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李蔚明 《江西植保》2002,25(1):19-19
近四年来 ,园林花卉作为赣州市的一项朝阳产业 ,发展异常迅速 ,但随之而来的花卉病虫害也日益突出 ,困扰着花农。蔗扁蛾 Opogonasacchari( Bojer)是近几年随进口苗木花卉传入我国的一种危险性检疫害虫 ,此虫主要危害发财树、巴西木、苏铁、凤尾葵等数十种植物。最近我们在赣州市章贡区花圃发现了蔗扁蛾的危害。2 0 0 1年 7月、1 2月我们两次深入章贡区部分花圃进行调查 ,首次发现蔗扁蛾在巴西木、发财树上的危害 ,其主要发生为害特点有 :1 食性杂 ,为害率高根据我们对章贡区 5个花圃的调查 ,发现凡是有巴西木、发财树的花圃都有危害 ,共检…  相似文献   

山东省发现检疫性害虫蔗扁蛾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自 1 997年首次报道北京发现蔗扁蛾危害发财树、荷兰铁至今 ,短短几年时间 ,广东、海南、福建、河南、新疆、上海、四川、江苏、等省市相继发现此虫危害 ,山东省也于 2 0 0 1年5月在烟台的蓬莱、龙口、芝罘三市区的个别花室中首先发现此虫危害。山东是农业大省 ,花卉生产起步较晚 ,目前正处于上升发展时期。为保护我省花卉生产持续稳步快速发展和整个农业生产安全 ,我们对蔗扁蛾在山东的发生情况作了一次初步调查 ,现总结如下。1 发生范围及危害程度此次调查以蔗扁蛾主要危害寄主巴西木、发财树为主 ,兼顾其它各种花卉、作物。结果表明 :全…  相似文献   

浙江省自2000年11月首次在温州市观叶植物巴西木和发财树上发现检疫性害虫蔗扁蛾以来,发生范围不断扩大,为害程度逐步增加。到目前为止,全省已在温州鹿城、永康、义乌、兰溪、金华金东和婺城、杭州江干和萧山、嘉兴秀城、慈溪等10个县(市、区)发现蔗扁蛾为害,有的花圃内株害率几乎达100%。蔗扁蛾为害的寄主植物已调查发现10科25种,以巴西木、发财树、天竺葵3种植物上为害最严重。其中巴西木的株害率加权平均为44.3%,幅度8.3%~85.7%,发财树的株害率为39.6%,幅度7%~81.6%,近500盘…  相似文献   

蔗扁蛾的发生和线虫防治试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
姚彩媚  张彩霞 《植物检疫》2000,14(6):347-347
蔗扁蛾Opognasacchari (Bojer)是一种新传入我国的危险性害虫 ,该虫属鳞翅目 ,辉蛾科 ,扁蛾属。据调查 ,该虫在我市可周年发生危害 ,且世代重叠。今年 5月调查 1年生巴西木和发财树 ,被害株率为 0 .8%~ 2 0 % ,3年生的被害株率严重的达 40 % ,剥检 3年生 1  相似文献   

上海奉贤区蔗扁蛾发生及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔗扁蛾[Opogona scchari (Bojer)]作为省级补充检疫性害虫在巴西木、发财树等多种园艺植物上危害,主要表现为蛀食皮层,产生大量碎屑和虫粪,造成寄主植株叶片萎蔫、褪绿、停止生长并失去观赏价值,最终整株死亡.  相似文献   

丁清龙 《江西植保》2002,25(2):52-53
江西省赣州市 ,俗称赣南 ,辖十八个县 (市、区 ) ,是江西省的南大门 ,毗邻广东、福建。与广东、福建两省的商品贸易相当频繁 ,每年都有相当数量的水果、花卉、蔬菜等农产品从广东 ,福建两省调入赣南过境。随着农产品的大量调入 ,危险性有害生物的传入也大大增加 ,其中蔗扁蛾就是我市去年才发现的危险性极大的检疫性害虫。1 蔗扁蛾在赣南的发生情况赣州市植保植检站的植检人员于 2 0 0 1年7月初在龙南县、章贡区首次发现巴西木和发财树上有蔗扁蛾危害 ,并查到了幼虫和蛹壳。疫情发生后 ,我们及时向省植保植检站和赣州市人民政府作了汇报。省…  相似文献   

