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本研究应用诱发卵泡波的方法,对387头供体牛进行了超数排卵和重复超数排卵的试验,找出了效果稳定的连续超排方法。诱发卵泡波的超排方法(“牛欢” EB P4):在供体牛发情周期的任意一天(发情当天除外),于供体牛阴道放入“牛欢”,同时肌肉注射2mgEB和100mgP4,在放入“牛欢”的第4天开始连续4d用递减法肌肉注射FSH(放入“牛欢”当天为第0d),第6.5 ̄7d撤除阴道栓,即开始注射FSH的第60 ̄72h撤栓(FSH开始注射48h后肌肉注射PGF2α);诱发卵泡波的重复超排方法:在前一次超排冲卵后的第9 ̄12d、14d、44d,给供体牛重新放入牛欢,同时肌肉注射2mgEB 100mgP4,其后的程序同诱发卵泡波的超排方法,开始新一轮的超排,两次超排放栓的间隔时间为25d、30d、60d;利用诱发卵泡波的方法对供体牛进行超数排卵,筛选超排效果良好的供体牛,使一头供体牛年生产可用胚胎的数量在60枚以上,是奶牛高效超排的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

CIDR结合GnRH在牛超数排卵中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在母牛情期的任意时间,供体牛阴道内放置孕激素阴道栓(C IDR),第7天注射促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH),然后注射促卵泡素(FSH)进行超数排卵。试验结果:10头牛直肠检查推测黄体115个,回收胚胎88枚,回收率77%,正常胚率为87%。表明C IDR+GnRH+FSH+PGF2 a(前列腺素)的超排效果可靠。  相似文献   

以淘汰母牛为供体,研究CIDR+FSH+PG超数排卵方案对淘汰母牛超排效果的影响。结果表明:淘汰母牛经过超排后头均排卵点和头均卵泡数均极显著(P0.01)高于非超排组。  相似文献   

超数排卵在动物胚胎工程技术的体内胚生产中起关键作用,不同品种甚至个体对超数排卵的反应不同。人绝经期促性腺激素(HMG)是从绝经期妇女尿液中提纯得到的具有促卵泡素(FSH)活性的蛋白质激素,在医学上广泛应用于诱导排卵和治疗不育不孕症。本试验以安格斯青年母牛为超排供体,采用分次肌肉注射激素方法进行超排处理,比较了HMG与FSH用于安格斯母牛超数排卵的效果。B超检查发现,HMG和FSH超排处理后牛只两侧卵巢上直径>1cm的卵泡数分别为10.33±0.52和9.25±0.46个,二者差异不显著(P>0.05),表明HMG与FSH同样安全有效;总剂量1 400IU的HMG或FSH用于安格斯母牛超排后B超检查卵巢没有发现异常变化,说明该剂量是用于安格斯母牛超数排卵的安全有效剂量。  相似文献   

影响萨福克羊超排效果的因素较多,主要包括供体、激素及其它一些影响供体生理状态的因素。本试验以萨福克羊为研究对象、超排方法的选择,卵巢处于不同生理状态时期的超排、促排激素、超排季节、供体年龄、重复超排、饲养管理等因素对供体超排效果的影响情况进行了研究,结果表明:通过同一季节利用不同方案对萨福克羊的超数排卵处理发现,以国产FSH6~7mg和加拿大FSH250mg进行4d递减处理的排卵数和可用胚率最高,是超数排卵处理的最佳方案。由于进口激素价格高,故推荐使用国产FSH6~7mg进行4d递减处理方案进行萨福克羊超数排卵。在供体发情周期第10~14天中任何一天开始超排都能取得较好的超排效果,可用胚胎平均数为7.1(6.1~8.2)。供体发情配种时用LH/HCG促排激素比LHRH-A3更能使更多的卵泡排卵,但末受精的数量也相应增加,综合考虑,萨福克羊发情配种时用LHRH-A3促排激素的效果最佳。超排季节对供体超排效果没有显著影响(P>0.05)。供体羊的年龄对超数排卵效果没有显著的影响,对性成熟不久的供体羊初次诱导排卵时适当降低FSH剂量,可取得与成年经产母羊一样的较好的超排效果。供体羊重复超排处理时,平均排卵率无显著差异(P>0.05),但采集可用胚胎数量有显著差异(P<0.01)。补饲养条件下的绵羊供体羊平均采集可用胚胎数量显著高于不补饲供体羊可用胚胎数量(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

