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Targeted deletion of metabotropic glutamate receptor-subtype 1 (mGluR1) gene can cause defects in development and function in the cerebellum. We introduced the mGluR1alpha transgene into mGluR1-null mutant [mGluR1 (-/-)] mice with a Purkinje cell (PC)-specific promoter. mGluR1-rescue mice showed normal cerebellar long-term depression and regression of multiple climbing fiber innervation, events significantly impaired in mGluR1 (-/-) mice. The impaired motor coordination was rescued by this transgene, in a dose-dependent manner. We propose that mGluR1 in PCs is a key molecule for normal synapse formation, synaptic plasticity, and motor control in the cerebellum.  相似文献   

D Lee  BJ Lin  AK Lee 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2012,337(6096):849-853
The origin of the spatial receptive fields of hippocampal place cells has not been established. A hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell receives thousands of synaptic inputs, mostly from other spatially tuned neurons; however, how the postsynaptic neuron's cellular properties determine the response to these inputs during behavior is unknown. We discovered that, contrary to expectations from basic models of place cells and neuronal integration, a small, spatially uniform depolarization of the spatially untuned somatic membrane potential of a silent cell leads to the sudden and reversible emergence of a spatially tuned subthreshold response and place-field spiking. Such gating of inputs by postsynaptic neuronal excitability reveals a cellular mechanism for receptive field origin and may be critical for the formation of hippocampal memory representations.  相似文献   

Synaptic inputs on dendrites are nonlinearly converted to action potential outputs, yet the spatiotemporal patterns of dendritic activation remain to be elucidated at single-synapse resolution. In rodents, we optically imaged synaptic activities from hundreds of dendritic spines in hippocampal and neocortical pyramidal neurons ex vivo and in vivo. Adjacent spines were frequently synchronized in spontaneously active networks, thereby forming dendritic foci that received locally convergent inputs from presynaptic cell assemblies. This precise subcellular geometry manifested itself during N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-dependent circuit remodeling. Thus, clustered synaptic plasticity is innately programmed to compartmentalize correlated inputs along dendrites and may reify nonlinear synaptic integration.  相似文献   

The cerebellum has many properties that make it a useful model for investigating neural development. Purkinje cells, the major output neurons of the cerebellar cortex, have drawn special attention because of the availability of biochemical markers and mutants that affect their development. The spatial expression of L7, a protein specific for Purkinje cells, and L7 beta Gal, a gene expressed in transgenic mice that was constructed from the L7 promoter and the marker beta-galactosidase, delineated bands of Purkinje cells that increased in number during early postnatal development. Expression of the transgene in adult reeler mutant mice, which show inverted cortical lamination, and in primary culture showed that the initial expression of L7 is intrinsic to Purkinje cells and does not depend on extracellular signals. This may reflect an underlying developmental map in cerebellum.  相似文献   

A group of rats was trained to escape low-intensity shock in a shuttle-box test, while another group of yoked controls could not escape but was exposed to the same amount and regime of shock. After 1 week of training, long-term potentiation (LTP) was measured in vitro in hippocampal slices. Exposure to uncontrollable shock massively impaired LTP relative to exposure to the same amount and regime of controllable shock. These results provide evidence that controllability modulates plasticity at the cellular-neuronal level.  相似文献   

For many insects, the polarization pattern of the blue sky serves as a compass cue for spatial navigation. E-vector orientations are detected by photoreceptors in a dorsal rim area of the eye. Polarized-light signals from both eyes are finally integrated in the central complex, a brain area consisting of two subunits, the protocerebral bridge and the central body. Here we show that a topographic representation of zenithal E-vector orientations underlies the columnar organization of the protocerebral bridge in a locust. The maplike arrangement is highly suited to signal head orientation under the open sky.  相似文献   

The mammalian hippocampal formation appears to play a major role in the generation of internal representations of spatial relationships. In rats, this role is reflected in the spatially selective discharge of hippocampal pyramidal cells. The principal metric for coding spatial relationships might be the organism's own movements in space, that is, the spatial relationship between two locations is coded in terms of the movements executed in getting from one to the other. Thus, information from the motor programming systems (or "motor set") may contribute to coding of spatial location by hippocampal neurons. Spatially selective discharge of hippocampal neurons was abolished under conditions of restraint in which the animal had learned that locomotion was impossible. Therefore, hippocampal neuronal activity may reflect the association of movements with their spatial consequences.  相似文献   

