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果树抗寒性研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正>我国果树种质资源丰富,栽培面积广阔,周期性的低温冻害给果树的生产带来了严重的损失。国内外许多学者已在果树抗寒机理、抗寒生理、抗寒性鉴定及抗寒资源评价等领域做了大量研究工作并取得了良好的进展。笔者综述了果树冻害特征、抗寒研究内容、抗寒性评价方法,并展望果树抗寒性今后的研究方向。1果树冻害症状1.1枝条冻害枝条褐变是果树常见的冻害症状。枝条中各组织的抗寒性有差异,不同年龄枝条对低温的忍受程度也不一致。  相似文献   

果树抗寒性的鉴定——细胞原生质透性测定——电导法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 我国广大的北方寒冷地区,果树冻害严重,是生产和发展的主要限制因素.因此在寒地的果树育种工作中,抗寒是首要任务.我们常用优质大果与抗寒小果进行杂交,但产生的杂种后代变化差异是极大的,从中能获得抗寒优质两者兼备的优选频率却很低,为此,鉴定亲本抗寒性以及杂种实生苗的早期鉴定工作,对于加速选育成效和研究亲本与其后代  相似文献   

波兰一位长期从事果树抗寒 性研究的专家Holubowicz报 道他对近期果树抗寒性研究结 果,证明:果树冻害受气象条件 的影响最严重,约占80%。其他 因素如:植物保护、土、肥水管 理,耕作制度、上一年的产量。种 和品种的抗性等,约占2 0 %。在 气象条件中,秋季阳光、日暖、 夜凉,有益抗寒性锻炼,树体可 以达到最高的抗寒性;而多云、湿度大的秋天和昼夜都温暖,不适于抗寒性锻炼,容易遭受严重的冻害。春季果树近花期,抗寒性下降很快.冻害多发生在花器的生殖部分。 Holubowicz把抗寒性分为1—5级(1级为未受冻害;2级轻微冻害,仅叶芽基部、木质部和髓…  相似文献   

低温作为园艺作物中重要的非生物胁迫之一,直接影响到猕猴桃的生长发育,轻者造成减产,重者导致死树毁园。近年来,猕猴桃抗寒性的问题备受关注,其研究也取得了较大的进展。笔者从猕猴桃冻害成因、抗寒性鉴定方法、猕猴桃冻害调查分析、品种抗寒性评价、抗寒的生理和分子机制研究以及防寒预防措施等方面进行了系统归纳和总结,同时展望了猕猴桃抗寒性重点研究方向。  相似文献   

果树抗寒育种工作中,抗寒性是首要问题。用优质大果与抗寒小果进行杂交后,所产生的杂种后代,变化差异极大,而从中获得抗寒与优质两者兼备的优选频率很低。因此,鉴定亲本的抗寒性和预测杂种实生苗的抗寒能力,对加速选育成效有很大意义。抗寒性鉴定方法是很多的。例如:保护物质糖含量的测定;持水能力束缚水的测定;原生质粘度变化质壁分离的观察;冬季呼吸作用强度的测定;生理活性物质(酶、生长素)的测定等等,都可以鉴别果树抗寒性的强弱。唯因手续繁杂、或限于仪器设备不足,较难进行。在目前条件下,采用电导法测定细胞原生质透性,是比较快速而便于鉴定果树抗寒能力的一  相似文献   

果树响应低温胁迫的分子机制及抗寒性鉴定方法研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
适宜的温度是果树生存的必要条件之一,它参与调控果树的整个生长发育过程,是限制果树生长、发育和分布的一个主要环境因子。果树在受到低温胁迫时,其本身会发生一系列的反应来应对逆境,这些反应互相联系形成一套完整的分子应答机制。抗寒性是果树重要的抗逆指标之一,是一系列反应体现在生理生化反应中的结果。该研究综述了果树响应低温胁迫的分子机制,以及国内外抗寒性鉴定方法的原理、优缺点,以期进一步揭示果树低温胁迫适应性的调控机制,为果树的育种和栽培提供科学的参考依据。  相似文献   

