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(一)投喂特点 池塘饲料投喂量3-8月份是个渐升的过程,9月上旬达最高点,然后是个下降的过程,终止于11月下旬。9月份气候适宜鱼类生长,也正是摄食旺季。饲料投饲量占全年总量的22%,份额在一年中为最高月份。10月份饲料投饲量占全年总量的18%,略低于8月份(19%)。11月份饲料投饲量占全年总量的5%,投喂终止于11月下旬。根据鱼类生长特点,通常将每月的饲料量以上、中、下旬3个时段划分。  相似文献   

(一)合理投饲、施肥1.投饲原则.坚持"四定投饲".定质:投喂的饲料要新鲜,不投喂变质的饲料.定位:饲料要投在相对固定的位置,最好建投饲台或饲料台.定量:根据池鱼总量,确定投喂量和投饲率,平时投喂量控制在鱼正常摄食量的80%~90%,阴雨天控制在鱼正常摄食量的30%~50%.鱼种投饲率控制在3%~6%,成鱼投饲率控制在2%~4%.严格控制早晨鱼浮头时投喂和夜间投喂,傍晚投喂时,投喂量与前一次投喂量相当即可.因为傍晚鱼贪食,吃的过多,耗氧多,易造成夜间浮头死鱼.  相似文献   

文章综述了影响水产养殖动物摄食水平和投饲频率的因素,摄食水平和投饲频率对水产养殖动物生长和体成分的影响,以期为其深入研究和生产实践提供理论依据。  相似文献   

环保型水产饲料的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水产饲料污染主要是由于投喂过量的饲料、溶失于水中的饲料营养成分和未消化吸收的养分,尤其残饵是水产养殖中最大的有机污染源。刘家寿(1997)统计国外资料表明,池塘养殖虹鳟时残余饲料可达投喂量的1%∽30%,淡水网箱养殖虹鳟可达30%,海水养殖鲑鱼时可达15%∽20%。饲料未被鱼、虾、蟹吃掉的主要原因是适口性差,过度饲  相似文献   

鱼用配合饲料投喂技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着水产养殖水平的提高,鱼用配合饲料被普遍接受,单位养殖面积投喂饲料量逐年增加,目前许多池塘中饲料成本已占整个养殖成本的70%-80%,提高鱼用饲料的投喂技术,提高饲料利用率,减少浪费显得十分重要。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,人类在动物的繁殖、营养、疾病控制和饲养管理方面取得了巨大的成就,然而,在生产实践中何时投喂食物,动物的消化吸收利用率最高的问题一直被人们所忽视。对此,本文试图在综述动物消化器官机能节律研究成果的基础上,就如何确定饲料最佳投喂时间提出个人的粗浅看法,以供同行共同商榷。   科学发现,随着地球自转和地球与太阳、月亮之间相对位置的周期性改变,地球上一切生命活动产生相应的周期变化,即呈现昼夜节律、月节律、季节律、年节律、或超年节律。这种节律是地球生物体为了适应环境的时间节律性变化在千…  相似文献   

选取平均体重(179.1±0.9)g的加州鲈300尾,随机分配到15个体积为500 L的循环水玻璃钢养殖桶中,试验分5组,每组3个重复,每个重复2 0尾鱼,以不同的投喂频率(两天1次、一天1次、一天2次,均为饱食投喂)和投喂水平(一天1次100%饱食、一天1次75%饱食、一天1次50%饱食)持续投喂60 d,另在体积为10 m~3的水泥池按足量饱食投喂进行胃排空时间测试,同时每间隔11h记录水体溶解氧的变化,探讨了不同的投喂策略对加州鲈生长、形体和肝脏营养成分的影响结果表明:不同投喂策略对加州鲈的摄食量、增重、饲料系数、形体指标以及肝脏水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗灰分和正常肝比例均存在影响。胃排空时间曲线和溶解氧曲线显示在该条件下加州鲈完全消化饲料所需要的时间为20 h左右。综合认为:在水温17~20℃条件下,179~260 g加州鲈适宜的投喂频率为一天1次,适宜投喂水平为饱食投喂,胃排空时间和水体溶解氧的变化规律可作为制定适宜投喂策略的参考。  相似文献   

1.设简易投饲框:为避免甲鱼摄食时来回爬动造成饲料落入水中,可采用简易投饲框投喂.框用塑料或木材制成,框底板钉上竹制或木质钉,钉间距以甲鱼脖子能伸入而身体不能进入为度.饲料放于投饲框里,使甲鱼只能将头伸入摄食.  相似文献   