A genomic clone encoding the Purkinje cell-specific L7 protein has been isolated and utilized to drive the expression of beta-galactosidase in mice. Three independent transgenic lines, germ line transformed with an L7-beta-galactosidase fusion gene, exhibit beta-galactosidase expression in both cerebellar Purkinje cells and retinal bipolar neurons. This distribution is the same as that previously determined for the L7 protein by immunohistochemistry. The transgenic murine lines can be used to obtain populations of marked Purkinje and bipolar neurons. Similar L7 promoter constructs can be used to express other foreign genes specifically in these two classes of neurons.  相似文献   

A long-standing conjecture in neuroscience is that aspects of cognition depend on the brain's ability to self-generate sequential neuronal activity. We found that reliably and continually changing cell assemblies in the rat hippocampus appeared not only during spatial navigation but also in the absence of changing environmental or body-derived inputs. During the delay period of a memory task, each moment in time was characterized by the activity of a particular assembly of neurons. Identical initial conditions triggered a similar assembly sequence, whereas different conditions gave rise to different sequences, thereby predicting behavioral choices, including errors. Such sequences were not formed in control (nonmemory) tasks. We hypothesize that neuronal representations, evolved for encoding distance in spatial navigation, also support episodic recall and the planning of action sequences.  相似文献   

Place cells in hippocampal area CA1 may receive positional information from the intrahippocampal associative network in area CA3 or directly from the entorhinal cortex. To determine whether direct entorhinal connections support spatial firing and spatial memory, we removed all input from areas CA3 to CA1, thus isolating the CA1 area. Pyramidal cells in the isolated CA1 area developed sharp and stable place fields. Rats with an isolated CA1 area showed normal acquisition of an associative hippocampal-dependent spatial recognition task. Spatial recall was impaired. These results suggest that the hippocampus contains two functionally separable memory circuits: The direct entorhinal-CA1 system is sufficient for recollection-based recognition memory, but recall depends on intact CA3-CA1 connectivity.  相似文献   

Intrahippocampal septal grafts ameliorate learning impairments in aged rats   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Grafts of fetal septal tissue rich in cholinergic neurons were implanted as a dissociated cell suspension into the depth of the hippocampal formation in aged rats with severe impairments in spatial learning abilities. After 2 1/2 to 3 months, the rats with grafts, but not the controls, had improved their performance in a spatial learning test. Their improvement was due, at least in part, to an increased ability to use spatial cues in the task. In all animals the grafts had produced an extensive acetylcholinesterase-positive terminal network in the surrounding host hippocampal formation. Thus, the action of cholinergic neurons in the graft onto elements in the host hippocampal circuitry may be a necessary, but perhaps not sufficient, prerequisite for the observed functional recovery.  相似文献   

Patients with cerebellar damage are known to exhibit deficits in the temporal control of movements. We report that these deficits are restricted to discontinuous movements. Cerebellar patients exhibited no deficit in temporal variability when producing continuous, rhythmic movements. We hypothesize that the temporal properties of continuous movements are emergent and reflect the operation of other control parameters not associated with the cerebellum. In contrast, discontinuous movements require an explicit representation of the temporal goal, a function of the cerebellum. The requirement for explicit temporal representation provides a parsimonious account of cerebellar involvement in a range of tasks.  相似文献   

Electrically coupled inhibitory interneurons dynamically control network excitability, yet little is known about how chemical and electrical synapses regulate their activity. Using two-photon glutamate uncaging and dendritic patch-clamp recordings, we found that the dendrites of cerebellar Golgi interneurons acted as passive cables. They conferred distance-dependent sublinear synaptic integration and weakened distal excitatory inputs. Gap junctions were present at a higher density on distal dendrites and contributed substantially to membrane conductance. Depolarization of one Golgi cell increased firing in its neighbors, and inclusion of dendritic gap junctions in interneuron network models enabled distal excitatory synapses to drive network activity more effectively. Our results suggest that dendritic gap junctions counteract sublinear dendritic integration by enabling excitatory synaptic charge to spread into the dendrites of neighboring inhibitory interneurons.  相似文献   