超数排卵是胚胎移植中的重要环节,而恰当的超排时间是决定超排效果好坏的关键因素之一,一般采用供体牛发情后第九天进行超排,或是放CIDR第十天进行超排。笔者根据母牛发情卵巢周期性变化机理,采取放入CIDR后第四天进行超排,发现其超排效果与放入CIDR后第九天超排效果对比差异不显著。1试验材料CIDR(阴道海绵栓)新西兰产,批号:C075111;FSH:中科院产,10mg/瓶,批号:2002年6月;氯前列烯醇:中科院生产,0.2mg/支,批号:2001年8月21日;供体牛:本中心纯繁场西门塔尔、夏洛来经产母牛,膘情八成,共46头。2方法2.1试验分三批次进行,将供体随机分…  相似文献   

<正>所谓奶牛超数排卵就是利用激素等使母牛排出比自然状况下更多的具有受精能力的卵子,简称超排。笔者通过对北方寒地奶牛超排常用方法统计和不同超排方法效果比较分析,阐明不同超排方法应用要点及目前北方寒地奶牛在超排技术应用上存在的问题和改进措施。1北方寒地奶牛超排常用方法1.1 FSH+PGF2α法生产中通常都是在母牛发情后,递减剂量肌肉注射促卵泡素(FSH),然后再肌肉注射前列腺素F2α(PGF2α)。FSH注射时间是母牛发情后8~12 d,保持连续4~5 d注射FSH,剂量为15~20 mg,逐天递  相似文献   

前言供体母牛的胚胎产量是牛胚胎移植技术应用的限制因素。用促滤泡素(FSH)诱发母牛超数排卵的效果受许多客观因素的影响。供体母牛个体间对激素处理的反应有很大的差异,选择合适的供体进行超排是提高超排效率的重要手段。有人用放射免疫学方法测定外周血孕酮的含量(Elesaesser1981)或用B型超声波仪观察卵巢上处于各不同阶段的滤泡的数量(Pierson 1988,1984),以此估计卵巢和内分泌系统的功能状况,预测供体母牛的  相似文献   

高产奶牛不同超数排卵方法的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验采用了不同方法对高产荷斯坦奶牛供体进行超数排卵。结果表明:(1)在自然发情周期的第3天、第6天、第9天和第12天分别开始用超排激素Folltropin~V处理,结果以第9天开始超排反应最佳;(2)应用含孕激素阴道栓+雌激素+孕激素处理后超排效果显著高于单独使用阴道拴组和阴道栓+孕激素组,说明雌激素对超排具有明显促进作用;(3)比较应用进口阴道栓CIDR处理和国产“牛欢”配合雌激素和孕激素处理后进行超排,对青年牛和成母牛超排反应均没有差异,证明用国产阴道海绵栓可以代替进口的CIDR;(4)短期重复超排(间隔25~28天)处理次数对荷斯坦母牛的超排效果没有显著影响,但与传统方法比较,应用阴道拴(CIDR或牛欢)诱导卵泡波同步发生后开始超排处理,可以提高重复超排处理次数,提高超排效率,增加胚胎年产量。  相似文献   