利用鱼类补偿生长原理,在广西大化县岩滩库区开展不同投喂模式对网箱养殖罗非鱼生长的影响研究,以期减少库区罗非鱼网箱养殖由于投喂过量造成的水质污染。投喂方式分别为T0(每天投喂)、T1(饥饿1 d+投喂3 d)、T2(饥饿1 d+投喂5 d)、T3(饥饿1 d+投喂7 d),每天投喂3次,分别在08:00、13:00和18:00,记录每天投喂量。收获时每个网箱随机选择30尾罗非鱼,测量体长、体重、内脏重,根据每个网箱的平均体重和总产量估算收获总尾数。试验结果表明,饥饿1 d+投喂5 d的投喂模式较为适宜,具有很高的推广价值。  相似文献   

饲料投喂是鱼类养殖中的一大关键环节.一些养殖户由于没有正确掌握投喂饲料的数量,不懂得识别鱼类的饥饱,导致营养不良、病害多、产量低、经济效益差.其实,鱼类同其他动物一样,长时间投喂不足会导致鱼体的抵抗力下降,生长缓慢乃至停滞,且会诱发各种鱼病,甚至出现死亡.只有正确把握饲养鱼类的投饲数量,才能保证养鱼增产增收增效.具体应掌握以下几点:  相似文献   

养殖废水的排放会导致水体富营养化,破坏水体自然生态系统。控制养殖废水生成是必要的,以保持可持续的水产养殖发展。由于饲料是水产养殖的主要废弃物来源,水产养殖废弃物的管理应通过饲料配方或饲养策略来进行。高消化日粮是解决和降低固体废物排放的有效方案。通过选择饲料原料和饲料加工以提高营养有效性,可进一步减少固体废物。通过控制饲料采食,增加粪便浓度可以提高固体清除效率,降低废水中固体物质比例,改善农田水质。通过确保蛋白质和能量之间的平衡,使鱼类利用非蛋白资源,可以减少溶解氮的浪费。通过对原料的精心选择和适当处理可以减少磷的浪费,提高消化率。由于饲料废弃物是水产养殖废水排放的主要组成部分,应采取适当的饲料定量和阶段饲喂方法。  相似文献   

A major proportion of the costs of pork production is related to feed. The feed conversion rate (FCR) or residual feed intake (RFI) is thus commonly included in breeding programmes. Feeding behaviour traits do not directly have economic value but, if correlated with production traits, can be used as auxiliary traits. The aim of this study was to estimate the heritability of feeding behaviour traits and their genetic correlations with production traits in the Finnish Yorkshire pig population. The data were available from 3,235 pigs. Feeding behaviour was measured as the number of visits per day (NVD), time spent in feeding per day (TPD), daily feed intake (DFI), time spent feeding per visit (TPV), feed intake per visit (FPV) and feed intake rate (FR). The test station phase was divided into five periods. Estimates of heritabilities of feeding behaviour traits varied from 0.17 to 0.47. Strong genetic correlations were obtained between behaviour traits in all periods. However, only DFI was strongly correlated with the production traits. Interestingly, a moderate positive genetic correlation was obtained between FR and backfat thickness (0.1–0.5) and between FR and average daily gain (0.3–0.4), depending on the period. Based on the results, there is no additional benefit from including feeding‐related traits other than those commonly used (FCR and RFI) in the breeding programme. However, if correlated with animal welfare, the feeding behaviour traits could be valuable in the breeding programme.  相似文献   

The effect of night feeding and feeding frequency on exocrine pancreatic secretion was studied in five chronically catherized growing pigs (16 to 31 kg). Feeding during the night (2200 to 2400 h) as compared to the day (1000 to 1200 h) tended to stimulate cholesterol ester lipase activity and tended to lower the colipase : lipase ratio in the pancreatic juice, but no effect on volume output, protein output and the activities of trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase, lipase and colipase could be demonstrated. Feeding 12 small meals between 0800 and 2000 h as compared to one large meal (1000 to 1200 h) daily, altered the pattern of exocrine pancreatic secretion, tended to stimulate protein output by 44 %, chymotrypsin activity by 29 % and lipase activity by 46 %. These observations strengthened the theory that exocrine pancreatic secretion is partly regulated by feed intake per se and does not only depend on the amount of feed consumed. Feeding 12 small meals versus one large meal, compared at the same total daily feed intake, lowered the colipase : lipase ratio by 32 %. It can be concluded that feed intake pattern affected exocrine pancreatic secretion.  相似文献   

This study determined the effects of silage chop length (20?mm; long or 10?mm; short) and diurnal time on feeding behaviour of 80 feedlots steers. Feed intake and feeding behaviour of each steer in each pen were measured continuously from 0:00 to 12:00?h (AM) and from 12:00 to 24:00?h (PM). Chop length had no effect on feed intake or the growth performance of steers, but longer chop length increased the duration of feeding and reduced the rate of intake. Head down time and head down time per feeding activities were greater during the PM than AM. There was a chop length?×?diurnal time interaction for feeding frequency with the number of bunk visits being greater in the PM than AM for both diets. Feeding activities were 50% higher during the PM than AM when steers were fed either long- or short-chopped silage diets twice daily.  相似文献   