Memories are thought to be attractor states of neuronal representations, with the hippocampus a likely substrate for context-dependent episodic memories. However, such states have not been directly observed. For example, the hippocampal place cell representation of location was previously found to respond continuously to changes in environmental shape alone. We report that exposure to novel square and circular environments made of different materials creates attractor representations for both shapes: Place cells abruptly and simultaneously switch between representations as environmental shape changes incrementally. This enables study of attractor dynamics in a cognitive representation and may correspond to the formation of distinct contexts in context-dependent memory.  相似文献   

徽州古祠堂是徽派园林建筑艺术的集大成者,文章用对比的方法对徽州祠堂与徽州民居的关系进得了探讨,分析徽州祠堂的园林建筑特点、空间布局特色,兼论及徽州祠堂在装饰艺术等方面的成就。徽州祠堂与徽州传统建筑既一致又有所区别的联系,对当代建筑的区域整体化依然有重要意义。  相似文献   

Grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) are part of an environment-independent spatial coordinate system. To determine how information about location, direction, and distance is integrated in the grid-cell network, we recorded from each principal cell layer of MEC in rats that explored two-dimensional environments. Whereas layer II was predominated by grid cells, grid cells colocalized with head-direction cells and conjunctive grid x head-direction cells in the deeper layers. All cell types were modulated by running speed. The conjunction of positional, directional, and translational information in a single MEC cell type may enable grid coordinates to be updated during self-motion-based navigation.  相似文献   

Activation of N-methyl-d-aspartate subtype glutamate receptors (NMDARs) is required for long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) of excitatory synaptic transmission at hippocampal CA1 synapses, the proposed cellular substrates of learning and memory. However, little is known about how activation of NMDARs leads to these two opposing forms of synaptic plasticity. Using hippocampal slice preparations, we showed that selectively blocking NMDARs that contain the NR2B subunit abolishes the induction of LTD but not LTP. In contrast, preferential inhibition of NR2A-containing NMDARs prevents the induction of LTP without affecting LTD production. These results demonstrate that distinct NMDAR subunits are critical factors that determine the polarity of synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCCs) are modulators of synaptic plasticity, oscillatory behavior, and rhythmic firing in brain regions such as the hippocampus. The distribution and lateral mobility of VDCCs on CA1 hippocampal neurons have been determined with biologically active fluorescent and biotinylated derivatives of the selective probe omega-conotoxin in conjunction with circular dityndallism, digital fluorescence imaging, and photobleach recovery microscopy. On noninnervated cell bodies, VDCCs were found to be organized in multiple clusters, whereas after innervation the VDCCs were concentrated and immobilized at synaptic contact sites. On dendrites, VDCC distribution was punctate and was interrupted by extensive bare regions or abruptly terminated. More than 85% of the dendritic VDCCs were found to be immobile by fluorescence photobleach recovery. Thus, before synaptic contact, specific mechanisms target, segregate, and immobilize VDCCs to neuronal cell bodies and to specialized dendritic sites. Regulation of this distribution may be critical in determining the firing activity and integrative properties of hippocampal CA1 neurons.  相似文献   

结合近年来国内外的相关文献,从植物种群的结构、生理整合作用、生长格局及形态可塑性、种群空间扩张等方面,对丛生型克隆植物的生态学特征进行理论分析,并对现有研究进展进行评述,同时提出今后研究需要重点关注的问题。  相似文献   

Bergmann glial AMPA receptors are required for fine motor coordination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impact of glial neurotransmitter receptors in vivo is still elusive. In the cerebellum, Bergmann glial (BG) cells express α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-type glutamate receptors (AMPARs) composed exclusively of GluA1 and/or GluA4 subunits. With the use of conditional gene inactivation, we found that the majority of cerebellar GluA1/A4-type AMPARs are expressed in BG cells. In young mice, deletion of BG AMPARs resulted in retraction of glial appendages from Purkinje cell (PC) synapses, increased amplitude and duration of evoked PC currents, and a delayed formation of glutamatergic synapses. In adult mice, AMPAR inactivation also caused retraction of glial processes. The physiological and structural changes were accompanied by behavioral impairments in fine motor coordination. Thus, BG AMPARs are essential to optimize synaptic integration and cerebellar output function throughout life.  相似文献   

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