在牛胚胎移植中,用激素FSH诱发供体母牛超数排卵的效果受许多客观因素(如牛的营养状况和个体差异、季节与环境等)的影响。但在一定的条数下,用常规方法对供体母牛进行超排时,超排效  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of dosage and number of days of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) treatment on superovulatory response in controlled internal drug release (CIDR)-treated Korean native cows. Forty cows underwent two superovulatory treatments with a crossover design. Cows, at random stages of the estrous cycle, received a CIDR together with injections of 1 mg estradiol benzoate and 50 mg progesterone, and gonadotropin treatment began 4 days later. The cows were divided into 2 groups based on the dosage and number of days of treatment with porcine FSH; a total of 28 mg FSH was given in twice daily intramascular injections in decreasing doses over 4 days (5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2 and 2 mg; T1 group, n=20) or a total of 24 mg FSH was given in twice daily decreasing doses over 3 days (5, 5, 4, 4, 3 and 3 mg; T2 group, n=20). This was followed by the alternate treatment in the subsequent superovulation. The cows were treated identically in all other respects. PGF(2alpha) (25 mg and 15 mg) was given with the 5th and 6th injections of FSH, CIDR were withdrawn at the 6th FSH injection and the cows received 200 microg GnRH 36 h after CIDR withdrawal. The cows were artificially inseminated twice, at 48 and 60 h after CIDR withdrawal, using commercial semen from four Korean native bulls, and embryos were recovered 6 or 7 days after the 2nd insemination. The numbers of corpora lutea (CL; 7.9+/-1.0 vs. 8.3+/-1.1) and large follicles (1.2+/-0.2 vs. 1.3+/-0.3) present at the time embryo recovery, as detected by ultrasonography, did not differ between the T1 and T2 groups (P>0.05). Similarly, the numbers of total ova/embryos (6.2+/-0.9 vs. 6.4+/-1.1), transferable embryos (3.4+/-0.8 vs. 3.2+/-0.7), degenerate embryos (0.8+/-0.2 vs. 1.0+/-0.3) and unfertilized ova (2.1+/-0.5 vs. 2.2+/-0.5) did not differ between the groups (P>0.05). These data indicate that a reduced dose (24 vs. 28 mg) and number of treatments (6 vs. 8) of FSH for superovulation of CIDR-treated Korean native cows does not affect the embryo yield.  相似文献   

采用捷克、澳大利及国产促卵泡素(FSH)进行牛的超数排卯试验,对牛的处理采用FSH+PG和FSH+CIDR两种方式。结果三种FSH来源获可用胚数分别为5.43、5.33和4.80,差异不显著(P〉0.05);而2次PG处理与CIDR处理供体牛所获得的回收胚胎数和可用胚数差异也不显著(P〉0.05);冲胚操作时采用不需硬膜外腔麻醉的注射式冲胚与传统需麻醉的滴注式冲胚比较,回收率分别为102%和98%,差异不显著;经产牛和育成牛超排效果比较,可用胚数分别为5.27和5.17,无明显差异(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

对48只太行山羊(供体羊)、40只太行山羊和120只奶山羊(受体羊)进行了同期发情和超数排卵胚胎移植试验。其结果如下:(1)CIDR PMSG对太行山羊同期发情,有效发情率为75%;CIDR FSH对奶山羊同期发情,有效发情率为73%。(2)CIDR FSH LH组平均可用胚胎数分别与CIDR PMSG组和CIDR PMSG LH组之间差异达到极显著水平(P<0.01),而与CI-DR FSH组之间差异显著(P<0.05)。(3)CIDR FSH LH超排时,用CIDR FSH对奶山羊进行同期发情,受体妊娠率为56%;CIDR PMSG对太行山羊同期发情,受体妊娠率为60%水平。证明在非繁殖季节对太行山羊采用CIDR FSH LH超数排卵和以太行山羊及奶山羊为受体分别用CIDR PMSG和CIDR FSH同期发情来进行胚胎移植的技术方案是可行的。  相似文献   

