F1代初生时以麻色为主,占比71.58%,杂交F1代的成年公鸡和母鸡均出现了羽色分化或变异;杂交F1代母鸡体重和体型均比其母本矮小隐性白羽蛋鸡更大;F1代公鸡体重小于其父本清远麻公鸡。清远麻鸡与矮小隐性白羽蛋鸡的杂交F1代母鸡具有较好的杂交性能,通过进一步的横交固定选育,有望培育出替代清远麻鸡纯种的父母代亲本。  相似文献   

1. Limited information is available on how changes in horizontal and vertical space within enriched or furnished layer cages (as defined by Directive 1999/74/EC) influence hen behaviour. This study evaluated the effects of varying minimum cage heights and space allowances on the behaviour of laying hens housed in furnished cages. It was conducted on two flocks of medium brown hybrid hens housed in furnished cages with access to perches and nest boxes on a semi-commercial scale at ADAS Gleadthorpe. 2. Flock 1 consisted of two layer strains (ISA Brown and Babcock 380), housed at two minimum cage heights (38 and 45 cm) and 5 stocking densities between 609 and 870 cm2/bird, with 12 replicates of each of the 20 strain/cage height/stocking density treatment combinations. Stocking density was varied by varying the number of birds per cage from 10 to 7 in standard full-width cages or housing 7 hens in a narrower cage. As a consequence stocking density, group size and trough width per bird co-varied for 4 out of 5 stocking density treatments. 3. Behaviour of flock 1 was sampled at 33 to 36, 46 and 68 weeks of age. At each age one top-tier, one middle-tier and one bottom-tier cage was sampled for each treatment. 4. Few behavioural differences due to cage treatments were detected. Hens at 870 cm2 had shorter feeding bouts than hens at 609 and 762 cm2. Yawning was more common in the cages with greater cage height. 5. Video recordings of flock 1 examined cage height effects on hens' use of vertical space and provided additional data on stretching and self-maintenance activities. No differences in behaviour between 38 and 45 cm cages were found except that scratching head was more common in cages with greater cage height. 6. Flock 2 consisted of two layer strains (Shaver Brown and Hy-Line Brown), housed at 38 and 45 cm and 609, 762 and 1016 cm2/bird, with 18 replicates of each of the 12 strain/cage height/stocking density treatment combinations. Stocking density was varied by housing 10, 8 or 6 hens in standard full-width cages. Behaviour of flock 2 was sampled at 30, 48, 60 and 67 weeks from video recordings. Three cages per treatment from middle-tiers only were sampled at each age. 7. Hens housed at 609 cm2/hen had the longest mean feeding bout, greater than for hens at 762 cm2/hen but not hens at 1016 cm2/hen. More unsuccessful attempts to reach the feeder and sideways and backwards displacements from the feeder occurred at 762 and 609 cm2/hen than at 1016 cm2/hen. A maximum of 8 hens were observed feeding synchronously. 8. These results suggest that changes in horizontal and vertical space over the ranges we studied had little effect on behaviour other than feeding behaviour. Specifying a minimum useable trough space per hen, rather than calculating feeder space from total length of feeder per cage, irrespective of accessibility, might help avoid crowding at the feeder and associated disturbance of feeding bouts.  相似文献   

The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effects of cage floor and cage density on stress parameters of laying hens. A total of 162 brown laying hens (Hyline Brown), aged 34 weeks, were used in the experiment. Compact-type battery cages, with three floors, were used. Hens were allocated as one, three or five hens in each of 18 cages to obtain three different cage density groups of 1968, 656 and 393.8 cm2 floor area per hen, respectively. The same number of cages with different cage density were allocated to three different battery floors (first floor=top, second=middle, third=bottom) systematically. Values for body weight, mortality rate, egg weight, egg production, egg quality characteristics, egg yolk cholesterol content, the levels of blood plasma corticosterone, serum glucose, total cholesterol and triglycerides, the ratio of heterophils to lymphocytes (H-L ratio), antibody titers, claw length score, foot health score, plumage score and throat skin injuries were taken as indicators of stress. The values for egg weight (P<0.01) at the first floor were greater than the other floor levels. The group with five hens per cage had significantly lower mean estimates (P<0.01) than other groups with respects to body weight (P<0.001), egg production (P<0.001), egg weight (P<0.001) and plumage score (P<0.01), while significantly higher mean estimates for egg albumen index (P<0.01), Haugh unit (P<0.01), serum glucose (P<0.001), and H-L ratio (P<0.001). Serum cholesterol was higher in cages with one hen than that with five hens, whereas plasma corticosterone was lower. Antibody titers in cages with one hen was similar to that with three or five hens; however, those with three hens had higher titers than those with five hens. Values for egg breaking strength, yolk index, egg cholesterol content, and foot health score were not affected by cage density or floor. The results suggest that the allocation of three hens per cage had no measurable effect on health and welfare.  相似文献   

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