蔗扁蛾在广东省的危害范围调查   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
经2年多的调查,蔗扁蛾在广东危害的植物达9科28种。其中危害最严重的是巴西木这10-83%,其次是发财树高达50%。同时在香蕉上也发现有危害。  相似文献   

侵入性害虫蔗扁蛾的传播现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蔗扁蛾是近年来发现的一种危害巴西木、发财树等花卉和香蕉等大田作物的侵入性的新害虫。本文根据作者对该虫生物学、生态学的研究,结合国内外的有关资料,分析了该虫在国外和我国境内的传播情况。  相似文献   

新侵入害虫蔗扁蛾的寄主范围正在扩大   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
蔗扁蛾Opogona sacchari (Bojer)是一种新传入我国的重要检疫害虫,给花卉生产、园林绿化和华南的经济作物生产造成严重威胁。该虫属鳞翅目Lepidoptera,辉蛾科Hieroxestidae,扁蛾属Opogona,广谱钻蛀性贪食者,已记载的寄主植物达22科49种,其中主要包括一些名贵观赏植物如巴西木[香龙血树Dracena fragrans(L.)]、发财树和经济作物如甘蔗、香蕉等。该虫在南美巴巴多斯为害甘蔗的程度超过蔗螟Diatraea saccharalis,在非洲加那利群岛对香蕉造成毁灭性为害。因此,许多国家将其列为重要的检疫对象。我国1997年正式报道在北京发现此虫,虫源是广州北运的巴西木。笔者在广州及其附近县市的初步调查表明,该虫除主要为害巴西木和发财树外,其寄主范围已扩大至  相似文献   

蔗扁蛾幼虫的生物防治   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
新害虫蔗扁蛾Opogona sacchari(Bojer)已给广东的花卉业造成了巨大损失,同时也对华南地区甘蔗和香蕉等重要经济作物的安全生产构成了严重威胁。为寻求防治良策,刘南欣等在室内进行了三个昆虫病原线虫品系感染蔗扁蛾幼虫的敏感性试验。此后,程桂芳、田世尧等也进行了利用昆虫病原线虫防治蔗扁蛾幼虫的研究,但其试验仅限于室内或少量寄主植物的处理。大面积条件下的情况则未见报道。鉴于此,作者进行了大面积条件下利用昆虫病原线虫防治蔗扁蛾幼虫的研究,结果如下。  相似文献   

几种常见花卉在真空条件下对溴甲烷耐药性的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本试验选择了19种常见的草本和木本花卉进行了在真空条件下对溴甲烷的耐药性试验.结果表明,美女樱、天门冬、孔雀草、彩叶草、鸡冠花、含羞草、茉莉、栀子等均表现出对溴甲烷具有良好的耐药性,而月季、万寿菊、矮牵牛、小菊花、榕树、玉树、杜鹃等则表现出轻度的药害症状,对千日红、地肤、小丽花、一串红等的品质和生长有很大的影响,表现为强烈的药害,甚至造成死亡.在熏蒸剂量和熏蒸时间一致时,随着真空度的提高,对试验花卉的药害逐步加重.  相似文献   

减压条件下溴甲烷对松褐天牛熏蒸效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用XMG-35真空熏蒸库在11~21℃和减压条件下,选择不同压力和浓度梯度,对含有松褐天牛(Monochamus alternatus Hope)幼虫的黑松(Pinus thunbergii)木段进行4h的溴甲烷熏蒸处理,投药后循环20min,将库内气压立即回升至95kPa。结果表明,松褐天牛幼虫的杀灭效果和环境温度、压力、投药剂量有关,在其他条件相同的情况下,压力越低,对松褐天牛的杀灭效果越好;在相同条件下,保持30kPa状态20min再将气压缓慢回升至95kPa,对松褐天牛的杀灭效果介于常压熏蒸与减压后快速回压熏蒸之间。  相似文献   