A field study was designed to compare ovarian response and embryo yield in cows during early lactation when gonadotropin administration followed one of four treatments. In group 1A (n = 19) and 1B (n = 9), the estrouses were synchronized by two prostaglandin F2alpha (PG) injections given 11 days apart, and starting from day 9 of the synchronized cycle superovulation was conducted with eight decreasing dose of FSH. In group 1B, ablation of all follicles >3 mm was carried out on day 8. In group 2A and 2B (each n = 9), a progesterone plus oestradiol intravaginal device (PRID) was inserted for 11 days and gonadotropin administration started on day 9, while cows from group 2B had a follicle ablation on day 8. In all groups, two PG injections were given along with the sixth and the seventh dose of FSH, and the cows were twice inseminated 12 and 24 h after estrus detection. Embryos were collected on day 7. In cumulative results from aspirated and non-aspirated cows, follicular ablation significantly improved: the ovarian response (10 +/- 1.23 vs 6.69 +/- 0.60 corpora lutea per donor), the mean collected embryos (6.57 +/- 0.94 vs 2.46 +/- 0.53) and the mean transferable embryos (4.43 +/- 0.89 vs 2.18 +/- 0.47). Group 1B and 2B cows had better ovarian response than 1A (6.44 +/- 0.81, 12.25 +/- 4.11 and 9.44 +/- 0.93, for groups 1A, 1B and 2B, respectively, p < 0.05). Similarly, from groups 1B and 2B more (p < 0.05) embryos were collected in comparison with their respective group, while the mean transferable embryos from group 2B (5.22 +/- 1.13) was greater (p < 0.05) than that of group 1A (1.67 +/- 0.35), and tented to be greater than those of groups 2A (3.44 +/- 1.19, p = 0.062) and 1B (3.00 +/- 1.78, p = 0.066). The highest (p < 0.05) transferable embryo collection rate was recorded in group 2B (55.29%), followed by that of group 1B (41.33%). In summary, early in lactation, an acceptable number of transferable embryos can be collected from high producing dairy cows, when follicle ablation prior to superovulation is combined with progesterone and oestradiol administration.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a co-treatment of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) plus equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG) on serum insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) concentrations, superovulatory response, ovulatory rate, and number and production of embryos in Katahdin breed ewes during the non-breeding season. Twenty Katahdin ewes were synchronized with progestagens (CIDR) and assigned to two superovulation treatments (n = 10): (1): ewes treated with 200 mg ewe−1 of FSH from day 5 to 8 after CIDR insertion at decreasing doses every 12 h (FSH group) and (2) ewes treated as FSH group plus 300 IU of eCG on day 5 after CIDR insertion (FSH + eCG group). Estrous behavior was monitored and direct mating was performed. On days − 7 (CIDR insertion), 0 (CIDR withdrawal), and 7 (embryo recovery), blood samples were collected to determine serum hormone concentrations. Co-treatment with eCG (FSH group) did not affect (P > 0.05) serum hormone levels. Superovulation response, ovulation rate, recovery rate, fertilization, and number of embryos were also similar (P > 0.05) between treatments. Compared with FSH group, FSH + eCG ewes had lower (P < 0.05) number of transferable embryos and higher (P < 0.05) number of oocyte and a tendency to increase the number of degenerated embryos (P = 0.07). Overall results suggest that the administration of eCG is not beneficial either to improve the ovulatory response or the amount of transferable embryos in Katahdin ewes superovulated with a protocol using progesterone and FSH at decreasing doses.


5个品种优质肉用绵羊的超数排卵与胚胎移植   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为进一步提高不同优质肉用品种绵羊的超数排卵与胚胎移植效果,本实验采用4种不同的超排方案(CIDR+FSH减量、CIDR+FSH+PMSG、CIDR+FSH+PG、CIDR+FSH等量)对17只绵羊(杜伯、白萨福克、黑萨福克、德克塞尔、美利奴)进行超数排卵处理,选择体况良好的杂交羊87只做受体,并进行胚胎移植实验。结果表明:第1组(CIDR+FSH减量)和第2组(CIDR+FSH+PMSG)方案超排平均可用胚数分别为6.20、6.60枚,显著高于第3组(CIDR+FSH+PG)和第4组(CIDR+FSH等量)方案(P<0.05);白萨福克、德克塞尔、杜伯超排平均可用胚数分别为7.67、6.20枚和6.25枚,显著高于黑萨福克和美利奴(P<0.05)。供体羊全部发情,得到95枚可用胚胎;51只受体新鲜胚胎移植3个月后经B超检查38只受体怀孕,妊娠率74.5%,产羔率88.2%。因此,CIDR+FSH+PMSG是优质肉绵羊超数排卵方案的最佳组合。  相似文献   