在休眠初期,果桑极易受到秋季低温冻害。以14个果桑品种为材料,在低温胁迫下,测定与抗寒性相关的6个生理生化指标,结合相关性检验,采用隶属函数法进行抗寒性综合评价,以期筛选抗寒性强的优良品种。结果表明:14个果桑品种可划分为3级,其中I级高抗寒型3个品种,II级抗寒型7个品种,III级低抗寒型4个品种。  相似文献   

一、抗寒育种梨属喜温树种,在许多果树栽培区表现不够抗寒,故应特别注意培育抗寒性强的品种。 R.E.C.Layne和H.A.Quamme曾指出梨抗寒性遗传的多基因性,其实生苗的抗寒性呈显性或优势型的机率低。笔者的试验资料也证明了抗寒性遗传的多基因特征。梨最抗寒的种是秋子梨。这一点许多育种家都很清楚,因此在育种中都尽量采用秋  相似文献   

梨作为一种果树种类来说,其特点是非常喜欢温暖,所以,在许多果树栽培区表现不够抗寒。鉴于此种情况,应特别注意培育抗寒性强的品种。R.E.C.Lanyne 和 H.A.Quamme 指出了梨的实生苗(显性的偶然性小)抗寒性遗传的多基因特征。笔者的试验资料证明了抗寒性遗传的多基因特征。  相似文献   

<正>果树春管严防冻害春天,果树管理的关键是加强管理,严防果树冻害的发生,确保果树安全度过春天。冻害发生部位嫩枝冻害:由于果树停止生长较晚,发育不成熟的嫩枝,其组织不充实,保护性组织不发达,容易受冻害而干枯死亡。枝条冻害:发育正常的枝条,在温度太低时也会发生冻害。有些枝条外观看起来无明显变化,但剖开木质部色泽变褐,之后形成黑心。受冻害枝条发芽迟,叶片瘦小或畸形,生长不正常。枝干冻害:受冻枝干皮层下陷或开裂,内部由褐变黑,组织死亡,严重时大枝条也相继死亡。  相似文献   

常春藤质膜透性和内源激素与抗寒性关系初探   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
沈漫 《园艺学报》2005,32(1):141-144
 以栽培在露地和温室的常春藤(Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis) 为材料, 测定了其叶片低温半致死温度以及在越冬过程中内源激素的变化。结果表明, 不同栽培条件下的常春藤抗寒能力和耐受低温极限有所不同。露地栽培的常春藤具有较强的抗寒性, 其脱落酸水平显著高于温室栽培的常春藤, 赤霉素水平则低于温室栽培的常春藤。越冬过程中常春藤叶片内源激素的变化尤其是激素间的平衡与抗寒能力关系密切。  相似文献   

‘Independence’ nectarines were stored at — 0.5°C for three or four weeks or at 3°C for four weeks or kept at room temperature for 18 h prior to storage for four weeks at -0.5°C. After cold storage, fruit from all treatments was ripened at 10°, 15°or20°C. In all treatments the percentage woolly fruit initially increased to high values and thereafter decreased with further ripening. The rate of increase and decrease in woolliness depended on the ripening temperature. A storage period of four weeks at — 0.5°C resulted more woolliness during subsequent ripening. Woolliness persisted longer after a four-week cold storage period than after a three-week one. When fruit was delayed at room temperature prior to cold storage, woolliness generally developed earlier and to a lesser extent during ripening. At all ripening temperatures initial storage at 3°C resulted in most woolliness extending over the longest period. In addition, browning of the meso- carp tissue occurred only in fruit cold stored at 3°C.-The delay period before cold storage decreased fruit firmness by 15.7 to 17.6 N. Except for fruit subjected to the delay period, the extractable juice in fruit of all treatments first decreased during ripening to low values then increased.  相似文献   