真空情况下,利用溴甲烷、环氧乙烷杀虫、灭菌是一种安全、快速、有效的技术措施。为了使此技术广泛应用到农林种子、苗木、卫生防疫以及文史资料诸方面杀虫灭菌,试制成功一台容积工立方米的PCV-1000程序控制真空熏蒸机,并进一步进行溴甲烷、环氧乙烷杀虫灭菌效果及其熏蒸后残余毒气处理方法的研究。溴甲烷75—90克/立方米处理2小时,环氧乙烷90—120克/立方米处理3小时,可杀死各种形式的包装内的谷斑皮蠹和花斑皮蠹幼虫,赤拟谷盗和锈扁谷盗成虫以及玉米象和绿豆象各虫态等害虫。环氧乙烷灭菌能力较强,对动物炭疽菌、4001芽孢杆菌500克/立方米处理5小时或300克/立方米处理12小时,灭菌效果100%。溴甲烷和环氧乙烷混合使用对棉花枯萎病菌效果良好,对棉籽发芽率影响不大。熏蒸后残余毒气处理,用5%氢氧化钠酒精液吸收溴甲烷,破坏率可达96%以上。环氧乙烷用自来水淋洗法,水合分解率可达98%以上。  相似文献   

A simulation model is described for the transport of the fumigant, methyl bromide gas, away from injection chisels within the field. The injected methyl bromide is assumed to form cylindrical, parallel sources at the depth of injection. Transport of the methyl bromide is described by radial diffusion from the injection cylinders. The dissolution-distillation of methyl bromide gas in the soil water and on soil particles is accounted for by a first-order reversible kinetic equation or by an equilibrium relationship. The hydrolysis of methyl bromide gas to bromide anion is considered to occur according to a first-order irreversible equation. The model considers cases where the soil surface is and is not covered with an impermeable barrier to the diffusion of the gas. Simulated methyl bromide concentrations in the soil air, and bromide concentrations in the soil, compared reasonably well with measured values from several field sites. Comparison of the results of calculations, with and without plastic barriers at the soil surface, with experimental data, indicate that plastic barriers are ineffective in preventing diffusion of gas from the soil to the atmosphere. Calculations of mass balances show that as much as 70% of the applied methyl bromide had escaped to the atmosphere by 14 days after fumigation.  相似文献   

The toxicity of phosphine, methyl bromide, 1,1,1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform) and carbon dioxide and mixtures of phosphine + methyl bromide, methyl bromide + methyl chloroform, phosphine + carbon dioxide, and methyl bromide + carbon dioxide to one- to two-day-old pupae of Tribolium castaneum Herbst was studied. Joint action ratios estimated at LD50 and LD90 for a 24-h exposure indicated no enhancement of toxicity for mixtures of phosphine and methyl bromide, or methyl chloroform and methyl bromide on the pupae. Carbon dioxide up to 40% in air enhanced the toxic action of phosphine as well as of methyl bromide. Higher levels of carbon dioxide, however, failed to improve the toxicity of phosphine or methyl bromide proportionately. Carbon dioxide used alone produced a maximum of 11% mortality of the pupae exposed to 10–70% levels for 24 h. The order of toxicity of the fumigants both at LD50 and LD90 was phosphine > methyl bromide > methyl chloroform.  相似文献   