In 7 instances, cystic ovarian follicles resulted when adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) was administered daily during the follicular phase of the estrous cycle in cows. Two cows given daily injections of hydrocortisone (cortisol) during the follicular phase of the estrous cycle did not develop cystic ovaries. Plasma concentrations of estradiol in cows with induced cystic ovarian follicles were similar to the peak values observed at estrus and were between 6 and 12 pg/ml. Progesterone concentrations in plasma of cows with cystic ovaries were low, between 1 and 2 ng/ml. Ovulation occurred when 2 cows were given human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) during the period of ovarian cyst development with ACTH administration. Several days of administration of ACTH was required to cause cyst development. Ovulation occurred at the expected time in 1 cow when injections began on day 19, that is, late in the follicular period. In another cow, when treatment was stopped on day 3, after the expected time of estrus a delayed ovulation occurred. In 2 cows with induced cystic ovarian follicles, cyst atresia occurred spontaneously about day 13 to 17 of the cycle. In these cows, new follicular growth and ovulation followed (although delayed in 1 cow). The time of atresia of cystic follicles was not influenced by the intrauterine injection of 10 ml of sterile saline solution on days 8, 9, and 10 in 1 cow. When 5 mg of prostaglandin F2alpha in 10 ml of sterile saline solution was given (uterine injection) in 2 cows on days 8, 9, and 10, cyst atresia occurred earlier than the time of spontaneous atresia. Intrauterine administration of 100 mg of indomethacin in 10 ml of sterile saline solution daily for 13 or 14 days to 2 cows, starting on day 12 or 13 of the cycle, resulted in persistence of the induced cystic ovarian follicles. After cessation of indomethacin treatment, atresia of cysts followed and new follicular growth and ovulation occurred.  相似文献   

Several studies have clarified that the follicular cysts degenerate and are replaced by newly growing follicles that develop into new follicular cysts without ovulation, i.e., turnover of ovarian follicular cysts in cows. However, the relativity of endocrinological changes, including the inhibin profile during turnover of spontaneous follicular cysts in dairy cows, is still unclear. In the present study, the relationship between turnover of follicular cysts and changes in the peripheral blood concentrations of progesterone (P), estradiol-17beta (E(2)), luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and inhibin were examined in lactating dairy cows. Five cows diagnosed with follicular cysts (follicles of more than 25 mm in diameter in the absence of a corpus luteum) were investigated. Their ovarian dynamics were monitored using ultrasonography, and blood samples were collected at 2- or 3- day intervals throughout the experiment. The day when a follicle fated to become a follicular cyst reached more than 8 mm in diameter was defined as the start of a cystic follicular wave. Four of the 5 cows exhibited a similar patterns of cystic follicular changes and hormone profiles. The data from the 4 cows was used for analysis of the relationships between turnover of cystic follicles and the hormone profiles. Two or three new cystic follicular waves occurred in each cow during the experimental period. The mean diameter of the cystic follicles was more than 25 mm 13 to 15 days after the start of the cystic follicular wave, and it began to decrease 1 to 6 days before the start of the subsequent cystic follicular wave. The levels of E(2) and inhibin tended to decrease for 7 to 9 days before the start of a new cystic follicular wave and to increase concomitantly with new follicular cyst growth. The levels of FSH rose for 1 to 3 days before the start of a new cystic follicular wave. The present study clarified the relationship between FSH and inhibin during turnover of spontaneous follicular cysts in dairy cows and found that it was very similar to previous results for cows. The present results suggest that an increase in FSH secretion following a reduction in inhibin secretion triggers turnover of cystic follicles in cows with spontaneous follicular cysts.  相似文献   