氨基酸可以促进水产动物摄食和生长,提高饲料转化率,净化水体环境和作为蛋白质合成的前体等.本文综述了氨基酸的诱食机理及其在水产动物上的应用,以便进一步深入研究和应用.  相似文献   

采食是动物维持生命活动的基本生理过程,是动物生长发育的基础。畜禽采食量的高低直接影响到营养物质的摄入量及生产性能的发挥。在畜牧业生产中,影响采食的因素很多,而应激是其中一个非常重要的影响因素。动物机体的应激反应主要由下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(HPA)轴来调控。下丘脑、垂体和肾上腺皮质通过释放促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRH)、促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)和糖皮质激素(GC)这3种应激激素来协同调控动物的应激反应。应激激素对采食行为的调节是一个非常复杂的过程,主要通过稳态和非稳态途径来调节采食,可以双向调控食物的摄入量。稳态途径指的是通过调控机体能量稳态而调控采食。CRH和ACTH通过抑制下丘脑促食欲肽的表达而抑制采食;而GC在中枢和外周发挥着完全相反的作用。非稳态途径指的是通过影响中脑奖赏系统调控采食的愉悦感,是近年来食欲调控研究的热点,越来越多的研究证明了应激激素与奖赏系统的联系。作者针对应激激素调控采食的最新研究报道进行综述,以期为生产实践中新型的采食调控技术研发提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Because feed is the major cost to pork production, management practices and breeding strategies are aimed at optimizing feed intake. Knowledge about the shape of feed intake and feeding behavior curves may be of interest for optimization of lean meat production. This study investigated trends based on daily measurements of feeding behavior in 200 Duroc barrows, originating from 5 sires and 200 dams, during growth. Daily values were examined between 88 and 188 d of age. Furthermore, phenotypic correlations between feeding length and feeding rate, and feeding frequency, feed intake, residual feed intake, growth rate, and rate of fat deposition were investigated for a period between 95 and 175 d of age. No differences were observed between sires for parameter estimates of a curvilinear function fitted to data on feeding length as a function of age, but the effect of sire was significant (P < 0.01) for values at individual ages up to 132 d of age. Feeding rate (feed ingested for each minute spent eating) increased in a linear fashion with age (average R(2) = 0.80) and differently so for different sires (P < 0.05 for the intercept and P < 0.01 for the regression coefficient). Because the increase in BW is linear over this time period (average R(2) = 0.99), the results suggest that feeding rate increased with increased BW and is related to the physical capacity for feed intake. Results indicate that pigs that ate faster also ate more (r = 0.29, P < 0.001), grew faster (r = 0.40, P < 0.001), and grew fatter (r = 0.28, P < 0.001), but had no greater or lower residual feed intake (r = -0.01). The linear regression slope of feeding rate on age seemed inherent to the individual and was correlated with feed intake but not with residual feed intake. Feeding length may be selected for in order to regulate absolute feed intake at different stages of growth.  相似文献   

纳豆菌是生产微生态制剂的理想菌株之一,现已作为绿色饲料添加剂广泛应用于饲料。本文主要就近年来纳豆菌制剂在动物养殖中的研究与应用成果作一概述,以期为畜牧生产提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来我国畜牧业发展迅速,奶牛存栏数量呈现逐年增加的趋势,与此同时,人们对各类奶制品需求量的逐渐增加,进一步带动了以奶牛业为核心的畜牧业发展。目前一些大型畜牧场将玉米(Zea mays)饲草作为畜禽的主要饲料,远不能解决畜牧业快速发展导致的饲草不足问题。甜高粱(Sorghum bicolor)是一种仅次于青贮玉米的优良饲草作物,耐干旱,耐贫瘠,生物产量高,籽粒可以用作配合饲料,茎叶和秸秆可进行青饲、青贮等。本文从甜高粱的刈割、甜高粱不同预处理方式及甜高粱的多功能用途等方面进行综述,对甜高粱饲喂奶牛的效果进行综合对比,并提出饲用应注意事项等,旨在为今后使用甜高粱饲喂奶牛提供一些技术参考。  相似文献   

Feeding sites for wild Yeso sika deer around Lake Akan, Japan, were established. Effects on the number of deer using the feeding sites, the prevention of bark stripping damage, the amount of feeding, and eating time in a 5‐year period (1999–2003) were evaluated. The number of deer using feeding sites increased with years during the feeding period. The damaged tree ratio after the initiation of feeding markedly decreased compared with 16.5% before the initiation of feeding. After the start of feeding, there were no trees with damage the entire circumference. According to tree species, the number of damaged trees of Ulmus laciniata Mayr as a percentage of all investigated trees was high (5.2%). The total amount of beet pulp feeding increased with the feeding year, showing 4.5‐fold increase. At feeding sites in deer culling, eating behavior was observed during the night. The preventive effects on bark stripping damage continued during the 5‐year feeding period. However, with the course of feeding years, the number of deer using feeding sites and the level of feeding increased.  相似文献   

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