The extent to which methyl bromide was retained by fumigated material after treatment was followed in laboratory studies on a range of commodities exposed to the vapour at atmospheric pressure. Amounts of methyl bromide, recovered by solvent extraction and determined using gas-liquid chromatography, were related to the temperature, moisture content and manner of post-treatment storage. Immediately after exposure, the initial amount of free methyl bromide present was more dependent on the gas concentration used than on the time of exposure. Under the experimental conditions of exposure, the residual free methyl bromide in all commodities fumigated at 25°, except cocoa beans and groundnuts, fell to below 1 ppm within a few days when they were held at that temperature, whether spread in thin layers on trays or kept sealed in glass bottles. At lower temperatures, the rate of loss was slower, small amounts of methyl bromide being extracted from several commodities one month after treatment. The disappearance of fumigant from wheat and sultanas was more rapid from samples with higher moisture contents. A mathematical treatment of the data is presented, to assist in prediction of the behaviour of residual fumigant under storage conditions before processing. It is concluded that the risk of ingestion of harmful quantities of free methyl bromide by the consumer is small and that the occasions when relatively high residues might occur can be predicted.  相似文献   

本文研究了磷化氢(PH3)和溴甲烷(MB)复合熏蒸对番石榴实蝇的毒力以及对红心火龙果采后品质的影响。结果表明,复合熏蒸方式下,各个浓度的磷化氢和溴甲烷均存在增效,当溴甲烷浓度为4 g/m3时,复合熏蒸发挥最佳增效效果的磷化氢浓度为1.42 g/m3。复合熏蒸番石榴实蝇仅需13.19 g/m3的溴甲烷即可在95%置信区间下达到致死率99.996 8%。与对照相比,复合熏蒸对火龙果的外观和内部品质无显著影响,而与溴甲烷单独熏蒸相比,复合处理会显著降低呼吸强度并减少药害。因此,溴甲烷和磷化氢复合处理对番石榴实蝇具有协同效应,表明磷化氢和溴甲烷复合熏蒸有可能成为水果采后处理的一种新策略。  相似文献   

Production and importation of methyl bromide is scheduled to be banned by 2001. Methyl iodide was evaluated as a possible replacement soil fumigant. The effects of soil moisture, temperature, soil texture and fumigation time on the efficacy of methyl iodide for the control of two common weeds, Abutilon theophrasti and Lolium multiflorum, were characterized and compared with those of methyl bromide. The optimal soil moisture for methyl iodide to kill both weed species in sandy soils was 14% water content (w/w). Greater efficacy was obtained when the temperature during fumigation was above 20°C. Compared to methyl bromide, the efficacy of methyl iodide was more consistent in different soils. Time to 100% mortality of weeds was 24 h for methyl iodide fumigation and 36 h for methyl bromide when 200 μM of fumigant was used. On a molar basis methyl iodide was consistently more effective than methyl bromide across the range of environmental factors tested. In terms of application technology and spectrum of activity, methyl bromide can be directly replaced by methyl iodide. © 1998 SCI  相似文献   

Methyl bromide was applied with and without polyethylene covers at rates of 337, 449, 673 and 898 kg/ha to replant vineyard soils to control plant parasitic nematodes. Distribution of the gas in the soil atmosphere at different depths was measured by gas chromatography. Higher doses, low soil moisture and deeper placement of methyl bromide resulted in more rapid soil penetration and higher concentrations of the gas at the deeper soil levels. Placement of methyl bromide in the soil at 0.76-0.81 m without polyethylene cover resulted in gas distribution at concentrations sufficient for nematode kill as deep as 2.44 m.  相似文献   

Production and use of methyl bromide, a soil fumigant, are being restricted because of this chemical's deleterious effects on stratospheric ozone concentrations. Several products, some of which are currently used as soil fumigants, are being considered as possible replacements for methyl bromide, alone and in various combinations. Among these, 1,3-dichloropropene, methyl isothiocyanate generators such as metam-sodium, and chloropicrin are currently registered, while others such as methyl iodide and sodium azide are at different stages of the registration process. This review examines physicochemical properties, environmental fate, and metabolism of the various potential methyl bromide replacement products.  相似文献   

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