香橼不同品系耐寒性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜慧  徐迎春  李永荣  翟敏 《园艺学报》2012,39(3):525-532
 以24个果实性状优良的香橼(Citrus medica L.)品系为试材,采用田间鉴定法、细胞膜透性鉴定法,评价其耐寒性差异,并以耐寒性强、中、弱3类有代表性的10个品系进行人工低温处理,进一步研究其耐寒生理特性。结果表明:越冬期间24个品系寒害指数范围为2.00 ~ 3.40,半致死温度(LT50)范围为﹣14.84 ~﹣7.07 ℃。分别根据寒害指数和LT50进行聚类分析,评价了24个香橼品系耐寒性强弱,其中,耐寒性强的品系有春江4#、春江5#、春江6#、新世纪9#、新世纪10#、香橼4#;其次为春江1#、春江2#、春江3#、春江8#、香橼1#、香橼2#、香橼5#、香橼6#、香橼7#、新世纪1#、新世纪3#、新世纪4#、新世纪5#、新世纪6#、新世纪7#、新世纪8#;耐寒性弱的品系为春江7#、新世纪2#。随处理温度降低,10个香橼品系叶片的丙二醛(MDA)、脯氨酸(Pro)、可溶性蛋白质含量及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性总体均表现为先上升而后下降的趋势,其中耐寒性强的品系MDA含量低,Pro、可溶性蛋白质含量及SOD活性高;反之,耐寒性弱的品系MDA含量高,Pro、可溶性蛋白质含量及SOD活性低。  相似文献   

津优 31号是由自交系C6与M - 6配制而成的黄瓜一代杂种。该品种植株生长势强 ,早熟、丰产 ,耐低温弱光性能优良 ,抗霜霉病、白粉病、黑星病 ,高抗枯萎病。瓜条顺直、瓜把短 ,皮色深绿 ,有光泽 ,刺密、瘤中等 ,品质佳 ,纵径 33cm ,单瓜质量 180g左右。每 6 6 7m2 产黄瓜 80 0 0kg左右 ,适于日光温室越冬茬及早春茬栽培  相似文献   

草酸处理减轻杧果采后果实冷害的机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛锡佳  李佩艳  宋夏钦  沈玫  郑小林 《园艺学报》2012,39(11):2251-2257
 杧果(Mangifera indica L.)‘Zill’果实采后经5 mmol · L-1草酸溶液浸泡10 min后,在低温(10± 0.5)℃下贮藏27 d,再移至常温25℃贮藏4 d,冷害系数和质膜相对透性显著低于对照;草酸处理降低了果实在贮藏后期的呼吸速率和乙烯释放速率,抑制了多酚氧化酶(PPO)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性,维持了较高果肉亮度值(L*),可溶性固形物(SSC)、游离脯氨酸和柠檬酸含量。说明草酸处理可提高质膜稳定性,抑制褐变相关酶活性以及维持一些渗透调节物质含量来增加采后果实的抗冷性,缓解果实冷害症状。  相似文献   

After cold storage for various periods (42, 99, 155, 189, 227 and 259 days) strawberry waiting-bed plants cultivar ‘Elsanta’ were planted on six dates between January and August. Plant performance was evaluated simultaneously in a growth chamber under controlled environmental conditions and in a greenhouse. Starch content in the crown tissue was clearly reduced during the cold storage period.

In the greenhouse trials a variable decline in fruit number and yield per plant was found in relation to the length of cold storage and the temperature conditions during the growth and harvest period. Also in the growth chamber, under a constant temperature regime, a significant decline in the number of flowers per plant developing up to anthesis was observed after increasing periods of storage. This indicates that it is not only stressing climatical conditions after planting which are influencing the performance of cold stored plants. Also, the length of cold storage strongly affects plant vigour and productivity. This is related to the carbohydrate status of the plants after cold storage.  相似文献   

孙晓玲  夏正凤  徐传银  李慧 《蔬菜》2021,(12):79-81
为筛选出冬春茬优良番茄品种,对1101、TV-1、350、圣罗兰4个番茄品种的植物学性状、果实性状、产量、抗性等进行比较。结果表明:1101植株叶片中等、叶色浓绿,抗寒、抗TY病毒、抗叶斑病、死棵少,果实色泽鲜艳,连续坐果能力强,果形好且整齐度一致,畸形果少,果实商品性较好,虽然产量比圣罗兰低,但可以通过延长生育期来克服。圣罗兰抗寒,抗叶斑病,死棵少、产量高、商品性好,虽然不抗TY病毒,但可以通过晚播,即在9月10日以后定植,避开高温时期。1101和圣罗兰适宜在东海县推广种植。  相似文献   