Application of AI in extensive beef cattle production would be facilitated by protocols that effectively synchronize ovarian follicular development and ovulation to enable fixed-time AI (TAI). The objectives were to determine whether use of a controlled internal drug release (CIDR) device to administer progesterone in a GnRH-based estrous synchronization protocol would optimize blood progesterone concentrations, improve synchronization of follicular development and estrus, and increase pregnancy rates to TAI in beef cows. Beef cows (n = 1,240) in 6 locations within the US Meat Animal Research Center received 1 of 2 treatments: 1)?an injection of GnRH [100 μg intramuscularly (i.m.)] followed by PGF(2α) (PGF; 25 mg i.m.) 7 d later (CO-Synch), or 2) CO-Synch plus a CIDR during the 7 d between GnRH and PGF injections (CO-Synch + CIDR). Cows received TAI and GnRH (100 μg i.m.) at 60 h after PGF. Progesterone was measured by RIA in blood samples collected 2 wk before and at initiation of treatment (d 0) and at PGF injection (d 7). Estrous behavior was monitored by Estrotect Heat Detectors. Pregnancy was diagnosed by ultrasonography 72 to 77 d after TAI. Plasma progesterone concentrations did not differ (P > 0.10) between synchronization protocols at first GnRH injection (d 0), but progesterone was greater (P < 0.01) at PGF injection (d 7) in cows receiving CO-Synch + CIDR vs. CO-Synch as a result of fewer CIDR-treated cows having progesterone ≤1 ng/mL at PGF (10.7 vs. 29.6%, respectively). A greater (P < 0.01) proportion of CO-Synch + CIDR vs. CO-Synch cows were detected in estrus within 60 h after PGF (66.7 vs. 57.8 ± 2.6%, respectively) and a greater (P < 0.01) proportion were pregnant to TAI (54.6 vs. 44.3 ± 2.6%, respectively). For both synchronization protocols, cows expressing estrus within 60 h before TAI had a greater pregnancy rate than cows without estrus. For cows with plasma progesterone ≤1 ng/mL at PGF injection, CO-Synch + CIDR increased pregnancy rate (65.2 ± 5.9 vs. 30.8 ± 3.4% with vs. without CIDR), whereas pregnancy rates did not differ (P > 0.10) between protocols (52.1 ± 2.1 vs. 50.0 ± 2.4%, respectively) when progesterone was >1 ng/mL (treatment × progesterone; P < 0.01). Inclusion of a CIDR in the synchronization protocol increased plasma progesterone concentration, proportion of cows detected in estrus, and pregnancy rate; however, the increase in pregnancy rate from inclusion of the CIDR was primarily in cows with decreasing or low endogenous progesterone secretion during treatment.  相似文献   

澳洲和牛超数排卵与体内胚胎生产的影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旨在研究不同发育阶段(青年和经产牛)、同期方法、促卵泡素(follicle-stimulating hormone,FSH)剂量、超排次数等因素对澳洲和牛供体超数排卵(简称超排)和体内胚胎生产效率的影响。本试验共选用38头青年和牛(16~20月龄)和42头经产和牛(胎次=1)进行超排处理,分别统计每头供体牛回收的总胚胎数、可用胚胎数、不同等级胚胎数以及不可用胚胎数,然后分别根据不同发育阶段、同期方法、FSH剂量以及超排次数对各试验组的超排效率、胚胎生产等数据进行比较分析。结果表明:1)经产牛的超排有效率((95.46±2.58)%)显著高于青年牛((77.55±6.02)%)(P<0.05),胚胎总数(12.30 vs 10.37枚)、可用胚胎数(8.97 vs 7.66枚)、A级胚胎数(3.86 vs 2.50枚)均高于青年牛,但组间差异不显著(P>0.05);2)超排前不同同期处理方法(自然发情、PG和埋植CIDR)的超排有效率差异不显著,但是自然发情组供体牛头均可用胚胎总数((11.22±2.33)枚)显著高于PG处理组((6.09±1.05)枚)(P<0.05);3)不同剂量FSH可显著影响供体的超排效率和头均不可用胚胎数,青年牛120 mg FSH组的超排有效率((55.56±17.57)%)显著低于200 mg FSH ((88.00±6.63)%)和220 mg FSH组((73.33±11.82)%)(P<0.05),经产牛220 mg FSH组的头均不可用胚胎数((2.28±0.65)枚)显著低于250 mg FSH组((5.00±1.38)枚)(P<0.05);4)超排次数显著影响青年牛超排有效率和经产牛头均不可用胚胎数,青年牛第一次超排有效率((70.27±7.62)%)显著低于第二次超排有效率(100%)(P<0.05),经产牛第二次超排回收的不可用胚胎数((4.44±0.92)枚)显著高于第一次超排((2.39±0.40)枚)(P<0.05)。因此,在华北地区现有的生产管理水平下,和牛超排供体宜选用经产母牛,超排处理FSH总剂量宜为240 mg,这对和牛体内胚胎高效生产和核心群的建立具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

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