Fruit development was investigated in the field in over-winter off-season (bloomed in late November) and on-season (bloomed in mid April) longans (Dimocarpus longan Lour. cv. Chuliang) in 2004–2005 and 2007–2008 crops, and in potted trees grown in phytotrons set at cold (15/10 °C, day/night, simulating winter) or warm temperatures (28/23 °C, day/night) in 2008. Development of fruit in both on-season and off-season longans could be divided into two stages based on the pattern of fresh weight increase. Stage I was characterized by the slow fruit growth, and Stage II by rapid fruit growth with aril expansion. Off-season longan had a longer period of fruit development than on-season longan, chiefly due to a longer Stage I. The development of off-season fruit, especially in Stage I, was exposed to low and abruptly fluctuating temperatures. In contrast, the temperatures during on-season fruit growth were warmer and less fluctuating. Off-season fruit were smaller with a significantly higher fruit drop. Intensive fruit drop did not occur during cold period until temperature had risen. Fruit cracking in off-season longan was severe (27.6%) in 2004–2005 with a dry and cold winter, but negligible in 2007–2008 with a wet and cold winter. In phytotron experiment, trees exposed to the cold temperature regime during early fruit development produced significantly smaller fruit compared to those exposed to the warm temperature regime (6.2 g vs 7.3 g), while there was no significant difference in fruit drop rate and cracking incidence. The results suggested temperatures lower than 15 °C were stressful for the growth of young fruit and reduced the growth potential and thus fruit size. Severe fruit drop in over-winter off-season longan might be associated with stressful cold plus abrupt temperature fluctuations, while severe fruit cracking in over-winter off-season longan might be related to cold and dry weather in the winter.  相似文献   

临猗梨枣在冷藏与常温环境中果实品质变化的观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对冷藏临猗梨枣果实外观形态观察表明,低温显著抑制果实水分蒸发和果面转红速度,保持了果实外观的鲜美状态。对内含物质含量测定表明,冷藏前期果实的可溶性固形物、有机酸、乙醇和蛋白质含量变化基本上与常温裸放果实差异不大,维生素C含量略高于常温裸放果实。只要果实保持鲜嫩状态,可溶性固形物、有机酸、维生素C和蛋白质含量均保持较高含量水平,乙醇保持较低含量水平。从常温裸放果实测定看出,一旦果实变质软烂,维生素C含量即急剧下降,乙醇含量大幅度增加。  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) is an important Ca2+ sensor in plant development and responses to stress stimuli. Banana fruit is a typical climacteric- and chilling-sensitive fruit. The roles of CDPK genes in the ripening and chilling response of banana fruit are unclear. We isolated a cDNA fragment with full-length coding MaCDPK7 (HM061075) from fruit peel tissue. Induction of MaCDPK7 expression in fruit peel was observed 0.5 h after phytohormone ethylene treatment, earlier than the up-regulation of MaACO1 and MaACS1, coding a 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase, respectively. Penetration of calcium signaling blockers, EGTA, or LaCl3 inhibited the ripening and gene expression of MaCDPK7, MaACO1, and MaACS1 in the in vitro cultured peel pieces, but Ca2+ application removed the inhibitory effect of EGTA and LaCl3. This suggested that MaCDPK7 might be a positive regulator involved in the calcium signaling in banana fruit ripening. Under temperature stresses, we found that MaCDPK7 gene expression increased 3 h after hot water dipping (HWD). The HWD-treated fruits exhibited markedly less chilling injury (CI) than control fruits in cold storage. Stored at 7°C (CI temperature) dramatically increased MaCDPK7 gene expression, while pre-treatment of HWD repressed the induction in cold storage. These results show that the MaCDPK7 gene is involved in regulating banana fruit ripening and chilling resistance induced by heat treatment.  相似文献   

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